The Vocabulary of Politically Correct Terms

  An ongoing attempt to create a vocabulary of politically correct terms with a view to the future restoration of normal English.  Help is appreciated and will be noted if desired.

Administrative Assistant - Secretary
Affirmative action - Preferential treatment
Afroamerican  - Negro
Alternative facts - Lies
Ancestors - Forefathers
Artificial - Man-made
Asian - Oriental
Average Person - Man in the Street

Banned - Blacklisted
Bartender - Barman/Barwoman
Bar attendant - Barman
Be Economical with the Truth - to Lie
Behaviourally Challenged - Criminal
Best Person for the Job - Best Man for the Job
Business Person - Businessman

Caucasian  - White
Chairperson – Chairman / Chairwoman
Chalkboard - Blackboard
Chemically Inconvenienced - Drunk
Chief Assistant - Right-hand Man
Cleanliness technician - Bin Man
Cosmetic Surgery - Plastic Surgery
Custody Suite - Prison Cell

Developing Nations - Third World
Differently Interesting - Boring
Differently Logical - Wrong 
Disabled  - Cripple
Disorder - Disease
Domestic engineer - Housewife
Dysfunctional family - Broken Home 

Economically Deprived Area - Slum, Ghetto
Economically Inactive - Unemployed
Economically Marginalised - Poor
Emotional Rape - Insult
Economically Deprived Area - Slum Area
Equal Opportunity Prostitute - Bisexual Prostitute
Extortion - Blackmail
Ethically Disorientated - Dishonest

Fairness – Sportsmanship
Facility Manager - Cleaner 
Firefighter – Fireman / Firewoman
First name - Christian Name
Flight Attendant – Steward / Stewardess
Follically Challenged - Bald 
Forename - Christian Name
Forest Management - Deforestation
Freedom Fighter - Terrorist
French Person - Frenchman

Gender reassignment - Sex change
Global warming incident - Natur disaster
Global warming - Climate change

Have Special Needs  - Mentally Disabled
Has (e.g. asthma) - Suffers from (e.g. asthma)
Hearing-impaired - Deaf
Hispanic - Mexican
Heterosexual - Straight
Homeless Person - Tramp
Holiday Tree - Christmas Tree
House Helper - Maid
Human Resource - Manpower
Humanity – Mankind

I.D. or Intellectual Disabilities - Mentally Disabled
Inebriated - Drunk
Insurgent - Terrorist
Intellectually Disabled - Mentally Handicapped
Intellectually Impaired - Stupid
Irregular Immigrant - Illegal Immigrant
Irregular Shopping - Shoplifting
Irregular Subletting - Illegal Subletting

Job Restructuring - Job Losses
LGBT-person - Queer
Little Person - Midget / Dwarf

Mentally disturbed  - Idiot, Crazy, Nutcase, Mad
Metabolic overachiever – Fat
M.R or Mentally Retarded - Mentally Disabled
Ms  - Miss / Mrs

Nasally Disturbing - Smelly
Newcomer - Immigrant 
Non-traditional success - Failure
Non-Vocal - dumb
Non-waged  - Unemployed
Numerically Challenged Group  - Minority Group

Outdoor urban dwellers - Homeless 
Overweight - Fat

Partner – Husband / Wife
Passed Away - Dead
People - Men / Women 
People with Disabilities - the Disabled
Person of Interest - Wanted Criminal
A person with a Chemical Dependency - Drug Addict
A person with a Disability - Cripple
A person with a Drug Dependency - Junkie 
A person with a Mental Health Condition - Nut 
A person with a Mental Health Disability - Schizo, Mad
Police Officer - Policeman/Policewoman
Postal Worker - Postman
Pre-owned - Used
Protest - Left-Wing Riot
Protester – Terrorist

Quantitative Easing - Printing Money

Reality Challenged - Insane
Rebel - Terrorist
Riot - Right-Wing Protest
Salesperson - Salesman / Saleswoman
Same-sex - Homosexual 
Sanitation Engineer - Dustbin Man,  Dustman
Senior Citizens - the Elderly, Old People 
Sexually Dysfunctional - Perverted 
Server – Waiter / Waitress
Sex Worker - Prostitute
Sex Care Provider - Prostitute
Sexually Liberated - Promiscuous 
Sibling - Brother / Sister
Sight impaired - Blind 
Single woman - Spinster
Site engineer – Caretaker
Spokesperson - Spokesman 
Spouse - Husband / Wife
Street Activity Index - Crime Rate
Substance Use Disorder - Drug Habit

Tax Officer - Taxman
Temporarily displaced - Homeless
Terminally Unavailable – Dead

Unauthorized Termination of Life - Murder
Unconventional-looking - Ugly 
Undocumented Migrants - Illegal Aliens
Undocumented Worker - Illegal Immigrant
Uniquely Coordinated - Clumsy
Unintentionally at Leisure - Unemployed
Unschooled - Stupid
Utility Hole - Manhole

Vertically Challenged - Short 
Visually handicapped - Blind
Visually Impaired - Blind
Visually Unfavourable - Blind

Wealth Redistribution - Robbery
Wheelchair User - Wheelchair-bound / Confined to a Wheelchair
Winter Festival - Christmas
Workforce - Manpower
Worker - Workman 
