001 026. текст этой главы. a tree тутанхамона for

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The author has understood, that can get confused! As it(he) considers(counts), that all portraits in three гробницах:
The empresses Тии, Тутанхамона, both Юйи and Туйи have given many portraits, and they on Lines of relationship are difficult for reducing. On each portrait there were certain features, that were traced on two, three веткам of relationship. Besides all thoroughly was confused by(with) the Information! So the year back, under the report of WOUNDS of Russia / the valid report in Интерет exists /  the unknown mummy from гробницы empress Тии, that is sq. 55 - фараон Сменхакр appeared, that. Quite it(he) could and so look, that portrait, that with бородкой at the upper left, that is fixed фараону on a rank! That this ушебти from гробницы of the mother and father empress Тии, that Единственно is authentic - should not confuse, that there ушебти There is nobody фараона, as in гробницы put, is especial after robberies, subjects and portraits of the persons, that on the moment of a burial place Юйи and Туй were still alive.
Now I read the report, and behind the signature already именитых of the English scientists, and it is ordered to consider(count) as a mummy not Сменхакра, and Аменхотепа 4. That is фараона, that per 1400 ло Р.Х. Has cancelled hundreds gods, and has nominated one God Атона. All this so is foggy! And the author simply works in archives, that is the books, downloading with the Internet, and were begun by(with) I from the description of opening гробниц in the period from 1905 till 1922, when is open and гробница Тутанхамона. As in гробницах Тутанхамона, the empresses Тии, both Юйи and Туйй are buried the near relatives Аменхотепа 4, it is possible Comparing them on the Special features of the persons, to leave on a Line of Relationship: both to Аменхотепу 4, and to Тутанхамону. His(its) father and mother on today are unknown, as well as фараона Сменхакра, that corrected year, which consider(count) that as the son фараона, it is simple by the son - in - law who has been not connected is related with families Аменхотеп 3, and Аменхотепа 4. I for a long time have understood, that the Lack of the data is conducted to Переборам, by(with) who a mummy in гробнице sq. 55, and relationship almost all!
Is precisely known that empress Тии was the wife Аменхотепа 3. Its(her) father and mother were already mentioned Юйи and Туйи- of a not so high rank жрецы in a minor temple.
P/s. Not looking that they the relatives фараону, - in гробнице Юйи- are the father empress Тии is found колесницы of his(its) son - in - law фараона Аменхотепа 3, and it not all! Only in it(him) гробнице the buckets in quantity(amount) so, not less than Four complete sets are found Usual Коромысла, and copper, likely. That is, under the status, though it(he) and father empress, it(he) as a matter of fact, as was at a temple конюшенным, and after death him(it).
P/s2. And, at once arises, on саркофагам in гробнице of the mother and father empress certain Несхождение, that Is traced, and in гробнице Тутанхамона. Under the report Теодора Девиса, that has opened гробницу of the parents, and in couple of years in 1907 empress Тии is told:
-Ойю and Туйю, that is parents the empresses Тии are buried in Two coffins inserted one into one! On a two it is necessary thus Four антропоморфных, on a body of the man made саркофага. And at медика from the Egyptian museum, that examined mummies and gave the conclusions, Элиот Смит his(its) name in but in the book already Квибелла from 1910- " the Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu, гробница Юйю and Туйю " that this гробницу is written, bodies покоились, and in Second and Third саркофаге. That is it turns out, сакофагов there were 3 х 2 = 6 pieces. But not this most important. Девис, as against гробницы Sq. 55, has given a portrait of mummies Ойи and Туйи, as well as Квибелл, and they so with Skin covers in a museum of Cairo now.
P/s. Unknown фараон./ And вего with Боодками them not less than Four, who? /- in them гробнице? And I have understood, that it is necessary To unpack(print out) portraits in the size 6 Х 8 См, and to compare, the screen of the computer Is small! Differently in полусотне of portraits to not understand,! In the size they already are shown earlier........... @@..................
I shall continue that has not finished on Page 001!
I began the story about Нестыковках, Only logic, and in all reports is given, as I consider(count) Incorrect treatment, on masks.
 H/s. All Egyptians buried in саркофагах and мумифицировали, and all difference, is certainly banal in the price. The person, and frequently and top of a coffin closed by a mask, that the scientists do not argue was a Portrait of a mummy. But I have noticed, on гробнице of the Father and mother empress Тии, that masks of the Different persons! It is noticed and on гробнице Тутанхамона.
The First mask now is really considered, that directly was on a head Тутанхамон- His(its) portrait. The young person for 18 years! It is possible without effort to find a photo of this mask, and I resulted her(it) more than once! But if you will thumb through with демсяток of pages at me, will see I has given a photo of all four masks, чо it Разнвые of the person: complete and round in one case, or triangular, as at Тутанхамона.
Let's estimate. Funeral ritual ратянут in Egypt for two months, and certainly where взяить 3 саркофага for Тутанхамона. Tens, if not one hundred foremen did(made) to it(him) gold in direct(directly) sense them 3 mm of gold shaped саркофаг, and from others two, only having replaced Напдписи, but Кромсамть top cleaning(removing) a mask эо раскурочить a product!
Now review! All wrote:
- ахх! Варьвари! Or жрецы or robbers орвали a mask from a mummy from sq. 55! And what if this mask also was Exactly in exactly how at Тутанхамона? And so Обезличив, having deprived a Portrait as a matter of fact have taken two саркофага for Тутанхамона! And who Checked the Sizes саркофагов, it can is possible a Mummy from sq. 55 поместиь in Two outside саркофага Тутанхамона, and that is important - Figure of a glass mosaic on саркофага is almost identical, I have named it вше Чулочки. That is Орнаментальные of a strip, the rings on саркофаге are similar! The scientists, as for ширтму have disappeared for олшебное:
- We, know, we учены and such furnish refers to as Риши! Certainly always there will be questions? Let's tell tomorrow will take and Will collect as матрешку Unique(sole) саркоываг from гробницы Empress Тии and two Тутанхамона! Let they Will enter as Матрешки, with a backlash 1 centimeter! Such backlashes in деийствительности between 2-3 саркофагами Тутанхамона? Then it(he) is possible To prove let that NOT FROM ONE SET, and делалмись as though on ГОСТ. So they are easier for adjusting!
- I have not finished about, it is possible Error rather Непохожести of masks outside and on internal, that on the person Тутанхамона.
The funeral ritual in Egypt is based on a myth from death of the god Осириса, role in it his(its) sister of the goddess Исиды! Осирис was убит other god of Egypt and his(its) part of a body паскиданы on Кгитпу. Исида, his(its) sister has collected his(its) parts, and that it(him) the angry god again would not find, having turned in a bird and крыльми it(him) covers on каждос саркофаге. And so easily it receive(turn out) Осирис has the person, the shape as though Collective and should not Be similar on Тутанхамона! Дико It is logical, if it is portraits from Others сарклфагов. All inscriptions Are altered in гробнице Тутанхамона, it is simply clear on Colour gold вствок н a place of Old names. But that етьмного неясног1? I did not meet that we shall tell Сменхакра a name is altered on Тутанхамона! There is a link at Картера, that on плосазх from a gold foil where has remained картуш Тутанхамона ON THE BACK. That is as we азглаживаем фолгу from конфетки, and strip погли Пркатать, but probably Old lines from a name Сменхакра have remained. The ambassador a foil Have turned and Have squeezed out the hieroglyphs, for Тутанхамона Are new!,? Млжет to be, But never Alteration, old name Was not given by a photo it чати of the text?
I previously Have compared, and probably three four lines of relationship has allocated! On ицу Аменхотепа 4 it turns out, that is Similar портре it(him), or very similar родственика, but without a crown, that is person and вырзан полность! It серя of portraits " Амарнские portraits. Also it is time to do(make) a Tree Тутанхамона. Потреты they previously are assembled " Are shown on Размеру_Линия глаз_Низ of a chin, and them it is necessary простоРазложить on лите Ватмана, тк as the monitor is too small!
This page is desirable for reading what to understand certain details, that concern гробницы Юйи and Туй, as well as Тутанхамона, and гробницы sq. 55!
In due time I Tried till all that to Two photo, and rather foggy description to make the plan гробницы Sq. 55, that is - empress Тии. I had snapshot from an input(entrance) with a kind on an opposite wall погребальной of the chamber there still there was a niche with конопами, and pair them was visible on a snapshot. Then under the description Девиса they what that time in гробницу did not enter! The reason waited for the photographer. A certain photographer from the local newspaper removed, and certainly it(he) had both optics decent, and snapshots has made qualitative. The portraits of a cover коноп, admire me as photofan(photoamateur) with the quality! In the story it is the photographer on a nickname Focus. A snapshot with Opposite the parties then was made still! Having compared two snapshots, and on Boards at walls, and on gilding, is exacter Пятнам, that have remained from gilding I has understood, that for the second snapshot the photographer has put the camera approximately on middle............... оствалось there are a lot of questions, and plan гробницы sq. 55 I reconstructed on Пятнам from the fallen off plaster...........
I love accuracy! I needed to understand, when excavation гробницы Юйю and Туйи has joined Квибелл. His(its) post, if I correctly have transferred(translated), was as " Надзирающий behind excavation ", and it(he) was at the first input(entrance) in this гробницу. The two Девис and Вейгал entered nevertheless, it they have passed by first inside. It is valid, so the passion was great, that send in itself гробницу with Канделябром with Candles! Do not want, but отшутишься, a little with irony, but it is the Fact, Девис was declined on nearest саркофагом and as in гробнице was so under 50 degrees, as well as in desert, certain Evaporations that Have poured out on саркофаг 4000 years воспламенились. And Девис under истошные cries Масперо, Вейгалла ломанул in a corridor. Here it(he) is not shown, but it(he) in length of meters in 20, goes very much наклонно, so under 30 degrees, and has two Ladder apertures. So, that гробница in any way of below Deep station of the underground. Well, that Анка - пулеметчица only прокисшим борщом, that Has allocated Carbonic gas, and has extinguished! It - invention with борщом, but fire nevertheless they suited! Now it became clear, why practically Квтбелл has written the Similar book about this гробницу!
And so идя on Понижающемуся to a tunnel, here plus the plan of All way, and the chambers are at Девиса approximately in 2 meters of height, but Narrow - up to 1 5 meter. That is understandable, that саркофаг it was possible Протиснуть only, holding it(him) in front and behind. The walls погребальной сени almost up to 3 meters of length brought in UNDER the ORDER, and put at walls, and around of Three or Four саркофагов, HAVING INSERTED them one in one, and was collected by(with) walls, rising them, in the basis on certain thorns. Дверок as against гробницы Тутанхамона, or empress Тии WAS NOT. That is Having opened three погребальные сени it was possible саркофаг there To put forward, as a box from комода. Here all Indistinctly was going, had metal latches, and frequently walls Moved as in a case. All this Has communicated together, and to disassemble саркофаг not having broken, practically it was impossible!! And me it Guarded.! So, How many here Саркофагов?, whether also Two Are buried?...... @@@.......
When we shall compare masks with саркофагов, and here all them or 6 or 8, закрадывается сомнеие- first of all on the Sizes саркофагов and главноне of a Mask on them show for example, at all женщинй that is Туйи, mother empress Тии. I shall tell so, faster that Окрунглы, рупные of the person Мужчмн. Then a question and Why so there is a lot of саркофагов, and why and at female and man's саркофагв the Different forms. That is as though Wide massive саркофаг, and on it(him) a mask man's, and main Юйи- жрец and it(he) Holds in hands 32 staffs an attribute, that it(he) Жрец. But second мкмия has Спеленуьые of a hand, as though Inside саркофага, that is Ладонец Is not present Atop саркофага.- it is an attribute that, чтл a coffin Female. But also Юйи and Туй приписпнанв both Female and Man's саркофаги. Arises Вопро? Or in гробнице not Two мумимм, and originally were Four and on this саркофаги, here it is visible Разборосанв on полмещению. That is they Разобраы, as well as in гробнице sq. 55. To it have not paid attention никто_ни Девис, Квибелл, Масперо and Питри, that were Really in 1905 in эьтой гробнице- it not вымышленные археологи!
P/s. Look even Assembly Г, Д, Е - it is visible, that two are scattered as a minimum саркофага. Well, and ладно!
At the left chamber, treasury! There I have allocated колесницу Аменхотепа 3, it is understandable, that her(it) нужено was разбрать up to Bodies, that only could проити through a Narrow input(entrance) and вноывь to collect! Thus it is a lot of Having chopped off in a tree колесницы. It is a lot of Квшинов- oil, grain!! In legs of each place ящичек ч; конопами, and вышке at a wall two cases with statues ушебти- жто Portraits, I so consider(count)!
-Я so I consider(count)! - certainly сазал Гаклинг, having hung up the Ready plan for a wall рбницы вске not by This of the Father and матеи empress Тии, and in itself гробнице sq. 55, that is empress Тии!
... I in what т to a measure have drawn that by this plan гробницу empress Тии. Below I пририсовал, Жевис have named his(its) Tambour, and there nothing was, but faster всго before an input(entrance) in гробницу sq. 55 was кладва, instead of sideways as on this plan. It is the Present plan, not I drew it(him)!
P/s/ It is possible from that this Modular burial place, from маок получантся up to 6 Man's потретов, and with конопами, and there 3 фигурки have beards, IT is clear НЕИЕ ФАРАОНЫ. And time all as ошалели..
- вопил Чапай! - whether that for hundred years №№ ем! Anybody even Фараонов could not as овец to count! - and it(him) long could not calm!
I Slightly дорисовал Колесницу Аменхотепа 3 that on it(her) the large and tight barrel. Now it Мкетановый the generator, that certain умельца having loaded it(him) Дерьмом, receive метан, that goes and кхонную a plate. What is stupid(blunt) изуверство! You likely saw at me изображеие Колесниц with плитк with Кносса, that in the same time has dug out on Крите Еван!
- Yes! It(he)! By an easy step with Pair плток on an input(entrance) маячит! Come Is grey Еванс Артур!
- You temples? - yes only налейте, but not боьайте, as though it " Боржоми! ". And, it(him) have surrounded!
P/s/ Itself Додумай the plan of a carriage on two wheels, that has a barrel, from not Прет метан through соплои falls on such as Reflectors by the modern plane! ПРистяжь, that is Гргогобразные вытупы, that Fastened to Two collars on Two лошадях Accept(start) also by it Is filled up Итерне for Реактивно0 - метановый the engine! Thus:
Grey! -съязвил Чаай, and you see thus it will be necessary to the Horse Взбрыкивать Not Forward and, Back! As to you фараон on Jet тачке- прет as a Crawfish! Well, and Бредятина! - plant from an animated cartoon " Шрек 1 "
Well, when it(he) in the toilet Метан reproduced! That of a current will not write! Yes!............ @@................
You, I hope, if has read last four pages, having opened for itself " a Tree of a sort Тутанхамона.
All preparatory work: search of the Relatives Тутанхамона, reduction to decent quality of photos was made in pair of previous chapters. There I have given Наметки on Relationship who, there is to whom who! It is the Summary table, and as I have assumed to it(her) it is possible to use the same as the chemists " the Table Менделеева "! That is beforehand foreseeing, for example, As there will be a reaction between metals, acids and gases, and what substances at the end of reaction will turn out! Here it is possible to look after a chain from Юйи and Туйи up to Тутанхамона below! " It have turned out not twisting ветки, and strip from portraits. My business to explain Why that, or other portrait in This place?
Look in middle, there where a name Yuoi, became to be it the First mask on a mummy, and on a portrait, photo of a head of a mummy is similar. Now all two потртрета at the left are written as the empresses тии belong Юйи, that is father. Especially Интересне a portrait extreme at the left! It is a rather Rare case, but it is a portrait at the bottom of first coffin with a mummy! удаца!! By that боле, that is a portrait in all growth, and here Portrayal on a contour only heads! I have met only one still саркофаг, that at the bottom has a portrait, but I would not tell with confidence, what it is a portrait Юйи?
- You, чо? - again hint, what for Юйи have taken NOT IT(HIM) САРКОФАГ? - whether well judge specified portraits are similar, especially in this case there is a photo of the person of a mummy! But figure is more similar to Other portraits as at the left Юйи, and Туйи - on the right. It is masks, I and have got confused, Comparing the description гробницы given Девисом and Квибеллом! At last was typed(collected) already till Four masks, and it turns out, that the idle time жрец had on One саркофаг more, than Фараон Тутанхамон!?
- Author! Взвыло any presence гробницы sq. 55, and there goes analysis on a wall of the hanging diagram, or древа Тутанхамона! It is a fragment! You again hint, as in гробнице by this not family pair the husband and the wife, and is possible? In Two саркофагах, чо - there are no mummies!?
- Author! And you Продвигаешь an idea, what if in Sq. 55 фараон, well on бородке, where? One more, two Саркофага, what are fixed to it(him) under the status, how фараону? Originally! And, what for 3021- 5 янываря 1905 before anybody " not допер? "!
- Well, the portraits Туйи are lower in 2 and 3 numbers(lines), at what bottom, there, where an inscription Tuyi a portrayal
On its(her) portrait, that is photo of the Person. At once I shall tell, though it is possible, not Absolutely
Correctly, but Туйи had, as though Cut off chin! If certainly at Обертывании with bandage the bottom jaw was not strapped to a neck? But Such type of a chin perhaps once has met here! And Dark blue colour. As well as yellow, it is its(her) children, as, and it is possible - grandsons. Certainly question Спорен in, when the couple in them гробнице was buried, and when, It is possible them Not the relatives, and it is possible their mummies, though after visiting the robbers where that have born(taken out), and There was such Разор! Nevertheless scattered mummies, detail погребальной сени, certain subjects: such as boxes and boards have appeared why that under саркофагами! Actually about this гробнице in the Internet almost anything is not present! Absolutely! Though also that about Тутанхамоне is written in the greater degree disputably, it is sometimes simple Додумано............
As each line can have at all two, and there are more interpretation! An example the description гробницы Девисом and Квибеллом will rather strongly be distinguished.
1. Portraits, figures. Is simply! - In - the Portrait Queen Tyju- it is easy to understand, that it is a portrait empress Тии.
2. Inscription by hieroglyphs! Well the fan(amateur) can Treat only Slices! For example, the image of some god, and they I have everyone The clothes, or Crown it is not difficult! But that it(he) делает_ Благословляет фараона, or гневается to not read any more without preparation институтской! But there is below translation, and it is possible on словарику to read, for example, certain word! And so it is a little to understand! Well, and that that downwards translation already on английски- is possible to learn(find out) the Exact text!
3. But I have understood a simple thing an inscription above Figure nothing will give, for example what to learn(find out) a name фараона, if it is erased in картуше! As it is Standard phrases from the book Dead! It is all Standardly and the word in a word repeats almost, the hieroglyph in a hieroglyph is exacter! But it Was necessary for me when I compared the text under the book Девиса, and on figure Перепелкина. Speech about an inscription on a sole саркофаг from sq. 55. There up to Third of Divergences!
All business, both in Figure, and in Fonts. A hieroglyph in the books do not draw, and print, as on the machine. And the sets of fonts are, for example, in Cambridge, University printing house, or in private(individual) then. And Fonts all these: белочки- уточки разнятя it is possible To confuse at typing in the book! Nevertheless up to 2000 hieroglyphs, and up to 300- 500, that used constantly! Mess, and the Involuntary mistakes are possible(probable)! On this it is enormous work, to write the report on excavation, and to issue as the book! The mistakes are simply incorporated, and it is a lot of them! And PORTRAITS COULD NOT REACH HANDS And LEGS! At Девиса there are no these here of Average numbers(lines) of dark Blue colour In general! It(he) has not resulted portraits ушебти!
On this this Pleasure, when about excavation гробницы is written in The books by(with) two authors!
P/s. And note! Here I have placed First in a tree Тутанхамона empress Тии and Ае\менхотепа 3 at the end of 2 numbers(lines). Two portraits Extreme are similar from different monuments, and the portrait empress Тии- that 4 страва, and number(line), that назвают " empress Тии " - hardly Is exact! Probably it is Influential жрица?.. @@...
............................ Figure 006_3-6 of a line of a Tree Тутанхамона is enclosed to it(her).............................
The author will try to give communications(connection) on the persons, and races already of children Аменхотепа 3, and empress Тии, that is not only mother Аменхотепа 4, but had except for them some more children! Their names on monuments, стелам, panel are known, but completely their Portraits /  Are unknown
Be guided by figure. In a basis it(he) has Listings from digital photos, that on quality are approached for printing of popular books in 70 so years! In the original portraits certainly in colour! Ав
3 numbers(lines). Top, first and second the empresses Тии are devoted to portraits Юйи and Туйи- of the mother. Read the previous file, and compare figures. It is possible to give Х2 increase, the quality of initial figure allows it!
P/s/ DO NOT GET CONFUSED. The Egyptian names Are similar, and it is possible for this reason at popular археологов, same Девиса there is a Disputable conclusion on a name empress Тии! It(he) writes in книге_ Гробница empress Тии:
- Name empress Тии in different monuments Разнится approximately as Тейе, Тиийи, Тийи. As it not the Letters, and And = Peru of a falcon to a hieroglyph, Т- how the runaway папируса, Is possible? That it is Different names, and Person.
At the left first, is portrait - empress Тйи, that is the wife Аменхотепа 3, н Beside Аменхотеп 4- its(her) Sons! Do not get confused, but his(its) husband фараон Аменхотеп 3, his(its) portrait is higher in 2 lines, look figure to the previous pages, for example Page 5! So empress Тии, and Девис considered(counted), that has opened HER(IT) гробницу, that is sq. 55 had many children: the men four, and one, also was in the future Аменхотеп 4, what is married on Нефертити, and their Possible(probable) Children? Or similar portraits, for example - Summary brothers and sister in lines! / 4 lines by Yellow colour /  are allocated в3 -
Ситамон- it is Princess, I considered(counted) wrongly, that it is the Man! Its(her) portrait on Other authors I have resulted at the end of 3 lines, it(he) Is larger than other figures, and the portrait is lower, that is - Groove from its(her) Armchair, that the grandfather and бабка is found in гробнице Туй and Юйи, as a matter of fact Ситамон, instead of Ситамону- they. They, as I wrote earlier not of a high rank жрецы! Even not Supreme жрецы, as a matter of fact last assistants фараона, on the moment of his(its) death, if there is no successor on a man's line, that is boy, or how Тутанхамон, to which on the moment of death Аменхотепа -4, there were 5-6 years, and it(him) who? It is the Main question? Who of rules, as a minimum by Egypt of 5- 6 years up to Тринадцатилетия Тутанхамона, when it(he) was announced фараоном. Whether it is a question will not decide until will find папирус, or certain plate with the description these, approximately 6 years!
P/s/ This line I did not show, but Аменхотеп 3, that in 2 lines had by the father Тутмоса above 3, or 4, and feature of the person therefrom I did not consider(count), though certain features the person, lip can go though from empress Хатчепсут! But I Consider(count), that the features More distant for 3 generations so are dim, what is possible to not take into account? Probably I and not of the rights, but Will suffice us also these while? Portraits to understand in ходстве and these five Lines.
Possible(probable) Portraits of children empress Тии, and their names, but NOT PORTRAITS, SUCH:
Небетра, Хенуттанеб, Тутмос, Аменхотеп 4-Эхнатон, Ситамон, Исида. Accordingly last names Ситамон and Исида- female. On today I have found only one portrait, that is attributed Ситамон, well and Аменхотепа 4, certainly. I never met, what there are monuments, стелы, carved on кню a panel on rests четыпем to children empress Тии?
P/s. Probably woman that is Ситамон nevertheless borrowed(occupied) a High rule(situation) in that time. In нробнице Юйи and Туйи there are two armchairs, that are precisely dated on the Owner. It is simple! On one a name Ситамон, on second certainly Аменхотепа 3 and empress Тии картуши. So it is not necessary in гробниц put only Фараона of a thing, but also it(him) родствеников. Quite probably Ситамон Was? When that Is buried in гробнице of the Mother, and Father!? There are Four саркофага for Юйи, and as much, all - Eight саркофагов for simple жреца многовато?!!
This question never was shined(covered), I yet have not met that fact, that ушебти in general who investigated that since 1910! Only as "Servant" on a service фараона in that world! And all. Nevertheless ушебти very different! First of all them in two trimmed, as саркофаг, as the closed box - ten!
First of all they Разнятся on Height! Well, As though you have presented, if it is a photo from distance so in two meters? The author, whether Is stupid(blunt)? Considers(counts), that a portrait as a matter of fact Analogue a photo!
- Prove Opposite! - фыркнул Чапай on skeptically ухмыльнувшегося Айртона! - whether it is time
It(him) again to enter into a role? It(he) not such молчун, if it(him) to touch on ар, it(he) quite even is talkative.
- Well. Ви счшитат, what it йест a portrait?
- And, шо тады? - with a question on a question has answered Чапай!
- But till advanced sciences England it чучьшь!, and here Айртон of the beginnings горячиться! It(he) had in view of - " on египетски ", that is by hieroglyphs is written:
- Ага! To work, to work and ищщо of time to work! It is a lot of наработает работяга with Attributes фараона, and them here Integral three, ежели you by the curve handles them not посшибали of a beard! The hint on a fire in гробнице Юйи and Туйй was that red cloth! Separated arguing by all оравой!...... ви понимайт as швинья фф апелсин... 007 @@........ буржуйский прихвостень...
Figure 006_3-6 of a line of a Tree Тутанхамона is enclosed to it(her)... The termination(ending) of analysis of figure.....
Well in 4 lines in the beginning with Бородками or Уреем- of the snakes I have shown three such фигурки - ушебти. These photos from the book _Гробница Юйи and Туйи another археолога, that was Инспекторои on antiquities and has written In parallel book about this гробниц, that there have found! It is good luck, and is especial that Девис has not given a photo ушебти! While till 3-4 lines such conclusion is possible to give, them already have separated, and hardly breathing потный Чапай " гвоздил " poor Айртона.
-я has seen(overlooked) photos of these portraits, the quality not so is a pity and the snapshots Are small, but here not only three фигурки with бородками / I them have signed on the general(common) table /  but is:
- Yours Япона the mother! - завопил Чапай! - тута корейы- the Japanese! Самурай! The mother them for a leg!
- All ошалело пялились on snapshots in the book! Especially involved(attracted) a snapshot / left in 4 numbers / - about was without eyes! Not that the glass a lens Has dropped out, and probably it(he) Has damaged(injured) of an eye in Fight! Пощелкай by increase.
In five minutes both Девис, and Даресси and other were beaten off as from the flies from a question:
- Who from фараонов Was blind? - and, as such fact not засвидетелствовали while on Ancient Egypt, began to recollect Russian кочевников, that as a matter of fact are considered монголо- таиарами!
- And, truth! Анитресно- a plant of the Author! How мнон can give ten фигурок, so in 20 centimeters?.... On ушебти "самураев" that is with a Slanting cut(section) of an eye pair of figures was typed(collected) in ушебти! Itself find!
The reader! You remember I has told, what up to half on a New museum in Гизе, it(he) owes in 2020 with certain delays already Open the couple the Emperor of Japan has given? It can Pure(clean) concurrence, but as though of empresses Тии TWO! With a Direct and Slanting cut(section) of an eye! Review the general(common) table a line 2 with портретаи. I then have assumed, that probably it is what that the Influential woman, and Slanting cut(section) of an eye идент up to Ушебти already in гробнице Тутанхамона. Certain фараон- " Негро- the Japanese! "
-кте ти фитаь here Ниггер! - the aristocrat up to кончика пятки Айртон has admitted(allowed) бестакнтность назва the black population " ниггер! ". That corresponded(met) not " медыедь Russian " and валяная from a wool допотопгная footwear Russian!
-гляделкт wipe! - хихикнула Анка- пулеметчица! Her(it) in КНБ, then ВЧК just and наптаскивал Main on such провокацмии. So Черненькие begin 5 numbers(lines) and to 6, as though негритянские of feature Smooth out.
Has told умница Даресси, that in all it каламбуре was given more by(with) than pairs of plants. This On the right bottom number(line) is considered Сменхакром! All were seized by Magnifying glasses! You see till 2020 it(he) in саркофаге бубе поти always! The truth in 2021 Again! Яне I joke there Аменхотеп 4!
- Where, where Аменхотепка 4? - at the stand was formed давка! And all ошалело looked on потрет в:
1/ lines 5- 3 at the left
! 2. lines 6- First at the left т
3. Line 3 and 3 портре at the left! Yours Egyptian, African and Япона the mother Аменхотеп 4 on a nationality НЕГР! It only could Be apprehended пиняв " on a breast not less than 5 бубылок " ":Жигулевского"!
- Freedom неграм! - was born(carried) from закопченых of depths sq. 55! Самураев on a throne!, and руууских there is not present! And, Russian is everywhere! - глубокомысдленно подвнл result, well, who same has told it?

Figure 008_и All lines of a Tree Тутанхамона is enclosed to it(her)... Analysis of figure.....
That is that as Are transferred, and the changes in the persons on an extent approximately of 50- 80 years in three, четвырех поколеиях Collect.
The Previous Branch from Аменхотепа 3 is not shown, look two extreme portraits in 2 numbers(lines) on the right!
Business in that Фараонская blood here has appeared from Аменхотепа 3, as it(he) the son, if not I am mistaken фараона Тутмоса 3.! Besides Downwards it is three, four generations, that brought in the features to shape eventually Тутанхамона, and his(its) sisters Меритатон, and wife actually Тутанхамона!
P/s/ My opinion! On behalf of Тутанхамона there are a lot of features, that came from these portraits, whether so трындежь- the son it(he) фараона Аменхотепа 4, and Нефертити, or from наложницы from гарема- is not urgent! To look after Certain features in Тутанхамоне it is possible under these tables! And Draw a tree Тутанхамона, but here it Is extended of time in Three for the account Ушебти, and all portraits with коноп from sq. 55. As a matter of fact, here of material in time Ten are more, than is usually given! And э
That ьАргументировано, instead of at a level " And почемы that was not? " Well also that that here Precisely I can show on 4-5 portraits, and to write to whom they 50 % belong also that with accuracy! As the portrait that Is similar on Аменхотепа 4- Эхнатона, can be both his(its) son, and relative! For example, brother, that has Негритянские of feature in a skull! IS NOT PRESENT КАРТУША! But there is a Similarity and to Appearing attributes it is possible to go, and these as though to Formula of a type: A+X+Y, as give a Gain of Features of the person.
Anything Acceptable tell I can not, but certain monk "химичил" with peas! Well, not on прихожанках, having from them of children, it(he) would come to ДНК now! I do not remember a surname, but it(he) crossed peas, it seems with Dark blue and Yellow цветками! It probably Two branches, as, for example, here! How you think, if Опылить 100 горошин Yellow pollen from Dark blue peas, what will be percent(interest)?
Three times till 33 %! As though not so! It seems 1-1-3 Attitudes(relations)! That is Yellow цветками, Dark blue, and Variable colour. That is certain features and in the persons of the people will be Majorants, and To be transferred further! Whether so a sort, human? Such operating time are not known for me!
It is not difficult to understand, or Intuitively, that the features Are transferred Downwards to Тутанхамону from Аменхотепа 4, and explanatory to A_B_Z! It is possible to take and other letters, but here nevertheless it is closer Formulas, I in скользь have mentioned, that the sort up to Тутанхамона is possible To arrange how Elements in the Table Менделеева. You see there all is simple: she(it) Goes on Increase Nuclear Весов.
Oxygen nuclear weight 16, and up to him(it) everything, that have of weight less to than Sixteen. Here Attributes, that Having appeared WILL NOT DISAPPEAR, and Will grow, as for example, ambassador will be Азоты, steel, мышьяки, and at last Uranium 232, seems! As it(him) has inflated!
The table Менделеева is begun By(with) hydrogen Легчашка with weight 1, and finishes, it seems, Uranium, where that about 110 numbers, or is less! Here not less полусотни of portraits, and if also my Theory Гаклинга or his(its) Variable Table of kinds is correct, persons so, from half-hundred will be typed(collected)! And it - SYSTEM! That is it is not necessary вопить Similar(similar) Is unlike! They go Downwards, Feature of the person ON НАРАСТВАЮЩЕЙ, as nuclear weights of chemical elements!
Who тама! - хихикал Чапай above crimson Айртоном, and Девисом! And, поему actually, them(him,it) all шишки?
They, as a matter of fact, only Разгребли sand at an input(entrance), and mountain of sand нагребли Рассужданцы! Why? Because these sculptures by 1920 WERE FOUND? And this Калейдоскоп needed simply TO BE ORDERED! - Чапай was irresistable! In Бурке, прихлебывая turkish coffee it(he) triumphed! Well is direct, Задунайец, that writes Personally letter to the president Эрдагану! Last was - Девис!
But it(he) nice smiled! An example of self-control! And, can, it(he) is all knew, then?
Can below, meters on twenty, can at некоторогй веселенькой of a platform, where will squeak on мгновенье a train of the Underground, what by an arrow умчаться in глубь! 
This empire Петровича!, having carried out(spent) first электричку it(he) has opened an imperceptible door at the end of a platform, and has come in комнатку. The telephone blinking by bulbs the display but all wall., the blinking point has come nearer to there is nobody crossing of lines, and already brakes creak!
- How there, Петрович? - the girl, or парень in a cabin of the locomotive asks in окошко?
- On 34, and 35 again bulbs have departed! Темновато there! Not гони! - and, электричка takes away sleepy
Muscovite, or on the contrary exited visitant!
 The reader! Such Петровичей is complete in a underground, and their task to let the electricians, is especial at the night, when they will check up boards, cables, electronics, and will replace bulbs! It is a headache! When that Гваклинг has sent an encryption, that легла on a table to the Owner! Deciphered she(it), and as the encryption was identical:
- Падла I shall be! The bulbs will fuse for one month! - wrote by the open text Гаклинг, but signature
Was: Жора with Арнаутской, and the letter was addressed to the Aunt to a Rose with Мелитополя! Never for 50 years Гаклинг was so is close to a failure! To it(him) the answer has come:
- Жора! Not бз @@ ди! And buy a box of the sardines by number 1000 of pieces! It was заговор капиталистов супротив USSR
C of the previous page figure 008_и All lines of a Tree Тутанхамона... Analysis of figure.....
P/s The Bottom 4 lines do not understand yet, and we shall look Where Have resulted lines NN 1-6.
With reference to this figure. If I not of the ladies the explanatory all by it in different colour to the painted portraits, and inscriptions such as _Х+У?
... As to that their agent, that worked in Moscow, it was necessary to write the report on work, and to require some more money! But them куркули could allocate зелененькие only under the perspective purpose, certain important secret! Such could be the new Jet engine. what to get the drawings, and description of money ЦРУ отвалил, not deliberating. But anything such was not! But here agent has seen a vacuum cleaner, that the cleaner has left. Minute having worked a screw-driver, it(he) Has reached the Turbine, it is of such fan, and округлый the case, seems also name it(him) there was respective "Comet". Having made rather Нерезкий, and in wild ракусе a snapshot, it(he) has sent on the channel, known for it(him)! And soon on continuation to it(him) have lent money, and hurried with the detailed description and drawings. It not байка, drawing mine, certainly, but the explanation will not prevent.
Let's tell And, it not only First letter of the Alphabet, but also beginning of a certain Dominant feature in Portraits. А_ costs(stands) in the top 1 line on middle, and it Is important, it is similar to the person of a mummy a mask with саркофага Юйи, father empress Тии, and accordingly, and we look. " What Feature from Юйи has gone downwards? Look Where the Shaped line conducts? - To Аменхотепу 4, that is Grandson, and the features Frequently also are shown Especially clearly in the grandsons. Feature Значимая here - Very long, and with Thick lips a Mouth! It(he) almost on length in all Bottom jaw, as received from the grandfather at Аменхотепа 4! It is healthy! That that Потешались above certain Features of his(its) person ours Иследуны, it also is a Majorant!
But Completely Formula for Аменхотепа 4 will be = B_A_X, and itself look! Х- has come from empress Тии, at it(her) Long, and Rather smoothly outlined person! That is Round, and the short persons Аменхотепу 4 were not transferred, but they dominated on masks from гробницы Юйи and Туйи! Look 1 number(line)! But than the Short persons will be much farther. That is the Attribute the Short and wide person will occur and more than once! Certainly, all this Is worked and at checking till a Line of an eye, кончика of a nose and chin of pair chapters earlier. Here - leading of a result!
The at - letter. It is Majorants from empress Тии 2, I consider(count), that it not empress, but close to фараону the woman, жрица, for example. It is the Special type of the person, that can get(start) и:
- To Япона самураям! - гоготнул Чапай! The hero of civil war could them видет so eye, to a nose. It is a line, that has Obviously Раскосые, eyes and person Short, and Triangular, and by a Material of monuments always from a Dark stone. The white alabaster these portraits did not meet, but is lower in Амарнских princesses there is a portrait, that consider(count) as empress Тии, and she(it), head has her(it) a Ledge under a crown! Then leaves, that Two corrected(ruled) Тии, and are the different women, at what to Японке зря have attached its(her) name - Тии! Let's consider(count), that its(her) name Нейзвестно!?
While in 4 numbers(lines) there are two portraits, that conduct features from Тии2, that is have букву_У./ раскосые of an eye / - it is a very Outstanding attribute, that to us with a Direct cut(section) of an eye броситсяв of an eye, certainly!!
P/s. As an example of check on наблюдательность. From ten коноп on two Obviously identical portraits! It is the letters Х in middle 3 lines, and at the end of 4 lines. Other portraits with гробницы, that on ушебти from гробницы Юйи and Туйи have the Different persons. It is a pity, that they are shown нруппами till five статуэток and are very small. There is only one portrait with ушебти, and on Каирскому to a museum, it is 2 фигурка - ушебти at the left, and she(it) with Бородкой. Certainly it is a portrait CERTAIN фараона, or what all ушебти прилепили to itself of a beard фараона, what on фараона to not work? Complete loss from logic.
And so these 10 ушебти, the portraits certainly could, at least to be Portraits Real фараонов! Well some kind of a SIMPLE encryption! Also could transfer, for example Slanting cut(section) of an eye and Triangular person is farther.
So are named a series - me are known up to 5-6 and they are in the book the Royal woman of Amarna.
That is - _ Princess Амарны! All so, but in this book the man's portraits are submitted as also. It is pleased confusing втвь, and from behind realism! Yes First Фараоновского of realism. As was - IS REAL. Look all portraits up to 5 numbers(lines)? There not any WITHOUT a HEADGEAR! That is wig or the crown or повязка on a head Is obligatory! Here for the first time is shown Портре, that is without Регалий on a head! It gives both riddle and answer simultaneously! But nevertheless 50 Х 50, it is better, than to guess as a matter of fact, changing opinion of time and five years! That it is possible to reach a certain conclusion, and that who will read it will make also opinion!
I well know a portrait number(line) Аменхотепа 4- Эхнатона! As saw and боьшие and his(its) small portraits, as well as groove on many плтах! That is his(its) Image I precisely present: the direct person, but chin narrow, mouth - very wide and lips complete, I shall write "губошлеп" and it is an obvious attribute, and such large mouthes on other portraits are not looked through also eyes large and are widely placed! Yes it(he) _ 3 lines, there Оапределитель В+А+Х! Number 5 3 portraits of at the left - dark blue colour now is necessary to be transferred on a line. If there was with what that a determinant such as a crown or what that of Attribute on a neck, it and is Аменхотеп 4! But then it is the Special type of a skull.
C of the previous page figure 010_ the Possible(probable) relatives up to Тутанхамона.
LINES With 5 UP TO 8.
Here not so that is simple! The dominant features, for example from Юйи and Туйй here can Be washed away by these characters! Marks also was slightly replaced. You see all as that is necessary to move on all portraits. Shall finish with..
So they, portraits are described in книге_Королевские the woman Амарны. It is meant the Direct relatives фараона Аменхотепа 4, and as it will be visible here, and Нефертити. Though, time there is a certain Second wife on a name Кии, it is not possible to exclude, what its(her) portrait here will flash? Under the book Перепелкина_ the Secret of a Gold coffin, that is unknown саркофага from гробницы Sq. 55 Is rather foggy assumed, that at Кии there was a daughter. Let's begin more in detail from the Left edge(territory), as well as it is accepted to read, and to consider(examine) group snapshots. And so, At the left on my Calculations first goes a portrait female, and youngest особы for 16 years. Second 30, most likely Нефертити, and the ledge under a crown shows, that it - empress. Then portrait with Old " by numbering B+A+X " that is with Dominant features from the grandfather Юйи it(he) has Wide, and long mouth. At other portraits the mouth of Average length, but frequently has Complete, Негритянские of a lip.
All таки the author not in a rate by a leg on races, and племенам, that I have in that measure or other dark, or black leather(skin)! But we can be guided by films from America. But I of the ladies a certain specification, and it am important. The inhabitants of Somalia, Конго, Coast, at last Ivories have dark, and black absolutely colour of a leather(skin), and this first division on races! Here any шовинизма, but there are Three races: white европеоиды, black негры, and yellow from the Mongols, up to китайцев and Japanese. But there is some more country, народности, and племена, and patrimonial distinctions of kinds of skulls at the people some tens will be typed(collected)! Simply on height of a general(common) head from those up to a chin, on width лба, on an inclination лба- direct, or inclined it is a question to Антропологии, but I as saw that мельком in the book some more pre-revolutionary! That that like the Monography on any other businesses the subject, and Types of Skulls there was on развороте so with полусотни, if not it is more. We do not concern this subject, but at opening a burial place it is important археологам. While it is important to know, that of Types of skulls of tens. I nothing shall tell on полусотню of portraits here, but Амарна costs(stands) in the party as though.
For the beginning look in 5 numbers(lines) on 1 and 3 portraits female, and Аменхотепа 4, or Similar, as two Drops of water on him(it) portraits the line of a hair on лбу goes as though Овалом, and is not present Пролысин on temples, as at our usual hairdress! On portraits on All is shown certain кучерявость, that is typical негритянским to a hair it it is precisely visible on such Small, and in the book it is figure so up to 10 centimeters. That is the sculptor Has emphasized it 4000 years back! Thus the person 3 numbers, Аменхотепа 4 bear(carries) as though of European of feature! Well, long, so we tell(have an effect) Roman, and direct nose! Not Wide, as at негра. That is Амарнские it is portraits a Mix of features White, and Black races.
Here them four, and in 6 lines are four portraits to the right of the centre. Нефертити the portraits 3 and 2 are considered if to consider(count) from the centre, or it is shown female portraits with age 50 and 40 years. Certainly this my Subjective judgement about age, and so them(him,it) on:
- So by him(it) that on 3440 and 3550 years! Who гоготнул from our heroes? -Чапаев, or Focus?
- Yes, on a pair they Have aggravated your attention, and it turns out Нефертити here also without a crown, but
But kind a structure of its(her) head a portrait _Y1- first at the left in 6 numbers(lines)! Y-признак- this Triangular person, that the author considers(counts) as a certain important lady, or empress Тии 2. Look 1 line general(common) figure - table on page 001-002 pages. But then and Нефертити has the Same form of a skull, as well as Аменхотеп 4, that is the portrait _B+A+X beside, and is higher! Itself decide(solve)...
As the chemists, Table Менделеева. And we shall give a word to the heroes!
- How ви счйиайт, - has told Девис Гаклингу, what has made this table? - whether it is possible so to look after variability up to Тутанхамона!
- And, yes, also is not present! - has answered Гаклинг. Also has explained further! Here there are features, that we At once catch, when
The business concerns Other race of the person. But when we are surrounded by(with) the representatives, for example of white race, here it is more difficult! The differences Нивелированы, as are chains of thousand generations! Here it is easier than three generations, that have a Different racial accessory(belonging), or How many peoples, are so much also persons. - Гаклинг was magnificent! It(he) as the diplomat is skilful to tell Yes, there, where is Is not present! That is it(he) has held back arguments for portraits with гробницы sq. 55, empress Тии. Here and author that насчитает that -4, all 7 portraits! But all of them are in 6 and 7 numbers(lines), and that only then will go not less than 20 portraits already actually гробницы Тутанхамона, yet has not given the answer Гаклинг!
It(he) has decided(solved) that that to tell on a line 6, there on the right 4 portraits already Амарнские princes. At what two have ledges under a crown, that is it Фараоны, and person different, even on age approximately in 20, and 40 years! Can be here, and законспирировался какнаш the hero, consider(count) = Гаклинг, Зорге, Штирлиц certain фараон Сменхакр. About it(him) in general anything! That is monuments, стел with his(its) businesses, as though also is not present? The portrait can only? That the authors On the right extreme Consider(count) the friend
