Coffee Zen

Why live in the city where's no love?
Why have blood that doesn't boil
from your timid touches?
Why breathe if it does not stop
from your kisses cutting the morning
on strips "was-is-will be",
sprinkled with honey crystals,
stocked with hops and mint?
On the sheets crumpled by our flabby bodies,
you can read a saga in which life goes on endlessly.

- Do you drink beer?
- Yes. Why not?
- Is it possible for Buddhists to drink alcohol?
- Buddhists can even smoke expensive cigars and make love.
- I guess I don't understand anything.
- Sure. You do not understand anything. God love the truth.
- Is my austerity just nonsense?
- Not at all. It can be a good experience
  from which someone draws the right conclusions.
- And what conclusions are correct?
- Those who lead you on the path of Love.

I watch you sleep.
How you breathe childishly.
A grasshopper jumps incessantly
and the cricket sings.
The craven peels a nut.
The life and love exist forever
Wake up!
Your coffee is ready.

© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2020
