Chi da n ba s. The note

Chi da n ba s. The note.

With great interest I have read the material: BBC News, Russian Service. What is known about the blogger Edward Biel, whom the police consider the culprit of the high-profile accident. Vladimir Dergachev. BBC. April 2, 2021. Updated April 3, 2021. [unofficial translation] (

“He intimidated passers-by with the proprietary phrase“ chi da ”” - this could be heard on Russial radio stations.

I first learned about the service of the hero of the day “on the side of the unrecognized DPR in the Somalia battalion” from the BBC material.

Additionally, you can pay attention to the existence of such topics.

1) Philosophical theme about the border between a life and a death. For the hero of the day, this moment is very important - what issues were  be resolved (will be resolve) - while the victim was and is in intensive care?

2) The topic of changes in the official software (a digitalization of vehicle accounting) - those changes that allowed the driver of a quasi-legal car to commit hundreds of offenses with impunity.

3) The topic of the social micro-environment in which the hero of the day revolved - in the materials of various media are presented reports about the friends-buddies of the hero of the day. All of these names have previously been known for the public. What kind of people are they? How do they relate to the development of the Russial criminal sub-culture?

4) The theme of fees (of honorarium) - as an element of the broader theme of national creative markets. The hero of the day - a major video blogger. He, apparently, a major content seller in the global creative video content market. Logically, it turns out that he is one of those who receive the largest amounts of honorarium. Perhaps this assumption can be confirmed in the information on tax payments. However, now everything is being digitalized - and there were shortcomings in the official software for a digitalization of vehicle accounting ...

Chi da n ba s ...

April 5, 2021 05:20

Translation from Russian into English: April 5, 2021 05:52.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Чи да н бан с. Заметка”.
