
   I left a few hours earlier than usual.
Tomorrow, most likely, everyone would be surprised, because it was not typical for me.

   This time Oliver wasn’t there. Being a local party organizer he knew that not always does everything go according to the plan. People like parties and Oliver likes organizing them but more than that, he loved to change people’s lives for the best. Sometimes his advice worked, sometimes did not. But people love to ask him for advice. Sometimes even when they actually don’t need it.

   Was this time an exception? Everyone came to the conclusion that they learnt a lot from him,but it seemed it wasn’t so. The whole evening was like all those other nights that were organized as standard by those people who were not particularly interested in organizing anything. This time, Oliver would be very surprised how quickly people forgot the advice that he gave them.

   And what about me? At home, I filled my glass and went out on the balcony. Looking at the bright lights of the night city,I imagined these hundreds of lives that were over there in these houses in front of me.
I breathed in the frosty air and heard the monotonous hum of the street.
‘’The stars aren’t seen clearly in the city, are they, Oliver?’’ I asked knowing how meaningless it was.
I still had to return to my unusually empty apartment. I would like to say that I felt something, but it wasn’t so. I felt nothing or maybe I was just lying to myself already knowing that there was no perfect advice.
