Article 34. Laws of the Universe. Personality law

Good day, Friends! Today we turn to the study of the 6th chapter of the book by L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors) "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy". Official site of the Authors The first law in this chapter is:

                THE LAW OF PERSONALITY

"Any personality is, first of all, the Essence (Soul), that is, some living, spiritualized unit that develops in the course of evolution and therefore represents a synthesis of some personal factors or qualities inherent only to it, character traits. Development of personality, its orientation towards development is always coordinated by the highest Teachers through programs compiled for each individual separately "(L. A. Seklitova, L. L. Strelnikova. The laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy. Volume 1. Moscow. 2017) [1].

The definition is very similar to what we studied at the university, but classical science is stuck today because it does not want to introduce some axioms into its theoretical base. The existence of the Soul and God is recognized by classical psychology and philosophy, but the time has come to expand the knowledge of the subtle world. At least such his postulates as the programmability of all processes of the Universe, the presence of the Soul's Mentor and, in general, the direct connection of the Soul with the subtle world, and the presence of the Higher "I" is not a part of the personality, but as a separately developing Essence, of which our Soul is a part. It is also worth accepting the Hierarchy of the structure of the subtle world. Psychologists, based on research and experience, make important discoveries that require the introduction of new coordinates in science, but in scientific works these studies are not given a course.

When I wrote my thesis and tried to independently draw some conclusions from empirical research, my supervisor always said: "Who are you, in general? Candidate of Sciences? Doctor of Sciences? Or maybe you are a professor? What right do you have to do such daring guesses? " Because of this approach, classical science will stagnate for a long time, and practical psychology will take such ugly forms as NLP with all their harmful seminars. Or other areas where they touch the problem of a person, but they do not help to work it out deeply (an expensive pleasure nowadays), because they do not have a vision of a subtle plan and a large energy potential to interfere with these structures. Clients often have breakdowns, but they do not always have the opportunity to visit a specialist the required number of times, therefore, for practicing psychologists, the main thing is only a good income from their activities.
Further, the authors of the book say that not all forms have a personality, but only humanoid entities that have an Essence (Soul), on the basis of which it is possible to build personal qualities. From incarnation to incarnation, the Personality develops new qualities, which are based on the basis formed in the previous life. The "new program of future incarnation" is clothed in an undeveloped progression of encoded meanings. "Progression is a chain of future events, life situations presented in the program in the form of certain energy codes and unfolding in future reality in planned events" [1].

Further, we learn from the Authors that the program of a person's life is revealed in a certain order of alternation of events and depends on a person's behavior, because it assumes a variability of choice. Human behavior also affects the duration of incarnation. According to the law of personality, all Essences develop in all worlds and on the Levels of the Hierarchy, which are guided from Above and have a development program drawn up by the Highest Teachers, taking into account the interests of the entire Hierarchy. There are worlds and personalities that have already reached such a high level of consciousness that they themselves plan their future evolution. “Any program allows a person to form their own point of view on the surrounding reality, that is, the program does not impose a stereotype of views and someone’s opinions. A person has the right to develop them on his own” [1].

From the book we are studying, we also learn that there is a development indicator that expresses the percentage ratio between what a person has worked out and what else needs to be worked out in order to reach the "absolute phase of real finding." This indicator determines the personality to the level of Hierarchy corresponding to its development. The energy density of each Level holds the Essence typical of it. Everything that is different in terms of the characteristics of the Level is pushed up or down. Each Level of the Hierarch has its own amount of information, which is provided to the person and from the position of this Level, she looks at the world around her. The higher the Level, the wider the information is given and the person has the opportunity to get closer to the true perception of the world.

In hypnosis sessions, contactees tell how some disembodied personalities, after an incorrectly passed life program, descend several Levels below, and some rise several orders of magnitude when passing into the subtle world. Therefore, the accuracy of completing the program affects the evolution of our Souls.

As already mentioned in previous articles, the matrix of any Essence is filled with the necessary qualities depending on the behavior and choices made, on the thought process, on sensations. And the more a person learns something in one life, the easier it will be to continue to study it in the next. In "Kalagia" on this occasion it is written: "A person always goes where he leaves his call, attracting the magnet of perfection of the one who left this call in front of him for his new incarnations." (A.P. Naumkikh. Kalagia. Moscow. 1993).
“At the same time, the matrix construction of the soul takes into account not just filling the cells with the necessary type of energy, but also takes into account their quality, since energies of one type can be of higher quality or less. this information is clearer to the person "[1].

You have probably noticed how some children at school find it easier to learn a foreign language, others to math, and some have no equal in physical education lessons. I saw one of my lives in meditation and there I lived in a country where they spoke English. This subject was really easy at school. But all sciences should be studied, even if learning is not very easy, because we thereby put in certain cells of the matrix some qualities that we will continue to develop in the next life. I remember that I studied piano and cello at a music school for 3 years as a child. It was such a titanic work on my part! But even these 3 years taught me in later life to enjoy wonderful classical music, to hear falsehood while performing a piece of music, to understand people who are deeply involved in musical themes. Maybe in my next life I will have enough willpower to devote more time to music and reach greater heights.

At school, writing was also easy for me. In my natal astrological chart, Venus is in the 3rd house, which indicates the ability to literary creativity. But Rahu in the 7th house says that I am very bad at communicating with people and I need to learn this in this life, filling the matrix with certain energies, but at the same time developing my partners. And I found a way out - to help people expand the boundaries of my vision and understanding of the world through writing. I can't stand a lot of personal contacts, because my vision of our world is too different from the vision of the world of the people around me. I do not want to impose my point of view, but I also have no desire to be filled with all sorts of nonsense and constantly overcome the resistance of those who disagree))). The Internet will help us all!

Further, the authors of the book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" say that the law of personality allows an individual to develop purposefully, to follow the path that is more desirable for her, corresponds to past experience and contributes to finding his "I" among other individuals.

"The law of personality forms it in such a way as to make it impossible to repeat its individuality. And the absence in the soul of" repeating progressions ", accumulated quality energies plays an important role. accumulated states and the existing individual coded sign of the "soul" [1].

Friends, this is definitely a great gift from the Creator to have individuality. There is a lot of discussion around this topic in scientific circles. This is clearly manifested in all types of creativity and in art in general, but in my opinion, the main problem arises - how do you learn to interact? Tolerantly treat the individuality of the arcs of a friend and, if you are very lucky, then UNDERSTAND those who are nearby))). I think that respect and love play an important role here, which everyone should cultivate in their Soul and, as I already reflected in one of my articles, you need to understand that we are like mirrors that reflect this reality, each in our own way, and during communication we have the opportunity to share our vision of reality, which, of course, is different for everyone. Tolerance for each other will help us!
The book "The Laws of the Universe or the Foundations of the Existence of the Divine Hierarchy" also says the following: "Since the relationship between individuals can be unpredictable, it affects the configurability of the construction and the qualitative composition of the recruited energies of the maxi-personality, which will act on the basis of the orders of relationships established within it. between united communities "[1]. Each personality develops independently, but at the same time it is a private progression of a higher personality, for example, one's higher "I" or God. Therefore, individual development is not only a private matter, but also a general one in a more voluminous personal Unit of Cosmos, and it is a constituent part of an even greater Essence, and so on ad infinitum. This is the dynamic development of the entire Universe. A certain device in its construction helps a person to recruit an individual composite of energies - an exclusive encoder,

"Everything that exists in the universe is linked to each other in an endless chain of evolution. And all this is similarly connected in an endless chain of development of personal Units, through strict observance of the Hierarchical laws of development. Only uniform laws of the universe can ensure the coherence, synchrony and unity of the development of all That Is in Space" [ one].

Summing up, we can say that the embodied Soul, limited by the laws of Being, a life program, the norms of ethics and morality accepted in society, the laws of karma, is nevertheless given the freedom to choose situations; the possibility of individual personal development; a huge corridor of opportunities for spiritual growth included in the program; energy given for embodiment; constant help from the Determinant of the Soul (Mentor); and LIFE itself, which in its main part is beautiful and brings a lot of joy! Let us sometimes just enjoy it and be grateful to God for all the opportunities given to us !!!
