Привет вор! - Hello thief!

Ссылка на видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjzctw3mPkU

Hi everyone!
Rupert, hello from Kazakhstan!
You think that if I don't have the money for the trial, I can't do anything.
Or do you think you hid across the ocean in Los Angeles and you are doing well.
You think wrong.
Soon, your children, your grandchildren and so many people in the world will find out that you are a liar, a thief and a fraud.
I will use all possible forces to advertise your name. It will happen on the internet.
I think that by the World Cup 2026, a huge number of people will learn about you as a liar, a thief and a swindler.
Now I’ll work and show people what I have.
See this liar, thief and con artist Rupert Wainwright. Later I will show his full photo.
Let Rupert check my email. We look at the sent messages. This is our correspondence with you. You and I talked a lot.
Now you and I will go to 2009, like a time machine.
This is my 2009 correspondence. This is recorded by an independent witness. We are opening a correspondence now.
We open the chapter of the text. It starts like this. Yon baby get up. The manuscript says the same thing.
The correspondence on the Internet proves that the manuscript was written much earlier. 2004 - 2006. This happened much earlier than the showing of your video about Sasha in 2010.
Now we will look at some more material. This photo is familiar to you. You used the form of my photo in your video.
I have proof where you admit everything that I said. Watch a video. I told you all this on the Internet. I can use this in an American court.
With the help of modern technology, I will improve the video. This is a video workout.
I promised you that on the Internet there will be information about you in English. I am doing my word. Look. In these reports, you are portrayed as a liar, a thief and a fraudster!
I'm not saying goodbye Rupert. There will be more reports.
