Trump s complete failure

Trump is a pure businessman-swindler, all his thinking from the age of 20 was one thing: how to make money as efficiently as possible.

He made all his billions on the GROWTH OF THE DENSITY OF MASSES in the MEGAPOLIS, which led the planet to an epidemic.

He is not a statesman to rule the planet's superpower.

The global epidemic is the result of his carelessness and irresponsibility.

All he did for these 4 years was printing trillions out of thin air, and increasing the density of megacities.

The president of such a superpower as the United States must foresee all the threats to the planet for a hundred years ahead, and not think all the time about how to multiply his billions.

Biden must immediately stop typing trillions out of thin air.

And to introduce a complete ban on megacities on buildings over 9 floors and an increase in the density of masses in megacities.

#trump #covid19 #electionusa
