A little man story

Well, he is zeroed. He has repaired his political virginity, demolished the constitution, human rights, the institution of elections, economy, and the country itself along the way. Everything is zeroed now. The circle is completed. The vicious circle...
Now it is high time to dessect his life and personality because the subject himself is way too curious.
Vladimir Putin has never been in politics. He’s never been a politician at all. It’s simple just like that because a real political system is an extremaly competetive business: creating a party, election races from the local level to the presidency, public and online battles against your rivals, keeping in touch with mass-media to represent your appearance and personality in the best light. Remember the song, geniously performed by Marilyn Monroe: «I wanna be loved;by you»? In political way it means «by all of you». Vladimir Putin avoided all that unnecessary rubbish (since then he’s never been troubling himself with such a bullshit), saving his political virginity to lose it by other way, dancing a «millionaire waltz» (speaking more precisely a billionaire one) with «The Family». The Yeltsins. The Yeltsins was a comparatively narrow range of persons, «the inner circle of trust» which included a first generation of Russian oligarchs,;not only native-born «Yeltsins» and the first Russian President himself. And he was much more sucessful in that business unlike Marilyn’s heroine: couple of smart talks, sensible ideas and wise thoughts had been told in the presence of «masters of life» and voila — from a pointless KGB lieutenant-colonell in 1990 to the Prime-Minister and the Acting-President in 1999. A phenomenal political career with no politics at all. This what means losing (selling would be the best) virginity with right people at the right time.
Being appointed by the former president Yeltsin (God knows what kind of symptoms possessed him to make that decision because mentioning «God» means Bachus, an ancient Greek God of... Well, just google it) and passed the «uprightness test», so called «elections», when all Russian mass-media owned by «The Family» were promoting him, unknown pale-looking young man with big innocent eyes round the clock for months, Putin gained an absolutely ruined country. Economically first of all. A post-soviet industry barely produced anything by that time, a national budget was forming on the basis of IMF (the International Monetary Fund) loans, oil prices were begging, as for businessess they were «regulated» by nothing but big guys with big guns wearing golden chains and crimson jackets. And he took the business rolling his sleeves up! An economic growth during his first presidency was really impressive: the average number was 8% a year (in your face pandemic China!). The period between 2000-2008 is now called a Russian economic miracle, nothing short of that! New laws and regulations rejuvenated an almost dead post-soviet legacy. That was real, literally touchable, not just a light at the end of the tunnel but bigger! Russians really saw the future... Nobody knows the future... A skyrocketing oil prices growth of 2003-2008 was an injection in Russian economy but time showed it was a drug injection. A yesterday virgin became a prostitute who spreaded legs and positioned himself and his country in a doggy style, and sometimes somewhat else (perverted fantasies are unlimited), all the pleasures for your top dollar (by the summer of 2008 — 143 USD for a burrell) just suck my oil and lick my gas. Why bother? Everything is going so «fucking loved» and it’s gonna be forever... Being fucked for money, not for love and having a pleasure is the top level of prostitution.
But money doesn’t smell, a literate and sustainable investment does wonders really. And there were a billion places and projects across Russia to invest: healthcare and science, education, infrastrusture, industry, cutting-edge technologies, agriculture... Don’t think m-r Putin and friends just put all the money under pillows and stocking it for the rainy day, they invested it, you bet! Enormous luxury palaces were growing like mushrooms on a rainy day (a golden «fuckin’ loved» rainy day), elite real estate abroad, bank accounts across the world (the most favourable places were off-shores of course), to say nothing of such nonsensical stuff like yachts, business jets and football clubs. They had so much that a fat-bloated collaborative brain produced an idea: What if we make Russia great again? (Donald Trump just snatched the slogan impudently. Or borrowed it from his friend Vladimir?) And they did. The most expensive Olympic games in history, FIFA World Cup just four years later, gas streams and oil tubes, a superbridge to Crimea... What does that leave us with? What does Russia have at the end of 20 years of being fuck...d, sorry made a great one? Not so much. Ruined healthcare and education, uncompetetive primitive commodity economy, devastation, void, lacuna, no-future reality...
Putin lost a unique chance to make Russia great. Not again but probably first time in history, to make it healthy, educated, provided with facilities. He deprived himself of a chance to be great, the chance of standing alongside with Peter the Great and Alexander the Liberator.
Nothing but an ultimate zeroing of opportunities and a superbridge to Crimea which goes nowhere.
From the first steps on the international stage m-r Putin started posing himself as a brutal and powerful «alfa-male». His agressive rhetoric regarding the Soviet Union collapse which titled by him in person «The biggest catastrophe in history» were entertaining the Western World leaders for years. A dwarf is just showing off... This reminds us of a very old soviet comedy-movie (now it’s kind of a classic one) «Gas station queen». A dinky and clumsy girl is picturing herself as a figure skating World Champion but at the end she becomes just a gas station manager. She hasn’t achieved anything pursuing her ambition, she couldn’t organize her personal life even, in spite of having a choice but she’s happy. She’s just the right person in the right place. She does her job well and she loves it.
...But suddenly the gas station uprose. The Crimea business happened and a fireball of events keeps rolling from the hill down to the hell... The Ukranian war, an MH17 flight, an interference in Syrian civil war and American elections, a Skypal poisoning... Hacking, threat and agression.
You have the gas station as a natural gift from the God, Mother-Nature granted you a unique opportunity to be rich, healthy and happy. Just develope your gas station, make your money;and friends well, and then transform it into something more technologically advanced and investment/eco-friendly. Attract the countries in the neighbourhood to establish a union because it’s mutually beneficial, create a win-win partnership.
No fucking way! This is not for an alfa-gnome, it’s too sophisticated, a real «tough» guy is doing it simple, fast and violently.
«Words like violence, break the silence, come crushing into my little World…» The world-famous anthem by Depeche Mode. It’s about a king with no kingdom, a small man who can’t find an appropriate place to live in (watch the video if you don’t believe). This is exactly the reality where m-r Putin lives now: he broke up with the civilization, he’s considered now to be a «no-negotiator», nobody believes him, nobody is making deals with him. There’s no way out from here...
But is he really so brutal and tough as it seems to be? Anschluss of Crimea and agressive claims towards Belorussia, Ukrain and Baltic countries but «land trufficking» with China and blurry negotiations with Japan regarding Kuril Islands look like a pathetic attempt to shove a tiny lethargic dick into a small crevice (because a «negotiation door» is almost shut down now) and give your chinky partner having you in the asshole simultaneously. And the Big Chinese Brother is having everything he wants (a japanese one is just waiting for his turn): lands, oil, gas and timber almost for free, human resources (brains) and remains of Soviet technologies. Well, Putin’s prostitution, perversity and venality are sipping out of every single pore.
«We need breakthrough, there's no time to procrastinate...». «We can’t drag this out anymore, we need breakthrough now!» He repeats it like a Mantra for years during his long-pointless annual press-conferencess. Putin’s breakthrough is like a Hitler’s wunderwaffe, when everything is fucked up, devastated and rolling down to the hell at the speed of light, breakthrough is the last refuge. Follow the common logic, he means an elimenation of the technological backlog, first of all in the military industrial complex. Everything else is not so essential: people live in wooden sheds with no tap water, medcine, roads and schools? They’re just humans, they’re gonna die sooner or later...
But what is breakthrough? You can't make a COVID 19 vaccine out of goat droppings and launching space ships using a tramplin or a wrist rocket. The second thing is possible in m-r Rogozin’s sick mind, exclusively. (Dmitry Rogozin — one of the key Putin's figure, the director of Russian space agency now). You need science for this stuff. It takes years of hard work: huge investments in public education and fundamental science, cutting-edge industry and advanced technologies... Sounds like cliche but it does require a comprehensive approach, really. In case all the money has been «invested» into zillion-dollar palaces, doping-meldonium games and «Maduro-projects» just one thing left: keeping reading a mantra: «No time for procrastination, we need breakthrough...».
Well, if you expect some sticky and slicky details, stories about dozens of lovers seduced by a magnificent supermacho and revelations of maids who wanna lose their virginities with m-r Alfa-male only, your expectations are in vain. M-r Putin has never been interested in women. That's a matter of fact. His first and the only ex-marriage was dictated by career circumstances exclusively and nothing else: an ambition of working abroad as a spy. When he was younger (on the passport of course because he’s forever young and very much alive) taking his first steps in KGB, he pictured himself as a Russian superhero-spy Otto von Stirlitz aka m-r colonell Isaev (a literature/movie charachter which has been ridiculed
in Russian nasty-yucky stories for generations). M-r Macho got married at the age of 31, which was considered «too late» in Soviet Union for the only one reason: a KGB system was based on the simpliest matter: a family spy is less able to doublegame or escape bearing in mind that KGB takes his family hostage. And the reputation of course, an every soviet officer had to comply with standarts: a family, kids, and membership in the communist party. Well, he got a job abroad finally but that was far away from what he had expected: a pointless assistant-manager of the Soviet-German friendship club in Dresden, East Germany so that «marriage-kids business» was useless mainly.
Alina Kabaeva, a gymnastics Olympic champion, a true beauty, a United Russia party member, a 100% compliance with standarts. A secret Putin’s wife/ex-wife, lover/ex-lover... The story looks so simple now so it should be described in short. M-s Kabaeva was just a carrier, a living-baby platform to realise another Putin's ambition of having a son. Every cool macho must have one. And it worked out even better! He has twins now, two wonderful boys were born in complete secrecy on May 7, 2019 in the National Obsterics&Gynaecology center in Moscow. M-s Kabaeva just spreaded her beatifuly-strong gymnastic legs nine months before and Putin’s holly semen was put right down between them and then everything went in a natural way under supervising of the best doctors in Russia. A simpliest procedure of nowdays. To be a mother of Putin’s kids equals to be a Russian Czarina. Well,  Alina the Czarina sounds pretty good. As for rumors regarding their romantic affairs and hot-sexual relationship that was just a part of so called pre-election campaign of 2011-2012 (now it’s known as a «castling-thing») plus a «status confirmation». A position of the national «alfa-male» and «dominant supermacho» requires some testimomies so they were revealed by way of rumors and gossips.
So he has boys now. Well, Putin and boys is a matter of the special scrutiny. He has a pure, genuine interest in boys — many online videos testify it vividly, all those kissing and squizing... Maybe he’s just a very huggable person... The same time he keeps calling his naturally-born girls (just anything must be the truth?) outsiders and denying any kind relationship with m-s Kabaeva. Well, the picture is getting pretty gloomy, a pervert-dwarf which doesn’t love anybody... But in truth, there's a person which is his subject of affection and care. Dmitry Medvedev. There's no any logical explanation why he keeps this nonsensically-pointless figure on the top positions of Russian hierarchy: The Prime-minister, the President, the PM again. He just loves him. Truly and sincerely. A big-headed short boy, not so smart but easygoing and nice. Cutie and sweetheart. Putin is kind of omnipotent (don’t mix it up with «impotent» though...) so he could legalize same-sex marriage, and a Russian Orthodox Church CEO m-r Gundyaev would unite them in «holy matrimony» easy. That would be better for everyone... But he will never do it, he will be lying and pretending as usual. Considering all of this, it’s highly likely that Putin’s sexuality is somewhere between gay pedophilia and self-satisfaction. Concealing his urge to boys all his life he was forced to get married and spent 30 years with a woman he never loved and never wanted.
 Oh boy, all these mendacity, duplicity, mental and physical perversity just kill any kind of wish of having relationship with this person.
All his life m-r Putin is pretending to be a person, which he has never been. That's his nature, a disgusting mix of lie, perversity, rapacity, jealousy, cowardice, vindictiveness and inferiority complexes. The last point seems to be a pivotal one. Little Vovochka («Vovochka» is a hypocorism of Vladimir in Russian) was beaten during his childhood. Beaten a lot. A dwarf size didn't let him any chance to resist against girls even. Probably since then, some preconceptions towards women became evolving which impacted on his sexual preferations later. He was always drown to big tough guys, he was jealous of them, he hated them but he was forced looking for their protection to survive in the half-devastated, half-criminal post-war environment. He was beaten by them too of course but tried manipulating them in retaliation: putting one against the other, framing, telling on them, and then run away saving from punching, earfuls and serious beating again. In simple words, his tactics were taking a dump, turning things around by blaming someone else, then running away and hiding. There're also no evidence that he was a nerd in his schooltime, had some talents and extraordinary skills, qualities which could help him make friends and win respect. Nothing. Just an average pupil, and always the shortest boy in the line. Well, that was him, little Vovochka, a small revengeful rat boy, cowardly and cruel. But he was craving for success...
All that stuff, Vladimir Putin the President and the «National Leader» of the Russian Federation now, dragged alongside with him when he came to power. Since then, «little Vovochka» has been taking it out on us trying to retaliate his childhood grievances and failures and to realise his ambitions of being tough, attractive, rich and successfull. That's all. He doesn't do anything else but lying, stealing, killing, blaming someone else and hiding. And he’s extremely successful satisfying his personal ambitions unlike the country he runs.
Everything ends as well as every person has limits, limits of knowledge, trust, perception, limits of reality, limits of health and time. For 20 years in politics he never realized what politics is:an ongoing competition, a fight of ideas and ambitions for the best future for people and your country. He creates a pseudo-political system instead, surrounding himself with pointless puppets and puppies. Putting economy under his «great» political mission to restore The Soviet Union (he believes that he’s the «special one», a person who has been chosen to implement it) he never understood the basic principles of a free market economy: competition and small and medium businessess are driving forces of it, small and medium businessess are more dynamic, they create more jobs and pay more taxes. Instead, he established a mafia-monopolistic economy, putting his dump, mendacious and money-grabbing friends to run sindicates. The majority of them came to the big business from the nowhere. Well, in fact he established a mafia-state which ends in the middle of nowhere...
Fucked everything up, pissed away all the opprtunities and screwed everything down, he’s got a «sewn shut» now. Got his political innocence back like an old hooker gets a virginity recovery surgery. Forget about thousands of people have been killed for the sake of my fucking geopolitical games and cubical kilometers of money has been stolen. I’m a virgin now, a completely zeroed new president.
Truly, he is an absolute zero now. An old and sick little man (rumors about he’s got cancer have been circulating since 2003) sitting in the bunker, still believes in wundervaffe, lividity is coming from behind his multiple plastics, his poll numbers are about 10% and getting down. He's still;in power hiding behind the circles of his personal security, secret services, power structures, officials and propaganda. But all vicious circles are completed, the system is zeroed and can’t be reloaded. Otto von Stirlitz (Putin’s hero from the past, remember?) always said «The last one is the most memorable». Hardly anyone remembers the first Putin’s presidency: an economic growth, reformation, normal relationship with the World. He buried it under so many layers of lie and crime so nobody will ever remember.
Well, just couple of questions left. Was it all worth it? Why did he do it? For the sake of being zeroed?
No matter why! Fuck him! His time has gone. Let’s face reality and the near future. Russia has a unique chance to establish a new state, «the state for the people», probably the first time;in history, once and forever and never come back to perversity and prostitution. It’s gonna be a tough call, the toughest challenge for all of us — to build a new country from the ruins of devastation, lie and crime. We can do it, we can restore our state virginity to make our country happy and rich but first of all, to make it friendly for everyone. Just a little bit of efforts and we will do it!
