
(ирландская песня)

Покидал я, помню, Дублин,
Било полночь на часах
А испанская девчонка
Мыла ножки при свечах.

Подглядел, как моет ножки,
Как их сушит у огня
Вот клянусь душой бродяги
Не видал чудесней я.


Как-то  утром воротился,
Что я вижу – вновь она
Золотую чешет косу
У раскрытого окна.

То расчешет, то разгладит...
Гребешок из серебра
Вот клянусь, такой не видел
Красоты я никогда.


Помню, как-то на закате
Раз сумел я подсмотреть
Как ловила та испанка
Мотылька в златую сеть.

Но она, меня завидя,
Юбки ловко подобрав,
Не дала мне наглядеться,
Убежала в дом стремглав.


Я на севере и юге
Все дороги истоптал
Глостер, Стони Бартер, Тэнди –
Где я только не бывал.

Годы мне согнули плечи
В сердце пепел без огня
Лишь любовь одна не гаснет
К той девчонке у меня.


The Spanish Lady

As I came down through Dublin City
At the hour of twelve at night
Who should I spy but a Spanish lady
Washing her feet by the candlelight

First she washed them, then she dried them
Over a fire of amber coals
In all me life I ne'er did see
A maid so sweet about the soul

Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Ray lady
Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Rye aye

As I came back through Dublin City
At the hour of half past eight
Who should I spy but the Spanish lady
Brushing her hair in the broad daylight

First she brushed it, then she tossed it
On her lap was a silver comb
In all me life I ne'er did see
A maid so fair since I did roam

Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Ray lady
Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Rye aye

As I returned to Dublin City
As the sun began to set
Who should I spy but a Spanish lady
Catching a moth, in a golden net

First she saw me, then she fled me
Lifted her petticoats o'er her knee
In all me life I ne'er did see
A maid so fair as the Spanish lady

Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Ray lady
Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Rye aye

I've wandered north and I have wonder south
Through Stoney Barter and Patrick's close
Up and around, by the Gloucester Diamond
And back by Napper Tandys' house

Auld age has laid her hands on me
Cold as a fire of ashy coals
But there is the love of me Spanish lady
A maid so sweet about the soul

Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Ray lady
Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Rye aye
Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Ray lady
Whack for the Too Rye, ooh, Rye aye

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Chauncy Olcott / Ernest Ball / George Graff
The Spanish Lady lyrics © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc
