Brigade. From technical culture towards environmen

Brigade. From technical culture towards environmental culture. A note.

At first it coincided that the helicopter made a forced landing due to some fault, the railway bridge collapsed, broke the oil pipeline and there was an environmental disaster. Since all this took place in a relatively short time period, the natural intention was to write material on the trends in the development of technical culture, its origins, etc. That is, to philosophize.

But, meanwhile, today news has come of a new pollution of a new river.

The theme of environmental culture began to outweigh the theme of technical culture.

As some individuum elegantly expresses: "It needs to be understood." Even a book for three was organized. (Who will buy or read this book? Here there no such types of humans, already... But somehow they will organize a purchase of circulation... Or they 'll just throw the circulation in the landfill. This will not prevent "authors" from writing another "book" on the list of their works).

But the problems now take on such a character, that a book - it's not enough. Now is the time for the movie.

A new series of the film "Brigade" ["Бригада"]! The brigade on the Ambarnaya river and on the shore of the Kara Sea ... The brigade helps ... The brigade wins ...

Moreover, our cultural armored train, although he has retired, is on a side-track [a reserve railway track]. He, as a specialist in budgetary financing of cinema, may well contribute to the creation of a new series of the film “The Brigade” ... There is even a friendly movie team that knows the right paths to important corridors ... It was very interesting to look at the diagrams - how movie money was shared ...

Whatever from what a side you are looking at culture, it is developing ...

June 5, 2020 20:10

Translation from Russian into English: June 8, 2020 07:38.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Бригада. От технической культуры к экологической. Заметка”.
