Senya and the operational actions in a difficult s

Senya and the operational actions in a difficult situation. A story.

Senya found out that his friends bought a large and tasty watermelon, ate it, and carelessly threw the peels from the watermelon next to the garbage cans.

During a walk one of kids slipped on a watermelon peel, fell and hit hard. Moreover, during the fall, he waved his arms, trying to maintain balance, and hit two more kids.

Friends reacted immediately to the situation. First, they gave the injured kids advices: look in front of yourself more attentivly, be more carefull, to visit a doctor. Secondly, they expressed sympathy for the injured children, bought them ice cream and patted them on the shoulder encouragingly.

Senya was worry.

The unpleasant situation! It necessary to do something!

Senya publicly shook hands with his friends, expressed gratitude to them for their timely advice and sympathy, and also gave friends large cash awards from the money received from the kiosks.

Senya's decisive and positive actions will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the mood of children, friends and residents of the house.

Senya knows how to create a friendly, good atmosphere in a difficult situation! After Senya's timely measures, the kids will no longer be injured due to their carelessness.

May 15, 2021 03:38

Translation from Russian into English: May 15, 2021 04:08
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сеня и оперативные действия в сложной ситуации. Рассказ”.
