The eternal financial engine. How the Severus terr

The eternal financial engine. How the Severus terra can become a villa on a Caribbean island. The note.

“SEVERSK (Tomsk oblast), June 8 [2021] - RIA Novosti. (...) On Tuesday, at the site of the Siberian Chemical Combine of Rosatom in the city of Seversk, Tomsk oblast, the construction of the world's first power unit of a new generation BREST-OD-300 started ... ... we are talking about a truly historic event - the start of a new era of development of Russian and of the world energy industry within the framework of the Rosatom project area "Breakthrough". ... They not in vain compare the closed nuclear fuel cycle with the "philosopher's stone" or "perpetual motion machine" of energy, added Kiriyenko. " ( [unofficial translation]

June 9, 2021 13:59

Translation from Russian into English: June 9, 2021 14:16.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Вечный финансовый двигатель. Как Север может стать виллой на карибском острове. Заметка”.
