Article 57. Laws of the Universe. The law of the c

Good day, Friends! Today we continue studying the book by L.A. Seklitova and L.L. Strelnikova (hereinafter referred to as the Authors) "Laws of the Universe". Official website of the Authors ( We begin the next chapter of the book "Building the Soul (Units)". The first law, described in chapter 9:


"A unit is the numerical name of the soul as some elementary spiritualized particle participating in the construction of the general Volume of God. The unit, that is, the soul, has a certain matrix construction with a set of qualitative foundations" (L.A. Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy, Volume 1. Moscow, 2017) [1]. This definition is given by the Authors to the concept of Soul. In the previous chapters, we learned that the entire Hierarchy of God was created on the basis of calculation and inspiring power, as well as each Unit created by God - the Soul. Qualitative foundations (energies of different qualities) the Soul accumulates in its matrix, which on the subtle planes, depending on the Level of the Hierarchy, transforms, adding new cells that are filled with experience (qualities).

The law of configurative construction of the Unit, as it is written in the book of the Authors, creates its external form for the period of all reincarnations, that is, when the Soul is created with the help of calculation, a progression coefficient is formed for each Unit. This coefficient can be imagined as a chain of planned actions that make up the construction of the Soul and its supposed forms at each stage of development. This initial basis of the Soul is built taking into account future constructions and incarnations, and it also directs and purposefully drives the future base of accumulations (it is the vector of the development of the Soul). The first incarnation will form the subtle structures on which the next structures will be based, and the "composite progression factor" will create form from these new structures.

Further, we learn from the book "Laws of the Universe or the foundations of the existence of the Divine Hierarchy" that each Soul in the Hierarchy gains its compositional experience through incarnations (forms the structure of its Soul). For each new form of it in the chain of incarnations, the initial time is set, which is the starting point for the next construction of cause-and-effect relationships of various situations of development during the transition from one Level of the Hierarchy to another. Each subsequent form of the Unit is built on the basis of the previous form of the past incarnation. For this reason, many people do not really match their gender in their current life, for example, women have broad shoulders, strong arms, excessive masculinity - often this indicates that the last incarnation was male and many masculine qualities have been accumulated in the design of the Soul and they will certainly appear in the next life. There was one incident in my life. I knew one guy who acted like a girl at times, danced, made friends more with women. Once, in a conversation with him, I explained that a past life greatly affects our appearance and habits in this life. In order to complete the program correctly, you need to fulfill your duty, even if it does not work out perfectly, and not go on about some ghostly sensations and dubious desires. A few years later, I found out that he lives with a girl. For this reason, in each incarnation we are given the opportunity to comprehend this world with a zeroed memory, so that we do not get hung up on our old forms, but build the structure of our Soul further, enriching the matrix with new energies.

From the law of the configurative construction of the One, we also learn that when the old form becomes the basis for the new form, the configuration of the Unit becomes more complex from Level to Level, while the process of transformation is the same, but the power of the potential of the Unit increases and the structure of the common accumulation base changes. But this happens when the program is being fulfilled by the Soul, and if it is returned to the previous shortcomings, then no great progress is observed.

The order of creating config forms is as follows:

1. Arriving at a new Level, the Essence falls under the care of the positive composition of this Level. They direct the Unit on the path that corresponds to its power potential and give a load corresponding to its capabilities.

2. Each Level has several development options for the arrived Essence and she herself chooses the direction of her progression in order to maintain her individuality and develop new qualitative characteristics.

The authors in their book say that due to the large possibilities for choosing development paths, all Essences on the Level have different configurative constructions, but they are systematized according to certain parameters, because each Level contains only a certain set of energies and situations, passing through which, the Essence gains the necessary quality energies to their potential.

If, for example, we take our minus the first Level of the Hierarchy, then here we can work out to automaticity the recognition of deceit and illusion, which we encounter every minute during our lives. Often our Soul gets very tired of this and we cannot understand why such an experience is needed, but this is very important in the further evolution of the Soul, because when there are great opportunities and more responsible situations, it is very important not to fall into the traps of the dark ones.

The law we are studying says that the global construction uses the principle of similarity - a single construction principle, where a smaller volume is formed identically to the Volume of the Absolute, including variations of private development paths that are subtly combined with each other. Also, the development of the Unit takes place under the influence of the law not only in a certain period of time, but also the database of its future constructions is managed in the general system of Hierarchical forms. This law governs both particular and general configurative construction. And there is an inverse relationship between the operation of the law - if the general structure developed differently, then the particular form would develop according to the same principles. That is, individual private volumes and the General structures that they belong to are united by a common form and work according to the same principles. The construction of the forms of the Unit takes place under the action of the law of succession, that is, the new form will be built on the basis of the form obtained at the previous stage, on its qualitative and quantitative accumulations. Further, the law of distribution begins to operate, which assigns its place to each new formation in the private construction of the Unit according to the accumulated power.

"Numbers and exact calculation form a "own system of constructive relationships" and precede any harmony" [1]. Harmonious development is laid at the basis of each Unit with the help of calculations, and on its basis there is a "balancing apparatus" that does not allow the Soul to accumulate excess volumes. The Higher Essences, who accurately calculate any construction, also preliminarily plan the possible forms of creation. Then the overall form is split into smaller parts and the necessary set of energies is obtained to build the form. "And the energies are already being translated "into digital characteristics", which form a "coefficient of further distribution" of them into colors, sound, momentum, and so on" [1].

This is very interesting and new information, Friends! Imagine this grandiose process - the Higher Essences at the beginning create something by thought, decomposing this image into smaller fragments, while plunging into the image and its components, which leads to the transformation of the image itself. Divided into qualitative and quantitative independent elements, images have their own absolute form of existence, which, in turn, is divided into even smaller parts. Such a process of division is also characteristic of the general structure of the Hierarchy, which is divided into Levels, Essences, and so on. "All of them have their own constructions with further decomposition into similar forms, that is, one transforms into another endlessly both inside and outside" [1].
Further, the Authors say that when a developing form needs to be corrected, then its potential gives a signal about the need for a general Volume. This need for the form is expressed by a prepared cell in the matrix, ready to be filled with the necessary quality, and the general Volume responds to this need by sending the necessary energy. The vast Essence of the Absolute constantly requires filling in it of specially prepared places for new accumulations. The perspectives of the growth of the Absolute in Its constructive buildings are always taken into account, while the development of particular forms constitutes Its individual diverse basis. In the process of development, there is a grouping according to some qualities, which are combined into larger volumes. The variety of qualities is limited by the needs of the Absolute. The goal of the law of the configurative construction of Units is the harmonious interaction of the processes of formation of structures of the subtle plan at all Levels within the Hierarchy of the Absolute. The well-coordinated work of all systems contributes to the progression of the Absolute and Its constituent parts. All construction methods and building effects change over time, because the very essence of the laws is embedded in the constant transformation of the existing state to ensure the prospect of future changes. The transformation process depends on the speed of the processes within the Hierarchy, and they are laid down by the program. The more active the Essence, the faster it accumulates energy and the inverse relationship - the activity depends on the accumulations of the Essence, which affect the production of construction actions. Therefore, the building process is based on the "speed formula of progressive activation." This forces the Essences to work at the maximum power developed during their previous progression.

And then the authors describe an interesting point: the activation of future constructions depends on previously built constructions, and if the Essence has not gained a personal construction base in the past, then at the moment there will be nothing to build new states on. In this case, the law of degradation begins to operate, which will destroy in it what was built at other stages of development, until the Essence is mobilized to resist these destructions, attracting its willpower. The longer the stoppage in development, the more devastating the destructive processes are. There are especially in development a period of stop in development and a period of cessation of degradation. Both of these gaps in the evolution of Essence take a certain period of time. The essence is initially programmed for constant development, and in the interval from the cessation of progression to the end of degradation (permanent deactivation), it loses its temporal field and self-destructs. Lost time is made up by increasing the speed of activity. There are three time fields in construction processes. In the objective time field, the Essence moves according to its qualities and the right to choose, and the second period is the time for the passage of any situation, which is planned by the program. "The third time refers to the moment of stopping the Unit in development. The stop itself is expressed in the absence of time movement, or otherwise it can be said that time is constant at some interval of microdevelopment. At this point of stopping, time increases" its magnitude characteristics "going outside the environment, and at the same time reduces them, going inside the Essence itself" [1]. Each Essence has its own temporary field provided by the program. This dependence turns into a "dynamic process of self-regulation" of constructive constructions of the Essence, which at each interval of development includes various speed parameters - variants of accelerated or slow construction of forms are allowed. In order for a reliable new construction to exist, a qualitative basis of the past construction is needed, and therefore, all the shortcomings in the past, the Essence refines in the present, returning each time to past situations, thereby creating a prerequisite for a set of qualitative base and the transition to a new Level. This process of reversibility to past situations develops a solid planned individual basis of the Essence.

No wonder there is such an expression "lost time". It is used when a person in the process of activity did not receive the desired result or expected someone in vain, while one could do something useful. Probably, we are intuitively afraid of stops and unproductive actions, because there is an inner knowledge that any stop in development is the beginning of degradation and, as a result, self-destruction. This is the third use of time for any Essence. In order to catch up with her general program in time, she will then have to accelerate. The Essence also loses time when it does not show sufficient activity and does not collect normative energies into the matrix of its Soul, that is, it does not have time to accumulate a base on the basis of which it will make the following accumulations in the future (assimilate new energies). Such Essence is brought back to the old situations.
A return to the situations of the past and current life in trance states with the conscious study of karmic knots is a very important point in development. Every year, the level of awareness increases (by design), and we return to the unfinished points in the program with a different level of understanding of the situation. This is the best option for working off karma and unleashing karmic knots. The same pain, the same suffering, but awareness occurs at a higher level. Therefore, ask yourself questions more often and you will receive comprehensive answers!
