019-23. искусство дешифровки. фестский диск. гробн

ДЕТЕКТИВНАЯ ПОЧТИ ИСТОРИЯ...........Перевод на английский ниже.
...ГЛАВА 2! СЛЕДСТВИЕ ПО ГРОБНИЦЕ ВЕДУТ?!! Рисунок- 19, 17, 18 и так далее /,
....я уже кажется писал, что в отечественной литературе, у меня с десятки книг наберется, где пишут так от 1990 годов, что на Некой плите есть изображение,/ у меня есть Прорисовки/ кажется Аменхотепа 4, что сидит на троне и рядом, по Неким признакам ну, Груди, это женщина! То есть Преемник, на троне, но не сын, а именно дочь, или девушка, так будет точнее! Я Хорошо ориентируюсь примерно в 30 фотографиях, что фотограф сделал в гробнице, до того, как там стали разбирать и описывать вещи, а предметы, и эти конопы,  выбирал все же Девис, мне кажется, для  этой фотография. Судя по всему, это Кал лаж, то есть Разложенные на столике 4 фотографии скульптурных крышек! Самому смешно, я еще месяц назад, как Все до меня,  и 115 лет считал, что это некий Усредненный портрет женской головы? И,  как считал Девис- портрет царицы Тии.
Что и написал в своей книге- Potrrait Queen Tyji- портрет царицы,  Тии!! Етить! Да тут Один Точно мужской Образ, а второй, что справа, под сомнением! / следующий файл, а тут Улыбка Монны- Лизы, что жила 3000 лет назад!/
 Могу сказать, что это особый Тип лица, в котором сочетаются мужские и женские признаки! Но если молодые женщины, Рядятся на свадьбе, примеряя шапку дедовскую, и рисуя себе усы, то тут Верхнее освещение дало Тень ниже подбородка, и перед вами Мужчина, и можно возраст расширить от 30- до 40 лет! Борода старит! Вот так и считали бы, что это портрет Царя Тея и Тии, если бы, спасибо Девису и фотографу, что отщелкали на каждую голову до десятка Видов, разве, что с затылка не снимали! Эта “ фото сессия началась с того, что четыре крышки сняты в Фас!” скорее всего- это отдельные фотографии, что вставили в лист при наборе книги, тогда количество Отдельныз снимков может перевалить и за сорок! И,  сличая их еще с видами с боков, можно, но это нужно Специалисту- сравнивать Форму черепов Четырех родственников! С боку они почти , их контуры- НЕ РАЗЛИЧИМЫ! И если так Треугольником на нос идет контур у Тутанхамона, то тогда- это родственники! Мне тогда не особо интересно, кто его мать, но есть Особые черты, что нас, меня, и Всех людей роднят! Это Мимика! Есть Суровое лицн, Глуповатое, Умное и есть ИРОНИЧНОЕ! Это Может передаться от Матери, тогда, для этого, и я дал имена –тетя Мона Елизавета! То есть Мона- Лиза с улыбкой на тысячелетия на лице! Как у да, Винчи! Тут точно схвачено настроение, и некая Ирония скрыта у этой тети, может: и не матери, а например сводной сестры! / тут слева дядя Аджат или тетя Агата, и тетя Рошель справа/.   Автор спутал с следующим рисунком?/Это не суть важно, но лицо Тутанхамона Узнаваемо, и имеет Характерные черты, кроме Уляыбки, и именно портретные черты его головы! Треугольное лицо, как раз схоже, посмотри 15- 20 рисункаи с Моной- Елизаветой, что как две капли__ Моника Гасан Бей- паши Ахмед  -ханум, ну и имена -  по просту-Ахмеда – ханум 45 племянница,  по пра, пра, бабке 45 раз от 3-4 женщин! Тут Загадка в том, что Выйдя замуж в 13- 18 лет КАЖДАЯ МОГЛА? Иметь сына Тутанхамона! И все они Родственники, при всей Непохожести у них общий предок, царица Тии= смотри ее портрет, и ей художник специально выдал не Белый, а Темный кусок Алебастра! Не знаю материал, но это что то полосатого мрамора, наверно!
Вариант, но недоказуемо- по портрету, конечно- это тетя Агата слева, по виду сбоку, но Мог быть ее брат или сводный брат по имени Агат, и мог именно Смешав Мужские и Женские черты резчик сделать это Намеренно! То есть тут может, и не 4, а 5!! Портретов! Во всяком случае, ты уже представляешь -КАК ВЫГЛЯДИЛИ члены клана Аменхотеп 3, 4, и царица Тии. И для этого не нужно погружаться в Генетическую экспертизу- тело обработано и очень сильно при бальзамировании! Никто на 100% не поверит Только в анализ ДНК! Тем более нет 100% привязки, что это скажем, наша тетя Агата и берется ее кусочек зуба для анализа на Родство! В гробнице могут быть мумии Случайных лиц, из другого семейства! А, Точно может знать Команда, что делала перезахоронение, или что то Стирая, где то в Каком то папирусе написала! И если мы найдем кусочек папируса, что в 1423 году Тутанхамон был перенесен в нынешнюю гробницу- где гарантия, что его еще десять раз не ПЕРЕЗАХОРАНИВАЛИ, скрывая от грабителей! Возможно- этому и посвящены “ стирания” так как, и в гробнице Тии, и в тайнике в десятке метров Не случайно  Оставлен перстень / как примета, засечка на дереве своего рода/ с картушем Тутанхамона!
И что важно- они в одном месте, и как бы каким то Сюжетом связаны! Если бы эти крышки были в Других гробницах, достоверность некой тайны была бы 1/ 5, а тут 100%!
- а что наши герои! И не пора ли Максу, хотя бы дать Примерную Расстановку всех плит, с чего начнет всякий, себя Уважающий сыщик, изучая дело, КОТОРОМУ отсчитаем от 1325 Тутанхамона- 3345 лет в гробнице разнесли в прах и пух и перья,  погребальную сень, и есть фото от 1906 года, целых три! С чего начнет сыщик, берясь за такое расследование.
- Пусть, тот был пьян, но не пьян его фотоаппарат, и так Точек съемки было две, и одну камеру Фокус ставил, почти Сев на нишу, с конопами, так как тут все завалено камнями и штукатуркой, что может, была Намеренно и Отбита со стен, а может, и сама свалилась! Есть и некая Доска на полу, что свяжет три снимка, и пока не ясно в каком углу стоял саркофаг, что может, был и на Первоначальном месте, а может его и оттащили, так как он по снимку ВПРИТЫК С ОДНОЙ СТЕНЕ! Смотри фото в начале главы!
- Но так как тут нужна Прорисовка, то пока рассматривай Старую, как мир уловку, когда можно сделать рисунок или портрет, как тут, а пол не определишь! Так Монументальные скульптуры, например Екатерины Великой- смаивают на борца сумо, массивные- жуть! Женщина не чувствуется в облике нависшего на 3 метровой высоте изваяния! Да и Петр- р- р  Пер – р-вый имел видок в скульптуре. не для слабонервного Фокуса!
И, автор, все же резчик, и накрутить может, иначе без Загадки и не продашь вещь!
Нужно подвести некие И так, нужно всегда идти Параллельным путем тому, что сейчас принят! Анализ на ДНК, тогда еще не был разработан, и он не всегда мне, по крайней мере, доказуем! Тут много Знаков?? –Вопросов! Я делал ссылку именно от кажется, 2010 года, после известного, наверно Рекламного фильма, есть в Интернет, “ Тайна гибели династии” где тогда Министр Древностей Закки Аваасс, приводил данные и, наверно, на 100 микрофонов при нем! Я не в теме, но в какой то гробнице найдены две мумии! Их почему то приписывают Нефертии, и видимо Тии- пишут: old and Jung-старая и молодая леди! То есть Точно не зная, что это они Вроде бы получили Одинаковость по тесту ДНК! Это как в шоу про  некие амурные дела, когда родство подросшего чада определяется по ватному там пончику! Тут Возможно Вам пудрят пудрой с экрана! Мазок даст то, что ты ел в обед хрен с редькой! По сути, надо идти к зубняку, и сверлить Здоровый зуб, так как там есть пульпа внутри, и это Наиболее чистый материал, и именно может и сохраниться ДНК и в зубах, вроде бы туда НЕ ПРОНИКНУТ химикаты, при мумификации! Что спорно, вспомни, что вытворяет твой зуб и рекламу: - чо! Не чувствуешь? Чисти Лаколютой- пастой! А если этой Лаколютой и чистили тогда? Что тогда проверяется! Лакалюта паста! Есть Аргументация, я смотрел так же в виде фильма известного профессора  из России, что там много нестыковок именно по форме черепа!
Вернусь к докладу РАН РОССИИ, и  именно по этому фильму американского режиссера! Они в точности Описав фильм, и вели Расследование, или сделали вывод, что это Сменхакр! Опять - двадцать пять! Я за гоД. Перелопатив с Сотню книг, где упоминалась наша мумия нашел о Сменхакре, что он Был! Дальше- туман, чей он папы, мамы сын, и был ли в родстве с Тутанхамоном! Но в отчете РАН России было Рациональное Зерно- это Форма черепа! Я НЕ СПЕЦИАЛИСТ, но форма Варируется даже у членов семейства! Шло сравнеие Тутанхамона- он в гробнице и черепа из гробницы Кв 55. И нашли Много совпадений: как по конечностям, грудной клетке, и главное по черепам их. Череп состоит из Нескольких Больших костей, что как каркас Собираются в Череп! Лицевой, боковой и верхних костей! И это даст Плоское лицо китайца, или японца, или Выпуклое, круглое лицо- европейца. Наименования типов черепов по Трем, четырем костям черепа, а не ПО ВСЕМУ черепу индивидуально для каждой расы! Тут есть Фото скульптур с крышек! При виде спереди они не очень похожи, но вид сбоку, Боковые кости дают Одинаковый вид сбоку! Спасибо все же- Девису! Именно эти Варианты, виды снимков дали, сам видел - Разные портреты!! Ну мы КАК ТО УЗНАЕМ ЛЮДЕЙ, ЕСЛИ НЕ С “ БОДУНА!?
Тут нужно отметить Одинаковые плиты, что прислоненые стоят по стенам, а снимки не Панорама, но они Перекрывают друг друга, и по ним можно понять: Где находились: плиты и доски от погребальной сени, и саркофаг. Этого НЕТ В ОПИСАНИИ! У Девиса все же надо уточнить! И я нашел 5-6 вариантов ящика- погребальной сени, но они не очень похожи! Есть схожесть с такими же ящиками погребальной сени Тутанхамона, именно по Рисунку, и канону тогда, МОЛЯЩИМСЯ СОЛНЕЧНОМУ ДИСКУ!
..что то тихо в гробнице? Нет шума, анекдотов! А, ученый и МНС Чапаев составляет чертеж помещения?.......Пора, Пора!!.................................................021/ 020-23. ART of DECODING.
DETECTIVE ALMOST HISTORY........... Translation on English below.
... CHAPTER 2! a CONSEQUENCE ON ГРОБНИЦЕ CONDUCT?!! Figure 20, 17, 18 and so on /,
.... I already seem wrote, that in the domestic literature, at me about tens books will be typed(collected), where write so from 1990, that on a Certain plate there is an image, / I have Portrayals /  it seems Аменхотепа 4, that sits on a throne and number(line), to Certain attributes well, Breast, it is the woman! That is the Successor, on a throne, but not the son, namely daughter, or girl, so will be exacter! I Well am guided approximately in 30 photos, that the photographer has made in гробнице,, how there began to assort and to describe things, and subjects, and these конопы, chose nevertheless Девис, the photo seems, for this to me. By everything, it Кал лаж, that is Spread out on a little table 4 photos of sculptural covers! Itself ridiculously, I even one month back, how All up to me, and 115 years considered(counted), what it is the certain Average portrait of a female head? And, as considered(counted) Девис- a portrait empress Тии.
As has written in the book Potrrait Queen Tyji- a portrait empress, Тии!! Етить! Yes here One precisely man's Image, and second, that on the right, under doubt!
 I can tell, that it is the special Type of the person, in which the man's and female attributes are combined! But if the young women, Рядятся on wedding, trying on a cap antiquated, and drawing itself a moustache, then the Top illumination has given a Shadow below than chin, and before you the Man, and is possible age to expand from 30- to 40 years! A beard старит! And would consider(count), that it is a portrait of King Тея and Тии, if, thank Девису and photographer, that отщелкали on each head up to ten Kinds, unless, that from a nape did not remove! This " a photo session began that four covers are removed(taken off) in Фас! " Most likely are separate photos, that have inserted into a sheet at a set of the book, then the quantity(amount) Отдельныз of snapshots can pass and for forty! And, comparing them with kinds from sides, it is possible, but it is necessary to the Expert to compare the Form of skulls of Four relatives! With a side they almost, their contours ARE NOT DISTINCT! And if so the Triangle on a nose goes a contour at Тутанхамона, then are the relatives! Then it is not especially interesting, who his(its) mother, but is the Special features, that us, me, and All people роднят! It Мимика! Is Severe лицн, Глуповатое, Clever and is IRONIC! It Can be transferred from the Mother, then, for this purpose, and I have given names the aunt Мона Елизавета! That is Мона- Лиза with a smile on тысячелетия on the person! As at yes, Винчи! Mood here is precisely seized, and a certain Irony is latent at this aunt, can and not the mothers, and for example of summary sister! / here at the left uncle Аджат or aunt Агата, and aunt Рошель on the right / . It not the essence is important, but the person Тутанхамона Узнаваемо, and has Characteristic features, except for Уляыбки, and portrait features of his(its) head! The triangular person, is just similar, look 15- 20 рисункаи with Моной- Елизаветой, that as two drops __ Моника Гасан Бей- plough Ахмед ханум, well and names - on просту-Ахмеда - ханум 45 nieces, on пра, пра, бабке 45 times from 3-4 women! Here Riddle that Выйдя in marriage in 13- 18 years EVERYONE COULD? To have the son Тутанхамона! And all of them the Relatives, at all Непохожести at them a general(common) ancestor, empress Тии = look its(her) portrait, and it(her) the artist specially has given out not White, but Dark piece of Alabaster! I do not know a material, but it that that of a striped marble, likely!
The variant, but is indemonstrable on a portrait, certainly it is the aunt Агата at the left, by the form sideways, but There could be its(her) brother or summary brother on a name Агат, and could Having mixed Man's and Female features the carver to make it Intentionally! That is here can, and not 4, and 5!! Portraits! Anyway, you already are as ВЫГЛЯДИЛИ the members клана Аменхотеп 3, 4, and empress Тии. And it is not necessary does not need in Genetic examination a body is processed and very strongly at бальзамировании! Anybody on 100 % will not believe Only in the analysis ДНК! Especially there is no 100 % of binding, that it we shall tell, our aunt Агата and undertakes its(her) slice of a tooth for the analysis on Relationship! In гробнице there can be mummies of the Casual persons, from other family! And, Command Precisely can know, that did(made) перезахоронение, or that that Erasing, where that in What that папирусе has written! And if we shall find a slice папируса, that in 1423 Тутанхамон was transferred in present гробницу- where a guarantee, that it(him) ten times not ПЕРЕЗАХОРАНИВАЛИ, hiding from the robbers! Probably as also are devoted to this "deletings", and in гробнице Тии, and in a hiding place in ten meters the ring / as a sign, засечка on a tree some kind of / with картушем Тутанхамона Is not casually left!
Also that is important they in one place, and as though with what that by a Plot are connected! If these covers were in Others гробницах, the reliability of a certain secret would be 1/ 5, and here 100 %!
- And that our heroes! And whether it is time Максу, even to give Provisional Arrangement of all plates, from what will begin everyone, the Respecting detective, studying business, TO WHICH we shall count from 1325 Тутанхамона- 3345 years in гробнице have carried in ashes and down and перья, погребальную сень, and there is a photo from 1906, whole three! From what the detective, берясь for such investigation will begin.
- Let, that was drunk, but his(its) camera is not drunk, and so Points of shooting there were two, and one chamber the Focus put, almost Sowing on a niche, with конопами, as here all is filled up with stones and plaster, that can, was Intentionally and Отбита from walls, and can, and itself has felled! There is also certain Board on a floor, that will connect three snapshots, and it is not clear yet in what corner stood саркофаг, that can, was and on an Initial place, and can it(him) and have dragged, as it(he) on a snapshot BUTT-JOINT With ONE WALL! Look a photo in the beginning of the chapter!
- But as a Portrayal here is necessary, while consider(examine) Old, as the world dodge, when it is possible to make figure or portrait, as here, and floor will not define(determine)! So Монументальные of a sculpture, for example Екатерины Great смаивают on the fighter сумо, massive жуть! The woman is not felt in shape hung on 3 meter height изваяния! And Петр- р- р Пер - р-вый had видок in a sculpture. Not for over sensitive Focus!
And, author, nevertheless carver, and wind can, differently without a Riddle and will not sell a thing!
It is necessary to move certain results! ....................................... And so, it is necessary always to go by a Parallel way to  that is now accepted! The analysis on ДНК, then was not developed yet, and it(he) not always to me, at least, доказуем! Here there are a lot of Marks?? Questions! I did(made) the link from it seems, 2010, after known, likely of Advertising film, there is in the Internet, " a Secret of destruction of a dynasty " where then the Minister of Antiquities Закки Аваасс, resulted the data and, likely, on 100 microphones at it(him)! I not in a subject, but in what that гробнице two mummies are found! Them why that attribute Нефертии, and probably Тии- write: old and Jung-old and young lady! That is Precisely not knowing, that it they Like would receive Similarity under the test ДНК! It as in show about certain амурные of business, when the relationship подросшего of a smoke is defined(determined) on wadded there to doughnut! Here It is possible to you powder with powder from the screen! Мазок will give that you ел in dinner a horse-radish with редькой! As a matter of fact, it is necessary to go to зубняку, and to drill a Healthy tooth, as there is пульпа inside, and it is the purest(cleanest) material, and can and be kept ДНК and in teeth, like chemicals there WOULD NOT WILL PENETRATE, at мумификации! That is disputable, recollect, that gets up to your tooth and advertising: - чо! Do not feel? Clean Лаколютой- by paste! And if by this Лаколютой also cleaned then? That then is checked! Лакалюта paste! There is an Argument, I looked as as film of the known professor from Russia, that there there is a lot of нестыковок under the form of a skull!
Вернусь to the report of WOUNDS of RUSSIA, and on this film of the American director! They in accuracy Having described film, also order Investigation, or have made a conclusion, that it Сменхакр! Again - twenty five! I for one year. Перелопатив about One hundred books, where our mummy was mentioned has found about Сменхакре, that it(he) Was! Further fog, whose it(he) the daddy, mum the son, whether and was related to Тутанхамоном! But in the report of WOUNDS of Russia there was a Rational Grain it is the Form of a skull! I NOT the EXPERT, but form Варируется even at the members of family! There was сравнеие Тутанхамона- it(he) in гробнице and skull from гробницы Кв 55. Also have found Many concurrences: as on конечностям, грудной to a crate, and main on skulls them. The skull consists from Several Large костей, that as a skeleton Are going in a Skull! Obverse, lateral and top костей! And it will give the Flat person китайца, or Japanese, or Convex, round person of the European. The names of types of skulls on Three, four костям of a skull, instead of ON ALL skull individually for each race! Here there is a Photo of sculptures from covers! At the front view they are not so similar, but a side view, Lateral кости give an Identical side view! A thank nevertheless - Девису! These Variants, the kinds of snapshots have given, itself saw - Different portraits!! Well we AS LEARN(FIND OUT) THAT of the PEOPLE, IF NOT With " БОДУНА!?
Here it is necessary to note Identical plates, that прислоненые cost(stand) on walls, and snapshots not a Panorama, but they Block each other, and on them it is possible to understand: Where were: plates and boards from погребальной сени, and саркофаг. It IS NOT PRESENT In the DESCRIPTION! At Девиса nevertheless it is necessary to specify! And I have found 5-6 variants of a box погребальной сени, but they are not so similar! There is a similarity with the same boxes погребальной сени Тутанхамона, on Figure, and canon then, ASKED to a SOLAR DISK!
.. What that is silent in гробнице? There is no noise, jokes! And, the scientist and МНС Чапаев makes the drawing of a premise(room)?....... It is time, It is time!! ........................ 021/ 23 .........................................

SikretBook Видимо Этими песнями Чапаев получил Секретный альбом, то есть с Семейными фотографиямт от Монны- Елизаветы, Урожденной паша Ахмед –ханум Бей, 45 внучатой племянницы от Нефертиьти, и Аменхотепа 4-Ехнатона.
Закружатся разлука и печаль................................ C-G7_C
В осеннем дне, холодном и дождливом.................C-G7_C
Мне прошлого ни капельки не жаль.....................C_G7_C
Я в нём жила и в нём была счастливой.________C_F_G7_C

Давай разделим осень на двоих
И на двоих разделим боль разлуки, ........................C_G7_C
Как раньше мы делили счастья миг,.......................C_F_C
Как раньше всё делили мы друг с другом...............C_G7_C

Давай разделим осень на двоих...................C_F_G7_C
В последний раз с тобою мы станцуем. ....как 1 куплет!
Горчат разлукой на губах моих
Печальные, как осень, поцелуи.
Давай разделим осень на двоих...
А ты...а я...Вторая песня Чапая.
 ......Ко мне придёшь ты на закате, С__F_C
Я на крылечке подожду..............C_F_C
Наброшу шаль на зелень платья,...C_F_C
Дивясь, на полную луну.....................C_F_C
......Пойдём мы в сад. Средь яблонь сонных,, так до конца
Не при свечах, а у костра,
Бокалы чуть вином наполним,
Густым и красным, как заря.
......В подол нарву я яблок спелых,
Одно отдам тебе без слов,
Прижмусь к плечу, потом посмею
Спеть песню, про свою любовь.
.......Кто знает,  может и станцую,
Разгорячась, как пламя вдруг…
Ты заключИшь меня… такую,
В кольцо родных до боли рук.
..........Я  расцвету в твоих обьятьях,
Ты будешь смел, а поутру,
На мне,  поправив, нежно платье,
Шепнёшь на ушко: "Мы в Раю…"
 Наталья Днепровская
Давай разделим осень на двоих
И отопьём из общего бокала.
Не говори, что любишь, промолчи.
Ты всё давно сказал и я сказала.
Закружатся разлука и печаль
В осеннем дне, холодном и дождливом.
Мне прошлого ни капельки не жаль.
Я в нём жила и в нём была счастливой.
Давай разделим осень на двоих
И на двоих разделим боль разлуки,
Как раньше мы делили счастья миг,
Как раньше всё делили мы друг с другом.
Давай разделим осень на двоих.
В последний раз с тобою мы станцуем.
Горчат разлукой на губах моих
Печальные, как осень, поцелуи.
Давай разделим осень на двоих...
© Copyright: Наталья Днепровская, 2016
....по размокшей от дождей дороге, скользя и спотыкаясь Чапай спешил к гробнице царицы Тии, прижимая у могучей груди Семейный альбом! В гробнице мелькал огонек свечи, у проема маячила до боли знавкомая фигур! Автор, ты кого еще притащищь в свое повествование, и как там у Галкинга с планом помещения, что от него нет весточек?
P/s. Кажется Чапаев встречался и с матерью Тутанхамона, то есть его родней в 46 поколении, Моной-Елизаветой! Но пока вопро?: - а, кто Отец Тутанхамона?, может ответ в заветном альбоме в сафьяновом переплете, или – бархатном? А, Время Покажет, и поверь—много чего еще Вас ждет впереди. Пока “ прощелкай по порядку портреты, и поищи Фамильное сходство!
Древнее 23.....................................!
P/s. Я должен дать некое пояснение именно нашим Российским публикациям. Я уже писал, что обычному человеку, так и задумано- и, Петр 1 в Ленинграде покажется кем то свирепым! Но есть и той эпохи скульптуры, что украшают в том же Летнем саду Ленинграда аллеи. И, милые трогательные амурчики! То есть это идет с древних времен! Но именно в Амарнский период было проникновение нового во всех областях искусства, то, как сделан Фараон, и бог Ра Аменхотеп 4 в храме, и то как в семейной усыпальнице- это и небо и земля! Есть несколько реалистических портрета, что найдены в мастерской очень талантливого скульптора- Тутемаса кажется, что делал скульптурные портреты Нефертити и Аменхотепа-4. Это по сути Фотографии, и они есть в Интернет! А в нашей СССР, и современной Росссии Гротескное, или Официальное лицо воспринимают как Портрее!
....................................Как выглядел Аменхотеп 4, Эхнатон, как человек?..............................
019-23. ART of DECODING.
DETECTIVE ALMOST HISTORY........... Translation on English below.
... CHAPTER 2! a CONSEQUENCE ON ГРОБНИЦЕ CONDUCT?!! Figure 19, 17, 18 and so on /,
.... I already seem wrote, that in the domestic literature, at me about tens books will be typed(collected), where write so from 1990, that on a Certain plate there is an image, / I have Portrayals /  it seems Аменхотепа 4, that sits on a throne and number(line), to Certain attributes well, Breast, it is the woman! That is the Successor, on a throne, but not the son, namely daughter, or girl, so will be exacter! I Well am guided approximately in 30 photos, that the photographer has made in гробнице,, how there began to assort and to describe things, and subjects, and these конопы, chose nevertheless Девис, the photo seems, for this to me. By everything, it Кал лаж, that is Spread out on a little table 4 photos of sculptural covers! Itself ridiculously, I even one month back, how All up to me, and 115 years considered(counted), what it is the certain Average portrait of a female head? And, as considered(counted) Девис- a portrait empress Тии.
As has written in the book Potrrait Queen Tyji- a portrait empress, Тии!! Етить! Yes here One precisely man's Image, and second, that on the right, under doubt! / the following file, and here Smile Монны- Лизы, that lived 3000 years back! /
 I can tell, that it is the special Type of the person, in which the man's and female attributes are combined! But if the young women, Рядятся on wedding, trying on a cap antiquated, and drawing itself a moustache, then the Top illumination has given a Shadow below than chin, and before you the Man, and is possible age to expand from 30- to 40 years! A beard старит! And would consider(count), that it is a portrait of King Тея and Тии, if, thank Девису and photographer, that отщелкали on each head up to ten Kinds, unless, that from a nape did not remove! This " a photo session began that four covers are removed(taken off) in Фас! " Most likely are separate photos, that have inserted into a sheet at a set of the book, then the quantity(amount) Отдельныз of snapshots can pass and for forty! And, comparing them with kinds from sides, it is possible, but it is necessary to the Expert to compare the Form of skulls of Four relatives! With a side they almost, their contours ARE NOT DISTINCT! And if so the Triangle on a nose goes a contour at Тутанхамона, then are the relatives! Then it is not especially interesting, who his(its) mother, but is the Special features, that us, me, and All people роднят! It Мимика! Is Severe лицн, Глуповатое, Clever and is IRONIC! It Can be transferred from the Mother, then, for this purpose, and I have given names the aunt Мона Елизавета! That is Мона- Лиза with a smile on тысячелетия on the person! As at yes, Винчи! Mood here is precisely seized, and a certain Irony is latent at this aunt, can: and not the mothers, and for example of summary sister! / here at the left uncle Аджат or aunt Агата, and aunt Рошель on the right / . The author has confused with the following figure? /it not the essence is important, but the person Тутанхамона Узнаваемо, and has Characteristic features, except for Уляыбки, and portrait features of his(its) head! The triangular person, is just similar, look 15- 20 рисункаи with Моной- Елизаветой, that as two drops __ Моника Гасан Бей- plough Ахмед -ханум, well and names - on просту-Ахмеда - ханум 45 nieces, on пра, пра, бабке 45 times from 3-4 women! Here Riddle that Выйдя in marriage in 13- 18 years EVERYONE COULD? To have the son Тутанхамона! And all of them the Relatives, at all Непохожести at them a general(common) ancestor, empress Тии = look its(her) portrait, and it(her) the artist specially has given out not White, but Dark piece of Alabaster! I do not know a material, but it that that of a striped marble, likely!
The variant, but is indemonstrable on a portrait, certainly it is the aunt Агата at the left, by the form sideways, but There could be its(her) brother or summary brother on a name Агат, and could Having mixed Man's and Female features the carver to make it Intentionally! That is here can, and not 4, and 5!! Portraits! Anyway, you already are as ВЫГЛЯДИЛИ the members клана Аменхотеп 3, 4, and empress Тии. And it is not necessary does not need in Genetic examination a body is processed and very strongly at бальзамировании! Anybody on 100 % will not believe Only in the analysis ДНК! Especially there is no 100 % of binding, that it we shall tell, our aunt Агата and undertakes its(her) slice of a tooth for the analysis on Relationship! In гробнице there can be mummies of the Casual persons, from other family! And, Command Precisely can know, that did(made) перезахоронение, or that that Erasing, where that in What that папирусе has written! And if we shall find a slice папируса, that in 1423 Тутанхамон was transferred in present гробницу- where a guarantee, that it(him) ten times not ПЕРЕЗАХОРАНИВАЛИ, hiding from the robbers! Probably as also are devoted to this "deletings", and in гробнице Тии, and in a hiding place in ten meters the ring / as a sign, засечка on a tree some kind of / with картушем Тутанхамона Is not casually left!
Also that is important they in one place, and as though with what that by a Plot are connected! If these covers were in Others гробницах, the reliability of a certain secret would be 1/ 5, and here 100 %!
- And that our heroes! And whether it is time Максу, even to give Provisional Arrangement of all plates, from what will begin everyone, the Respecting detective, studying business, TO WHICH we shall count from 1325 Тутанхамона- 3345 years in гробнице have carried in ashes and down and перья, погребальную сень, and there is a photo from 1906, whole three! From what the detective, берясь for such investigation will begin.
- Let, that was drunk, but his(its) camera is not drunk, and so Points of shooting there were two, and one chamber the Focus put, almost Sowing on a niche, with конопами, as here all is filled up with stones and plaster, that can, was Intentionally and Отбита from walls, and can, and itself has felled! There is also certain Board on a floor, that will connect three snapshots, and it is not clear yet in what corner stood саркофаг, that can, was and on an Initial place, and can it(him) and have dragged, as it(he) on a snapshot BUTT-JOINT With ONE WALL! Look a photo in the beginning of the chapter!
- But as a Portrayal here is necessary, while consider(examine) Old, as the world dodge, when it is possible to make figure or portrait, as here, and floor will not define(determine)! So Монументальные of a sculpture, for example Екатерины Great смаивают on the fighter сумо, massive жуть! The woman is not felt in shape hung on 3 meter height изваяния! And Петр- р- р Пер - р-вый had видок in a sculpture. Not for over sensitive Focus!
And, author, nevertheless carver, and wind can, differently without a Riddle and will not sell a thing!
It is necessary to move certain results! ....................................... And so, it is necessary always to go by a Parallel way to  that is now accepted! The analysis on ДНК, then was not developed yet, and it(he) not always to me, at least, доказуем! Here there are a lot of Marks?? Questions! I did(made) the link from it seems, 2010, after known, likely of Advertising film, there is in the Internet, " a Secret of destruction of a dynasty " where then the Minister of Antiquities Закки Аваасс, resulted the data and, likely, on 100 microphones at it(him)! I not in a subject, but in what that гробнице two mummies are found! Them why that attribute Нефертии, and probably Тии- write: old and Jung-old and young lady! That is Precisely not knowing, that it they Like would receive Similarity under the test ДНК! It as in show about certain амурные of business, when the relationship подросшего of a smoke is defined(determined) on wadded there to doughnut! Here It is possible to you powder with powder from the screen! Мазок will give that you ел in dinner a horse-radish with редькой! As a matter of fact, it is necessary to go to зубняку, and to drill a Healthy tooth, as there is пульпа inside, and it is the purest(cleanest) material, and can and be kept ДНК and in teeth, like chemicals there WOULD NOT WILL PENETRATE, at мумификации! That is disputable, recollect, that gets up to your tooth and advertising: - чо! Do not feel? Clean Лаколютой- by paste! And if by this Лаколютой also cleaned then? That then is checked! Лакалюта paste! There is an Argument, I looked as as film of the known professor from Russia, that there there is a lot of нестыковок under the form of a skull!
Вернусь to the report of WOUNDS of RUSSIA, and on this film of the American director! They in accuracy Having described film, also order Investigation, or have made a conclusion, that it Сменхакр! Again - twenty five! I for one year. Перелопатив about One hundred books, where our mummy was mentioned has found about Сменхакре, that it(he) Was! Further fog, whose it(he) the daddy, mum the son, whether and was related to Тутанхамоном! But in the report of WOUNDS of Russia there was a Rational Grain it is the Form of a skull! I NOT the EXPERT, but form Варируется even at the members of family! There was сравнеие Тутанхамона- it(he) in гробнице and skull from гробницы Кв 55. Also have found Many concurrences: as on конечностям, грудной to a crate, and main on skulls them. The skull consists from Several Large костей, that as a skeleton Are going in a Skull! Obverse, lateral and top костей! And it will give the Flat person китайца, or Japanese, or Convex, round person of the European. The names of types of skulls on Three, four костям of a skull, instead of ON ALL skull individually for each race! Here there is a Photo of sculptures from covers! At the front view they are not so similar, but a side view, Lateral кости give an Identical side view! A thank nevertheless - Девису! These Variants, the kinds of snapshots have given, itself saw - Different portraits!! Well we AS LEARN(FIND OUT) THAT of the PEOPLE, IF NOT With " БОДУНА!?
Here it is necessary to note Identical plates, that прислоненые cost(stand) on walls, and snapshots not a Panorama, but they Block each other, and on them it is possible to understand: Where were: plates and boards from погребальной сени, and саркофаг. It IS NOT PRESENT In the DESCRIPTION! At Девиса nevertheless it is necessary to specify! And I have found 5-6 variants of a box погребальной сени, but they are not so similar! There is a similarity with the same boxes погребальной сени Тутанхамона, on Figure, and canon then, ASKED to a SOLAR DISK!
.. What that is silent in гробнице? There is no noise, jokes! And, the scientist and МНС Чапаев makes the drawing of a premise(room)?....... It is time, It is time!! ................................................. 021/ 23 020-23. ART of DECODING.
DETECTIVE ALMOST HISTORY........... Translation on English below.
... CHAPTER 2! a CONSEQUENCE ON ГРОБНИЦЕ CONDUCT?!! Figure 20, 17, 18 and so on /,
.... I already seem wrote, that in the domestic literature, at me about tens books will be typed (collected), where write so from 1990, that on a Certain plate there is an image, / I have Portrayals / it seems Аменхотепа 4, that sits on a throne and number (line), to Certain attributes well, Breast, it is the woman! That is the Successor, on a throne, but not the son, namely daughter, or girl, so will be exacter! I Well am guided approximately in 30 photos, that the photographer has made in гробнице, how there began to assort and to describe things, and subjects, and these конопы, chose nevertheless Девис, the photo seems, for this to me. By everything, it Кал лаж, that is Spread out on a little table 4 photos of sculptural covers! Itself ridiculously, I even one month back, how All up to me, and 115 years considered (counted), what it is the certain Average portrait of a female head? And, as considered (counted) Девис- a portrait empress Тии.
As has written in the book Potrrait Queen Tyji- a portrait empress, Тии!! Етить! Yes here One precisely man's Image, and second, that on the right, under doubt!
 I can tell, that it is the special Type of the person, in which the man's and female attributes are combined! But if the young women, Рядятся on wedding, trying on a cap antiquated, and drawing itself a moustache, then the Top illumination has given a Shadow below than chin, and before you the Man, and is possible age to expand from 30- to 40 years! A beard старит! And would consider (count), that it is a portrait of King Тея and Тии, if, thank Девису and photographer, that отщелкали on each head up to ten Kinds, unless, that from a nape did not remove! This " a photo session began that four covers are removed (taken off) in Фас! " Most likely are separate photos, that have inserted into a sheet at a set of the book, then the quantity (amount) Отдельныз of snapshots can pass and for forty! And, comparing them with kinds from sides, it is possible, but it is necessary to the Expert to compare the Form of skulls of Four relatives! With a side they almost, their contours ARE NOT DISTINCT! And if so the Triangle on a nose goes a contour at Тутанхамона, then are the relatives! Then it is not especially interesting, who his (its) mother, but is the Special features, that us, me, and All people роднят! It Мимика! Is Severe лицн, Глуповатое, Clever and is IRONIC! It Can be transferred from the Mother, then, for this purpose, and I have given names the aunt Мона Елизавета! That is Мона- Лиза with a smile on тысячелетия on the person! As at yes, Винчи! Mood here is precisely seized, and a certain Irony is latent at this aunt, can and not the mothers, and for example of summary sister! / here at the left uncle Аджат or aunt Агата, and aunt Рошель on the right /. It not the essence is important, but the person Тутанхамона Узнаваемо, and has Characteristic features, except for Уляыбки, and portrait features of his (its) head! The triangular person, is just similar, look 15- 20 рисункаи with Моной- Елизаветой, that as two drops __ Моника Гасан Бей- plough Ахмед ханум, well and names - on просту-Ахмеда - ханум 45 nieces, on пра, пра, бабке 45 times from 3-4 women! Here Riddle that Выйдя in marriage in 13- 18 years EVERYONE COULD? To have the son Тутанхамона! And all of them the Relatives, at all Непохожести at them a general (common) ancestor, empress Тии = look its (her) portrait, and it (her) the artist specially has given out not White, but Dark piece of Alabaster! I do not know a material, but it that that of a striped marble, likely!
The variant, but is indemonstrable on a portrait, certainly it is the aunt Агата at the left, by the form sideways, but There could be its (her) brother or summary brother on a name Агат, and could Having mixed Man's and Female features the carver to make it Intentionally! That is here can, and not 4, and 5!! Portraits! Anyway, you already are as ВЫГЛЯДИЛИ the members клана Аменхотеп 3, 4, and empress Тии. And it is not necessary does not need in Genetic examination a body is processed and very strongly at бальзамировании! Anybody on 100 % will not believe Only in the analysis ДНК! Especially there is no 100 % of binding, that it we shall tell, our aunt Агата and undertakes its (her) slice of a tooth for the analysis on Relationship! In гробнице there can be mummies of the Casual persons, from other family! And, Command Precisely can know, that did (made) перезахоронение, or that that Erasing, where that in What that папирусе has written! And if we shall find a slice папируса, that in 1423 Тутанхамон was transferred in present гробницу- where a guarantee, that it (him) ten times not ПЕРЕЗАХОРАНИВАЛИ, hiding from the robbers! Probably as also are devoted to this "deletings", and in гробнице Тии, and in a hiding place in ten meters the ring / as a sign, засечка on a tree some kind of / with картушем Тутанхамона Is not casually left!
Also that is important they in one place, and as though with what that by a Plot are connected! If these covers were in Others гробницах, the reliability of a certain secret would be 1/ 5, and here 100 %!
- And that our heroes! And whether it is time Максу, even to give Provisional Arrangement of all plates, from what will begin everyone, the Respecting detective, studying business, TO WHICH we shall count from 1325 Тутанхамона- 3345 years in гробнице have carried in ashes and down and перья, погребальную сень, and there is a photo from 1906, whole three! From what the detective, берясь for such investigation will begin.
- Let, that was drunk, but his (its) camera is not drunk, and so Points of shooting there were two, and one chamber the Focus put, almost Sowing on a niche, with конопами, as here all is filled up with stones and plaster, that can, was Intentionally and Отбита from walls, and can, and itself has felled! There is also certain Board on a floor, that will connect three snapshots, and it is not clear yet in what corner stood саркофаг, that can, was and on an Initial place, and can it (him) and have dragged, as it (he) on a snapshot BUTT-JOINT With ONE WALL! Look a photo in the beginning of the chapter!
- But as a Portrayal here is necessary, while consider (examine) Old, as the world dodge, when it is possible to make figure or portrait, as here, and floor will not define (determine)! So Монументальные of a sculpture, for example Екатерины Great смаивают on the fighter сумо, massive жуть! The woman is not felt in shape hung on 3 meter height изваяния! And Петр- р- р Пер - р-вый had видок in a sculpture. Not for over sensitive Focus!
And, author, nevertheless carver, and wind can, differently without a Riddle and will not sell a thing!
It is necessary to move certain results!....................................... And so, it is necessary always to go by a Parallel way to that is now accepted! The analysis on ДНК, then was not developed yet, and it (he) not always to me, at least, доказуем! Here there are a lot of Marks?? Questions! I did (made) the link from it seems, 2010, after known, likely of Advertising film, there is in the Internet, " a Secret of destruction of a dynasty " where then the Minister of Antiquities Закки Аваасс, resulted the data and, likely, on 100 microphones at it (him)! I not in a subject, but in what that гробнице two mummies are found! Them why that attribute Нефертии, and probably Тии- write: old and Jung-old and young lady! That is Precisely not knowing, that it they Like would receive Similarity under the test ДНК! It as in show about certain амурные of business, when the relationship подросшего of a smoke is defined (determined) on wadded there to doughnut! Here It is possible to you powder with powder from the screen! Мазок will give that you ел in dinner a horse-radish with редькой! As a matter of fact, it is necessary to go to зубняку, and to drill a Healthy tooth, as there is пульпа inside, and it is the purest (cleanest) material, and can and be kept ДНК and in teeth, like chemicals there WOULD NOT WILL PENETRATE, at мумификации! That is disputable, recollect, that gets up to your tooth and advertising: - чо! Do not feel? Clean Лаколютой- by paste! And if by this Лаколютой also cleaned then? That then is checked! Лакалюта paste! There is an Argument, I looked as as film of the known professor from Russia, that there there is a lot of нестыковок under the form of a skull!
Вернусь to the report of WOUNDS of RUSSIA, and on this film of the American director! They in accuracy Having described film, also order Investigation, or have made a conclusion, that it Сменхакр! Again - twenty five! I for one year. Перелопатив about One hundred books, where our mummy was mentioned has found about Сменхакре, that it (he) Was! Further fog, whose it (he) the daddy, mum the son, whether and was related to Тутанхамоном! But in the report of WOUNDS of Russia there was a Rational Grain it is the Form of a skull! I NOT the EXPERT, but form Варируется even at the members of family! There was сравнеие Тутанхамона- it (he) in гробнице and skull from гробницы Кв 55. Also have found Many concurrences: as on конечностям, грудной to a crate, and main on skulls them. The skull consists from Several Large костей, that as a skeleton Are going in a Skull! Obverse, lateral and top костей! And it will give the Flat person китайца, or Japanese, or Convex, round person of the European. The names of types of skulls on Three, four костям of a skull, instead of ON ALL skull individually for each race! Here there is a Photo of sculptures from covers! At the front view they are not so similar, but a side view, Lateral кости give an Identical side view! A thank nevertheless - Девису! These Variants, the kinds of snapshots have given, itself saw - Different portraits!! Well we AS LEARN (FIND OUT) THAT of the PEOPLE, IF NOT With " БОДУНА!?
Here it is necessary to note Identical plates, that прислоненые cost (stand) on walls, and snapshots not a Panorama, but they Block each other, and on them it is possible to understand: Where were: plates and boards from погребальной сени, and саркофаг. It IS NOT PRESENT In the DESCRIPTION! At Девиса nevertheless it is necessary to specify! And I have found 5-6 variants of a box погребальной сени, but they are not so similar! There is a similarity with the same boxes погребальной сени Тутанхамона, on Figure, and canon then, ASKED to a SOLAR DISK!
.. What that is silent in гробнице? There is no noise, jokes! And, the scientist and МНС Чапаев makes the drawing of a premise (room)?....... It is time, It is time!!........................ 021/ 23 .........................................
....................................... ....................................... ....................................... SikretBook Probably by These songs Чапаев has received a Confidential album, that is with Family фотографиямт from Монны- Елизаветы, Nee паша Ахмед -ханум Бей, 45 grand nieces from Нефертиьти, and Аменхотепа 4-Ехнатона.
Will be begun to whirl separation and grief................................ C-G7_C
In autumn day, cold and rainy................. C-G7_C
Of past капельки it is not a pity..................... C_G7_C
I in it(him) lived and in it(him) was happy. ________ C_F_G7_C

Let's divide(share) autumn into a two
....................................... .....................................................
And into a two we shall divide(share) a pain of separation........................ C_G7_C
As earlier we divided of happiness an instant....................... C_F_C
As earlier вс ё we divided with each other............... C_G7_C

Let's divide(share) autumn into a two................... C_F_G7_C
....................................... Last time with you we shall dance..... As 1 куплет!
Taste bitter by separation on lips mine
Sad, as autumn, kisses.
Let's divide(share) autumn into a two...
And you... And I... The second song Чапая.
 ...... To me придёшь you on закате, With __ F_C
I on крылечке shall wait.............. C_F_C
I shall throw a shawl over greens of a dress... C_F_C
Дивясь, on the complete moon..................... C_F_C
...... There will be we to a garden. Средь яблонь sleepy, so up to the end
Not at candles, and at a fire,
Glasses hardly вином we shall fill,
Rich and red, as заря.
...... In подол Narva I of apples ripe,
One отдам to you without words,
I shall be pressed to a shoulder, then I shall dare
To sing a song, about the love.
....... Who knows, can and I shall dance,
Разгорячась, as a flame suddenly...
You заключИшь me... Such,
In a ring native up to a pain of hands.
.......... I расцвету in yours обьятьях,
You will be courageous, and поутру,
On me, having corrected, the dress is gentle,
Шепнёшь on ушко: " we in Paradise... "
 Наталья Днепровская
Let's divide(share) autumn into a two
And отопьём from a general(common) glass.
Do not speak, that love, keep silent.
You вс ё for a long time have told also I has told.
Will be begun to whirl separation and grief
In autumn day, cold and rainy.
Of past капельки it is not a pity.
I in it(him) lived and in it(him) was happy.
Let's divide(share) autumn into a two
And into a two we shall divide(share) a pain of separation,
As earlier we divided of happiness an instant,
As earlier вс ё we divided with each other.
Let's divide(share) autumn into a two.
Last time with you we shall dance.
Taste bitter by separation on lips mine
Sad, as autumn, kisses.
Let's divide(share) autumn into a two...
(c) Copyright: Наталья Днепровская, 2016
.... On размокшей from rains to a road, sliding and спотыкаясь Чапай hastened to гробнице empress Тии, pressing at a mighty breast a Family album! In гробнице flashed огонек of a candle, at an aperture маячила up to a pain знавкомая of figures! The author, you whom else притащищь in the narration, and how there at Галкинга with the plan of a premise(room), what from him(it) is not present весточек?
P/s. It seems Чапаев met and the mother Тутанхамона, that is it(him) родней in 46 generation, Моной-Елизаветой! But while вопро?: - and, who the Father Тутанхамона?, the answer in a treasured album in morocco binding, or - velvet can? And, the Time Will show, and it is believe - many that else you waits ahead. While " прощелкай under the order for portraits, also look Фамильное similarity!
Ancient saying! 020/ 23.....................................!
P/s. I should give a certain explanatory to our Russian publications. I already wrote, that to the usual man, and conceived and, Петр 1 in Leningrad that will seem by whom furious! But is also of that epoch of a sculpture, that decorate in the same Years(summer) garden of Leningrad of avenue. And, lovely touching амурчики! That is it goes from ancient times! But in Амарнский the period was penetration of art, new in all areas,, how is made Фараон, and god Ра Аменхотеп 4 in a temple, and that as in family усыпальнице- it both sky and ground! There is some realistic portrait, that are found in workshop of the very talented sculptor Тутемаса it seems, that did(made) sculptural portraits Нефертити and Аменхотепа-4. It as a matter of fact Photos, and they are in the Internet! And in ours USSR, and modern Росссии Grotesque, or Official person perceive as Портрее!
.................................... As the man looked Аменхотеп 4, Эхнатон, how?..............................
