
 Today I will never forget! So many UFO balls in the sky I see for the first time. It looks like some kind of intrusion. For many years over the Earth across the planet, people now and then noticed flying saucers frozen in the sky, triangles, balls. They definitely followed us! But what happened today in the world, over all cities, this did not fit into the minds of people.
 Balloons in the sky were very low above the Earth. At first they were strangely arranged, as if scattered across the sky, above the cities: they froze one at a time, then in pairs, or three in a row, or formed geometric shapes. But the fact that everyone could observe today, it made everyone indescribable shock and surprise.
 The balls began to concentrate in a certain center above one ground point. They were attracted to each other like a huge magnet, but they did not close together, they remained frozen at a short distance.
 My wife is a professional photographer. In addition to her main work, she spent about seven years observing UFOs and balls. She took various photographs, which she placed on the walls of one of the three rooms of our apartment. What we saw today in the sky prompted her to think. She, as if scalded, ran to the photographs on the walls. At first I did not understand what she was doing? Then the picture began to clear up by itself. As enchanted, she very quickly found special shots of the arrangement of balls in the sky, and in the center of the room, on the floor, she laid them out. I was horrified when I saw the final result of the picture. Of the many pictures on the floor, my wife laid out a huge, flying saucer. The balls were like luminous engines of this unearthly car.
 By nightfall, the alien monster had completed its transformation into a flying saucer. There were countless onlookers in the street. People in families went to see this sight in the night sky. The streets were crowded with people, like on a city day. Not even an hour after the transformation of the ship, the wife was first attracted by the heartbreaking scream that rang out in the distance from the crowd. A huge energetic glowing pillar, resembling a vibrant whip of blue color, went down very quickly, grabbing a child and in a split second dragged him onto a flying saucer. It happened so fast that the parents did not immediately understand what happened? Two seconds later, their consciousness turned on, but screaming and crying could no longer help their grief.
 A crowd of people panicked, everyone rushed screaming to run away for cover, but moving around the streets was very difficult, because people were literally like "herrings in a barrel." In less than a minute, countless numbers of energy whips appeared from the ship. They either appeared, taking the next children, or disappeared with them. For some reason, they did not touch adults. One thing flew in my head: they need our children! You need to immediately seek shelter to save your daughter and other children!
 Which of us was able to shelter our children, we had to not only wait for the ships to fly over the cities, but also look for ways to deal with them in order to save our future, the surviving generation.
 We all realize that human technology versus alien civilization technology is more like a slingshot than a serious weapon that could compete with space invaders. Their technology is many times greater than ours. In the event of a sudden attack on annihilation, mankind was powerless to do anything to save itself. But we did not just stay to live on our planet Earth? We must resist to the last breath, whatever happens! While our hearts will beat in our chests, we will not give up to visitors just like that!

January 12, 2018
