The drunk Scotsman by Mike Cross


 один шотландец в килте бар присутствием почтил
 и поздний вечер уже был когда он уходил
 и так качался на ногах знать досыта хлебнул
 что у дороги лег в кустах и сном хмельным заснул
 а мимо две милашки шли и видят парень спит
 красивый статный сам собой на нем шотландский килт
 одна другой и говорит задорно с огоньком
 давай посмотрим есть ли там исподнее на нем
 подкрались к пьяному они тот спал без задних ног
 и приподняли ему килт примерно на вершок
 под ним увидели они одно лишь естество
 которым при рождении господь снабдил его
 и говорит одна другой когда конфуз прошел
 пора идти но просто так уйти нехорошо
 давай на память молодцу один подкинем фант
 и повязали голубой ему на свечку бант
 он спал пока природы зов не грянул как гроза      
 свой килт задрал среди кустов и вылупил глаза
 и закричал на сей сюрприз взирая сверху вниз
 не знаю малый где ты был но ты взял главный приз

ринг-динг-дид-а-литтл-ла-ди-о ринг-ди-диддли-ай-о

Дня 21 иуня 2020 года, Гольяново



Well a Scotsman clad in kilt left a bar one evening fair
And one could tell by how he walked that he'd drunk more than his share
He fumbled round until he could no longer keep his feet
Then he stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street

Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
He stumbled off into the grass to sleep beside the street
About that time two young and lovely girls just happened by
And one says to the other with a twinkle in her eye
See yon sleeping Scotsman so strong and handsome built
I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt

Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt
They crept up on that sleeping Scotsman quiet as could be
Lifted up his kilt about an inch so they could see
And there behold, for them to view, beneath his Scottish skirt
Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth

Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
Was nothing more than God had graced him with upon his birth
They marveled for a moment, then one said we must be gone
Let's leave a present for our friend, before we move along
As a gift they left a blue silk ribbon, tied into a bow
Around the bonnie star, the Scot's kilt did lift and show

Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
Around the bonnie star, the Scots kilt did lift and show
Now the Scotsman woke to nature's call and stumbled toward the trees
Behind a bush, he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees
And in a startled voice he says to what's before his eyes.
O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize

Ring ding diddle iddle I de oh ring di diddly I oh
O lad I don't know where you been but I see you won first prize

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Сергей Горбатых   18.03.2023 20:52     Заявить о нарушении