Why did Stalin make a woman a god in 1931?

This was the condition of Western banks for the USSR to receive loans.

Why did the banks need it? -

Banks need a demand for goods.

How is a woman arranged? - a woman's eyes shine at the sight of a shop window, a woman is ready to spend all the money in her pocket.

Baba closes in on everything that she sees and hears.

Maximum compliance to the minute.

The noise immunity of a woman is zero.

But the woman has the power and the family budget.

Banks need a woman to lock herself into shop windows and mannequins.

Baba lives one day received a salary and spent everything on clothes.

A woman has no life plan for 50-100 years.


Baba receives 1 million rubles a year.

Of these, she spends 24,000 rubles a year on kindergarten.

For your clothes 500,000 rubles a year.

Moreover, she is the head of the family (Stalin appointed in 1931) and her husband is obliged to hand over her salary.

Clothes for a maximum of a year, then a new fashion and again 500,000 unnecessary expenses a year.

What's the output? - the child is a moron, the return from him is zero, he has not made a career, he is in poverty at 50.

A woman in 60 years without money, a lonely divorcee keeps dogs from boredom.

Clothes did not help from poverty in old age.


Smart parents:

The power in the family belongs to the peasant, the woman is the housewife.

No clothes, no cars, they spend on private tutors for a child from 4-9 years old for 500,000 a year.

Gave a chess clock at the age of 5.

A child from 9 years old is an excellent student, has made a career, his parents are paid a pension of 100 thousand
