The Twilight of the Male

The original of the article is published in: "Nargis" magazine, 2020 (#69).

"Наша эпоха представляет собой время ползучего падения цивилизации. Один из самых малоизученных тем — кризис маскулинности, постигшего мир, как чума. Последний век был временем триумфа для женского начала: движения суфражисток и феминисток, права женщин и теория патриархального угнетения. К сожалению, истина в этом вопросе оказалась побиваема. Теперь мы должны защитить мужественность, потому что само существование нашей расы ныне под вопросом. Но почему?"


At first, let us try to define masculinity. We immediately discover something strange here: masculinity is not just males, but something added to the masculine nature. Masculinity is an expectation, a whole number of traits that society and women expect from men. So, masculinity is a gender role.

Meanwhile, the traditional understanding of masculinity gives us nothing, or practically nothing, in the modern world. It is believed that a man must earn a significant amount of money and support his wife and children, be emotionally inert and physically strong. An enviable list, right? Meanwhile, the emancipation of women has levelled out salaries in developed countries, while physical strength decides almost nothing in the Information Age.

There is a crisis with modern masculinity, as men struggle to deal with pressures in their personal and professional lives. For example, suicide is now the single biggest cause of death amongst young men in Great Britain. A generation of men today is growing up without decent role models. Consequently, hundreds of millions of emotionally disabled people are forming. These men must bear the burden of their own masculinity, imposed on them by peers and society. The psychological term 'instant gratification' is also relevant here, which refers to pleasure or a feeling of emotional satisfaction experienced without delay or any significant effort.

Our information society has recently brought people to the 'I want it now' attitude. This means home delivery of food, getting around in a stylish black taxi, 'one-click' dating services, 'three-click' pornography, any information on the globe through voice request and gadgets bought on the first day of release. More than half of modern marketing and almost the entire services sector are built on this demand of 'I want it now'. The sex industry is the only area that does not apply to this principle in real life. The famous South African writer and psychologist, Craig Wilkinson, believes that three things ultimately lie at the core of masculinity:

'A battle to fight.' This phenomenon is at the core of what it means to be a man. This can mean being a literal warrior. The battle to fight is a striving toward some 'impossible' ideal that defeats most men before they even start. A male battle is the reason to get out of bed in the morning, the reason to keep on living, the purpose that drives man throughout life.

'An adventure to live.' An adventure is more about the process than the end result. Some men find their adventure in driving fast cars, others in closing sales, still others in travelling to places that make most other men shudder.
'A beauty to pursue.' Of course, the beauty to pursue is a woman. Every man wants a beautiful woman in his life, and for more than just sex.

All these rather pathetic motives confuse the modern generation. One of the responses to internal and external requirements in modern men and adolescents is 'digital isolation.' Surprisingly, in an age with hundreds of new ways to be closer to each other, many consciously choose loneliness. Through the realities of digital isolation, video games and pornography successfully fulfill a man's desire for 'fight', 'adventure' and 'beauty'. Virtual substitution is not better than the original, although this false reality is less demanding on the man. Digital isolation provides modern males with a completely new level of comfort that psychologists have already deemed a serious concern.

Well-known sociologist Philip Zimbardo said that computer games and pornography would cause tragic social shifts in society. One by one, teenagers and mature men choose extreme escapism and turn into social outcasts.

Zimbardo writes that porn and games are so simple and effective in influencing the brain that they teach the younger generation to receive instant rewards. If a man needs to be a hero or sexual conqueror, then he is now satisfied almost instantly and without visible effort, with no women taking part in this process. This is 'I want it now' in its most destructive form for society.

Are men guilty of this crisis? Unfortunately, the liberal society and technogenic civilization of the West are having a devastating contribution. It is as if the tragedy of Ancient Rome is being repeated, when the voices of decent people were drowned out by orgies of debauchery organized by the parasitic ruling class. The result is well known: the fall of an ancient civilization and centuries of medieval backwardness.

In 2012, Mark Regnerus, a professor at the University of Texas at Austin (USA), completed a research study on the topic 'How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships?' According to the results of the study, children brought up in families in which at least one of the parents had same-sex relationships have 'numerous, consistent differences, especially between the children of women who have had a lesbian relationship and those with still-married (heterosexual) biological parents.' Among other things, the results noted that children from samesex couples are more prone to depression, and their parents are more likely to receive unemployment benefits.

It is significant that when Mark Regnerus was preparing the published data for publication, an aggressive information campaign was launched against him. LGBT activists began slander, calling the scientist a fraud, demanding the dismissal of the professor. Then the university carefully analysed all the data recorded by Regnerus. The research methodology was checked independently. As a result, the university confirmed that the scientific work was fully consistent with academic requirements.

Thus, the global community first received an authoritative study that elucidates on the tragic consequences of raising children in families where parents practiced homosexual relationships.

However, Israeli scientists recorded the most unexpected data, which suggests that something strange is happening to human sperm. For many years, scientists have been warning that the concentration of spermatozoa in seminal fluid of Western men is falling. Now scientists have seen that the percentage of sperm in the organisms of Western males has fallen by 50% over the past forty years. Many researchers claim that in twenty to thirty years every third child in the world will be born using IVF.

In 2016, a team of scientists from the University of Nottingham discovered that the semen quality of domestic dogs has also declined significantly over the past decades. It has been suggested that sperm is affected by a common factor. Researchers have identified two chemical compounds that are often found in environments that have a negative effect on both human and dog sperm. These are the common plasticiser DEHP (diethylhexyl phthalate) and polychlorinated biphenyl 153 (PCB-153). The first is often found in carpets, flooring, clothing and toys. The second belongs to a group of industrial chemicals found in persistent organic pollutants from

the 1960s to 1970s. In both humans and dogs, these substances have reduced sperm motility and increased DNA fragmentation.

In conclusion, I want to repeat the maxim that Honorй de Balzac expressed in the novel Le Pиre Goriot:

Justice is on my side, the whole world is on my side, I have natural rights and the law with me. I protest! The country will go to ruin if a father's rights are trampled under foot. That is easy to see. The whole world turns on fatherly love; fatherly love is the foundation of society; it will crumble into ruin when children do not love their fathers.

Men invented the wheel and bow, have protected women and children from dangers. Now, they themselves need protection. We must remember that the human race is like an atom: principally, it does not split. The death of one of the particles will be equivalent to the death of our species.

This should be avoided.

шокирующие факты. Конечно, я наблюдала кризис мужественности в последнее время. Но не думала, что есть еще какие-нибудь факты, кроме социальных, которые влияют на этот процесс. По моему мнению, также можно заметить и кризис женственности. Соответственно надо проверить гормональный фон и другой половины человечества.
"Это фраза «Я хочу это сейчас» в самой разрушительной для общества форме." Я бы продолжила эту фразу:" Я хочу это сейчас. Все и сразу." Это доказывает, что сей час почти полностью прекратилась борьба вида за существование, что является торможением эволюции.
И совершенно согласна,что этого следует избегать.

С уважением Алиса Юровская

Юрий Юровский   31.01.2021 18:18     Заявить о нарушении
Без сомнения. Природа вообще не терпит пустоты — а наша цивилизация стремительно утрачивает наполненность смыслами, которые и держали ее на праву. Мы, люди, вообще плохо понимаем, как хрупка и непрочна та искусственная стена, которую мы возвели между собой и враждебной реальностью Космоса; как уязвимо наше уютное гнездышко, где есть "ванная и туалет" (почти по Олдосу Хаксли), плита и стиральная машина, чистые и безопасные улицы, холодильник полный еды... стоп! А ведь я многое помню, Алиса Юрьевна. Превосходно помню, что в будучи маленьким, ходил с отцом в баню "Фантазия", расположенную на параллельной улице; своей же бани у нас не было. А когда она появилась, верно, вызвала бы современного изнеженного поколения ужас. В микроскопическом "итальянском" дворе было сыро и мрачно; в туалете водились пауки размером с большие бобовые зерна; крысы танцевали лезгинку и неохотно разбегались, лишь уступая место кошкам, пировавшим на отвратительной мусорке, расположенной прямо в улочке, примыкавшей к дому; об отоплении и отдельных комнатах для членов семьи даже понятия не имелось. А ведь это было еще лет тридцать-сорок тому назад; чем дальше отступать, тем страннее и неуютнее делается. Свой нынешний комфорт я выбил с боем; но молодежь не понимает, что он — результат именно упорной борьбы, напряженной борьбы за существование, иногда на грани возможного; комфорт ей кажется таким естественным, обычным...

ВЫ знаете, иногда я думаю, что девяностые мы смогли пережить именно потому, что прошли суровую советскую закалку, в чем-то очень правильную и жесткую. А сейчас? ..

Мехти Али   31.01.2021 18:53   Заявить о нарушении
Я тоже когда училась в школе города Симферополя ходила в баню. И продолжаю ходить сейчас, только теперь это стало роскошью. И туалет также был в конце сада. Но это не считалось трудностями. Тоже нынешний комфорт зарабатывался, сначала родителями, потом мной. Поэтому горнило 90ых проскочила легко. Советская закалка значит много.

Алиса Юровская

Юрий Юровский   31.01.2021 20:45   Заявить о нарушении