Dressed to Kill. -sports and music-

AB had two passions: music and biathlon. Music was always with him and within him, biathlon had been left in the past. As a teenager, he was the most promising star at Ternopil Olympic Reserve Academy. It was a miracle for a kid from the family of refined musicians to join such a school. His school sports teacher discovered inhuman endurance, speed, self-control hidden in his slim and light body.

Little Archik wanted to play violin. The teachers at the City Musical Academy did their best to convince his grandfather, who brought the kid to them, that the piano was his instrument. The little one ran deftly with his fingers on the keyboard, artfully cutting out the passages. Grandpa tried to change his mind but Archik was a stubborn boy and said firmly "I want to play the violin." Grandpa sighed and said, "Let it be the violin."

Achy spent all his time in two schools: Olympic Reserve Academy and City Musical Academy. He was enrolled in secondary school but never attended. Archie was the first athlete in his age group. He was also a prodigy violinist in his Ternopil. His aim was the biathlon national team of Ukraine, so he spent less and less time practicing the violin.

At the age of fifteen, everything changed. A severe leg fracture with a displacement, which Archie suffered at a mountain training camp in Vorokhta, threw him out of the training process for several months. As often happens, trouble catches up with trouble. Soon he caught up infectious hepatitis. His health deteriorated. Young bi athletes ran forward, as Archie got off the ski. As it turned out forever.

That year Arkasha went to Kyiv to enter the ninth grade of the Lysenko Kyiv Secondary Music Boarding School. The competition was serious, there were enough skilled competitors, but the athletic teenager was lucky and was taken not to the violin but the viola class.

Viola healed the soul of a former young athlete. Besides he found out the practicing in the shooting had influenced his creativity. In his last year Lysenko School, Arkady won an international youth competition. At the same time, in a shooting range in Kurenivka, he met Emma,  young Brunhilda, the young lady from an old Polish Kyiv family.

Emma was as good at love as at shooting.

It is a good idea to check the text for errors: 1. logical use of tenses"AB had two passions: music and biathlon. Music is always with him and within him" 2. the use of prepositional expressions "despite teachers..." 3. verb agreement "tried to pursued him' and quite a few others. I advise to use Grammarly.com

Елена Каллевиг   23.07.2020 07:36     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks a lot, dear Elena!

Валентин Лученко   23.07.2020 12:49   Заявить о нарушении