Waiting for a miracle
It happened in the railway school №53 in the 9-10th grade at the station. Kosobrodsk of the South Ural Railway in 1943-45. Immediately everything was laid out on paper, in a school notebook.
The director of the school, Vitaly Nikolayevich Kudryashov, became the first reader who could appreciate the "discovery" made. He was an outstanding, highly educated person. He wanted to trust. We also met with him later in Moscow, in adulthood, when the author was already a candidate of technical sciences, head of laboratory in the research institute of artificial fibers.
Vitaly Nikolayevich reacted to my composition with approval, one might say with interest and without irony: “Well done Arkady, I advise you to continue; only there is one remark. The inconsistency turns out. In the solar system, gravitational forces act, and in the atom, electric, well, you are young; you will find a way out. There are miracles in the world. " And so I can say since then I have been trying to find this miracle, to overcome the contradiction between gravity and electricity. I can say I put half my life on this matter. Much later I learned that it turns out to be called the problem of creating a unified field theory.
As time went. I entered the university, survived the hungry year of 1947, when cabbage soup in the student canteen and a modest ration of bread rations in the first post-war years did not satisfy the requirements of a young growing organism in any way. But I didn't forget about the idea.
Once in the institute's library I came across a volume of works by the great French thinker Pierre Simon Laplace: "Exposition of the system of the world." This was the first, and perhaps the most important, success in this whole story or project, as they say today.
It followed from Laplace's work that all electrical phenomena in an atom can be explained by gravity, if we accept, as Laplace did (and this was his great discovery at that time, therefore unappreciated!), that with an increase in the density of matter by more than 10^10 once "gravitational forces are converted into molecular" or electrical (or microgravity, as I called them later).
With such an increase the density of the substance is the gravitational field and the substance is compressed. Its efficiency increases sharply, and the distance at which it acts is correspondingly sharply reduced. According to the current terminology, the gravitational field turns into electric or "molecular", and within the framework of the later proposed terminology, "into microgravity."
The bridge across the Rubicon was thrown, the main obstacle was overcome, and the problem of the contradiction between gravity and electricity was solved. In the creation of the theory of the universe, it remained to solve the details, and the «miracle» had to happen. One of these details was the inverse quadratic law, which describes Newton's gravitational law and which molecular forces did not want to obey in any way.
And here the decisive role was played by the unique high-precision tens metric studies of Academician Boris Vladimirovich Deryagin. He was able to measure the force of attraction between two crossed platinum filaments with a diameter of 1 mm, depending on the distance between the filaments. The force of interaction between the threads changed in inverse proportion to the square of the distance, that is, the inverse quadratic law for the interaction of bodies with small dimensions (~ 1 mm) acts, is observed. When checked, the constant in the equation of the law of microgravity turned out to be equal to 1.847.10^28 cm3 / gs2 and was observed with high accuracy.
So, the law of gravitation is open for the world of atoms! Not wasting time, the leading Physics journal of the country was informed about this. Imagine the author's surprise when, in response to a pretentious scientific article and an enthusiastic cover letter, «the editorial board of the journal responded with an impassive refusal to publish the article in the journal".
Now, considering the situation from the "height" of the past tense and accumulated experience, I understand that there could be no other answer. This is the logic of the development of science! But even then and now there is not a shadow of doubt about the correctness and high accuracy of the proposed microgravity constant governing the world of atoms and molecules, similarly to Newton's constant determines the state of affairs in the macro world around us.
The fortress with the «miracle» it contained was to be taken by a long siege and intermittent local battles. One of them was a discussion about the bonds that hold particles (atoms) of matter together and form the real world. This is the most difficult, or better to say, confusing section of physical chemistry.
From time immemorial, the idea was launched among chemists that the bond between atoms is formed by a pair of electrons. The best theorists have tried and continue to try to present a picture of how this can happen. However, no convincing mechanism for this phenomenon has been developed. While the concept of the micro gravitational interaction of atoms gives a simple and clear answer to this question - chemical bonds between atoms are formed due to the force of micro gravitational attraction of the masses of atomic nuclei.
For the sake of brevity, let us consider only an example of the formation of supposedly multiple connections. They were invented to explain how one and the same chemical element - carbon, due to the type of bond, can form a completely different substance: acetylene-triple bond, ethylene-double and ethane-single. How many copies were broken between the participants in the discussion, proceeding from the electronic representations of the mechanism of the formation of connections! And it's all in vain. From the point of view of micro gravity, everything was explained very simply: the type of connection is determined by the force of gravity between the masses of atomic nuclei, and depends on the distance between them, given by the laws of orbital motion.
Again a letter to the editors of the Physics Journal and again an impassive answer: “The editors admitted that this article cannot provide sufficient of independent interest for publication in the journal." As if there are no problems in the formation of bonds, especially multiples between atoms, and could not be.
The next battle of a peripheral nature "for a miracle" concerned the recognition of the operation of Kepler's laws of orbital motion in the micro world. In astronomy, knowing inversely Newton's quadratic law of gravitation, the constant of gravitation and Kepler's laws, you can calculate everything else, since the equation includes, in addition to the constant of gravitation, the orbital radius, time (speed, period) and the mass of the central body. All these quantities are present in the atom. The period of revolution is calculated by frequency, the mass of the central body, respectively, by the atomic mass of a chemical element.
Now it is possible to determine quantities previously inaccessible for calculation: true (undeformed) radii of atoms, lengths of chemical bonds and their energies, potential and kinetic energies, energies and ionization radii, distances to permitted orbits that do not consume energy. The flow of new articles to the Physics Journal immediately intensified. In total, about two dozen of them were written and sent.
My good old friend Vladimir Nikolaevich Pokrovsky, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, was dispassionately watching all this as if from the sidelines. We are well acquainted with our collaborative work in the field of polymer solution rheology. We, the "fiber makers", use these solutions to obtain artificial fibers and call them "spinning" solutions. VN Pokrovsky is a well-known specialist in the rheology of viscous polymer solutions. In one of the conversations, I told him about the idea that we are obsessed with, and gave him another article on this topic to read. Returning the article, he jokingly called it a "masterpiece" and since then asked to give all subsequent masterpieces to read, without expressing his opinion about them. Pokrovsky was a kind of indicator by which one could judge the attitude of the scientific world to my project. And it was "with interest, but neutral."
It was necessary to make a decision, to pose the question point-blank: is there a positive content in the proposed "miracle" or is it just another empty fantasy. It was decided to write a final summary article and try to publish it. Here is a Summary of the article.
Proceeding from the dialectical law of “negation of negation”, a unified picture of the physical world was proposed, in which the nodal points of development are the planetary systems of the macro and micro world, which differ from each other in the density of matter by ~ 10^12 times. In the systems, the inverse quadratic laws of gravitation of masses operate, with the constants of gravitation, respectively, 6.674.10-8 and 1.847.1028 cm3 / gs2, which set the orbital motion of bodies and elementary particles relative to each other.
Orbital distances in systems are expressed by quantum equations in which they are proportional to the squares of integers. The equations also include the constants of gravitation, mass and speed of axial rotation of the central bodies. In addition, orbital distances are inversely proportional to the square root of the corresponding radiation rates characteristic of each system. The motion of bodies in both systems obeys Kepler's third law, which is essentially a "bond" of macro and micro systems, linking changes in the nature of orbital motion in micro systems (types of orbits) with the type of aggregate and phase transitions of substances in macro systems.
The full text of the final article was posted on the Yandex search engine, the websites of Nikolai Alekseevich Kotlovy, Karim Amenovich Khaidarov and proza.ru In addition, all articles previously sent to the Physics Journal were published in the Hypoteses collections in paper and electronic form. Bearing in mind that "there can be no prophet in one's own country," all collections of articles have been translated into English and published in electronic form.
Now I am over 90. I continue to follow the news in science whenever possible and do not lose hope of witnessing a «miracle». Sometimes I participate in discussions in the Q and Zen communities. I do not admit the thought that science for the second time will not notice and appreciate the discovery of Laplace's PS about the dependence of the intensity of gravitational forces on the density of matter and their connection with molecular (electrical, microgravitational) forces.
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