Quotes of Thoughts February 2021

"Nothing is 'too big to fail'.
 No one is 'too big to jail'."

#NicolasSarkozy #Sarcozy #corruption #anticorruption
#quote #EraEden #LIVETESTAMENT

Digitization is like an ax: in the hands of kind people it's an instrument of good deeds, in the hands of villains it's an instrument of atrocities.
That's why a Democracy is existentially important & its value is rising

'Hi-tech raising without hi-morals rising will inevitably turns into a guillotine for Humanity' - #GennadyZherebilov  #EraEden #Vow2World

A "rising tide": the boats of the poorest should be raised first, the yachts of the billionairs will be raised the last.
It's really by worknets of IT-platforms of global & nationwide super #coops in which every citizen owns shares:

The Formula of Love by
#GennadyZherebilov :
The universal Energy of Love & Cooperation:
E = lc2
E - energy, L - love, C2 - cooperation between people and cooperation between humanity and the world.
"I Love The World
As Myself":

Population aging is a fake problem at the current time.
When every person will own a personal share in national and global #Super_Co_Ops for all life, then pensions & social benefits will not be  relevant, although they can stay.

Call it Mature Humanity, not senile as it seems in the current outdated picture of the world, because #EraEden will invert it thanks to #EraRA, i e. the Era of #Robotics & #AI when everyone will own a personal shares in #Super_Co_Ops :

Quality growth vs quantity growth. Innovations vs. "manure manner" of solving global problems. It's a Great Fake if you offer to forcefully reduce the population instead of inventing economical & environment friendly technologies

Trickle-down economics
is a Trick.
The current economics is like a "bidet economics" for the oligarchs.
Be wise to revise aims of human's life: Not Jobless But Jobfreed thanks to worldwide nets of full automated #Super_Co_Ops w/ shares of every citizen.

A "rising tide": the boats of the poorest should be raised first, the yachts of the billionairs will be raised the last.
It's really by worknets of IT-platforms of global & nationwide super #coops in which every citizen owns shares:

Atlas was condemned to hold up heavens.
The Garden of Eden is no more.
#GennadyZherebilov :
to create #EraEden we've to gladly hold the World on shoulders.
People Are Holders of the World!
I Love the World as myself
http://proza.ru/2020/02/10/760  pic.twitter.com/HsZF9wRfuL

‘Rabotics’ (Russian word 'Rab' /Slave) as an antonym of #Robotics
is a system of actions (ideological, theoretical, practical), which is aimed at the use of mass, low-skilled & cheap labor in the conditions of 'barbaric' exploitation of human.
7. 2018

For the global goal of transfiguration from "men of sorrow to humans of joy", let's we, good will people, join to joy of the Peace World Revolution (The PoWeR):

'The Manifesto of the Inclusivism'



We, Inclusivists, declare our views and goals: we vow to the World to love the World as ourself. We have  a  dream that our goals will be achieved by the peaceful revolutionary improvement of all existing social

Humanity will not be able to move to a qualitatively new and super-successful level of development of the World and civilization, until we begin to see a human as a co-creator not as cannon fodder and a workhorse.

The Manifesto of the Inclusivism:
'Humans all countries, Unite' as owners & employees of global & nationwide super #coop united in the chains of IT-platforms.
People are Holders of the World!



Super #COOP in which every citizen owns a share & receives dividends (or #UBI if dividends're lower than UBI) i.e. #inclusivism is the best solution for the Еra of #Automation


"To be, or not to be: that is the question"
on which each person answers with the actions"
#Shakespeare ft. #GennadyZherebilov

in which every citizen owns a share & receives dividends is the highway to #EraEden

“Objectivity over subjectivity?” is the topical issue of mass consciousness, which #JEHOVOX proposed to call 'Case Dali' (his ashes're exhumed at the demand of his fake daughter and it was objectively proven that it's a fake). Could be subjectivity over objectivity?"

Super #COOP based on #HoneycombProperty in which every citizen owns a share and receives dividends (or #UBI if dividends are lower than UBI) is the highway to #EraEden #inclusivism
#Super_Co_Ops :

"Ra in bow / rainbow is the autograph of God".
In the center - "The autographs of God & Noah on The Covenant of Heaven and Earth - holistically: 'Not mixed, Not divided' symbolizes the "Big Bang":
http://proza.ru/2020/09/04/872  pic.twitter.com/PZ4bo4cErt

'job for joy
work for survival'.
#Job4Joy Vs. #work4survival
#EraEden #CodeOfExodus

#machines4humans #WellBeing4HumanBeings
#inclusivism #inclusion
#ERARA = Era #Robotics & #AI
#GreatUpgrade #GreatReset

"A faithful faith is the path to Truth, on which knowledge is a passed stage: from 'men of sorrows' to 'humans of joy", #GennadyZherebilov
#quote #QuotesOfThoughts #EraEden #Vow2World
#FratelliTutti #Fraternity

It's very likely that Pence will enter the history books as one of the key defenders of democracy, who made the right moral choice at a time when the fate of Democracy was being decided not only in the U.S., but also in the world.

'Obviously, the most secret & destructive weapon is called "Yard" (short for a "milliard"): with high accuracy it falls into the pockets of VIPs on the side of the opposer, demoralizes them and turns them into financial addicts who depend on the next tranche'

Biology: disadvantage of fissiparity as reproduction of organisms by division is an identity of progenies.
W/ sharp changes in conditions they can die.
Political science:
Some ruling regimes use Political Fissiparity to imitate changes.

Thanks to #Automation people'll be freed from roles of workhorse & cannon fodder: in democracies, people'll improve themselves & the world, but in autocracies they'll be 'useless people'. We need victory of democracy over autocracy

' #impeachment is a key inherent element of democracy, preventing the usurpation of power'.
We need victory of democracy over autocracy.

By the way, 'Thanks' on Russian means 'Save us, God'.
See essay
'Ra in bow (rainbow) is the autograph of God.
Secrets of the Office of Heaven':
http://proza.ru/2020/09/04/872  pic.twitter.com/DtfkcHfDGU

"There is nothing in the world for the sake of which it is necessary to turn the world into nothing."
Main threats:
1. Virulent ideas of Malthus, social Darwinists & their implementers
2. Autocracies, whose rulers personally & arbitrarily decide question of war

'The Principle of Cooperation: Participate in that, there, then, with those, and in such degree - in what, where, when and in what degree other participants take into account your will'

In Etude 9 the author planned to complete a new painting of the world & finally open roadmaps w/ hidden fatal dangers & milestones for the optimal fairway to paradise harbor.
But while there're no invitations, the pilot doesn't go to the captain's bridge:

1/ On threshold of #20s21 one should see that an optimal Exodus for Humanity into the promised #EraEden, in which everyone can develop & realize their talents, is possible on the basis of a democratic #AllinclusiveSociety & #automation via  #Super_Co_Ops

2/ Autocratic regimes and #automation highly likely will aim to #PrivatizeParadise by oligarchs & massive population decline by wars, pandemics, etc. #WeHaveNotTime http://proza.ru/2018/12/16/936

'Trust in the Era of Eden'
by #GennadyZherebilov
'And if we will be beautiful and wise
then each of us will love
and will be loved.
Just open soul and you discover
that Our World can be as Paradise' !

Recovery of an old economic model without upgrade looks like a somersault - spectacular but ineffectively.
"The Code of Exodus" from #inequality towards
in #EraRA - the Era of #Robotics & #AI via #GreatUpgrade

Gennady Zherebilov:
If persons receive a livelihood not by the right of owners who receives income from their property, but in the form of social assistance, a gift, alms, charity, then this makes the persons dependent on who gives them these benefits

"Don't bring to a boil" - from one hand this is a simple advice from a cookbook, known to every cook, but from another hand is a wise covenant for the rulers of the countries & a universal recipe to create good human relationships' #GennadyZherebilov

#ЭРАРАЯ #ЭраЭдема


#Vow2World #inclusivism #inclusionism #HumanityFirst
#EraEden #ERARAJ https://twitter.com/BasicIncomeRF/status/1356646834219978753 …

The oligarchs turned 90th birthday of Yeltsin into "Thanksgiving Day to Tsar Boris'. But 1.2.1884 is 137th birthday of Zamyatin & 100th jubilee of the dystopia 'We' about the country in which "Day of Unanimity" is the holiday of Benefactor's re-election.
