Mind Transformation 455

S - 1, i - 3, sh, z, f, y, ch, r, w, yu, d, wa.
Let’s start from today’s dream.
A girl called me, and after a short talk she fell silent. It was unexpected and made me feel uncomfortable. I listen to the silence for a while and then started talking to myself, assuming that she is listening. Suddenly on the left side I’ve noticed a car following me quite closely. Then a girl got out of the car and said that she is a person who is supposed to be on the other side of the phone call. I showed a little surprise. She invited me to get in her car, and then we were driving here and there. She wasn’t a skillful driver and it was a little scary when she made some maneuvers. As it turned out she found me because she fell in love or something. Strangely enough, when we parted I saw another girl who was a kind of girl with whom I was supposed to have romantic relationship. So it was like a betray or whatever it could mean. Anyway, it’s just my attempt to write down what I can remember and see how it’ll impact my future.
To make my journal more fascinating, I decided to add records of my dreams to it. I had an interesting idea that learning a new language and learning dreams have a lot in common. If you never tried to write down your dreams or analyze them via self-talk, you may be surprised how difficult it is to make something meaningful out of all those images you’re seeing almost every night. However, when you start doing this kind of spiritual practice, you’ll find out quite soon that after a few months of paying attention to the so called unconscious products of your mental and biological life, you can talk about it as much as you like, and the process of the analysis of your dreams may become more interesting than watching Netflix and reading bestselling literature. So the similarity between learning a new language and analyzing dreams, as far as I can explain it here, is that they both grow as mad since you start thinking about them. I guess it’s possible to say this about any other activity—thinking makes you passionate about everything what it’s focused on. And yet, in case of dreams there is a clear analogy. At first you write one or few sentences about something that you’ve seen last night. Then you collect lots of data and start describing everything in a more complex way. And only after years of practice you’ll probably reach the point where some sort of dream’s grammar opens up for you and will be ready to share its secrets.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530

Next: http://proza.ru/2020/05/31/953
See me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC43fwC5DpfaJi3wGQO5b_ZA?
