Serbian jazz

Boki Milosevic is one of the most remarkable jazz artists of the 21st century Western Europe.

His approach to music is highly refined and graceful.

In these melodies one can feel a touch of ethnic music (beats, percussion), free jazz (the piano), luxuriously bright syncopes of classical jazz and bossa nova,
finally, even ethnic brass instruments.

This artist and composer is prolific in writing music. His band not only uses sheet music, but focuses on exploring the 'world music impromptu' terrain.

Subjectively, it feels like crossing a river on a boat - you glide on the surface of a melody, touched by a light summer wind.

For Milosevic, his listener is a partner, a co-creator. When this prominent musician plays around with all sorts of melodies and beats, building up tension and excitement, he is fully in control of the situation. Music is a game with no winners or losers, and it also is a legend that unfolds details and specific features of the artist's identity.

When this band is on stage, their listeners get so much carried away by the sound that they literally levitate on their chairs.

Dear readers! If you come across this Serbian jazz band, do have a listen - their style is indeed tremendously alluring, uplifting and passionate.

UPD: Now we can only listen to old concerts of Boki Milosevic. He passed away in 2018, having left a significant trace in global jazz history.
