Senya and a social responsibility around the world

Senya and a social responsibility around the world. A story.

One of the friends reported disturbing information. The kids came to the entrance to the cafe (where a cakes in selling). They stood for a long time near the entrance, counted money for a long time, but did not go to the cafe. They went home, with a mood of a disappointment. At that moment, some visitor came out. This man looked at the disappointed children and shook his head.

Senya urgently wrote an article about diapers.

In this article, diapers were considered from various points of view, and questions were posed:  is the modern design of diapers optimal,  and whether modern manufacturers of modern diapers know their social responsibility?

After posting the article on the Internet, Senya sighed relievingly and decided to walk around the yard.

It's very important to take care of improving the life around you... Now the era of caring and socially responsible people...

July 1, 2020 16:27

Translation from Russian into English: July 1, 2020 16:34.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сеня и социальная ответственность во всём мире. Рассказ”.
