Capturing space - a method of destroying the USSR

The USSR-West party was won by the West in 1991.

The West used simple chess techniques, technologies.

Which is owned by any chess player of the 2nd category.

This is the seizure of space for a more comfortable positioning of their figures (NATO bases).

Method: advancing pawns, the goal of the method is to constrain the enemy in space.

First, the West solved the problem of seizing the space of the Warsaw Pact countries. Period 1980-1990.

The problem was successfully solved. Space was taken over with the help of Maidans and distraction for interference: rock, pop groups, clothes, fashion, films, and so on.

NATO bases are located.

Then they went further: the fragmentation of the USSR, the seizure of the republics of the USSR: the Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia.

The task was successfully solved in 1990-2013.

NATO bases are located.

The technique consists in the fact that if you have an advantage in space, then you do not need exchanges and captures of pieces (direct military invasion), you should use the PEDESTRIAN PROMOTION technique (MAIDANS + COLORED REVOLUTIONS + INTERFERENCE DISTRACTION)

Conversely, if you are cramped in space, then exchanges and capturing pieces are beneficial to you.

Conclusion: The Kremlin, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense should be invited to join the staff of grandmasters.


Teacher of the West


 In the opening ... you need to strive to create a good position for yourself,
rather than chasing material superiority

 In the opening stage ... it is more expedient to develop the knights first - so to speak,
for area reconnaissance.

 In the constrained position of the opponent, the attacker must avoid exchanges that free the enemy's play.

   The cramped position is the embryo of defeat.

   If a chess player won a losing game, we can say that he was lucky, but if he

     lost the winning one, then it is more appropriate to speak not of bad luck, but of inability.

   The knight on the edge of the board is always bad.

  It's not enough to be a good chess player; you also need to play well.

 Nothing can spoil your position so much and irreparably,
like pawn moves.

   There are no good or bad players. There are only good and bad moves

  One piece is bad - the whole game is bad.

   Mistakes are like misfortunes - they don't come alone.

   The curse of a bad move is that it brings in new evil.

  Opponents checkmate themselves. You just have to wait a little.

   The one who owns the center dictates the nature of the game.
