Senya, Caesar, Cleopatra and doorman. A story

Senya, Caesar, Cleopatra and doorman. A story.

One day, Senya went to the theater. There was a performance called "Caesar and Cleopatra" about the conquest of Egypt.

The performance was pleasant to Senya.

But even more, than by the very performance, Senya was impressed with the theatre doorman.

The doorman was wearing a beautiful coat of official and a forage cap.

The doorman was bowing low, opening and closing the door. It was even nicer than the conquest of Egypt.

Senya was in admiration.

When Senya returned home, he asked one of his friends to buy a large chocolate candy and hand it to the doorman.

Friends were delighted - a real art requires understanding ...

May 21, 2020 15:41

Translation from Russian into English: May 22, 2020 06:14.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский «Сеня, Цезарь, Клеопатра и швейцар. Рассказ».
