His Life Under The White Star

5th February 2015

His Life Under The White Star

The First, He stopped to smock.
The Second, He stopped be drank.
The Third, He became to be a monk.
Alone, as The Star!

This is not all -

The Fourth, He started to teach!
That everyone must be as him!
No smocking, not drinking, being a monk!
Be bright, keeping a distance
From all!

He walked, alone, as The Star.
And a beautiful girl crossed a way.
And they follow in a love.
But He never smoked or drank.

The life is a life, passing days.
His woman had leaved one day.
He started to smock and to drink.
He did not wish to be a monk!

His friend, coming to see Him, had said:
- Come with me! I will go to play!
They played at a field for all day,
Stars saw Him: - He is happy again!

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

"His Life Under The White Star", poem, стихи
