Forced travel

Forced travel
Rаisa Karimbaeva
Chapter 1

3045.  scientists at the University of London have long observed this trend.  They declare that the Moon, the only satellite of the Earth, is rapidly approaching the Earth And it is this that influenced the fact that the day during which the Earth revolves around its axis increased from 24 to 48 hours!  That is, the Moon slows down the Earth.  Everyone has long known that the moon also affects the water level in the ocean.  The ebb and flow.  When the water level in the ocean increased completely to acceptable standards, everyone took it with a bang.  Still, after all, the number of lifeless deserts across the planet has been reduced to a minimum, and forests and tundras are in full bloom!  But when in the last century the water rose a kilometer, it was just a disaster!  All of America went under water, North and West Europe, East China, half of Africa and almost all of Australia!  Is that Kazakhstan, where back in 2014 there were many lifeless deserts due to lack of water in those areas, now the sea stretches there!  That has never happened before.  Where did the sea come from throughout the Zhambyl region!  What is going on in the center of Kazakhstan?  It’s incomprehensible .. There are now forests!  And the local people take everything with a bang!  He is absolutely calm!  Only scientists understand that this calmness is temporary ... Another couple of years and the Earth will be gone !!  Yes, our planet will not be with you!  And the blame for everything is the rapid approach of the moon!  The University of London had to move to Kazakhstan.  When the water began to approach London, the entire university with all its laboratories and scientists was evacuated to Kazakhstan.  And not only.  A rapid stream of refugees rushed to those areas where it was still possible to somehow exist, including Kazakhstan.  Crowded train stations, airports, hotels have become a common norm.  In each house, consisting of three or four living rooms, 10-15 people live together!  And this is just the beginning.  Chaos gripped the Earth.  Panic everywhere.  Somehow everything was settled with this move.  Some scientific research has stopped and some are still ongoing.  Poorly enough, but the laboratory is working, research on the study of the Universe and nearby luminaries and objects is underway.
Aydar was in the internet, flipping through news sites, but he quickly got tired of it.  Everywhere the same thing, even hang yourself.  He decided to relax and threw the smartphone away.  It's good that now you can simply charge them: put them in your pocket and you're done.  These newer models run longer without charging than the older ones.  Advanced models of smartphones made of glass are charged at a low-frequency wave and their battery is powerful, with great performance.  He got up and went to the window.  It got dark ... The sun had long since set over the horizon and a billion bright and not so bright stars spilled out onto the black sky, decorating it.  Admiring the mesmerizing beauty, he completely forgot, as if he had disappeared into the sky.  His whole gaze was fixed on one point.  He has long tracked two of the brightest stars in the constellation Orion: a triple supergiant star, 40 times the size of the Sun and 1,000 light-years from Earth, emitting bluish-white light, and a second star, Bellatrias-gamma Orion, rivaling  neither in brightness nor in size.  These two bright stars are on the same level, not far from each other, and if you also connect them with the third star, the name of which Aydar did not know, with a thin connecting line, you get the belt of a hunter who is lost in heaven.  Of course, you will not see much from the window of a three-room apartment on the fifth floor, so Aydar rushed out into the street, taking with him an astronomy textbook with an insert "Star Map" and binoculars.  Leaving the house, he swallowed a piece of refined sugar, which will help him quickly adapt to the dark.  Having moved a decent distance from the house, completely removed from the city and the power lines, there on a lifeless, forgotten hill by all, he spread out the map and quickly started observing with orientation.  Because of the fog it was hard to see and he was about to go home when someone grabbed his hand.  Aydar shuddered with fright, but after a couple of minutes he heard the familiar voice of his younger sister:
“What are you doing here? Let's play some more?” She looked him straight in the eyes and droplets of transparent tears appeared on her wide-open long eyelashes.

Aydar didn't like it when a girl cries and immediately began to calm her down?

 - After looking at the binoculars .. Just don't cry, okay ..- he held out the binoculars, showing where to look.

The girl turned it over in her hands and whimpered again.

 "Probably tired. She wants to sleep." Thought Aydar. "I didn't even notice that she was following me. I had to get so carried away ..."

A light summer breeze tugged at her brown hair.  They are completely confused, covering their face.  It got colder.  The wind raised dust from the ground and threw it straight into the eyes.  It didn't make me watery and hurt.  Particles of sand hit her eyes, rubbing them with small fists and whimpering.

 -Let's go, otherwise my mother will be worried ..- Aydar suggested to the three-year-old girl and taking her hand, led her behind him. After a few steps the girl stopped and did not want to go.  He tried to persuade her, but she resisted and was capricious.  Then He tickled her, playing with her and lifting her in his arms, continued on his way.  As they approached the city, they saw bright fireworks igniting the sky with thousands of colorful, bright lights.  They were so close, as if someone in the courtyard launched New Year's fireworks right from the balcony.  The children stopped for a moment.  to admire.

 - Look how beautiful it is !! - said Aydar.

- Yeah .. - the little girl agreed with him.  They stood still for a while, and would have stood even longer if they had not been completely chilled from the cold.

 - Mom is waiting, probably.  ..- and with these words Aydar with his sister in his arms went on, no longer paying any attention to the fireworks.

just a little bit left at home.

Jones, an English scientist from the University of London, who now lives with his family in an apartment where Aydar's parents and Aydar himself and his sister lived together, was nervous, fingering the phone, constantly dialing the same number, he could not get through in any way  to the addressee he needs.

After more than an hour of constant repetitions, they finally answered the phone and a familiar, sleepy female voice said:


 - Marie, you?  - Recognizing the voice of his wife, shouted into the phone Jones, immediately gather all and come to the cosmodrome.  Alive !! - he shouted as if he wanted to shout down the interlocutor

 “What happened?” Marie asked calmly, still not understanding what was happening.

This question angered John even more, but pulling himself together, he said:

 - So .. nothing .. Some moon will fall on our heads right now ... - hopelessness sounded in his voice.

 - What? - Marie asked in horror. We will come now.  Only Aydar is not there and Zhanna too .. And where is Sarah?  But no .. Sarah is asleep ... So sweet ..
- Find them immediately ... Where can they be at this hour?  Night outside. - He did not know what to do, everything fell out of his hands, his voice trembled, conveying fear and excitement for the children.  Although Aydar is 15 years old, he still considered him a child and therefore worried about him as for his son, who died in a car accident last year and only his little daughter Sarah somehow connected him with the hope of happiness.  John had twin children.  Mark and Sarah.  As Marie crossed the road on a busy street, Mark, holding her hand, snatched his handle from her hands and ran right under the wheels of a truck, which pulled out at a red traffic light.  He was thrown a couple of times and thrown into another lane.  He died instantly.  It happened last year, but it feels like Mark is at home, still playing with his toys, he just left somewhere, for a short while and will soon be back again ...

These thoughts haunted John, he worried about someone else's child as his own and Marie loved him even more for this.

Having accelerated at full power, the Moon stopped the Earth under its own power, each time in its revolution getting closer and closer to the Earth. Somehow it even increased its size.  And now the moment that all scientists in the world have been waiting for has come.  Approaching as close as possible to the Earth, it exploded into thousands of burning pieces and collapsed to the Earth, burning it and destroying it.  Aydar and his sister saw this scorching rain, mistaken it for fireworks. Then it was just beginning, but now it's just awful !.  Huge boulders of burning torches whistle to the ground from heaven.  It was as if the sky was scorching the Earth from nuclear weapons without stopping for a minute ... The groan of the wounded, screams of horror filled everyone.  Houses, high-rise buildings burned like candles, blazing with fire, hundred-year-old oaks, which it is impossible to grab with your hands, fell and burned like thin reeds, leaving behind only ashes.  Chaos has gripped the world.  People jostled, got into crowded buses, trains, airplanes, subways, climbed on each other's heads, and screamed with fear of imminent death.  They didn't care where to run, as long as they were away from here ... It seemed the whole world had gone crazy ...
Sitting in the car, Sarah looked back again: Aydar's parents were sitting in the back seat and tried to calm little Sarah.  Oscar, Aydar's father, a stocky, dark-skinned middle-aged man in frayed tights with knees and a gray T-shirt (he ran out in what he was) looked anxiously out the window, then consoled the little girl again.  Sitting next to him was an equally tall, chubby woman of about 34 in a white headscarf and dressing gown.  A girl sat in her arms and whimpered softly.  Trying to calm her down, she took out a candy from somewhere and gave it to the child.  A minute of rest is guaranteed.  Both adults worried about their children who did not return from their walk.  They looked for familiar faces in the many-sided crowd and did not find them.  Hot tears ran down their cheeks, and their hearts burst with pain and despair.  Until recently, they did not want to get into the car, everyone was expecting children.  But it was impossible to hesitate any longer and they gave in to Marie's persuasions to get into the car.  When they drove 500 meters, Aisulu, that was the name of that woman, shouted at the top of her voice:

 - Marie, stop !!  Aydar is there !!  I saw him !!  Stop !!! - she tugged at the door handle and tried to jump out at full speed, her handkerchief untied and fell on her shoulders, her brown hair cascading over her shoulders. Mari braked at high speed.

Aisulu ran down the street and watched the crowd in the confusion.  She just saw her children here.  But where are they?  Are they nowhere?  She ran up to passers-by and asked everyone if they had seen her son and a little girl.  They stopped and turned their heads.  and who is at the temple.  they muttered something and again ran like crazy, no one knows where, just to get away from here.  Suddenly her eyes found a familiar silhouette among the crowd, recognizing him as her son, she shouting: "Aydar!"  rushed to the meeting.  Aydar stopped at the call and turned around.  Seeing my mother, all flushed from running and fuss, I went to meet her.

He could not understand what was happening in the city and where everyone was running like that.  Suddenly, from the sky, a huge burning candle flew over his head and fell at high speed somewhere nearby, slightly singing his hair.

 _ Aydar!  Sonny !! - screamed the mother in horror, her heart almost stopped, there was not enough air.  She almost fainted from what she saw, but found the strength to take a couple of steps towards her son.
She fell straight into the arms of her son.  The little daughter stood nearby and did not even cry.  She grew up in these moments and looked somehow in an adult way.  Not usual.  Someone splashed water on Aisulu's face.  She opened her eyes, and after a moment she realized what was happening.  Maria drove up to them and helped her eat into the car, Aydar sat in front, Zhanna and her mother and everyone else sat in the back seat.  After examining everyone with one glance, Marie started the car.  At great speed they rushed to the cosmodrome, bypassing pits, fallen trees, almost falling under the accidentally collapsed five-story building, they still managed to leave the city without loss.  the cosmodrome was located one hundred kilometers from the city.  The road ran through the steppe, and then beyond.  if you turn to the right there was a small town where John worked. Behind this town there was a cosmodrome.

When they were already approaching, suddenly a man ran out of the darkness and stood right in the middle of the road and threw a shot, aiming at Mari, but fortunately missed.  Bullets flew past, slightly kinking the car door.  Then he fired again and the second bullet broke the glass, swept over the very ear of Marie and flew out through the rear window.  When the shooting began, everyone who was sitting in the back bent down and prayed .. Mari did not stop.  drove past the saboteur.  Having driven off some distance, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a bit.
John was waiting for his people.  They had to drive up from minute to minute.  Preparations for the launch of the ship were over and now it should have already taken off, but they are all gone.  He was nervous and no sedatives helped him.  The ship looked like a huge ball, a kind of small copy of the Earth itself with cabins built into it for passengers and the crew itself.  At the bottom of the ball there was a small plant for the production of chemical elements necessary for life.  The crew had to find oxygen on their own, some means.  allowing you not to depend on solar energy, to eat something, making the impossible quite suitable for food.  They have already learned how to make synthetic kerosene out of water, literally get proteins and carbohydrates out of the air, and have learned to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide.  But, unfortunately, there are not enough places for everyone, they cannot take everyone.  The ship is huge, but even it was not enough to save everyone.  With a shudder they looked at those who remained on Earth, The doors of the ship were already closing when John saw his own.  He signaled upstairs and the doors opened.  Marie, Aydar's children and parents, and a couple of strangers squeezed into a crowded spaceship.  And he took off straight into space, to the delight of the crew and passengers and to the bitterness of the rest, who did not have time to sit down and did not squeeze inside.  Needless to say, out of 100%, the unfortunate 2% managed to escape in this way .. Very little, very little.  It's a pity...
Looking through the window, Aydar saw the earth disappear before our eyes, it seemed to dissolve, burst like a soap bubble .. A tear leaked into his eyes and he sniffed at it with the sleeve of his shirt.  Not only he, but the others shuddered at the sad picture of what was happening from their windows.  It seemed that time had stopped, and hearts stopped beating ... There is no more home ... There is nowhere to return ... what awaits them ahead?  unknown ??  How long will they wander in space like that?  Will they survive?  Will they find shelter?  Unknown .. Some questions that have no answer ... They can fly like this all their lives to nowhere and never land, because even life may not be enough, or even die overnight.  .. But there is always hope ... And I really want to believe that the New Earth is waiting for them ahead, very close ...
Chapter 2
A huge fiery dragon spewing flames jumped out of the fog and attacked the young man. As soon as he had time to rebound, a high wall all of fire rose right in front of his nose, and the dragon's head towered above it.  The eternally insatiable dragon, who had already swallowed all the inhabitants of the city, approached the only person who survived by some miracle, who seemed so small in front of a huge monster with a height of 5, or even more meters.  His eyes were bloodshot.  The man retreated further and further, step by step, approaching the rock.  From fear of being eaten, he shook all over, a shiver ran through his body, his legs gave way and he already imagined how steel jaws would tear his body, He even felt pain, intolerable pain and despair ...
Aydar woke up in a cold sweat in his bed.  It was just a dream ... Just a dream .. Another nightmare ... How many such insignificant nightmares people dream and no one attaches any importance to this ... Fox droppings and nothing more.  Aydar turned on his other side and fell asleep.
 ... On his back, the young man felt a cold, stony rock, feeling with his hands some kind of cobblestone, he threw it right into the dragon's mouth.  Taking the stone for flesh, he chewed it and realizing that he was deceived, spat it out with disgust and with all anger rushed again at his victim ... When the dragon's mouth opened directly above his head, and flames licked his face, he screamed so that the mountain  shook and stones rolled from her with a terrifying force.  Sniffing the air and once again licking his face, the dragon suddenly recoiled back.  Still sniffing the air and smelling something, he took another step back and, flapping his huge huge wings, got away.  .. The young man sighed with relief.  He is alive!!  He stayed to live !!!  How wonderful it is to live, breathe, enjoy life !!  Life is Beautiful!!  The young man prayed to the Almighty, thanks to him!  He kissed the Earth that saved him.  ..
Aydar!  Where are you?  Are you sleeping again ?!  Well, help me ... ”Mom said, finally waking him up.  She began to take revenge on the dough for the Baursaks and she needed water, but it was over.
 - Bring some water, huh?  And then the hands in the dough ..- a delicate delicious aroma emanated from her and there was a feeling that he was at home again.  It's so nice to wake up at home in the morning!  But after another minute he remembered where he was and disappointment seized his heart.
 -Now ..- he mumbled and reluctantly got out of bed and walked towards the plant.  There, on the edge of the ship, there was something like a well with water for drinking.  He took some water and took it to mom.  The well was round, not deep at all.  Somehow, the water itself filled almost to the middle, but never reached the top.  There was a small children's bucket next to the well.  With this bucket they took water.  Behind the well there was a plant for the production of various chemical elements such as: methane, oxygen, hydrogen, synthetic kerosene, proteins, carbohydrates and even water ... The granary of the whole ship The ship was divided into three sections: the upper - the crew and the captain, the central part was intended for passengers and  the crew, and the lower part is for scientific research.  A corridor stretched across the entire central sector, connecting the lower and upper sectors.  A whole branch of corridors with cabins on either side extended from the main corridor, forming a whole tree.  Each cabin had 5; 6 berths.  The speed could exceed the speed of light only slightly, and this upset scientists a little.
 - We ought to save food .. And you are here .... - Askar grumbled at his wife.
- It's okay, - as if nothing had happened she answered - Soon we landed on Earth.  Don't worry. '' She added a little water to the dough and began to knead it, and after wrapping it in a warmer place, put it in a warm place.
Askar was a little angry at this carelessness of his wife.  She's either stupid or ... Or maybe the Earth didn't really die and we’ll land soon?  Yah ?  Nonsense!  With my own eyes I saw how it burst!  From these thoughts he felt bitterness and pain.  A tear leaked from his eyes and he brushed it away with a calloused hand.
In the captain's cabin, where Aydar came, scientists bent over a map.  They drew something and discussed.
 “Uncle John, can I?” The young man asked hesitantly.
Seeing Aydar, John smiled and waved his hand.
 - Well, of course!  - a kind smile did not leave his face - Come in.  We've discovered something here ... The Andromeda Nebula is not far away .. How to say ... It's right in front of us ..
 - Is it dangerous? - asked Aydar crossing the threshold of the cabin.
 - This is what we are trying to find out .. - said the scientist anxiously.  - Since you won't be able to pass by, you will have to drop by to see them.

 - And here she is actually .. - summed up John suddenly, looking through the window ,.
 “Where?” Aidar asked, clinging to the window, but saw nothing but darkness and dim stars blinking in the distance.
The professor answered him something, but Aydar did not hear him, because the crash of broken glass and falling objects drowned him out.  The ship was jammed so that it tilted on one side and in such an absurd position continued its journey through outer space.  A thick, greenish fog formed inside the ship, which began to glow and soon everything was very clearly visible even without electricity.
Some sounds and the confused voice of the radio were heard in the air, as if from nowhere.  The cabin door swung open and a black shadow appeared in the opening.
 -Who's there?  John asked, but there was no answer.
Curiosity overcame fear and Aydar, forgetting about the danger, went to the door where a shadow had just hung.  But she disappeared.
John found a flashlight and shone there.  A bright light cutting through the green fog, illuminated the figure of the captain.
 “And it's you!” John said with relief.
- And you were already frightened .. Ha-ha-ha- this friendly laugh defused the oppressive atmosphere and everyone again began to joke and smile.
 - Do you remember, Joe, one good anecdote: "A hedgehog walked through the woods. I forgot how to breathe and died. Then I remembered and went on ..." - he recited an anecdote that he once read from the Internet.
 - Idiot - John laughed.
 - And here's another: "Chapay and Anka walked through the forest, and towards them" .. - he did not calm down, continuing to tell stories and completely forgetting where he was.  infectious laugh.
 - Well, that's - laughing properly said the captain - Completely forgot about the Andromeda nebula.  She will not forgive us for this ... You will see ..
Everyone suddenly stopped laughing and fell silent.  Some even choked with laughter and coughed, then everyone patted on the back together and whinnied like horses again.
 - All-all-knocked on the table captain- Let's be more serious, gentlemen.  What do you know about the Andromeda nebula?  The better we know the enemy by sight, the faster we can defeat him!
Everyone who was in the wheelhouse began to recall everything they know about it.
Aydar walked along the corridor.  A greenish fog spread throughout the ship, seeping into all the cracks, filling with itself.
At the end of the corridor, he saw a slender silhouette of a girl in a light long white dress.  Silk hair flew in the wind.  She seemed to be swimming, not walking, her feet almost did not touch the floor.  ...  Feeling that they were following her, she turned and looked at him.
In an instant, Aydar found himself in an unfamiliar city, on an unfamiliar planet.  Bare rocks surrounded him.  Below the sea of ;;viscous viscous slurry was said goodbye.  There was the same fog in the air as on the ship.  It seemed that the city itself was hewn out of the rocks.  His houses were cut right into the rocks. Inside the house it was Spartan simple: a stone table, several of the same chairs, a bed and several shelves on the wall.  All.  The storage refrigerator was either in the rock itself or in a hole dug outside the house in the yard.  The multi-colored rocks, painted by nature itself, resembled a rainbow and lifted the mood.  Only one thing was somehow strange: there was no one in the city!  Nobody at all!  Everything was in place and even food was on the table, but there were no people!
Suddenly, a huge human-sized monster with tentacles on its head climbed out of the secret room and approached him.
Aydar felt some kind of stick and grabbed it tightly, trying to defend himself with it.  But the monster laughed a girlish laugh, which further puzzled the young man.
 “This is a spacesuit,” the stranger said soothingly and removed the monster's head.  Her hair fell over her shoulders and a smile shone on her face.  Her skin was light blue.  She was very fragile, like a straw, with blue eyes as big as lakes.  She smiled at him and his fear passed.
 - You see ... - she said - There is nothing to breathe ... I am suffocating .... - she coughed and almost lost consciousness from suffocation.
 - Aydar with trembling hands took the head of the monster and brought it to her:
 - On, dress ... I ..
 - Aren't you afraid? - she asked smiling
- Not!  Not scary at all .. Say it too!  I saw not such monsters! ”From his words he even grew a little bolder and straightened up, becoming a little higher.  Now everything did not seem so terrible to him.
 - True?  - asked the girl, putting on a spacesuit - How interesting!
 - Yes!  I even fought a dragon!  And he defeated him! ”Aydar boasted with confidence and self-satisfaction. He recalled his recent dream and, passing it off as reality, told in all colors.
A minute later the girl stopped smiling, and after exclaiming in horror she said:
 - This is my father!  You killed him!  - She collapsed on a chair and hugged her knees and cried - How ridiculous!  What else do you remember?  Tell me?
Aydar wanted to admit that he had lied to her, but then a huge, fire-breathing dragon entered the room.  Seeing the stranger, he threw a ravenous look of a hungry wolf at him and was about to pounce on the intruder.
 - Dad!  Dad! This is a friend! - trying to stop her father calmly said the girl - He is my friend, He is good! - She shielded Aydar, standing between them.
A subtle scent of the sea breeze emanated from her hair. She stood so close that Aydar could smell it.
 “Are you sure?” The monster asked, calming down, but there were still notes of distrust in his voice. “Otherwise, he almost hit me with a stone.  I wanted to tell him good things.  Show the way to the house, and he throws stones ..- He took off his spacesuit and Aydar saw a gray-haired man with the same bluish skin.
 - So it was you?  And everything was not a dream? - asked Aydar in surprise.
 - I can not believe it!  - all the young man did not stop.
 -Hmm ..- the girl's father smiled
- Yes, take off your spacesuits!  - the young man smiled, having completely mastered and feeling at home - Here it is quite possible to breathe ..
 - NO, wait ... - said the girl - do not take off.  It's oxygen.  We will suffocate.
 - That's what I'm talking about.  You can breathe - Aydar looked at all the objects around him with satisfaction.
 - Yes, but we breathe carbon dioxide!  And oxygen is bad for us!  Therefore, our skin is blue, and not yellow like yours! - summed up the father, still sitting in a spacesuit.
Aydar was surprised, and the man continued:
 - I told them to take care of the ecology!  Gathered a council of elders, ran to all instances, In vain!  Nobody is listening!  Now what ?!  There is nothing to breathe!  Everything is lost!
 -But the life support system on the planet was launched, She had to save her? -Pouring tea, the girl asked her father.
 “But when will it work?” The father wondered in despair. “It takes 300-400 years.” He took the cup and drained it in one gulp.
The girl poured tea for Aydar, but he sniffed it and refused.  This slurry boiled and smelled like kerosene.  If you bring a burning match, the hour will break out.
 - Tea?  - she suggested,
 - No .. Thank you ..- Aydar listened to the dragon and went deep into his story.
 - Our planet is a blooming and full of energy essence.  She's alive.  While alive ... Once upon a time, metal, helium, boiled and melted here, turning into gas.  Of course, for you earthlings it is hell, but for us it is the most heaven!  And here some fool, having heard enough of aliens, planted trees here!  Everyone laughed at him and did not even pay attention to it, But!  By some miracle, this tree sprouted and took root!  And here they are!  Look around!  Around the forest!  This is our doom!  Find this idiot and give him a belt!  Too bad he ran away!
We can enter dreams and through them find the killer of the planet, So I found you.  And in my opinion, it was you who advised him ..- his voice trembled with anger, barely restraining himself, he clenched his fists so that black, thick blood flowed down them.
Aydar backed away.  The huge dragon attacked him with such fury that even his daughter could not stop him.
She just pointed to the secret door out of the corner of her eye and Aidar rushed through it and disappeared into the darkness.
The dragon raged and rushed around the room, His roar and screams were heard, but he could not penetrate the secret room and get his victim.
Aydar felt the wall and walked along it.  Soon, his hand found something hard and round.  He took it in his hands and raised it to his face to look, but it suddenly lit up with a greenish-white light and illuminated everything around.  Aydar looked around.  It was a tunnel going inland somewhere.  There was no way out and Aydar went down the stairs and walked along a long, dark corridor.
Chapter 3

Soon the fog cleared away and everything flowed in its own channel.  Aisulu baked baursaks and treated everyone: who entered the cabin and whom she knew in Molomalsky way, who just passed by.  She smiled at everyone and offered to taste the treat.  Everyone liked it very much and they praised the hostess.
 - Tasty ..- Sarah said, having tasted baursak- And I can’t.  That's how much I don’t bake, it’s all the same how you can’t do it ..- she took another one from the plate and ate it.
 - Well, what are you talking about! - Aisulu was surprised - You are also very good at it!  You know, you have to do it with your heart!  then everything will work out right away. '' She poured aromatic tea and served Sarah.
Askar was asleep, but sensing the delicious, appetizing smell of hot baursaks, he jumped from his upper seat and sat down at the dastarkhan.
 - That's what I understand .. - he said quite enough- This is food, and not like your fast food ... - quickly stuffing his mouth, he knocked over a cup of hot tea and almost burned himself.
 - be careful ..- said his wife .- hot ...
 - Yes, whatever you say, but in fast food there is a lot of harm, - Sarah said and after a pause added - And what a high-calorie one ..
 - I don’t know about calories .. I don’t understand your female tricks ..- Askar began- I can’t eat enough to eat ... So you can burst, eh? - He laughed and looked at everyone.
Everyone nodded their heads approvingly and, with their mouths full, again began to praise the mistress, which completely confused Aisula.  Aisulu collected the dirty dishes and left the cabin.
Do you like snow?  “Sarah asked for no reason, and a minute later she herself answered her own question,“ And I love!
 - White snow that swirls and falls in flakes?  - asked the black peasant sitting opposite her. - Last year we had snow in Africa.  A lot of snow, he showed with his hands, spreading them in different directions, how much.
Sarah laughed.
 - Yes, he is!
 - I don’t like .. - the black man said gloomily- I don’t like it at all .. Cold ..
 -Yes you !  When the snow falls, on the contrary, it is very warm and beautiful! ”She exclaimed, and her thoughts flew to her native land.  She saw herself little and her mother, remembered a Christmas tree decorated with colored balls and tears appeared in her eyes.
 - Hmm .. Warm ..- repeated the black peasant- How warm, when it's cold-bottom, he uttered the last word in syllables to show how cold he was then that winter.
 "Will he understand?" - Sarah thought and flew back into her memories ...
Chapter 4
The Andromeda Nebula is a super giant spiral, twice the size of our galaxy and 10 times farther than the Megalanic Clouds.  Inside it there is a core from which two branches of the spiral emerge.  About 26 new stars flare up here every year.  All!  Only this they managed to find on the Internet.
Then the connection was cut off and it will take time to resume it.
Scientists decided to send a probe to a nearby planet to find out if it is suitable for life.  The first probe approached the gas planet, on which even hard metals such as steel and cast iron melted and turned into steam, quickly dissolved in the upper atmosphere in just a couple of hours !!
Realizing that things were bad, the ship's crew decided to go around the planet at a sufficiently large distance from it.
But the second probe successfully landed on the surface of the planet and showed its suitability for human life.  Everyone was delighted and congratulated each other.  They even decided to make an announcement, but the captain refused.
Chapter 4

Aydar went down the tunnel further and further, going into the depths of the mountain.  After going some distance, he saw that further the road divides into three branches, diverging in three different directions.  Aydar went straight without turning anywhere.  This cave went deep into the mountain.  And the further he went, the darker it became, the faster his heart beat.  Suddenly he felt a rustling and a thud, as if someone or something had fallen behind him.  He turned around and dedicated the flashlight.  Nobody.  A shadow slid to the side and floated down the wall.  Realizing that he was afraid of his own shadow, he laughed, and felt a surge of strength and courage.  he walked on with a firm step, and still it seemed to him that something was wrong.  He felt something, but that he could not understand how he did not try.  He turned around once more and saw no one again.  Only some lizard slipped through the darkness and disappeared ... There was no further passage.  And Aydar was about to turn back when he saw a hole at the very bottom of the cave.  “It looks like they have already passed through here ..-” he thought, and having examined the manhole, decided to crawl through it.  What is there?  Curiosity haunted him.  He lay down on the cold ground and squeezed through the hole.
When he got through completely, he fell from a great height directly into the underground lake.  Having hardly swallowed the stinking slurry, he crawled out onto the land.  He was completely chilled from the cold.  His teeth were "chattering, and his hands were shaking. The cold ran all over his body. He could not get warm. He was looking for a flashlight or matches. But they got wet and damp. The flashlight did not work." Apparently charging was over. ". - he thought and threw  to the side.  But the flashlight, falling to the ground, suddenly lit up with a bright light, showing the beauty of the cave.  The cave was really amazing.  Its walls were solid gold.  They shone like the Sun and were pleasing to the eye, And pieces of it lay all over the floor.  And this wealth was all his!
 "Wow!" - he thought, surprised and glad of his discovery.  But as soon as he thought about it, a thick silhouette of Quack emerged from the darkness, walking behind him.  This Quack got involved when he was on the ship, he was clearly watching.  He went all the way like a shadow of Aydar, and the latter did not even notice it.
-Do you think you alone will get everything! -He snorted- No matter how it is!  I will immediately inform ours. '' Quack filled up a full bag of gold and loaded it on his back went forward.
 “Stop!” “Don't rush!” Aidar shouted after him, “We can't land here!  Do you hear!  Can not!
 - Why?  - Quack wondered. Why, we can't!  Very much we can!
 -You do not understand anything!  They will all die! - tried to explain Aydar
 -Well, come on explain to me!  Come on! ”Kryak dropped his backpack and, flexing in a jump like a boxer, rushed to Aydar.
The quack, although thick, exceeding it in weight, but not awkward, Aidar easily rushed past him and, throwing his backpack aside, disappeared into the darkness.
The backpack rolled into the lake and Quack eiknuv rushed after him, but a huge lizard crawled out of the slurry and almost cut off his head.  Sticky sweat streamed down my body.  Fear gripped Quack; he couldn't even scream for the first two minutes.  Gathering his will into a fist with cries for help, he rushed after Aydar, running as fast as he could from the danger that overtook him.  The lizard rushed after.  With huge leaps, he quickly overtook the fugitive and tore off his clothes.
He would have eaten it in an instant if, because of the turn, Aydar had not beckoned Quack to him.  Seeing Aydar, Kryak followed him.  Hiding in the dark, they tried not to breathe or make too much noise.  Having lost its prey, the lizard sniffed once again and, not finding anything, got away.
 - FU ..- both sighed.
 - Did you see? - asked Aydar
 -Yes, I won't even dream in a dream .. Now where? -Kryak asked all in attention, wiping the sweat from his face that came out of fear
 “There must be a way out,” said Aydar, examining the cave. “Suddenly, at the very top, he saw a streaming light.  A small bird flew into the cave and made a couple of circles, flew out of it into the light.
Having scrambled out, they saw a probe near the lake and were delighted. They waved their hands and rejoiced!
 - We are here!  - they shouted - Hey!  Here!.  But no one heard their cries.  Moreover, the night fell on the planet and darkness engulfed it.
The starry sky stretched overhead.  Both boys lay on the grass and looked at the sky.  Didn't notice how they fell asleep.  When Aydar woke up, no one was there.  A green, dense fog covered everything around.  It seemed to ring.  Nothing was visible.  Aydar walked to the touch and, having stumbled on a stone, almost stretched out all over the ground.  Looking closer, he saw the torn body of Quack and cried out in horror.  Some black shadows were advancing on him from all sides.  He started backward, but slipping on a slippery puddle that had frozen since early morning, fell down, then got up again, fell again.  He rose and fell, shattering his face and hands into blood.
 - Hold on! - suddenly a girl came from somewhere and handed him a flashlight.
 -You? - asked Aydar- Aren't you with your dad?
 - I can't leave you .. - she answered.
 “Are they in spacesuits?” He asked, pointing to the shadows.
 - No .. These are real .. - she answered quietly - You have ruined our planet.  Now you can't live here ... ... These lizards are real ... I will distract them, and you run!  There should be a way out, - she pointed to the right and with shouts rushed in the opposite direction. - Black shadows floated behind her.  But soon the cry was interrupted and the smell of blood was felt in the air.
 “She died ...” said Aydar in despair. “But he could not do anything .. E = eh!” With a heavy sigh, he headed for the exit ...
 ... He walked down the corridor again.  The fog cleared and overhead he saw the image of a beautiful stranger.  She smiled at him as if nothing had happened.  ...  He smiled back at her.  A minute later the cloud melted and longing settled in the heart of Aydar.  After walking a couple more steps, he saw the captain's cabin and entered.  Scientists were still discussing the images they saw sent by the probe.
 - You can live! - said the captain after a long silence. - We will disembark today.
 - Not!!  Stop! _ Aidar shouted as soon as he entered the wheelhouse - You can't live there!  Is it dangerous!
But nobody listened to him.  Then Aydar blocked the screen with himself and repeated what he had said:
 -This is dangerous !!  We've already done trouble!  We'd better get out soon!
 - Well, young man, you surprise me!  How dangerous it is if the fact remains!  There's oxygen in there!  In huge numbers!  There is life! '' The captain got up from the table and walked over to the computer monitor, next to the monitor were a bunch of buttons and a huge red lever to stop the flight.
 - Why do not you believe Me?  I just got out of there and we'd better get out as soon as possible while we are all alive! ”The young man did not calm down.
The captain turned the lever and the ship must stop its flight.  Seeing this, Aydar rushed in his direction and pulled the lever towards himself.  The car started up.
 -Young man!  What are you doing?  get out of here immediately!
 -I save our lives with you! - Aydar did not retreat
 - Not .  How can you not understand! - did not give up the Captain- Millions of lives hang on me, everyone is looking at me.  Everyone is expecting some kind of action from me.  They pray to me as God.  I cannot let them down because of your sentimentality!
 -So you all knew? -Robel Aydar
 - Well yes!  Quack passed everything to us, then disappeared somewhere.  Probably he can't collect gold in any way. Ha-ha-ha! - Captain laughed happily.
 - He died!  Lizards ate him!  And my friend too!  That is why I say that it is better for us to run from here as soon as possible and so that our heels sparkle!
 -And the oxygen reserves do not bother you? - shouted in response the captain- Do you not know that they will soon run out?
Aydar fell silent and sank into a chair from hopelessness and despair.  But suddenly a minute later he jumped up and rushed to the control panel.  A fight ensued.  Someone pressed the button and the car flew up with great speed, and after a couple of moments it flew towards a giant black hole and disappeared there forever.
A black hole is a tunnel connecting two spaces.  You can enter it, but you cannot leave it alive.  There are also suggestions that a black hole is a kind of beginning of the universe.  It is from her that she is born.

They were thrown onto an unfamiliar planet. Fortunately, you can live there, But there is a lot of unknown.  Oxygen reserves, as the captain said on the ship, ran out.  There was no way out and they stopped here.  Local residents, similar to aborigines, took because of the Gods and put them full-length pyramids.  However, the "Gods" liked it.  They put down their roots here, but some of the scientists continued their journey and say that Aydar got in touch with them.

 “Next stop is the constellation Orion!  - said the captain

 -Hooray!!  - jubilant Aydar, jumping up and down.

The captain looked at him and smiled

 "This young man will go far!" He thought ...

And on the new planet all the pyramids for some reason were built so that they point to the two main stars of Orion, As if someone was waiting for Aydar and the captain to return ...

the end

 © Copyright: Rаisa Karimbaeva, 2014
Certificate of publication No. 214120500550
