Nicolas Maduro bestows new title on Evo Morales af

Nicolas Maduro bestows new title on Evo Morales after the elections in Bolivia. A political note.

The presidential elections in Bolivia are over.

In Russia, those who are interested in the election results receive a minimum of information ...

One of the materials contains congratulations from Nicolas Maduro. In this congratulation, Nicolas Maduro names Evo Morales "a nuestro jefe indio del Sur Evo Morales".

(";Gran victoria! El pueblo boliviano unido y consciente derrot; con votos el golpe de Estado que le dieron a nuestro hermano Evo. Felicitaciones al presidente electo Luis Arce, el vicepresidente David Choquehuanca ya nuestro jefera indio del Sur Evo ! ".)
It is rather difficult to translate this title.

Here are the options:

1. Our southern leader Evo Morales (,
2. Our chef from South India Evo Morales (result of automatic translation from Spanish into Russian),
3. Our southern Indian chief Evo Morales (another version of the automatic translation from Spanish into Russian).
4. Our southern Indian leader Evo Morales (the third version of the automatic translation from Spanish into Russian).

The experience of translations from English into Russian and from Russian into English creates a suspicion that the phrase "jefe indio del Sur" has implicit parallel meanings, hints ...

In general, Evo Morales received a title from Nicolas Maduro, a title, which need to be deciphered.

Perhaps Nicholas Maduro will even hand Evo Morales some kind of protocol - to confirm this title.

As for the elections and their results, let us hope that they mean a victory for humanism, civilization and democracy, that these elections will bring peace and tranquility to Bolivia ...

October 20, 2020 20:41

Translation from Russian into English: October 20, 2020 21:00.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Николас Мадуро дарует Эво Моралесу новый титул после прошедших в Боливии выборов. Политическая заметка”.
