Senya and the movie theater. A story

Senya and the movie theater. A story.

The kids returned home from the cinema crying. There them were showed men with a penchant for violence, who did different emotional things.

Senya immediately went to the movie theater and bought a ticket for the corresponding film.

When the men appeared on the screen, whom the kids were talking about (after the returning from the cinema), Senya was commening aloud: "This issue is a matter of concern!"

Senya returned from the movie theater pleased. Surely there were spectators in the hall who knew who Senya was. These people will definitely tell other people about Senya's actions.

Kids, friends, all the inhabitants of the yard will treat Senya with even greater respect!

Senya does not intend to save money through avoiding a purchase of the tickets!

Senya is for culture and for kindness and for the kids not to cry!

October 28, 2020 05:56

Translation from Russian into English: October 28, 2020 06:30.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сеня и кинотеатр. Рассказ”.
