Options for the future of Andrey Makarevich. Exper

Options for the future of Andrey Makarevich. Experimental essay - an attempt of an anticipating biographical reconstruction.

The territory of the former USSR is a space of extraordinary options of the future.

According to 24smi.org (https://24smi.org/celebrity/127273-einat-kliain.html) Andrey Makarevich got married for the fourth time. His wife one is Einat Klein.

“Klein met Makarevich at the Addis Ababa airport” (Ethiopia).

The biography of Andrey Makarevich is a clear indication that the territory of the former USSR is a magical country.

But it's one thing to talk about the past, and quite another to try to imagine the future.

We made such an attempt. We formulated four options for the future. That's the results.

Option 1. Goodbye, the Culture Council!

Andrey Makarevich moves to developed countries (outside Russia) and develops culture there.

Option 2. Hello, the young tribe ... (in the sense, the Council for Culture - but at a new level).

Andrey Makarevich (also Maxim Leonidov?) are cleaning the Augean stables and are giving the Russial culture a new quality.

Option 3. I loved you ...

A returning to the territory of the the Rech Pospolita (Commonwealth) ...

Option 4. Pushkin is our everything.

A moving to Ethiopia.

Having formulated these options of the future, we once again clearly felt that the former USSR is a magical country.

We wish Andrey Makarevich health and good luck! And a family happiness!

[CDLX. Questions about the letter to Andrey Makarevich.
MCCXLIX. Vysotsky and Makarevich. A note.]

20 July 2020 07:11

Translation from Russian into English: July 20, 2020 07:52.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Варианты будущего Андрея Макаревича. Опыт опережающей биографической реконструкции”.
