Article 14. laws of the universe. the law of limit

Good day, Friends! We continue to study the book by L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova "Laws of the Universe". The next law, which we will get acquainted with today, sounds like this:

                THE LAW OF LIMITATIONS

In the previous article, we learned that infinity includes Eternity, which has no boundaries, limits and end. The infinity of the development process is expressed in stages and cycles, but the limit at each stage of development is a transitional form to infinity. Simply put, the limit has everything that is separate and particular, while the general and integral is infinite.

"Any form in the universe is an act of creation, therefore, before being created, it is calculated, a program of its code perception and existence is set, absolutely everything in it is determined by numerical calculation, including its ultimate existence at any stage of development." (L. A. Seklitova, L. L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017 OFFICIAL SITE OF AUTHORS [1]. That is, the goal of the development of any Soul or Essence is set by a program that regulates the volume of filling its energy form with the necessary content (for example, a person's development of such a quality as patience) and, when the task of a certain period is completed (the limit is reached), the Essence moves on to its next stage development, on which he receives a new program (for example, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge accumulated in a past life in practice), taking part in an endless process of improvement.

The law of the limit of each stage of evolution is necessary to create the uniqueness of the individual form of each Essence, the awareness of the personality as a separate organism, and also helps it to exercise self-control and evaluate its achievements after each stage of its development. If there was no limit of development at the stages, then all individuals would be formless accumulations that are difficult to distribute over the Levels of the Hierarchy of God. And the development of personality and individuality of any form is one of the main goals of the progression of any Essence.

Here I would like to recall such a stage in the evolution of our Essence (a form originally created by God, which is improved, undergoing incarnation in different forms of existence), as an incarnation in a physical body in different dimensions. Judging by the information from the contactees, there are a huge number of these dimensions with different forms and ways of existence. When the Essence incarnates in a physical body, then it is called the Soul. which, following a given program, goes its way and returns again to the subtle world. Sometimes the Soul leaves sooner or later, apparently, the Soul Guides keep track of the amount of accumulated experience. Throughout life, engaging in various activities, the Soul accumulates the necessary energy in the matrix of its Essence and, returning to the subtle world, passes the Council, where it can analyze the accumulated experience and draw appropriate conclusions. As Michael Newton writes in his works, Essence continues its work between incarnations. Essences often turn to a kind of library in the subtle world, where all the experience of their incarnations is stored and study individual moments of their existence. Therefore, everything that we do every moment of our life should take place in a conscious state. Nothing can be hidden! In the subtle world, everyone can see our experience. It is not for nothing that there is a saying in the Bible: "There is nothing secret that would not become obvious." A high level of awareness helps the individual to take responsibility and make better choices. Therefore, we can say that the limit of our physical incarnation is an important stage in our development in the infinity of Eternity.

Further, the authors of the book "The Laws of the Universe" say that the number of incarnations of the Soul gives qualitative accumulations in its matrix of certain energies and the law of limitation is controlling on the path of the disclosure and aspirations of the potential of each Soul, as well as its further development. The results of the ultimate accumulation (what the Soul has to the end of its incarnation) is a reference point for creating a new program for the next form of existence of Essence. The more the Essence has developed spiritual qualities in the past, the wider the range of its activities in the future will be. In the next incarnation, there may be more ambitious goals that will allow Essence to make a big leap in development, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROGRESSING ANY SOUL IS TO RISE ITS LEVEL OF EXISTENCE IN THE HIERARCHY OF GOD.

L.A. SEKLITOVA AND L.L. STERELNIKOVA SAY ABOUT THAT In the process of the development of the Soul, all qualities develop systematically. The formation of character traits occurs between lives in the process of rethinking the essence of your experience. To those qualities of character that the Essence has developed, certain properties are added, thereby, the personality is enriched with new qualities of character, becoming polysyllabic.

I want to give an example from my spiritual experience. This knowledge was obtained from regressive hypnosis sessions. One of my evolutionary forms of existence was a very sophisticated girl who loved nature and was a herbalist. During a hypnosis session, traveling through my inner space, I met this person. The herbalist girl looked at the personality that has formed today and was very surprised at the changes that had taken place. It's just that between these incarnations there was another vivid incarnation in the role of a man, which added certain developments to the composite of my Soul. These new qualities of my personality made it possible to obtain a rather difficult task for the current incarnation. You can usually find out these goals by looking at your year of birth. For example, my year of birth is 1974. The sum of the numbers is 21 - in the second half of your life you need to go beyond your world and expand the geography of your existence. This applies to both worldview and habitat. And the last two digits of the year show the result to which the Soul should come at the end of incarnation, having fulfilled its program, and this is 7 + 4 = 11 to become strong. In my life, indeed, many situations always arise, to overcome which, you need to apply a lot of physical and mental strength, and material, physiological and social restrictions in my life allow me to reveal my spiritual potential and raise the level of awareness. These can be called limitations in some of the possibilities of this world. Not having too much - less distracted by useless. And it is always worth remembering that we are responsible for the resources received. You should not take excess, that is, something that cannot be transformed into another type of energy or form. This example shows how in each incarnation we develop the necessary qualities of character, and between lives the Supreme Guides correct and supplement them, creating a unique composite of our Essence.

"It is all the qualities in their totality and their variations that create the texture of the construction of the spiritual composite of the personality, which is not repeated and has no similar ones in the entire system of Hierarchs" [1].

From the book "Laws of the Universe" we learn that each Essence can be represented as a separate mechanism in the overall structure of the Absolute, which generates energies of a certain quality and performs certain functions. Essences in the spiritual world are united into separate groups, according to certain properties and functions. Much has been written about this in the books of Michael Newton. When in life we ;;say that we are alone and they do not understand us, then there is often an existential crisis of the Soul, because in its environment during incarnation there are few Souls from the spiritual group of the subtle world. When we meet such a kindred spirit, there is a real jubilation inside. And this does not mean a partner for marriage. A Soul Mate sometimes incarnates as a friend, work colleague, or relative. But in order to work off negative karma from a past life, our enemies often incarnate as close relatives and our task is to understand and love them at least to some extent, having untied the karmic knot.

Such groups, generating the same process, are united into single worlds, according to their level of development, forming single formations that are parts of the structure of the Absolute. This is the third stage of the expansion of the limit, and in this case the worlds themselves will be the border of the expansion of these formations.

"... the improvement of the Essence is divided into three stages, the form of the personality at the first stage determines the goals of existence for itself. The main functioning falls on the second stage of formation, where new qualities are grouped. life and the presence of those composite components that have already been accumulated in the Soul "[1]. The limit is also the border of the transition between evolutionary components. It's like finishing school by children - after gaining knowledge, they pass an exam, as a result of which they receive an assessment of the quality, the accumulated volume of knowledge - the last grade and exams are the limit of their school education and the transition to the boundaries of the next educational institution.

Further, in the book we are studying in this article, it is said that in the matrix of the human Soul there are many levels (or cells) that are filled during incarnation with energies of different quality. The limit in this case serves as the border separating one energy from another. Each Level of the Hierarchy has its own forms, states, constructions, which change in their internal composition, remaining within the same boundaries until the completion of the program of the period and the transition to another level of development. The Limit serves as an external form that creates fundamental differences between the Essences and everything else in the worlds.
Further, in the book we are studying in this article, it is said that in the matrix of the human Soul there are many levels (or cells) that are filled during incarnation with energies of different quality. The limit in this case serves as the border separating one energy from another. Each Level of the Hierarchy has its own forms, states, constructions, which change in their internal composition, remaining within the same boundaries until the completion of the program of the period and the transition to another level of development. The Limit serves as an external form that creates fundamental differences between the Essences and everything else in the worlds.

The law of limitation develops as all constructions and forms that make up the Absolute develop, dictates its own limitations. Thanks to these restrictions, a systemic arrangement of energy volumes within the Absolute is formed. It is like the epithelial tissue that covers the outside of the body, lining the body cavities and internal organs, and also forms most of the glands. This tissue, in a philosophical sense, acts according to the law of LIMITATION, allowing human organs to function separately, creating an integral biological system.

Limit has its own characteristics, volumes, values ;;and is itself the Essence, which has its own development program.

The distribution of the limits of the volumes of different Essences leads to the systematization of the Levels of the Hierarchy of God. The limit that separates these Levels also separates life forms according to the degree of their development. At the intermediate stages of evolution (as mentioned earlier, life between lives), the Essences also undergo their lessons (additional routines) that allow them to move to a higher level. Michael Newton describes how, at each level of the subtle world, each Soul has its own work, corresponding to its level of development. Someone teaches young Souls, someone cleans the newly arrived Souls from negative accumulations (this is the so-called purgatory), someone creates new spaces. Due to the fact that all Levels of the Hierarchs of God are subject to calculation in the constructions of the general Volume, the law of LIMITATION allows you to maintain the perspective of the development of Essences and their forms, within the specified limits, which shows their rationality and perfection in general progression.

And so, Friends, to summarize, the law of LIMITATION, as well as all philosophical laws and laws of the Universe, applies to large and small processes of the Existence of God. If we consider the Being available to our perception - the world in which we are embodied at a given time interval, then here both the Volumes of living and inanimate nature have boundaries: water resources have their boundaries, societies are divided into states, populations of the animal world have their invisible for human borders, the Earth has its own atmosphere and, as the conspiracy theorists say, a dome that separates our human civilization from others (due to too destructive mentality) and so on. The sovereign space of one person ends where the sovereign space of another person begins, which allows each of us to develop and function calmly. The boundaries of human sovereignty are determined not only by fences and walls of houses, but also by the invisible boundary of respect, mercy and love for each other. Let's be kinder and more tolerant to each other!
