Article 30. laws of the universe. law of balance o

Good day, Friends! Today we are studying the next law according to the book "Laws of the Universe" by L.А. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as Authors). Official site of the Authors


In the book we are studying, it is written that periods of degradation are control and test periods for a person, affecting only low-quality negative and positive developments; a springboard is being cleared for building a new one; many shortcomings committed in a past life are corrected; the balance of accumulated energies is aligned. Degradation destroys only low-quality constructions and, to some extent, fights for the creation of stable structures, connections and quality characteristics. The process of degradation is not often included for the personality, but during the periods of completion of the next stage of development, and this is an opportunity for the personality to "relax". During the period of such relaxation, the qualities that have been developed earlier come to the fore and the strength of their connection is checked - whether the connections will not be destroyed when moving to the next Level under a more powerful load.

I often have to deal with a situation in life when people characterize themselves very positively or behave like very spiritual people, but at the very first tests you see something completely different - a small life load and all the "goodness" flies away somewhere. So it was all superficial. For example, a person considers himself to be very honest, but now a financial crisis has come into his life and every day a choice is made whether to repay a debt or not; to sacrifice your conscience to make money or not; take what is bad or not - and there are a lot of such situations. If a person during periods of financial crises does not want to change habits - save more, have less fun, and so on, then he has no choice but to accept the temptations of the negative system and receive material benefits unfairly. This is how the quality of the accumulated honesty of a person is checked.

Usually the argument is that I need to feed my family; these people already have a lot; everybody takes and I take. If a person goes through periods of financial trials in this way, then they drag on and a degradation process begins for the individual. Have you ever noticed how a person changes when he often needs to lie or do something illegal? Let us recall at least our politicians and the majority of businessmen. First, the character changes (not for the better), and then he becomes a completely different personality. And the last stage of such degradation - his body begins to collapse, but a person often says to the last that he is trying for his family and loved ones, or even better - for the people !!!))) and the piling up diseases and troubles are completely unfair punishment.

In the sacred Indian scriptures there is a story about a robber who robbed and killed people in the forest. Once he met a saint who asked why he was doing this and, of course, the goal was the most sacred - to feed the family. Then the saint said: "And you ask your family - are they ready to share your bad karma with you?" The family replied to the robber that they were not ready to share his karma. They don't care where the head of the family takes the money. And then the robber had an enlightenment of some parts of the brain and he became a priest and lived in monasticism for many centuries, bringing light and goodness to people. Probably, his family did not starve to death either)).

Friends, this key phrase is relevant today more than ever. You cannot fulfill your duty by violating the laws of karma. Sometimes financial crises are given as an opportunity for all family members to find other types of income and new activities will serve their self-realization. This is a very difficult question, especially in times of crisis. You just have to work harder and limit yourself, but not make a deal with your conscience. Once, in such a difficult financial period, I was looking for a job on the Internet and saw a pop-up advertising window, on which there was an advertising slogan: "Go to the dark side." I do not remember now what was advertised ... and whether it was advertised, the negative system is not asleep. We will also take into account the fact that the Devil today represents "... an improved stage of the computerized state, where the subordinate processes of life productivity are revealed on the highly stimulated principle of procedural activity ..." (L. A. Seklitova, L. L. Strelnikova. Laws Universe. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [1], therefore, the negative side takes part in all degradation processes and the Internet is a wonderful habitat for them, as well as this degrading world in which you and I are.

The number 16 in arcanonumerology denotes destruction - the map depicts the Tower of Babel, from which people fly. There are many interpretations of this map. You can familiarize yourself with different versions on the Internet, but in my opinion, this map shows the degradation process. People built to show their greatness, significance, their success, but everything that is put above God is taken away.This tower symbolizes a great temptation for people, because it is not for nothing that 16 stands in front of the number 15, which denotes the Devil and his temptations. It has been tested on the experience of your own and your environment - everything that is placed above God, obtained by dishonest means, and so on - is taken away, destroyed, if not in this life, then you will have to work out the situation in the next, and the descendants of the clan in which you incarnated in this life , will bear the atonement for what the ancestors took in an unfair way. It is worth studying the laws of karma in order not to make mistakes. The Tower of Babel is also a symbol of the end of some global process and the balancing of energies.

Further, the authors of the book "Laws of the Universe" say that the cause of the degradation process is also two oppositional energies in the matrix of the Soul - positive and negative, which accumulate, forming independent progressive forces, but at some point the process of degradation is turned on to balance them. "The balancing of the positive and negative sides does not occur until the numerical values ;;are completely equal, but only up to a certain equivalence of these opposites, that is, one of the sides, for example, can occupy a third of the volume and correspond to two-thirds of the other in power. Both oppositions are in constant development, therefore indicators of their power cannot remain for a long time in a state of equality and are constantly changing "[1].

From the book "Laws of the Universe" we learn that the gradation system unites all processes in the Universe into a single whole, and in this system positive and negative processes are completely controlled and exist independently of each other. Positive progression works for good in the name of good, while negative progression works for good in the name of evil (for example, exterminating insects to preserve plants, decoding killers to ensure a normal existence for people). "Such an opposition in actions and results contributes to the alignment of the peaks of development, which are created only to indicate the general direction of development of gradation and emphasizes its planned nature. Gradation exists together with degradation" [1].

Further, the Authors say that at the stage of the degradation process, energies of a certain quality are collected, creating a "core of destructive components and begin to represent a blocking network" [1]. , which is activated in the individual at certain moments of sudden awakening (realizations, probably). The "core of degrading qualities" can also develop in different directions and manifest in different forms and variations, that is, these energies become part of the negative qualities accumulated by the personality in the matrix of the Soul. We can probably say that such energy carriers form the "immunity" of the Soul to certain destructive energies.

Also in the book "The Laws of the Universe" it is written that the periods of degradation included in the program do not have a long course in order to prevent the destruction of the personality. At a new stage of development, a new numerical code is introduced into the individual's program, which produces a complete reconstruction of energies in the accumulative base of the Essence and leads to a weakening of the function leading to degradation. "The recalculations made in the program of the individual are aimed at ensuring that after such a verification period as degradation, to include him again in the active stage of development, using already new blocks of energy-modules in the program, which will force the personality to act in a new way in altered states" [1 ]. These energetic modules should direct the development of the personality towards performing the functions that it must perform in the system of evolution of the total Volume, and also control the "impulses of nature" of the personality so that the program does not fail. The same principles are used to build programs of the Levels of the Hierarchy and the worlds, because they become dependent on the development of the individuals who reside on them. "The worlds also constructively age with time and, if individuals, progressing, break forward, then the worlds begin not to correspond to them, therefore it is necessary to establish further correspondence between the improving Essences and the form of the world" [1].

Perhaps for this reason, at the moment in our world we see an obvious degradation process among the population, which stubbornly does not want to wake up and perceive the world in a new way. As far as we know, the Earth is now changing its vibrations and the population must correspond to them ... and a negative system came to the rescue. A very unpredictable performance has been played and it is difficult to predict how it will all end. Goodness and joy to all of us!
