Nadir shah - historial novel

It was the beginning of March; kichik chille was past. The Sun was warming the ground little by little, nature was awakening, flowers and grass were peeping from the soil. The breath of spring was clearly felt. Light steam was rising from the soil, as if after the severe cold of the winter the soil was warming in order to come to life.

…It was one of the days of early spring. A nine year old little boy was going towards the slope of the mountain and was leading about a hundred sheep. The stick with a round top in his hand was bigger than him. It could be felt that he was accustomed to that job in spite of being little. He knew well that though the he-goat at the head didn’t lead the flock of sheep, it would lead the sheep directly to the green grass-plot. When the sheep parted from the flock, the dogs named Aghbileng and Qarabileng* would return them again. It was as if those giant dogs drew border lines for the flock of sheep. And the flock of sheep didn’t have to go out of that border. Aghbileng and Qarabileng returned either the sheep that was behind the flock or the sheep going right or left. The little boy felt himself more courageous near the giant dogs. It wasn’t in vain. Someone who saw those dogs would get frightened.

...At last, the flock of sheep reached the slope of the mountain, and began to graze more eagerly. It was the first time that year the mouths of the sheep touched the green grass; after the dry grass and straw of the winter, green grass would be for the sheep and lambs like a holiday gift.

The little boy sat in the sunny place of the rock, the height of which was about seven or eight meters. He leaned his stick against the rock, and put the saddlebag on his back, on the ground. In the morning, his mother had put into the saddlebag a piece of bread and a bit of cheese. It was his lunch. His cap on his head and the sheepskin coat on his shoulder were threadbare. The torn shoe he wore showed his poverty.

The little boy took a pipe out of his saddlebag. The boy took the pipe so respectfully that it showed he liked it very much. The pipe was made of cane. The boy cleared his throat and then brought the pipe nearer to his lips. Mournful music spread all around.

Aghbileng came and lay at the feet of the boy as if it had finished its task. But the dog didn’t take its eyes off the sheep and lambs. Qarabileng was lying at the other side of the flock and looking at him.

It was as if the voice of the pipe touched the top of the mountain and then returned back. As though the birds were delighted hearing the voice of the pipe and began warbling.

Suddenly Aghbileng heard voices of flittering and picked up its ears and looked up. Firstly, the dog saw nothing. Then its eyes noticed the falcon flying in the sky screaming, but the dog didn’t change its way of sitting. The falcon flew into the expanse of the sky, looked over the ground from above and began to look for its prey. While the bird was in the sky, its rapid eyes saw on the ground rodents basking in the sun, which were known among the people as “Arabdovshany”.

The rodent, which was standing on its legs and turning its head to the right and the left enjoying the sun’s beams, was unaware of rapacious glances staring at it.

Aghbileng noticed it rapidly; it raised its head up and squatted, and pursued the distance between the falcon and the rodent… Everything happened within a moment. No sooner had the rodent noticed the danger than the falcon appeared unexpectedly at its head. The falcon stuck its sharp talons like iron into the rodent’s back and raised its sacrifice up the sky. In the sky the falcon pecked hard on the head of the rodent. Then the twittering of the rodent stopped. The falcon flew towards the top of the sky and dis- appeared. But the voice of the pipe didn’t stop, as if it was flowing like water.

Aghbileng again lay at the feet of the boy. But it didn’t last long. The dog felt something and squatted again and barked. As if somehow Aghbileng wanted to make Qarabileng aware of danger. The danger was felt among the scent of thousands of flowers. Qarabileng felt the danger and began to gather the sheep towards the bottom of the rock. At that moment Aghbileng didn’t move away from its master. The master saw that the dogs behaved anxiously and that was why he stopped playing his pipe and put it into his saddlebag. He took his stick and stood up. Just at that moment from the other side of the hill, there was seen a group of wolves. The hungry wolves came to look for food to catch after the severe winter. Aghbileng looked towards the wolves with indifference and it barked. As if it was certain of its strength. The wolves also saw the dogs, but they didn’t attack the sheep directly. Between them there stood Aghbileng and the little boy. It didn’t seem that the wolves were frightened by the hugeness or a dread of the dogs; whatever happened the wolves had the intention of catching some sheep. Aghbileng began to bark dreadfully as if it was sensing the intention of the wolves and ran towards them.

The little boy fastened the cord of his trousers. Sensing beforehand that something would happen, he took his stick in his hand hard and prepared to fight.

Five of the wolves encircled Aghbileng, they clenched their teeth; and turning round the dog began to look for a chance to attack. Two of the dogs flew out towards the little boy. The boy wasn’t frightened; he waved his stick towards the wolves and cried:

— Hi, diseased ones, if only you try to come nearer to me!

Aghbileng attacked firstly. The dog seized the throat of one of the wolves and threw it aside. The wolf whined with pain while falling on the ground after flying out in the air, but it didn’t run and rushed at Aghbileng again. When Aghbileng tried to seize the throat of another wolf, the wolves standing behind, caught his back legs. While the dog was whining with pain, it missed the mark, and at that moment the third wolf seized its throat. The other two wolves wanted to catch its throat too. The dog turned over the wolves courageously, shook them right and left, but the wolves didn’t free the dog. Little by little the dog weakened, its eyes went dark and it began to lose its strength.

At that moment the little boy roared like adults. He raised his stick above his head and turned his stick over. The stick hit the wolf which wanted to rush him and fell on the ground together with the wolf. Seeing that his stick fell on the ground, the boy faltered and moved away a step. The attack was weak, which was why the wolf stood up immediately. The wolf curled up in order to attack its mark, clenching its teeth furiously. The little boy stepped back towards the rock. Suddenly the wolf rushed at the boy. But it was as if it was frozen in the air. Qarabileng snatched it and stopped the jumping of the wolf right in the air. The sudden attack of Qarabileng confused the wolf. While the wolf was coming to itself, the dog again snatched and pushed it under its feet.

The case of Agblileng was gradually becoming worse; the dog weakened and it fell on its knees. As if the beasts of prey felt the problems of Aghbileng. One of the wolves saw the weakening of Aghbileng and left it, and rushed at Qarabileng. Qarabileng had already throttled and killed the wolf that it snatched. One of the wolves jumped towards the dog, the other one went towards the little boy. He thought about the coming of death and he was a bit frightened. He stepped back a little and leaned against the rock. The wolf stood on its front legs and began to spring out towards the boy. The boy bent down, he took a stone in his palm and threw the stone towards the wolf. Though the stone fell near the wolf, it didn’t stop it. Then the boy leaned against the rock and closed his eyes as if he reconciled to his death. One thought was in his mind: “Now the wolf will tear me into pieces” Aghbileng and Qarabileng were continuing grappling with the wolves. Just at that moment from the upper part of the rocks there was heard howling of a wolf: “Au- u- u- u....Au-u-u…” It was a grey wolf and as if it wanted to say something to its friends. The grey wolf howled once more: “Au- u-u-u.”

It was as if the wolves were waiting for the second howling of the grey wolf. Hearing its second howling, firstly, the wolf at the boy moved off. The other wolves which had seized the throat and the legs of Aghbileng freed the dog and moved off. The dog had no strength. Though Aghbileng wanted to stand up it couldn’t. The wolves had badly wounded the dog. The wolf which was grappling with Qarabileng also stopped. As if the dogs also were enchanted by the voice of the howling wolf. The dogs neither barked nor attacked the wolves that had stopped “the fight”. The wolves withdrew siiently, after a moment they were not seen behind the other side of the hill.

But the grey wolf standing at the rock, didn’t want to go. The wolf howled once more: “Au-u-u.Au-u-u…”

The little boy couldn’t come to himself remembering all what had happened a moment before. Though the danger was past, his body was trembling. But his trembling wasn’t because of fear.

The boy squatted at the bottom of the rock. He grew dumb, his body sweated because of excitement. That time the last howling of the grey wolf made him come to himself: «Au-u-u...Au-u-u..

The voice of the grey wolf was heard from the top of the hill. After some time it wasn’t seen behind the hill.

Just then the boy remembered the story of “a grey wolf’ which his grandmother used to tell him in childhood.

The boy took his stick in a cowardly way and stood up. With one end of the stick he wanted to set in motion the wolf lying near him motionless. But the wolf had already died. Qarabileng was licking the bleeding wounds of Aghbileng.

…That little boy was the great warlord of Azerbaijan, the conqueror who would shake the world, and an eminent ruler before whom all would bow saying “my Shah”. The little boy was the future Nader Shah..


...In Daragoz there began a clamor, the people were yelling at the top of their voices, because there were no armed men to fight against the Uzbeks of Khorasan who had all of a sudden attacked because there remained only old people, women and children in the winter quarters. Usually when the brave men of the Qirkhli branch of the stock of Avshar were in winter quarters, they would either go to battles foltowing the order of the Shah of Qizilbash or would guard the eastern borders of the Empire of the Safavids. The Uzbeks of Khorasan knew it very well, by attacking the Qirkhli of Avshars they wanted both to get plunder to increase their wealth and to force the women and children they captured to work like slaves.

The Uzbeks of Khorasan knew exactly the time when to attack.

In the streets of Daragoz one could hear nothing be t cause of the noise of crying, screaming, and shouting, wailing and neighing of horses. The Uzbeks of Khorasan killed the old people and captured the boys, beautiful girls and women and filled the prisoners into the cart which they had brought with them.

The mother embraced fourteen year old Nader and ten year old Ibrahim and sat close to the corner of the shack built from earth-bricks. In the shack there was nothing except kitchen utensils and threadbare bedding put on the old chest. Nader considered himself to be the head of the family and wanted to show his manly features to his mother and little brother. That was why he had taken the only knife and was ready to attack:

— When they enter inside, if I don’t cut them I am not the son of my father, — he said and drew back into the arms of her mother.

His mother embraced him:

— Nader, I beseech you, hide that knife! The brave men of Qirkhli are not here, the Uzbeks consider themselves stronger. Calm your mind! Let us be out of danger… As soon as our brave men come they will take vengeance on them.

But Nader had no patience:

— Mother, what are you saying? If they harm you or my brother, I shall never absolve myself!

Just at that moment somebody kicked the door of the shack. Because of kicking, the frame of the door broke into pieces and fell on the floor. It raised clouds of dust. The Uzbek of Khorasan who rushed into the shack had a Damask sword in his hand, on his shoulder hung a bow and an arrow. He had worn boots made of skin. Firstly, he could see nothing. He waited for the dust to settle. After some time he saw one woman and two boys squatting in the corner sitting close to one another. In that poor shack there was nobody except them. The Uzbek screw up his courage seeing the shack without a man:

— Hi, woman, where is your jewelry? — The Uzbek of Khorasan shouted.

— What? What jewelry? Don’t you see our poor shack? We have no jewelry, — mother said.

The Uzbek of Khorasan cried:

— Don’t speak stupidly! I know that even a poor Avshar has jewelry. You can’t deceive me, — he said and approached the woman. — Let me see your neck!

The Uzbek had a sword in his right hand; he wanted to take the kerchief off the woman with his left hand. Just at that moment Nader stood between his mother and the Uzbek.

— Don’t touch my mother or I shall kill you! -Nader shouted and got ready to fight.

The Uzbek of Khorasan, who didn’t expect such kind of courage from a teenager, remembered the Damask sword in his hand and came to himself. “Shall I kill children of the Avshars?” — he thought for a while and calmed himself. Firstly, he decided to punish and frighten the child. He smacked the face of Nader by the back of his left hand:

— Don’t interfere, whelp! Or I shall kill both your bitch

mother and you!

Nader staggered because of the blow, and he leaned his hand against the wall for support and could stand with difficulty.

The Uzbek of Khorasan again wanted to take the kerchief of the woman and touch her breast.

— Hi, you bitch, show me whatever you have! If I wrangle with everybody so much I shall return to Qayin without plunder. Be quick!

At that moment he felt pain on one side. Firstly, he supposed that the pain was the ache of hurt from wresiling. It gave Nader a chance to thrust the knife three times into his side. It was too late when the Uzbek of Khorasan understood what had happened. He was losing his strength, Nader said scornfully:

— But I had told you not to touch my mother or I should kill you!

The Uzbek of Khorasan crashed onto the floor. Mother, who stiffened in astonishment seeing the scene before her eyes, began to tear her hair:

— What did you do, my child? Now they will come and kill all of us!

Nader didn’t change his posture:

— Let them come, I shall kill them too!

Mother said anxiously:

— You get into trouble not only me but yourself and your brother. What must I do now? My God, help me!

Nader took the knife which was covered with the blood of the Uzbek and hid it under his shirt without wiping the blood. Then he raised the Damask sword:

— What had to happen has already happened, mother! Now I shall defend you better!

Mother cried anxiously:

— What are you saying, my son, throw away that sword, don’t seek death for yourself!

Nader didn’t want to throw away the sword. Mother came nearer to him, pulled the sword and threw it to the corner of the shack:

— Didn’t I ask you to throw away the sword? Now, we need not to fight but leave immediately. There are a lot Uzbeks in the mountains and valleys! My God, help me, if one of them comes here he will kill us! She raised her hands up and prayed the God. My God, help my poor children!

The woman passed through the broken door and looked outside. The Uzbeks were busy with plundering. It was good that the horse of the dead Uzbek was tied to the neighbor’s gate, or after finding the dead body it wouldn’t be difficult for them to find out his murderer. Suddenly it thundered. As if the black clouds in the sky couldn’t bare the screaming, shouting, wailing and wanted to become free of pain. It began to rain hard, as if it would wash away all the pain. Rain helped the mother and her two children to run. The Uzbeks of Khorasan who wanted to escape from the rain, stopped plundering and looked for a place to hide themselves.

Mother turned towards her children and said:

— Be quick! Hurry up!

The children looked round the street; there was nobody there. The rain was not going to stop. They ran along the street about fifty meters and then they turned to the left. After fifty meters there was empty land, thorns-and-shrubs. If only they reached there, they could be able to reach the mountains and hide themselves. But they didn’t have any luck. From behind, somebody was shouting at them: “Stop!”

Mother wanted to look behind and to see who was shouting. But she lost her balance in the slippery and muddy place and fell. She wanted to stand up, but she couldn’t. Apparently, her foot was sprained. The running boys looked behind and didn’t see their mother following and they stopped.

— Nader, I beg you, don’t stop, run!

Mother couldn’t finish her words. The Uzbek of Khorasan appeared unexpectedly above her head and kicked her:

— Where are you running? You won’t be able to save yourselves.

The woman lost consciousness because of the blow. Nader looked at his brother and said:

— Let’s return! Our mother is in trouble and that scoundrel will kill her with his kicking.

When the children came nearer to their mother the Uzbek said to them furiously:

— Come, bitch ones, where were you running? — He shouted.

The children kept silence.

— Is she your mother?

The children nodded their heads affirming.

The Uzbek of Khorasan faced Nader:

— You seem older than your brother. Take this woman and drag her towards the cart. If you think about running once more I shall kill both of you. You are my slaves from this day.

Nader lifted his mother who had lost her consciousness and whose face and clothes were covered with mud. Then he took her on his shoulder and told his brother: “Follow me!”

The Uzbek left them behind. Though it was difficult to go in the mud and rain, Nader wasn’t tired carrying his mother. When they reached the carts in the outskirts of the hamlet the Uzbek turned to Nader and asked him:

— Aren’t you tired?

— The son who carries the load of the mother can never be tired.

Nader’s answer surprised the Uzbek:

— You look like a bright fel l ow by your clever answer. Whose son are you in Qirkhli?

The sudden question of the Uzbek was heavier than the load on his shoulder. Nader didn’t want to show his feelings: -Now it makes no difference, our father died long ago. The Uzbek of Khorasan shouted with laughter:

— Well, very well! It is better if my slaves are without a father.

Nader preferred to keep silence because they had reached the carts. He placed his mother in one corner of a cart. He tied the muddy kerchief round her head. The rain was soon going to be over.

…On a rough road the carts were going towards the city of Qayin in the province of Khorasan. The fighting Uzbeks had already galloped their horses and were not seen. There were nine or ten fighters in the carts. They were laughing and didn’t pay attention to the moaning of the captive people they had taken like plunder. They knew that no one could be able to run, because except Nader’s mother they had tied the hands and feet of all the captivated women. They didn’t need to tie the hands of Nader’s mother because of her losing conscious ness.

Mother awoke when the cart fell on the next pot-holes. She groaned, and when she came to herself her first word was: “Where are we?”

Nader bent to the head of his mother:

— I understood from their talking that they are taking us to Qayin, mother!

— Where is Ibrahim?

— He is also here.

— Did they beat you?

— No, mother!

The woman mourned noisily when the cart fell into the pot-hole again:

— It feels as if the bitch Uzbek has broken my bones with his kicking. Nader, my son, raise me up and give your ear to me!

Nader raised his mother and bent his ear close to her.

— My son, don’t they know anything about your killing the Uzbek? — She asked.

— No, they don’t know…

— As soon as they reach Qayin, they will know without fail, -the woman moaned again. At that time no one will be able to save you from their revenge. You must run together with your brother before reaching Qayin. Then it will be too late.

— I can’t leave you here, mother! — He whispered in the ears of his mother.

— It is the end of my life, my son! I can’t run even I want to. My foot has been sprained; one of my bones has apparently been broken.

— We shall be together, mother!

Mother got angry:

— Don’t argue with me, my son! Listen to my words! It is getting dark. Qayin is far from here. They will without fail spend the night somewhere. Darkness won’t let them come after you. Darkness loses the traces quickly. While you are running go on the right side of the road. That road will lead you to Kalat. The Shah of Avshars, Baba-ali khan lives in Kalat. Go to his palace and speak about what had happened. Baba-ali khan has always been the rescuer of us, the Avshars. If it is fated we shall meet again, if it is not fated to meet, you may revenge me with on our enemies. I am proud of you, my son!

— Mother, but…

Nader couldn’t finish his words.

— It is enough! Hide yourselves in the corner of the cart; show yourselves as if you are sleeping. If they feel you are awake, they will tie your hands and feet.

Nader couldn’t say a word because the woman had already closed her eyes because of the pains…

...After some time they stopped near the city. They encircled the carts in order that they would not be attacked while sleeping, and they made a fire…

...It was the middle of the night. The Uzbeks ate the jerked meat they brought with them and drank a wineskin of wine after eating. They were drunk. The squint-eyed one who seemed to be the head of the group couldn’t stand on his feet. Without doubt he was sexually excited. In the cart he was looking for the most beautiful of the captured women. They didn’t think about giving food to the prisoners. At last, the head of the group shouted: “Won’t they dance for us?” Another Uzbek fighter could say stammering: “It is a good idea” and stood up with difficulty and approached one of the carts. Though he was drunk, he could untie the cord of the hands and feet of a fifteen-sixteen years old girl and helped her to get off the cart. He pulled her arms and brought near the fire. The girl was so weak that she couldn’t put up any resistance; her body had grown numb because of remaining tied for a long time, which was why she couldn’t move.

The head of the group approached the girl stammering:

— Now we shall sing a song and you will dance for us.

The girl said nothing. The strange singing of the fighters didn’t make her move. The head of the group stopped his singing and approached the girl taking out his poniard:

— Dance or I shall kill you. All of you are my slaves.

The fighters again began to sing strange songs. The girl raised her hands being helpless… That merriment continued till the morning. The tired fighters fell asleep by the fire…

...Nader was watching all what was happening. When all around was silent mother said to her children: “Stand up, it is time!” Mother and children embraced one another in tears. Mother was feeling that it was the time of parting and she wouldn’t see her children any more. Nader and Ibrahim got off the cart quietly. They couldn’t walk without their mother. But the woman hastened them:

— Be quick, the lights of my eyes! Hurry!

Nader and Ibrahim left the cart in a hurry.

The Uzbek fighter who had broken the bones of Nader’s mother by kicki ng, was in Nader’s opini on someone to be dealt with…

The fire couldn’t be seen. Nader stopped and whispered to his brother:

— Wait for me here! I shall return after a little time.

He returned the same way as silently as he had come. He took the knife that he had hidden under his shirt with which he had killed the Uzbek of Khorasan. He readied it in his hand and approached the fire. He cast a furtive glance at the place where the Uzbek who had kicked his mother was sleeping. Nader approached him carefully. The noise of the snoring of the drunken fighters mixed with the noise of the dragonflies. Nader closed the mouth of the fighter with his left hand and began to thrust the knife into the Uzbek’s throat with his right hand:

— Didn’t I tell you beforehand that I shall kill anyone who touched my mother? — He whispered in a low voice that couldn’t be heard. The fighter struggled a little and then he died. Then Nader disappeared in the darkness of the night. The darkness swallowed and made him unseen.

Their mother was watching that scene in tears and was saying in her heart: “Well done, my son!”

After some time the beams of the Sun began to be seen through the skyline. It was the first night that the teenage Nader spent without his mother.

KALAT, 1722

From Nader:

“....It seemed that somebody was calling my name. I opened my eyes. Sona Beyim was calling me. She was the daughter of Baba-ali khan, the head of the stock of Avshar. My son Rzaqulu was standing near her and was catching the hem of her dress. I was so busy with fulfilling the tasks of Baba-ali-khan, which was why just then I noticed that my son had already been brought up.

— What do you want? — I asked her angrily. -Don’t you know that I came just towards morning?

Sona Beyim:

— I know, but my grandfather is calling you. — Sona Beyim called her father as grandfather. — He sent my brother to call you.

— Where is he?

— In his own room.

— Has anything happened?

— I don’t know, my brother said nothing.

I raised myself up in the bedding; I called Rzaqulu. The child jumped towards my arms as if he was waiting for my words. I sleeked his hair and kissed his red cheeks. Then I turned towards Sona :

— Ask the servant to bring water! I want to wash myself. Tell your brother that I am coming after a little time.

— All right, my bey! — Sona Beyim said and went out.

The voice of Sona Beyim was heard in the yard.

Sona Beyim was the elder daughter of Baba-ali khan. She was very beautiful. She could rule the home very well. But she often fell ill because her health wasn’t good. She had suffered much while giving a birth to Rzaqulu.

I kissed my son once more and stood up. The boy went out of the room running.

I wore my chukha and my cap, fastened my sword to my waist and went into the yard. Rzaqulu came to me. Immediately the servants brought the washbasin and a can. I took my cap and put it on Rzaqulu’s head. He looked funny. Sona Beyim wanted to serve me herself. She took the water can and poured water into my palm. I asked while washing my hands, face and throat:

— How is the khan?

— He looks a bit tired.

— He had to marry after your mother’s death.

— My God! Enough! Did our father want to marry and we didn’t agree?

— Yes, I know, he might marry. The khan himself didn’t want to marry; he loved your mother too much

When I finished my washing, Sona Beyim gave me the towel. The wife of the khan died while giving birth for the last time. The doctors tried hard but they couldn’t save her. After the death of his wife the khan grieved. The hale and hearty man began to melt like a candle before our eyes.

…When we escaped from the danger of the Uzbeks of Khorasan, I and my brother Ibrahim came to the city of Kalat, to Baba-ali khan’s palace. He greeted us kindly. Though our family was poor, he knew my father very well. Baba-ali khan spoke some sweet words about my father. I told him all that had happened; I informed him that my mother and other Avshar women and children were captured. Baba-ali khan was listening to me attentively and he couldn’t take his eyes off me. I lost the power of speech under his looks. But also I was afraid of not befing able to speak. I finished my words and kept silent. He turned pas- sionately towards my brother and asked:

— My son, did you see how Nader killed the armed Uzbek?

Ibrahim answered simply:

— Yes, I saw only one of them, but not the other one. When he ran towards the camp of the Uzbeks I was in the forest.

Baba-ali khan stood up:

— Bravo! Bully for you! — He said. Do you want to work in my palace?

We answered his question by nodding our heads. We had nowhere to go. Thus, we began to serve to Baba-ali khan.

Afterwards I learned that Baba-ali khan had sent a mes- senger to the ruler of Khorasan and asked him to give back the women and the children of the stock of Avshar. The Uzbeks of Khorasan promised to return the captured people in return for some sum money in order not to be cross with the Avshars.

I couldn’t see my mother among the returned prisoners. In this way, the languor of my mother remained in my heart for ever.

I was promoted to the post of a military leader in the palace. The quickest, the most famous regi ment among the Avshars was mine. One day Baba-ali khan called me. I supposed that he was going to send me to fight. But I was mis- taken. That time he had another thought. Baba-ali khan began talking in a roundabout way. It was his habit, when he wanted to solve a serious problem he used to begin his talk in a roundabout way. He spoke about the summer pas- ture, winter hut of the Avshars, about the forest, river and frontier fights. At last he began to state his purpose:

— My son, Nader, you are more than twenty five years old. Don’t you want to marry?

I dropped my eyes shyly:

— I follow you advise, my khan!

Baba-ali khan:

— My son, don’t be ashamed! Consider me to be close to you. There is a saying if water is in the can it is drinkable. If you love somebody, tell me. I shall be your match-maker.

— I love nobody, my khan!

From the author:

Nader had a vigorous constitution; he was tall, large-eyed, with long eyelashes and black brows. The scar which was the keepsake of the fight made him look much braver. The colors of his eyes were yellow and that color suited him very well. He had a severe character. When he was betrayed he used to suffer from nerves and became much crueler. In spite of everything he was very joyful.

In life he loved much firstly his mother, and in his old age his grandson Shahruh. Nader and the people around him liked to speak the Turkish language. He didn’t know the Arabian language. He used the Persian language only if necessary. Till the end of his life Nader didn’t learn to read and write.

“…I went upstairs quickly and stood at the room of the khan. The servant standing at the door said to me: “The khan is waiting for you”. I entered the room and greeted the khan. The khan was leaning against a cushion and was staring at an unknown point; he was looking somewhere as if he didn’t notice me entering. Though the mushtuq of his pipe was in his mouth, neither the smoke rose nor was the water of the pipe boiling. He was too thoughtful. I didn’t want to disturb him and decided to wait on foot just at the door. After some time he stirred a little. I greeted him once more. He shook his head without turning towards me and showed me a place to sit. I bent my knees and sat on the carpet of Shirvan. I put my hands on my shins and began to wait. I was feeling that he had called me to tell something serious. I wasn’t mistaken. …He began to speak after some time:

— Nader, my son, I have lived most of my life, there remains only a little. There is a proverb; he who is born will pass away once. I think my deceased wife is waiting for me. And I miss her so much…

I wanted to cheer up the khan:

— Don’t be upset, my khan! You will dance in the wedding of your grandson Rzaqulu too.

The khan answered like a moaning person:

— Don’t interrupt me!

I kept sil ent. That time he also began to speak in a roundabout way;

— We always served our grandfather Shah and his successors devotedly.

— Whom do you mean while saying “our grandfather Shah”, my khan?

— I mean the founder of the state of the Safavids, Shah Ismayil. He did salavat. — He united all the Oghuz stocks in Azerbaijan. Then he consolidated the territories of the stocks with his territories, the stocks which were not Turkish.

— Well, my khan, why didn’t you tell me all about it?

— Because the time wasn’t right. Now it is the time. Listen to me attentively! The foundation of the state of the Safavids was laid by the six Turkish stocks together with the Avshars. Those stocks are of Sham, Rum, Takla, Ustaja, Zulqadar and Qajar. The power of our grand father Shah was in those Turkish stocks. Those stocks were like backbones of the state. Our grandfather Shah behaved kindly to them and considered them to be close to himself. Because of it our grand tat her Shah not only united the Azerbaijani lands but also consolidated the lands of Iraq, Bahrain, and Turkustan with the territory of our state.

I was thinking why Baba-ali khan was telling me all he did. But I said nothing. I felt that he had a purpose in his story.

Somebody knocked at the door. The servant entered the room. There was tea and dry fruits on the tray he brought. He put the tea-kettle on the table-cloth, and put one of the bowls in front of me and another bowl in front of the khan. Then he poured the Chinese tea and left quietly. The khan took the bowl and drank a sip of tea.

— Now only little remains from the unity and the realm raised by the Shah. The Ottomans occupied Baghdad… Well, our grand tat her Shah always wanted to be friends with the Ottomans, because they are also the Turks of Oghuz. The late Shah used to write his letters to the Sultan in the Turkish language. I don’t know all the reasons well....The result is that the dynasty of Safavids has been de stroyed now.

I couldn’t help myself from asking a question:

— What do you mean by saying “has been destroyed”, my Khan?

— Aft er the death of Shah Abbas II, his children were clumsy. They were ruled either by their wives or by the eunuchs in the palace. The successors to the throne had a good time all day long. See, the Qizilbashs had become so weak that the realm turned to a toy in the hands of eunuchs. The successors to the throne spent most of their time with women. The treasury became empty, the taxes increased. The seven stocks which were the backbones of the state began to wrangle and fight with one another. Because of that reason in Herat, Ghilzais revolted under the leadership of Mir Vays. Shah Sultan Husain sent Qurqun khan to Mir Vays. Mir Vays destroyed the troops of Qurqun khan and in ad di tion he oc cu pied Qandahar.

— Do you know why the troops of the Shah were de t stroyed?

— Maybe they didn’t train well for the fight.

— No, my son! Sult an Husain had sent the Persian and Georgian regiments headed by the clumsy warlords to fight against them… That was the reason.

— But whom did he have to send?

— The Turkish troops always tamed the Ghilzais. They are not afraid of the Persian and Georgian troops.

The khan drank a sip of tea and continued:

— During the period of Shah Abbas II, gift of money used to be sent to the Lezgis of Dagestan for them not to leave the mountains and to obey the rules. After Shah Abbas II the Viziers of Sultan Husain appropriated the annual money gifts and the Lezgis of Dagestan, seeing that the money gift had stopped, destroyed Shirvan and Georgia. As if that was not enough, the mullabashi got the permission of the Shah and began to kill the Sunnite people, and burnt the Sunnite mosques. The people of Darband called the Russian Shah for help…

I didn’t know that the khan had such comprehensive information. I directed all my attention to his words so as not to forget any small detail.

The khan was continuing his conversation in a low voice:

— The Ottomans wanted to requite for the loss in Balkans. Istanbul, which had finished the war with Russia, turned towards the East. Duru Efandi was sent to Tehran and demanded Azerbaijan and Georgia including Tabriz and Shirvan.

I had no patience:

— My khan, how do you know all this information?

— If I didn’t know all this information I wouldn’t be able to be the khan of about twenty thousand families of the Avshars. — The khan continued his conversation. — In the east, the Baluchs attacked Kirman and Lor. They destroyed the city of Bender Abbas at the Kanger gulf. Anxious news was heard from Kurdustan and Luristan. The ruler of Turan, Shah Melik Mahmud had renounced his power. He had sent into retirement his only talented warlord Lutfali khan.

— Why?

Because the Shah was not able to rule the country. See, as a result of the policy of Shiite and Sunnite (adherents of the Mos- em sects) pursued by the Shah, Shirvan revolted and appealed to the Ottomans. Istanbul appointed the head of the Shirvan rebels, Haji Davud to be the khan of that province. Using the absence of Lutfali khan, Mahmud khan of Qandahar attacked Shiraz and Isfahan. Shah Sultan Husain ran to Julfa and not being able to stay there he returned back to Isfahan. After all that had happened the wives and eunuchs decided that the Shah had to give up the throne. The Shah gave up the throne in favor of his elder son Sultan Mahmud. But the young Shahzade, because of al t ways remaining alone, ran to the harem and gave the crown to his middle brother Safi Mirza. Safi Mirza also immediately refused the power. Then they announced the third son Tahmasb Mirza to be the successor to the throne. The other sons were younger still. Mahmud khan of Qandahar, who had encircled Isfahan, didn’t think about moving of Sultan Husain, who had no way out, decided to give himself up. He put the crown on the head of Mahmud who was waiting for him at the door of Isfahan. Mahmud entered the city ceremonially and declared himself the Shah.

— But where was the successor to the throne at that moment?

— Three months before that event, the successor Tahmasb Mirza ran to Qazvin from Isfahan together with two hundred people of Tabriz. It was the only safe place in that situation.

The khan stopped for a while. I felt that he would tell the main purpose for his talk.

After a short time Baba-ali khan broke the silence himself:

— I told you at the beginning of my talk. The stocks of the Avshar always served the realm of the Safavids. Now they have the same opinion.

— How? — I asked.

— You must help the successor Tahmasb Mirza. I decided that the Avshars must support the lawful successor to the throne. It is true, the lying Shah had sent his representative to me, but I didn’t receive him.

I lived well in the palace of Baba-ali khan. It is true; at times I used to rob. I attacked the Afghan and Uzbek villages and plundered there. During all my life I robbed only twice. Then Baba-ali khan forbade me plundering and I gave up robbing. But then the khan wanted me to be much closer to the Shah.

As if he knew what I was thinking about:

— It isn’t the end of my talking!

After two days, Baba-ali khan whom I respected as my father and who had defined my fuiure life, died. Let him sleep in peace! After one month Sona Beyim died ill-fatedly because of her illness. I consulted the respected adults of Avshar and it was decided that there was no need to bring a new mother for my son Rzaqulu. The second daughter of the khan — Govhar Shad could be a real mother to my son… I married her.”



...The barber was sharpening the razor in his hand. He did so willingly as if he was going to cut someone’s head. Then he put the razor on the stool. He poured the hot water into the faience bowl which also was on the stool. He sliced the pieces of the soap into the water. The soap was brought from Europe. He took the brush made of the tails of a horse and began to mix up the soapy water. After some time white suds were seen in the water. The barber mixed up the water a bit and said to the man who was sitting on the other stool:

— It is ready, Your Majesty! May I begin?

The man who was comfortably sitting on the stool answered:

— Yes, you may begin.

The barber took the sheet and tied it round the neck of the man. Now there was seen nothing except the head of that man who had little hair. The sheet was covering the man to his feet. The barber took the faience bowl and once more mixed the soapy suds and began to soap the head of the man sitting on the stool. Then he began to cut his head with the razor.

...That place was the Shah’s palace in Isfahan. Though the palace didn’t maintain its magnificence during the time Shah Abbas II, it looked splendid outwardly. Once the officials and rulers came to that palace to solve problems, those who were gathering tax used to render an account, those who were appointed to a new post left the palace in delight, but those who were freed from posts left sorrowfully. In that palace all was directed towards the ruling of the state. Somebody was sentenced to death there, somebody was forgiven. In the palace a number of messengers were received, a lot of treaties were signed or war was declared on another counfry. Yes, that palace was like a beating heart of the state during the period of Shah Abbas II. But now it looked like a mill the water of which was over. Because of the cunning of the women, perfidy of the eunuchs even the stones had ear to hear the talking. Thus, everybody wanted to be aware of what was spoken in the palace. Those who came for some work wanted to leave the palace as quickly as they could, because the last decision was given not by the Shah but either by the women or by the eunuchs. If they whis- pered into the ear of the Shah, the request was either adopted or re fused. The rulers of the provfnce and the heads of the stocks wanted to lose the power of the Shah. Seeing that situation they wanted to become independent. As a result, in each place of the country objections and revolts began.

Even the representatives of foreign countries brought precious gifts to the women of harem or to the eunuchs in order to solve a probl em positively. Shah Sultan Husain didn’t go out of the harem for days and he had a good time all day long. The sons of the Shah were brought up in a closed, confined way. The Shahzades met with no one except the women and eunuchs. After Shahzade Tahmasb Mirza was announced the successor to the throne, the head of the stock of the Qajar, Fatali khan, had found a way to see him with the help of eunuchs and was able to take him once to Tabriz. Fatali khan tried to make Tahmasb Mirza leave the palace. He felt that the time had come and he prepared the successor for it. Fatali khan was feeling that the dynasty of the Safavids, which had lasted more than 200 years was going to fall. It was necessary to save the dynasty…

The man whose head the barber was cutting was Tahmasb Mirza whose moustache was newly growing.

…In the middle of the cell covered with the carpet of Tabriz there was placed a splendid bed. On the wall hung a carpet and there was hung a loaded rifle and the sword which was said to belong to Shah Abbas I. In the corner of the cell there were wall-cupboards and a mirror.

The barber Yusif was serving the Shahzade since his childhood years. They could find much to talk about. Last time, the barber felt some change in the Shahzade. He was always thoughtful. The barber thought it might be the Shahzade was thinking about the future of the state after being announced the Shah.

The Shahzade himself broke the silence.

— What news, barber Yusif?

The barber Yusif didn’t stop:

— I wish you long life and health! I beseech you!

The barber used to say him “I beseech you” in his own dialect and Tahmasb Mirza very much liked his way of speaking. Though his head was under the razor, he couldn’t help laughing. When he shouted with laughter, the barber raised his head up:

— Your Majesty! Don’t laugh; I may notch your skin.

— Well, well, my barber, don’t stop! What about the people? What about are they gossiping in the streets and bath-houses?

— What do you mean? (The barber said in dialect)

That time the Shahzade couldn’t help laughing:

— About the last events....That is to say about the succes-

sors to the throne, about Mahmud khan of Qandahar… I wonder will the people defend Isfahan or not?

— Don’t you know the common people? They talk about what they hear. Everybody speaks his own opinion. If they leave the common people self-willed the country can be destroyed, I beseech you!

The Shahzade again began to laugh. The barber stopped again. The Shahzade said laughing:

— Continue, barber, and don’t stop! Continue both your conversation and your work. I shall not laugh.

The barber Yusif began to cut:

— I say, Your Majesty, if even a dead body is self-willed he can rise from the grave.

— What do you want to say, barber Yusif?

The barber Yusif was a bit frightened:

— Nothing, Your Majesty! It is only a saying. I repeated.

No, barber Yusif! I understood the meanlng of your words. You wanted to say that the people should not be left without control. It is necessary to bring the people together and to be their head, isn’t it?

— To tell the truth, the people of Isfahan began to be frightened from Mahmud khan of Qandahar. Because the Afghans occupied the beloved residence of our Shah Sultan Husain, that is to say Farhadabad. The people wonder who will defend them. They say that after Farhadabad that bloodsucker is planning to come to Isfahan.

— What other words do the people say?

— They also tell that as soon as Mahmud approaches Isfahan the Shahzades will run.

The Shahzade looked as though he didn’t hear the last words of the barber:

— The Shahzades have nothing to do with this problem. It isn’t their responsibility. Our Shah is here.

The barber was going to finish his work.

— I don’t say these words, Your Majesty! The people gos- sip thus.

Then the Shahzade said nothing. He took the sides of the mirror which were dyed in water of silver and looked at his bald head. As before the barber had done his work skill — fully. When the servants saw that barber had finished his work they brought wash-basin and a towel. The Shahzade bent his head on the wash-basin and one of the servants poured water and began to wash his head. Though the water was fin-shed from the can the Shahzade didn’t raise his head and another servant dried his head with the towel.

The Shahzade took the mirror again and looked at his reflection in the mirror. Then he sleeked his bald head with his left hand. When the servants left the cell, the Shahzade turned to the barber Yusif and said: “You may go now”. Then he wore his Qizilbash turban. Just at that moment one of the man-servants entered and informed him about the coming of Fatali khan. It was as if the Shahzade was waiting for him. He said: “Let him come in”.

Fatali khan came in and looked at the handsome Shahzade and bowed to him.

Tahmasb Mirza was really a handsome young boy. The turban of Qizilbash suited him very well. His broad shoulder matched his tall figure. His brows and face were as if they were the same as those of Shah Abbas II. What a pity, he wasn’t born to rule the state! Fatali khan thought all about this in his mind but he said anything. Fatali khan had his own purpose. He thought that all this lack of cont rol wouldn’t last much longer. He believed that soon all would be in order. At that time Fatali khan would turn to one of the close friends of the future Shah so as not to leave him in his troubled days.

The Shahzade broke the silence:

— What news, Fatali khan?

Fatali khan whispered in a low voice:

— All is ready, Your Majesty! Two hundred beys of Qajar have come from Tabriz and are waiting at the walls of fortress for your order.

At this it seemed the Shahzade was a little frightened:

— To my mind the number of the beys is more. Isn’t it, Fatali khan? We need to feed them, to place them some t where.

— What? But I think, the number of the beys is fewer. Two hundred beys are fewer for the successor to the throne. Let those who meet you see that how many followers there are around you.

The Shahzade thought for a while and said:

— Let it be how you advise.

— Your Majesty, you mustn’t worry! I have prepared all that is necessary.

— Where are we going?

— To Qazvin, Your Majesty!

— When are we leaving?

— At midnight we shall go to the outskirts of the city by a secret way, Your Majesty!

The Shahzade raised his brows:

— Shall we go this way? Is that way too fearful? I never went on that way.

Fatali khan smiled:

— Your Majesty, I shall be near your!

— Well, at midnight!

— Yes, Your Majesty! Now allow me to go and prepare. I shall come to take you at midnight.

Suddenly the Shahzade remembered to ask something:

— But does the ruler of Qazvin know about our coming?

— Yes, Your Majesty! He has been informed beforehand. He can be regarded as our distant relative.

— If it is thus, meet you at midnight!

Fatali khan bowed and went out of the cell.

...In fact, running away was planned by Fatali khan himself. In this way he wanted always to be near the Shahzade and to be much closer to him, to be aware of his thoughts and to test the influence of his power. At the last moment, Fatali khan spoke about his plan to Shah Sultan Husain too. He told him because he was not afraid of him. Fatali khan was frightened of the revenge of the women and eunuchs. He knew very well that those persons were able to persuade the Shah and he could even be sentenced to the death by the Shah. Firstly, the Shah didn’t want to allow the Shahzade to leave for Qazvin, he wanted him to be near him. But as soon as Mahmud occupied the Shah’s beloved residence, Farhadabad, and directed his troops towards Isfahan, he remembered the plan of Fatali khan and al — lowed the Shahzade to leave Isfahan. He allowed this under one condition; that was the Shah was unaware of the Shahzade’s leaving. After the permission of the Shah, Fatali khan asked to bring two hundred horsemen from Tabriz and placed them in the outskirts of the walls of the fortress.

At midnight Shahzade Tahmasb Mirza, Fatali khan and their followers left for Qazvin.

...The successor to the throne was never a traveler and couldn’t ride well, that was why he wasn’t accustomed to ride much. It was felt that he was too tired. He often got angry and because of that reason, after four or five hours they had to stop riding and were obliged to rest a bit. One of the stops was near a lake the surround ings which were very splendid; the trees around the lake, the murmuring of the water flowing into the lake cooled everything around.

Fatali khan allowed everybody to rest except those who were guarding the Shahzade. The brave boys knew where to go to get cool because of the hot weather. They moved off about hundred and hundred fifty meters and plunged into the water. Soon the noise of those who were swimming in the lake was heard around. Fatali khan knew that Qazvin wasn’t far from there. In that place they could feel themselves safe and sound. That was why he allowed the sons of famous beys of the Qajar swim and make a noise. They were distinguished boys who had willingly come from Tabriz to guard the Shah. Each of them was able to overcome three or four fighters. When the khan sent news to Tabriz he had told the herald that all the boys had to wear a white shirt and a red Caucasian coat and had to wear a turban like the symbol of the Qizilbashs. The Shahzade didn’t pay attention to their clothes because of leaving the city in darkness. But in the morning he saw that the boys who were guarding him were distinguished boys. He asked Fatali khan jokingly: “Where did you bring those boys up?” and Fatali khan answered him jokingly that all the children of the Qajars were like them. He said that if the Shahzade wished he could organize moving all people of Tabriz to Isfahan.

Fatali khan had trained the fighters so that, none of them said a word to the Shahzade. Only when the Shahzade needed water or something, one of the companion followers served him and whatever they brought they gave the Shahzade saying: “Please, my agha! The Shahzade himself also didn’t want to talk with them too. One of the reasons was that he was tired by the journey; the other was that the Shahzade’s was an unsociable person.

The Shahzade approached the wa ter running into the lake. He took off his turban and put it on the green grass. His bald head cut yesterday was shining under the sun. He rolled up his sleeves and bent to the water. Firstly, he said “bismillah” and then he washed his arms, then his face and throat. It was seen that he enjoyed the cool water of the lake. Then he sleeked his head with his wet hands, as if his head also breathed. He stood up. The fighter standing behind him gave him a towel. The Shahzade wiped himself and then returned the towel. He looked at the boys who were cooling in the refreshing water of the lake and sighed. He thought that they were happy; as if they cared for nothing. But the Shahzade couldn’t swim. He took his turban and wore it. Fatali khan’s clearing his throat lightly dis- persed his thoughts. When he turned back he saw that Fatali khan was standing at five or six steps’ distance:

— Is Qazvin far from here? — The Shahzade asked him.

— No, Your Majesty. It is near. Now the city of Rey is behind. But there is a problem, Your Majesty!

— What problem?

— See, we didn’t enter the city of Rey; on our way we didn’t visit the city of Qum. We kept apart from those cities. At the least we should have met the rulers of those cities, and you would given them your tasks like a successor to the throne.

— If we have a Shah, why must I have to set task? Won’t the Shah object?

— Your Majesty! You know that Mahmud khan of Qandahar is moving forward Isfahan after occupying Farhadabad. In the troubled days of our Shah, it would be better if the rulers of those cities helped the Shah and sent troops to Isfahan.

The Shahzade objected firmly:

— No, I can’t agree with you without the permission of the Shah. If the power is in the hands of the Shah, how can I think about using it? As you know, we go to Qazvin secretly. Maybe our Shah has sent a herald to Qum and Rey in order to be aware of whether we are there or not. Maybe he has sent a herald to Qazvin too.

Fatali khan calmed the Shahzade:

— You must be fully confident with the ruler of Qazvin, but as soon as we reach Qazvin we must declare mobilization.

Fatali khan didn’t want to say that the Shah himself was aware of their running.

— There mustn’t be any word about declaring mobilization. We go to Qazvin to take refuge, not to declare mobilization.

Fatali khan wanted to object:

— Your Majesty, we lose time! Suddenly we shall see that Mahmud has sent his troops to Qazvin too.

— Fatali khan, whatever happens I can’t agree with you without the permission of our Shah!

— Let it be how you advise, Your Majesty! But allow me to send a herald to Qazvin, let the ruler of Qazvin meet you, meet the successor to the throne ceremonially.

— I don’t object…

Fatali khan respected the Shahzade on purpose; though he was not the Shah yet he called him Your Majesty. Though the Shahzade showed devotion to his father he didn’t object to such an appeal.That is to say, his wish to be in a position of power was strong. All these people would be useful to him.

The boys who were swimming in the lake had already dried themselves and dressed. After the order of Fatali khan one of them began to ride towards Qazvin quickly.

When the group reached the city, the ruler of Qazvin met the successor to the throne with his followers.

After the official greeting, they went to the palace. The Shahzade had an excellent time all day long there too…

…For about three months Isfahan was encircled by the head of the Afghans, Mahmud khan of Qandahar. After the occupation of Farhadabad, Mahmud planned to occupy Isfahan. Because of a lack of cannons they had decided to keep Isfahan in a blockade; not to let anybody enter the city and to kill those who wanted to leave the city. Mahmud couldn’t attack the city, because the walls of the fortress were too strong. That was why he had the idea of keeping the people hungry without attacking the city; to break down the resistance of the people and make the city to surrender.

During the first month of the blockade the people were not hard up for food. The sudden blockade and no real beginning of a fight aroused the thought that the city would be under a blockade for a long time. During the next months the food was over and hunger began to show itself. Robbery, stealing, plundering began. Everybody thought only his own future. Isfahan was in disorder…

Each family has its own distress. However, all had also the same sorrow; lack of food.

— My husband, your children are dying of famine. Find a way-out for my poor children!

Gulbike tired her husband with such words all day long. Salman was a wood-cutter. He earned his livings by selling wood. The man was saddened seeing his hungry children, but he didn’t show his suffering. The last pieces of bread at home were eaten; the sacks in the storehouse were empty. Their only hope was the donkey in the yard.

— What can I do, my wife? There is nothing to eat. I don’t know from where to get bread for my poor children. They don’t let us go out of the city. Now nobody is in need of wood. The people are in need of only food. The flour is over in the city, we have no stock of grain. I hoped for help only from the baker Hasan. He cut his horse last evening to give something to his children. …But I haven’t the heart to cut our donkey…

Gulbike got angry:

— What? What do you mean by saying “I haven’t the heart?” The children are dying of famine.And you haven’t

the heart up to cut the donkey.

— My wife, but how shall I earn my living after cutting the only donkey? You know, I can do nothing except carrying wood from the forest.

Gulbike let her tongue run away with her:

— Hi, what are you saying so foolishly? Your lambkin donkey will perish after a few days. How do you think, isn’t a donkey living? Don’t you need to feed the donkey too? Where is your food? You don’t find food for yourself, how will you feed your donkey?

The words of Gulbike awoke Salman. Really, from where would he find feed for his donkey? Soon the donkey will also perish with hunger. He thought for a while and said in a low voice:

— Well, my wife, bring the knife to me!

Gulbike was still wandering in her talk, she didn’t want to stop:

— Are you aware that some days ago your children climbed on the walls of the fortress?

— Why? -Salman asked in surprise.

— Don’t you know the reason? The Afghans cut sheep in the other side of the walls every day and cook kabab. The smelling of the meat spread all around. The children climb to the walls to be full even just with smelling kabab. The poor children covert meat.

Gulbike began to weep. Then Salman got angry:

— Stop weeping! Didn’t I ask you to bring me the knife? The God is merciful....The troubled days won’t last long.

Gulbike stopped her weeping seeing that her husband had got angry. She stood up quickly and brought the knife and gave it to Salman. Salman looked at his wife sourly and wanted to say something. Just at that moment four boys entered the shack one by one:

— What for do you need the knife, father? — The little boy asked.

Gulbike answered instead of Salman:

— Today your father will give you meat to eat.

The elder one said firstly:

— Is father going to cut the donkey?

Salman affirmed the words of his elder son:

— Yes, you are right, my son! Hunger can break stones!

Salman’s little son shook himself on the floor and said crying:

— Father, I beseech you, I beg you, don’t cut my donkey! — The child began to beg his father.

Gulbike spoke before Salman:

— Keep silence or your father will change his mind!

But Salman wasn’t going to change his mind. He stood up, turned towards his wife and said:

— Make a fire. -Then he went outside.

Gulbike turned towards his elder son:

— Be quick! Bring brushwood, let’s make a fire!

The elder son didn’t pay attention to weeping of his younger brother; he went out to bring brushwood…

In the yard the last bray of the donkey was heard. After some time Salman brought the carcass into the shack. The donkey was cut into pieces:

— Hi, wife, it is hot, the meat can be tainted.

But Gulbike said ironically:

— If there remains a piece of meat it will be tainted. The children are so hungry that they will eat all the meat. Salman didn’t change his position:

— Take this piece of meat and send it to the neighbor’s children. Till the time you cook meat I shall visit the palace to be aware of what the people are speaking.

Gulbike wanted to say somet hing to Salman, but she didn’t. She felt that if she said something her husband would get angry and would requite her for his donkey. That was why she preferred to keep silence. Salman said: “Allah, Muhammad, ya Ali!” and went out.

…It was crowded at the gate of the Shah’s palace. Since the city had been encircled the population of the city used to gather at the gate of the palace because of hunger or having no work to do. In the palace, Shah Sultan Husain held dis- cussions together with his Viziers and advocates. All were losing their hopes. Now the eunuchs and harem didn’t have any authority as before. In such troubled days they couldn’t give good advice. The chief Vizier approached slowly to the Shah who was sitting on the throne:

— Your Majesty! Mahmud has sent his messenger for the fourth time; he wants us to surrender…

The Shah wanted to prolong the time for surrender:

— Vizier, how many days can we bear?

— Your Majesty! In the city there remained no living beings except humans. Dog, cat, horse, donkey, — the people have cut all the animals and eaten; none of your horses has even remained.

— You want to say that we have no way-out, do you?

— Your Majesty! After some days the people will begin to eat the flesh of one another. If illness spreads among the people nobody will remain safe and sound.

Shah Sultan Husain understood very well what sign the chief Vizier gave. That was to say that the Shah had to surrender the city or together with the people he also would die. The Shah thought and asked:

— Does anybody want to advise?

Nobody answered. The Shah knew well that all the people wanted him to surrender the city. Even inside of the walls of the palace there was a feeling of capitulation and weakness. They needed to discuss with the messenger how to surrender. The Shah turned towards the chief Vizier:

— Call Mahmud’s messenger!

A tall person in the form of a fighter came in. He had no gun. It seemed that his gun had been taken in the reception room. He bowed to the Shah.

— What are your conditions? What does Mahmud khan want?

It was the first time that the Shah added the name of “khan” after Mahmud’s name. The pain of that obligatory appeal was seen in the Shah’s sorrowful looks. The messenger bowed once more:

— Mahmud khan wants you to surrender the city.

— Then?

— Then you must put your crown on his head with your hand at the gate of the city.

— But for all this, what is he going to promise us?

— Your Majesty! All the population of the city including you and your followers will be given quarter. Isfahan will not be plundered.

The Shah was lost in thoughts and then:

— Yes, I agree with your conditions, -he said -Tell Mahmud khan to wait for us at the gate of the city. But ask Mahmud khan to fulfill my only request.

— Please, Your Majesty!

— The people of Isfahan have cut all the animals to eat. I ask Mahmud khan to send us some horses tomorrow.

All right, Your Majesty! I think it is not difficult to fulfill this request. Just today, they can send you some horses. Now allow me to go away!

The Shah hinted, “go away” with the sign of his hand. The messenger bowed once more and went away.

....At a distance of one thousand and five hundred meters from the entry gate of Isfahan a splendid white tent was made for Mahmud khan. The khan was extremely excited. His followers had never seen him so excited. It was not accidental. In history, it was the first time that the khan of Afghan would be honored with the title of Shah. Till that time none of the khans of Afghan had received that name.

Mahmud khan was walking up and down impatiently at the white tent. At times he whispered to himself: “Maybe the Shah has changed his opinion.” The khan had got ready especially for the crowning ceremony. Starting from the doors of the fortress till the white tent on both sides of the road there were placed two rows of infantry fighters. Behind them on both sides of the road there were standing troopers. The musicians of the army were waiting for the order at the left side of the tent. During the crowning ceremony they had to play thunderously; all had to know that the ruling of the Safavids was over. On the carpet spread near the white tent, the wrestlers were showing their skills. One of them rotated a cudgel on his throat. One of them threw a mace into the air and then with his breast kept its speed until the moment it fell to the ground. One of them showed tricks blowing fire out of his mouth. On the right side of the tent the rope-dancers ran to the right and the left on cord which was four meters’ height from the ground. They jumped and fell on the cord. All was ready for the ceremony. If only Shah Sultan Husain came early… The feast part of the ceremony Mahmud khan had decided to hold in the palace of the Shah. Before the feast he planned to give food to the population of Isfahan. For the people who were in blockade for more than three months and were dying from starving it would be the best gift.

…The gates of the city were opened slowly. Shah Sultan Husain, Viziers, advocates, the courtiers, all the famous people of the city went towards the white tent passing through the fighters whom Mahmud khan had placed. Only Shah Husain was mounted, the rest of the people were going after him on feet. The lower lids of the Shah’s eyes had turned black. It was felt that he hadn’t slept the night before. How could he sleep? Since 1501, that is to say, when his forefathers possessed the throne of Safavids had passed 221 years. It was the end of the empire of the Safavids which they had founded with their blood, sacrificing their lives. It was too hard for Husain Shah to think about it. Where had they made mistakes? Because of the mistakes in the country uncontrolled behavior, revolts, disturbances had begun. The Shah saw the reason of all this neither in himself nor in the followers surrounding him. He thought that the reason of all this misfortune was destiny and in the changing of the times. That was why the Shah and his followers had changed their clothes. The Shah and his foliowers, who were always well-dressed, were in black. The crown decorated with precious stones, was an inheritance from his grandfather Shah Abbas I.

The horse of the Shah stood at a distance of fifteen meters from the white tent. The man servant of the Shah ran and pulled the horse of the Shah by the bridle. The Shah got off the horse slowly and came forward to Mahmud khan. Mahmud khan came towards the Shah seriously. When they reached to the middle of the carpet, both of them stood. Mahmud khan didn’t know how to begin to the talk; he wanted the Shah to speak. After some time Shah Sultan Husain broke the silence:

— You beat me, Mahmud khan, I was defeated!

— In all battles one side is a winner, the other side is a defeater. But I defeated not only you but also the Safavids.

The Shah said smiling ironically:

— The Safavids have a number of Turkish stocks. It is difficult to win a victory over them. You defeated only me. That is why I am here in front of you.

But Mahmud khan understood nothing from the secret smiling of the Shah:

— Well, then we may begin our ceremony. – He said.

The Shah said in a low voice:

— Me- Shah Sultan Husain, the son of the Shah Abbas II, declare before my Viziers, advocates and the population of the city that I pass the throne willingly to Mahmud khan of Qandahar.

Then the Shah took the crown from his head and put the crown on the head of Mahmud khan. Just at that moment the drums thundered, the noise of the zurna rose to the heavens. The soldiers whom Mahmud khan had placed specially shot their loaded guns.

In just a few minutes, Mahmud was a khan. Now he had the luck to become the Shah. The new Shah raised his hand, greeted the troops and the population of the city who were watching that ceremony behind the walls of the fortress.

Under the thundering music Sultan Husain gave an order in the words he had said some minutes ago and gave the approval to Mahmud Shah. Everything was repeated again. — The thundering of music, the shooting of guns...Mahmud Shah who was pleased with himself looked at the followers of Sultan Husain and said:

— Won’t the mullabashi give his blessings to me?

The mullabashi came forward and approached the new Shah slowly. Firstly, he looked at Sultan Husain. Sultan Husain nodded his head as a sign of agreement. The mullabashi said whispering: “Bismillahir, rehmanir-rehim” and wished long life to the new Shah, wished him fame like the supporter of shariat. It was obvious that the mullabashi was saying all the words unwillingly.

After the blessings, the mullabashi returned to his place and was unseen among the courtiers. Mahmud Shah, who was pleased with the ceremony, wanted to cheer up Sultan Husain who seemed offended and upset:

— I must in form you that your army was fighting very well in Farhadabad. But the great God was my supporter.

— Just now, the God is your supporter too!

Mahmud Shah was pleased with Sultan Husain’s words. Suddenly he remembered something. With his eyes he looked for somebody among the followers of Sultan Husain. He looked for somebody for some time; when he didn’t find him, he asked:

— I don’t see the successor to the throne. I speak about Tahmasb Mirza. Where is he?

— When you occupied Farhadabad he left Isfahan and went to Qazvin.

Mahmud Shah goggled at him:

— What? Did he go to Qazvin? With whom?

— He went there with Fatali khan.

Mahmud Shah was out of humor. There remained no signs of his recent delight. For him the difficult probl em wasn’t Sultan Husain but Tahmasb Mirza. Because the entire world would be aware that if Mahmud declared himself the Shah while the successor lived that meant that it was by force. Mahmud Shah understood that Tahmasb would lay obstacles for him. Though it was not too late he had to send a troop to Qazvin and had to find Tahmasb and bring him to Isfahan. Mahmud Shah didn’t wait long. He called one of the warlords and ordered him to go immediately to Qazvin with a troop. He entered Isfahan proudly under the thundering of music…


At the home of the ruler of Qazvin, Tahmasb Mirza wasn’t engaged in any of state affairs. He had a good time all day long as before. Those who wanted to see him were received by Fatali khan and were seen off with sweet words or were given different promises. Even Fatali khan himself didn’t know what the end would be. Because the Shahzade changed his mind at any moment and refused the greetings and ceremonies. Such kind of uncert ainty didn’t last too long. The news that he received from Isfahan made him hasten. The herald who came from Isfahan told him all that had happened making him so anxious that he couldn’t sleep till morning. At daybreak he got up and entered the cell where the Shahzade was sleeping. As before, the Shahzade was sleeping with one of the concubines. Fatali khan coughed gently for some time, but the successor to the throne didn’t wake up. At that moment, Fatali khan ap t proached to his bed and shook him. The Shahzade opened his eyes with difficulty:

— What has happened? — He grumbled in a displeased way.

Fatali khan didn’t pay attention to the naked concubine who was sleeping in his bed.

— There is bad news from Isfahan, Your Majesty! We must take mea sures im me di ately.

The Shahzade said sleepily:

— Couldn’t you tell me that news afterwards? The dawn has n’t bro ken yet.

— No, Your Majesty! The news is about your father, about our Shah!

It was as if the successor awoke from a deep dream:

— What has happened to him?

— I can’t speak here about what had happened, Your Majesty! He showed with his hand the naked concubine. Get up and dress and see off this woman, I shall return after ten min utes.

After saying those words Fatali khan left the cell. When he returned the Shahzade had already dressed and the concubine wasn’t seen. The Shahzade looked at Fatali khan’s worried face and he also became excited:

— What has happened to our Shah, Fatali khan?

— Our Shah Sultan Husain has already abdicated from the throne.

For a moment Shahzade Tahmasb Mirza faltered, and then he asked in a low voice:

— In favor of whom?

— In favor of Mahmud khan of Qandahar.

The Shahzade couldn’t believe his ears:

— Repeat once more! Whom? Whom? In favor of whom?

— Now Mahmud khan is the Padishah of the dynasty. Your father has put his crown on Mahmud khan’s head and has given the stamp of the dynasty to that scoundrel with his own hands. Mahmud Shah has sent a troop to take you and bring you urgently to Isfahan.

The Shahzade became more excited:

— What must we do, Fatali khan?

— Your Majesty! When we were coming to Qazvin I asked you to gather our supporters in Qum, Rey and Qazvin, to be ready for any situation, but we wasted the chance.

— What had to be done has happened, Fatali khan! What must we do now?

— To tell the truth, I don’t know what to do, because we have neither troops nor soldiers. We have only one way -out which is superior.

— What is that?

— You are the successor to the throne! If your father abdicated the title of Shah you may declare yourself Shah as the successor to the throne.

— Does it mean that if I declare myself Shah the number of my supporters will be more?

— Yes, Your Majesty! If you declare yourself Shah none of the Turki sh stocks will be in Mahmud’s side, because they always served our ancesiors. As well as them, the stocks of the Kurd also will be on our side. They never find common language with the Afghans.

— It appears that we are able to reinstate our dynasty....The eyes of the successor shone and he sighed deeply.

— You are right, Your Majesty!

— The great God is witness that I don’t want to be Shah. It was fated thus! I am obliged to declare myself Shah… Well, Fatali khan, let it be how you advise… When may I declare my self Shah?

— Just today, in the evening!

Tahmasb Mirza wanted to think, he hesitated:

— Why so early? Can’t we wait some days more?

In fact, he was worried at the responsibility of the title of Shah and he could feel his weakness.

— No, my Shah, no! — It was the first time that Fatali khan called the Shahzade “my Shah!” — Firstly, we have no time. The troops of Mahmud are com ing from Isfahan towards Qazvin. Secondly, we must send messengers to Delhi, Istanbul and Russia to inform them that after your father you are the heir. Thirdly, as soon as you declare yourself Shah we shall immediately leave for Tabriz. We must visit all the cities to find supporters.

— From where shall we find a stamp in order to set a stamp on the orders that we are going to send to foreign coun tries?

— Don’t be worried about the stamp, my Shah! I know one stamp-maker in Qazvin. I have already given him the task. As soon as I heard about the events in Isfahan I called the ruler of Qazvin, I made him understand the situation and asked him to get ready ceremonially. To my mind, all preparations will be over by the afternoon ritual worship, my Shah!

Tahmasb was pleased when he was called “my Shah”. In fact, they did everything for him instead. It remained only to declare himself Shah.

The same day, in the evening, Tahmasb Mirza declared himself Shah as the lawful heir of Sultan Husain. He sent messengers to Delhi, Istanbul and Saint Petersburg. At midnight of that day Shah Tahmasb left Qazvin for Tabriz together with two thousand horsemen…


The girls going towards the spring dressed well. That was why the young boys couldn’t take their eyes off them and wouldn’t move off the spring. Was there anywhere except weddings that the girls could show themselves? But they were going to carry water as if they were preparing for a wedding. They went down on the path slowly, put their guyum under the flowing water in turn; then they began gossiping together, saying funny words to one another.

…Qelemnaz swept the yard, then she came into the home. She looked at herself in the mirror, tied her silk kerchief round her head, and took the guyum which was in the corner. She told her mother: “I am going to bring water” and left the yard in a hurry. The lines of her face, brows, and eyes were as if drawn by a pen like in a picture. Under her silk kerchief her hair was seen, which was divided into forty plaits, which could reach even to her ankle. It was the habit of the stock of Qajar: If a girl wasn’t married she divided her hair into forty parts; after marriage she would go to her husband’s house with forty plaits. If they were “appearing” after the wedding, then she used to divide her hair into two parts. In itself it was like a sign or a riddle. If she had two plaints it meant that she was married and it was forbidden to look at her with love or strange looks. Till the time that they were married the girls never plucked their eyebrows. If she had forty plaits and her eyebrows had not been plucked it meant that she was not married or she was betrothed. The stocks of Qajar were a group of related people. Like other Turkish stocks the girls and women didn’t use a yashmak very much. Those who lived in the big cities used to tie yashmaks round their heads while going outside. The women of the hami ets tied different silk kerchief in summer, but in winter they used a woolen shawl.

Qelemnaz stood at the gate of the neighboring yard and called her friend Susen:

— Hi, Susen, where are you? Why don’t you come?

Immediately Susen’s voice was heard:

— Wait for me! I am coming!

No sooner had a moment passed than Susen was seen at the gate:

— What has happened, my dear? Maybe you have again turned on your pillow in a dream, you hasten to spring?

The two girls who were coming down from the upper part of the hamlet heard the words of Susen:

— No, she didn’t turn on her piliow last night but she dreamed her sweetheart. That is why she is in a hurry to spring.

The ringing laughter of the girls spread all around.


— Qelemnaz, please, answer, did you dream him? What were you doing in your dream? — She asked pretentiously.

Qelemnaz blushed with shame. — Aren’t you ashamed? What are you speaking shamelessly?

The other girl said:

— Well, hi, Qelemnaz, maybe the lovers do nothing? Do they stand quietly and look at the faces of each other with great surprise?

— No, girls, Susen and her darling even don’t look at the faces of each other, — Susen hinted to the other girls.

Qelemnaz again blushed with shame:

— If only you lost your mind and married soon, the people of our hamlet would be pleased, or you speak whatever you think.

In this way, laughing and hinting at one another the girls reached the spring. After filling their guyums with water, each of them sat on one stone. It appeared that all the jokes were aimed at Qelemnaz. Suddenly from the upper side of the spring a song was heard. The boy singing a song was Murad. He had so mournful voice that those who heard his song were saddened. The girls stopped their jokes and began to listen to him. Murad was singing a song like gerayli:

Even the flowers settled down

Seeing my darling coming to spring.

The darkness of regret is left behind

Seeing my darling come to spring.

She has black eyebrows, her cheeks are red

A shawl looks better on her yellow hair.

The birthmark shows coyness on her face

Seeing my darling come to spring.

Spring will pass, summer will come,

Count the days and the months.

Murad shouts loudly

Seeing his darling come to spring.

When the song was over, Murad kept silent. The girls didn’t let Qelemnaz remain silent. Susen again made a joke:

— A lover must be like him! He loves and sets all the bells a ringing. I wonder why he is worried. His lover is here. The girls again laughed. Susen said:

— Hi, Qelemnaz, what are you waiting for, go nearer towards him. But don’t be late…

As if Qelemnaz was waiting for those words, she took her silk kerchief and began to go near Murad.

Though Murad was young he was stronger than most of the boys in hamlet. No one among the young boys could beat him in riding a horse, fencing, or wrestling. He was both a brave boy and a man of his word. If he promised, he would keep his promise without fail. He loved Qelemnaz very much. Qelemnaz also loved him. All the people in the hamlet knew that this young boy and girl loved each other. Qelemnaz’s father Jafar kishi was against their love on various pretexts; he said that Murad was poor, he could hardly earn living for himself and his mother. How would he keep his wife?

Once the respected adults of the hamlet went like watch-makers to Jafar kishi’s home, but they came back in distress. Jafar kishi persisted in his words and said only “no” to any who asked him to let her daughter marry Murad. Murad didn’t know any way out how to join his sweetheart. He couldn’t sleep at night. He could neither sleep nor eat anything. Murad was thinking all day long and was looking for a way out. Won’t there be any way out of his sorrow? Still his thoughts were as if on path but not on the right way. At times he wanted to run and to go to Tabriz and to join the fighting beys of Qajar, but when thinking about his mother and Qelemnaz he gave up his purpose. He began to tell his grief to saz. Murad devoted all the words of the song and the melody to Qelemnaz. All the people in the hamlet were aware of that. The news about their love was spread not only to other hamlets even to Tabriz. Those who went to neighboring hamlets or to the city to buy something would be asked about their love. The answer was still the same, it didn’t change. Though all the people waited for the wedding of Murad and Qelemnaz, Jafar kishi didn’t relent. Qelemnaz had three elder brothers. Jafar kishi wanted to put an end to all the gossiping with the help of his sons. So, he sent his sons to have a talk with Murad, to make him give up that love. At first, their discussion was good, but when Murad told them that he loved Qelemnaz and couldn’t live without her, the brothers became stubborn. They intended to beat Murad. But before the eyes of other people Murad distigured them. The adults who became aware of their fightting could hardly make them stop fightt ng. After the fighting of his sons with Murad, Jafar kishi became even more stubborn. He used to say: “I want to see even my enemy, but not only Murad”. He didn’t let Qelemnaz go out of the home for about one month. Only Susen visited her. She told Murad’s words to her and her words to Murad. After a month Qelemnaz was so thin and so weak that those who saw her didn’t recognize her. She even wanted to hang herself in a stable, but her mother had suddenly entered the stable and rescued her daughter. Only after that accident Jafar kishi let his daughi er go outside, visit relaiives or neighbors. Jafar kishi was in distress because of his daughter’s love which was spoken all around. If it was anyone except Murad, and someone sent a watch-maker he would agree. If only the talking and gossiping were over and the reproach of the people was finished. Who could dare to send a watch-maker for Qelemnaz? No one wanted to part those lovers. All were afraid of God’s curse except Jafar kishi. At last, Jafar kishi had luck; he had one chance, but…

Qelemnaz stopped when she came nearer the place where Murad was standing. The boy sitting under the tree stood up as soon as he saw the girl. When they didn’t see each other they wanted to say a lot words to each other; when they saw each other as if all the words flew to the air. For some time mute silence stood between them like a wall. At last, Qelemnaz took herself in hand:

— Why don’t you greet me? When did you write that gerayli? I liked it very much.

Murad cleared his throat:

— Really?

Qelemnaz answered coyly:

— Of course! I wonder to which beautiful girl you have composed that song.

It was as if Murad caught alight:

— Is there anybody in my heart except you, my cruel darling? — He asked — I love only you. It is as if from the wall of my soul a stone has fallen. Your father won’t let me put that stone back on its place.

Qelemnaz blushed hearing such sweet words. Because of being ashamed she took one of her plaints to her palm and began to pull it:

— It appears that I am a stone in your heart. I wonder have I been hung there or I have fallen down?

Murad didn’t lose his chance and said:

— What are you sayi ng, Qelemnaz? You are like a knife that I carry in my heart. You cut me when you are near me or you are not near me.

Qelemnaz once more wanted to test his love:

— Murad, do you love me much?

It was as if somebody poured boiling water on Murad:

— Do I love you? I am going mad because of your love and you ask me if I love you or not…

— If you love me, why don’t you abduct me?

— Where can I take you?

— I don’t know wherever you want. Let’s go hand in hand and leave this place. I know that if even the heavens came down to the ground my father wouldn’t agree to our marriage.

Murad wished to bring Qelemnaz to his home after their marriage according to the old customs. But Jafar kishi laid obstacles in their way. Qelemnaz was right. Murad had only one way-out: — to abduct Qelemnaz.

Qelemnaz saw that Murad was lost in thought and she nudged his sleeves:

— Hi, my dear, what happened? Maybe you are afraid of ab duc ting me?

— To abduct a girl isn’t fearful.

— If it isn’t fearful why don’t you abduct me?

— Give me time to think about. I must think.

— Think… think… But time never waits for us…

Susen’s voice was heard at the spring:

— Hi, Qelemnaz, where are you? Why don’t you return? I think the kissing of a lover is too sweet.

The words of Susen mixed with the laughter of other girls. Qelemnaz turned red in the face. — “Let me go” — She said and ran away…

.. It is true; time doesn’t want to wait…

The Qajars had one unchanging custom: every year all the beys of Qajar gathered together and organized a horse competition, the wrestlers wrestled, they shot arrows on horseback. The head of the stock of Qajar and beys of Qajar used to come to such kind of competitions. If they liked any wrestlers, fighters, or brave boys they would take them either to the Shah’s troops or to their own groups.

That year’s competition would be in their hami et. The news was spread that together with Fatali khan Tahmasb Shah also would come to watch the competition. In order to watch the competition which was gomg to last about two days Tahmasb Shah would spend the night in the hamlet. In order to meet Tahmasb Shah, Fatali khan had sent white tents to the haml et from Tabriz, and he had prepared two days’ food and brought cooks. Fatali khan had three purposes in taking Tahmasb to see that competition. Firstly, for Tahmasb Shah the hamlets were safe and sound places, Mahmud Shah couldn’t be aware of it. Secondly, he wanted to show to Tahmasib Shah how the people of Qajar respected him. Thirdly, he wanted the adults of Qajar make the Shah feel sure that the stock was a supporter. For that purpose he had asked the adults to come to the competition also.

There was going to be a big gathering held in the hamlet.

The stocks who came to the competition built their tents near the Shah’s tent, and they were proud that even the Shah had come to watch the competition. The players wanted to get gifts or presents from the hand of the Shah.

On the day of the start of the competition, early in the morning Tahmasb Shah came to the haml et with Fatali khan to watch the competition. They were accompanied by a large group. About a hundred horsemen who trained beforehand rode towards the Shah and greeted him. All the guests began shouting, repeating the word of “Allah… Allah”.The noise of the applause even reached to heavens. The people cried: “Long live our Shah!” The Shah was very proud of declaring himself Shah in time.

After some time the horse race began. After the command all the horsemen moved. More than three hundred horsemen had to ride to the bottom of the mountain and return back. Murad couldn’t take part in the first competition. He would take part in the second race. In the first race Jeyran was a winner. The owner of that horse, Otkem was so glad and he embraced the head of his horse.

When the first circling was over, there was silence. Fatali khan was looking around with interest and he noticed the beauli ful girls and women who were standing at the tents and watching the figures of the brave boys but not the race. All of a sudden as if he was struck with amazement. He saw a beautiful girl with white silk kerchief on her head, reddened cheeks and shining eyes made her look even more beautiful. The first thought that came to his mind was that it was a shame if such kind of beautiful girl, who was worthy to the Shahs or the Khans, lived in a hamlet. Just at that moment he called one of the respected adults of the hamlet and asked him about that girl, whose daughter she was. The respected adult said: “She is Jafar kishi’s daughter, Qelemnaz”. Fatali khan asked the respected adult to ask Jafar kishi to come to his place in the afternoon.

Murad put his feet on the stirrup and pressed his ankles to the sides of the horse. The legs, tail and breast of the horse were white but the rest was black. The second horse race began. No sooner had the horsemen started the race when Qirghi rushed forward. When the group of horsemen reached the slope of the mount ain Qirghi was re turni ng. Murad was switching the horse and saying to the horse: “I beseech you, be quicker!“As if the bay horse was flying.

Murad reached the finishing line first and he won the first place. It meant that Murad was the winner of the competition. Qelemnaz was very happy.

In arrow-shooting Murad also won the first place.

In wrestling Murad was considered the second. The last wrestler was very heavy. Though Murad tried hard to heave him, he couldn’t. Their wrestling lasted more than an hour. The heavy wrestler tired Murad. At last, he could embrace Murad and it was as if Murad’s body was between the tongs. The heavy wrestler pressed him as hard as he could.

At last, Murad couldn’t bear his heaviness and raised his hand as a sign of yielding to him. Qelemnaz wasn’t downcast. The main point was that the heavy wrestler didn’t hurt Murad.

…Fatali khan had asked to call Jafar kishi, but he didn’t know how to begin his conversation. According to the Qajar’s traditions they abduct a girl by informing nobody, then they are reconciled with her parents; or they send a watch-maker like others, get the permission, then hold a wedding. It would be better to send a watch -maker for that beautiful girl and get the permission of her father to marry her. Fatali khan didn’t like to abduct the girl: he was proud. It wasn’t worthy of him because he was the head of the stock of Qajar. Whatever happened he wanted to take the girl to Tabriz with him and to marry her there, to register the marriage. The match-maker of the khan had to be the Shahs. At that time, it would be considered more wort hy. At the present moment it wasn’t suitable. Because Tahmasb Shah had other interests, he thought that Fatali khan also had the same in ter ests.

The khan wanted to be a watch-maker himself. That was why he began his talk in a roundabout way.

— Jafar kishi, what news in the hamlet?

Jafat kishi had felt that in order to begin his talk the khan asked about the news in the hamlet.

— All are safe and sound, my khan, all is okay with the help of you and God’s help Then Fatali khan told straight away the essence of his purpose:

— I want you to solve my problem, Jafar kishi!

— Please, I beseech you! Whatever you ask I can fulfill your task.

Fatali khan heartened:

— I want to be your relative.

Jafar kishi was beside himself with joy. He said to himself in his heart:” Whatever I wish it is going to be true”. But he didn’t show his delight.

— How do you want to be my relative, khan?

Fatali khan massaged his fingers:

— I fell in love with your daughter as soon as I saw her for the first time, and I decided to be a watch-maker myself.

Jafar kishi faltered a bit, he didn’t know what to say at that moment. His words were so unexpected that even Jafar kishi wanted to make certain what he had heard. He wasn’t mistaken; the khan was himself a watchmaker for his daughter. If from one side to be a relative with the khan was proud, from the other side Jafar kishi would get rid of Murad and gossiping of the people.

— Well, your words have confused me and I don’t know what to say. I have also other relatives. I must consult with them. Why must we hasten? Let me call my relatives, dis-

cuss your request, and then I may answer.

— There isn’t time for discussion, Jafar kishi! We must gather troops with the Shah to free his father from Mahmud khan’s hands. — Fatali khan wanted to entice Jafar kishi with richness. — Don’t worry; I shall give you how much you want for bashliq.

Jafar kishi didn’t want to show his agreement:

— The problem isn’t only the money, khan! Both my sons and daughters are your slaves. To solve the prob l em in a hurry makes me worry.

Fatali khan didn’t want to yield to him. He wanted to make Jafar kishi believe:

— Don’t worry, Jafar kishi! I shall organize the wedding in Tabriz. I shall invite all the people of the hamlet to the wedding. I shall give jobs to your sons too. I shall give them the tittles of bey.

Jafar kishi couldn’t look for any excuse:

— Well, I agree. God bless you! Be happy! I have one condition.

Fatali khan couldn’t bel ieve his ears; he didn’t except that Jafar kishi would agree so soon. That was why he said joyfully:

— Please, Jafar kishi, tell me your conditions, I am ready to fulfill them.

— I want you to register the marriage here; either today or to morrow.

Fatali khan was confused because the proposal was unexpected.

— Today or tomorrow?

Jafar kishi said:

— Fatali khan, try to understand me! I am her father! I must be sure whether my daughter is married or not.

Fatali khan answered after thinking a while:

— Yes, I agree with you. Tonight I shall send a mullah to your home.

Whatever Jafar kishi had wished became true.

— God bless you!

Fatali khan reached his hand out:

— I give a hundred sheep for the bashliq, and also I give twenty sacks of gold.

Fatali khan took a sack of gold and gave it to him:

— This is the bashliq for your daughter. I shall send the sheep as soon as I reach to Tabriz. …But… No one must know what we talked about; only you and me.

— My khan I wonder, is it a secret to marry?

— No, it isn’t a secret. But I don’t want the Shah to be aware that in his troubled days I think about marriage. When we leave the haml et, you may tell everybody that Fatali khan married your daughter.

Jafar kishi couldn’t say a word against the logic of the khan:

— I don’t object; let it be however you wish!

Fatali khan came to Tahmasb Shah after parting with Jafar kishi.

In the Shah’s tent, which was covered with carpets, there were a lot of people. At the upper part of the tent there was his throne. The newly appointed butler called the names of the winners, one by one theycame forward, got their gifts on behalf of the Shah, and said the words “We serve the Shah, let our Shah’s life be long!” and then re i turned to their places.

It was the turn of Murad. In the middle of the tent, Murad fell on his knees:

— My Shah, I beseech you, I have a request to you.

Tahmasb Shah liked Murad. He looked like a quick-witted boy. To his mind, the brave boy falling on his knees at him was also a decent person.

— State your request!

Murad said without standing up:

— My Shah, I want nothing, I want no gifts. I want a way-out of my sorrow. Only you are able to find a way-out of my sorrow.

— Maybe you don’t like our gifts?

— No, my Shah, who am I not to like your gifts? But no expensive gift can assuage my grief.

Tahmasb Shah looked with int erest at the young boy who grieved and asked for his assistance. In his troubled days it was very important to carry out the boy’s wish.

— To my mind, your name is Murad

— Yes, my Shah!

— You are from this hamlet, aren’t you?

— You are right, my Shah!

— What is your sorrow, what troubles you?

— Mine is a probi em of heart, my Shah; the probi em of love.

Tahmasb Shah never fell in love with any girl, but he had to solve the love difficulty of others. He didn’t lose himself:

— Tell me the sorrow of your heart, Murad!

— My Shah, I beseech you! I can’t speak myself, it would be better if the respected adults told you about my sorrow.

Tahmasb Shah liked the behavior of such a brave boy.

— Is there any respected adult of your hamlet here?

Among the people in the tent one of the respected old men came forward:

— I am here, my Shah!

— Please, come and speak about the heart sorrow of this young boy!

— All right, my Shah!

The old man began to speak about the love of a boy and a girl without mentioning their names. He spoke about the love spoken by all the people like a legend. He noted how fragile was the love of the boy and the girl, who loved each other so much.

The eyes of the Shah filled with tears. What kind of love it was; he couldn’t understand. How could a boy and a girl love each other like the old man spoke. The Shah had heard about the love of Leyli and Mejnun, Asli and Karam who turned into legends. He couldn’t think that at present someone could love each other like them. It was as if it was the first time during his life that the Shah was fragile. The Shah decided to help the boy who fell on his knees in front of him:

— But who puts an obstacle in the way of joining the two young boy and girl? — The Shah asked.

The re spected adult an swered im medi ately:

— The girl’s father, Jafar kishi!

— Why doesn’t Jafar kishi agree with their marriage?

— Poverty is guilty, my Shah! The boy is poor, that is why the girl’s father doesn’t agree; he thinks that it will wound his pride.

The Shah turned towards the guardsman:

— Go and bring here Jafar kishi! But don’t hurt him!

Soon the guardsman came back. Jafar kishi was near them. Jafar kishi came forward and bowed to the Shah. While bowing he saw Murad who was falling on his knees at the Shah and Jafar kishi was uncertain about the situation. As soon as Fatali khan saw Jafar kishi, his face turned white. He thought that Jafar kishi might make known their conversation.

Tahmasb Shah pointed to Murad and said:

— Are you the man laying an obstacle in the way of the joining two young boy and girl each other?

Jafar kishi was afraid. The Shah could punish him. He looked at Fatali khan implori ngly, asking assistance from him with his looks.

The Shah got angry seeing Jafar kishi’s keeping silence:

— They told me that you don’t agree because of Murad being poor. Is it right?

Jafar kishi could hardly swallow his word about Fatali khan’s request:

— Whatever the people tell it is right… Right… My Shah!

— How do you think, can the man who serves the Shah be poor? I will give Murad a job near me. What is your opinion, Jafar kishi? May we say “Be happy!” to the two young boy and girl who love each other?

Jafar kishi was confused hearing his words. He wanted to speak because he had promised her to a much richer person. – He had promised her to Fatali khan.

— My Shah, my daughter has been betrothed since childhood years. How can I deny my promise?

Fatali khan understood that those words concerned him. He thought that if the Shah asked about the betrothal all would be clear. The Shah also would ask him that when they met and when they were promi sed to each other. Fatali khan had to urgently solve that prob lem. Though he was only about thirty five or forty years old he had good experience of life and he was aware of what was better. At that moment he could give up the girl, but he couldn’t give the Shah up. That was why he came forward:

— Your Majesty, if you allow me I can also say a word because I am the head of this stock.

— I allow you, tell your opinion.

Fatali khan turned towards Jafar kishi:

— Jafar kishi, if our Shah wants to join this young boy and girl, the word of our Majesty is like a law. Here all the people confess that these two young boy and girl love each other. If your daughter once had a betrothed we can make him change his mind and we may find him another girl.

Jafar kishi reali zed that Fatali khan had changed his mind from his earlier wish and that was why he understood that there was no need to persist. He felt sorry in his heart for the situation. He said:

— Fatali khan, I agree with the Shah’s request. — If our Shah wishes, that is to say, it will be how he wishes.

In the tent the applause of the people was heard.

— Long live our Shah!

Tahmasb Shah stood up and came nearer to Murad:

— Stand up, brave boy!

Murad stood up quickly. The Shah put his hands on his shoulders and said: “Be happy!” He took the gift from the butler and gave it to Murad:

— Prepare for your wedding from the day after tomorrow. All the expense of the wedding will be paid by the treasury. After one month I shall wait for you in the Shah’s palace.

Murad kissed the Shah’s hands.

— All right, my Shah! I am thankful to you. Long live my Shah!

The Shah turned towards Jafar kishi:

— Don’t you object, Jafar kishi?

— My Shah, who am I to object to your decision? God bless them!

The people in the tent once more shouted: “Long live our Shah!”.

....Susen ran to Qelemnaz’s home running. Her eyes were smiling; she couldn’t say a word because of her anxiety. Qelemnaz was telling her mother about the results of that day’s competition. When she saw Susen running hurriedly, she understood that something had happened.

Susen said smiling:

— My brother has just returned from the Shah’s tent, — she said. He said that there was a real performance.

— What performance, girl? Be quick, tell me about.

— Qelemnaz, by God, you are happy!

— Do you also consider me to be lucky?

Well, well… Whom else must I consider happy? Qelemnaz, it was fated thus that the Shah himself was a watch-maker for you.

Hearing her words Qelemnaz faltered and then she was struck dumb, and she fell on her back to the floor. She fainted. Qelemnaz’s mother began to tear her face:

— Alas, alas… My daughter is dying…

Susen brought water in a little bowl and filled her mouth with water and then blew the water on her face. Qelemnaz came to herself with difficulty and said furiously:

— I don’t want to marry to the Shah or a bey! — She groaned. — I shall kill myself!

Susen was surprised:

— Which Shah, girl?

— Didn’t you tell me that the Shah himself was a watch-maker for me?

Susen realized that Qelemnaz misunderstood her words and she began to laugh. Qelemnaz got angry. Susen went on her laughing:

— It is true; the Shah was a watch-maker for you, but not for himself, for Murad!!! He was a watchmaker and made your father agree!

Qelemnaz again faltered and was struck dumb, then she fainted. She came to herself later and began to groan in tears. At last she looked at Susen sorrowfully:

— Take an oath! — She said.

— I take an oath on the God, on the Earth, on the Heavens! The Shah asked you only for Murad.

Qelemnaz raised her hands and began to pray to God, shed ding tears:

— Thank God! Thank goodness! You heard my prayi ng. My God, you didn’t want me to be hopeless. You didn’t hurt my heart. My God, thank God!

— Qelemnaz, I haven’t finished talking yet… Our Shah gave a job to Murad in his palace. The expanse of the wedding will be paid by the treasury!

Qelemnaz couldn’t believe her ears. In a day there couldn’t be so much happiness!

— But what did my father say?

— Nothing, he was standing by the Shah, his face was as white as cotton.

Qelemnaz embraced Susen and began to cry bitierly. Both her mother and Susen also were crying with her. Then Susen calmed Qelemnaz and began to speak about everything in detail.

On the next day the beys, respected adults and brave boys of the stock of Qajar were gathered in the Shah’s white tent. They took an oath to be devoted to him. Tahmasb Shah, who was pleased with the stock of Qajar, left for Tabriz.


QAZVIN, 1723

The troops of Mahmud Shah had first enclosed Qazvin, then they sent a messenger to the ruler of the city and demanded them to give Tahmasb Mirza to the Afghans. The ruler of the city told the messenger that Tahmasb Mirza wasn’t in Qazvin and if he was in the city he would never give him to the Afghans. Only after the ruler’s words, the Afghans attacked the city with about troop of ten thousand fighters. The fortress walls of the city were not firm, which was why in the third day of the blockade it was broken and the city yielded to the Afghans after intensive battles. The real tragedies began after the blockade. The Afghans hung the ruler of Qazvin at the gate of the city. In the city robbery, killing, destroying and firing began.

The population of the city had never seen such a situation. The people of the city were losing their patience.

...The mullabashi of Qazvin had also never seen such kind of cruelty. That was why he was thinking about a way out. He secretly informed the beys of Qazvin to be ready; in due time he would pronounce Fetwa to clear off the city from the Afghans. The beys, rich people and simple devout persons tried to hide themselves and were defending their families.

That night the mullabashi was waiting for the beylerbeyi of Qazvin. The beylerbeyi Husam was a brave person at the age of thirty. When he heard about the arrogance of the Afghans he couldn’t bear it. He flew into a rage. When he sent news to the mullabashi that he wanted to say something to him Husam was pleased with the answer he received. The mullabashi promi sed to give him any assis- tance he needed. The Afghans were becoming ungovernable day after day.

At midnight the door of the home of mullabashi was knocked quietly. Though mullabashi knew who was behind the door he said:

— My children, go to the door, somebody is knocking at the door.

The man who knocked at the door was Husam. He entered the room and said: “Good evening!”

The mullabashi stood up, put his hands on his chest and answered him: “Good evening, bey!” He showed him a cushion and asked him to sit.

There were a lot of bookshelves in the room. The mullabashi had read a great deal; he was an educated person. He approached any probl em correctly, according to the rules allowed by “Qur’ani-Kerim”. That was why he was respected by all the people in Qazvin. Most people appealed him in those troubled days knowing about his respect.

The mullabashi arranged himself comfortably on the cushion and asked the beylerbeyi:

— What news in the city, Husam bey?

The beylerbeyi answered, smoothing his moustaches:

— The news is that there is grief, misfortune and meanness in the city! — Our honor has been hurt and disgraced. After some days we must tie a kerchief round our heads.

The mullabashi didn’t consider getting angry was acf ceptable:

— Have patience, Husam bey! Your flying into a rage may harm us. If we start fighting before its time the people can be killed.

— Mullah, the people are being killed. Listen to me, what those cruel Afghans have done. Two drunk Afghans stopped a widow who has four children, in the street and asked about the place where she lived. That poor woman said that she didn’t live far from there. The drunken Afghans began gofng after her. As soon as the woman entered her home, the Afghans also rushed in after her. The hopeless woman took a frying pan and struck the head of one of them. Her children ran outside and began to shout...Those cruel Afghans firstly raped the woman, then choked her. When the neighbors came and saw that they had killed the woman, the neighbors also killed two Afghans, and hid their dead bodfes. Now Afghans are lookfng for everywhere to find them. After that accident they have a good opportunity to meddle everywhere.

The mullabashi said in a miserable, mournful voice:

— I know all you told, Husam bey! — I even know worse than you told! Religion and faith are hurt.

— What are we waiting for?

— The time.

— When will the time come?

— If they behave like thus and make all the people fly into a rage the time will come soon, Husam! Tell me how is the preparation of fighting of the beys?

— I also want to speak about preparation, mull ah! My brave boys are ready. They are waiting for the day when all the people will begin fighting. We have gathered two thousand brave boys having swords and all are ready to fight. When will the time you speak about come?

The mullabashi sighed deeply:

— In fact, the day that we are waiting for has come today. But we wasted a chance, what a pity!

— What does it mean “we wasted the chance?”

— Pay attention to my words, Husam! If we don’t make all the people begin fighting, if the people stay in their homes, the struggle will be strangled in the sea of blood! Today we could use the tragedy of that woman. We had to gather the people, firstly, we had to rouse them, so we can begin to revolt. Revolt for honor, manliness, self -respect… But the neighbors were frightened, they hid the dead bodies of two Afghans because of belong frightened. They showed themselves as though they knew nothing about the accident. The unhappy woman was buried secretly.

The beylerbeyi thought for a while and said pitifully:

— You are right, mullah! We missed a good chance, which we could use. Nobody thought about it.

— Nobody thought, but you must think about it now, Husam bey! If such a kind of tragedy happens once more, you must act immediately. Also ask your brave boys to get in the way and not to let the Afghans help each another.

— All right, mullah!

— If it is thus, be ready, Husam bey! I hope that the time of this revolt won’t be late.

The beylerbeyi thought that the mullabashi was going to finish talking and he stood up:

— Well, allow me go away, I must meet with the beys tomorrow, I must tell them about our conversation.

The mullabashi also stood up. He shook hands with the beylerbeyi and said to him: “Good night!” When Husam bey left mullabashi took the Qur’an, opened it, put his hand on any sentence and read the sentence after intending to follow it in his heart. He thought a bit about the sentence that he read in the Arabian language and smiled with pleasure. Then he blew out the lamp on the niche.

...It was winter, the morning came late. At seven o’clock in the morni ng, the door of the home of mullabashi was knocked noisily. The mullabashi had just finished his morning ritual worship, he was awake, and closing the Qur’an he was reading went out to the yard:

— I am coming, who are you?

Behind the door, there were heard rude words:

— Open the door, be quick, hurry!

The mullabashi opened the door. There were three Afghan fighters at the gate. The mullabashi asked:

— What for have you come? What do you want?

One of the fighters said:

— It is the order of the vice-regent. He ordered us to look into each home as two of our fighters disappeared.

The mullabashi said severely:

— This is the home of the mullabashi in Qazvin. If you lost your fighters go and look for them in other places. Maybe they drank too much and are sleeping in one of the cellars.

— We don’t know anything. We have been ordered to search for them everywhere. We must look for them!

The fighters said thus and wanted to squeeze themselves into the room.

“Maybe the time to fight has come” — The mullabashi thought. It was necessary to draw these fighters to enable the fighting to begin. It was possible to win over the enemy even with one’s death like Imam Husain. Imam had left such a kind of sign in Karbala so that thanks to him the religion of Islam was supported. Couldn’t he save his city and his people by continuing his tradition? The mullabashi came to a final decision and blocked the fighters with his tall body:

— My home is the place where the terms of shariat are kept! I won’t allow you who do slovenly work to enter my cell and disgrace my self-esteem:

— Renegades! Leave my home!

The Afghan fighters began to suspect him. One of them pushed the mullabashi on his breast.

— Don’t stand in our way, old witch!

Though the mullabashi didn’t fall he staggered. Then he said loudly “Bismillahir-rehmanir-rehim” and rushed to — wards them. He caught the collar of the fighter before him, attack-ng his face with his head. The attack covered the fighter’s face in blood and the mullabashi fell on the floor.

…The children were running in the streets and shouting: “They killed mollabashi! The Afghans killed the mollabashi!”

A crowd was going towards the home of the mollabashi. The popul ation of the city came running and after some time not only in the yard but also in the streets there were a lot of people. Husam bey also had come. He was looking at the faces, the eyes of the people. There was hatred, fury against the Afghans. “It was the proper time. That is to say the mullabashi sacri ficed himself for the freedom of the city. Husam bey thought thus and clenched his fist. Then he whispered into the ears of the beys standing near him, setting tasks. The beys went away somewhere in a hurry.

The mullahs were speaklng to one another in a low voice. They pursued different thoughts about the death of the mollabashi. Husam bey looked at them and shook his head ironically. The mullabashi wouldn’t be buried under the black soil like the inhabitant of the defeated city! They didn’t have to miss this chance. He put a stump under his feet, stood on it and spoke loudly:

— People! Our wise respected elder, the mullabashi of the people, sacrificed himself on the route to the freedom of our city! We must not agree to bury him when the enemies are in Qazvin, like a minister of religion of a defeated city! — He raised his voice. — If our city hasn’t been freed the mullabashi can’t be buried with respect! His spirit won’t forgive us!

The crowd shouted: “It is right”, “Death to the Afghans”, “It is the time to begin to Jihad!”.

The beylerbeyi understood that the time to fight had come. He unsheathed his sword and raised his sword above his head and said furiously:

— Kill the sons of bitches!

It was as if the crowd was waiting for his shouting and their glittered swords and poniards were raised above their heads. The sound of roaring grew greatly and the people raged and moved along the street…

…After some time swords, spears, axes and pitch-forks began to collide with one another. The arrows began flying, guns began shooting, and the stone-hearted Afghans were covered in their own blood. The voices of “Allahu -Akber” of the powers which started the attack spontaneously shuddered the city. Then the fights became more regulated and became even more aggravated.

Qazvin was divided into parts. The group of Husam bey was the main fighting part. Wherever they saw a fighting Afghan they fought against him. All the people were fighting against the Afghans. Streets, walls and doors were covered in blood. The fighting Afghans removed themselves towards the gate of the city. By the ritual worship of the afternoon the larger part of the Afghan fighters were killed. The people of the city were inspired and they thought that no one could defeat them. At last they drove out the last Afghan fighter too and began to shout “Allahu -Akber!”, “Ya Husain”. The people wanted their victorious exclamations even reach to the heavens.

In the streets were hung the dead bodies of eight thousand Afghan fighters Only about two thousand fighters escaped from the revolt of Qazvin and with difficulty ran away to Isfahan. When they spoke to Mahmud khan about the incident, he couldn’t believe his ears. Then he got so angry that he sentenced to death about five hundred Safavids who were captives. He didn’t sentence to death only Sultan Husain and his two sons.

...The loss of Qazvin had shaken Mahmud Shah’s nerves. After some time his nerves were strongly shocked. He behaved as though mad. At last the Afghans were sick of his madness and illness, they began thinking about what measures to take. They offered the throne to Mahmud khan’s nephew, Ashraf bey. Ashraf bey accepted that proposal and he killed his uncle and declared himself Shah.


Peter the Great, who seemed hale and hearty in spite of being old, was looking at the map of the empire. The map was on a big table. He was thinking with his arms crossed on his chest. He had occupied Darband and Baku using the opportunity of weakness of the dynasty of the Safavid. That day two ambassadors would come to his reception. One of them was Alexander Vasilyevich Nepluyev whom Peter the Great had appointed ambassador to istanbul; the other was Ismayil bey who was sent by the ruler of the Safavid, by Tahmasb Shah for talks. Peter the Great had decided to receive firstly Nepluyev, to clear up with him the problem of the attitude of the Ottomans to Azerbaijan; then to receive the messenger of Shah Tahmasb. Ismayil bey was in Saint-Petersburg for about one week. But Peter the Great didn’t hurry to meet with him.

Just at that moment the doors, the height of which was about four or five meters, opened; the master of ceremonies entered the room and hit the golden stick on the floor and said loudly:

— Your Highness, Emperor! Your chief ambassador in Is- tan bul, Al ex an der Vasilyevich Nepluyev!

The emperor hinted “come” with a sign of his hand. A man of medium height came in. He was the ambassador of Russia in Istanbul. He bent his head and bowed. Peter the Great said in a lively manner:

— Well, Alexander Vasilyevich, tell me how it is to live in Istanbul? Don’t you miss your home?

— No, Your Highness! I don’t miss, but it is very difficult for a Christian to live among the Moslems, especially among the Turkish people. It is right, there are Christian churches too, but to live there isn’t too easy....Not easy.

The moustaches of Peter the Great trembled with rage. He brought himself together and clapped his hands on the shoulder of the ambassador:

— Never mind, Alexander Vasilyevich, have patience, the time will come, we shall drive out all the Turks, these Mos- lems, from Istanbul. Remember well, he who will occupy Istanbul will be the ruler of the world.

— Let it be as you say, Your Highness!

Peter the Great put a question to the ambassador in a lively voice:

— Now, tell me how the situation is with the Ottomans? -I mean those whose trousers are loose…

— Your Highness, after the occupation of Darband and Baku by the Russian troops, the Ottomans began to act. One part of the Ottomans went forward from Baghdad till Hamadan under the leadership of Ahmad pasha; the other part of them occupied Tiflis and is going to conquer the north part of Azerbaijan including Shirvan…

Peter the Great interrupted his words:

— Alexander Vasilyevich, don’t continue! Show me on the map what you said to me.

— All right, Your Highness!

They came nearer to the map. Nepluyev took the thin switch for the map and put it on the state of Safavids.

— Your Highness, here is Azerbaijan. I have heard that the troops of Ahmad pasha will go till Qazvin, then passing through Irevan they will join with the army going in the direction of Shirvan and his troops will fight against our garrison to free Darband and Baku. The chief Vizier called me to Topqapi many times and wanted to present me with a note about the war.

Peter the Great said in surprise:

— Why didn’t he present the note?

— By the efforts of Markiz de Bonak, the ambassador of France in istanbul.

— Hmm… What is the interest of France.?

— As I know, the king of France doesn’t want war between the Ottomans and Russia.

— Is it useful for France or for the Ottomans?

— Of course, for France, Your Highness! France doesn’t want the two big states fighting against each other. In fact, France wants to make the Turks fight against Austria.

Peter the Great laughed loudly:

— Oh …I didn’t know about it. It appears that France

wants to place Austria under its command…

— It appears like this, Your Highness!

Peter the Great asked one more question:

— Has Markiz de Bonak firm standing in the palace of the Sultan?

— Yes, Your Highness! He has a firm standing with the Sultan and the Viziers. The Ottomans try to strengthen economical, political and military relations with France.

— Well, it is clear. It appears that a war against the Ottomans is not expected soon. How is the situation in the Safavids?

— Your Highness, you know that there is chaos, anarchy and no control in the state of the Safavid. Now there are revolts in each of the cities.

Peter the Great didn’t let Nepluyev finish his words:

— I know all about it, I know what happens there. Speak to me about Istanbul. What did Tahmasb’s messenger promise to the Sultan? What will the Sultan give instead? Speak me about all these!

Nepluyev said, being confused:

— Your Highness! The Sultan wants from Tahmasb one part of Azerbaijan including Qazvin, Tabriz, Irevan, Tiflis, Hamadan, Rey, Khoy, and Shirvan…

What is he going to give in return?

— In return the Sultan is going to give troops to Tahmasb, to help him in suppressing revolts, and recognize him as the Shah.

— Hmmm… The Sultan wants from Tahmasb half of Azerbaijan. Is it shamelessness or the demonstration of power? Well, it is interesting, what happened then?

— Then the problem remained just the same, Your Highness!

— What does it mean “remained just the same?”

— The messenger answered the Sultan that he hadn’t the authority to answer. So, he returned from istanbul to Tahmasb’s place.

Peter the Great walked up and down on the marble floor of the palace making a noise with his boot and thought a little. Then he returned and put his hands on the messenger’s shoulder:

— It is very good, Alexander Vasilyevich, very good! You must insist, thoughtfully, on the problem of Azerbaijan. Interfere in the signing of a peace treaty between the Ottomans and the Safavids. If it needs don’t spare any gold, money or other things. Do you hear? Don’t even miss the chance of using the French Markiz de Bonak! Do you hear?

— I hear, Your Highness!

— So it is from one side; from the second side try to achieve an agreement between the Ottomans and Russia in building a demarcation line passing through the territory of Azerbaijan. — He showed the seashore of the Caspian Sea on the map. — Because the troops of Russia could move forward to Mazandaran. Do you understand, Alexander Vasilyevich?

— I understand, Your Highness!

— Very well, if it is thus you may go…

Nepluyev went out of the room. Peter the Great took the bell and rang it for some time, and the master of ceremonies entered the room:

— Your Highness!

— Call the messenger of the Safavids!

— All right, Your Highness!

Peter the Great sat on his throne and continued thinking. After some time the high doors were opened again. The master of ceremonies hit the golden stick on the floor:

— The messenger of the empire of the Safavid, Ismayil bey!

A man at the age of about thirty, handsome, black-eyed, having black eyelashes, whose appearance showed he came from the East, an interpreter and a servant with a covered tray in his hand entered the sa lon. The man who entered first was Ismayil bey. Ismayil bey came forward and bowed to Peter the Great:

— I have brought you the regards of our Shah, Tahmasb Mirza! I wish you long life! — The interpreter began to trans- late the words of Ismayil bey. Peter the Great nodded his head as a sign of thanks. — Our Shah wants you to take this gift on behalf of his name, like the gift showing the symbol of friendship of a neighboring state.

Ismayil bey took the covering off the tray that the servant was holding. A sword was on the tray, decorated with precious stones and an atlas dressing-gown sewn with golden threads. Ismayil bey gave the tray to the servant who was standing near the emperor. The other servants went out.

— Our Shah ordered me to tell you that the Safavids always lived with the Russians in peace and friendship. Starting from now he wants to live in the same way.

Peter the Great looked firmly into the eyes of Ismayil bey and forthrightly spoke about the main purpose:

— What does your Shah want?

— Our Shah wants you, being a great emperor, to recognize him as the Shah; to assist our Shah in the troubled days of our state.

— Well, suppose we recognized Tahmasb Mirza as the Shah. What does Russia gain out of it?

— You may know this, Your Highness!

Peter the Great thought screwing up his eyes and then said:

— We shall agree with you under the following conditions:

— Darband, Baku, and their suburbs remain in the structure of Russia.

— The seashore provinces of Gilan, Mazandaran and Astarabad pass to Russia’s control.

— The state, which is our friend, becomes your friend; the state which is our enemy becomes your enemy too.

— Russian merchants can trade in your territory without paying tax and they can go to Delhi and other countries without paying tax.

With all these condi tions the Russian Empire undertakes the followings:

— Recognizes Tahmasb as the Shah of the state of Safavids;

The Russian state will assist in suppressing any revolts which happen inside the state of the Safavids.

The interpreter was translating slowly, without any pause, translating the words which the emperor said to Ismayil bey. When he finished translating the silence was broken by Peter the Great:

— Did the Shah of Safavid give you responsibility to dis- cuss all these problems and sign the documents?

Ismayil bey answered:

— Yes, Your Highness!

— In this case it would be interesting to know your attitude to these conditions.

For Peter the Great the third paragraph was important, because that paragraph didn’t allow the uniting of the Ottomans with the Safavids. If they signed a peace treaty, without fail the opinion of Russia was to be taken into consideration. Practically, Peter the Great made the Safavids fall into a political trap. Peter the Great supposed that the messenger would think a lot but would understand nothing. But Ismayil bey dispersed this supposition of the emperor:

— Your Highness, I agree with your conditions, but it is necessary to add one word to the responsibility from your side.

— Which word?

— In the second paragraph instead of the word of “military” there must be written “military and financial”.

Peter the Great had already gained a diplomatic victory over the Ottomans by means of the Safavids. Now whatever the messenger of Safavids wanted he would give. That was why he said with indifference:

— Let it be how you want, messenger of Safavids! — Tonight we are going to sign a treaty about “friendship and brotherhood”. After the official signing, tomorrow you may take the first financial assisiance- ten thousand pieces of Russian gold.

To get the unexpected assistance and by means of it to strengthen the army of the Shah made Ismayil bey rejoice:

— All right, Your Highness!

Peier the Great had achieved his main purpose. His main purpose was to turn the Caspian Sea into a Russian basin and not to let the Ottomans to the west of the Caspian Sea. That was why he became cheerful. In order to test the mind of Ismayil bey, he wanted to make him speak once again:

— Both the Safavids and the Ottomans are from the same stock. Why don’t you find a common language? Half of the world is under your control. You fight against yourselves. What can’t you share?

Ismayil bey answered without thinking:

— For faith and lands, Your Highness!

— I understood the meaning of faith, but why for “lands”?

— Both the Otiomans and the Safavids are the Oghuz Turks. Azerbaijan and Anatolia are the motherland of both of them. They say that Azerbaijan and Anatolia are their motherl and, but we say that Azerbaijan and Anatolia are ours and we have been living here for thousand years. They don’t want to agree with us…

Peter the Great smiled at the naive words of Ismayil bey and said nothing.


On June 24 in 1724 as a result of the efforts of the ambassador of Russia in istanbul, Nepluyev and the ambas- sador of France, Markiz de Bonak, a treaty was signed between the Ottomans and Russia about the division of the north and west parts of the state of Safavids. According to that treaty a straight line from the place where Kur and Araz joined till Hamadan, from the south part of Dagestan including the east part of Shamakhy were considered the borders of Russia and the Ottomans. According to the document, the Ottoman and Russia empires would recognize Tahmasb Mirza as the Shah. If the Shah recognized that treaty, they would assist him in restoring orders in the state of the Safavids.

But Tahmasb Shah didn’t accept such a shameful treaty and the conditions shown there. That was why under the leadership of Ahmad pasha, the Ottomans firstly occupied Khoy, then Hamadan, then Nakhchivan and Irevan. The Ottomans who were not able to conquer Tabriz entered Ganja. Tahmasib Shah returned to Ardabil when the second attack on Tabriz was successful.

“…I knew that the situation was worse. My beauti ful Azerbaijan was conquered by the Russians and the Ottof mans; there began a revolt in the empire which had been left to us like a heritage. Now the ruler of each city behaved like the Shah. Be fore my eyes I was losing my country. “What must be done?” — That question always made me think. It was necessary to put an end to this lack of overall control. In order to join Azerbaijan and other lands in unity Tahmasb Shah made more efforts, but there was no result.

I made up my mind that it was necessary to create a strong army. Firstly, in Kalat I gathered one group of troopers about two thousand, consisting of the Avshars. I began to teach them the tactics of fighting, the ways to go forward, to retreat. To my mind, I achieved my purpose. Within a short time, I was able to create a group of regulated troopers. It stimul ated me to other great fights. Kalat was between the trenches like hills and valleys. It was my first fortress. It was necessary to test the fighting ability of the group by leaving Kalat. We attacked Khorasan. The fighters exactly fulfilled all my orders. We plundered Khorasan and returned Kalat with much plunder. At that time, Melik Mahmud Sistani didn’t miss the chance because of lack of control in the country. He occupied Meshed and declared him self an in de pend ent ruler.

Tahmasb Shah couldn’t get back Isfahan from Ashraf khan. Though he attacked the city with Fatali khan, Ashraf khan made them retreat.

One day a man by the name of Nasir agha came to me. He was originally Kurd. After greeting me he explained the purpose of his coming:

— Nader khan, I have come to you like a representative.

— Please, I am listening!

— It is necessary the Kurds and the Avshars are combined and become one troop or if they remain separate Melik Mahmud will make us surrender…

He was speaking wisely. I didn’t hide my thoughts and said:

— Nasir agha, I also think like you… — If there is no uniting they will kill not only us but also they will destroy our motherland…

He was glad to hear my words as if he didn’t expect me answering thus.

— It is right, Nader khan! In such troubled days we must unite. We discussed this and then decided that you must be the warlord of our fighters.

I thought for a while.

— Aren’t you mistaken in choosing me? — I asked in order to make sure.

— I think that we are not mistaken. Firstly, within a short time you will be able to introduce proper order between the fighters. Secondly, your name, bravery and courage are spoken by all the people.

I didn’t want to arrive at a decision in a hurry:

— Nasir agha, I may accept your proposal. In that case your group must obey my orders without reserve and must fulfill my orders unconditionally.

He didn’t think long:

— It will be how you said, if God pleases!

I agreed with Nasir agha, but I felt that he wanted to say something more. After some hesitation, he said:

— In order to do away with Melik Mahmud we have one mea sure.

— Please, Nasir agha, what did you decide?

Nasir agha made me take an oath on Imam Rza not to speak to anybody about his words.

— You know that the Kurds also serve to Melik Mahmud in his palace. We are obliged to be near him. After a week a traditional horse-race will begin in Meshed. In this horse-race both Melik Mahmud and you also will take part as before. If in that race you pull the horse of Melik Mahmud by the bridle, it will be a sign to us and we shall attack and kill him…

It wasn’t a bad idea. I agreed with Nasir agha about it. But I didn’t trust him much. In such kind of days any betrayal could be expected from men. In an underhand way, I learned that during the execution of Melik Mahmud they wouldn’t miss the chance to hurt me and to do away with me. I didn’t refuse taking part in the horse-race. But I behaved as though I couldn’t pull the bridle. So, the horse-race finished, Melik Mahmud didn’t doubt. Then I knew that Melik Mahmud was aware of that plan and together his with two courtiers they had a plan of their own. I took those courtiers to hunting and asked them to tell me all what they knew.

One of the courtiers said to me that the idea had been decided by Melik Mahmud himself as he wanted to do away with me in that way.

— Why? — My relations with Melik Mahmud aren’t bad.

— Melik Mahmud isn’t afraid of Tahmasb Shah but you. By removing you he will get rid of his most dangerous enemy.

— Was Nasir agha aware of what you told me about?

— No, we showed ourselves to Nasir agha as though we were dissatisfied with Melik Mahmud and we would be able to make him believe us.

I killed the courtiers of Melik Mahmud and sent their heads to him…

...In 1725 near Khabushan the troops of Melik Mahmud and my troops came face to face. By fighting, I made him to retreat to Meshed. It was impossible to continue that fight till the end, because we needed cannons to encircle the city. I didn’t have cannons at that time. I made up my mind that instead of blockading Meshed it was better to take control of the stocks in the province of Daragoz who were enemies to me. I did what I thought. In that way the number of my fighters reached six thousand.

Tahmasb Shah sent his warlord Rzaqulu khan to Meshed to Melik Mahmud. There I was ready to combine with the troops of the Shah.The ill-wishers near Rzaqulu khan whispered in his ears that: “If the victory is gained, it will be the victory of Nader” — and in that way they laid obstacles in the way of combining the troops.

One day a group of horsemen under the headship of the Shah’s Vizier Hasanali bey came to meet me. Though I didn’t know Hasanali bey very well, his herald who had come before Hasanali bey had informed me about him. I welcomed him at the gates built near Khabushan and told him: “You are welcome!” As soon as he got off the horse he said in a lively voice:

— It is better to hear about a brave man than to see him.

I said modestly:

— I shall be a brave man when together with the Shah I shall bring into unity the lands left us from our forefathers like a heritage. Now I am busy only with small tasks.

— What are you saying? Your fame is spread from Azerbaijan to Baghdad.

— I wish you also to be famous, Hasanali bey!

— Thanks! If you were not famous the Shah wouldn’t send

me to you to appoint you the ruler. It appears that you won the confidence of the Shah.

— I wish our Shah long life! It is our duty to serve to the Shah! The Avshars always devotedly served the Qizilbashs.

When Hasanali bey returned to the Shah he explained my idea to him. According to my idea, both my troops and the Shah’s troops had to attack to Khorasan and to get the city back. Hasanali bey returned to me again and informed me that the Shah wanted to meet with me.

It became clear that during the period when I wasn’t there the troops of Melik Mahmud wanted to fight against the Shah’s troops. When I heard that news I left Marv and turned my face to Khabushan. When Melik Mahmud heard that I had left Marv he returned to Meshed. In Khabushan I was waiting for the Shah and Fatali khan.

I was thirty eight years old, but till that time I had never seen the Shah. I met Tahmasb Shah at the entry of Khabushan. He was about twenty two or twenty three years old. It seemed that he was tired. The Shah was accompanied by a number of Viziers and advocates. It was felt that he was like a toy in their hands. I understood it from often changing his mind. I waited for the Shah to get off the horse. Hasanali bey came nearer to him:

— Your Majesty, Nader is here.

Tahmasb Shah asked:

— Where is he?

I went forward and bowed him, wishing him long life. To my mind, the Shah was pleased. Then in the home of the ruler of the city, he had a talk with me in private.

— How can we get Meshed? — He asked me directly.

— By attacking, Your Majesty! — I answered without think ing.

— Has our army power to attack?

— To occupy Meshed the army has the power, but for to restore the dynasty it has not.

— Why?

— Because our army isn’t regulated and isn’t trained specially. In private, everybody wants to behave like a hero. It is necessary for the army to show courage together, to learn the tactics of fighting and fulfill the orders unconditionally.

Tahmasb Shah thought and then said:

— You are right, it is necessary to set an army fighting regularly. Well, if I appoint you a warlord to the army to occupy Meshed, will you be able to do it?

— I shall occupy, Your Majesty! If the army will be of one mind, I shall be able to achieve my purpose, my Shah!

— If it is thus, I appoint you the warlord of the army!

When the order of the Shah was declared the Viziers, advocates, especially Fatali khan, began to play tricks in order to sully my good name. I didn’t have time to pay attention to them.

…I began marching. Meshed had already been encircled. Just at that time I learned that Fatali khan had a talk with Melik Mahmud so as not to let me occupy Meshed. Fatali khan would be able to make Melik Mahmud believe this. He made him believe that if his troops attacked me the stocks of Qajar wouldn’t fight against any sides. Melik Mahmud believed Fatali khan and attacked us. After the bloody battles he was obliged to reireat. In that batile, the Qajars didn’t take part. Without them the troops of Melik Mahmud could n’t stand before us. I captured one of the warlords of Melik Mahmud, Mir Muhammad. When I met with Mir Muhammad he said to me that he wanted to tell me a secret, but in return he wanted only his life. I agreed with him. Mir Muhammad spoke to me that Melik Mahmud and Fatali khan wanted to do away with the Shah. I went to the tent of the Shah and told him what Mir Muhammad had told me.

The Shah called Fatali khan in my presence and asked him:

— Why didn’t the Qajars take part in that battle?

Fatali khan didn’t know anything yet.

— Your Majesty, the Qajars had been kept like a spare power. If we retreated they had to come to help. You agreed to keep them like a spare power.

— Yes, I agreed, but the warlord of the army had to agree not me.

Then all of a sudden the Shah stood up. He approached Fatali khan, looked into his eyes and asked suddenly:

— What did you talk about with Melik Mahmud?

When Fatali khan heard the name of Melik Mahmud his face turned white, but he didn’t lose his composure:

— My Shah, it is a lie, it is a slander.. ..It is only a cunning lie in order to cast aspirations on me.

No sooner had Fatali khan finished his words than two executioners stood above his head. Tahmasb Shah said:

— Tell me, Fatali khan, tell me, how did you want to attempt my life?

Fatali khan fell on his knees:

— It is a lie...It is a slander, my Shah!

— Do you say that it is a slander?

He clapped his hands. They brought the warlord of Melik Mahmud, Mir Muhammad, into the tent; his hands were tied.

— Do you know him? — The Shah asked Fatali khan:

— I don’t know him, my Shah!

— If you don’t know him let him speak to you himself.

Mir Muhammad told that Fatali khan had sent a representative to Meshed many times, he also told who had talks with Melik Mahmud. When Fatali khan saw that all their plans were known to the Shah he was hung under the feet of the Shah:

— My Shah, give me a quarter!! Don’t kill me!

Tahmasb Shah flied into a rage:

— Fatali khan, do you know what the punishment for betrayal is?

— My Shah, I know! There isn’t any chief without mercy or any slave without a mistake!

I turned towards the Shah:

— My Shah, forgive Fatali khan! He was mistaken… We must not oblige the stock of Qajar be against us…

Tahmasb Shah looked at me attentively and thought for a while and then he shook his head; he agreed with me.

Then I learned that after the instigation and cunning of the Viziers the Shah had chopped off Fatali khan‘s head. I had gained my wishes firstly.

The Shah appointed me to the post of the artillery commander. After that appointment, I had great power. The artil lery was under my conlrol as a commander. The Shah also awarded me with the title of “The slave of Tahmasb”. I asked the Shah to give a post to my brother-in law (my wife’s brother) Kalbali bey in order to be an Avshar near the Shah. The Shah appointed him as an eunuch.

At last, in the December of 1726 we could occupy Meshed. Melik Mahmud yielded to us; he took an oath and promised not to be against us. Then he went to the tomb of Imam Rza and began to live there. I took into consideration the authority of mullahs and mujtehids among the people and ordered to restore the tomb of Imam Rza and to build there the second minaret.

Though I knew that the Shah respected me much, I knew that it wouldn’t last long, because the Viziers and advocates didn’t want me being respected in the palace. When the Shah went to Khabushan the plot against me by the Viziers and advocated increased. They spoke to the Shah as if I had talked with the Kurds against him. After the threat and pressure Tahmasb Shah sent orders to Mazandaran, Astarabad and other provinces which were under his control, named me as “betrayer” and demanded them to assist him “in the struggle against the betrayer”. Then my situation depended on the steps I was going to take, because I was declared “an undesirable person” by the Shah. Immediately I called my brother Ibrahim khan and consulted with him.

— Ibrahim, our situation is very bad. The Shah declared me “an undesirable person” and “a betrayer”. Now our lives depend on the steps that we are going to take.

— What do you suggest, Nader khan? We have a lot of enemies…

— The Shah is like a toy in the hands of courtiers of the palace. The Shah can change his opin i on even a hundred times in a day. If he doesn’t see power before him we shall also receive the fate of Fatali khan.

— Do you offer to attack Khabushan?

— We have no other way-out. In order to overcome our other enemies we must reconcile with the Shah without fail; but after demonstrating our power. If we don’t do it like this the Shah will make Melik Mahmud be on his side too.

— If our way out is this, I agree with you!

After some days, I encircled Khabushan and made the troops of the Shah retreat. When the troops of the Shah were defeated, I was able to make him believe that I wasn’t against him. I told him that my only wish was to reinstate our state as previously; to unite it. The Shah agreed with my thoughts, because then he was in my hand. If I didn’t kill him, it meant that the courtiers had told him a lie. We returned to Meshed in order to celebrate Novruz holiday together. After that time, in two years I suppressed a number of revolts in the east, south and in the centre of the country and tamed the rulers who didn’t obey. It appeared that I spent the two years on horseback. I didn’t think about sleeping or resting. Wherever they revolted, I was there. Whenever they didn’t obey the Shah or me I used to reach there in time. I even forgot my famlly. Durlng that time, my children who were given birth by my second wife were being brought up. They were still living in Kalat. The name of one of my sons was Nasrullah, the name of other one was Imamqulu…

From the author:

Though Nader khan was illiterate, he was born for war and he was a genius of military affairs. Many modern historians liken him to the great Alexander, at times to Napoleon, at times to Emir Timur and they are not mis-aken. Within some years he freed the occupied territories and he united the new lands into the state. It testified that he was a great military strategist. His ability was inborn. He was res- o-utely sure that in order to set up a mobilized army the fighters had to be trained seriously with military instructions, and he always toiled in that direction. Like a strategist Nader Shah was superior to all the warlords who were against him. Before the battle he always attended to all the small details and niceties and only then carried out the battles.

One of his successful tactics was carefully attacking the enemy with troopers from the unexpected place. His infantry fighters were very disciplined and they were not weaker than the yanichers of the Ottomans.

During the battles, if the enemy made his groups retreat a little Nader khan then used to enter that group, kill the sotnick, military leader personally and appoint another one to the post. That was why his fighters never retreated if they weren’t ordered.

Nader khan skillfully used the spare troops too. The main point was that he could easily sense the weak point ofthe enemy, and if it needed, he could send spare troops there.

The name of Nader khan is also connected with the development ofheavy artillery.

His military qualities increased after he became the Shah.

He was also born as a nice organizer and an instructor. After his personal efforts, he who wasn’t a fighter could be turned into a skilful fighter. One of his superior qualities was that he paid attention to stiffening the spirit among the fight ers.

To control the army spread all over the country, and to make them obey his orders show his ability to organize.

Nader Shah had a wonderful memory. In a big troop he knew the officers name by name. Also he remembered exactly when and to which private fighter he had awarded a medal or had them punished.

He could turn the mass of disorderly and uncontrollable fighters into a great and mighty army in Asia.


After Mahmud’s declaring himself Shah in Isfahan, Sultan Husain’s sister Fatime Sultan Beyim, his daughter Rize Beyim couldn’t leave the palace. In the harem chaos reigned. The sister and daughter of the Shah knew well that if Mahmud learned that some relatives of the Shah were in the harem, he would deal with them. In the worst case Mahmud Shah could give those women into the hands of his soldiers. It was tantamount to death. To protect the honor and dignity of the women, daughters and close women relatives of the rulers of Safavid was considered as the main duty. It was impossible in some cases. During the wars and captivtty, there were some enemies who didn’t consider the sacred laws. Safavids’ girls and women were aware that their lives did not belong to them. They were like hostages kept in the palace to be relatives with emirs, khans, Sultans, Shahs or to get their confidence and loyalty. In fact, they were pleased with such a kind of life in the palace. At times one of those girls loved somebody or fell in love with somebody. In that case, if the young man was from the upper class, a ceremony of engagement would be held there at that time. If the young boy was from the lower class they used to execute him by throttling, or they forced the girl either to poison herself or to hang herself in order that the other girls might learn a lesson.

In the palace, everything had to be for the state.

…The destinies of Fatime Sultan Beyim and Rize Beyim were as though they lived in darkness. There was no other way. They had to obey the unwritten laws of the palacesuicide! It was necessary without fail. The fami ly of Safavid could not be humiliated!

After Sultan Husain put the Shah’s crown on Mahmud’s head, the girls were trying to ignore that disgrace. In fact, Sultan Husain had to care about the women and girls in the palace. Before Isfahan was encircled he could have sent them to somewhere out of danger. But he did nothing. After some time Mahmud Shah came to the palace and lived there. The girls went to their cells. The nurse whom they used to call “aunt” was near them. The aunt thought about a way to save the girls but she had been able to do nothing. The glasses of poison on the niche were before their eyes. Though the girls were young, they were ready to drink poison. They knew what invading and plundering of the city meant.

Rize Beyim said to the nurse-maid in tears:

— My aunt, prepare the poison, we have to be ready for it in time. Our Shah had to take care of it beforehand.

Fatime Sultan Beyim raised her hands:

— My God, isn’t there any way-out for us? Why are we suffering in distress?

Though the heart of the aunt was bleeding, she showed herself reserved in order to quieten the girls:

— Don’t shed tears, girls! I beseech you! It was fated thus! What can we do?

Rize Beyim who had already accepted the miserable situation said, sobbing:

— My aunt, how is death? After drinking that poison will death come early, will we suffer from pains?

The aunt could no longer restrain the tears. Instead of answering Rize Beyim’s questions she cried bitterly. The girls also joined her and began to shed tears. The aunt tried to pull herself together:

— I beseech you, the death isn’t painful. Death is more durable than the real life.

Fatime Sultan Beyim:

— My aunt, shall we live there like in this life?

— No, I beseech you! There, for God all people are equal. There isn’t poor or rich.

Rize Beyim:

— My aunt, shall we see there one another?

The aunt wiped the tears of her eyes:

— If God wishes, we shall see one another, my dears!

Fatime Sultan Beyim:

— My aunt, shall we be in paradise or in hell?

The aunt understood that the girls were ready to commit sui cide:

— Why to hell, my dears! You are as sini ess as ba t bies. You are sinless at the God. He who made you suffer from distress will have to answer to the unseen God. The God will punish him.

The aunt wanted to speak much about the great God, about the divine myst erious stories in order to calm the girls. Suddenly she remembered something. She kept silent a little while and then she turned towards the girls:

— My dears, I have thought of how to save you.

Both of the girls:

— What have you thought, aunt? -They shouted together.

The aunt thought for a while:

— In order to escape you must refuse to be the daughter of Shah, — she said.

Fatime Sultan Beyim couldn’t be patient:

— My aunt, speak frankly, what must we do?

— You must be forbearing.

The girls shouted together:

— We can be forbearing, aunt!

— Are you ready to be house-maids in the palace? You must be servants during the time Mahmud is the Shah.

Rize Beyim fussed a bit and became downcast:

— My aunt, we can’t work like house-maids. How shall we be house-maids?

The aunt began to speak more passionately in order to enthuse the girls and make them stop committing suicide.

— You can learn, girls, I shall be near you too. I may tell them that you have come new to the palace and you are learning what to do. The day will come; somebody will help us escape us from Mahmud’s hands. We must bear while we must endure.

Fatime Sultan Beyim:

— Don’t they know that there is no house-maid dressed like us?

— They know, I be s eech you, they know! Be fore they come we may change our clothes and sit in one of the cells for servants.

Rize Beyim was frightened a bit:

— My aunt, I am frightened…

— Don’t be afraid, I beseech you, don’t fear! I shall always be near you!

The sisters began to think and then they began to stare at the carpets of Tabriz spread on the floor:

— What can we do if we haven’t any way-out? It is better to be a servant than to be disgraced!

After half an hour, the aunt changed their clothes so that nobody could think that they were the daughters of the Shah; even if their mother saw them she also wouldn’t know them. The aunt gathered all the servants who couldn’t escape and gave them strict tasks:

— Girls, you must endure! Mahmud has conquered only Tabriz. Shahzade Tahmasb will return back after gathering troops and will take Isfahan back. If they don’t give us the sack we shall have to work here. These girls are the new servants. The name of one of them is Jamile; the other girl’s name is Chichek.

Thus, Fatime Sultan Beyim was known as Jamile and Rize Beyim was known as Chichek.

When Mahmud entered the palace as the Shah he didn’t change the servants of Safavid on purpose. He would be pleased if the servants who served the Shahs of Safavid served him. He ordered that the servants, house-maids and man servants of Sultan Husain remain his servants, house-maids and man servants and nobody must hurt, damage or be unfair to them. How could the miserable girls know that they would serve for about seven years, firstly to Mahmud Shah, then Ashraf Shah? Their secrets would be let out only after Nader khan’s occupation of Isfahan.

Afterwards I learned that Ashraf had conflicts with the ruler of Baghdad, Ahmet pasha, and he made the Afghans withdraw troops. Ahmet pasha who was inspired from the victory (maybe he did it willingly) wrote a letter to Ashraf and informed him that the Afghans didn’t real-ze what the actual state affairs were, because they were considered “wild stock”. For that reason, he explained in his letter that he would come to Isfahan and would reinstate the power of Sultan Husain. Ashraf Shah immediately wrote a letter and sent to Isfahan to chop off Sultan Husain’s head and send it to Ahmet pasha. The order was carried out at once.

I had already a regular army of twenty five thousand. Wherever I stretched out my finger, the troop occupied that place. Instead of heavy cannons, I constructed small whirling cannons on the camels in order to be quick. In one word, all was ready to occupy the capital. Before all of the preparation it was essential to infuse courage and experience in the army. I could achieve it within a short period. I sent persons to the cities which were conquered by the Afghans and spread a rumor that Tahmasb Shah and Nader khan were coming to those cities. Ashraf who heard that news in Isfahan sent groups to those cites in order to strengthen them. In this way, by sitting in Meshed we weakened the main forces in Isfahan. Before mov-ng towards Isfahan I had a talk with Tahmasb Shah in Meshed. I felt sure about our victory which was why I asked the Shah with what prize he would reward me.

Firstly, Tahmasb Shah thanked me:

— Nader khan, -he said. We have achieved much success after combining our forces. Our force has been increased; some of the cities are under my control. Before us there is a probl em of honor, that is to say, to occupy the capital of Safavids. Will we be able to occupy Isfahan?

I said with assurance:

— Yes, Your Majesty! Isfahan will be occupied in no less than one year.

When the Shah heard my words his eyes shone:

— If it is thus, what do you want?

I didn’t hesitate:

— Your Majesty, for my service I want you to give Khorasan, Kirman and Mazandaran to my ascendancy and property.

The Shah thought a little and then asked surprisingly:

— Isn’t it a lot, Nader khan?

— It isn’t enough yet, Your Majesty!

— Isn’t enough?!

— Yes, Your Majesty!

Tahmasb Shah said in surprise:

— Make yourself clear, Nader khan!

— Your Majesty, are you pleased with the present army that I have set up?

— I am pleased, it is a disciplined army, they fultill their orders without question, and they are ready to sacrifice themselves…

— Do you want the troop trice more than that army?

— Who wouldn’t wish to have such kind of disciplined troops, Nader khan?

I felt that I was able to make the Shah believe me.

— For that reason I want Mazandaran, Khorasan and Kirman. In those cities, I shall also set up spare military units, because in any battle, somebody dies or is wounded. I need spare forces in order to replace the dead or wounded ones. Then…

Tahmasb Shah interrupted:

— What.then?

In fact, I didn’t want to tell him that secret, but I told him:

— Then. Your Majesty, in order to prepare the spare army money won’t be spent from the Shah’s treasury. All the expenses will be paid on account of the provi nces that you gave me. To my mind, the Shah didn’t realize the main essence of my words, but knowing that there won’t be the expenses he said:

— You made me believe, Nader khan!

— Your Majesty, it isn’t all!

Tahmasb Shah asked anxiously:

— Which other provinces do you want?

— I don’t want any provinces, Your Majesty!

— But what do you want?

— Your Majesty, I want to say that after suppress- ing the disturbance within the country we have important affairs before us.

— What affairs are left?

Your Majesty, half of Azerbaijan has been invaded by the Ottomans and the Russians. Apart from those invading groups they have also a reguiar army. Starting from today we must prepare to free those places.

The Shah stood at the window Crossing his arms on his chest and thought for a while:

— You are right, Nader khan! — At last he said. — You made me believe and I agree to those three provinces being under your ascendancy.

Just there the Shah signed an order about it and gave it to me. In my turn, I wrote letters to those provinces and sent them with my compani ons in order to inform them

what to do.

Before us was the task of occupying Isfahan.

On 12th September 1729 Tahmasb Shah, the mullabashi and I went out of the city and directed them from Nishapur towards Sebzever. We had an idea to free Sam van which was encircled by Ashraf. Ashraf hims elf had started to move towards us. Ashraf’s warlord Muhammad khan Seid’s efforts to get my cannons resulted in failure. In spite of it in Damghan the main armies of Muhammad khan Seid and Ashraf khan combined and they were preparing for a decisive fight. I went a little forward and placed my army in the place called the river of Mihmandust.

In the morning of 29th September the fight began. I lined up my fighters and placed the cannons around them. I had resolutely ordered all the fighters not to move during the attack of the enemies and not to shoot without my order. The Afghans attacked first with twenty thousand soldiers, at the centre, then they tried to get superiority in the flanks. I had ordered my troops to shoot at them with rifles so that the bullets would to reach the enemy and render them harmless. As usual, my groups of troopers were on the other bank of the river and were waiting for the agreed sign…”.

...The two soldiers who were standing in the centre and had newly returned from training looked worried. It was the first time that they had taken part in such a kind of big battle. The Afghans were at the fifty steps’ from the Qizilbashs. They were not ordered to begin fighting yet.

The first soldier said anxiously:

— Look here, these Afghans have come much nearer. We must fight.

The second soldier:

— Hi, don’t make noise, have patience!

— How long can I have patience? I am terribly frightened, as if my heart will stop beating! Must we wait for the enemy come and kill us?

— Hi, didn’t you hear the words of our military leader?

— What did he say?

— He said that Nader khan had ordered thus. If somebody leaves the row without order or leaps into the fight he will be personally executed by Nader khan himself.

The Afghans reached within fifty steps of the Qizilbashs. They were kicking up a roar. Their noises could be heard all around the river of Mihmandust. The Qizilbash did not speak or even stir.

Again the first soldier:

— Look here, why aren’t we ordered to begin fighti ng?! Honorable death is better than being executed.

The second soldier:

— Hi, keep silence, now the fight will begin.

When the Afghans were at thirty steps, the drum sounded; fire was shot from the rifles and all around us it was impossible to see because of the smoke. Most of the Afghans who were coming in the first row were lying on the ground. Some of them were groaning, the others were between life and death....In spite of all had happened they continued fighting. At that time of the drum sounding fire was shot from the small cannons too…

“I felt that the fight was going to finish in our favor. I ordered our long-range guns to ruin the enemy’s cannons. Our artillery men showed their abilities and within a short time all of their light cannons were destroyed. I called one of the skillful artillery men, Shamsaddin bey:

— Can you shoot at the Afghan soldier who is carrying the banner?

He put his hands on his brows and measured the dis- tance by his eyes:

— I can, my khan! I can even make his mother shed tears on his dead body!

— Look here, now it depends only on you to set up confusion among the Afghans.

The artillery man Shamsaddin bey;

— If it depends on me, just a moment, my khan! -He said and ran towards his cannon.

The soldier who was carrying the banner was guarded by some Afghan fighters. According to the fighting rules of that time if the banner fell on the ground that meant it was the beginning of a defeat. Willingly or unwillingly the fighters begin to get confused and started to retreat. That was why Ashraf Shah had ordered the soldiers to guard the soldier carrying the banner, so as not to let the banner fall on the ground…”

Just at that moment, the Qizilbashs were ordered to begin the fight. One part of the Qizilbashs broke the rows of the enemy and tried to approach the soldier who was carrying the banner. The fight became more ruthless. The Afghan soldiers were fighting more bravely despite the fact that their rows had become thin. They were also guarding the soldier who was carrying the banner and they laid obstacles in the way of the Qizilbashs who moved towards him. The soldier who was carrying the banner was waving the banner in order to stir up the anger of the enemy. At times he shouted, as though he was abusing the enemy or teas ing them. Suddenly the att ack threw the soldier back who was carrying the banner. He looked at his belly with the banner still in his hand. A small cannonball had torn his belly. After a moment he could feel nothing. One of the Afghan soldiers was able to catch the banner while it was falling on the ground. The second cannon-ball broke the wooden holder and material of the banner. The Qizilbashs had already reached the banner. The Afghans who saw that their banner wasn’t waving any more began to withdraw their troops.

“…I won that fight. The Afghans withdrew their troops. My brother Ibrahim khan asked me to permit him to follow the running Afghans, but I didn’t let him, because we were not wholly ready for it. In that fight, the Afghans lost twelve thousand fighters but we lost about four thousand soldiers.

At that moment Ashraf’s fighters who were retreating left Tehran and came for to help him. My scouts brought the news that Ashraf had laid an ambush for me in Khar, in one narrow passage. I sent to Khar only the groups which were armed with rifles. They laid an ambush for Ashraf and conquered all his cannons and loads. Then Ashraf ran to Isfahan and requited the population of Isfahan for the defeat. He executed about three thousand people consisting of scientists, courtiers and mullahs.

I was informed that Tehran was freed wholly from the Afghans. That was why I delivered the news to the Shah and advised him to go to Tehran. The Shah and his courtiers met my offer with surprise in spite of being so near to the victory. The Shah had doubts and informed me about them:

— Do you advise me to go to Tehran?! Why?

I was bored with the blockheaded Shah’s Viziers, advocates and courtiers. Tahmasb Shah and his courtiers always prevented me from fighting; they didn’t let me achieve much success. I couldn’t tell the Shah what I was thinking about.

— Your Majesty, you must rule the impori ant state afi fairs, you must give orders, taxes must be collected, — I said. Thanks to the God, we have united one part of the state. Now the officials must work, the Viziers, courtiers must toil a lot… To my mind, both the popui aiion inside the country and the neighboring countries must know that the central government is in power.

The Shah thought for a while:

— Tehran isn’t the capital of our country.

Of course, Tehran isn’t a capital, — I said. Tehran is the temporary centre of our government. As soon as we occupy Isfahan you will move from Tehran to Isfahan.

Tahmasb Shah:

— When will Isfahan be occupied?

— Your Majesty, as we agreed, this year I shall give Isfahan to you. You will celebrate your crowning in Isfahan. Because you haven’t celebrate the official crowning.

When Tahmasb Shah heard about crowning his eyes shone; for a moment he was lost in thought, then his eyes languished. Then he agreed with me:

— Let it be how you advise, Nader khan! — He said. — Tomorrow we may leave for Tehran. I think we shall remain there temporarily.

— Of course, my Shah, soon I shall tell you good news about the occupation of Isfahan.

The Shah was fully confident of me, and the next day he left for Tehran with all of his courtiers. Now there were no longer those who were in conflict with me in the palace, I could start to broaden my activity. Firstly, I had to get Isfahan, because I had promised this to the Shah…

I wanted to trap Ashraf by going to Isfahan, passing through Natanz, because I knew that the Afghans were waiting for us there. The main problem was to make them leave their trenches and to organize their attacking us. We showed ourselves as though we were not going to remain there and the main forces were going to Isfahan. It was interesting to me that Ashraf was using the fighting tactics against me which I had used against them in Mihmandust. I wasn’t surprised much: that is to say, we were much cleverer and foresighted than them. Ashraf placed the cannons in flanks; he gathered his fighters in the centre and attacked. My troopers would be able to pass behind them with difficulty. It was my last attack to Ardabil. Though Ashraf was able to run to Isfahan, I could get both his fighters and military supplies. The most interesting point was that among those who were captured there were the Ottomans. I freed all of them and advised them to return to their motherland.

Ashraf gathered all the cargo animals in Isfahan, on the 13th November left Isfahan and ran to Shiraz together with his wives, relatives and property. I sent five hundred Avshar troopers to foll ow him, so as not to let him have peace anywhere. At last, I heard that his own Vizier Muhammad khan had executed him.

On the 16th November I arrived in Isfahan ceremonially. Before arriving in Isfahan I sent a herald to Tehran and in-

vited the Shah.

In Isfahan the people were in the streets greeting me merrily and welcoming me with heartfelt words. There was both excitement and pride on the faces of the people. My horse was going slowly towards the Shah’s palace and my warlords were following me. I had placed the main part of the troops outside the city. The drummers were going before me. Suddenly among the people who were lining in both sides of the street and welcoming us, somebody cried:

— Nader khan, I want to make a request!

I pulled my horse by its bridle and turned towards the side that I had heard the voice:

— Who wanted to make a request?

A voice was again heard among the people:

— It is me, your humble creature!

Come forward, humble creature! — I said.

A man came forward out of the mass:

— I have a request for you, Nader khan!

— Who are you? — I wanted to make fun with that person.

-Me...Me… I am unhappy Salman who had cut his only donkey seven years ago in order not to let his children die of starvation.

— Well, what do you want, unhappy Salman, who tasted the meat of his donkey?

Salman who was standing in front of me bowed, then he said:

— Today is a holiday, khan! At last our city which was enslaved is freed from the enemies. But I…

— Don’t be ashamed, tell what you want.

— Nader khan, my request will sound a bit strange…

— Be quick, tell what you want! — I said.

All the people were listening to us with interest. There was a strange sil ence; all were waiting to hear what that strange request would be. If he wanted any post in that moment, I would give it to him. The people, to my mind, expected him to be greedy and request five or six sacks of gold.

At last, Salman swallowed a bit and said:

— Nader khan, I.I can’t live without a donkey… I request you to give me a donkey! I want only a donkey! A donkey…1 can’t live without a donkey!

Suddenly the people roared with laughter. It was as if all the people would faint because of laughing so much. The eyes of the people were wet because of laughi ng. Salman kishi didn’t know what to do having not expected such kind of response. It was easy to understand the people, because for the last few years they were in sorrow. The people of Isfahan were famous for dropping a hint, being amusing and cheating. Somebody called among the people:

— Nader khan, send him to Hamadan to bring a donkey! The donkeys of Hamadan are more beautiful…

The people roared with laughter again.

I wiped my eyes which were wet because of laughing and asked him:

— Well, Salman, tell me, why do you want a donkey?

— Nader khan, really I can’t remain without a donkey!

I said laughingly:

— Well, tell me, why can’t you remain without a donkey? -Because I earn my living only with a donkey. I carry

wood on the donkey and earn money to live. I told you; seven years ago I cut my only donkey for my children not to die of starvation. Now in order to earn money I carry wood myself instead of the donkey. That was why I requested you to give me a donkey.

I sleeked my beard and thought a little. It was important to fulfill his request, I also wanted to amuse the people. Salman seemed to be a good person. There was devot ion and poverty on his face. Such kind of people would never betray.

— Salman kishi, it would be better if I appointed you to a new post… I want your children to become happier, — I said.

— I beseech you, what can I do except carry wood from the forest?

I said jokingly:

— Why not, you can take care of donkeys, can’t you?

Yes, I can.. Even I know the language of donkeys. The people laughed again.

Once more, I said jokingly:

— If you do, I appoint you to the post of the head of the donkeys…

The people fainted because of laughing.

Salman kishi was confused:

— I understand nothing, I beseech you. The head of the donkeys.

I said again laughingly:

— I want to say that you will lead all of the donkeys in my army. You will carry food, water for my troops from the rear. You asked me to give you one donkey, but I give you a thousand donkeys. What do you say, do you agree with me? — I asked him.

Salman answered, hesitating:

— What can I say?

There were heard voices among the people:

— Agree with him, kishi, you would never dream of such kind of a post. In former times you carried wood on your back, but now you will lead all the donkeys carrying loads.

The people laughed again.

Salman looked at me:

— What about my children?

— They will be assured of everything.

— If it is thus, I agree with you! I wish you long life, Nader khan! It is as if you helped me escape from the words of my shrewish wife.

I gave instructions one of my followers to arrange what I promtsed Salman. I began to go forward the Shah’s palace…”

...The girls ran and came into the cell of the aunt. The aunt had never seen them so merry during the last seven years. During those seven years, Fatime Sultan Beyim and Rize Beyim had suffered much. Now they could wash clothes, make beds, sweep yards, cook meals, make tea, comb hair, plait, — in a word, they could manage everything. During these last years the girls had grown; and had even reached their marriageable age. Now they were about twenty one or twenty two years old.

— I haven’t seen you so merry before, I beseech you! What has happened?

Fatime Sultan Beyim:

— My aunt, thanks to God, all our sufferings are left behind. During the seven years we had patience, we stood on our dignity and honor, and we didn’t lose our pride. — She said and embraced the woman and began to cry:

The aunt:

— I beseech you, tell me what has happened?

Rize Beyim:

— My aunt, good news, good news! Nader khan has arrived in the city, after some time he will be in the palace…

Fatime Sultan Beyim broke the news of Rize Beyim’s words:

— After some days my brother Tahmasb Shah will come to Isfahan.

The aunt raised her hands and faced the sky:

— Thanks to God! My God, you are always merciful! We have escaped suffering. If I die now I won’t feel sorry. If only I surrender you to the Shah, then I shan’t remain in the palace, I shall go to my own cityto Shamakhy.

Her words shook Fatime Sultan Beyim:

— No, you must not go anywhere, my aunt! — She raised her voice. – We suffered together during seven years, till we die we must be together!

— My aunt, shall we greet our Shah dressed like servants?

— Oh… I have forgotten! We haven’t even got any good dresses.

— I beseech you; I shall think and find a way out!

The girls had missed behaving like ladies and they wished to return to their previous life.

— My aunt, after some time Nader khan will come to the palace, why not tell him something?

The aunt embraced Sultan Beyim:

— Hi, my clever lady! Of course, whom else must we tell except him? Because he is like the right hand of Tahmasb Shah!

I arrived at the palace and began to set to work preparing for the Shah’s arrival in Isfahan. At that time my brother Ibrahim khan came up to me:

— One of the servants wants to see you, — he said.

I said in at ten tively:

— Why do I have to talk with a servant?

Ibrahim khan wanted to make me realize something:

— Nader khan, the problem is that the servant was a nurse of the sister of our Shah and the daughter of Sultan Husain.

I didn’t change my position:

— Well, what can I do for her? Maybe she wants to make a request… Let her either go or ask her to wait for the Shah.

Ibrahim khan insisted:

— Nader khan, you don’t understand me very well! The nurse says that during the last seven years, the Shahzade ladies were servants in the palace, but nobody knew that they were the daughters of the Shah.

I thought for a while:

— What? The daughters of the Shah worked in the palace like servants for seven years and nobody was aware of it. How can it be?

— The servant told me about it.

— Call here that servant; let me know what she is saying.

Ibrahim khan called a woman who was standing in a dis- tance. The woman began to come towards me.

— Woman, are the words of Ibrahim khan true?

— They are true, I beseech you.

I asked her name. “Here all call me as “aunt”, — she answered.

— Well, aunt, tell me about what has happened, — I said.

When the aunt told me the whole story I thought about the miserable life they had during those seven years, and I was proud of them and wanted to see them and tell them “Let all your sufferings remain in the past”.

I gave out orders to give the aunt whatever she demanded and to move the girls to one of the cells for the ladies. I asked the aunt to inform me after the girls changed their clothes, and I promised her to visit the girls.

After some hours the news came that the ladies were ready to receive me. I entered the cell separated for them. For a long time I had not seen such kind of beautiful girls. I could tell them only a few words; “Let you sufferings remain in the past”. It was impossible to look at the girls attentively because they were too beautiful…”

…Tahmasb Shah was elbowing on the cusht on in the resting cell of the palace and was staring at the ceiling. After coming to Tehran there was one question in his mind.’ I wonder will Nader khan send a herald to me?! ‘He didn’t doubt about his occupying Isfahan. After dethroning Ashraf it wasn’t difticult for Nader to declare himself Shah, bet cause the army was in his side. Even if Nader wanted, he could give an order to put him to death. At that time a problem of running from the country arose. Where would he run? Wherever he would run, Nader would be able to pursue him. Now he was nobody without Nader. Tahmasb could realize all of the difficulty and was waiting for the herald of Nader. He had lost interest in everything. Was he right in executing Fatali khan and preter Nader khan? He didn’t know. He had sent away his Viziers and advocates too. He didn’t want to receive anybody. At times he entertained himself with a concubine but it didn’t help him to clear his thoughts. As if a heavy stone was hung in his heart. His mind was in a haze. Tahmasb Shah wanted to dispel the haze of his mind by drinking wine. Though it was against Muslim rule he could drink both wine and smoke opium because of not being a subject. He clapped his hands to each other and ordered the servant to bring wine. No sooner had the servant brought the wine than the head of guardsmen entered:

— Your Majesty, Nader khan has sent a herald, he wants to see you, — he said.

Tahmasb Shah didn’t know whether to be glad or to cry at that moment. For a while, he thought and his face quiv ered:

— What was on his face, delight or sorrow?

— There was delight on his face, Your Majesty, his eyes were smiling.

Tahmasb Shah stood up and turned to the head of the guards men:

— Bring him to the reception room! — He assertively set him tasks.

The head of the guardsmen crossed his hands on his chest:

— All right, Your Majesty!

Tahmasb Shah went out of the cell and went to the reception room of the palace. He looked at the ugly bedding put there instead of the throne, but he didn’t want to sit on it. He decided to welcome the herald standing.

The head of the guardsmen entered and informed about the coming of the herald. When the herald came in the room he lay on the floor and kissed the feet of the Shah. Without standing up he said: “Good news, my Shah, give me gifts, my Shah!”

— I shall give you gifts, herald! Tell me about your news! Stand up!

The herald stood up and stood near the Shah:

— I have brought good news, my Shah! At last, Isfahan has been cleaned of enemies. Now in the city there are no Afghans.

Tahmasb Shah said anxiously:

— Then… herald, what happens now?

— What must happen now, Your Majesty?! Nader khan prepares the population of the city to welcome you and ask humbly you to come to Isfahan soon.

— But why so soon?

— Why not soon, Your Majesty! Nader khan sent information that it would be useful for our Shah if the crowning was held sooner.

After hearing his words, Tahmasb Shah felt a bit better, as if the stone hung in his heart fell. He felt a sense of relief. He clapped his hands and called the head of the guardsmen and asked him to give the herald a sack of gold.

Then he turned to the herald:

— Bring to Nader khan’s notice that tomorrow early in the morning I am leaving for Isfahan.

— All right, Your Majesty! Allow me to return to Isfahan today, and bring this news to Nader khan’s notice.

Tahmasb Shah:

— Go, — he said. -When the herald went out of the room he clapped his hands and didn’t wait for the coming in of the head of the guardsmen before setting his task: We shall entertain tonight and early in the morning we are leaving for Isfahan…

“…I welcomed Tahmasb Shah at the doors of the city enthusiastically. In spite of the destruction of the city during the seven years, the Shah was very glad, his delight was endless. He was glad because he was entering the city like the Shah, the city which he was obliged to run from. The Qizilbashs were glad about the coming of the Shah most of all. The people were also welcoming the Shah. Occupation of Isfahan stiffened the courage of the Qizilbashs. Now at any corner of the city that excitement could be felt. I was accompanylng the Shah when he enlered the palace. At times, he touched his hands to the walls and doors of the palace. I spoke to him about Fatime Sultan Beyim and Rize Beyim. His eyes goggled because of not believing his ears. In the palace, the Shah firstly enlered the harem. I pre ; ferred to wait outside. Firstly, there was heard the sobbing of the women, then the sobbing of the Shah. I understood that the Shah was weeping seeing Fatime Sultan Beyim and Rize Beyim safe and sound.

Now the main probl em was to spread that enthusiasm all over the country. Also it was important to test how much the Shah needed me though he was afraid of me. For that purpose, one day I vislted the Shah. He greeted me in a friendly manner. I told him:

— Your Majesty, if you allow me, I should go to Khorasan after your crowning, because I want to introduce proper order there.

Tahmasb Shah was embarrassed a bit; even I felt his grieving. He understood that if I went to Khorasan together with my troops he would be deprived of the forces. That was why he asked me:

— Is your leaving for Khorasan important?

— Yes, my Shah! Remember, you have given me the as- cendancy over three provinces. After your order, I haven’t found time to visit those provinces.

— No, I don’t want you to go to Khorasan. I insist on your re maining in Isfahan.

I could understand why the Shah was worried. I insisted on leaving for Khorasan:

— Your Majesty, if you remember, I had promi sed you that I should set up spare forces in those three provinces.

Tahmasb Shah said:

— I remember.

— My Shah! I have already begun to set up spare forces. That is why I insist on going there to be aware how the process is going..

— I know that your companions are able to cope with that task. Otherwise, they know what their future will be. That is why you may go to Khorasan at another suitable time.

I didn’t want to enlarge the problem:

— Your Majesty, let it be how you advise!

My words made him glad. I had to carry out my main idea:

— Your Majesty, do you want our union strengthened and for me to serve you always, as now?

The Shah screwed up his eyes, not expecting such kind of a question:

— Of course, I want it! What do you offer?

— Your Majesty, I want to be a close relative to you. Let’s be relatives and let all doubts be removed.

Such kind of offer was useful for the Shah. He asked me:

— It would be better to be relatives to remove all doubts. How shall we be relatives?

— Let my son Rzaqulu marry your aunt Fatime Sult an Beyim and me marry the daughter of Sultan Husain, your sister Rize Beyim.

Tahmasb Mirza was so glad that he said without think-


— I agree with you! God bless you!

I said:

— God bless us!

By such kind of relationship, the Shah gained a strong ally like me, and I would be far from the conflicts of the palace thanks to the Shah. We decided to hold an engagement after the crowning ceremony.

We organized the crowning ceremony of Tahmasb Shah enthusiastically.

The next days after the crowning ceremony, I gained time to rest. But I never liked to be out of work. In my free hours, I held gatherings with the European messengers and companies and wanted to learn some points from them, because a severe war against the Ottomans would come in future. Nevertheless, I didn’t want that war. What could we do, they had invaded our lands…”


After the finish of the horse-race of the stock of Qajars some secret events happened. Of course, it happened before Fatali khan was punished. After the horse-race Fatali khan, who returned to Tabriz with Tahmasb Shah, was very worried: “How can it be? Not the head of the stock of Qajars but a bondman approaches the Shah and makes a request…” He was tired of thinki ng. After that horse-race Fatali khan couldn’t forgive himself for three problems. Firstly, as if it would spoil his name, the Shah could send him away. It would be the best case. In the worst case, the Shah could give an order to chop off his head. The Shah could give any order. After gaining might he could do anything in order to show his power. He could fall a prey to him. His teacher always used to say to him that in politics there are not eternal friends but eternal interests. The deceased teacher was right. Thanks to God, he had done nothing that the Shah didn’t like. The second problem didn’t arouse on him pleasant feelings; he was grieving when thinking about it. Because he had missed getting the girl who was worihy to Shahs; she fell to the lot of “a bondman” named Murad. The face, looks, figure of Qelemnaz were still before his eyes. When he remembered about her he grieved: “How did it happen that I could miss such a beautiful girl?”

The third problem arousing nervousness was connected with Murad. Until him everyt hing was okay. He had made the girl’s father agree with him. From one side he had missed the girl, from other side he almost fell as a prey. Murad was at the bottom of all his problems. Murad was his subject, and without his permission he had made a request to the Shah. Such kind of behavior by Murad seemed to the khan a bit strange. Fatali khan thought that either his power in the stock of Qajars had been weakened, that was to say he couldn’t rule the stock like before, or the brave boys of the stock had become so self-satisfied that they dared to make a request to the Shah without consulting with the head of the stock. Because of the above mentioned reasons Fatali khan was nervous and worried, and he wanted to punish Murad. Fatali khan came to conclusion that Jafar kishi would tell Murad their talk without fail. At that time, Murad’s attitude towards him would also change. In this way, Murad who was going to come to the palace would tell the Shah the problem and try to dishonor him. At that time Fatali khan would be seen as an undesirable person by the Shah. That was why he wanted to punish Murad and to lay obstacles in the way of his coming to the palace. Fatali khan who was floundering in anxtety was walking up and down in the room. He had sent for his nephew Jalal bey who was the beylerbeyi in Tabriz. Fatali khan was waiting for his nephew. Fatali khan had to take great care with anybody, because except Jalal bey nobody was closer to him.

Fatali khan was losing his patience. He was walking up and down in the main room of the palace on the floor spread with the carpets of Tabriz or sitting on his throne he was sleeking his moustaches or mixing his beard. At that time, the voice of the man servant was heard:

— My agha, Jalal bey has come.

Fatali khan hinted, “let him come” with the sign of his head. The man servant said to Jalal bey who was waiting behind the door: “Please, come in”.

A man of fine constitution, tall, with strict looks, twisted moustaches, Jalal bey entered the room. He was known by all the people in Tabriz. Firstly, he kissed his uncle’s hands. Then he stood aside and waited for him to speak. It was a tradi tion of the stock of Qajar; the young would wait for those who were older or in a higher post to speak first. If the older people didn’t reach outto shake hands it was forbidden for the young people to reach out their hands. If in the street young people saw an old man, noble man or an official bearer they would stop and put their right hands on their heart and nod their heads. In this way they could show their respect to them. That tradition had been continuing for a hundred years. Now Jalal bey was waiting his uncle, the head of the stock of Qajars, Fatali khan.

Fatali khan showed Jalal bey a place to sit, and also sat down himself. Jalal bey sat on the carpet with his legs folded.

— What news, my nephew? — At last, Fatali khan began his talk.

— Thanks to you, we are safe and sound, my uncle!

— What do the people speak about? What do they gossip? How is the people’s attitude to the last events? I speak about the respect of our Shah to me. You also saw that our Shah arrived at the hamlet. Till that time none of the Shahs came to watch the horse-races of the stock, but I could persuade the Shah to come to the hamlet. I could make the Shah believe that his participant in the race was too important, and so he came. He trusts me!

Jalal bey understood what his uncle wanted and in order to show himself he said:

— It is thus, my uncle! Now they gossip in the city that the stock of Qajars is in the first rank who gained the respect of the Shah. They say that if Fatali khan didn’t help him he would also be a prisoner. Fatali khan was able to make him leave Isfahan in time and come to Qazvin. All speak about your clever ideas.

Fatali khan smiled, being self-satisfied:

— Do you see, after your uncle’s taking such clever measures the Shah respects the stock of Qajars too much! — Then he said, whispering in a low voice: — I want the Shah to trust us, that is to say, the Qajars to rule the whole country. That is why I want only the Qajars to be around the Shah. They are the persons whom I want!

— It is a good idea, my uncle! -Jalal’s eyes were shining.

Fatali khan once more said in a low voice:

— This talk must remain secret between us or if the Shah senses something we may be in trouble; we may spoil all our plans.

— Be sure, my uncle! It isn’t the first time we discussed such kind of problems. You may be fully confident.

Fatali khan said with affection:

— Who knows what will happen in future? Maybe you also will be appointed to a good post in the Shah’s palace...My nephew, it is possible.

Jalal bey stood up and bowed to his uncle and said:

— If God pleases! God willing! Only thanks to you! — If you take a high post I shall also be under your care.

Fatali khan liked his nephew’s praising words:

— I want you also to take a high post. I toil for you, for my relatives.

— It is thus, my uncle! Let’s always be under your care!

Fatali khan understood that it was just the right time for to speak about his main purpose:

— … But. But there are some people in our stock that may make us remain in the background.

— Jalal bey was surprised:

— My uncle, I can’t believe that there can be found anybody who can dare to be against you? I can’t believe, my uncle!

Fatali khan twisted the end of his beard; he wanted to show himself indifferently:

— No, for the present, there isn’t such a kind of person, but in the future there can be! Life must not be trusted! That is why we must take every measure beforehand. The snake must be killed when it is little so as not to sting you after growing big!

Jalal bey wanted to understand something.

— My uncle, speak a bit clearer! Who’s head must be struck off, tell me his name!

Fatali khan understood that it was just the right time for going into details of his purpose:

— Do you remember the horse-race of the Qajars in the hamlet?

— Yes, I remember well. The Shah was pleased with that race!

— The problem is that the Shah was pleased with others not us. Can we make a way for it to happen? Do you remember Murad who gained the respect of our Shah?

— Which Murad? Do you speak about the boy who was twofold winner in the race?

— Yes, I speak just about him! He was the winner both in the horse-race and shooting!

— Murad is a brave boy! If I am not mistaken, our Shah was a watch -maker for him!

The cheeks of Fatali khan blushed, his eyes were shining furiously. He didn’t want his nephew to feel his anxiety that was why he turned to the other side and said nervously:

— Yes, I speak about that Murad! — Just about that Murad!

Jalal bey curled his lips and wanted to understand something, he blinked his eyelashes:

— I understand nothing! Well, what fault has that Murad? Why do you become nervous while speaking about him, my un cle?

Fatali khan pulled himself together a little and tried to show restraint:

— The problem is that he has one fault and in future he may sin once more.

— My uncle, speak openly! What fault has that humble Murad? I wonder how he can damage you.

Fatali khan showed himself to be offended:

— First of all, he made a request to the Shah without my permission. Well, that time he requested a girl, but in future, if the other boys dare to follow him, what will we do then? If they dare to complain about us as soon as seeing the Shah, what will happen? Won’t we fall into disgrace or be disrespectful? Won’t the Shah think that we are good -fornothing or we are clumsy? My nephew, we must think beforehand! The Shah may think that we can’t rule the Qajars anymore!

Jalal bey tried to think through his uncle’s words, and then he nodded his head to show his agreement:

— It is right, my uncle, you are right! The Shah may think that there is high-handedness among the Qajars! We must not make a way for this happen!

— Thank you, my nephew, at last you understood me!

— Well, my uncle, that Murad about whom we are speaking, perhaps he may sin in the future.

— In fact, he may sin worse in future.

— How?

Fatali khan cleared his throat:

— Tell me, what did our Shah promise him?

— He promised to make the girl’s father agree…

— Then?

— I can’t remember, my uncle!

— See, the problem is that even you don’t remember. Our Shah employed him in the palace and charged him to come to Tabriz one month after his wedding to begin his work. Even the Shah didn’t consult me, that’s all!

Jalal bey took a serious turn. Then he remembered something, looked right and left stealthily, and said in a low voice:

My uncle, how can we be against our Shah?

Fatali khan didn’t like the words of his nephew, he pulled his face:

— We can’t be against our Shah, but we can be against Murad. Do you understand?

Jalal bey tried to understand his words:

— My uncle, what does it mean “to be against Murad’? How can Murad damage us if he is in the palace?

— He can damage us very much, my nephew! Don’t be a milksop, my nephew! You said that he was a brave boy! Didn’t you say that?

— I did!

— He will ingratiate himself with the Shah; he will consider his service to the Shah to be the main part of his life. Then gradually he will be promoted to higher posts. One day you will see that he has soiled our name and he is in our post. Do you understand? How do you think, won’t it be like this?

— It will be!

Fatali khan raised his voice:

— Do you want me to tell what will be then? For example, when he is in the palace he may bring complainers to the reception of the Shah without informing us. He may creep into the Shah’s favor and request the Shah to listen to their problems, to find a way-out. Won’t it be like this, my nephew?

That time Jalal bey nodded his head decidedly:

— It will be, my uncle, it will be! I am astonished at your wisdom! You have thought all about it in detail!

Fatali khan boasted and raised his finger to his head:

In order to think one needs a head, my nephew! It is necessary to be watchful! Pay attention to everything!

Jalal bey became worried:

— What can we do, my uncle? I think you have already found a way-out!

Fatali khan said majestically:

— Of course, I have already thought! Firstly, we must lay obstacles in Murad’s way of coming to the palace! Murad mustn’t come to the palace!

— How? How can we lay obstacles?

— In order to prevent him, you will need about thirty or forty brave boys able to keep a secret. You mustn’t tell them about Murad, who or what he is, or why he has been punished. Simply, you will tell them that the khan knows about his faults; the khan wants to see this man before him with bound hands, that’s all!

— Must we go to the hamlet and bring him here, my uncle?

Fatali khan felt nervous:

— What are you saying? You have become awkward! Your master taught you nothing! Well, then we may speak about this problem. Now, listen to me attentively! Don’t you understand that at that time all the people will know that I have punished him and thrown him into prison? Do you understand the essence of it? It means that the news will reach the Shah’s ears. What may happen then?

— Yes… Yes… it is true! What must we do?

— Listen to me, my nephew, all the people in the hamlet must know that Murad has gone to work in the palace. After leaving the hamlet Murad will come to Kaleybar. While coming from Kaleybar to Tabriz your brave boys will catch him and bring to me. That is why you must also be in Kaleybar together with those boys to foll ow and to catch him. Only you can know him, you have seen him before. In Kaleybar you must be watchful not to let him to enter Tabriz alone. Do you understand?

Jalal bey’s eyes goggled and he tried to understand what he had heard, so he would be able to realize the plan:

— Yes, there is no other way -out!

— I am fully confident of you, my nephew!

— You must trust me, my uncle! But… but… I am thinking about one problem. If suddenly the Shah remembered Murad and asked why he didn’t come to the palace. What can we do then?

Fatali khan said waveringly:

— I don’t think that the Shah will remember Murad if he doesn’t come. -If he asks about Murad we may tell him that: “He hasn’t come yet, maybe something has happened”.

Jalal bey thought for a while and then shook his head:

— It is clear, my uncle, when must I leave for Kaleybar?

— If God pleases, you must be in Kaleybar after three more weeks. Remember well, no one must know about it. Till you bring him to my prison no one must know that I am aware about his punishment. Is everything clear, my nephew?

— It is clear, my uncle, let me go to make some preparation. I want to go Kaleybar to learn about the local situation…

…On the Shah’s account Murad held a good wedding. In the hamlet there hadn’t been held such a kind of wedding. At last, the third day of the wedding they brought Qelemnaz to Murad’s home like a bride. The young boy and girl who have been longing for each other for years remained in gerdek. for three days. Murad couldn’t believe his happiness; he sleeked Qelemnaz’s hair, took her hair, and enjoyed seeing her in his home. At the end of the third day there was the “appearing” of the bride. For the “appearing” of Qelemnaz, Murad’s mother took her silver waistband from the chest, fastened it round her waist and said: “Be happy! I wish you only happiness! Don’t let me long for a grand i child!”

Though both of them didn’t know how long their happiness would last, they felt themselves happiest of all. Though Murad didn’t want to part with Qelemnaz he was eager to go to the palace. Now all his future wishes and cares were connected with his job in the palace. As soon as he would be placed in the palace and knew about his new job, he would ret urn and take Qelemnaz to Tabriz. He thought that his children would study in madrasa, (religious school of Mos- lems) and would learn science. Qelemnaz, who had become more beautiful after the wedding knew that she would miss a lot in the hamlet without Murad, but she kept silent because of having no other route; because the Shah who had helped them to join together had also called him to go to the palace to work there. She consoled herself that Murad had promi sed to return and to take her to Tabriz after having settled in his job in the palace. Before Murad left she was waiting for his returni ng. All her wishes were connected with Murad. Qelemnaz was so happy.

There was one who wasn’t happy, and was sad after the meeting with the Shah. Jafar kishi was upset and downcast. He wasn’t sad for his girl’s marrying with Murad. On the contrary, after that event all the people showed respect to Murad, because he was the only man in the hamlet who would work in the palace side by side with the Shah. He considered it an honor. His daughter’s husband would work in the palace. Jafar kishi was proud of his daughter’s husband. He was thinking about another problem; about the talk with Fatali khan which couldn’t come true. The khan could damage his daughter’s husband. Even when Jafar kishi went to return twenty pieces of gold which the khan had given him for the bashliq, the khan didn’t take the gold and said to him smiling bitterly: “Let it be my wedding gift to the newly married persons!” Then he had said to Jafar kishi: “Look here, Jafar kishi; it is very bad when the happiness of the wedding is spoilt”. Jafar kishi was thinking about the words of the khan. He knew well that if the khan had any chance he would punish him for being upset. By those words, the khan wanted to tell him that once he had spoilt his happiness and then he wouldn’t let his daughter be happy. That was why Jafar kishi was worried. He had lived his life. He was afraid that the khan could damage Murad and his only daughter would be unhappy. If Murad remained in the hamlet, Jafar kishi would console himself somehow. If Murad would work in the palace, he would often meet the khan. Fatali khan would fly into a rage seeing Murad.

Because of that reason, Jafar kishi wanted to speak to Murad about what had happened with Fatali khan. He didn’t know how to begin his talk. At last, he decided that if he told Murad all about it, at that time Murad would either give up going to work in the palace or he would be careful and to keep aloof from Fatali khan. He came to the yard of Murad and called him:

— Murad, Murad!

Murad heard his voice and went out the yard, seeing his father-in law he pulled himself:

— Why don’t you come, Jafar dayi? Come in! Qelemnaz has made a good tea with thyme.

Jafar kishi liked thyme tea very much. If bit of hips of dog-rose are added into the tea it is more flavored. To drink such tea with dry yellow mulberry is very good. But Jafar kishi was thinking of only one problem. That was why Murad’s offer didn’t interest him.

— No, thanks, I have something to tell you! Put on your boots, let’s go towards the spring!

Murad said to him “just a moment” and entered the room. He put on his chust and then went out. They began to go towards the spring. Jafar kishi thought over and over, and at last he said:

— When are you going to the palace?

Jafar kishi knew well when he was going to the palace, but he needed to begin his talk. Murad felt that his father-in-law had some-hing to say. He showed himself as though he didn’t have any feelings:

— After a week… Why do you ask?

— I only asked by the way. What about Qelemnaz? Where will she remain? — Jafar kishi asked.

— I understand your anxiety! As soon as I put all my plans in order, I shall come and take Qelemnaz too.

Jafar kishi decided to speak about his purpose:

— My son, I don’t worry about Qelemnaz, but about you.

Murad looked at his father-in-law with interest:

— Why do you worry for me?

Jafar kishi hesitated a little:

— Tell me, will you often see Fatali khan in the pal — ace?

Murad understood that his father-in -law had some thing serious to say. He was also worried:

— I don’t know, Jafar dayi! I have never been in the palace yet. How can I know?

— My son, I have a special purpose in asking about it.

— I listen to you, Jafar dayi! What do you want to say to me?

— My son, it happened when I didn’t agree for you to marry my daughter…

Jafar kishi told him all about his talk with Fatali khan from the beginning till the end. At last, he said:

— My son, now you may understand why I am worried. — I am afraid that Fatali khan may hurt you.

At first, Murad was disappointed, he didn’t know what to say; and then he wanted to calm Jafar kishi:

— Nothing will happen, Jafar dayi! — What is done had to be done.

His heart was bleeding at that moment. — Maybe it was best not to go? — He thought. It would be better. They would think that he was afraid of them, that was the reason why he didn’t go. Even the Shah would get angry…

— If the Shah invited me, I must go, Jafar dayi!

— I don’t want to prevent you; do what you wish, but be careful!

— Be fully confident, Jafar dayi! …But I want to make a request…

— Please, my son!

— Don’t tell Qelemnaz about our conversation…

Jafar kishi stopped, he gave a puzzled look, and then he said:

— Let it be how you want… I shan’t tell her anything…

...After just one week Murad left the hamlet for Kaleybar. When there was only a small distance left to Kaleybar, he pulled his horse by the bridle. Qirghi neighed and stopped. Murad took his carpet-bag which he had spread on the horse, got off the horse, and went to rest a bit under alone tree. There he loosened the bridle of the horse and let the horse graze. Then he looked at the river twenty meters’ distance away there. The river was murmuring. He left his carpet-bag under the tree, rolled up his sleeves and went towards the river. He washed his hands and face, his throat, opened the cloth which he had twined like a waist-band belt, dried his hands and face with it; then he twined it again his waist, and returned under the tree. He took off the pack which he had taken for the journey. He spread the cloth on the grass. He divided the boiled chicken into two parts, and began to eat. Qelemnaz can cook very well, the best of all. Murad cut a slice of bread and ate. He wanted both to believe and not to believe Jafar kishi’s words. Murad thought that might be that Jafar kishi had told this because of not wanting him going to the palace. “No, it can’t be.” -Murad thought.” I could feel how he was worried”. Murad wanted to drink water. He looked for his wineskin in the carpet-bag but he couldn’t find it. He remembered that it was left on the horse. He looked around, but he didn’t see Qirghi. Murad whistled. The grazing horse raised its head and neighed towards Murad, then began to run. When the horse was near Murad it stopped, and neighed again. Murad stood up, and took the wineskin, wanting to drink water. “Let it be a funeral repast for Imam Husain”. He sat on the green grass.

Just at that moment it was as if the soil was cleaved and in the middle of the ground an old man appeared. White hair and bread made the man look much wiser and nobler. Murad was surprised. He didn’t notice when the old man appeared. Even the horse didn’t sniff. The old man ap — proached Murad and said:

— “Salam-eleykum, my son!”

Murad stood up quickly:

— Eleykumesalam, grandfa-her! Come and sit near me and have lunch!

— Thanks, my son! Give me water, that’s all! I am very thirsty.

Murad brought the wineskin and gave him water. The old man drank water, thanked Murad, and then he sat near Murad.

— Where are you coming from? Where are you going, my son?

Murad didn’t want to tell his real purpose. Why did he have to tell his secret to any passer-by?

— I am going to Kaleybar from a hamlet; I have something to do…

The old man smiled pithily. Then he said suddenly:

— If you really want to go to Kaleybar, don’t enter the city from the north door of the city but from the south door.

Murad asked anxiously and nervously:

— Why, grandfather? What will happen if I enter from the

north door?

The old man looked into Murad’s eyes. At that time, Murad felt that as if somebody had wormed himself into his confidence. He became more anxious. The old man said to him looking into his eyes:

— On your way there is danger. If you wish to escape from the danger you will be famous in future, but you also have an other way.

Murad asked worriedly:

— Which way, grandfather?

— To return back. If you return none of the above mentioned will happen…

— To return? But. But. It is impossible! But also. grandfather, who are you, as if you look at my face and can feel what is hidden in the bottom of my heart?

The old man sighed deeply:

— I have been an astrologer for about ninety years, my son!

— What does the word “astrologer” mean, grandfather?

— How can I explain to you? I look at the stars and say the future fate of humans.

Murad was astonished. He thought how old that old man was if he was an astrologer for ninety years. As if the old man felt what Murad was thinking about:

— I am one hundred and five years old, my son! — I began to work in this profession when I was fifteen years old.

— Well, my grandfather, what are you looking for in the mountain?

— Once I told the truth, then Viziers and advocates became furious, and the Shah drove me out of the palace. Now I have changed my clothes and roam from place to place.

Murad asked in surprise:

— I wonder why they drove you out if you told the truth. What kind of truth made it a reason to drive you out, my grandfather?

The old man sighed:

— I told the Shah the truth. He wanted to know the truth; I told him the truth. I told him that within the next few days the country would be divided, there would be high-handedness, our Shah would be dethroned, some people would declare themselves Shah, and enemies would divide Azerbaijan into parts. Then one person who wasn’t from the stock of the Shah would combine the country and would declare himself the Shah of the united country. I told them what I knew about the fate of the country. They called me a liar and drove me out of the palace. How kind of fate I didn’t tell them about the future of the Shah or they would have chopped off my head.

Murad thought a lot about the words of the old man. If they punished the old man for knowing the truth and telling about it that meant everything wasn’t in order in the palace. It was as if Murad had become lucky, because if he hadn’t seen the old man he wouldn’t be aware of the truth. He decided not to go to Kaleybar and go straight to Ahar. In any case even he didn’t enter Kaleybar his way would pass near that city.

When Jalal bey parted with his uncle Fatali khan, he began to think what he was going to do. It was better to be clever like his uncle. He began to think beforehand, and then he decided what to do. As soon as he came to Kaleybar, he asked his companions to watch both the north and south doors of the city. He wanted to fulfill the task of his uncle very attentively and to be trustful through his eyes. Jalal bey himself watched the north door of the city from the tower and wanted to find who he was looking for.

One day towards evening he saw that one horseman turned towards Ahar without entering the city. He knew the horse immediately. The horse, the legs, tail, and breast of which were white, and other places were black. It was the horse of Murad, Qirghi. Murad rode that horse in the race. Jalal bey liked that horse when he was in the hamlet, when the horse came first he wished to be the owner of such a horse. Jalal bey would know that horse among a thousand. Qirghi was riding towards Ahar at a trot as if it enjoyed its beauty and valour. “If Murad’s horse is here, it means that he is on the horse” -Jalal bey thought. “Such kind of a horse mustn’t be presented even to the Shah” — He said to himself that if he caught Murad and brought him to Tabriz he would ask his uncle to present Murad’s horse to him. As soon as he saw the horse he sent one of his followers to the man who was watching at the north door of the city. He had to tell the man watching at the door to follow the horse going towards Ahar, and act as they had planned.

…Murad knew well that he could do nothing with his dagger against an armed person. In the worst case, they could shoot him either with an arrow or a rifle from a dis- tance. That was why after his talk with the old man he had asked him to help him. The old man dressed Murad’s chukha and cap, and began to go towards Ahar. When Murad reached Kaleybar and entered the city on foot, the old man directed him towards Ahar on his horse without entering the city.

…The foli owers of Jalal bey followed Qirghi for some time, came nearer to the horse, pulled the horse by the bridle and not looking at the man on the horse brought him backto Kaleybar.

Jalal bey was waiting for his followers at the south door of the city. It was already getting dark. At that moment, he heard the neighs of the horses. The beylerbeyi understood that his companions were returning. Jalal bey knew Qirghi from a distance; he was very glad. When the horsemen approached him he called them:

— My friends, is the owner of the horse near you?

One of the horsemen answered:

— Yes, my agha, he is also here.

When the horsemen came nearer to Jalal bey, he took a torch and threw light on the face of the man who was on the horse. Jalal bey shuddered with horror. On the horse there was sitting a noble, old man. It seemed that Jalal bey went mad. What does it mean? It appeared that Murad had deceived them. He didn’t know what to do.

— Old man, who are you? — He shouted furiously.

— I am a gentle creature.

— Where is the owner of that horse?

— I am the owner.

For a moment, Jalal bey wanted to console himself; he couldn’t bring himself to strike an old man. He could learn everything by enticing the old man. Suddenly he remembered the furious face of his uncle. As if Fatali khan was calling him “clumsy”. Jalal bey came nearer to the old man, seized his arm, pulled and kicked him:

— Where is the owner of the horse? — He shouted. — If you don’t tell the truth I shall kill you; you will perish like a dog.

After some more strikes the old man was weak; he was lying on the ground. He neither stirred nor was his voice heard. Jalal bey was striking and abusing him angrily. Suddenly Jalal bey remembered something. He turned towards his followers and said:

— Murad is in the city! -Search for him everywhere! Search for him in the inns, streets, in the bottom of the bath-houses, in the hotels of bazaars, everywhere! If you see any stranger bring him to me, here! Be quick! Hurry!

His followers went to search for Murad with the night-watchmen, taking torches in their hands. Near Jalal bey there only remained the man who had come from Tabriz. He was still striking the half-dead old man. He stooped and caught the collar of the old man and raised him on feet:

— Old man, I ask you for the last time, where is Murad? Tell me where he is and I shall free you…

The old man smiled ironically:

— Whom will you free? Me? My half-dead body?.It is the end of my life…

They were the last words of the old man who fell on the ground not able to bear these tortures…

The astrologer had upset all the plans of Jalal bey. His dying without telling any secret made the impatient heart of the beylerbeyi bleed:

— Since this morning I have been unlucky…

Just at that moment Jalal bey heard crashi ng; the man near him fell on the ground silently. No sooner had he realized what had happened he felt the end of the cold dagger in his throat. It appeared that dagger had pierced his skin. Jalal bey was deprived of speech. He couldn’t imagi ne that in Kaleybar there would be a brave boy who dared to pierce a dagger into the throat of the beylerbeyi. Just at that moment whispering, but imperious voice of the man standing behind him, piercing the dagger in his throat was, heard:

— It is me, Murad! — Why are you looking for me? Tell me or I shall kill you!

Murad twirled the end of the dagger so Jalal bey felt pain.

Jalal bey was groaning in horror. His uncle was right considering him clumsy! He had to catch Murad, but Murad had led him into a trap so easily.

Murad said in the same tone:

— Speak, I ask you to tell me why you were looking for me? What is your reason looking for me? During my whole life I only came to the city for a short time, I damaged nobody… Speak, tell me the truth..!

Jalal bey wanted to escape from death:

— By God, I don’t know… We were asked to seize you and bring to Tabriz. We had to fulfill the task…

Murad wanted to force out the words from his rival to learn something about who was his enemy. He was losing time. The followers of Jalal bey could come at any moment. He had to hasten…

— Swear on God, who has given you a task? I shan’t repeat my question anymore!

Jalal bey stammered:

…F …F Fatali khan… Murad’s guess came true; He

didn’t guess in vain. It appeared that Fatali khan had given them this task..

— It is clear. If it is thus, can you deliver my two things for safekeeping to Fatali khan?

Jalal bey thought that he would escape, that was why he said hurriedly:

— Of course, I can deliver.

Murad said: “Wait a moment” and pierced the dagger into his throat to the end. Jalal bey wheezed without being able to say a word. Murad said: “This is the first safekeeping”, — and pulling out the dagger, thrust it into his heart and said: “This is the second safekeeping”.

…The old astrologer had told Murad about Nader khan. Murad trusted him and told the old man about Tahmasb Shah, about his help. While speaking about the Shah he had explained some words about the love of Fatali khan for Qelemnaz. The old man said to Murad that Fatali khan would take vengeance on him. “If you pass through Kaleybar safe and sound don’t ride your horse towards Ahar but towards Ardabil. From there go to Qazvin on the seashore of the Caspian Sea, ride from Qazvin to Kalat, find Nader khan and tell him about your problems. Only he can help you”.The old man had advised him to do as he asked.

Murad pulled out the dagger from the heart of Jalal bey and sheathed the dagger without wiping its blood; took his sword and fastened it on his waist. Noise was heard from the city. He had to hurry. However, he didn’t want to leave the dead body of the old astrologer on the ground. He had helped him to escape. Murad didn’t have other way -out. For a moment Murad thought about burying that kind man according to the traditions, in accordance to the customs of shariat. But time doesn’t wait. He came nearer the dead body of the old man, closed his eyes and said: “Sleep in peace.” Then he rode his horse and began to go towards the east.

After some days, Murad reached Kalat. There, Murad first wanted to see Nader khan. When he was face to face with Nader khan there was no need to hide anything; he told everyt hing to him. Nader khan admired his courage and bravery. Then Nader khan employed Murad. Firstly, Murad became a foreman, then centurion and finally he became a military leader. One day he got permission from Nader khan and sent a man to the hamlet to bring Qelemnaz to Kalat.


“In December 1729, after freeing Shiraz from the Afghans I went there with Tahmasb Shah. The Afghans had devastated the city. The Shah Chiraq Mosque was in ruins, and so we decided to make a donation to rebuild the Mosque. The Shah gave two thousand tumen; I gave one thousand five hundred tumen. The other courti ers also took an active part in making a donation. In all, ten thousand tumen were col lected, and rebuilding began. I took permission from the Shah to appoint Muhammad Alikhan ibn Aslan khan as ruler of the provi nce of Fars. Within a short time he began to rebuild the city; ten thousand trees were planted in Shiraz.

I had tasted the real sweetness of victory in Isfahan. The fighters were afire with inspiration. They were professional, observed the rules and, most importantly, they were eager for war. In order to prevent the internal conflict, it was always necessary to look for the enemy abroad. The forces under your control can turn against you. That was why we needed to do all in our power to continue the war, to keep the army’s loyalty. In order to establish a basis for future war it was necessary to strengthen our diplomatic position and not let anyone to behave us as he wished. It is better diplomacy to achieve your desire with a show of power. I had to indulge in a little policy if I was to get down to work and convince Tahmasb Shah of my position on certain problems. I did as I thought best. I went to the Shah, to the home of the ruler of Shiraz, in the afternoon. Because the Shah drank heavily in the evenings and spent the nights with concubines, he was tired and used to sleep in the mornings. It seemed that the Shah was still sleepy after the euphoria of the victory of Isfahan. If the poor people knew about the drinking of the great grandchildren of the Safavid sheiks they would turn away from them. The Shah received me and greeted me sumptuously:

— Nader khan, how good that you came. There are some problems we need to discuss.

— I know it, that is why I came to speak to you, Your Maj- esty!

The Shah snapped his fingers:

— In that case, let’s begin our discussions; but let our talk not last long. I have a headache after yesterday’s wine.

— All right, Your Majesty! — I said and sat on acushionon the Shah’s left side. I pulled over the another cushton to leaned on my right arm.

— Nader, what must we do with the Afghans? — The Shah took an apple from the fruit bowl. He cut the apple in two with his dagger; putting one piece back in the bowl. -We can’t kill all of them. According to the information I have, the Afghans have already passed the Mughul borders. Let them cross the borders. It will be good toget the Afghansout of this country. They made our people suffer so much.

I understood that somebody had drummed the Afghan problem into his head, but I kept this thought to myself:

— My Shah, by no means must we allow the Afghans to reach the land of the Mughuls.

— Why? — Tahmasb Shah asked surprisingly:

— Your Majesty, you affirm that the Afghans are fighting in spite of being uncouth and rough.

— Yes, I affirm so.

— If they are fighting how we may let them enter the lands of Mughul? Won’t the Shah of Mughul, Muhammad, use the chance to fight them against us? Imagine, my Shah, the Sultan supports them, I feel it. Didn’t you see that how fighting with them was difficult? If the Afghans entered the Mughul lands and the empire of Mughul supported them, what will be our position, my Shah?

After my words the Shah seemed lost in thought, he didn’t even chew the apple he had bitten some minutes before: -Nader khan, what do you suggest?

I had already realized that Tahmasb Shah wasn’t foresighted and experienced in state affairs, especially in the foreign policy of the state. I wondered what his governess, and master taught him! The Shah always hurried, said immediately what he thought, adopted hasty decisions; then he was obliged to change his decisions. That was why it wasn’t difficult to make him believe:

— My Shah, in the probi em of the Afghans we may win twofold. Firstly, we must send a letter to Muhammad Shah and demand him to close the borders immediately and not to let refugees of the Afghans into the lands of Mughul. -What? We must demand? — The Shah asked in surprise — Yes, my Shah, we must demand, because if we demand beforehand then we might offer excuses, we might tell them that we demanded it of them, and they didn’t agree. Such a kind of demand, my Shah, opens a way for your glorious troops to enter the lands of Mughul. Our haughty demand will demonstrate that we are not afraid of them; it will show our bravery and courage.

— What will we gain? What will be our favor?

I understood that the Shah wasn’t able to think about his future steps. It was natural; at that time it was impossible to rule the state.

— My Shah, if we tamed the Afghans and combined them with our fighting army, it will be our second favor. — I said. If we defeated the Afghans, how can the Shah of the Mughuls make them fight against us?

— Well, I agree with you in this prob lem. Whom do you want to send to the Shah Muhammad to have a talk with him?

I thought over and over why he had asked that question. I thought that as he didn’t have any other person in mind, I said the name of the real messenger.

— We may send Ali Mardan khan of Sham, Your Majesty!

Ali Mardan khan of Sham was one of my devoted followers and warlord butI didn’t tell it to the Shah.

The Shah agreed with me in the problem of the Afghans;

— Nader khan, I think in the problem of the Afghans you were able to make me understand. Send a letter to Muhammad Shah by the messenger of Qizilbashs- Ali Mardan khan

of Sham; let’s wait what will happen then.

— All right, Your Majesty!

— What other prob l em remains, Nader khan? -The Shah asked me.

— My Shah, it is the time to free the north and west of our motherland Azerbaijan from the Ottomans, including Tabriz and Baghdad which for a hundred years were the capital cities of our forefathers.

The Shah twisted his mouth:

— Why not send them letters and demand them to free our invaded lands? We have the same roots with them; they are also the stocks of Oghuz. See, you are also from a branch of stocks of Oghuz, from the branch of Avshar. Even our languages don’t differ from each other; we speak in the same language. We are enemies because of the faith.

…I should think about the Shah’s words afterwards, and in future I should correct his words. But it would be in the future. Now the main problem was to free Azerbaijan.

— Your Majesty, we shall send the letter to istanbul without fail. If you don’t object, let’s send Rzaqulu khan of Sham there as a messenger and note in the letter that if the Ottomans don’t free the invaded lands, war would begin..

— No, I don’t object! — The Shah answered while eating a fruit. — Send the letter!

I considered the time suitable and said:

— My Shah, there is also one other problem.

— What problem?

— Recently the messenger whom Ashraf had sent to Is- tanbul as a messenger had come to me… I speak about Muhammad khan Baluch.

The Shah raised himself a little:

— To my mind it is interesting. What did he say?

— You are right, my Shah, it is in teresti ng. So, Mu — hammad khan Baluch who knew that Ashraf was defeated gave me the Sultan’s letter written to Ashraf.

I took the letter from the pocket of my jubba and gave it to him:

— It appears that the Sultan is ready to help the Afghans to fight against us. I think this letter is neither the first nor

the last one.

The Shah took the letter, looked at the sign, and then returned it to me:

— What do you suggest, Nader khan?

— My Shah, the matter is that Muhammad khan Baluch told me something interesting. In Topqapi, all know that the Qizilbashs will demand the invaded lands. The Ottomans won’t obect to it, even they will want to rei urn Baghdad too… But… But only in word…

— What does it mean, “only in word”? — The Shah was naively surprised:

— Yes, my Shah, they will demand such kind of indemnity. In order to pay so much indemnity we shall have to work for years.It is like a defeat.

Tahmasb Shah said thoughtfully:

— I suggest immediately begin to free our lands. We- the Qizilbashs have never been so mighty. At the same time, we must send Rzaqulu khan of Sham to istanbul in order to dis- tract them from the preparation of war. That is to say, war against the Ottomans!

— Yes, my Shah, war, which will end with victory.

— Will you occupy Tabriz?

For a moment, I forgot myself and said courageously:

— I shall occupy Tabriz without reserve. In Tabriz there is preparation for fighti ng. The people are ready to wel — come us.

The Shah didn’t sense any boasting in my courageous words. He thought for a while again and said:

— Nader khan, I believe you! — You are a man of your word! If you promise you will return the capital of our forefathers. I believe that you will occupy Tabriz. I don’t doubt it. What must we do with the Russians? Shall we always wage war against them?

— No, my Shah, not now, — I said. — We must be friends with them. They will help us.

— Let it be how you said, — The Shah said and stood up. I also stood up. The Shah was upset. It appeared that he repented for deciding to begin a big war. I should wage the war, he would be the victor. He who wished for victory must not be so cowardly. Maybe I had to consider his being cowardly and weak-willed.

On 8th of March 1730 I went from Shiraz to Nahvend with a troop of sixty thousand fighters. Before then I had already married Rize Beyim. In Meshed my son was engaged with Fatime Sultan Beyim, but still their wedding hadn’t taken place. I thought of holding their wedding at a more suitable time, because it would be the wedding of my first son. I decided to keep my brother Ibrahim khan and my son Rzaqulu in Meshed with a large troop, because I couldn’t make the Afghans completely under my control. We had to be careful.

Tahmasb Shah returned to Isfahan.

I decided to destroy the Ottoman garrison placed in Nahvend while it was night, then to attack their great troops in Malair. That sudden attack showed its effect. The Ottomans were agttated, and they fought unwillingly. In most cases they wanted to retreat without meeting any opposition. On 18th June in the Christian calendar, I entered Hamadan without meeting any resist ance. The Ot toman troops retreated first towards Sinjan, then towards Baghdad. Then some part of my troop freed Khurramabad, Kirmanshah, and Ardalan. Near Maragha the Ott omans landed troops against me. But they again retreated without fighting and lost their front line. This propaganda showed results. It was enough for them just to hear my name in order to be defeated. On others’ land even soil may slip under one’s feet. They ran, frightened, and I entered Maragha without shooting any bullets. It was good that there wasn’t a serious fight. The fighters didn’t capture any material and were downcast. I could hardly make them understand that those cities were not invaded but were freed from the enemies. A fighter mustn’t plunder his own country. The fighters understood me. I felt that at the bottom of their hearts they didn’t agree with me. What made them plunge into war leaving their famtties alone? Even the feelt ngs of patrio t tism, honor, and self-esteem have limtts. I was obliged to promise them that after freeing our motherland we would march to other rich countries, and I increased their salary. Everyone doesn’t think in the same way. Everybody had his own arsheen for his measure of life. In my “measuring” there wasn’t wealth, post, or personal interest. My main task was to release Tabriz, the heart of Azerbaijan. It was my main purpose!


Sultan Ahmet III didn’t realize what was happening in the east of the empire. Nader khan occupied the cities of Azerbaijan one after another without any fight. Only that day the Sultan was aware that for about three months Nader khan had gained great victories in Azerbaijan. He had himself agreed to sign a peace treaty with the Qizilbashs. The Sultan couldn’t understand in that case why the Qizilbashs had begun to wage a war in haste; he didn’t know.

Because of that reason, the Sultan called both the chief Vizier Ibrahim pasha for an account and discussion; also the messenger of the Qizilbashs- Rzaqulu khan of Sham to discuss the problem once more. The Sultan decided to listen firstly to the chief Vizier; if they arrived at any conclusion then later to receive the messenger of the Qizilbashs. Sultan Ahmet III was purposely sitting on the throne which had belonged to Shah Ismayil Safavid and was capt ured from Tabriz by Sultan Selim. The throne was valuable and was decorated with different precious stones.

The head of the guardsmen came in and announced that the chief Vizier Ibrahim pasha had come. Sultan Ahmet III once more arranged himself on the throne. He had always enjoyed the comfort of that throne. That day the throne was also precious from the point of view of showing the valuable stones. But this high value couldn’t make the Sultan feel comfortable. The Sultan received alarming news from Azerbaijan.

The chief Vizier Ibrahim pasha came in and bowed before the Sultan. The Sultan didn’t pay attention to his bowing and asked loudly:

— Ibrahim pasha, what is happening in Azerbaijan? Why are our troops feeble against the troops of Nader khan?

— Sultan’s Excellency, you know that for about two months we have been discussing the peace treaty with Rzaqulu khan of Sham, sent by Tahmasb Shah as a messenger. During that time there remained no problem to which we couldn’t find an agreement. Rzaqulu khan of Sham agrees to return to Isfahan with this treaty.

The Sultan interrupted the words of Ibrahim pasha:

— If you discuss the peace treaty, what is that undeclared war?

Ibrahim pasha said in a low voice:

— I don’t know, my Sultan!

The Sultan spoke with increased fury:

— What does it mean, “I don’t know”? Since the month of March Nader khan has been waging war in Azerbaijan. We are only now aware of that war. I know that Tahmasb Shah hasn’t decided it himself. It is the cunning of Nader khan. He sent a messenger to us in order to quiet, to fool us, and make us believe in signing the peace treaty. But from other side he begins the war and occupies the cities of Azerbaijan one after another. Now he is going to occupy Tabriz. Such kind of tactics are good for Nader khan, but only for him. Do you understand the discords of it?

— Yes, Sultan’s Excellency, I understand! — Ibrahim pasha answered quietly.

— No, you don’t understand, Ibrahim pasha! -The Sultan raised his voice.-Tabriz isn’t only a signifi cant city of the Qizilbashs, but also it is also the important main city of the Turks of Ottoman. We must prevent Nader khan’s entering Tabriz whatever happens!

— Sultan’s Excellency, I think that we must immediately sign a peace treaty with the Qizilbashs. — The tone of Ibrahim pasha’s voice didn’t change.

The self-control of the chief Vizier passed on to Sultan Ahmet III also:

— I understand, it is necessary to help Tabriz; to give subsidiary help to Mustafa pasha. Send a letier urgently to Irevan, to Rustam pasha. Let the army of Rustam pasha go to Tabriz. Then send a herald to Qandahar, to the Afghans. Let the Afghans also stand up and draw away Nader khan from eniering Tabriz. Let’s receive the messenger of the Qizilbashs; let’s listen to what he is saying about this undeclared war.

The Sultan stood up. It was a sign of the finish of the talks. He hinted that Ibrahim pasha, who had stood up as soon as he entered, was to sit. The drum which was near began to beat. Hearing the voice of the drum the guardsman came in. “Call the messenger of the Qizibashs!” -The Sultan or dered him.

Aft er some time Rzaqulu khan of Sham came in and bowed respectfully. The Sultan shook his head, showing him a place to sit on his left side. The messenger sat on the place the Sultan showed and waited for the Sultan to begin the talk. The Sultan was keeping silence and trying to pull himself together. He had asked quietly and mildly some minutes before:

— Rzaqulu khan, how long were you in Istanbul?

— More than two months, Sultan’s Excellency!

— Don’t you miss? — The Sultan dropped an ambiguous hint.

Though Rzaqulu khan took the hint of the Sultan, he showed himself as if understanding nothing:

— I am a messenger, Sultan’s Excellency! When they ask me to leave, I’ll leave at that time. Messengers can’t choose.

The Sultan didn’t want to pay attention to his apt an t swer:

— Rzaqulu khan, from one side Tahmasb Shah sends you here to sign a peace treaty, from another side Nader khan occupies the cities of Azerbaijan one by one. What does it mean?

— I don’t know, Sultan’s Excellency! It appears that they accepted my being late as the answer of “no”.

— Rzaqulu khan, we didn’t tell you “no”! During all this time, you have been discussing the conditions of the peace treaty with Ibrahim pasha.

Ibrahim pasha nodded his head as a sign of affirmation:

— It is thus, Sultan’s Excellency! We have already fint ished the discussion of all the conditions with Rzaqulu khan. There remains only the problem of indemnity. I think we may discuss this problem afterwards, when the Qizilbashs stop their attacks.

The Sultan followed the opinion of Ibrahim pasha:

— Dear messenger! Now Nader khan is near Tabriz. You must immediately go there, and del iver to him the conditions of our treaty. We must stop the war and carry out the conditions of the treaty.

When hearing about the success of Nader khan, Rzaqulu khan was glad, but he didn’t show his rejoicing:

— All right, Sultan’s Excellency! Just today, I am going there.

— Ibrahim pasha will present you the treaty in the sealed form.

Then Sultan Ahmet III said some words; he wanted to show his respect to the messenger. But Rzaqulu khan paid no attention to him. The main point was that he had finished his task successfully and could continue to manage it in future. That day three horsemen were riding in different direciions. One was riding towards Qandahar, one towards Irevan; the other one was riding towards Nader khan’s place.

...Nader khan had sent Murad to Tabriz dressed in the form of ashug. He knew that Murad could play saz very well, and compose words. For some time he had listened to him and liked his singing. In Tabriz Murad had to prepare the people for a revolt with the new head of the stock of Qajars, with Muhammad khan. Nader khan had given Murad strict instructions for everything and everybody to be ready for the fight. The sign to begin the fight would be the approaching of the troops of Nader khan to Tabriz.

In his turn Murad had chosen about hundred distini guished brave boys. He had placed them in the city in diff erent clothes and under different names. The meeting place with the foremen would be in a week, in the famous bath-house of Tabriz.

...Muhammad khan Qajar was sitting in the pavilion of the palace and breathing the cool air of spring. The spring of Tabriz is very good. In the city cherry and apricot trees blossom so much it is as if all around is covered with snow. The trees were newly budding. On the bare trees those buds seemed so fine. The birds were twittering together as if they were competing. All around there was heard the voice of the birds. The palace was on the highest hill of the city; everywhere around could be clearly seen from the palace. The Ottomans had come seven years ago. After conquering the city, Mustafa pasha had called Muhammad khan Qajar and told him that they would live in a friendly way, and informed that the city would be under his control. At that time the khan wasn’t the head of the Qajars, but the Qajars respected him very much. When Fatali khan was killed follow-ng the order of Tahmasb Shah, the stocks of Qajar gathered in Tabriz and elected Muhammad khan the head of their stocks. The khan was very rich. His lands extended up to Nakhchivan. Mustafa pasha had imposed many taxes on him, and Muhammad khan was obliged to pay them.

Muhammad khan had to obey the Ottomans, but unwillingly. After parting with Mustafa pasha he had gone to his palace. He left the palace only when there was wedding or somebody died. During those years, he had put a limit to all meetings except with the heads of stocks. Now the khan was sitting in the pavili on and remembering all that had happened. He was looking at the city, smok-ng his pipe. The voices of those who were trading in the famous bazaar of Tabriz of Azerbaijan could reach the city. That bazaar not only defined the policy of Tabriz but also the policy of nearby cities. If the bazaar was closed it meant that something was going to happen. Both Mustafa pasha and Mu i hammad khan knew it very well. That was why they were on good terms with the merchants of the bazaar. The merchants paid taxes and Mustafa pasha didn’t meddle in their trading. Everything was fine till the time Nader khan occupied Nihavend. As soon as the marching of Nader khan reached Tabriz, the merchants sent their messenger to Muhammad khan. They wanted to learn about his attitude to the marching of Nader khan. Muhammad khan had anticipated his marching, and even had advised them to be foreseeing and prepared. Though Tabriz seemed quiet inside it was in full swing. Mustafa pasha also felt it, but he could do nothing. In fact, he had no firm facts.

The mournful voice coming from the side of the gate of the palace dispersed the khan’s thoughts. The ashugs of Tabriz knew very well that it was forbidden to play saz at the gate of the palace. If any of them played saz he would be punished. The khan thought that there was a secret. He called one man servant working in the yard and said to him: “Hi, bondman, go and bring that ashug here”. The man servant opened the gate and called the ashug:

— Hi, ashug, unhappy creature, come here, you brought disast er upon yourself. It would be better if the khan didn’t have to punish you.

The ashug asked merrily:

— From since time it has been forbidden to play saz at the gate of khan?

— It is clear that you are a stranger, you are not from Tabriz; come!

Muhammad khan gazed at the tall, stumpy young ashug who looked like a fighter rather than an ashug. The ashug looked at the armed watchmen in the yard and then looked at the khan, crossed his hands on his chest and bowed to the khan:

— Salamueleykum, respected khan!

Muhammad khan noticed that the young boy didn’t speak like an ashug.At that moment the khan waited. There was something secret. He hinted to the armed guardsman with a sign of his hand for him to keep alert, and greeted the ashug patiently.

— Eleykumesalam, respected ashug, you are welcome!

— I have brought regards from the far nat ions that are friends with you!

Hearing the words of the ashug the khan looked at him intently. He didn’t look like a passer-by.

— I thank both him who sent me regards from the far hamlets and he who brought the regards to me. Come and have dinner or have tea, — he said and called the man servant. – Hi, bondman, bring a stool for the ashug!

The man servant ran and brought a stool and put it in the pavilion, near the stool of the khan. When the ashug sat on the stool, the khan smoked his pipe and the smoke was ris- ing from his nose.

— From whom have you brought regards, ashug? -At that time he screwed up his eyes behind the smoke.

The ashug leaned his saz on the hand-rail of the pavil-


— From Tahmasb Shah, from Nader khan!

Hearing his words Muhammad khan was struck dumb. He couldn’t find time to let the smoke out. The smoke stuck in his windpipe and he began to cough. The khan had sent a man to Isfahan to have relations with the Shah, but the man whom he had sent hadn’t returned yet. See, a man was sent by the Shah himself.

— From whom, from whom have you brought regards? -As if the khan had been struck by lightning and he asked suffocating with coughing, not believing his ears.

— From Tahmasb Shah, from Nader khan!

At that moment, Muhammad khan wanted to show his happiness, but he thought that it could be cunning of Mustafa pasha. That was why he looked around stealthily:

— Thanks for these regards, but have you anything affirming your words? — He asked.

— Of course, I have! This is the letter sent for you by Nader khan.

The ashug took a letter out of his pocket and handed it to the khan.

Muhammad khan opened the letter, read it without stopping and folded up the letter again:

— I may sacrifice my life and wealth to Nader khan. — I see theft is in order. Here it has been written to consult with you in all problems, ashug! Can I consult the problem of fighting with an ashug? It isn’t a competition of ashugs to be in need of your advice.

At last, the ashug was obliged to tell him who he was in fact:

— Khan, in fact, I am not an ashug, this uniform was to enter the city and deliver this letter to you.

As if the khan had been struck by lightning for the second time:

— You aren’t an ashug? Who are you?

— My name is Murad, I am from the stock of Qajars, from the stock of Shahsevens. I am a military leader of Nader khan.

That time Muhammad khan faltered for a while for the third time. After thinking a little he thought that if Nader khan sent his military leader in the uniform of an ashug it appeared that the problem was serious.

Murad saw that the khan was lost in thought that was why he said:

— He asked me to show this ring to you if you didn’t believe me; — he showed the ring in his finger to the khan.

Muhammad khan saw the big and precious ring in his finger and was fully confident that the ashug had been sent by Nader khan.

— If it is thus, be aware that we are ready here. All the people of Tabriz support us. We are waiting for a sign.

— The sign will be known in its time. -Murad spoke equivocally. — Any position will be acceptable for us; it is neces- sary to feel and take time exactly.

The position reached itself. The Ottomans who were defeated near the lake of Urmiya retreated to Tabriz and the fighters who were defeated, entered the city.In Tabriz the Ottomans greeted the defeated army carelessly, as if an evil eye had been cast upon them. So, there began a conflict between the army re treating and the detachment placed in Tabriz. Then that detachment turned to revolt. At last, there was such a situation that the Ottomans began to openly fight with one another. The fight gathered momentum…

On that eve Murad was in the palace of Muhammad khan. He had already taken off his uniform of ashug. There were about ten armed persons around him. Muhammad khan was confused seeing the armed persons near Murad:

— When could you be able to train them?

— They are my foremen. We have come to Tabriz in different uniforms and under different names. It was the order of Nader khan.

Muhammad khan wanted to discover the exact the number of them:

— How many are there like them?

— A hundred!

After some time there were a lot of people in the yard of Muhammad khan. All the fighters who were leading the revolt had gathered in the yard. Hammer smith, baker, builder, blacksmith, porter, ploughman, farm-hand, kisechi, brick-layer; even students and mullahs and other people were among them. Muhammad khan was glad to see them. He rose to a high place and raised his hand to keep people silent and listen to him:

My dears, we must not proi ong the time! Still the Ottomans fight against themselves. We have a chance; we must disarm them and must possess the city! Allah Muhamad, ya Ali! We are the lovers of Imam Husain; we know well what the struggle for justice is. I congratulate you for this fight for selfrespect!

The people of Tabriz moved purposefully. A man going out from the khan’s yard gathered around him about ten persons. Soon around ten persons there were hundred persons. They were fighting so cour ageously that even the groups of the Ott omans were ast oni shed. The people of Tabriz disarmed the Ottomans without any loss.

Nader khan won the fight on 12th of August on the Chris- tian calendar and he entered Tabriz. On the eve of that fight Rustam pasha whose army wanted to help Mustafa pasha was attacked near Tabriz. The strength of the people of Tabriz difterentiated them from other fighters. That was why Rustam pasha and his army were captured by Nader khan. All the prisoners who dropped their eyes and were waiting for their death were confused hearing Nader khan’s words. Nader khan turned to them and said: “How do you do, my Moslem and Turkish brothers!” The prisoners were so contused that they couldn’t utter a word. Then Nader khan told them some consoling words about defeat and promised to free all of them. While the prisoners were struck dumb Nader khan advised them to return their clothes to the soldiers and to go back to Anatolia.

That year Nader khan ordered fortress walls to be built around the citi es which were more important. Those city fortresses would play the role of defensive fortification in the future.

“…I was already in Tabriz, the old capital of our Azerbaijan. It was the first time that I entered Tabriz. Once I couldn’t dream that I should free Tabriz. At the doors of Tabriz we were welcomed by Murad, Muhammad khan and about ten thousand people. After some days they brought Rustam pasha to me, who was hastening to help Mustafa pasha. Rustam pasha was shocked and tired. I greeted Rustam pasha respectfully. It was natural; my purpose wasn’t only to demonstrate my favor to Rustam pasha. He had already seen the power of my army and he was defeated. I wanted the details of that fight to be known by the people in Istanbul too. Once more in the fight near Tabriz I was sure that the pledge of any fight was to be known and I would be able to act among the enemies. I had defeated Rustam pasha by a sudden attack in the place named Sufyan near Tabriz because he wasn’t aware of the occupation of Tabriz and the surrendering of Mustafa pasha. It was clear that the troopers couldn’t continue fighting.

Rustam pasha was in front of me. I wanted to console him:

— Rustam pasha, don’t be so upset! In a fight, one of the sides must be defeated.

Rustam pasha was dropping his eyes, firstly he muttered below his breath, and then he raised his head and began to speak clearly:

— I wasn’t coming to fight. I was ordered by Ibrahim pasha to go to Tabriz for help. I am a soldier, Nader khan! I must go where they send me! We Turkish soldiers can’t say “no”!

I could understand his situation.

— In the same way our Turkish soldiers also must not say “no”! — He who says “no” he is a deserter, a betrayer...They will be tortured as if in hell…

Rustam pasha looked at me surprisingly:

— My pasha, we call you a Persian, but you called yourself as if you are Turkish.

I smiled at him, and again favored with him for calling me “my pasha” (I liked such kind of appeal):

— I wonder do I speak to you now with the help of interpreter, my comrade?

— No, my pasha!

— I don’t know the Persian language well. Since the day I was born I have only one language, which is the Turki sh language. Fortune didn’t favor me to hear the orders of my father. I lis tened to my mother’s cradle song in this lan — guage. I haven’t any other language but Turkish!

It was as if Rustam pasha was struck dumb and looking at my face:

— Excuse me, my pasha, I didn’t know it. — At last he began to speak. — They always told us that the Qizilbashs are Persians. As Azerbaijan was under the control of the Qizilbashs we thought that Turk ish lands were under the control of the Persians.

I was beside myself with rage because of such kind of inaccuracy. The reason for this inaccuracy was indifference to the propaganda of the last Safavid Shahs, not being able to have rel ations with neighboring and mighty countries, and not paying attention to such affairs.

— No, Rustam pasha, none of the seven stocks consisting the base of the Qizilbashs are Persian in origin, all of them are Turkish in origin, from Oghuz roots. What shall we do? We have been fighting each other for hundred years. See, starting from Istanbul, including Azerbaijan, in Mughuls, in Bukhara, in Darband, in Khiva, Samarqand have you seen anybody who speaks in another language?

— No, my pasha, I haven’t seen.

— If it is thus, why do you call us Persians? We are persons speaking in the same language, having the same faith, Rustam pasha. Just because of this reason, I free you and all other prisoners. Go, and tell the Sultan’s Excellency in Is- tanbul that I want peace. We have a lot of enemies. Azerbaijan is only one. If we live here, it appears that Azerbaijan is ours.

So, I sent Rustam pasha to Istanbul. All the prisoners were informed about my talk with Rustam pasha. In this way, I was sending a troop of friends and propagandists into the rival country.

Side by side with it, that is to say, in spite of my wish for peace I wanted to continue my attacks too. If we had a good chance, it was necessary to free greater territories. My wish didn’t become true. The herald sent by my son Rzaqulu informed me that the Afghans had again revolted. After I occupied Tabriz I already knew that the Ottomans wouldn’t organize themselves for some time. That was why it was necessary to solve the probl em with Herat and Qandahar once and for all. After some days, I withdrew my army from Tabriz and started marching towards Meshed. On the way, another herald of Rzaqulu khan caught me up. That time the herald informed me that the Afghans had already retreated from around Meshed. We didn’t have to be in a hurry.

With regard to the Ottomans after some months of the occupation of Tabriz there began a revolt in the palace of Topqapi. The opposition of the palace requited for the defeat of Tabriz in killing Ibrahim pasha. They dethroned Sultan Ahmet III and brought Mahmud the First. Rzaqulu khan of Sham whom I had sent to Istanbul could catch me up only in Meshed…”

...In the plain near Kalat were built four white tents. The length of the tents was about a hundred or a hundred and fifty meters. Each tent was built on eight pillars. The pleas- ant sound of music was coming from the tents and the smell of delicious food was spreading all around. It was difficult to move in the plain because of the crowd. Nader khan had held a wedding of Rzaqulu khan and the aunt of Tahmasb Shah, Fatime Sultan Beyim. That day was the seventh day, the last day of the wedding. Those four tents which played the role of wedding maghars had to be called maghars. Carpets were spread in the maghars. Two of these maghars were for women, two were for men. In both of the maghars the guests ate different meals, then they entered to the maghar where the singers were, and they list ened to the competition between ashugs and also mughams. At times the young boys danced in the middle of the maghars. If the toybeyi didn’t tell them “enough” they didn’t leave the middle of the maghar. As soon as the young boys stopped dancing ashugs and singers demonstrated their skills. Though there was silence in the maghar of the women, in the maghar of men it wasn’t like that. The ashugs, singers and dancers competed with one another. Those who were winners were presented gifts by Nader khan and his followers around him.

Nader khan didn’t meddle in the wedding of his son Rzaqulu. Beforehand he had given instructions for everything to be organized according to the traditions of people. Nader khan was glad as the father of the groom; he ate and drank like others. In those haml ets, the re ligion of Isl am was honorable; it didn’t show itself strictly like in the period of previous Shahs of Safavid. Its strict rules didn’t show itself and inflict themselveson everything and every affair. The national traditions had not fallen prey to religious rules; even the mullahs couldn’t demand extremely rules. Maybe they were afraid that it would be seen with discontent. Nader khan was a son of elat. The elat itself had strong traditions. It was difficult for religion to rule over the elat. If they had once accepted the religion of Islam it had to be considered a great achievement. There was no mull ah among the foll owers of Nader khan. There was a mull ah only in the troop; they were busy only in funeral aftairs, writing prayers and medicine. As in different times and in different places they hadn’t strict rules for dancing, or shaking the body. Even the mullahs couldn’t forbid drinking of wine by some people. If the army fought without drinking wine it was difficult for them. Wine calmed their nerves, prevented inner shocks. Though at a wedding wine wasn’t obviously given, still the eyes of some people showed their hangovers. Any other time if Nader khan saw a drunk fighter he would get angry, and would even chop off that fighter’s head. It was the wedding of Nader khan’s son. That was why he said nothing to the drunken fighters.

On the left side of the big maghar was put a throne for Nader khan. He spent most of his time sitting on the throne. He received congratul a tions from the guests who came from Delhi, and from different parts including Nakhchivan. Tahmasb Shah wasn’t among the guests. In fact, first Tahmasb Shah had to come to the wedding because Fatime Sultan Beyim was his aunt (his father’s sister). He bound it up with the pol iti cal situation and informed them beforehand that he wouldn’t take part in the wedding. He had called Rzaqulu khan and given him a wedding present. His position was accepted in order not to let the west part of the counlry remain de fenseless. Nader khan felt there were other reasons and he didn’t like the Shah’s behavior. Nader khan thought that either Tahmasb Shah considered that the relationship wounded his pride, or he didn’t want himself to feel himself taking a back seat behind him; or his feeling of relationship wasn’t strong and he couldn’t respect his aunt who was able to defend her chastity suffering during those seven years. One can’t understand some injustices of this life. At times the wife of an immoral, merciless man is honorable, and kind, or a sister of the seven brothers spend her time in immorality. Everybody is responsible for himself. Nader khan had the responsibility to hold a wedding for his son; he was carrying out his wish. Nader khan could hold such kind of wedding for himself too. The daughter of Sultan Husain, the sister of Tahmasb Shah, Rize Beyim considered that it wasn’t favorable to hold a wedding together with his son; she was satisfied with only the signing of marriage and a small celebration. It was enough to content Nader khan’s heart. He liked her ability, her mind. Their nupiial night was very good. Nader khan had never seen such kind of tenderness in any woman.

Nader khan danced on his son’s wedding so the wedding would be very merry and memorable. He danced to the melody of “Yalli”, “Terekeme”, and “Jangi”. Although he returned to his seat after dancing there were some who didn’t leave the dancing area in order to find favor with the khan. Nader khan never liked such people and at that time he also knitted his brows to make them keep away from the dancing area. He didn’t like such toady persons.It wasn’t the palace of Tahmasb Shah. Nader khan knew that Tahmasb Shah liked such kind of toady persons and their toadyism. He couldn’t act like the Shah. Toadyism, meanness, hypocrisy were not the quali ties of mani iness! Such kind of persons would stand before their enemies in future. They could do act any infamy. That was why starting from the first day he tried not to let any form of toadyi sm develop; he prevented it with serious rules.

Rzaqulu khan was sitting on the upper part of the maghar. Colored cloths had been tied round his arms. It was the tradition of the Avshars, the groom had a saghdish and a soldish. The saghdish used to sit on the right side of the bridegroom, soldish used to sit on the left side of the bridegroom. The saghdish had to be married, the soldish had to be unmarried. It was also a sign. It meant that the bridegroom sat between married and unmarried persons and gave up being unmarried and opened the door to being married. The saghdish had also special, secret duties. He had to explain to the bridegroom the way to be successful in the nuptial room and had to prevent for to lay obstacles which could conceal the girl who had lost her virginity. That tradition had been living for centuries.

Famous ashugs, readers of ghazals, poets and singers were invited to the wedding. All of them were well-known in the country. Khasta Qasim from the village of Tikmedash, mugham-singers from Garabagh, Tabriz, readers of ghazals-Nijat Shirvani, from the Qashqay Turks — Mezun, the famous poet of Turkmen, the father of famous poet Mehtimqulu Fezaghi Azad, ashugs of Irevan, Qazakh, Borchali, Ibrahim Haqqi from Anatolia, group of zurna players from Nakhchivan had come to the wedding of Rzaqulu khan. All such famous persons took part in the wedding.

...It was the second day that the ashug was telling the people gathered in the maghar the epic of “Shahriyar and Senuber”. He was going to finish the epic.

...The ashug turned over in the maghar and told about the competition of Shahriyar and Senuber.

— Thanks to my God! At last, Shahriyar and Senuber met with each other, the ashug said passionately. — The ashug felt that he had to tell about their meeting only through words. That was why he pressed the saz to his chest and said:

Thanks to great God, I met my darling

She always makes me grieve!

She is like a bunch of flowers

Even if they kill me I won’t let it fade!

The ashug once more turned over the maghar and that time he began to tell Senuber’s words:

— Senuber could also tell good words. As soon as Shahriyar finished his words the girl took three hairs and pressed them on her chest and said:

You are half-witted, as if you lost your mind,

Whom do you call to be your darling?

I may order the hangman to prepare his noose

Don’t call me to be your darling!

All the people in the maghar were gazing at the ashug. The ashug had told them about the love between Shahriyar and Senuber. What has happened then? As soon as they saw each other began to speak like enemies. If any fly flew in the maghar its flying would be noticed, all were concentrating, waiting for the end of the compeiition. At last, the ashug freed the people from their anxiety:

— Let’s listen what Shahriyar told her:

I don’t know, maybe you drank wine

My love to you is stronger than to me.

Though they torture me very much

Only you will be my darling!

Senuber also answered him:

You didn’t find me in vain Catch the bunch, don’t let it fade.

Senuber wanted to test you

Your word is right, I am your darling!

Then Senuber heartened a little:

I beseech you, my beloved darling,

Don’t be offended, I am your darling!

I haven’t patience any more,

That is why, don’t be offended!

When the ashug finished the epic, thunderous applause was heard in the maghar. “Thanks, ashug, long live, ashug!” Some of them threw gold or silver money towards the ashug. A little, dwarfish man was somersaulting and moving up and down in the maghar. He tried to jump and take the money thrown in the air and he filled his sack with the gold and silver money. Nader khan also threw a bag of gold money towards the ashug. The ashug bowed before the people and thanked Nader khan, and then he sat on his place. The dwarfish man took his sack and went following the ashug in a funny manner. The toybeyi quieted the people in the maghar and then bowed to Nader khan:

— My khan, if you allowed our respected guest Muhammad khan would ask the mugham -singers of the Qajars to sing “Bayati Qajar”.

— The request of our guest is like a rule, fulfill his request!

The toybeyi declared the order:

— “Bayati Qajar”!

The mugham singers who came from Tabriz began to sing “Bayati Qajar”. Their singing with trills was admired by all the people in the maghar. Their voices were like the voices of a waterfall flowing from the rocky places. Their voices were so pleasant that the people tried to repeat their words and were nodding their heads pleasantly. Others were found who were humming the song. Music can be considered like a narcotic. In some provinces religion had forbidden music, which was partly correct. If the words of such kind of music were about heroism, bravery, manliness it was better. But after such kind of gentle music a fighter wouldn’t wish to fight, but follow peace. He would embrace his wife and want to languish.

At last, the mugham singers from Tabriz finished “Bayati-Qajar’. They bowed for the thrown gold and silver money, for clapping and applause, and then returned to their places. The dwarfish man ran again to the middle of the maghar and began to gather the money. Nader khan again threw a sack of gold money towards the dwarfish man.

Toybeyi again turned round in the maghar and informed all the people:

— Now you will listen to an extraordinary musician. – the tambourine will be played on the stone brought from Shirvan!

The people roared with laughter, one of them said ironically:

— How will he play the tambourine on a stone?

Toybeyi didn’t alter his words:

— It can be played… Why not? Now you will see how he will play…

The men servants brought a big, heavy stone to the middle of the maghar. For some time the stone remained there uselessly. At that time the people looked at an ordinary stone and thought how that stone could be used like a tambourine and who was the man able to play. A man of medium height came in the maghar; firstly he bowed to Nader khan, then the other people. Then he took two stones out of his saddlebag and began to beat those stones skillfully on the flat surface of the stone. The voice of the tambourine was heard in the maghar, as if it was just taken from the embers. (In the weddings the tambourine player always kept embers near him, he brought the tambourine near embers for it to be tight, or tuned; its voice became more ringing or clear). Hearing that voice all the people admired him. Those who knew began to explain to those who didn’t know. They explained that in Shirvan there was a place named Qobustan. In that place there were stones like that one, and those stones were called tambourine stones. Not any player was able to drum them as well as he could. The man of medium height was playing so well that the young boys couldn’t help themselves from dancing; they stood up and hand in hand formed a circle. When toybeyi wanted to prevent that lack of restraint Nader khan hinted to him by the sign of his hand to let them dance. At weddings, it is better if the khan agreed with the wishes of the fighters. At that time black zurna played “Jangi” as if trying to support the tambourine stone. “Jangi” was the lovely melody of all the people, of the fighters, specially Nader khan liked that melody very much. Nader khan stood up automatically and joined those who were dancing together in a circle. Sagdish and soldish pulled Rzaqulu’s arms and wanted him to dance. The people in the maghar became more excited, they began to shout “hey… hey hey” and their shouting was heard all around.

When the dancing finished the people threw a lot money towards the tambourine player. The dwarfish man filled his sack till it was full. When the men servants came to take the stone the dwarfish man gave an order for them to take the sack. He confused them by passing through their feet and caused them to fall down and the money fell on the ground. Seeing it all the people began to laugh.

The toybeyi paused for the people who danced to come to themselves and he asked those who came nearer to move back.

— Well, now let’s again listen to a poem or ghazal! All the people know Khasta Qasim. To my mind, there are a lot of admirers of his gerayli, goshma among us. Are there any admirers?

Hearing the words of the toybeyi the people stood up, and began to clap their hands. Khasta Qasim stood up and bowed to them thankfully:

— I beseech all of you! Let your hands never be tired! If you allow me, firstly I would say some words of my teacher Dirili Qurbani.

There was the sound of voices:

— Please, please, it is fine, fine!

Khasta Qasim coughed lightly and tied the collar of his chukha and started:

Hi, wise men, let in this frail world

The newly blossomed flowers be glad.

Let the wind touching the hair Of my

beloved darling be glad!

Let the spring season come after winter

Let there be a lot of swans in the lakes.

Let the noble boys and noble girls

Those who speak to their darlings be glad!

I am Qurbani, I love oranges,

I am tired of calling my darling.

Let the hands picking apples,

Or oranges be glad!

Then was heard the words of “thanks, master, thanks!” and the people applauded him. That time Khasta Qasim told one of his geraylis:

He, my people, my people,

There fell snow on mountains.

I am in a strange country and

Suddenly remembered my darling!

Go and ask her mother,

For to sooth her daughter.

My darling, on your chest

There grew a bunch of flowers.

Khasta Qasim grieved much

My darling hung me from her hair

Nightingales fell out withflowers

Thorns hurt the flowers.

As soon as Khasta Qasim finished his gerayli, the people cried loudly and began to throw about gold money.

Toybeyi came up to Nader khan and stood by him:

— My khan, don’t be offended, today I am toybeyi, and I must try to make the wedding really merry.

Nader khan felt that toybeyi wanted to say something:

I will allow you, tell us what you want; today all is merriment! Whatever you ask no one must refuse!

Toybeyi was heartened and came much nearer to him and whispered something to his ears.

Nader khan laughed loudly:

— Why do you whisper to my ears? Bring me a fife! Within a twinkle they brought a cane fife. Those who were sitting on the ground came much nearer and all the people were waiting for Nader khan to play a melody in the fife. Nader khan stood up, firstly he blew the fife, conformed his lips, then he began to play the melody of “Sari gelin”. There was such a plaintive atmosphere in the maghar as if it wasn’t a wedding gathering but a mourning ceremony. Nader khan was playing the fife closed his eyes so that no one could tell that he was the wrestler who had raised his rival above his head roari ng, or he was a fighter breaking the shields with an attack of his sword, overturning a horseman with his mace, or a fighter piercing the middle of the brows of his rival and or he was a warlord confusing his enemies. Nader khan had forgotten the people around. He wasn’t thinking about the ill fated yellow-golden haired Turkish girl. Before his eyes there was enacted his mother groaning under kicking of an Uzbek fighter, then looking at him, regretfully raising her head in the cart. His mother couldn’t see his happy days, she passed away as a prisoner, anxious about her children, and her country being under the control of strangers…

Nader khan fini shed his melody, opened his eyes, and suddenly he felt tears flowing down his cheek as if he was again going to play a fife. He felt ashamed and turned his face. As if he was again going to play a fife, he wiped his wet eyes with his palm. Then he was able to pull himself together:

— I don’t know how it turned out, I haven’t played for some time.

As though the people were waiting for his words, they began to applaud.

It was the seventh day of the wedding that was why they had to take the bridegroom to a special bath-house. The Avshars had a tradition of “bridegroom bathi ng”. Before entering the gerdek the bridegroom had to take bath tot gether with his saghdish and soldish; he had to be clean. It was just that moment. Toybeyi turned over in the maghar and said:

— Hi, aghalar, it is the time. We must take the bridegroom to the bath-house!

The groom stood up, and together with his saghdish and soldish he began to go towards the exit of the maghar under the melodies of “Mirzayi”. After some minutes one of the respected adults of Kalat entered the maghar and whis t pered something to the ear of the toybeyi. The toybeyi raised his hand and hinted to the players “stop” with his hand. Then he stopped at Nader khan and his appearance was downcast:

— Nader khan, they “kidnapped” our bridegroom!

Nader khan laughed:

— They may kidnap the groom whose saghdish and soldish are clumsy. – Then he turned towards the “kidnapper” and asked: — Well, how did you kidnap the groom?

A representative of Kalat said:

— We let saghdish and soldish enter the bath-house first! No sooner had they reali zed what was happening we kidnapped the groom!

All the people laughed.

— What do you want from the holder of the wedding? — Nader khan wanted to amuse them with the “kidnapper of the bridegroom” — Tell me your demands!

The “kidnapper” hesitated a bit, and then he was heartened:

— Let our khan be safe and sound, the people of Kalat have one request...No, they have two requests. Our first request is that you let the ashugs and mughamsingers who have come to the wedding stay in Kalat for some time, and take part in other weddings or merriment.

Nader khan was glad to offer hospitality to the people of Kalat.

— Well, let them stay.. – What is your second request?

— Free Kalat from taxes for this year!

The people of Kalat had helped him a lot in gaining success. That wedding was the first wedding of his children.

— Let it be how you request! I free Kalat from taxes for this year!

After his words said resolvedly the sounds of “long live our khan!” were heard in the maghar. After his words the people of Kalat surrendered the bridegroom to saghdish and soldish. “To kidnap” the bridegroom was a tradition in weddings. All were surprised how the people of Kalat were able to kidnap the bridegroom who was guarded like the apple of an eye. It was impossible to kidnap him. It appeared that Rzaqulu khan himself agreed to be kidnapped. After tak ing a bath they brought the bridegroom again into the maghar. The toybeyi turned towards the guests:

— Aghalar, if you allow, let’s begin praising of our groom!

“Praising of a groom” was also one of the beloved traditions of the nations of Oghuz. The ashug comes forward, plays his saz and calls the names of the guests and asks them to give a gift to him. “Let now come, uncle, aunt, and brother. of our bridegroom!”

The ashug could collect a lot of gifts, gold or silver money.“Praising of a groom” lasted till midnight. The ashug played again the melody of “Mirzayi” and they saw off the bridegroom into the bride’s gerdek.

Outside the friends of the bridegroom were waiting near the nuptial tent and were talking and whispering something in a low voice.

After half an hour the bridegroom went out of the nuptial room. The nations of Oghuz had a tradition. On the day of wedding one of the woman relatives of the girl came together with the girl; she was called “yenge”. On the night of the wedding the yenge shows the bed-sheet to the women of the boy’s side in order to prove the virginity of the girl. If the bride is a virgin the relatives of the boy used to hold three days’ merriment after the wedding. At the end of the three days the bride could “appear” to her father-in -law, brother-in law; in other words, the members of the bridegroom’s family. At that time bride’s father-in-law or brother-in-law used to present precious gifts to the bride. If the bride wasn’t a virgin they used to cut her hair, made her sit on a donkey back to front, gave the halter of the donkey to the yenge and used to see off the girl to her father’s home. So, the family of the girl was disgraced. Then the girl’s father had to give the last order. He might kill her or forgive her fault. At any case, the famlly of the girl became disi graced. At times there could be mistakes through the bridegroom’s fault either by the favoring of an experienced bride or against an innocent girl. Saghdish and yenge had to prove who was right. Though that national tradition seemed a bit strange for the nation where the people observed proprieties, in fact, that tradilion had great spirilual imporitance. The disgrace in a case of be ing dishonest would include all the people. The girl who wasn’t able to defend her chastity wouldn’t be able to defend the honor of firstly her husband, then her family in future; she would easily betray her husband. The betraying woman can’t bring up honest children.

All the traditions of the nations of Oghuz have been alive for centuries. Those traditions were tested and their importance was researched and had become the theme of scientific discussions of the gatherings of the Shahs. The influence of Islam was strong in those traditions. The religion of Isl am had brought fewer rules to the nations of Oghuz. There were already the rules which the religion of Islam suggested.By reason of it Islam was easily adopted in the Turkl sh nations of the East, but that religion wasn’t strictly obeyed there. Durlng the period of the Shahs of Safavid the con fessors were respected very much, but it had more unfavorable discords. Because the people didn’t always esteem the government a great deal, the people always hoped for very much from the government, and were not satisfied. If in that time the religion of Islam was highlighted with unfavorable criticism, religion also had a great role to play. It was necessary for the religion of Islam to be above all the scandals; like having a national spiritual value. Though Nader khan heard some gossiping about the mull ahs he never wanted to become close to them. In the wedding of Rzaqulu, the Akhund didn’t have an important role. Before the eyes of the people he signed the religious marriage. In the signing of marriage the father of the girl took part. If he had died, her mother took part. But if both of them had died her uncle, brother, or her relatives took part. If she didn’t have any relatives, at that case her neighbors could take part in the signing of marriage.

In the wedding of Rzaqulu khan there was nobody from the girl’s side; her guardian or distant relative took part in the signing ceremony of the marriage. From the boy’s side Nader khan, and with his wish Murad took part in the signing as witnesses. For the signing of the document Nader khan paid lot of money. That much money was considered the value of the girl’s virginity, and if they divorced in future that money went to the girl without reserve. Nevertheless, in the nations of Oguz there would only be divorce in rare cases. Normally only death or punishing sword of her husband could part a woman from her husband. But in life there can be any situation, and the rel igion of Isl am took into consideration such kind of situations. While the Akhund muliah Isfendiyar was signing the marriage, he wanted to be aware of the girl’s agreement too. He didn’t ask agreement of Rzaqulu khan; Fatime Rize Beyim’s low voice was heard under the red veil. Then the Akhund gave the signing paper to the witness of the girl’s side. When he said to Rzaqulu khan that “their marriage is broken if he didn’t touch his wife because of any reason, that is to say inexcusable cases” Nader khan heard his words. He didn’t like his words, because if a fighter went to a war he would be far from his wife at times for years. What would happen in that case? Won’t the fighters be bored of the fight if they knew about such kind of rule of religion? Nader khan called the Akhund and commanded him to explain that rule and how it re lated to the fighters. Akhund mul lah Isfendiyar was the head of mullahs in those places, and in his heart he wished to get the title of Sheikh. Only one word from Nader khan’s was enough for the Higher Confessor’s Office of Khorasan or Qum to recognize mullah Isfendiyar as the Sheikh of Shilte. Akhund understood that he had made a mistake that is why he had got into a difficult position. He was able to pull himself out of trouble. He had taken part in different gatherings and had read a lot of books.

— Let the khan be safe and sound! It is good deed to fight for the honor of motherland, nation and people; to die in a fight is the top rank of martyrdom. The fighter who is a martyr will receive the pride of Imam Husain after death! The wife of the fighter is also considered to be the holder of good deeds. Any war is considered an excuse. If it continues for years it won’t damage the marriage! Our Shariat considers it to be an excuse!

The explanation of mullah Isfendiyar made Nader khan lose his anger:

— Sheikh Isfendiyar, if we could try for all the mullahs to speak everywhere like you! — Mull ah Isfendiyar was very pleased when he was called by Nader khan as “Sheikh”. Just at that moment Nader khan’s second order was heard. — Give all the mullahs the task not to seduce the wife of any of my fighters, or to sign their marriage with another man. If I hear something about it I shall cut off their penises and put them into their mouths. I shall pierce them into a prop and keep them at the mosque till three days after their death! Do you understand?

Mullah Isfendiyar could hardly swallow; he affirmed with his head, and said that he understood his order very well.

Nader khan ordered “gifts” to be given to Sheikh Isfendiyar and to see him off. Firstly, Sheikh Isfendiyar didn’t think about any gift. The main point was that his head might be chopped off because of the word he said by mis- take, but then just with the help of his tongue he could es- cape. In addition he was honored with the title which he had wished to receive. Then he noticed that the wedding gift was late. When the milttary leader passed near him he stopped him and said that he was waiting for the marriage money.

If Nader khan didn’t respect the traditions he would let see off the yenge too. If his bride wasn’t a virgin he wouldn’t make it known to all, because she was the aunt of Tahmasb Shah. It was possible to poison her after some days. He also could forgive her for working like a servant in the palace after being captured by the enemy, because she could be raped when she worked as a house-maid. If it was like this, she had to tell the truth, and not deceive her husband. A woman who is a liar is like a witch and her punishment has to be hard. A voice inside him said to him that she was a virgin. If Rize Beyim was a virgin Fatime Sultan Beyim also would be a virgin.

…When Rzaqulu khan went out of the bride’s gerdek the yenge, who was once nurse to the girls in the palace of Sultan Husain, laid ambush near the gerdek, ran towards the tent. All was how she wanted. Then the yenge ran towards the neighboring tents to show the women the bed-sheet. Then the women delivered the news to the men.

An illumination then began in Kalat. It was a way of informing the people of news by means of illumination.They let off rockets which had been brought from Europe by order of Nader khan. There was three days’ merriment after the marriage. Only after the “appearing” of the bride Nader khan could be engaged with daily affairs. After the marriage of his son Nader khan encircled Herat as if it was a wedding gift to his son. At that time the head of the Afghans- Zulfuqar khan, wanted to retreat from Herat. Nader khan ordered his brother Ibrahim khan to block up all the ways of Zulfuqar khan. Before the fight Nader khan had ordered all the fighters to be cruel and merciless, because only in that way they could frighten the Afghans and terrify other enemy troops. It was necessary to avoid another betrayal. Nader khan himself also wanted to fight. He didn’t change his clothes in order to distract the attention of soldiers. He wanted to kill Zulfuqar khan personally. Zulfuqar khan would be able to run from Herat. During the fight Nader khan heard that Zulfuqar khan had hidden himself in Farah. They didn’t have to work much. It just needed one brief attack by each soldier. He knocked some fighters under the feet of his rampaged horse.

At last, on February 27th 1732 of the Christian calendar Nader khan entered Herat. He took revenge for Zulfuqar khan who had run away. He wanted to kill the foolish fighters who were resisting. Nader khan had to solve “the problem of the Afghans” once and for all. From Herat he wanted to go to Farah. When Nader khan heard that Tahmasb Shah, who didn’t take part in the wedding of Rzaqulu khan, was defeated by the Ottomans and was obliged to sign a peace treaty, he directed his army again towards the west.



For some weeks Tahmasb Shah couldn’t sober up after drink ing wine. As soon as he came to himself he had a headache, then he was obliged to drink a bit more. After the victory of Tabriz, he had a drinking bowl, and it was continuing still. The Shah didn’t want to sit on his throne and be interested in state affairs. He put his head on the shin of one of the half-naked concubines who were around him on the carpet and was looking at the dancer shaking her buttocks. At times he called the beauti tul one to come nearer and was dal lying with her, then let her go. He was so tipsy that he didn’t pay attention to the Viziers or advocates around him. Sometimes he made them drink wine too. Then the Shah undressed one of the concubines before their eyes and whored. They observed the proprieties and turned their faces and tried to go out of the room, because after sobering up he could punish them for watching him while whoring. The Viziers and advocates understood very well that if it continued in that way they could lose their posts in future. From the other side Nader’s victory over the Afghans and his encircling Herat meant he stood tall in the esteem of the people. The sensible men in the capital could realize that while speaking about the state it was Nader khan who was meant, because the army was under his control. In the palace Tahmasb Shah had a Vizier by the name of Hasham khan. He was also like the Shah. He also liked drinking, but he hated Nader khan very much. He had drunk too much, and as soon as he heard that name he flew into a rage. Hasham khan, who envied Nader khan for his victories, was thinking of a way to do away with him.

That day Hasham khan had a good opportunity. The Shah was very drunk. Hasham khan was standing aloof from the Shah and was thinking about how to gain his influence. Tahmasb Shah was handling the breast of the next dancer, kissed her, and then he tried to put his head be t tween the legs of the beautiful naked concubine. Suddenly he saw Hasham khan who was standing nearby:

— Why is my Vizier mournful? Come, come nearer to me, and put your head on the knee of one of these beaut i ful girls!

Hasham khan came nearer to the Shah and said:

— Thanks to the favor and advice of our Shah the Vizier can’t be mourntul, — but if you altow me, I shouldn’t lie down, my Shah! Who am I to reach out my feet before the eyes of the Shah?

The Shah reached out his hand and took the full glass of the wine from the hand of the wine-scooper who was always standing near him ready to pour wine. He took a sip of wine and said:

— I order you come and lie down near me or I’ll ask them to lay you down once and for all!

Hasham khan knew that the drunken Shah could do exactly what he said. That was why he came nearer and put his head on the knee of one of the concubines.

Tahmasb Shah looked at the wine-scooper and ordered him:

— Give a bowl of wine to Hasham khan! — Then he turned to Hasham khan. — How are you? — Is it better to put your head on the leg of aconcubine oron the stump? — Then he roared with laughter.

Hasham khan had seen more jokes of the Shah. The Shah was leaning on his elbows and bringing the wine bowl to his lips. He drank half of the wine without pause. Then he wiped with his hands the drops of the wine that fell on his moustache and beard and said:

— Wherever our Majesty advises my head to be that place is better!

The drunken Shah was pleased with his words:

— You still haven’t felt the kisses of this concubine! — The Shah sleeked the lips of the girl with his fingers. — My darling, kiss Hasham khan passionately! — He ordered her.

The concubine said nothing and stooped towards Hasham khan. She pulled the hair of moustache and beard of the khan gently and when his lips were seen she began to kiss him voluptuously. While the concubine was kissing him she slipped her hands towards down him and tried to cover him with the fire of voluptuousness. Tahmasb Shah was watching them attentively. When the concubine moved away from the khan, the cheeks of both of them blushed, their faces were shudderlng. Tahmasb Shah roared with laughter and sleeked the shin of the concubine:

— Have you ever felt such kind of kissing?

Hasham khan came to himself with difficulty and could hardly breathe:

— Both the love and hate of our Shah to his subjects are pleasant, Your Majesty!

Hasham khan was a Persian by origin and his brother-in-law Sulheddin khan was also among the courtiers watching that scene. They had decided beforehand that if a talk against Nader khan began, Sulheddin khan and some courti ers would affirm the words of Hasham khan. Though they turned their faces hither and thither they were waiting for the talk to begin. When the Shah was in high spirits, Hasham khan felt that it was time to begin the talk. He raised himself a little and addressed the Shah:

— Your Majesty, would you allow me to tell you something in your favor?

— I allow you, tell me!

Hasham khan began his talk in a roundabout way:

— Thanks to our Shah our dynasty strengthens day by day. After your order, we got back Tabriz from the Ottomans! Let all of the Ottomans… (He wanted to abuse the Ottomans. Suddenly he remembered that Tahmasb Shah was also from the Turks of Oghuz by origin and at present the Shah spoke in Turki sh. That was why he gave up abusing him)..You will get back all of the lands from them! Nakhchivan, Irevan Tiflis… Your Majesty, but there is one problem.

The Shah asked:

— What is that problem?

— The problem is that Nader khan considers all the victories to be his but not yours…

— What does it mean “considers them to be his”? -The Shah raised his brows, there was surprise on his face. — I am the Shah of this country, am not I?

— You are, Your Majesty!

— If it is thus why aren’t all the victories considered as mine?

Hasham khan had found the weak point of the Shah. Now it was necessary to complicate the problem.

— See, Your Majesty, Nader khan encircled Herat; as soon as he occupies Herat, both respect and his fame will be great…

Hasham khan hinted at Sulheddin khan to meddle in the talk. Sulheddin khan came nearer to the Shah:

— If the Shah allows me…

Tahmasb Shah interrupted the word of Sulheddin khan angrily:

— I allow you, be quick!

— My Shah, wherever Nader khan enters, whichever country he conquers, he appoints one of his own followers to be a ruler there. He makes the people give food, saddle-carts, camels and horses to supply the army. He gives all the orders with his name. If it continues like this after some time Nader khan will behave like the Shah.

As Tahmasb Shah stared at an unknown point, his eyes were shining furiously. Suddenly he smiled, remembering something, and waved his hand in an indifferent way:

— Hmmm… It is nonsense! I have given him all the power, at any time I may get back his power. – He turned towards Hasham khan: -What do you offer, Hasham khan?

At that time Hasham khan could tell the Shah about his offer, which he was thinking of for days in order to do away with Nader khan.

— Your Majesty, I think in our country it isn’t only Nader khan who is a warlord and fighting person. It must be proved to Nader khan himself, for him to know how to behave.

The Shah asked impatiently:

— How?

— My Shah, the Ottomans are very weak now. After Nader khan occupied Tabriz the palace in Istanbul was overrun. The people in the palace were thinking only of their own futures. My Shah, it is just the right time! It is necessary to act in order to mirror the victory of Nader khan in Tabriz.

— What does it mean “to act”?

— Your Majesty, if we begin to act, we may occupy Nakhchivan and Irevan very easily.

Tahmasb Shah curled his lips, began to gaze at the designs of the wall and thought a bit. He didn’t wish to wage a war.

— What shall we gain?

— My Shah, after our victory the people will think that the Shah can act without Nader khan.

— If we lose the war?

— Firstly, I don’t think that we may lose the war if the Ottomans are weak. Secondly, if we lose the war, the Shah is the Shah! There are a lot of persons on whom we can put the blame. You may put the blame on Nader khan. We may float the idea that Nader khan took all the fighting forces, and that is why we lost the war.

It was as if Hasham khan was finally able to make the Shah believe, because after his last words the Shah didn’t object. After some talking Tahmasb Shah believed Hasham khan and decided to wage a war. The Shah closed his eyes, thought for a while and slumbered. Then he asked half-asleep:

— How many troops may fight against the Ottomans?

— Seventeen to eighteen thousand fighters, my Shah!

Tahmasb Shah thought again without opening his eyes. On his face there was both delight and arrogance.

— Well, well, be ready! -He ordered as he was lying down and raising his head and a hand little. Then he fell asleep, putting his head between the legs of the naked concubine. The naked concubine began to sleek his hair and beard, and looked with pride at the other concubines and dancers.

On 31st January 1731 of the Christian calendar, Tahmasb Shah directed troops of eighteen thousand fighters towards Hamadan from Isfahan. In Hamadan he sent a salutatory letter to Sultan Mahmud the First about his coming to the throne. It was the way of Nader khan. He also sent a messenger to Shamakhy, to Surkhay khan with demands to obey him. Surkhay khan then chopped off the head of the messenger to show his devot ion to Is tanbul and together with a letter he sent the chopped head to Topqapi.

The troops of the Shah moved towards Tabriz from Hamadan. In Tabriz Tahmasb Shah removed the ruler of Tabriz from his post; Muhammad khan Qajar, who was appointed to that post by Nader khan, make an excuse which was not greeted well, and he appointed anotherman to the postwith the dictated message of Hasham khan.

At the beginning the military operations of Tahmasb Shah were successful. The army, moving forward to Nakhchivan from Tabriz occupied those places without any resistance. Tahmasb Shah was obliged to retreat towards Tabriz after unsuccessfully encircling Irevan for eighteen days. Events were changing very quickly and Tahmasb Shah had difficulty in adopting orders quickly. According to the letter of Ahmet pasha from Baghdad the troops of Ali pasha, the ruler of Irevan, began to pursue the troops of Tahmasib Shah which were re treati ng. Ahmet pasha entered Kirmanshah and Ardalan without any resistance from the direction of Baghdad, and then he moved towards Hamadan.

Tahmasb Shah was in difficult situation, but he didn’t want to show his weakness; trying to remember what Nader khan did during such situations. He even put his hand on his sword like Nader khan did, and began to walk up and down in thought. Neither his voice nor nor his steps were like Nader khan’s.

In order not to give Hamadan to the Ottomans he camped twenty kilometers from the city and was preparing to rush into a fight.

The Shah was thinking that he would easily win in that fight. There the Qizilbashs and the Ottomans were face to face. The Shah thought that the Ottomans would think that suddenly Nader khan might appear, that was why they would be frightened and wouldn’t fight so courageously. He thought that he belonged to the family of the mighty Shahs and he had a military commander like Nader khan, which was why he ordered his troopers to attack the centre of the Otiomans. The Qizilbashs got superiority for some time. The Ottomans put up a resistance until the end of the fight and several times they defeated the attacks of the troopers. The fight of the infantry troop from the side of the Qizilbashs was very weak and feeble. They fought unwillingly and as if they avoided attacking the Ottomans. Each time, after the roaring and smoke of the Otiomans’ guns there were hundreds of red capped fighters dead on the ground and it frightened Tahmasb Shah too much. When the Ottoman soldiers attacked the Qizilbashs, the situation was very sorrowful and Tahmasb Shah escaped from being encircled with only difficulty. He ran to Isfahan with a small group. If Ahmet pasha continued the attack as far as Isfahan, he would be able to occupy the city without any difficulty. Ahmet pasha was satisfied to capture Hamadan and Abkhar. Ali pasha occupied Khoy, Salmas, Maragha and Tabriz without resistance. The briliiant victory gained by Nader khan some time ago was in vain.

Tahmasb Shah returned to Isfahan and began to spend his time drinking wine and having a good time as if nothing

had happened.

On 10th January in 1732 in the Christian calendar a treaty was signed between Tahmasb Shah and Ahmet pasha. According to the treaty, except Tabriz which was occupied by Nader khan, Tiflis, Irevan, Ganja, Nakhchivan, Georgian Charliq of Kakheti and Kart, some parts of Shirvan and Dagestan remained in the hands of the Ottomans.In Topqapi they couldn’t accept Tabriz remaining in the hands of the Qizilbashs. That time the responsible man was seen the chief Vizier Topal Osman. The people of Istanbul demanded the removal of Topal Osman from his post. Sultan Mahmud the First sent Topal Osman to Irevan in order that the people might be reassured. He appointed Ali pasha Hekimoghlu to Topal Osman’s post.


Tahmasb Shah didn’t take lesson from his de feat. He was thinking about doing away with Nader khan, possessing his successes and the country independently. He was sick of Nader khan. Wherever he went they mentioned Nader’s name. Hasham khan explained during their talks that the name of Nader khan was famous among the people, but not the Shah’s. While hearing about it Tahmasb Shah envied Nader’s success; he forgot everything, even how Nader khan helped him in returning to the throne, and he also forgot that they were relatives.

Hasham khan was always near the Shah. He tried to pour doubt on the fame of Nader khan, and make him believe that Nader khan was guilty in all his failure. In the palace a number supported Hasham khan and said “yes” to all of his words. Hasham khan had also a private purpose. He was thinking of placing his close followers in high posts and ruling Tahmasb Shah, for he spent most of his time in drinking and having a good time, and had no experience. In order to gain this purpose, firstly, he had render Nader khan harmless and to remove him from ruling the government. Hasham khan was thinking that if he could remove Nader khan of his post, in future he could claim to be the Shah. Hasham khan would be able to make the Shah believe that it was necessary to sign a treaty with the Russians and the Ottomans with any conditions they wanted. Then it would be peaceful for them. He knew well that if the country didn’t have any foreign enemy, the force of Nader khan would weaken fivefold. In that situation it wouldn’t be difficult to do away with him. That was why the main measures of Hasham khan were firstly to sign an urgent peace treaty with the Ottomans, and after signing the treaty with them, to begin talks with the Russians, to sign another treaty. For that reason Tahmasb Shah had sent Hasham khan to Resht and had empowered him. Hasham khan was therefore in Resht. After some time he would receive a special messenger of the Russian empress, of Anna Ivanovna, Byron Shafirov and general Levashov. For some days they were having talks and Hasham khan had agreed to sign the shameful treaty offered by Russia.

At last, they informed Hasham khan that Byron Shafirov and general Levashov were in the home of the ruler of Resht. Hasham khan was also in the home of the ruler of Resht, which was why he went from his cell to the reception room. He had also removed Ismayil bey from the talks. He had been es tab lishing dip lo matic re la tions with Russian for years.

As soon as Hasham khan entered the reception room Shafirov and Levashov stood up. The khan came nearer to the ambassadors, greeted them with the help of an interpreter, and directed their attention to the fact that Tahmasb Shah agreed to any conditions to live in peace with the Rus- sian troops.

In turn, Byron Shafirov said that Empress Anna Ivanovna recognized the government of the Qizilbashs and wished to live in peace with the eastern troops.

Hasham khan said:

— Tahmasb Shah also wants peace and wishes to sign a peace treaty with the great state of Russia.

Levashov, who had taken part in occupation of Ardabil, was disquieted about Nader khan, and he asked the Vizier:

— Hasham khan, how will you establish rel ations with Nader khan?

As soon as Hasham khan heard the name of Nader khan, he got angry, but he tried not to show his anger.

— We don’t interfere in the home affairs of Russia. Nader khan has been appointed by Tahmasb Shah the chief warlord of the state, and if it is necessary our Shah will remove him of his post.

Levashov knew Nader khan very well and greeted him many times which was why he understood that all what Hasham khan said was nonsense. From Saint -Petersburg there had come firm instructions to establish relations with Nader khan too. They knew well that even if the Shah wanted to remove him from his post he wouldn’t really remove such a successful warlord. But Nader khan recognized the Shah too. For those reasons to hold a conversation with the messengers of the Shah partly favored the Russians, because they wouldn’t sign such kind of a treaty with Nader khan; because all the conditions of the treaty were in Rus- sia’s favor. Levashov answered Hasham khan only by smiling because he was aware of all that. To smile was also a diplomatic answer. Shafirov was interested only in the text of the treaty and nothing else. He read the text of the treaty once more and asked:

— Mister Hasham khan, do you agree with this paragraph of the treaty? —

— Which paragraph do you mean?

— I speak about this paragraph, that is, within five months the Russian troops will leave the territ ories they have occupied, only the north banks of the river Kur re — mains under their control…

The Russian diplomacy had trapped the Qizilbashs. According to the treaty, the Russian troops would leave from the north territories of the river Kur and in the case of the Ottomans would leave the territories which the Qizilbashs occupied. It could continue for years. Simply, the reason for their leaving the west shores of the Caspian Sea, which was that in Resht, Mazandaran, Gilan, Anzeli, Lankaran people were catching illnesses and thirteen thousand Russian soldiers had died in Gilan. The Russian troops were dying like hens not being able to bear heat. They didn’t need the west shores of the Caspian Sea except Baku and Darband. The Russians also were aware of the conditions under which, on 10th of January the Qizilbashs signed a treaty with the Ottomans. The Ot tomans would never leave those territ ories with out war.

— Yes, Tahmasb Shah agrees with your conditions. — Hasham khan said. — Tahmasib Shah is a peace-loving person who is satisfied! We may sign the treaty!

At last, Hasham khan from the side of the Qizilbashs, and Byron Shafirov from the side of Russia signed the treaty.

Both of the sides were pleased. The Russian side was pleased for officially affirming the occupied lands; Hasham khan was pleased for having escaped from foreign interference and directing all his force against Nader khan.

“…I couldn’t easrly come to my proper senses. AfSer those successes, I was going to occupy the lands of Farah and Qandahar. After the occupation of Herat there was a good chance for it. The bad news I had received struck me. I lost my interest in everything. The lands of the motherland which I had freed toiling for days, were given into the hands of enemies by the idi ot Tahmasib Shah. I wanted to go to Kalat not carsng about anyrhing. The Avshars never be r trayed the Shahs of Safavid and their families. In my mind, there was no idea about betrayal. I couldn’t any more obey that scoundrel Shah who had refused what I had done for him, disS ributed my Azerbaijan, my nice motherS and be r tween the Ottomans and the Russians. How could it be that in the time when the Ottomans agreed even to give Baghdad and the Russians were ready to leave Baku and Darband, Tahmasb Shah signed a deceptive treaty and rubbed out the black lines which I had gained? When the herald told me that bad news it was as if I was going mad: “How much of a fool the man is who will give to other hands all our victories and sign such kind of a shameful treaty”. As if all these were little he had also removed Muhammad khan Qajar whom I had appointed ruler and appointed to the post a person who was Persian in origin. — To appoint the ruler of which country? — Tabriz! I knew very well that for thousand years there had been no ruler in Tabriz except the Turks. As soon as Muhammad khan Qajar was sent away from Tabriz, the city was surrendered to Ali pasha without a fight. The Qajars had always been the supporters of Tabriz. It was guilt to come to throne without knowing all about it. To change the ruler of Tabriz in that situation was real foolishness! How long do I have to free people and then that fool Shah will give them to the hands of enemy? How long will this go on?!

Finally, the worst point was that the shameful defeat of Tahmasb Shah aroused pessimism among my fighters. It is right; the army was developing according my plans, but in the fight spiritual courage was also needed. I considered it one of the decisive points of any war. If the army isn’t optimistic, at that time though fifty thousand soldiers fight against five thousand enemies defeat will be inescapable.

That turning point of my life had shaken me badly. I couldn’t come to myself for a month. I didn’t go out, nor received anybody. One day I gathered myself and said: “No, it can no longer continue thus!” -“If it continues in this way the whole country will be distributed among the Afghans, the Russians, the Persians and the Ottomans. Nothing will remain from the great empire and Azerbaijan, created by our ancestors. I had to show my power. Both Istanbul and Saint Petersburg should know in whose hands the real power was, and who should sign the treaty. In myself I made my final decision that the state of Safavid mustn’t be overthrown, it is a crime, the people won’t forgive it, but Tahmasb Shah mustn’t be in power. I decided to give him a last chance. If he agreed to fight against the Ottomans, I would hope his mind was changing; I should forgive him for the ties of relationship between us and should give up my thoughts.

Our ancestors aren’t guilty if their great-great-grandchildren have become so clumsy. The people respected and favored the Shahs of Safavid. They had gained the respect of the people by their worthy service to the people and country. The country mustn’t fall sacrifice to the inactivity of the heir. The Shahs of Safavid were not only the grandfathers of them! They were grandfathers of all the Qizilbashs!

I wrote a letter to the Sultan and I demanded he free all Azerbaijani lands which were occupied by the Ottomans. If they didn’t agree with me I informed them I would wage a war and occupy Istanbul. At the same time, I sent a herald to Baghdad, to Ahmet pasha. I warned him that my first march would be to Baghdad. I warned him to be ready for war! In this way, I had taken my first steps. For the present, I let only the Russians be quiet for a while. I decided to be more strict with those “yellow eared” Russians and to have a special talk. I received information that they had begun to empty some territories as they agreed in the treaty.

Now it was time to solve the problems within the country and to prove to the people that the treaty which Tahmasb Shah had signed with the Russians and the Ottomans had no power.

Firstly, I sent a statement to all the rulers, sheiks, leaders of Shiite, mollabashis of provi nces, and to Isfahanto Tahmasb Shah. The statement was headed “To the government, to the people and to all the courtiers of the state!” At the end of the statement I informed them that we should not recognize such a shameful treaty.

My statement was well received and all admired my strong will. But though all the rulers sent answers to my statement, and appraised my statement, the Shah’s court kept silent. I had already decided what to do. After Novruz holiday I went out from Herat with a big army and moved towards Meshed. In Meshed I sent Hasanali bey to Isfahan and wrote a letter to meet with the Shah either in Qum or in Tehran and to march together against the Ottomans. I gave him the last chance I had meant beforehand.”

…Tahmasb Shah was hardly sitting on his throne. Because of sleeplessness his eyes were red, and he had a bad headache because of light-headedness. But Hasham khan was looking hale and hearty. He managed all the affairs instead of the Shah, gave tasks, and caused him to sign orders and directions. In the palace all obeyed Hasham khan; whatever he ordered they had to fulfill. They had made the Shah sit on his throne to answer the messenger, to Hasanali bey, the messenger of Nader khan. If there was another messenger Hasham khan would answer him in the Shah’s name, and see him off himself. But he was Nader khan’s messenger. In spite of Hasham khan having authority in the palace he was a bit afraid of Nader khan because he knew what Nader khan was capable of doing.

While Hasanali bey entered the reception room of the palace Tahmasb Shah was slumbering. Hasham khan came nearer to him and cleared his throat:

— Your Majesty, Nader khan’s herald has come to you.

Tahmasb Shah could hardly open his eyes:

— What does Nader khan want this time? — Then he began to laugh to himself remembering something. – Nader khan disgraced us in the world with his arrogant statement. Now what does he demand?

Hasanali bey didn’t pay atieniion to the Shah’s ironic speaking:

— My Shah, Nader khan had an idea to march to Qandahar after occupying Herat. Upon learning of the defeat of your troops he sent his army of thousands from Herat to Meshed.

Though Tahmasb Shah didn’t understand the meaning of the words of Hasanali bey, Hasham khan easily realized what he wanted to say. Hasanali bey’s words meant that the soldiers of the Shah couldn’t fight, but Nader khan was the masier of his profession. He who works best knows his trade.

— Then? — The sleepy Shah asked.

— Then Nader khan ordered me to deliver to you that he wanted to meet you either in Qum or in Tehran.

— Then?

Nader khan ordered that we should march together towards Baghdad. His purpose is to free our eternal city, Baghdad, and other conquered cities.

Hasham bey saw the necessity of interfering in the talking, and arrogantly asked Hasanali bey:

— What does Nader khan say? Your Majesty has already signed a treaty with the Ottomans. There is the Shah’s word and seal in the treaty! What about them?

Suddenly the Shah also remembered the treaty with the Ot to mans:

— Really? I have signed a treaty with the Sultan! What about the peace treaty?

— I don’t know, my Shah! -Hasanali bey said. Nader khan gave me a task to detiver his words to you. I fulfilled his task.

Hasham khan again interrupted and talked instead of the Shah:

— Now our Shah doesn’t feel well. As soon as there is a suitable time for the meeting we shall inform you.

Hasanali bey understood that the answer meant avoiding the Shah meeting with Nader khan. In the court all was determined by Hasham khan. It was necessary to deliver all the news to Nader khan.

At last, the Shah told Hasanali bey resolutely:

— Detiver to Nader khan my word that I don’t want to break the conditions of the treaty which I had signed. It would be better if Nader khan didn’t go out of Herat.

Hasanali bey felt sure that he wouldn’t hear a clever answer from the Shah:

— If it is thus, allow me to go and deliver your words to Nader khan!

— I allow, go and deliver!

No sooner had Hasanali bey left the room the guards- men entered:

— Your Majesty, at the gates of the palace there is a man with the appearance of a beggar pretending that he is your brother Ismayil Mirza.

— Who is? Who is? — Tahmasb Shah awoke hearing his brother’s name; his eyes goggled.

The head of the watchmen spoke urgently:

— He says that he is… your… brother, Your Majesty!

— Be quick, bring him here!

The guardsmen went out uncertainly:

— All right, Your Majesty!

Ten years ago when Mahmud khan was in Isfahan, the Shah’s brothers Safi Mirza and Ismayil Mirza were captured by Mahmud Shah. Only Tahmasb Shah was able to get out of the city before it was encircled. At times he was informed that Safi Mirza had appeared here and there, in Istanbul or in Shirvan; he showed himself like a Shahzade. Throughout a period of ten years it was the first time that he heard about Ismayil Mirza. The Shah thought that he had died. See, he himself had found his brother.

A person entered the room. He was in a rage, his face was burnt and cut, and he appeared like a beggar. He didn’t bow to the Shah in defiance of the orders.

The Shah roared with laught er seeing him presenting himself like a Shahzade.

— Are you my brother Ismayil?

— Yes, Tahmasb, I am your brother Ismayil!

When he named only Tahmasb, not call ing him Shah; not only the Shah but also Hasham khan were surprised. He was thinking that interesting events would happen in the palace. The person who presented him like the Shahzade either would be unmasked and a ring of cord would be twined round his throat or...No, Hasham khan didn’t want to think about other thought. He hadn’t finished his struggle against Nader khan; it would be difficult for him to struggle against other pretender.

— How can you prove that you are my brother? — The Shah was still looking at the person with interest and surprise. The person was in rags and with a poor appearance, but in his eyes there could be felt nobleness. — Neither your appearance nor your face looks like a Shahzade.

— My appearance is like a beggar, because I have been a prisoner for ten years. The appearance of my face is connected with burning. We have been brought up together, Tahmasb! We had secrets which belonged only to us! Do you remember? You may ask any question about those years.

Hearing his words Tahmasb Shah was confused. That man didn’t look like a swindler or a madman. The Shah curled his lips, he screwed up his eyes and stared at that man. He decided resolutely to ask him a question about one childhood memory which he always remembered.

— Well, tell me, whom did we always look at when the women of the palace took a bath in the bath-house?

Ismayil smiled ironically and answered without think-


— To our wet nurse!

— To our wet nurse?! — Tahmasb Shah swallowed admiringly; he raised himself up a little and could hardly ask him:

— Why?

— Because her breast was too big! There was a big birthmark on her right breast!

Tahmasb Shah fell on the throne faintly. He had no doubt anymore; the person standing at him was his native brother Ismayil.In order to believe him wholly, so as not to doubt a little he asked him another question:

— What did you call me? What was my nickname?

— You? The “beggar” smiled ironically, — he who looks through the hole of a key.

— What was your nickname?

— Coward!

— Where did you like to hide yourself mostly?

— Under the pleated skirt of our nurse!

No one could know all of this except Ismayil. No one would pay attention to such kind of details and remember. Only the person who lived that life could remember. The Shah stood up, reached out his arms towards Ismayil:

— My brother!

Ismayil ran towards Tahmasb:

— My Shah!

The two brothers threw themselves upon each other and began to cry. After becoming calmer Tahmasb Shah told him: “Now speak and tell me all that has happened during these ten years”. Both of them went towards the cell of the Shah hugging each other.

Hasham khan stood in a daze. He managed to come to himself only when the brothers left the room. He bustled about the room, tried to do something; but he could do nothing. Now he had a twofold difficulty. In the worst case the Shah could give all his affairs to his brother. The Shah wouldn’t allow him to be without work, and maybe he was much cleverer and more sagacious than Tahmasb Shah. It would be worse for him… All of his wish, all of his dreams… All would be of no purpose! Hasham khan thought: “I must act quickly!”

He felt that his brother-in-law (his wife’s brother) Sulheddin khan was looking at him, and he asked him to come nearer. When Sulheddin khan approached him he said:

— Did you see? -Hasham khan said. -His was the only empty place! Only his lost brother’s place was empty in the palace!

— What do you plan to do, Hasham agha?

— What do I think? Nothi ng! I know well that Ismayil Mirza may be in our way! At that time neither you nor I will remain in this place! We must take every step!

— Which steps? Who am I before you for to think about steps?!

Though Hasham khan was sick of humbleness and foolish questions, he was able to pull himself together:

— You must do what I ask you. We must use all the tricks against Ismayil Mirza that we used against Tahmasb Shah. But not you; instigate three or fourof your foli owers, let them be friends of Ismayil Mirza while drinking wine. Let Ismayil Mirza also drink wine all day long and have a good time from morning till midnight.

Sulheddin bey tried to understand; he blinked:

— I understood all you said. What will happen then, Hasham agha?

— If we carry out all I asked you, then it will be easy for us! While they have a drinki ng-bout you must make the Shahzade believe that he is the real holder of the throne. You must talk for a long time. Then we must whisper in the ear of the Shah what he said. Then I know what to do. If Ismayil Mirza becomes drunk andstarts to say any word against the Shah! Do you understand? We must make them quarrel; we need to embroil the brothers.

On the face of Sulheddin khan there was a smile. He liked the trickery of Hasham khan.

— Your mind is keen, Hasham agha!

— If my mind wasn’t so keen I wouldn’t be in this post in the palace. Carry out my order; I shall be busy with other matters!

— All right, Hasham agha!

…After two months Tahmasb Shah accused his brother Ismayil Mirza of rebellion in the palace and Sulheddin khan and some others were executed by order of the Shah. Hasham khan couldn’t rescue his brother-in-law from death.

“…Hasanali bey, whom I had sent to Tehran, came back. I received him and asked about his meeting with the Shah. Uniil the re turn of Hasanali khan to Tehran I had hoped that Tahmasb Shah would accept my proposal and we should march together to Baghdad. Only the Great God knows all that I had done to strengthen the Qizilbashs and Azerbaijan.

Hasanali bey spoke a lot about his visit to Isfahan. At last, he said:

— Tahmasb Shah doesn’t want to leave Isfahan, my khan!

I didn’t know what to say:

— Why doesn’t he want to?

— He says that he concluded a peace treaty with the Ottomans and he doesn’t want to break the treaty.

I expected everything from Tahmasb Shah but not such kind of answer.

— What should I do now? — How was the Shah?

— The Shah was talking to me half-sleepily. In Isfahan our people say that Hasham khan removed the Shah from all state affairs. He causes him to drink all day so as to rule the state himself. He brings beautiful concubines from Rus- sia and holds drinking-bouts for him. The Shah is always drunk; he hasn’t any sober moments.

It appeared that I had to carry out my last step. I had thought about that in its de tails; I bel ieved that it would bring me success. That is why I called my brother Ibrahim khan and gave him instructions:

— Write a letter to the heads of all the stocks of Qizilbash, and send the letters. Tell them to be in Isfahan by the middle of the last month of summer. Let the rulers of the provinces around Isfahan also come there.

— All right, my khan! -said Ibrahim khan:

— Well, I have to charge you to a serious task!

My brother was very devoted to me. Though in the books that my teachers read me in my free time nothing was written about this brotherly devotion. All those books were written by the Rum, the French, the Chinese and the Persian scientists; that is why I wanted to add something there. It was a matter of faith. For the nations of Oghuz, faithful, devoted persons were as valuable and important as national riches. That was why I could trust my affairs to my brother.

— Please, my khan, whatever you ask me I shall carry out willingly.

I started my talk in a roundabout way:

— You know, my brother, in Isfahan we have neither a house nor a palace. But we are leaving for there with troops of twenty thousand soldiers. I am sure if we planned our task correctly, we shouldn’t need troops either. Tomorrow go to Isfahan after sending the letters. Take however much money you need, but carry out all that I say to you.

— Be fully confident, my khan!

— Listen to me attentively, Ibrahim! In Isfahan there is a big garden by the name of Khazarjebir; in that garden there are inns and a large square. Take it for rent, for me. Pay however much money the owner of the garden wants. Then bring monthly food for a thousand men, but wine for two thousand men. Pay all the musicians, clowns, concubines and dancers and place them there and prepare.

Ibrahim khan asked worriedly:

— What is your purpose, my khan?

— You will know in Isfahan. As soon as you carried out what I had asked inform me!

Ibrahim khan said: “All right” and he went out.

I was sure that all my plans would become true, because I had prepared attentively and in great details. I didn’t even tell my brother about some points. It was better if he didn’t know all the details and then his task would be interesting for him.

After a month Ibrahim khan sent me news that everything was ready, and he asked me to go there.

I went from Tehran to Isfahan with a troop of twenty thousand soldiers. On 25th of August in 1732 on the Christian calendar I kept my troops apart from the walls of the tower and together with my companions I entered the city. I went straight away to the palace. The Shah was again half-sleepy as Hasanali bey said. I didn’t see Hasham khan. Tahmasb Shah greeted me in a friendly manner and said to me: “You are welcome!” In my turn I wished the Shah to live a long, healthy life.

— My Shah, I have come to Isfahan to discuss with you some state affairs…

The Shah interrupted my words:

— Stop, Nader khan, I have heard that you have rented the garden of Khazarjebir for a month. Is it right?

— It is right, my Shah!

— Well, very well! If it is thus, it appears that you are here for thirty days. I haven’t been there for a long time. On the occasion of your coming to Isfahan it would be very good if you held a feast for some days, then we might discuss state affairs. Do you object?

— No, Your Majesty! -I said.

Tahmasb Shah said merrily:

— Hi, aghas, we are the guests of Nader khan from today!

Once more I felt sure that none of the state affairs could be discussed with the Shah. He didn’t even ask about his aunt or sister; he didn’t ask about their situation.

I held a feast for three days and three nights for the Shah. During that time all the people to whom I had sent the letter had already come. During those three days our Shah and his shamel ess and smug courti ers did whatever they wanted. Wine had made them so drunk that they paid attention to nothing. The Shah undressed near the guests, then he caught one of the concubines and fornicated with her, or he pulled the beard of one of other respected guests and obliged him to have sex with a concubine before the eyes of all the people. In this way he wanted him to demonstrate his man li ness.

I ordered all the respected people of the city to come and watch that “comedy”. It made no difference for Tahmasb Shah. The simple people, the heads of the stocks, mollabashis, sheikhs and respected court iers watched the Shah and his courtiers. They waved their heads, and then kept aloof.

At last, afler some discussions we decided to hold a small Kurultay, because all the heads of the stocks, rulers of provinces and men of religion were there. On the 2nd September the represenlalives of the Kurultay voted unanl ; mously to re fuse Tahmasb Shah the throne, in favour of Abbas III. I was appointed to be the chief of Shah Abbas III, who was only an eight month child.

On 5th of September I put Tahmasb Shah under house arrest, and I sent him to live in Meshed with his family and to be a pilgrim till his death. The head of Hasham khan fell

on the stump of execution after one day.

Now all the ways were open to carry out all my wishes…”


“…; was ready to the fight against the Ottomans. I had given out the all tasks necessary to prepare for the fighti ng; we had stocking up. But suddenly it was discovered that in the province of Bakhtiyaris the population had killed the ruler who had been appointed by me, and then they ran to the mountainous places. They often attacked Bandar Abbas and other neighboring towns, destroying there, and plundering the people. That was why I decided to do away with the rebels. On 19th October of the Christian calendar I went out of Isfahan and moved towards the fortress of Banavar where they had hidden themselves in a mountainous place. There I kept those evil rebels encircled for twenty one days. Hunger broke down their resistance. I killed their chief who was starving of hunger by not surrendering to me but hunger. Our swords were also covered with much blood. When the revolt was suppressed I ordered three thousand of their fami l ies to move to Khorasan. It was necessary to separate out those who made the interests of the country fall sacrifice to the interests of small provinces and personal relations! It was necessary for the other provinces, and those who may be persuaded to rebel, to learn a lesson.

The solution of the problem connected with Bakhtiyaris directed all my attention towards the Ottomans. I went directly to Kirmanshah from Luristan. The Ottomans left Kirmanshah after a shirt siege. In Kirmanshah I combined the main army units and began to go forward to the borders of the Ottomans. I wasn’t going to give up my idea of fighting against them. Ahmet pasha had set up a strong defense line in Darn, Mandal and Badr. He had built field engineering and walls, and he had supplied each of them with long-range guns. I thought that if I att acked openly that field engineering which had been strongly built and was well guarded I should win, but half of my troops would be killed too. There was one way for less loss. -To attack through the impassable snowy mountains, behind the precipitous cliff! In my troop no one knew about my plans for the operation. I didn’t betieve that any of fighters would turn and fight for the enemy. The fighter who was captured and betrayed me knew very well that he would be found by me, would be killed after chopping him into two parts and all of his fami ly would be turned out. Those who demonstrated heroism knew that all of their families would be under my protection, which was why they were unafraid of dying. If a fighter is sure that his family will live prosperously after his death, at least he consoles himself with it and doesn’t avoid death. The matter of a family is a weak point for Moslems. If a man is fully confident about his family he feels power in his arms. For me to care for my fighters’ family was very important. They had seen how cruel I used to be against those who hurt a fighter’s family; in the army some persons floated different rumors about my cruelty. That was both before the fight and during the fight. Ahmet pasha would never think that I could plan such a kind of operation and would carry it out. For this purpose, I called Murad to come to my place.

— Murad, I want to give you a laborious task. I must say that it is a hard task, its sot ution is impossible. But I know only you can manage this task.

— Please, my khan, whatever you order me I am ready to carry out willingly!

— If it is thus, let’s go out of the rent!

My tent was built on the top of the hill. From a distance the field engineering and snowy mountains behind it could be seen. I reached out my hand towards the mountains and asked:

— Do you see those mountains?

— Yes, my khan, I see. -Murad answered proudly.

— See, you must pass those mountains by the side of Yanqiz; that is to say from the south and south-west side and attack the field engineering from behind.

Murad looked at the snowy mountains, screwed his eyes a little and answered, staring the mountains:

— I can, my khan, I can. -I can manage…

I always liked such kind of answers, because he also was a devoted, trusted, brave and courageous man.

In that field engineering there are three thousand defenders in all, Murad. They can achieve success over our troops of thirty or forty thousand fighters who attack from the clearing. We are in the clearing now. I don’t want to lose half of my troops just in the first attack. There will be a lot of fights in future. For this reason your exceptional service is needed.

— Order me, my khan!

— You must take five thousand fighters and pass through those mountains, and attack suddenly from behind. A guide will be with you. Choose the fighters who were brought up in mountainous places. Well, are you ready?

— Yes, my khan!

— Remember well! You have twenty four hours in all. If you start tomorrow, early in the morning, during the morning ritual, the next day during morn ing azan our banners must be raised in that field engineering, our soldiers must perform ritual prayer there.

Murad asked surprisingly:

— How many hours?

— Only a day in all I said and made a joke. – What, maybe it is too much?

— No, my khan, it is enough…

I had thought about it over and over, I had learned from the guide how many hours, together with resting it was possible to reach there and attack from behind. I trusted Murad very much. He would be the main hero of that fight…”

...It was towards dawn. After a little time the dawn ritual worship would begin. Ahmet pasha was sitting in a large room built in the field engineering for pashas. He had done ablution to perform ritual worship. But he didn’t have a desire to perform ritual worship. His counselor Hasan bey woke up and was rubbing his eyes, sitting on the stool. They were bored from sitting idly and began to discuss the strength of their field engineering. In fact, by speaking they wanted to console themselves. Ahmet pasha Bajili was fully confident that the field-engineers would be able to beat off the attacks of Nader khan.

Those fields engineering were built in 1639 in the Chris- tian calendar, after the shameful treaty signed between the Ottomans and the Safavids could take under their control the south, and south-west territories. Those field engineering had never been occupied till they were built. That was why Ahmet pasha Bajili was fully confident in himself and was thinking about why Nader khan decided to attack from there. His counselor Hasan bey who dispersed his thoughts was also thinking about that question:

— My pasha, as for you, why did Nader khan decide to attack from the south, why wouldn’t he attack from the north side? There, except the fortress there is no field engineering. But the length of the walls of field engineering is some kilometers and have never been occupied.

Ahmet pasha was guessing the quest ions of his counselor:

— Firstly, the north way is too long; it will take too much time. It is necessary to feed, to drink, to dress, and lastly to ensure the army have all that is necessary. Secondly, it is very cold in the north; it will create additional difficulties for Nader khan. Thirdly, from here it is easier to enter Iraq and to move towards Baghdad. Aft er Yanqiz the plain of Iraq begins.

Hasan bey smiled being pleased with himself:

— Nader khan has computed all these correctly. It appears that his counselors work well.

— Let me tell you that he is a new marvel of the East, believe me! I shouldn’t want to meet such kind of genius warlord.

— The new marvel of the east hasn’t understood one point well though.

— What do you mean?

— I mean the impassability of our field engineering! See, from one side walls of field engineering, from another the wide river dividing the distance, and from another the natural trenches from precipitous cliffs. If Nader khan wanted to pass through there, he would have to leave the largest part of his army at the bottom of the mount ain of Yanqiz as corpses.

Suddenly Ahmet pasha Bajili remembered something;

— What did you say?

Hasan bey pulled himself up:

— What do you mean, my pasha?

— You said that what is in one side and what is in other side?

— I said that from one side there are walls, from other side there is river.

— What did you say then?

— I said that from other side there are natural trenches, precipitous cliffs, chains of mountains…

— Precipitous cliffs?

— Yes, my pasha!

Ahmet pasha Bajili was lost in thought:

— Now I understand why Nader khan wants to pass through here…

— Why does he want to, my pasha?

Pasha asked his counselor in a worried manner:

— Are there defenders on the precipitous cliffs?

— No, my pasha, precipitous cliffs are behind us. There is no need to put defenders there.

Ahmet pasha shouted anxiously:

— Be quick! Hurry up, Hasan bey; it appears that we have met with a difficulty!

Just at that moment from outside there was heard noises of sword and shooting. The counselor stood up quickly:

— What has happened, my pasha, what is this noise?

Ahmet pasha said sorrowfully:

— It is too late, Hasan bey! I told you about his being the new marvel of the East!

At that moment Murad rushed into the room with five or six fighters, swords in their hands. Though Ahmet pasha wasn’t upset, Hasan bey panicked:

— Who are you? — he cried. – From where have you come?

Ahmet pasha tried to calm his counselor:

— We were late, Hasan bey, they are the Qizilbashs, Nader khan left us behind!

Murad didn’t want to kill the Ottomans who put up the resistance. Within a short time most of the Ottomans were killed who were confused from the sudden attack. It was possible for the other part of the Ottomans to escape.

— Ahmet pasha, two thirds of the defenders of the field engineering are dead. To put up resistance is in vain! Order them now to surrender! — Murad said.

Ahmet pasha understood that to put a resist ance was useless, and he ordered Hasan bey:

— Hasan bey, I order, let they beat the drums, lower the banners, and tell the soldiers to give up their guns.

Hasan bey wanted to object to this. He couldn’t believe that the Qizilbashs had captured them in such a short time.

— But, my pasha…

Ahmet pasha interrupted his words angrily:

— Hasan bey, carry out my order!

Hasan bey had no way out:

— All right, my pasha, — he said and went out. Murad asked two of the fighters go with them. After some time the drums were beating.

When the beams of the sun began to be seen the banner of Nader khan was waving on the fortress of the field engineering.

“… When I saw the waving banner my heart was full of joy.” Well done, Murad! You could manage the most difficult task!” — I thought. The way to the plain of Iraq was already open. In the north of that plain I had to meet with my brother-in-law Lutfali bey (my wife’s brother), who was the chief of the army of a united Azerbaijan, Hamadan and Ardalan. It was then necessary to make Ahmet pasha, the ruler of Baghdad, come out from the city and draw him to the fight. Iappeared as if I didn’t want to go to Baghdad. After a short rest in Tuz Hormetli I sent a troop of seven thousand fighters to Karkuk for surround the city. The rest of the troop moved towards the south from Tuz and combined with the troop of Lutfali khan in Qara Tepe.

We knew that near Shehrebanu the Ottomans had a troop of more than ten thousand fighters. I could hardly prevent my soldiers from wishing to fight against them.The soldiers wanted to fight. I understood their excitement, but I had to defend them for more great victories. This time I wanted to play a trick. I called Muhammad khan Qajar to my place. Muhammad khan entered my tent and greeted me respectfully. I showed him a seat.

— Muhammad khan, — I said. -This time you must defeat the Ottomans. I give an important task to you.

Muhammad khan answered passionately:

— I am ready to fulfill any of your orders, my khan!

— Muhammad khan, do you remember, while freeing Tabriz I had given orders to change the clothes of the captured pasha and soldiers of the Ottomans?

— I remember very well. We did what you had asked. We gathered the clothes of three thousand soldiers. I think you wanted to say something to the pashas of the Ottomans by making them return to Anatolia dressed like us.

— I would say something, that it was too little, Muhammad khan! In order to win against your rival you must be well-intormed about his guns, clothes, language and secrets. Now it is your turn to fulfill my task. Give those three thousand clothes of soldiers to your best soldiers; let them put on those clothes temporarily and you must dress in the clothing of a pasha. At midnight you will attack the Ottomans from the left side; we shall attack them from the north side. That isn’t all. The main problem is that they must believe that you are the troops of the Ottomans came to help them. Don’t forget, the attack will be at midnight! At exactly the same time! Me from one side, you from the other!

— All right!

— Remember, we have only twenty four hours. After just twenty four hours we attack at the same time, towards morning.

— Everyt hing is clear, my khan! Let me go so as to be ready!

After twenty hours exactly, thanks to the trickery and courage of Muhammad khan we started to attack at the same time. The sudden attack confused the Ottomans; they had serious losses and began to retreat.

I knew that the Ottomans had built strong field engi — neering on the east banks of the river of Dajla. That was why before reaching Samire I ordered the troops to pass the west bank of the river of Dajla. According to my orders sailing bridges were ready there within a short time. Together with me, two thousand five hundred soldiers crossed the river over those bridges. Then another one thousand five hundred soldiers crossed and I marched towards Baghdad, not waiting for the rest of the soldiers. Ahmet pasha who understood the seriousness of the problem sent soldiers and artil-ery against me. On 15th February Ahmet pasha attacked on a wide front in order to stop my march to Baghdad. I take an oath on God that the soldiers had forced us back. The in fantry troops of the Ottomans were fight-ng better than the Kurds of Qarachor and the Turkmens of Goylan. Only the people of Sham and the people of Avshar were standing in the centre; only because of their help we escaped defeat. At that time some thousand soldiers of the Qizilbashs crossed the bridges and came to help us; it solved the ending of the fight. When the Ottomans retreated to Baghdad, inside of the walls of the fortress, I began to control the west bank of Dajla and blocked up the city. I saw that we couldn’t get Baghdad by attacking, which was why I thought that if I made the people hungry they would surrender to us. I ordered my soldiers not to sit idle. I sent one part of the army to Samire, Najaf, Karbala and other cities. Soon, except Baghdad, all the cities on the west side of Dajla and on the east side of Ferat were under my control. I decided to keep Baghdad in a long-term siege. Maybe it was my mis- take. The order had already been given. From nowhere food could be brought into Baghdad. During the siege I used another trick. I had ordered my soldiers to go; ten, twelve thousand troopers to desert and to return during the morning. I wanted the people of Baghdad to feel them pessimis- tic. So, those who were watching them from the fortress of Baghdad considered that every day new troops came to help us. In spite of all of my trickery, the city didn’t want to surrender. The encircling had lasted for about four months…”


In the reception room of the palace Sultan Mahmud the First was sitting on his throne. His situation wasn’t good. He was hissing because of his anger. The chief Vizier Ali pasha Hekimoghlu wanted to calm the Sultan and to appraise the event. The Sultan didn’t know what to do.

— Hi, chief Vizier! — The Sultan addressed Hekimoghlu hot-headedly — The occupation of Tabriz resulted in my father Ahmet III abdicating his throne. Surrendering Baghdad to the Qizilbashs will have the same result. Do you want this to happen?

The chief Vizier said quietly, seeing his hotheaded — ness:

— No, Sultan’s Majesty!

His answer roused the Sultan again:

— What are you waiting for? Why don’t you take steps? For about four months Baghdad has been surrounded; Najaf, Karbala and other cities are under the control of the Qizilbashs. You Viziers assure me that this is temporary. Do you take steps to deal with this? — He got angry again. — Well, who is Nader that the old Otiomans can’t cope and drive away this Turkmen?

The Ottomans used to call Nader khan as Turkmen, because they considered themselves Turks.

— Sultan’s Majesty, Nader khan is also from the Turks of Oghuz. They are Turks living in Azerbaijan; we are the Turks living in Anatolia.

The Sultan said to the chief Vizier ironically:

— How good that you remembered about our roots. Aren’t we haters of each other? You had to remember about our roots while holding Azerbaijani lands as an example! Each time the Ottomans attack and occupy those lands, then attack in turn; you say that if they were not you would be able to occupy all Azerbaijan. What must they do? Mustn’t they put up a resistance against you, so as not to attack in return? You pursued such a kind of ignorant policy with the forefathers of the Shahs of Safavid, now you still continue your policy! It isn’t all just to write false chronicles! You must correct your policy! Or I may empty this palace, and bring other Vizier-advocates from the Turks of Oghuz! Maybe only at that time there will be an end to this foolish policy!

The hot-headed words frightened the companions in the pal ace:

— Sultan’s Majesty! ...Sultan’s Majesty!

— I don’t want to hear any words from you! It is better if you speak about the steps you are going to take! — Sultan Mahmud the First raised his voice. Don’t try to calm me!

The chief Vizier raised his head. Be fore speaking he muttered a prayer:

— Sultan’s Majesty! With your agreement we have called Topal Osman from Irevan to istanbul. He is here, in Topqapi. If you aliow me I will call him and inform him about the problem, empowering him to win in this fight.

Sultan Mahmud the First looked at him meaningfully:

— Not healthy persons but lame Topal Osman will manage! By the way, once he was in your post.

The chief Vizier didn’t pay attention to him dropping this hint:

— Sultan’s Majesty! I have had a brief talk about it with Topal Osman. He wants eighty thousand fighters to prevent Nader khan’s marching.

— Eighty thousand, why not a hundred thousand? Hi, chief Vizier, isn’t it too many?

— No, Sultan’s Majesty! It isn’t too many. You must take into consideration that Nader khan attacked with a hundred thou sand fight ers.

— What? Yes, you are right! His troops have been spread all around Iraq.

— Sultan’s Majesty! I think that in order to gain a brilliant victory over them eighty thousand fighters are enough!

The Sultan was gradually calming. He reached out his hand, took a grape and began to eat. Since morning whatever he had eaten didn’t taste sweet, as he was too thirsty.

— Well, call that Topal Osman!

Topal Osman entered the reception room limping and bowed to the Sultan. That old warlord had done much service for the Ottoman Empire. When he was called to Topqapi he thought that they were going to send him to rest, because of his old age. It was not like he imagined. After the talk with chief Vizier Hekimoghlu, he understood that they wanted to send him to rescue Baghdad.

In his troubled days the Sultan wanted both to gladden Topal Osman’s heart and to demonstrate how he trusted him:

— Osman, to my mind, there is no offence in your heart for your previous service- The Sultan said and showed him a seat.

— Who am I for to be offended by the Sultan’s Majesty?! — Topal Osman bowed to him once more. — Thanks to our Sultan, thanks to the great God, I am satisfied with my life!

— Well, well, very well! We took into consideration your service and are going to empower you and send you to res- cue Baghdad.

— Is there anything better than to serve to Sultan’s Maj- esty and the empire of the Ottomans?

The Sultan was pleased with the answer of Topal Osman:

— What is your opinion about Nader khan?

Topal Osman sat comfortably in his seat and said:

— Sultan’s Majesty, when I was Irevan I gathered some information about him. -We suffer losses because of not appraising him.

The Sultan looked at Topal Osman with interest:

— It is better there is somebody who has understood the re al ity.

Topal Osman heartened hearing the Sultan’s last words and saw the chief Vizier listening to him attentively:

— I remember when he captured the field engineering of Yanqiz, his battle near Shehrebanu and his encircling of Baghdad not from the east banks of Dajla but from the west banks. All these made me to arrive at a conclusion that in spite of not getting a military education Nader khan is very good… a very good wart ord! One of our folt owers, I have forgotten his name, called him “the second marvel of the East” after Shah Ismayil. As if he was born like a warlord!

The Sultan didn’t like Topal Osman’s praising of Nader khan very much:

— Well, how is possible to fight against this genius warlord?

Topal Osman understood the Sultan’s irony:

— Let the Sultan’s Majesty not be offended with my words. It is difficult; at times it is impossible to defeat enemy without being well informed about his superiortty or his trickery. That was why I spoke about Nader khan’s best qualities.

The chief Vizier turned towards the Sultan in order to soften the situation:

— If the Sultan’s Majesty doesn’t object, we should confer Topal Osman’s emergency powers and send him today to Baghdad, to help Ahmet pasha. With your agreement we have coll ected troops of eighty thousand fightersfrom the Turkish part of the empire.

The Sultan considered the problem to be over:

— No, I don’t obl ect, carry out what is necessary! -He said.


Baghdad, which had been blocked up since the second month of the winter, from the beginning of kichik chille was in a difficult way. The people had nothing to eat, all the stored food was over. In the streets the dead bodies of humans who died because of hunger were rotting: they were stinking. Ahmet pasha’s soldiers were tired of gathering the dead bodies and burning them. The weather was hot, which was why the dead bodl es were stinking. In the city there was illness, stealing and plundering. The population of the city was thinking that doomsday was approaching. The mullahs declared pessimistic Fetwa, and taking the Qur’an went out to pray. In spite of all this difficulty Ahmet pasha didn’t want to surrender Baghdad. Several times he had sent heralds to Topqapi for assistance and each time they had said: “Have patience, bear a little, assistance will be sent.” That evening he had received joyful information. Topal Osman was coming to assist them with eighty thousand fighters. It was very good, but the situation was so intense that at any time the people could surrender the city to the Qizilbashs. That was the main problem. Whatever Ahmet pasha was thinking it happened. Early in the morning the people gathered at the palace of Ahmet pasha, as if they were going to revolt. The people were speaking about the boasting of Ahmet pasha, his loving himself too much, knowingly letting the people die. In fact, this warlord was proud and devoted, nobody wished to understand him. His- torically, it has always been like this, during riots the people always blamed the government. It was very difficult to hearten the people who were spiritually pessimistic. Hunger and defeat are able to make soldiers become pessimistic. Both Nader khan and Ahmet pasha knew it very well, but in that situation it was difficult to make the people realize the situa tion. The people who gathered were demanding him j to surrender the city: To surrender, that is all!

Ahmet pasha tried to console the people, to quieted them:

— People! — Be fully confident that assistance is coming from Istanbul, we must dare to wait a little, to bear a little too.

A middle aged man who was skinny in the face came forward and spoke:

— Ahmet pasha, how long must we suffer? — He asked furiously -The children, women and mothers die starving. Look at the faces of the people, there is no sign of life.

The people affirmed that man’s words:

— He is right; he is right, surrender the city to the Qizilbashs!

Somebody said loudly:

— Only when we die they will surrender the city!

It was difficult to have a talk with the mass of people. If the people didn’t get what they wanted, they wouldn’t leave.

— Surrender the city! — The people at the gate of the palace were shouting- Or we will surrender the city ourselves!

The mass were increasing in fury. Ahmet pasha understood that the situation could become uncontrollable at any time. That was why he raised his hand, hinting “keep silent!” The people thought that Ahmet pasha was going to say something new, and they kept silent.

— People, last night I got a letier from Topal Osman, — Saying those words he raised Topal Osman’s letter. – Eighty thousand fighters are coming to our assistance!

But the people were displeased and didn’t want to retract their words:

— We don’t trust you! Surrender the city! You have written that letter yourself and you have sealed it up yourself! You want to try and calm us down, to deceive the people!

The people’s fury increased again. Ahmet pasha understood that in order to make the people believe he had to play tricks; he had to use cunning, or the people could disarm the Ottomans and surrender the city to the Qizilbashs. It was necessary to gain time and to quieten the people until Topal Osman came. Ahmet pasha raised his hand again. The people became silent.

— Well, I agree with you. Today I shall send a messenger to the Qizilbashs to discuss the surrendering of Baghdad.

After hearing his words the people shouted: “Thanks, Ahmet pasha!”

Ahmet pasha called two persons and gave them instructions before the eyes of the people:

— Go to the camp of the Qizilbashs, and discuss the time of surrendering the city. People, are you pleased?

The people’s shouts increased:

— We are pleased!

But in private Ahmet pasha set the two envoys the task to con tinue dis cus sions about the im pos si bility of sur rendering the city earlier than 11th August.

Ahmet pasha wrote the letter and let them go. The people saw the messengers go off to the gate of the city.

“… I had been informed that Topal Osman was coming to the aidof Baghdad with eighty thousand fighters. I sent a herald to Topal Osman to tell him to fight anywhere he wanted. Instead of answering the herald and sending him back, he kept the herald near him till the finish of the fight. I had heard good words about how Topal Osman’s was a good warlord. I knew that Istanbul sent its best warlord against me. I met him on the bank of the river of Dajla, thirty kilometers from Baghdad and forced him to enter a fight. I kept twelve thousand fighters around Baghdad to continue the en cir cling of Bagh dad.

Our European-educated clerk wrote a chroni cle in his note book that the fight began on the 23rd June, at eight o’clock by the Chrisiian calendar. Firstly, our Qizilbashs, then the Ott omans att acked one another with bayonets. It would be an interesting fight. I always enjoyed difficult fights. It is as interesting as playing chess with too strong a rival.

I ordered one part of my fighters to pass near the trenches, to pass to the back of the Ottomans. The artillery of the Ottomans took careful position and shot exactly. My fighters had to ret reat. It appeared that they had trained very well. The main attack started after an hour. I kept ten thousand soldiers of my fifty thousand soldiers spare and we jumped out for the decisive attack. I also took part in that fight. The troop of twenty thousand soldiers was attacking from the centre. Though the Ottomans put up a strong resistance and defended the centre, we made them go out of the trenches and retreat. We were able to capture one part of their artillery. From my spare troops two thousand fighters came to assist us, it made the situation of the Ottomans more difficult.

Alongside this Topal Osman sent towards us his spare troop of twenty thousand soldiers. He was thinking to retrieve the lost positions. It wasn’t a bad idea. To send a great number of new men against tired soldiers had to be counted as worth double. As a result, the atiack of our Qizilbashs stopped and they were maderetreat. The fight was very intensive. During one of the fights cannon shot wounded my beloved horse. I shouted furiously: “Give me a horse!” They gave me a horse immediately. I jumped on the horse and rushed into the fight. The army had to see me on horseback.

When the north wind began to blow it raised clouds of dust. The heat of June was scorching the heads of our soldiers too. We didn’t have any waier. The Otiomans had blocked up all the ways leading to river. In such kind of situation my soldiers were too tired and feeble. Alongside all this, the fight was continuing. At that time an event oc — curred which would decide the future of the fight. A bullet touched the head of my second horse. The horse threw me on the ground. I stood up quickly and shouted: “Give me a horse!” That time they didn’t give me a horse in time. The ranked officers near me had seen me falling from the horse and had considered that I was either wounded or had been killed. Though I was on the third horse, it was too late. In war the seconds that are considered to be unimportant are, at times, able to make a tremendous difference. It was like that. The news spread among the fighters that I had been killed and it made them agitated. In spite of all the efforts of my officers it was impossible to return their optimism. I retreated with one part of the army which could run, and could escape from the fight, death, and capture. All my cannons and the spare equipment in the rear were captured by the Ottomans. It was a brilliant victory by Topal Osman. In that fight the Qizilbashs had thirty thousand losses, and the Ottomans had twenty thousand. I lost that fight. But I didn’t lose the war. My first mistake was to tire the army out by encircling Baghdad. My second mistake was my being too near to the area of fight, and at times my jumping into the fight to become an example. The mistake of Topal Osman was that they didn’t pursue us when my soldiers were retreating. But it is right, their loss was also great. Their best military units were destroyed, but they had to pursue us.

In Baghdad Ahmet pasha had heard about Topal Osman’s victory and attacked my twelve thousand soldiers which I had kept around Baghdad. He also won the Qizilbashs.The soldiers who were able to escape from Baghdad joined us on the way to Mandal.

Though I had lost the fight I wasn’t dispirited. In Mandal I held a big conference, but if I hadn’t taken immediate steps to rebuild the army that would not have happened. I gave orders for the formation and restoring of the army urgently. My orders had to be carried out without dis- cussion. My urgent orders were follows:

— In order to reform the army again all the guns of the people must be collected together.

— The rear must be provided with different animals.

— Cannons and other provisions of war store must be better both in quality and quantity than before.

I also sent orders to all the rulers of the provinces:

— All the military units under my control must be organized again and they must be sent to Hamadan within two months.

— In order to set up a spare power of the army new fighters must be drawn into the army.

As soon as I returned to Hamadan I gave two hundred thousand tumen of money to the fighters and officers in place of what they had lost and to carry out my orders urgently. The soldier who had lost his horse, tent or gun in the fight could buy them again twofold. The new army was proceeding very rapidly.


Not depending on Nader khan all Europe was greatly interested in him.

Great Britain, France, Poland and Russia were anxiously following the war of the Ottomans and the Safavids with great interest. The interest of France didn’t change in the Russian and Ottoman war. If in 1722—1724 France played the role of mediator between Russia and the Ottomans and persuaded them to sign a peace treaty, now it was the opposite. France had spent all its power by the beginning of Russia-Ottoman war. The reason was that France and Russia joined in the struggle for the throne in Poland. Though France considered that Stanislaus Leshinski should inherit the throne of Poland, Russia was supporting Avqustin Saksonski who was close to it. Both of the countries were thinking that they had the right to it, because one of them had ties of relationship to the Romanovs, the other had the ties of relationship to the king of France, Luis XV. The relations between France and Russia became much intense because of the kingdom of Pol and. If France joined the Ottomans in that war, then the situation of Russia would be difficult. The march of Fati Girey from the Crimea to Dagestan, and as a result bringing the peoples of Dagestan into subjection under the Ottomans worsened the situation of Russia. Only the attack of the Qizilbashs on Baghdad adjourned the war of the Ottomans against Russia.

During that time Empress Anna Ivanovna was informed that Topal Osman had defeated the army of the Qizilbashs, and the Ottomans strengthened their previous position in Azerbaijan.

Anna Ivanovna had calculated everything correctly. Now France would spend all its power to begin to waging a war with Russia under the name of unity of France and Ottoman. At that time a great danger for Moscow would be created from the Crimea. If we take into consideration that one part of Northern and Western Azerbaijan was brought into the subjection by the Ottomans, it appeared that Russia had to wage war on at least three fronts. It meant defeating others beforehand. But Anna Ivanovna was aware about the interest of Great Britain too. Great Britain wanted neither France nor Russia to gain strength in Central Europe. That was why Dumanli Albion strengthened his peace-loving mediation. “Here diplomacy must play a great role in that war and tell itsown story” — The Empress was saying to herself: — “We must do everything possible to continue the war of the Ottoman-Safavid..

For that purpose she invited to the palace knyaz Sergey Dmitrievich Qolitsin who had once worked as an ambassador in Russia, then later in Prussia, and whose talent she trusted a great deal. Thanks to his mastery the relations of Spain and Prussia towards Russia had been softened and trade relations had gained strength.

The high doors were opened, and the master of Ceremonies knocked his hand-stick:

— Knyaz Sergey Dmitrevich Qolitsin!

Knyaz Qolitsin who had dressed in European fashion entered the reception room. He bowed to the Empress like a European.

Anna Ivanovna favored the knyaz, and she stood up and took a step towards him and reached out her right hand for him to kiss:

— Didn’t the long way tire the knyaz?

The knyaz bent his head, approached his lips to the whitish hand of the Empress and kissed it:

— No, Empress’s Majesty!

The Empress didn’t show a seat to the knyaz so he couldsit down. She believed that sitting men seem silly and obt use. She didn’t want such a handsome man to sit and seem as though he was without a clue. Now she needed the mind of that man.

— What do the people say in Europe, knyaz?

— Empress’s Majesty, all Europe speak about the re l a — tions of the Ottomans and the Safavids.

Anna Ivanovna looked attentively at the face of the knyaz:

— It is interesting, what do they say?

— The Qizilbashs hold an opinion, after being defeated by the Ottomans, as to whether the France and Ottoman unity would declare war on Russia or not?

— What do you think, Sergey Dmitrevich?

I think that if Topal Osman who gained victory would be appointed Chief Vizier the suspicion of war increases, because Topal Osman leans towards France and he wants to establish the army of the Ottomans on the military system of France. In such a situation those who support war would gain superiority in the eyes of the Sultan.

Anna Ivanovna smiled ironically. Smiling brought a special charm to her face. Knyaz Qolitsin didn’t miss the chance of looking at that charming face. Being a man and diplomat he didn’t have to show his admiration. For a moment Anna Ivanovna saw the knyaz as a handsome, fighting man. But she also could control herself.

— I have invited you to the palace just for this rea — son, knyaz! What must we do in order to prevent the war? Agree with me that if France and Ottoman unity is established and war breaks out, the combined army will be the strongest army of Europe, and it will be Russia which will lose the war and its lands.

Knyaz Qolitsin was expectingthat question of Anna Ivanovna:

— There are only two ways, Empress’s Majesty! The first way is that Avqustin Saksonski refuses the inheritance and we make our relations with France reach its highest level and separate the Ottomans from France.

Anna Ivanovna didn’t want to agree with him:

— At that time Great Britain wouldn’t want to part with the Ottomans. No, it is not possible. We can’t refuse Poland. – She walked slowly and thought. – What is the second way, Sergey Dmitrevich?

Knyaz Qolitsin didn’t want to speak tactlessly at the Empress:

— The second way is to incite the war of the Ottoman and the Safavids and to avoid a war against Russia by theOttoman and France unity. How to do it I don’t know yet.

Anna Ivanovna was pleased to come to the main purpose directly:

— That is why I discuss that problem with you. According to the information I got, the new Shah of Safavid isn’t inclined to the Russians and Russia. In spite of the new Shah’s being a Turkmen and being inclined to them, he mostly wages war with the Ottoman Empire. Though I don’t know what the Ottomans demand from other Turks it is in our favor, and in fact, it is very good. Suppose these two Turkish states strike a hammer to one anvil. What do you imagine the situation of the world would be? The fighting of these Turki sh countries against each other favors the whole of Europe and the world. I wonder if they understand the es- sence of it in Europe.

— In Rome it has always been understood very well, Empress’s Majesty!

— At any case, they understand it from the point of view of their own interest. We also mustn’t forget our interests! I want to send you like an experienced politician to the Shah of Safavid, respected Sergey Dmitrevich!

Though the knyaz didn’t except such a proposal from Empress he couldn’t object:

— I am always ready to spend all my power and energy for the empire and personally to the Empress’s Maj- esty! -He bowed to the Empress. – If only our empire gained strengthand become more mighty!…If you allow me, Ishould ask a question.

Anna Ivanovna was pleased with the answer of the knyaz:

— Ask what you want, Sergey Dmitrevich, don’t feel shy! In any case, we are discussing the problems of the empire.

— Empress’s Majesty, during this visit what are my credentials?

— You will be empowered, Sergey Dmitrevich! All credentials!

— Even if it is necessary to return Darband and Baku to the Safavids too?

The Empress again smiled enigmatically:

— Sergey Dmitrevich, you are very clever. In order to prevent the war of the unity of Ottoman- France which can be directed against us, it is necessary to make concessions to keep the larger lands. Side by side with it you must make the Safavids believe that our treaty signed ten years ago remains in force, and we are ready to give military and economic assistance. Well, Sergey Dmitrevich, read the conditions of that treaty once more!

— All right, Empress’s Majesty, I understood you well!

“On October 2nd 1733 in Christian chronology with my newly restored army I moved from Hamadan to the borders ofthe Ottomans. I had given my best speech to the soldiers and was able to return their fighting spirit. All were going for victory. I had received information that because of the bad situat ion in Baghdad Topal Osman himself and the main part of the army were placed in Karkuk. When we reached Kirmanshah reconnaissance informed us that Fulad pasha from Adana had placed his troops on the bank of river of Diyala to block up the way to Karkuk. In order to intercept him suddenly I kept all the cannons and stores there and attacked with the mountainous routes behind. That sudden attack obliged Fulad pasha to retreat with losses.

Just at that time I got further information that Muhammad khan Baluch, whom I had appointed the ruler, had revolted against my government and demanded us to return Tahmasb Mirza. It appeared that my defeat to the Ottomans formed an opinion on Muhammad khan Baluch that I had lost my prestige. Firstly, I wanted to restate that worthless Tahmasb Mirza to the throne. The people loved Shahs.Because the people didn’t need an infant Shah, but a Shah who is on the horse, on the coach, able to fight and give orders. For the first time I thought that why not I wasn’t the Shah. I saw no obstacles to this. There was nobody who was more devoted to the Safavids than me. The country, nation, state were worth so much devotion. It was necessary to think about it in a more peaceful time.There was another situation and there were other problems to be solved. If I reinstated Tahmasb Mirza it would cause me to lose all my authority. That was why I didn’t do it and thought that I should take vengeance on Muhammad another time. At that time his revolt couldn’t create any great danger, and we would be able to continue the attack. At that time my purpose wasn’t to encircle Baghdad and to force Ahmet pasha to leave. Until the time the main power of Topal Osman was in Karkuk it was necessary to concentrate all our power just towards Karkuk. For me it was necessary to make Topal Osman be incited to fight. That was why I was thinking of occupying the fortress of Surdash near Karkuk, thinking that Topal Osman would come to free the fortress. It happened just I had thought. Topal Osman sent one part of his army to free the fortress of Surdash and those troops were trapped. In the place called Qara Tepe, in the passage of a mountain, twelve thousand fighters were encircled together with Memish pasha. In that impassable passage of the mountain we had stood, which was why Memish pasha hadn’t any chance to escape. In that narrow passage of the mountain I had placed my cannons in such way that the fighters of the Ottomans in the clearing died without even entering the fight.

I had achievedwhat I wished. As soon as Topal Osman heard that Memish pasha had been encircled he directed the main forces of the Ottomans to Qara Tepe. At that time I took my main forces and side by side keeping Memish pasha encircled I marched towards Topal Osman’s troops. During the fight, which lasted for two hours, the Qizilbashs were requited for their previous defeat, and they destroyed the cent re of the Ot tomans. They even went forward and reached Topal Osman. But it wasn’t fated for usto capture Topal Osman. A bullet shot from the gun of a foolish fighter put an end to the life of that great warlord. The Ottomans began to retreat uncontrollably. One of my soldiers cut off Topal Osman’s head and brought to me. Immediately I gave an order to execute that soldier, because I hadn’t given such an order about chopping his head. In fact, I bowed at that warlord. He was the first and the last warlord who defeated me. According to the information I got, in that fight twenty thousand fighters of the Ottomans died. Our loss was only two thousand in all. Then I called the chief of the special guard Murad khan Qajar to my place. Murad khan Qajar had come from a hamlet and had won attacking Ahmet pasha Bajili from behind. I had given him the title of khan for

his devotion and heroism, and I had presented him lands.

— Murad khan, the cut off head of Topal Osman is here, and there is a need to find his body and to bury him like a Turkish warlord and a hero.

Murad said “all right’ and left. After one hour he re — turned having found Topal Osman’s headless body and asked me:

— My khan, where do you want to bury Topal Osman?

I thought a little and then said:

— Is there any Qazi among the prisoners?

— To my mind, there is…

— If it is thus, bring him here…

After some minutes Murad returned with the captured Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi.

I greeted the Qazi mournfully and said to him:

— Qazi Efandi, I am sharing your sorrow, Topal Osman died.

Abdul Kerim Efandi was confused hearing my words.

— He was the best of warlords in spite of us being rivals, and I enjoyed fighting against him. Because being a warlord he could understand me very well. That is why you must take the dead body of Topal Osman, wash him according to the rules of Isl am, shroud and take him to Baghdad and bury him there.

After some hours the dead body of Topal Osman was taken to Baghdad accompanied by my special defenders.

After the de teat of Topal Osman the way to Baghdad was blocked up from the north side by me and from the south side by the beylerbeyi of Luristan so as not to let any food enter the city. I ordered Baba khan Chavushlu to capture Najaf, Karbala and other cities. At last, Ahmet pasha saw that resistance was useless and on the seventh of December he sent his plenipotentiary representative to sign a treaty.

After the long discussions on 19th December 1733 onChristian chronology we decided to sign the foll owiing treaty with Ahmet pasha:

— The empire of the Ottomans returns all the terri to — ries occupied during the last years, the territories which belong to the Safavids, and returns to the borders defined in 1639 between the Ottomans and the Safavids.

— All the captured persons from the both sides are freed immediately and the artillery taken as plunder is given back.

— Pilgrims of the Qizilbashs have all the privileges while going on pilgrimage through the territory of the Ottomans.

I knew that during 1636—1639 war of Ottoman and Safavid Shah Safihad lost the war to the Ottomans and according to the treaty of Qasri-Shirin, Arabian Iraq had remained in the structure of the empire of the Ottomans. Again Arabian Iraq was given to the Ottomans, but the rest remained in our structure. To tell the truth, if there hadn’t been the revolt of Muhammad khan Baluch, I wouldn’t sign any treaty without occupying Baghdad. Side by side with it I didn’t want the Ottomans, whose roots were the same with ours, to be so heavily defeated. That is why I sent a letter with Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi to Istanbul, to the chief Vizier that taking into consideration our being from the same root I had signed the treaty. The treaty had to be affirmed within ninety days. Lastly, I thanked Ahmet pasha and he showed interest, and immediately he sent letters to Ganja, Shirvan, Tiflis and Irevan and giving his order to empty those territories and to free the soldiers of the Qizilbashs…”

…When Ahmet pasha signed the treaty with Nader khan he wasn’t fully confident that Isianbul would affirm that document. Until the middle of February the treaty was dis- cussed in Topqapi and it was said that Ahmet pasha had taken the right steps, taking into consideration the situation he was in. Alongside it, thanks to the chief Vizier Hekimoghlu, Ahmet pasha was removed from his post in Baghdad. All the orders which he had sent to Tiflis, Ganja, Shirvan and Irevan were annulled. Abdullah pasha of Korpulu, who was appointed to the post of Topal Osman, was sent to assist those territories. Istanbul didn’t inform Nader khan about breaking off the treaty; on the contrary, they considered that it was necessary to continue the dis- cussions to prolong the treaty.

After signing a treaty with the Ottomans Nader khan felt that it was time to punish Muhammad khan Baluch, and destroyed his troop of fifteen thousand fighters with one attack, putting an end to the revolt. Muhammad khan Baluch knew that Nader khan himself took part in that fight, and hearing Nader khan abusing in the Turkish language he had run from the area of the fight.

Then Muhammad khan Baluch was arrested and sent to Isfahan. According to the order of Nader khan his eyes were put out. After three days he passed away. Then all the Arabian unities which had helped Muhammad khan Baluch were destroyed and the chief of those unities Sheikh Ahmet Madani, was executed.The betrayals done on the way of great purposes were exposed to the fury and punishment of Nader khan. The pretension of greatness by small ones always bored and infuriated him.



Most features of Rzaqulu khan were like those of his father Nader khan. He was like his father in his ability to fight, resolution, in demonstrating an independent will and military courage. If he wanted something, in order to achieve success he tried to discover all the diftering ways, so, he would be able to choose the best one. In mastery of many things he was like his father. To gain what he wanted he even used force, and in this way carried out his purpose. Sons usually take their main features from their mothers, daughters take from their fathers but Rzaqulu was the opposite. It wasn’t accidental. When they were in Kalat, Rzaqulu was brought up at his father and he had watched all acts of his father who brought him up very strictly. Like his father Nader khan, Rzaqulu was also very persistent. He feared his father very much and was never cheeky to him. Before his eyes Nader khan had whipped some people for not carrying out an order in time or successfully completing them. He also demoted people, or they lost their posts. If anyone was proved disloyal Nader khan gave orders to pull out their eyes or chop off their heads.

Rzaqulu had learned all the above mentioned abilities from his while being near him. But he was different from Nader khan in whom those abilities were inborn.

Nader’s childhood was very hard. He was brought up fatherl ess, when he was a teenager he had lived without a mother. He was able to bear all sufferings or pains of life without assistance; in addition he was protector of his brother Ibrahim and at last, he had achieved all his wishes. The childhood of Rzaqulu was spent in the family of a rich man; he had a life of luxury.

Nader khan didn’t like a luxury lifestyle. He always was on horseback and he wasn’t accustomed to a sedentary life. But Rzaqulu was distinguished from his father by that feature. At times a splendid life drew him and he wanted to entertain others. It is right, at times Nader khan also entertained, it would be either in holidays or during weddings. Such kind of enterlaining brought him comfort. In the gatherings of ashugs and poets Nader khan found relief; he could rest perfectly.

Nader khan wanted to look like the great warlords- to Alexander, Uzun Hasan, Qara Yusif, Emir Timur, Shah Ismayil, but Rzaqulu wanted to look like his father. It could be considered the greatest difference between them.

So, it was March in the year 1734. The Shah’s court in Isfahan was worried. The wife of Rzaqulu khan, Fatime Sultan Beyim, would give birth on that day. Rzaqulu remembered well, how some days after his wedding Nader khan called him and asked him:

— How is it to be married, Rzaqulu bey?

Rzaqulu felt shy and answered: “Thanks to you, very well”

Nader khan placed his hand on Rzaqulu’s shoulder and said:

— I didn’t just ask by way of conversation, my son. I had a purpose in asking.

— What purpose, father?

— Listen to me, my son. Neither you nor I are from the dynasty of Safavid, but my grandchild, that means your child will already be from this dynasty. Because the mother of your child, Fatime Sultan Beyim, is from the dynasty of Safavid. It will open everything to your child. I want you to have many children. You are my first son, which is why my power will pass to you by inheritance. From you power will pass to your child.

It was the distinguished destiny of a grandchild.

While hearing all the words of his father, Rzaqulu was very glad for his father’s sagacity and the happy future of his child. He even became a little haughty for at last power would pass to him. But his father stopped his son being haughty and put him inhis place; because, before him there wasn’t Sultan Husain or Tahmasb Mirza but Nader khan.

When Rzaqulu khan was thinking about all this, there was a knock at thedoor of the cell.

— Come in, — Rzaqulu said.

Govher Shad, who was both Rzaqulu’s stepmother and aunt (mother’s sister), came in. Seeing his stepmother Rzaqulu pulled himself together; he stood up and kissed her hand.

— Come, mother, come and sit down, -What news in harem?

Govher Shad understood what Rzaqulu was asking about:

— Don’t be worried. Everything will be in order. After some time the birth will begin.

Hearing the word “birth” Rzaqulu worried again:

— Really, it will be alright?

— Of course, it will be alright… What date is it today?

— By God, mother, I have forgotten because of excitet ment.

Govher Shad laughed:

— Today is the first morning of Novruz Holt day. All the people greet and congratulate one another. Stand up, go to the city, and see how the people celebrate the holiday… For some days you haven’t gone out.

Just then Rzaqulu remembered that the sounds of music coming from the city wasn’t coming from a wedding, it was the jollity of a holiday. For two days he was reading books in his cell and got interested in the history of power and the struggle of Sultans. But music meant that it was a holiday mornting. He hadn’t congratut ated anybody yet or hadn’t given gifts. He said shamefully to Govher Shad:

— Though it is late, Happy Novruz Holiday, mother! — By God, I have forgotten and haven’t given you holiday gifts.

Govher Shad again smiled:

— The same to you, my son! It isn’t too late, my son! — The holiday begins from today. Firstly we shall give you a holiday “gift”.

The people of Oghuz had such a tradition: In fact, Novruz is a new year, and they were seriously preparing for this holiday beforehand. The women cooked different candies; they used to decorate table-cloth with nuts, chestnut, different noghuls, fruits and dry fruits, candles and dyed eggs. They grew green samani. On the holiday evening the girls stood behind the doors and listened to the words said inside, the boys used to throw their caps to each others’ homes through the smoke-duct. As soon as Akhund spread the news of the entering of the New Year, the young boys threw bright thingsto the air, it was as if for some moments stars decorated the sky. That day except those who were goingsomewhere, all the people tried to be in their own homes and celebrate the holiday with their family. The next day all the relatives greeted and visited one another, and gave holi day gifts to each other. It wasn’t only a tradition but also the collection of national and spiritual values. There were many sign seen in that holi day. All the signs

were favorable.

Rzaqulu felt shy for forgetting some points of the holiday and he was ashamed again when Govher Shad spoke about his child:

— By God, enough, mother… I feel shy.

Govher Shad laughed:

— Why do you feel shy, my son! This year we shall give you a holiday “gift”.

At first, Rzaqulu didn’t understand anything:

— My mother, don’t make such a joke!

— I don’t make a joke, my son! After some time we shall present you the gift of a child, the gift of a son. Only after seeing this gift you will give us a holiday gift and the giftfor the good news.

— What? Is it right? How did you know that it would be a son?

— Why shouldn’t I know? The astrologer of the palace looked at the stars and said that she will give a birth to a son. He said that in our family only sons will be born. We women also knew that it would be a son.

— How did you know, mother? — Rzaqulu was surprised hearing her last words.

— You men don’t need to know all about that.

— Tell me one thing, I shan’t ask anymore…

— It would be better if you didn’t meddle in women’s affairs. But I will tell only some words.They splash flour on the hair of apregnant woman from behind without warning. If at that time the woman raised her hand mechanically towards her head, it means that a daughter will be born..If she doesn’t raise her hand. Betieve me; Fatime Sultan Beyim even didn’t stir…

Both of them roared with laughter. Then Rzaqulu began to think and asked:

— My mother, what name shall we give to him?

— My son, your father Nader khan was always proud of Emir Timur. His son’s name was Shahruh, let the name of Nader khan’s grandson be Shahruh too. I think your father will be very glad.

The door of the cell was opened without knocking. The servant girl was so glad that she had forgotten to knockon the door. She shouted gladly:

— My lord, my lady, a gift for good news! Fatime Sultan Beyim gave birth… My lord is father of a son!

In the palace there were two holidays. Rzaqulu immediately gave the servant a diamond. Then he went to the reception room of the palace and called the herald: “Gallop towards Shiraz, inform Nader khan that his grandson has been born, we gave him the name of Shahruh!”

“..I was re turning from Shiraz. I was in a cheer ful mood. I had stayed there two and a half months; during that time, by my order Tahmasib khan Jalair would be able to control the people at the shore of the gulf of Kenger. After the shores of that gulf were under my control it would be necessary to establish and strengthen them. Though I had thought about it I couldn’t arrive at the final decisions which were needed. I had to compute the money of the state, how much money I should have to spend, and how many ships could be built during that time. Finally, it was the probiem who would build the ships, and how much money would be paid for this job.

We were returning from Shiraz. The army was following after me. Ahead of me a special defending force, then a special group of int ell igence soldiers, were mov ing. The bay horse I was riding was trotting. As if the horse felt what I was thinking, it didn’t rock me. I was accustomed to think about everything alongside paying attention to all around. “Nader, who were you once, who are you now?” — I was thinking. “You lost your father when you were an infant, now you are giving orders instead of the Shah. You are ruling the country, you meet with the envoys offoreign countries and you hold receptions. Now all the people consult me, they are obliged to agree.” I was thinking to myself how many children like me had lost the opportunity to use their talentsand couldn’t serve the country. To my mind, the great God has endowed Azerbaijan riches not only on the soil but also under it. But, all in vain! It is surprising that the people can’t value these riches. I am one of the millions of children who could achieve success thanks to the God and chance. I could be known with the deceased Baba-ali khan’s assistance. If he hadn’t employed me, who knows in which hamlet I would be living now, or maybe my bones would have been eaten by wild wolves or birds. By the way, I can’t forget a story that happened when I was a child. In my mind, just now I can realize the meaning of that story and the chances the fate had brought me. I was always thinking about my fate. But my thought was resolute for the future. As soon as I returned to Isfahan I would give orders to open military schools for orphan children in some cities of the country: in Tabriz, Ardabil, Isfahan, Khorasan and Herat. It was necessary to open secul ar schools alongside mollakhana, madrasa and mosques. Though the people ruled themselves with divine rules, it was impossible for priesthood to rule them. It was necessary to direct the children of the nation towards serving the state. As soon as I had time I would carry out my plans.

The chief of the special guard, Murad khan, dispersed my thoughts. He was riding his horse and when he reached me he beside me and then of both of our horses began to trot:

— There is no danger on the way, my khan!

I remembered the days when Murad was coming to my place. If I am not mistaken, the name of his horse was Qirghi (a hawk). Qirghi had a fine bearing and it could run well. That was why it was the charm of the horsemen in the army. Murad used to sit on the horse upright like a hawk. I didn’t know why I remembered about Qirghi, I asked Murad;

— Murad, in which fight was your horse shot?

— In the first Ott oman fight, let the khan live long! If Qirghi didn’t help me to escape me from the fight in spite of its being wounded, I should have died together with my horse. Qirghi served me then for the last time.

— Well, it was a good horse! — Do you know, to dream of a horse is explained as a wish. In your name there is closeness with horses. Well, it is a theme of another talk. Now I want to tell you a story, Murad!

— Please, my khan! -Murad said respectfully.

— I haven’t told this story to anybody until this time. I can’t forget the story either. Murad, you were also brought up in a haml et like me; you may understand such kind of stories very well!

I told Murad the story happened when I was nine years old, while I was shepherding sheep and then added:

— Murad, maybe if that grey wolf didn’t rescue my life, God knows what would have happened. Then I understood that it was like a sign written of my fate and it was inescapable from it. Do you understand? Do you know why I told you that story?

— I am listening to you attentively, my khan!

— I think it is necessary to give an education, to teach science, to the children of the nation. Who knows, among them how many geniuses, or warlords there will be in the future. Do you understand, Murad? Don’t forget, remember me in Isfahan, I shall give an order to establish military schools. Murad was very glad hearing my offer:

— It would be very good, my khan!

Just at that moment a horseman approached and stood in front of us and he addressed me:

— My khan, allow me to give the chief of guards a mes- sage!

— Please, — I said. — I allow you.

He turned towards Murad and said:

— A herald has come from Isfahan and wants to see Nader khan.

Murad said in whisper: “If only it was good news”. — May the herald come, my khan?

— Of course, he may!

The horseman turned back and rode in the direction he had come. I was glad that in our security all was in order and in my heart I said to Murad: “Bravo, well done!”

The herald came up, and immediately he jumped from the horse. He fell on his knees and said: “A gift from the khan for my good news!”

— I shall give you a gift, tell me the good news!

— My khan, your grandson has been born; they have given him the name of Shahruh!

Really, as if the good news endowed me all the world. My joy knew no bounds.” Give gifts to the herald who loves me” — I said with joy.

The people all around me began shouting with joy. They threw gold and silver money on the head of the herald. The money was so much that he grew tired of gathering it up.

When the herald went I gave instructions to Murad to prepare a special reception to greet me in Isfahan. I didn’t know what to do because of my happiness. My grandson had been born! It meant that my power would be long-term and mighty. Now I could be Shah for the honour of my grandson. The grandson of the man who wanted to conquer the East wasn’t inferior of Shah Abbas II Ithe son of a loafer, tippler, whoremonger Tahmasb Mirza! In addition, I was much superior to him.

In Isfahan the people greeted me like the Shahs. After my victory over the Ottomans I hadn’t come to Isfahan. All the people were in the street to greet me. They had flowers, colored sticks; they were waving many-colored materials, and the “Qur’an” above their heads. On the faces of the people I saw their love for me. I also waved my hand to the people, and showed my del ight. The people of Isfahan were always distinguished with being amusing. I remembered a story of a man named Salman when I had first arrived in Isfahan. It was as if the people felt what I was thinking about; the people also remembered that story. When I was going forward to the palace, passing through the area of merchants, a voice was heard among the people:

— Nader khan, what about that donkey?

All the people laughed because they knew about that story. I pulled the bridle of the horse and said “stop!”

— Do you ask about the chief of donkeys?

— Yes, yes, I ask about him!

I saw that the people were merry and I wanted to amuse them a little so I waved my hand:

— Oh… he couldn’t take care of one donkey and I gave him a thousand donkeys, and he made a sacrifice all of them. Is there any chief of donkeys like him?

The people laughed. Again I said in the same voice:

— Really, he sacrificed a thousand donkeys?! — He asked. Alas, alas, Salman, how can a man sacrifice so much wealth?

I again joked. The man who wants to be a leader of people has to be superior in every way, including his way of dealing with others..

— Not only did he sacrifice the donkeys, but also he ran when the Otiomans atiacked, and the donkeys were left without him. It was as if the Ottomans had come for his donkeys; they took them like they were theirs.

The people laughed till their eyes watered. I could hardly help myself from laughing.

— Then all returned to order.

A thought was spoken aloud:

— What does it mean?

— Because in the second fight he gained two thousand donkeys.

All the people roared in laughter.

— Surely, as Mullah Nasraddin said once, maybe he had given them to foal, and afier foaling the number became two thousand.

Somebody asked among the people:

— If this time he sacrifices two thousand how many donkeys he will gain, Nader khan?

I knew what to answer:

— This time Salman won’t be able to give his donkeys! Because he wanted to be Mullah like Mullah Nasraddin and all the Mullahs are accustomed to get something but not to give anything.

The people began to laugh loudly; I also joined with them in laughing. Under the sounds of that laughter I began to go towards the palace. In the evening illumination began in Isfahan and lasted for some days.

When I was in Isfahan the Sul tan sent me a lett er by Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi. In the letter I was informed that Abdullah pasha Korpulu had been empowered to sign a treaty. He would sign the treaty with the Qizilbashs. I had known Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi, who was sent that time like a messenger, since the time of Topal Osman. Once I had set him a task to bury Topal Osman honorably and I had freed him from captivity. Though the letter of the Sultan consisted of peace-loving sentences and dealt with friendship I felt that the Sultan wanted to gain time and reinstate the lost positions instead of signing a treaty. In any case, the Sultan’s writing me a letter personally informed me about the other purposes. After reading the Sultan’s letter I asked the messenger:

— Qazi Efandi, what kind of treaty does Istanbul want to sign with me?

Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi didn’t expect such a question. He was confused hearing my question.

— Nader khan, I am a messenger. My authority was to give you the Sultan’s letter. That is why to answer your question is outside my competence.

I knew that Qolitsin, the plenipotentiary messenger of the Russian Empress Anna Ivanovna was already on his way and in two or three days he would be in Isfahan. The terms with the Ottomans had to become clear in orderto know how to answer the messenger of Russia. It was difficult to make the messenger speak. That was why I tried not to get angry but patiently I tried to make with Abdul Kerim Efandi in order to learn something. It might be he would let out a secret:

— Qazi Efendi, you are a sagacious, experienced person. Don’t you think that the Sultan wants to gain time in signing a treaty with me? Nevertheless, I have signed a treaty with Ahmet pasha and that treaty had to be affirmed within ninety days. But the document isn’t affirmed, on the contrary, a new lett er is sent to me that Abdullah pasha of Korpulu would sign the treaty with me. Does it make any difference?! I don’t like such kind of games! It isn’t good to draw me into childish games!

Abdulla Kerim Efandi dropped his eyes as if he was ashamed of my words. Then he wanted to speak:

— If Topqapi knew that you would approach the problem so logically the Sultan wouldn’t send you such a letter.

I smiled understanding what the messenger meant. In fact, as a messenger he couldn’t say any more words. In spite of it all, I settled with Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi, and I gave him a letter and sent him back. I was thinking of plans about waging a new war against the Ottomans. They couldn’t gain my respect and it had to be answered and punished. I wasn’t out of humor, they had brought that uponthemselves.

That day I gave instructions to open children’s military schools in the cities I named…”

From the author:

Nader khan had shown himself to be much like a serviceman-strategist. At the same time he knew foreign policy well. He connected his foreign policy with military affairs. Nader had such a loud voice for commanding in military affairs, that his voice could be heard from some kilometers’ dis-ance dur-ng the fight. But Nader khan’s loud voice wasn’t enough for the internal ruling of the state, because in any war “everything was for war”. During times of peace he prepared for the new wars. Peace was for him a tiring time. But also it was important to prepare for the new wars. The relations within the country, the economy of a village and city, trade, science, or art couldn’t leave the mil-tary out, they couldn’t be separated.In spite of it, as soon as he had free time he used to go to bazaar, and learned the prices. He didn’t let prices rise artificially. If it was needed he could make the essential food prices tonot increase.

But the talent of Nader was coordinated to new wars instead of defining the home policy of the state and ruling the state. War and fighting had become his way of life. His love and wishes were fixed on military affairs. That was why his mind could cover tens of different duties at the same time.

Thanks to these skills Nader khan not only re instated the borders of the state of Safavids, but he also combined new lands to those territories. It put an end to the attacks in the border regions. Nader khan inclined towards being up to date. He ruled the country by means of beylerbeyi. After the beylerbeyi there were rulers, the representatives of the government or officials. In the country there was a net of spies. The financial system of the state was under the control of Nader khan. If he found any mistake in financial affairs he used to seriously punish whoever was guilty. Alongside an inclination to modernity, in the ruling of the state Nader khan was a real monarch.

“After leaving the ambassador of Topqapi, the ambassador of Russia came to Isfahan. I could well understand the interest of the Russians and had calcul ated exactly what they wanted. I needed any informalion I could get about them. I could be fighting them infuture. The Russians approached some problems of the Qizilbashs differently from the Ottomans with whom our roots were formed. They measured everything within world policy and within their own interests. If it necessary they could compromise too. I wrote letters to the Ottomans and reminded them that our roots, languages and religions were the same; I called them to unite. We had to unite, for others wanted to play a pollcy with me of not freeing the lands of Azerbaijan at any price. I could bear having patience for years, but now I was losing my patience. In the affairs of any war patience doesn’t bring victory. The Ottomans were being persistent about the Azerbaijani lands as if they belonged to them. Hearlng about it I was losing my patience. Even while knowing that it would cost them dear they were continuing with this persistence.

To my mind, knyaz Qolitsin had come to instigate me against the Ottomans. The letter written to me by Anna Ivanovna was a good start for the policy. It began with address “Nader Shah!” Nevertheless, I knew very well that I wasn’t the Shah yet. In the country there was a lawful Shah. By writing that word she wanted to show her intention that if I was Shah she wouldn’t object. Would I pay attention to the objection of a woman if I wanted to be Shah? The number of the gifts she sent to me was great: hundreds of fur coats, gold shoes, the skins of bears, diamonds, bars of gold and other things. I felt that behind such kind of expensive gifts was a responsibility I had to take. For me such kinds of expensive gifts were not interesting. I was a man spending all his time on a horse riding from one hamlet to another. I wasn’t born for a palace and I wasn’t a gold lover. Though I wasn’t a gold lover, I knew that once I should have to gather treasure for myself. In the international arena the receiving of such kind of gifts was considered ordinary and I received them. I had an interesting talk with the messenger of Rus- sia. Firstly, Qolitsin congratul ated me for the occasion of my victory over the Ottomans:

— Shah’s Majesty, our Empress, Excellency Anna Ivanovna congratulates you on the brilliant victory over the Turks and she wants to assure you to be confident of any as- sistance of the empire of Russia.

I understood that knyaz knowingly didn’t call the Ottomans Turkish; he wanted to show them asthe Persians. He didn’t want to pronounce the names of the two Turkish states, in order to show their be ing against each other, which was why he called one state Turkish, the other Persian. Nevertheless, in the state of Safavid the number of the Persians could be counted on the fingers; during the last thousand years there were no Persian rulers in those territories. But European policy was directed knowingly towards the above mentioned policy. I said indifferently, being aware of the policy of Europe:

— We don’t boast of our victory, our victory causes us to boast!

Either the knyaz didn’t understand well or the interpreter didn’t translate well or the knyaz didn’t want to understand, he smiled:

— Of course, your modesty pleases us, but the Turkish don’t want to know us.

— How have you come to such a conclusion? — I asked him.

— Because in spite of your signing a treaty some months ago the Turkish (again he said “Turkt sh”) don’t want to empty the Persian provinces. – Knyaz answered without think ing.

I couldn’t help getting into a fury.

— Respected ambassador! — I said. — Firstly, these territories are not Persian provinces, you have to call these territories either the province of the Qizilbashs or Azerbaijan. Among the stocks of the Qizilbashs there is no stock except Oghuz.

Though knyaz Qolitsin was contused for a while, he could pull himself together and he said unwillingly:

— Let it be Azerbaijan! The Excellency Empress wants to ensure that, according to the treaty of 1724, the thesis of “the friend of Russia is your friend, the enemy of it is your enemy” remains in force. For this reason if Russia begins the war against Turkey we should be pleased about your joining the war from the side of Russia.

It was an international poli cy and as such that poli cy had very deep points and purposes. According to the information I had got Russia sent a messenger to me to sign a treaty, but she also assists the Georgian tsar Vakhtanq for they got Shirvan within a short time. I didn’t tell the messenger that I knew about it, but on the contrary I told him:

— Yes, there is such kind of treaty and we are ready to keep to the terms of the treaty. There are also the conditions of the treaty of Resht and there are other conditions too.

The messenger seemed himself as if he had a lack of this knowl edge:

— Which conditions?

— In the treaty of Resht it is shown that the Russians would take their troops out of Azerbaijan.

— Shah’s Excellency! — The messenger didn’t want to be defeated.-In the treaty it is written that if the Turks were taken out of your lands, at that time Russians also would take out its troops.

The messenger seemed as if he wanted to refresh my old wounds, whilst I wanted to use cunning:

— Will you make a journey with me, knyaz? — I asked him.

— Where?

— To the borders of the Ottomans.

The messenger was glad, and he smiled:

— With great pleasure, Shah’s Excellency!

Afterwards, when he was in Saint-Petersburg he had written that Nader khan was very satisfied with himself and he had a sati sfied expression. He had also written that it was too difficult to work with me. For it one needed much patience and strong tactics.

There was no answer from the Ottomans about affirming of the peace treaty, which was why I took the Russian messengers and on 14th June 1734 on the Christian calendar I went to Hamadan. The messenger was sure that the attack was against Baghdad and he would be a witness of the occupation of that city. He was mistaken. I wanted to free the north part of Azerbaijan both from the Russians and from the Ottomans.

When I was in Hamadan, I commanded the army that the direction was towards Maragha. After Maragha on the 10th August I again entered Ardabil. I visited the tomb of Sheikh Safi, and gave instructions to repair it again. In that tomb there was the grave of the first Shah of Safavid, Shah Ismayil. Also his father and grandfather’s graves were there. The tomb was connected with the winter palace of the Shahs of Safavid in Ardabil. My visit to the grave of Shah Ismayil Khatai was accompanied by the people of Ardabil, especially by the devout Sheikhs.

When I was in Ardabil, the messenger of Abdullah pasha arrived. That time Abdullah pasha had sent Qazi Abdul Kerim Efandi. In the letter it was offered to discuss the problem of returning the Azerbaijani lands after two years. The Ottomans assured us that after two years they would return the lands they had once occupied. It meant that the treaty that I had signed had lost its validity. I couldn’t absolve them of it!

In order to continue my victories I decided to start from the provtnces. Then my main purpose was to get Shirvan and to teach a lesson to Surkhay khan and the Ottomans. My purpose had other reasons too.

Firstly, to occupy Shamakhy before its time meant to surprise Russia in that problem.

Secondly, by getting Shamakhy I should approach Baku and Darband. It would quicken the signing of the treaty with the Russians; the treaty which the messenger of Russia delayed signing in Isfahan.

Thirdly, it required replacing Surkhay khan who was our violent enemy.

Fourthly, by capturing Shamakhy I would return some parts of the occupied Azerbaijani lands.

On the hot days of the summer we crossed the river of Kur and moved towards Shamakhy. Surkhay khan had heard about my attack and had run to the mountains. I entered Shamakhy without any resist ance. I appointed the new ruler there and imposed new taxes upon the city.

Then I was at one step’s distance from Baku and Darband. I could diciate my condiiions upon Russia. For that reason I invited the messenger of Russia, Qolitsin, to my tent. Firstly, the messenger of Russia congratulated me on the occasion of the cleaning of Shirvan from the Turks (again Turks?). Without thanking him I asked the messenger of Russia directly and strictly:

— When are the Russians going to leave Darband and Baku?

The messenger of Russia didn’t accept such a ques i tion. He wanted to substantiate the reasons by hesitating in speaking:

— Shah’s Majesty! — He said. — According to the treaty the Russians would empty Darband and Baku until the Turks (again Turks?) empty your occupied lands.

I raised the tone of my voice:

— What are you saying?! Don’t you see that I have already freed Shirvan from the Ottomans?!

— I see, Shah’s Majesty! — Qolitsin hesitated.

— If it is thus, what are you waiting for? Maybe, you wait for me waging a new war against you…

The face of Qolitsin turned white:

— No, Shah’s Majesty, Russia wants to be a friend to you.

— What kind of friendship is it? For a long time you deceive us, persisting in allowing the Ottomans to maybe empty our lands, then you will also empty them. Are you tied to the Ottomans?! What kind of conditions are these?

It seemed that my pressure was giving its results. The messenger of Russia was obliged to avoid a direct answer:

— Shah’s Majesty, may I write to the Excell ency Anna Ivanovna that the enemies of Russia are also your enemies?

I didn’t show any restraint:

— You may write, — I said.

Hearing my words that yelloweared Russian began to speak as if a nightingale was trilling:

— Being a messenger of Russia, I am ready to give in ; structions to general Levashov to make preparations to empty the southern towns of Darband, then empty Baku, and then to empty Darband!

It was my first diplomatic victory over the Russians. It was important to continue that victory, but it was too difficult. But for this attempt it wasn’t a bad result.

I didn’t wait for what the Russians were going to do, and when they would move. At the end of September together with my troops of twelve thousand soldiers, I was moving forward from Shamakhy towards the city of Kumuk of the province of Kazi Kumuk. At the same time I sent Tahmasb khan Jalair to the province of Qabala with a troop of twelve thousand soldiers. I had information that Surkhay khan was between Shamakhy and Qabala. Afterwards I learned that the troops of Tahmasb khan Jalair had suddenly clashed with twenty thousand soldiers of Surkhay khan. In spite of their numerical majority the troops of Surkhay khan were defeated. Surkhay khan ran to Kumuk. It was getting colder day by day and snow was falling on the mountains. Surkhay khan was unaware that I was going towards Kumuk by the mountainous ways. I had my own reasons…”

Surkhay khan who had received a serious attack from Tahmasb khan near Qabala, came to Kumuk. From one side Kumuk was considered his last asylum. From the other side the wealth and treasure that he had collected for years was in that city.Surkhay khan would never think that while he was fighting with Tahmasb khan Jalair near Qabala, Nader khan would come halfway to Kumuk on the frosty and snowy paths.

...At midnight the horses neighed at the gate of the fortress. The guards paid no heed because of not knowing who was at the gate. None of the guards sleeping near the stove wanted to get up. The order was not to open the door to anybody at night. That was why the guards continued slumbering near the hot stove. The gates of the fortress began to be knocked harder again and again. The guard opened his eyes and kicked his friend:

— Hi, get up, it seems Nader khan has come and is knocking at the door…

The guard who was slumberi ng near the stove turned onto his other side because of one side being hot and said: -Hi, my friend, don’t speak foolishly! Why should Nader khan knock at the door? If he wants he can destroy the walls of the fortress. Who knows maybe they are bandits, they want to enter the city at midnight.

The gates of the fortress began to be knocked harder again and they used bad language:

— Are you deaf -mute, open the door! If we enter in, you will be sorry!

Hearing those words both of the guards opened their eyes. Who was that man abusing them? Here, they didn’t like to use bad language. It appeared that they were rich persons. The guards weren’t fearful, and they went out of the room, took burnt flocks in their hands instead of candles and they went up the tower of the fortress. One of the guards waved the burning flock to see who was at the gate. At the door there were a lot of people, but the guard didn’t know any of them. He waved the flock and cried:

— Who is there, who wants to make us sorry? It seems that your bowels will be torn up.

One of the horsemen at the door cried again:

— Hi, foolish, do you hear me?! Be quick, open the door! Don’t talk nonsense there!

The guards flew into a rage. They hadn’t ever seen such kind of shameless people. One of the guards said:

— Your father is fooli sh, not me! Now we shall beat the alarm, and at that time you will see who the son of a foolish man is.

One of the persons at the door felt that the guards had become a little kind, and he began to speak quietly:

— Hi, swindler, don’t speak foolishly, Surkhay khan has come, hurry, open the door!

The guards looked at each other surprisingly.

— Why don’t you believe me? — Surkhay khan has come! Be quick!

— I can’t open! The qalabeyi has ordered me not to open the door at night! Without his permission we can’t open the door; he may kill me!

The other guards turned towards the visitors:

— I beseech you, khan, you are welcome! The qalabeyi has ordered us not to open the door at night without his permission. My khan, we are not guilty!

Though the newcomers were glad that the qalabeyi was very careful still they couldn’t reconcile themselves to their situation of the khan remaining behind the door. One of them cried loudly:

— What are you waiting for, son of bitch! Hurry! Go and call the qalabeyi!

The guard had heard the abusing but he suppressed his rage:

— Just a moment, khan, I beseech you, I am going… — He said and disappeared in the tower.

From the mouths of the horses standi ng at the door steam was rising. The cold was chilling to the marrow, and the doors were not opened. If it went on like that they weren’t going to be opened. At last, the squeaking of the doors was heard. The qalabeyi ran towards the khan and pulled the bridle of his horse:

— You are welcome, khan; by God, excuse me!

In spite of shivering of cold, and frozen by frost the khan thanked him:

— Shamtur bey, you did rightly! There are a lot of bandits in the mountains and valleys. On the contrary, you being very careful made me rejoice.

Shamtur bey was pleased with the words of the khan, who was his protector:

— Burn the flocks of the fortress, the khan has come…

— There is no need, Shamtur bey! It isn’t a time for luxury.

— How well you advise, khan!

The guards gave a horse to Shamtur bey at once. The qalabeyi quietly rode his horse and began to go ahead of the guests.

The room of the qalabeyi was hot enough. Surkhay khan took off his gloves and coat, approached the hot stove and reached out his hands:

— The situation is very bad, Shamtur bey! Nader khan is coming to Kumuk.

Just at that moment the door was opened. The servant put the tray, with a meal, onto the table. Shamtur bey said:

— The God is merciful, khan, have your meal.

— I have no appetite, Shamtur bey, I can’t eat anything. The situation has been getting worse. Wherever I go I see either Nader khan or one of his followers. They made us run the last time, though they were fewer than us. They aren’t fighters, they are like Jinn, devil! Well, how many fighters

are here?

— Three thousand fighters.

— Three thousand is little; — Surkhay khan thought for a while- Nader khan hasn’t many troops to bring here. It may be ten or twelve thousand fighters.

Shamtur bey looked at the khan surprisingly:

— Do you want to fight?

— If they encircle the fortress, to fight is useless. See, if we catch them suddenly while they are on the way, we may defeat Nader khan. They can’t put up ant resistance in such snowy weather, in a narrow passage. It is necessary to catch Na dir sud denly.

Shamtur bey could hardly utter a word; he could hardly ask:

— When are you going to attack Nader, khan?

— Tomorrow…

— Can we carry this out, Surkhay khan? It is too difficult to mobilize three thousand fighters in a few hours…

— What do you mean by saying “it is too difficult?”

Shamtur bey swallowed for some time, and then he cleared his throat:

— Surkhay khan, at present there are only five hundred soldiers in the dormitory. The rest of them have been allowed to their homes, for some days! We may gather them in five or six hours.

— You idiots! When will they be ready?

— I think by twelve o’clock next afternoon I may gather all of them.

Surkhay khan got angry:

— Twelve o’clock is too late! They must be ready at eight o’clock in the morning. We have too little time! Too little, Shamtur bey, too little! Do you understand what that means?

Shamtur bey seemed feeble, but he spoke bluntly.

— I shall try, Surkhay khan, I shall try!

He stood up and called: “Aide-de-camp!”

— Yes, Shamtur bey, I hear!

Shamtur bey wanted to impress him about the importance of action:

— After one hour declare an extraordinary situation in the city! All the fighters must be ready to fight in four hours.Command the troopers to prepare their horses! Is my com mand clear?

The aide-de-camp stood still by the qalabeyi:

— It is clear, bey! — he said. – Allow meto begin the fulfillment of your command!

— Begin! Be quick!

The last words were said by Surkhay khan who was los- ing his patience. When the aide-de-camp went out, Surkhay khan looked at the meal on the tray. The meal of basdirma cut into pieces was the best meal of kumuks. He took a bit of meat and began to eat. After chewing a bit he made a wry face. -There is too much pepper!

When Shamtur bey saw that Surkhay khan didn’t eat he asked:

— If the pepper of the meal is less here it won’t have any taste. Khan, do you want Russian vodka? It is good in cold weather!

Surkhay khan was on the horse all day long; he was so tired and felt cold. That is why the offering was at the right time.

Shamtur bey approached the closet and took a bottle of two liters and poured some into glasses. Then he put the glasses on the table.Surkhay khan drank vodka without a pause. When he finished drinking he frowned:

— How strong is it! But our wines are better!

He took another slice of basdirma.

— Khan, may I pour anymore?

— No, it is enough; I am not lover of a wine. I drank for my tiredness. — Suddenly he remembered something and turned towards Shamtur bey and screwed up his eyes:

— Is the treasure in a safe place?

— Yes, Surkhay khan, it is in a trusty place.

— You are not a stranger, Shamtur bey, you are my nephew (sister’s son)! Our family has been protecting this treasure for a hundred years, increasing it. Now even ten camels can’t carry this treasure.

Shamtur bey sympathized with him:

— We had better carry the treasure from here. If Nader khan comes to Kumuk… Maybe you know, Surkhay khan; why does he come to Kumuk?

Surkhay khan smiled ironically:

— Maybe he has heard about our treasure…

Both of them laughed. Then Surkhay khan felt that he was too tired.

— Well, let’s go to bed, we shall have to get up early…

Surkhay khan undressed in the room where they were sitting, and he got into bed. Soon he fell asleep. Shamtur bey couldn’t fall asleep. Somebody shook and woke up him while falling asleep. When Shamtur bey raised himself he saw his aide-de-camp before him. The aide-de-camp stooped towards him and whispered something to his ears. As soon as Shamtur bey realized what had happened he cuffed his head with both hands. Then he got up quickly and while dressing he shook Surkhay khan in bedding:

— Get up, Surkhay khan, get up! Misfortune, misfortune…

Surkhay khan could only get up with difficulty. He wiped his eyes and asked:

— What has happened, what time is it?

— We have fallen asleep, and enemy is at the door!

Surkhay khan got up quickly:

— What enemy? At the door? When did they come?

— Nader khan has come and he has encircled Kumuk.

As soon as Surkhay khan heard his words he jumped


— Has he encircled Kumuk? Did he begin an attack?

— He came towards morning and as soon as he came he encircled Kumuk; but they say that he hasn’t attacked yet.

— Where are your fighters? — Surkhay khan asked angrily.

Shamtur bey didn’t know what to do. He was staring.

— I haven’t gathered all of them yet. I informed you that the soldiers had been allowed to go to their homes.

Surkhay khan dressed fearfully and got into a fury seeing the appearance of Shamtur bey:

— We must fight, Shamtur bey; to the fight!

— What do you say, Surkhay khan? Our force is too little for us to defend the fortress! Nader khan won’t show mercy to anyone, he will kill all of us. He may raze Kumuk to the ground.

— What are you going to do?

— Firstly, I am thinking about you leaving. Secondly, the God is mercy! Let “s know what Nader khan wants…

— If the fortress has been encircled how shall I go out, fool?

— There is a secret way, don’t worry, Surkhay khan! The secret way in the fortress leads to the depth of the forest. From there the lands of Avar are only a step’s distance. Horses are kept in the secret place. You may ride one of the horses and can escape.

Surkhay khan was very glad to hear about the secret way:

— If it is thus, be quick!

No sooner had Shamtur bey seen Surkhay khan off to the secret way than his aide-de-camp came in:

— Nader khan’s messenger has come.

Shamtur bey received the messenger. The messenger said shortly: “Nader khan will wait for you at the walls of the fortress after an hour. If you don’t come it will be the pretext for our attacking Kumuk…

“…I was waiting. If the qalabeyi didn’t come the cannons would begin shooting after some minutes.

In the last seconds before the appointed time someone named Shamtur bey came out of the fortress on horseback, surrounded by a group of people. He came up to me and got off the horse. The people surrounding him did what he had done. Shamtur bey bowed respectfully and reached out the key of the fortress to me. I took the key with pleasure. I didn’t want to drag out the problem:

— I have three conditions for Kumuk to escape.

— Please, Nader khan! — Shamtur bey hesitated.

— My first condition is that you must surrender Surkay khan to me.

It seemed as if Shamtur bey knew that they would demand Surkhay khan from him. His quick reply showed that he was ready to answer.

But the answer wouldn’t be right.

— Khan, Surkhay khan isn’t in Kumuk. — Firstly he answered in this way.

I got angry; his first sentence was a lie.

— What does it mean “he isn’t in Kumuk?!” — I shouted — My intelligence has informed to me that he came to Kumuk last night.

— It is right, Nader khan, he came here last night. But in the morning he went to the lands of Avar by a secret way. If you don’t believe me, you may look for him everywhere.

— We shall look for him! -I said furiously.-We shall look for him everywhere!

The look of Shamtur bey didn’t change; I understood that Surkhay khan wasn’t in Kumuk. I spoke as though I under stood noth ing:

— The fulfillment of my second condition may allow you to live, and your followers and the people living in Kumuk. If you don’t fulfill my second condition all the people will be killed.

When Shamtur bey heard his words his face turned white:

— Please, khan, tell your second condition… We are always ready to tell the truth…

— You didn’t surrender Surkhay khan to me, but you must give his treasure to me.

Shamtur bey was confused, and he said, amazed:

— Who has told you that his treasure is here?! — He shrugged his shoulders.

— Hi, blockhead, who has told?! When I was in Shamakhy I questioned Surkhay’s followers. All of them pointed their fingers towards Kumuk.

Shamtur bey didn’t know what to say, he dropped his face:

I continued with the same resolve:

— My third condition depends on the second one. If you fulfill my second condition I shall keep you in the post of qalabeyi, but only on condition of being under my control. And the people will be given pardon.-I kept silent and watched the expression of his face. He was obviously hesitating and fearful. — Well, what do you say, Shamtur bey? Now the fortune of the people depends on you. As soon as you say “no” Kumuk will fall to the ground!

I raised my hand. As if the chief of the special guard was waiting for my raised hand, he hinted to the group of guards. Immediately, the guards surrounded Shamtur bey and all around him. The cannons faci ng towards Kumuk were ready to shoot. At the last moment he said sorrowfully:

— Well, Nader khan, -he said. — I shall surrender the treasure to you, but you must keep your promise!

I was cheerful:

— Of course, I shall keep my promise! To tell the truth, my reason for comi ng here personally is connected with that treasure. I believed that one day I would catch Surkhay khan.

I kept my promise and remained in Kumuk for a week. Firstly, I wanted to send some small groups after Surkhay khan. Then I gave up that idea. I didn’t want those small groups to die in vain, in the impassable Avarian lands.

I got information that the Lezgis who were my enemies had began to gather troops in Akhta. At worst I would be captured during the fights against the Lezgis. A stable man named Seyid Jemaleddin came in good time and with the horse he brought to me I would be able to break the encirclement. The fighters called him “Qarash” or “Black” for the bluedark color of his face. They informed me about him afterwards. He origi nated from the region of Uluf. I had appointed his father Seyid Abbas, for working well in the post of a tippler ruler by the name of Ibrahim of Shiraz. It appeared that he was the husband of Seyid Abbas’s daughter. In the provi nces I called the children with rich parents to join the army so, there would be no betrayal. That Seyid Jemalledin had joined to my army like a hostage, because of his appearance; and not having insight of a fighter he was charged to keep horses. I gave him the title of khan for his courage and appointed him the ruler, and sent him to Uluf. The city of Lankaran was in the structure of the province of Uluf. I gave him a task of finishing the building of the fortress of Lankaran and strengthening of the city. Future generations would afterwards know how important that fortress was and how Seyid Jemaleddin Qara khan would turn traitor in the dividing of the country.

After I made the Lezgis obey me I went to Qabala on impassable roads and crossed the river of Kur and encircled Ganja. The Ottomans didn’t want to surrender Ganja and it appeared that they intended to defend the fortress.In the encircling of Ganja I met face to face with death. A cannonball knocked off the head of a fighter near me and his blood and the remainders of his brain splashed onto me. I didn’t want to destroy the city, because then I should have to restore it. The encircling in Ganja lasted a long time and all my plans appeared to be wrong. That was why alongside keeping Ganja under my control I decided to encircle Tiflis and to make the city obey me. For that purpose I sent Shafi khan, who was from the Turks of Khorasan, to Tiflis,.

During that time the messenger of Russia, Qolitsin brought information from the Empress Anna Ivanovna. It was 27th December in 1734, in the Christian calendar. They informed me that the messenger of Russia wanted to see me. I allowed him to come. The messenger of Russia came in and bowed to me:

— Good news from the Empress! — He said.

Seeing that he was cheerful I also wanted to joke:

— I wonder what other trickery you are going to practice.

The interpreter translated my words ironically. Qolitsin was a little upset; he wanted to hide being upset:

— No, no! — He said -We have no trickery! This time she has sent a letter personally!

— What has she written?

— She wants to sign a treaty officially.

I smiled ironically and waved my head. A Russian woman wanted to deceive me.

— I know she wants to sign a treaty, who knows under which conditions…

The messenger of Russia smiled:

— Shah’s Majesty!, Excellency Empress Anna Ivanovna feeling sure that the Turks (again Turks?) will be forced out by your side, has agreed to remove themselvesfrom your lands which are under the control of the Russians.

This was really good news! I thanked the messenger of Rus sia:

— Give my thanks to Empress Anna Ivanovna and her favor like this is the best of examples between our two states, — I said.

— Thank you, Shah’s Majesty, but. – The messenger of Russia fidgeted in his seat.

— What do you want to say by “but”?

— Shah’s Majesty, but Excellency Empress laid down conditions!

— Which con di tions?

— The territories that we compromised you by, and emptied, won’t be given to the third state!

I laughed. I said to myself: “It appears that they don’t know me well! I want to establish a much bigger state than the Shahs of Safavid established, but they speak about giving lands.”

— Even in the case you want to I can’t do it. These lands are historically Turkish lands and I shouldn’t want anybody else to have power over those lands!

The messenger of Russia was pleased with my answer.

— Do you want to say any more, respected messenger? — I asked him.

— There is once more condition, Shah’s Majesty!

I laughed:

— Why don’t you tell all your conditions? Tell, please!

— Shah’s Majesty must consider the enemy of Russia your personal enemy.

Those yel low eared Russians considered me too ignorant. It appeared that the Russians thought that I know nothing about policy. I knew very well that if I promised but became much stronger in fu ture I could easi ly break my promise. I had learned all this from the Ottomans and the Russians. I didn’t show what I thought.

— Be fully confident, we shall obey the conditions of the treaty in every one of its letters!

I never liked those who considered me a fool! Why did I praise Topal Osman? Because he could show respect to his rival…”

From the author:

As a result, on March 21 in 1735 a treaty of Ganja was signed between Russia and the states of Safavids. The conditions of the treaty were as following:

— The Russian side takes responsibil i ty for the Rus — sian troops to leave Baku within two weeks, and leave Darband two weeks after signing the treaty.

— The state of Safavid prom ises perpetual al i iance with the state of Russia.

— The state of Safavid promises not to give Baku and Darbandto another third state.

— The river of Sulak be considered a border between Russia and the state of the Safavid.

— None of the states will hold a conversation with the Ottoman empire without informing the other.

According to the treaty the Russian troops left Baku after two weeks, and Darband after two months, by keeping all their guns to themselves (it wasn’t shown in the treaty) and left the occupied territories. The only advantage to Russia in the treaty was that it didn’t let the Ottomans to the west shores of the Caspian Sea. The lands which were occupied by Peter the Great was combined again into the structure of the state of Safavid.

“After signing a treaty with the Russians I could do what I wished. I had made the Russians live two kilometers from Darband. Without shooting any bullet I could return back the lands which had once waged war and been occupied costing the lives of thousands of fighters. It was the victory of my military policy. I would meet many times with those Christians who considered me to be naive. How enjoyable it is to gain victory without loss! In this way, after the shini ng victory over the Russians without fighting I was worried a little about the capital of Shirvan, Shamakhy. There were a lot of supporters of Surkhay khan. In Shamaky nobody knew that I had captured his treasure. Now Surkhay khan had no money to gather troops. On the contrary, my chances had been strengthened by capturing his treasure. In such kind of situation it was possible to carry out much bigger operations; to award the soldiers. In order to keep army in a state of optimism there isa need for large financial means. In any fight, if the financial support is stronger at that time the army would be invincible. I knew those rules very well.

As I said I was worried about Shamakhy. I thought that by changing the capital of Shirvan the new capital would be very devoted to me. Old Shamakhy had helped Lezgis too much. I decided to move Shamakhy, the capital of Shirvan, to Aghsu. It had also another purpose in that Shamakhy could easily be occupied by enemies. I gave instructions to call the city New Shamakhy. To build the city of New Shamakhy I made the captured Ottoman soldiers help with the building. In Aghsu thousands of houses and state offices began to be built. I caused most of the population of Shamakhy to move there.

Though victories without any fighti ng were good, the victories gained as a result of intensive fights were better. It was the turn of Abdulla pasha. In order to draw Abdulla pasha to a new fight it was necessary to make different eft forts. I knew that if I didn’t gain the next victory over the Ottomans, Istanbul wouldn’t sign the treaty which I wanted. The encircling of Ganja and Tiflis didn’t worry Abdulla pasha. He wanted to assist none of those citi es. By keepi ng Tiflis in a state of siege I moved towards Qars. Again Abdulla pasha didn’t want to go out. I changed my mind when I was at the six kilometers’ distance from Qars. I knew that a large number of Ottoman troops were in the fortress of Qars. To encircle the fortress could create great danger for me. That is why I considered it advisable to encircle Irevan. I sent a big troop to Irevan to occupy the city. Even the encircling of Irevan didn’t stir Abdulla pasha. When I was in Abaran the catholicos of Armenians, Abraam, came to my place with some beautiful Armenian girls. I said as a joke:

— Hi, black capped, which of these girls is going to hold your post of catholicos? -To my mind, according to your religion it is forbidden for women to be catholicos.

The catholicos didn’t feel shy hearing my words. I didn’t know whether he didn’t take my hint, or didn’t understand the essence of my words.

— Hi, great Shah, I have brought these beautiful Armenian girls to “serve” you personally, to be your concubines.

To be a figure of a religion so toady and carefree made me infuriated:

— I don’t need any concubines! I need only soldiers! In my army there are Georgians, Kurds, Afghans, from all the stocks of Qizilbash but there isn’t any Armenian soldier! I wonder, aren’t there any Armenian men for these girls “to serve”? Take away these girls; if you have men, bring them here!

Catholicos Abraam hinted to the girls to go out. The girls bowed to me and left the tent. To tell the truth, they were very beauti ful! If it was another time, I wouldn’t re fuse them. But in potiti cal affairs I couldn’t be defeated to the bodies of women!

After some time the catholicos shared his purpose:

— Shah’s Excellency! We Armenians always lived like your subjects. We want to live so in the future too! We take shelter under the bravery of your men! The attitude of your brave men is good for us. The Armenian women, concubines, are happy in the harems, in the palaces. But… But… we have some probt ems with some Christians who live in Azerbaijan.

I began to feel disgusted by him and I wanted him to leave or I might hurt him:

— What problem, tell me quickly!

— In Azerbaijan there are three Christian groups which don’t obey one another, Shah’s Excellency! One of them is — Armenians, the other one is Georgians, the third one is Albans.

— What do you want to say? — I asked him. -See, how many sects there are in Islam. None of them denies Islam. What is your purpose?

Catholicos Abraam smiled feebly:

— Our purpose is to unit all the Christians and to serve the Shah’s Excellency much better and much correctly!

I must say that the catholicos spoke the Turki sh lan — guage very well. At times I even doubted whether he was an Armenian or not. At last, the catholicos explained his purpose:

— Shah’s Excellency, the Armenian people have a request for you!

— Please, dear catholicos!

— To fulfill our request is as easy for you as wavi ng a hand. It won’t damage your religion.

It was as if he willingly wanted to make me angry, as if he was telling me a tale instead of explaining his purpose:

— Respected catholicos, please, tell your request! — I tried to restrain my temper.

— In speaking about my request I haven’t much to ask. I know that it isn’t difficult to fulfill my request for such a mighty Shah’s Excellency! If you give an order and made all the Albanian churches in Azerbaijan obey Uchmiadzin and ourselves, and if you allowed us to move some Armenian families to Azerbaijan, mainly to Garabagh, to serve in those churches. If you carried out my request it would be seen as your great care towards the Armenians.

While the catholicos spoke I was looking at him surpris- ingly: It was difficult to understand him. What would be the reason for that request? He finished his short speech and kept silent.

— Respected catholicos, most of the persons who serve in Albanian churches are Christian Turks. What about them? What will they do? I think they don’t serve their churches badly.

Catholicos Abraam didn’t lose his argument;

— We pray in the Latin language. Both they and we pray in the same way. If speak about obeying the rules of a church; if the Shah’s Excell ency all ows us we shall write tasks for them in the Armenian language. Just for this reason I said that we wanted to send some Armenian families to Azerbaijan, to serve in the churches.

I was again surprised:

— What about the Georgian churches, do you want them to be under your control too?

The catholicos had taken my hint, but he didn’t answer ex actly:

— How Shah’s Excellency advises!

— Give up your dreams, respected catholicos! I shan’t fulfill your request! -I said. -As a sign of the respect to the subjects bel ng under my conlrol I shall give you some gifts! You must receive them!

Without wait ing an answer I clapped my hands. They brought different gifts. The catholicos didn’t seem to be pleased receiving so many gifts instead of his one request. While parting with me Abraam asked:

— What must we do with those concubines? — Maybe they can “serve” the soldiers…

— Return them, it isn’t the time of concubines! — I looked at him angrily.

In order to draw Abdulla pasha to an open fight I took some more steps. I occupied the fortress of Bayazid. At last, Abdulla pasha lost his patience and he decided that it was time for an open fight.

With my troops of fifty five thousand fighters I went against Abdula pasha’s troops of sixty thousand fighters. On 18th June 1735 in the Christian calendar our troopsmet face to face in a plain called Baghvar.

The next day the fight began.

That time I changed my way of fighting. My first purpose wasn’t to go straight towards the Ottomans. I had kept all my troopers in reserve, and I ordered my infantry troops as if they were to get the centre. My purpose wasn’t to get the centre, but to avoid them and to capture their artillery which Abdulla pasha had placed on a small hill. As soon as I got the information that the cannons had been captured, immediately the drums were beaten, warning about the moving of the central forces. The Ottomans had considered that the Qizilbashs were retreating, but they were mistaken. No sooner had the central forces retreated, some ten to fifteen meters, the shooti ng started from a small number of five hundred on the camels.The enemy was confused. It was impossible to stand in the plain under the cannon-balls and they began to retreat. I had kept the spare troopers for that reason. At the moment when the shooti ng of the cannons stopped, the troopers rushed into them like an arrow let out from the bow. The unexpected rush of the troopers solved the fate of the fight.

In that fight I didn’t use a sword personally. Mainly, I wanted to test my military ability.

I gained a brilliant victory. To tell the truth, until that time I didn’t have such a victory. In that fight the brother-inlaw (daughter’s husband) of the Sultan, Sari Mustafa, and a number of the pashas were captured. I respectfully returned the dead body of Abdulla pasha, who was killed in the fight, to the Ottomans.

Immediately after the fight I sent some hundreds of prisoners to Irevan, Tiflis and Ganja. I had a purpose, I wanted them to speak to their friends who were in the siege and didn’t want to surrender, to tell that how the Ottomans were defeated in Baghvar. Popularizing is always like a sharp gun…”

On the 3rd July the news about the defeat of Baghvar reached Istanbul. In Topqapi they were beside themselves hearl ng about the defeat; everybody wanted to know who was to blame. At last, they blamed the chief Vizier Ali pasha Hekimoghlu and they removed him from his post.The ruler of Baghdad, Ismayil pasha was appointed in the post of the chief Vizier. Side by side Ahmet pasha was appointed the ruler of Baghdad and also appointed Saresger, that is to say, the commander-in-chief of the eastern army of the empire of the Ottomans, to the post of Abdulla pasha.

Ali pasha who was defending Ganja, in spite of putting up a resistance for eight and a half months, surrendered the fortress of Ganja on 9th July when hearing from the freed prisoners how the Ottomans’ situation was in Baghvar and how they were destroyed.

Nader khan’s most brilliant victory over the Ottomans was that he not only returned the lands which were invaded by them during the last fifty or sixty years but also he was the first to carry out the fight into the territory of the Ottomans.

When Ahmet pasha was in Erzurum he sent a messenger to Nader khan to sign a peace treaty. The messenger promised that if Qars would be encircled Irevan would be compromised to Nader khan. As a result, on the 3rd October, by the order of Ahmet pasha the gates of Irevan were opened to Nader khan. When Nader khan stopped encircling Qars he decided to be engaged with the prob lem of the Georgians. On 10th October Nader khan arrived in Tiflis, and he received Teymuraz khan and his nephew (sister’s son) Ali Mirza who had adopted Islam. The Georgians promised to obey Nader khan completely. Nader khan appointed Ali Mirza to the post of ruler of Kartli and Kakheti.

“… In order for Russia not to be offended I didn’t sign a treaty with the Ottomans. I needed to act like this. The khan of Crimea, Qaplan Girey, had begun to march towards Darband afler remainlng in Tiflis for three months. The Sultan ordered Qaplan Girey to return to the Crimea in order not to break the relations with Russia.

When I was in Tiflis, I invited Latif khan to my place, and gave him the task of going urgently to the gulf of Kenger, establish there a navy, and to be seriously engaged in my task. Latif khan began to establish a navy in Bushir and changed the name of Bushir, givi ng it the name of Bandar Nader. In April 1735 in the Christian calendar Latif khan made some efforts to occupy Basra with military ships. When I heard that Latif khan was defeated in Basra I was infuriated, but I didn’t punish him. Simply, I removed him from his post.

I went to Altiaghaj from Shamakhy; from there I went towards the strong troop of Surkhay khan in Kumuk. After a short fight Surkhay khan and his sister’s son Shamtur bey were defeated and ran to the Avarian lands.

Those little wars took my time, and tired my soldiers who were sick of little wars.

All these came to end on 2nd January 1736. Much bigger events were waiting for me in future.

While returning from Dagestan I decided to hold a big Kurultay in the plain part of Mughan. It was time for it. The people called that plain like a Chol Mughan. I decided to hold the Kurultay in the place where the two rivers, Kur and Araz joined each other....The people called that place “Suqovushan” (the place of joining of waters)

That Kurultay would be the turning point in my life…


Nader khan had given secret tasks to the chief of the special guarding service to Murad khan and had sent him to Mughan. He had to perform those tasks before the arrival of Nader khan. Murad had been in Mughan three months before and had begun the preparation for the Kurultay.

Murad khan knew well that there was no danger to Nader khan from the side of the dynasty of Safavid. In August 1735 Nader khan had already sent letters to all the rulers, the warlords, the authoritative courtiers, the religious men and the scientists, the heads of the tribes, even kendkhuda, and some officials of the country. The letter declared the reasons for conquering of the country by the different states and tribes and Nader khan’s waging war against those invaders, the establishment of “the central government in the state” had been delayed; moreover, the centre wanted to solve that affair with them. After Irevan’s obeying Qizilbashs, Nader khan had given instructions to Murad khan that either Tabriz or Qazvin must be prepared for holding the Kurultay there. But when there remained six months to the Kurultay, Nader khan called Murad khan and gave him new orders.

“Murad khan, they informed me that it wasn’t right a decision to hold the Kurultay either in Tabriz or in Qazvin. First, from the view point of security, because our detractors may place their people in these cities to hinder the work of the Kurultay. On the other hand, it was not possible to put a number of people in these cities. In the Kurultay, the number of the representatives together with maids will be more than a hundred thousand. Twenty thousand of them are the representatives of the Kurultay. To place more than hundred thousand persons in Tabriz or in Qazvin as guests is likely to pull down those cities and rebuilding again. That is why I thought of holding the Kurultay in other place.”

Murad khan knew that Nader khan had thought well over every step, after being sure he stood on the alternative that no one could think about. It was one of the superior features of him.

“My khan, which place have you chosen?”

Nader khan smiled:

“Can you guess, Murad khan?”

“I can’t”.

“I believe you can. Where did I send you last time?”

Dumbfounded, his eyes popped out of their sockets.

“It can’t be, my khan! In Mughan, in Suqovushan?” Still he couldn’t hide his surprise.

Nader khan said seriously:

“Yes, you are right, Murad khan, in Mughan, at the confluence of the

rivers Araz and Kur.”

“May I dare ask a question?”

“I know what you are going to ask. He didn’t wait for Murad’s asking a

question. “You will ask why in Mughan?”

“Yes, my khan, I wanted to ask about it”.

Nader khan put his hands on Murad’s shoulder:

“You are the chief of the special guarding detachment. You should know this better than I.”

Murad khan told him for not to favor Nader, but really, because he thought so:

“Do you allow me, my khan? While we think over the solution of one problem you find six or seven ways of solution for it. You always oblige us to follow your ideas. Now you read my mind. So, I want to ask again, why in Mughan? Why in Suqovushan? I know those places. In Suqovushan there is no settlement except a small village in the name of Qalaqayin. If not, take into consideration the forests of Tuqay and tamariks trees on the banks of the river; it is plane and full of snakes. In Mughan, if you look at it sitting on a horse or a camel you can easily see a man from a distance of twenty or thirty kilometers.

Suddenly Murad stopped remembering something; now I understand why you have chosen Mughan.”

Nader khan laughed:

“You guessed everything correctly, Murad khan, in Mughan! First, the interfererence in any problem of those who come there will be little, if it is going to be at all. Secondly, as you have said, while sitting on a horse or on a camel, one can see a distance of twenty or thirty kilometers. It is necessary foremost for safety. Thirdly, you had reported to me that except Qalaqayin there was no other settlement there. Fourthly, from Irevan, Tiflis, Qazvin, Maragha, Dagestan, Ardabil, and from other places it is easy to get to the centre of Azerbaijan. And, finally, and the most important, Mughan is an ancient Turkish land. Thousand years before Islam these places were Turkish lands as are now. It mustn’t be forgotten. I may tell you more.”

“Please, my khan!”

“Do you remember the wedding of Rzaqulu? They brought a tambourine to Kelat from Shirvan, from the place called Qobustan?

“It can’t be forgotten.”

“Well, while coming here I went up those mountains named Qobustan.

The rocks are full of pictures. There are many images on the rocks and the most interesting is that they don’t know when they were drawn. One says it was five thousand years ago; the other says that ten thousand years ago our ancestors lived in those rocky places and then were spread to the world from

there. At a distance of Qobustan there is a shrine called Su (Sufi) Hamid. They call that holy place like “the hearth of snakes”. People come from everywhere to worship. There are snakes everywhere; on the wall, on the carpet, in the bowl.The snakes do not touch anyone. I again return to the essence of my words. I called the servant who guards the holy place and asked him what “the hearth of snakes” meant in a Moslem country. The face of the employee of the shrine turned pale turned white because of fear; he couldn’t tell a lie. He said that, by God, they were also Moslems; they follow strictly all the religious rules; even among them there were those who went to Mecca. The matter of snakes was the faith problem of the old Turks. The people give alms themselves, those who want to be recovered come here. We don’t force anyone. One of the branches of the shrine called Su (Sufi) Hamid is in Mughan, in the village named Poladtoghay on the bank of Kur. I visited that village out of curiosity. There is the same situation. What do I want to say? It became known to me that there are “hearths of snakes” in most places. Pay attention, the antiquity of our lands and nation is measured by our language, by that Qobustan, and those “hearths of snakes,” etc. We must hold the Kurultay in our old Turkish land, with the blessings of the land.”

Murad had learned much from the speech of Nader khan, but he was thinking mostly about the place where the Kurultay would be held.

Nader khan dismissed his thoughts:

“Now do you understand why I am going to hold the Kurultay in Mughan?

“I understand, my khan!”

“Well, if you understand, it is fine! I charge you prepare the Kurultay.”

“All right! By when must I fulfill — within twenty hours or more than that?

Nader khan took the hint of Murad; he laughed.

“No, this time it is more, ninety.”

Murad asked surprisingly:

“What? Within ninety hours?”

Nader khan laughed again:

“No, my dear, within ninety hours you can only reach there.”

Hearing the word of ninety days, Murad remained silent for a while. Nader khan continued his words:

“During ninety days you must carry out unbelievable tasks. Twelve thousand houses, mosques, bathhouses, streets, bazaar; in one word, all must be built within ninety days. If you finish all your tasks by the second of January send back all the captured persons and masters except servants and maids whom you had brought to the building. At the same time I shall send you the list of the guests. Except, six thousand doormen will guard me and the guests who will come to the Kurultay. Build for me and my harem a few large houses. Then bring hundred thousand wineskins of the best wines, ten thousand sacks of flour, hundred thousand sheep and hundred thousand cows. Prepare fifty thousand robes of gold brocade and belts made of golden material. In each of the houses built from wood or canes, put your man as a servant. One of the employees of your special guarding must work like a servant. Do you understand what I mean?”

“Of course, I understand, my khan! If it is thus, let me bring all our groups from other provinces.”

“Do all that is needed, but remember! We need to know even about the conversation between two persons.”

....Murad remembered his above mentioned talk with Nader khan and smiled. All the tasks, which were unbelievable, were carried out. In Mughan, in Suqovushan, for him a headquarters from the canes was built. He toiled both day and night. Within three months a small city was built. He sent Nader khan progress report every week and received from him new special and additional orders. Murad had taken into consideration that the Kurultay would be held at the beginning of spring; that was why he had thought about flooding of those two rivers too. He had learned from the local people and built the small town in the place that opened up a beautiful view of the area and at the same time it was safe from a security standpoint.

Now the small town was ready. There were small tasks which were being completed for the arrival of Nader khan. Murad would fulfill them too. When Murad carried out all the tasks, he realized how much he was tired. Only now he understood how difficult the task Nader khan had entrusted him. He couldn’t believe that all this work was performed under his direction.

In order to rest after too much work, he went towards Suqovushan together with four soldiers. Murad enjoyed resting at Suqovushan. Those places seemed him too native as if he was born there. He couldn’t explain that relationship by anything, but he felt as if he was in his homeland. At times he thought that when Nader khan talked about how that Mughan is an ancient Turkish land, he wanted to emphasize it. Because Turkish lands were not only those places! Nader khan didn’t have any prejudice, but now Murad wanted to believe his words.” This is some kind of divine wisdom. I shall have a talk with scientists too,” he decided.

In order to reach Suqovushan, one needed to pass through the forest of Tuqay situated on the bank famous for its thickness separating the river and the plane the width of which was about fifty meters. Murad had to build a special way to come down the river, and on the bank of the river he had built a nice house for Nader khan. Murad knew that Nader khan would like those places. The Tuqay forest was full of different animals and birds. Because for a long time here no man had set foot; only wild animals such as boars, bears, wolves, lynx, badgers, etc. roamed. They had reached the middle of the forest. After some time they would reach Suqovushan as well. Suddenly there was heard snorting, snoring voices. The soldiers who had come together with Murad prepared their rifles to shoot at. Murad didn’t change his way of standing. The voice s were heard from nearby quarters, but there was nobody to be seen. …But, suddenly within ten meters distance they sighted a huge boar. Seeing them, the boar became furious and attacked them. The boar was coming towards them for there was no other way except the path. The width of the path was only for three persons. Two of the armed soldiers moved forward and aimed their rifles at the boar and they shot at it immediately. Though the boar began to run slowly, it didn’t stop. The distance became narrower. The soldiers moved away to load their rifles, while the other two armed soldiers moved forward. Then they shot at the boar. The wounded boar slowed down its speed, yet again it didn’t stop. The boar was

Moving hardly, but it was coming nearer to them.

“Hi, it may kill us!”, one of the armed soldiers screamed.

Neither of them had time to load the gun. While the boar was between life

and death, the persons in front of it were also between life and death. The distance became narrower every moment. All of a sudden Murad unsheathed his sword,

stood just in front of the boar. He reached out for the sword and waited for the boar to come much nearer. The unreasonable animal which didn’t know what the sword was thrust itself into the sword; while the sword plunged into it, it pushed Murad back. Murad had caught hard the handle of the sword, pressing it with all his strength, and tried not to weaken. He had also pressed his heels to the ground. While the end of the sword was plunging into

the heart of the boar, Murad also went back more than two meters, as if he dug the soil with his heels. The boar had attacked the two armed soldiers who were in front of it and had thrown them towards the bushes. At last, the end of the sword reached the heart of the boar. When the boar fell on its knees, Murad also fell on his knees holding on to the handle of the sword. Both of them had fallen on knees. It didn’t last long. When the boar fell down crashing, Murad would also fall without taking his hands from the handle of the sword. The two armed soldiers standing behind approached Murad.

“Has anything happened?”

Murad had no strength left to answer. He pointed to the two of his

companions who had fallen into the bushes and hinted that they helped them.

Both of the soldiers groaning in the shrubbery were wounded in their legs. The

boar had attacked them at the same moment and had thrown one of them to the

right, the other to the left. At last, Murad raised himself from near the carcass of the boar which was about two hundred kilograms. He came nearer to the wounded

soldiers and asked them: “Are you severely wounded?” The shins of the wounded soldiers were bleeding. Besides wild boar attacks, their faces were torn by prickly bushes.

“Can you walk?”

“We will try somehow,” one of the wounded soldiers answered moaning.

Then he showed the dug out soil and joked: “It seems that you were cultivating the soil instead of an ox.”

One of the soldiers who was helping the wounded said:

“Hi, upon your life, if Murad hadn’t been here that boar would have disfigured all of us. He saved us from death.”

“Well, don’t talk foolishly, “Murad berated the soldiers.-“One of you help the wounded soldiers and take them to the camp; one of you come with me to Suqovushan.”

Murad approached the carcass of the wild boar and pulled out his sword which was still in its heart. Blood was dripping drop by drop from the sword.

Murad descended to the Suqovushan to wash his sword. He threw the sword on to the ground, undressed, then he entered the water up to his knees. He began to wash his body and head. Murad could swim well. At his home hamlet just above the spring, there was a beautiful lake where he loved to swim.

Suddenly he heard voices. He turned towards the soldier who had come with him and asked:

“Did you also hear voices?”

“No, I didn’t hear,” the armed soldier answered.

At that time the voice was heard clearly:

“Help me!”

It was the voice of a woman. It was coming from the middle of the river Kur. Murad looked attentively at the middle of the river. Somebody was drowning in

the river. It wasn’t the time to wait. Without thinking, he jumped into the water. He swam down the river for about two hundred meters; then he reached the person who was drowning. He caught her hair and began to swim towards the bank. In order to manage the rapid flowing of the river, he was eager to reach the

bank; at the same time he was catching hard the hair of the woman in his hand. The water was too deep, violent, and cold. At times he glanced over the bank. The

armed soldier was running here and there on the bank was watching them attentively. When Murad’s legs touched the soil under the water, he felt that he was weakening; he was completely exhausted, losing his power. He could hardly breathe.

The armed soldier entered the water and caught Murad by his armpit. In his turn, Murad was still catching the hair of the woman.

“Help her”, Murad showed the woman.

The armed soldier couldn’t find time to fulfill the task. Murad took the woman into his arms and brought her to the bank. She was a beautiful girl aged seventeen or eighteen. Murad began to breathe in to the weak, feeble girl. Each time he gave her breath, he was saying: “Well, open your eyes”. After some time, the girl opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, she had a fit of continual coughing. She began to throw up the water that was in her stomach. When Murad was sure that he had saved the girl, he lay on the sand on the bank of the river.

The armed soldier asked hurriedly:

“Has anything happened, my khan?”

“No, nothing serious.”

“It appears that we haven’t been lucky since morning. Earlier it was the boar, now the girl….”

Murad smiled:

“Why haven’t we been lucky? See, we have saved such a beautiful girl.”

Murad turned towards the girl and looked at her. She had dark black hair; because of being wet, her hair was shining.” I don’t know the reason why the hair of the girls in our hamlet is blonde, the hair of the girls here is black.” He thought. The girl was recovering herself.

Murad asked her:

“What were you doing in the middle of the river?”

The girl covered her face with her hands and burst into sobbing. “Well, well” Murad said and wanted to quiet her. The girl continued to sob bitterly.

““What is your name?

The girl didn’t stop her sobbing. But she replied:

“Khannene, “she said..

“Which village are you from?”

“From the Yukhari Qaragune.”

“Yukhari Qaragune? It is far from here! Why did you come here?”

“First, I ran away from home; then I threw myself into Kur.”


The girl stopped her sobbing and wiped her eyes:

“They wanted me to marry forcibly to another boy. It was the reason.”

Murad didn’t expect such a kind of answer. For a moment, he remembered the beautiful face of his lovely wife Qelemnaz.

“Did you really love him? Do you love him much?”

Khannene dropped her eyes feeling shy:

“What about him?”

The girl shed a few tears and continued. “He also loves much, “she said

“Where is he now?”

“I don’t know.”

Murad remembered his troubled days; he decided to help the girl.

“Come with me. I shall help you!”

The girl also stood up; looked sadly at the person who had saved her a few minutes ago.

Murad wanted to return. He turned and looked towards the flowing river. He couldn’t believe his eyes. There were ten or fifteen boats in the water. He said to himself surprisingly, “What does it mean?”. The boats were far away still. He couldn’t realize who could be in the boats. All around there was nobody who could dare do like thus.

“Be quick, take the girl and go to the camp! He commanded the armed soldier. “Tell the guarding regiment to come here with their guns. Be quick!”

The soldier realized that there was something serious.

“All right, my khan! He said; took the girl’s hand; then he hurriedly withdrew.

For some time Murad watched the boats and then he came near the house which he had built. He got dressed there in his clothes. He sheathed his bloody sword and fastened it to the back. There he had made a place for the boats to come closer tothe house. Soon the guarding regiment came. Murad placed them along the bank. The people in the boats also could see them but they were not concerned, and calmly approached Murad directly. He couldn’t believe his eyes. In the boats there were Nader khan and his brother Ibrahim khan, Tahmasb khan Jalair, and other courtiers. Nader khan was standing in the boat. As soon as he saw Murad, he screamed:

“Wherever I go, I meet with Murad khan. I wanted to catch him by surprise, but

I was unable to.”

The khans in the boats laughed. As soon as the boat approached the bank, Nader khan with unusual agility for his age jumped to the ground.

Murad hadn’t come to himself yet. Nader khan like a wizard suddenly appeared out of the water. How good of fate that he hadn’t seen them while swimming in the water. In fact, it was impossible to escape from Nader khan’s eyes.

Nader khan began to shake the spaced out Murad. “Come to yourself, Murad! It is me, Nader khan!”

As if Murad was sleepy, he woke up:

“Excuse me, my khan! I can’t believe my eyes. How can it be? You had written me that you would come on the twenty third of the month. Today is the twenty second.”

The notables got off the boats, waited for the talk to conclude between Nader khan and Murad.

“Yes, I had written like thus. If I came riding horse, I would reach the next day. There is a small city further down named Qirkhchiraq. I made up my mind to come by boat and also reach here sooner.

“Such kind of walking can be dangerous!”

Nader khan put his hand on Murad’s shoulder:

“Don’t worry, Murad! In fact, my coming in this way is also connected with security. It would be better if you showed me what you have done. He looked around. “I am not mistaken in choosing these places. Good places! Let’s go!”

Murad said nothing; he began to go on the path; Nader khan and other courtiers followed him.

They looked at the city from a height. Nader khan seemed happy. The city which was built within three months was clean and nice. Nader khan praised Murad:

“Well done, bravo, Murad! This time you would be able to pass through exam’”

“I serve you! Murad answered loudly.

There was another exam in future. It would be in the evening. By that

“exam” Murad would be tested by the great God.

In the evening Murad sent a person to the village of Yukhari Qaragune; called the father and the sweetheart of Khannene. With some words he could make them agree. Murad promised to pay all the expenses of the wedding, gave “bride money” to the father of the girl and let them go.


“…Suqovushan was ready to receive honorable guests. Each of the guests was given a separate place to stay; also, they were given servants. And while I gathered and conducted daily meeting that lasted several hours solving a variety of issues, I wanted to accustom myself to the solution of public affairs; I tried to solve all the problems, including welfare or judgment affairs. Then together with my close friends Mirza Zaki, Hasanali khan, Tahmasb khan Jalair, and Muzaffar Ali khan discussed the upcoming assembly.”

At last, all the guests gathered by the third of February. On the whole, though the number of the representatives was about twenty thousand,, there were more than hundred thousand persons in the small city. The honorable guests were more; that was why I received them in groups according to the court-law. The representatives of the foreign countries and the heads of the Christian concessions were also among the invitees.

I had also set up a staff consisting of seven persons under the chairmanship of Tahmasb khan. That staff met with about thousand representatives every day, held gatherings, learned their thoughts. When I felt that it was time, I gave instructions to Tahmasb khan Jalair to begin discussions on the main purpose…”


…Tahmasb khan Jalair declared open the new session:

“Agalar, respected representatives of the Kurultay, it is known to you that our lands had been invaded by the Russians, the Afghans, the Ottomans, and the French for a long time. There was a civil war in the country. There were attacks on our frontier provinces. It seemed the dynasty of Safavid was on the point of being erased from the map of the world. Our military power and the honor and dignity of our state was disgraced. The Russians and the Ottomans had come to Hamadan; even without our agreement, they had divided half of Azerbaijan between themselves. The French had occupied one part of the gulf of Kenger. Our capital Isfahan had been occupied by the Afghans and for seven years had been under their occupation. Only, thanks to the sharp sword of our great warlord Nader

Khan, our lands were cleared off the occupation of the enemies; the borders of our dynasty were restored and the enemies allowed to live as friendly neighbors with us having our power and force. All these victories were obtained as a result of tremendous efforts and brilliant military leadership of Nader khan.”

Then, several people shouted:

“Long live Nader khan!”

“Long live Nader khan!”

Tahmasb khan Jalair raised his hand and calmed the representatives. Then he continued his speech:

“What for have we held this Kurultay? You know that some years ago in Isfahan, Tahmasb shah had refused the throne in favor of his son Abbas Mirza III. Abbas Mirza III was too little and his chief appointed Nader khan in the small Kurultay held in Isfahan and he was empowered to rule the state. Nader khan used the authorization and restored the borders of the country; he was able to bring about peace and order.”

Once again voices were heard:

“Long live Nader khan!”

“Long live Nader khan!”

At that time Tahmasb khan didn’t quiet the representatives. The representatives began to shout loudly:

“Long live! Long live! ….Long live!”

Seeing that the representatives couldn’t master their passions, he declared his purpose:

“Agalar, keep silence!” He raised his hand to calm them.” Agalar,

after all these victories, Nader khan has decided that he is old and it is time for him to go into retirement. He reinstated the military fame of Safavid, and being

tired of the military marching he wants to go to Kelat. Nader khan declares that he refuses the leadership of the army and wants to spend the rest of his life to devote to our

holy religion — to Islam. In such a situation, the staff decided to hold a Kurultay according to the old Turkish traditions, because Shah Abbas III is too little, his chief Nader khan refuses to be chief and other empowerment. According to the Turkish traditions, we must elect the Shah of our state. Nader khan advised to elect again Tahmasb as the Shah. If you don’t want to elect Tahmasb again, then elect somebody from the dynasty of Safavid. Now you must elect whom you want.

No sooner had Tahmasb khan Jalair finished his speech than one person stood up to speak:

“Tahmasib khan, Nader khan freed the country from the enemies. Let the God be his supporter; he accomplished peace and order everywhere. Now the people begin to live better. The belief of the people has returned to them. All these happened, thanks to him.” He turned towards the representatives. “Now, you tell me, agalar, can we refuse the person who created prosperity for our state, for our nation, and most of all, for each of us?”

The masses roared:

“No, we can’t refuse!”

The speaker continued:

“Can we say to the person who demonstrated the greatness of the people go and sit in the fortress of Kelat and we don’t need him any more?”

“No, we can’t say!”

Somebody shouted loudly:

Tahmasb khan, “they don’t change horses in the turning!”

The speaker raised his hand. All kept silence.

“I didn’t pay attention to the person who uttered the words. “They don’t change the horses in turning.” Now, thanks to the inexhaustible toiling and ability of Nader khan, our borders have been restored. Who can vouch for that in future the enemies won’t cross the borders of our state, the peace treaties signed in the time of Nader khan won’t be broken and forgotten, the territories won’t be to exposed dangers? The speaker raised his voice. “Who can vouch for all of those mentioned above?”

Voices were heard:

“No one can vouch for!”

“It is right!”

The speaker sumarized his speech:

“In such situations, if peace turned into wars, must we go to Kelat, and must we then ask Nader khan to rescue us? Isn’t it funny, ignorance, and foolishness? If Nader khan is before our eyes, why must we look for him in Kelat?”

It seemed now as if the people had found a treasure:

“It is right! It is right!”

“Let Nader khan be before our eyes!”

“If you invited us here to elect the shah according to the old Turkish

Traditions, I say: “There is no better candidate to be shah than him. Only he can be our shah!”

As soon as the speaker finished his speech, the representatives shouted:

“Our shah is Nader, our shah is Nader!”

The representatives were still shouting:

“Na- dir shah! Na- dir shah!”

Such gatherings lasted for four days; each time the representatives insisted on electing Nader khan. Even they wanted to beg Nader khan to be the shah. There was no meddling of the persons who were specially prepared.

At last, Nader khan ordered to build a tent, the length of which had to be two hundred meters. The dome of the tent was made of pure gold. The tent was tied from inside with twelve columns. Each column was covered with seven silk materials. Carpets were spread on the ground. The shah’s throne made of gold decorated with diamonds and precious stones was put in the middle of the tent.

When all the preparation was completed, Nader khan invited the religious men, rulers and scientists, and the heads of the tribes to the next gathering. The butler showed each of the guests his designated place identified beforehand and let them sit. Until Nader khan came, the musicians and sorcerers amused the guests. Wine and other drinks were given to those who wanted. When all cheered up, their mind was in a haze. Then the butler entered the tent and announced:

“The great warlord of Azerbaijan and other provinces- Nader khan!!!

All the representatives stood upright. When Nader khan entered the tent, all the people stood up and applauded him. All were shouting passionately and wanted to say something in honor of him:

“Nader, long live!!!”

“Long live, Nader!!!

“Nader, our rescuer!

Nader khan bowed to the people and said loudly: “My regards to everybody!” He raised his right hand. The voices in response shouted as if the loud cheers would bring the tent down. According to the plan thought beforehand, Nader khan wanted to sit aside. At that moment, most of the people stood and demanded him to sit on the throne put in the middle of the tent. Though Nader khan resisted for a while, then he sat on the throne as if he was obliged to.

When Tahmasb khan Jalair wanted to tell the audience the initial thoughts of Nader khan, the people in the tent shouted together:

“We don’t want to hear those words! Only he is our savior! He is like our

Mecca! Except him, we shall follow nobody! We are ready to sacrifice for him both our lives and wealth!”


The mollabashi- Mirza Abdul Hasan repented for having come to Mughan. Earlier, he had felt that something strange would happen. After coming to Mughan and during his talk with Ali Akbar, he had cleared up two problems decidedly for himself.

Mullah Ali Akbar had received instructions from Nader khan to know beforehand the opinion of the mollabash from Abdul Hasan about the important problem of the day. First, Mirza Abdul Hasan raised a question. As soon as he met mullah Ali Akbar, he asked:

“Mullah Ali Akbar, don’t you know why they brought together so many people to Mughan? During all my life I never saw so many peopleassemble in a Kurultay.”

Mullah Ali Akbar said as if nothing nothing had happened.

“We shall elect a new Shah!”

Mullah Abdul Hasan was surprised:

“We have both the shah and his chief.”

“Yes, we have the shah though he is little, but his chief is…”

The mollabashi questioned out of curiosity.

“What about his chief?”

Mullah Ali Akbar answered his question allusively, rather indirectly:

“The chief of the shah says that he is already old; he has been tired of the fights.”

The mollabashi was surprised hearing his words; confused, he asked:

“What will happen then? Who will be the shah?”

“Nader khan says that either we must declare Tahmasb to be the shah or we must elect somebody from the dynasty of Safavid. What is your opinion, mollabashi?”

The mollabashi believed the sincerity of the words of mullah Ali Akbar:

“Of course, all the people support the dynasty of Safavid. Nader khan is a wise person. In supporting the dynasty of Safavid, he is right. To go into retirement is his own problem. Then, he thought for a while. “What do you think, mullah Ali Akbar, whom to elect from the dynasty of Safavid? I am also against Tahmasb; we must elect another person from the dynasty.

“By God, I don’t know, mollabashi, we shall elect whom they advise.”

Mirza Abdul Hasan got angry:

“What does it mean ‘whom they advise’? Being a country of Islam, we must be active in this problem. In electing the future shah, we must also show our

candidates for the shah to listen to us in religious or other affairs of the state, receive our advice, invite us discussions, or we will befar from the affairs of the palace!” Suddenly the mollabashi remembered something. “Well, by the way, a fewminutes earlier, by chance I heard an interesting talk.”

Mullah Ali Akbar asked out of curiosity:

“Which talk, mollabashi?”

“While I was having a talk with the Turkmen of Khorasan, they asked me a question.”

“What did they ask?”

“In fact, they were talking about it among themselves. When I approached them, they wanted to ask me.”

“What did they ask? Why don’t you tell?”

“One of them said that he wanted to raise a problem in the Kurultay. He asked about my opinion. I asked him to tell me about that problem. He said that he wanted to forbid Shiite in the country and to pass it on to Sunnite wholly.”

“What? What did you tell him?”

“I asked him not to utter blaspheme. The dynasty of Safavid was set up on the foundation of Shiite; we must raise Shiite to its heights in course of time.”

Then their talk was directed to other problems. Mullah Ali Akbar was interested in the problems of marriage, the necessity of the participant of a woman like a side issue; mullah Abdul Hasan was interested about the collecting of alms, charity in the mosques and about the information concerning the sale of precious pearls in Mughan.

Mollabashi Abdul Hasan understood after having a talk with mullah Ali Akbar, including the offering of wines to the representatives of the

Kurultay and speeches of some persons about who was going to be elected the

Shah in Mughan. That was why he was not worried about the alms or charity,

or the trade of precious pearls but his own life. He didn’t have to speak to

mullah Ali Akbar what he was thinking about. With the confusion of thoughts

he did his ritual worship and went to bed. Unfortunately, there was no lock to

close the door inside.

While that small city was being built, according to the instructions of

Nader khan, there was no lock to lock the door inside in any room except the one that he stayed in. The doors could be closed during daytime or at nights but they were not to be locked.

In order to avoid making noise and sounds, the person who had tied goatskin under his slippers opened the door of the room in which the mollabashi was staying and entered the room secretly. His eyes had already been accustomed to the darkness of the room; he approached the place where the mollabashi was sleeping. Though the room was dark, that person knew very well where mollabashi was sleeping. Catching a cord in his hand, he stooped towards the mollabashi. Suddenly, within a moment he twined the cord around his head and pulled the both ends of the cord. The mollabashi couldn’t have a chance to open his eyes. Only after wiggling lightly of his legs, he remained motionless in his bed. Then that unknown person took the cord and went out of the room as silently as he had come, disappeared in the darkness of the night.

In the morning they informed the representatives of the Kurultay that in the night while sleeping the heart of the mollabashi broke and he died. That day was devoted to burying the mollabashi respectfully….


“…Among the guests that came to the Kurultay, there was an Ottoman messenger Ali pasha and I invited him to my reception. When Ali pasha came to me and bowed to me I asked him:

“Well, Ali pasha, do you like the Kurultay?”

Ali pasha admired the holding of the Kurultay and couldn’t find any

to express his feelings.

“Nader khan, I admire holding such a Kurultay, and I am proud. We, Ottomans had forgotten holding such a Kurultay. Here everything is grandiose! To confess, I feel sorry for Ottomans not taking part in the Kurultay of Oghuz.

I was pleased with the words of the respected representative and asked him:

“How do you think, Ali pasha, can two great Turkish states which are enemies be on friendly terms?”

“I don’t understand you, Nader khan!” The messenger was surprised. “What does it mean ‘be in friendly terms’?”

I tried to make him understand in a simple way:

“See, Ali pasha, why do we always fight?”

Ali pasha didn’t lose himself:

“Of course, because of faith!”

I affirmed the words of the messenger:

“Yes, your words are correct! That is to say, our difference is only in our religious outlook; you are Sunnite and we are Shiite.”

Ali pasha shook his head as a sign of affirmation of my words:

“It is right, Nader khan! If we put an end to this religious difference, what will it be? How will the attitude of Topqapi affect?”

The messenger was confused:

“What? W ….hat? How can it be?!”

“Listen to me, Ali pasha, two great Turkish states have fought against each other for hundred years only for faith; they shake or kill one another; the nonbelievers use this chance. I offer to put an end to the partisan difference in faith.

“How?” Ali pasha continued with his admiration.

“Ali pasha, all the Turkish tribes and those tribes which are not Turkish take part in this Kurultay. You know that, according to the Turkish traditions, the decision of the Kurultay stands higher than the decision of the shah or the Sultan. If the Kurultay arrives at a decision that the state refuses from the Shiite and adopts the Sunnite, that is to say, achieves

the unity of Islam and Turkish, what will be your attitude to this decision?”

The messenger of Istanbul was astonished; he was struck dumb; at last, he came to himself and said:

“Nader khan, I can’t believe my ears. Can Qizilbashs refuse Shiite?”

“The Turks are shah- loving people! If Topqapi arrives at a decision, the Qizilbashs will listen to their shah,” I said. “But the Ottomans also must take a step towards us.”


“You, the Ottomans, must take into consideration the shouldering of such a great responsibility and must compromise.”

The messenger couldn’t have any patience because of curiosity:

“What to compromise?”

“Let’s not predict the events. Let the Kurultay adopt what I toldyou; then we may speak about this problem. Tell me beforehand how the attitude of Topqapi will be to our decision?”

“I think you will make them admire like you admired me..”


…The Kurultay was still continuing. At last, in one of the next meetings Tahmasb khan Jalair began to utter the name of Nader khan:

“Respected agalar! Honorable representatives of the Kurultay! Nader khan takes into consideration a number of speeches and requests; he agrees to be the Shah of

the state of Avshar…”

The representatives of the Kurultay didn’t let Tahmasb khan finish his speech. The people went into an uproar.

“Na- dir shah!!! Na- dir shah!!! Na-der shah!!!”

“Long live our shah!”

“We beseech you, shah!”

So, Nader shah was applauded without pause; the prayers were said in honor of him.

Tahmasb khan tried much to quiet the representatives. At last, when Nader

shah raised his hand, they kept silence. Tahmasb khan laughed:

“The problem isn’t as simple as we wanted; our shah has his own

conditions,” he said. “Maybe, we are ready to sacrifice ourselves to the shah, we agree with any of his conditions!”

“We may sacrifice our lives to the shah!”

“The conditions of our shah are law for us!”

Tahmasb khan thought that if he didn’t stop those who shouted slogans and said prayers in time, all his plans would be of no use. That was why he raised his right hand again, waved his hand insistently, and tried to keep silence. “you won’t agree with his conditions?”

The representatives made an uproar again:

“Agalar, we understand your passionate speeches and we believe that you may sacrifice yourselves to the shah. But the Kurultay has its own orders and rules. Here, not words, but voting is important! That is why, let me

read the conditions of our shah. So, agalar, Nader khan agrees to be the shah under the following conditions:”

None of the representatives who takes part in the Kurultay will defend or support the previous shahs or anybody from the dynasty of Safavid;
Instead of the Shiite sect, it is to adop the sect of Sunnite. Persecution

and insulting of Sunnites and Shiites one another, killing each other like Godless, unbelievers is forbidden! In the country the doctrine of Imam Jafar

Sadiq, who is from the roots of Islam prophet, is assumed as a basis;

All the subjects promise to obey Nader shah and his son, to be obedient to

them and not betray them.

Tahmasb shah read the conditions of Nader shah and looked at the faces

of the representatives of the Kurultay and shouted at them:

“Why are you silent? Don’t you like the conditions of our shah?”

For a while none of them uttered a word. It appeared that nobody accepted such conditions would be followed. At last, voices began to be heard among the representatives:

“We agree with all the conditions laid down by our shah!”

“Let our shah demand our lives from us!”

“Long live Nader shah!”

Suddenly there was excitement in the tent:

“Our shah is sober-minded!”

Somebody shouted from behind:

“Long live the unity of Turkish- Islam!”

“Long live new unity of Oghuz!”

“Long live Nader shah!”

“We beseech our shah!”

If Tahmasb khan didn’t stop those who were shouting slogans, they would stand and kiss the hands and feet of Nader khan. Still there wasn’t the ceremony of crowning and vowing. That is why Tahmasb khan Jalair quieted them and advised them to wait for some time. Only the problem connected with religion had worried the representatives. Nothing serious happened because it had been thought over and over precisely and in detail.

A Short Explanation from the author:

Imam Jafar Sadiq eleyhusselam was born on the 83rd year of the hijri calendar (in 702- 703 AD, according to Christian calendar) in Medina, and in 148 th hijri year (in 765—766 AD) he was killed with poison by the caliph Mensur; he was a martyred there. He was buried in Medina in the graveyard of al-Beqi, near the graves of hezreti Imam Hasan (e) Imam Zeynalabdin (e) and Imam Muhammed Bagirin (e).

Those who called themselves “Shiites of twelve imams” and were close to and obeyed Imam Jafar Sadiq eleyhusselam side by side obeying Koran without fail, and sympathizing with Hezret Ali (e) and the Ahli-Beyt of the Prophet also believed some Sunnites of the Islam prophet and assumed them. Different from the fanatic Shiites and radical Sunnites, they understood Islam on the scientific level; they didn’t avoid the adoption which is truth depending on which faith or sect they belonged to. Imam Jafar Sadiq (e) who was one of the famous

scientists of Shiite was also the teacher of Abu- Henife and As-Shafu who afterwards established two Sunnite sects. His great example not to exert pressure upon each side in Islam for the difference of faith can be shown by his two students’ establishing afterwards the sect that affected Sunnite sects.

This point directed the attention of Nader shah too much. Imam Jafar Sadiq (e) was against present Islam only in the form of hadith (a story from the life of prophet and his fellow-fighters) and in the form of prejudice; that is why he began to preach Islam in the fundamental scientific form. The forms presented by him were also adopted by the scientists of Sunnite. Again, as an example, it can be shown that the masters of the two Sunnite sects (heneflik and shafiilik) considered him their teacher. Only in some niceties the scientists and Padishahs of Sunnite for reasons of political interests didn’t adopt all the thesis of the scientists of Shiite. Here the main contradiction is seen in the attitude to the paragraphs of Usuliddin which are considered the root of Islam. For example, the Shiites, especially the Shiites belonging to the faith of Jafari, Usuliddin were five (Tohid, Nubuvvet, Miad, Adl, and Imamet), but for those belonging to the faith of Sunnite they were three. Different from the Sunnites, the Shiites belonging to Jafari faith considered the fourth had to be the paragraph of “Adl”, which means being of the God’s justice and wise, including the adopt ion of the fifth paragraph of the –“Imamet”

They considered to respect the memory of the twelve imams who were followers and vicegerents of the prophet after his death. Though Imam Jafar Sadiq (e) was seyyid, he presented the religious truth which made possible reconciliation and for bothsides to come together. Those who were familiar with the principles of his sect wouldn’t refuse the trouth of Jafari. After the death of Hezreti Resul, there appeared some firges and faiths in the Islam. According to the principles of Jafari, if Imamet and Ahli-Beyt were adopted there would be no need to it. Because the imams wouldn’t give way to any difference for they were the vicegerents of the prophet and the masters of the religion at that time. No one would doubt its truthfulness. It was rejected because it was not according the political interests of the forces who captured the power after the death of the prophet, the imams; the grandsons of the prophet were executed. It mustn’t be denied that in that situation the foreign factor had a great role. The foreign faith was always afraid of not only the all Turkish unity but also the unity of Islam. Nader shah understood all these very well.

Most people of Sunnite obey the faith of Ashari in Usuliddin, and one of the four faiths of Henefi, Maliki, Shafii, and Henbeli in Furuddin.

Imam Jafar Sadiq considered the best of his services would be to awaken the Moslems and clear up their doubts and thoughts. If the Moslems didn’t understand the superiority of their religion, they wouldn’t be saved from the obedient. For that to happen, there was need for scientific approach and change of thinking.

Imam Jafar Sadiq invited the Sunnites and Shiites to the equality and brotherhood.

According to the principles of the faith of Jafari, each Moslem apart from knowing the laws and regulations of his country must also learn the rules of Islam as well. If that learning was gained with the knowledge of investigating, searching, scientific, and clearly stated, it was called ijtihad. At the same time those who were scientists on that dogma are called feqih, mujtehid, or mufti.

According to the Jafari sect, Islam is the religion of thought, science, and mind. The superior of humans can only be according to their science and faith.

This sect makes men of religion think about the secrets of creation of the earth, sky, and the nature. Even “Koran -Kerim” and other theological books advocated the mentality and thinking and advised to adopt each word consciously. From this view point everybody may pursue thought about the orders of Islam. No one has the right to close the door of ijtihad at any period. To close the door of ijtihad is to move away from Islam from its growth and development, to distance the people from the science. The difference of opinions that made the society promote the discussions between the sects was considered the factor making the truth be known. From that basis more sects and religious trends united and gradually put an end to them. That was why the Jafari faith allowed the mujtehid that has the conditions of ijtihad to imitate the other Moslems in deeds. At the same time to imitate the ijtihad of any person was not obligatory. The door of ijtihad is open till the doomsday; no one is able to close it.

Those who obeyed Jafari faith recognized Moslem s who said “La ilahe illallah, Muhammmedin Resulullah” They didn’t see the sharp and strict difference between the sects and faiths from the view point of the order of Islam and there was no animosity.

Nader shah wanted to make known just that superiority. If a sect which the scientists of Sunnite couldn’t but that would be adopted by all the Moslems, then at that time there would be an end to the animosity of faith. It was in itself the main factor leading to the unity of all Turks. Everything depended on obedience of the Ottomans to that truth.


At the time of crowning ceremony, Tahmasb khan Jalair directed the attention of the representatives of the Kurultay to the treaty discussed with the messenger of Ottoman:

“Agalar, I know that it is necessary for us to sign a treaty with the Ottomans. The people are waiting for peace. Both of us are the same peoples, but we fight against each other. What is the reason? Is it because of the difference of faith? That is why I read the following paragraphs that show our agreement to put an end to our differences:

1. Qizilbashs disown the previous fanatic faith of Shiite and adopt the faith of Jafari.

2. Let Kaaba stay side by side with the four faiths; the faith of Jafari be adopted like the fifth faith and a special column put in the Home of Kaaba for it;

3. Let the empowering of the head of the pilgrims of Qizilbash be on equal terms or on par with the empowering of emirs of the pilgrims of Egypt;

4. Both of the sides free the captives and don’t allow any chance for selling and buying them;

5. In the palaces of each of the sides, representation of each side isprovided.

Tahmasb khan read the conditions of the treaty without giving floor to anybody:

“Agalar, we are taking an important historical decision. The offer of our shah opens a way to the Turk-Islam unity. Moslems put the foundation of the new brotherhood.

The representatives shouted:

“We agree; until when must we fight each other?”

“Let it be adopted!”

“Long live our shah!”

“Na-der shah! Na-der shah! Na-der shah!”

The representatives of the Kurultay had already come to an agreement, but the ceremony of crowning was delayed for two reasons. The first reason was that shah’s seal and the coins in the name of Nader shah hadn’t been cut and brought to Mughan.

The second reason was that the astrologer had predicted the suitable time for the ceremony of crowning was to be scheduled forthe 8 th of March 1736.

The next day together with Ali pasha Abdulbey khan, the newly appointed messenger from the name of Avshars, the delegation left for Istanbul. The messenger of Avshar had to deliver to Topqapi the new peace treaty and Nader’s ascending the throne. Together with the new messenger, new mollabashi, Mullah Ali Akbar, and Mirza Abdul Qasim Kashani were also among the delegation.

On the occasion of Nader shah’s occupying the throne a messenger was sent to Saint Petersburg specially to inform the empress.

Nader shah appointed his son Rzaqulu the governor of Khorosan, and on the seventh of March Nader shah sent him to Meshed from Mughan to carry out hisauthorization. Nader shah gave specific instructions to his son to punish Abdul Hasan khan, the ruler of Balkh, and Ali Merdan khan of Avshar, the ruler of Andkhuda, for not taking part in the Kurultay.

According to the advice of the astrologers, the ceremony of crowning was carried out on the eighth of March 1736 at twenty minutes past seven in the morning.

At the appointed time, following the orders of Nader shah, the guests got dressed in the dressing-gowns which were sewn from the golden material specially for them and gathered in the meeting hall. The crown decorated with the precious stones was put on Nader’s head by Mirza Zaki. Except Nader and the counselor of the mollabashi who was reading the item of “Fatihe,” all were sitting on their knees and praying. As soon as Nader shah’s crown was put on his head, all of them fell on their knees and vowed that they would be devoted to him.

After the crowning ceremony, there was merrymaking that lasted for three days and nights.

Nader shah sent Abbas Mirza III to his father Tahmasb’s place.

Nader shah appointed his brother Ibrahim khan the ruler of the Azerbaijan’s territory upto the river of Arpachay, that is to say, to Dagestan and Georgia.

So, to the power of the dynasty of Safavid was put an end not by revolution, revolt, or as a result of foreign invasion, but according to the Turkish traditions and voting. If the last Shah of Safavid was a bit worthy of his forefathers, the power of Safavid would continue. But instead of the state of

Safavid the state of Avshars took a step on to the stage of history. The main point was that one Turkish dynasty was replaced by another Turkish dynasty.


In the palace of Topqapi there were continuing heated discussions between the messengers sent by Nader shah and the representatives separated by Sultan Mahmud the First on the first two paragraphs of the treaty sent from Mughan.

The messengers sent from Mughan were welcomed very enthusiastically in

Topqapi. Until then, there wasn’t such a kind of memorable official reception of anybody. As soon as the messengers entered Istanbul, they saw that upto Topqapi there was placed a guard of honor and the people were greeting them. In Topqapi a shot drum-fire was shot from the cannons in honor of the ceremony of crowning of Nader shah’s messengers and ceremony of crowning. The Sultan had

invited the messengers of all the foreign countries to the palace and held dinner –party in honor of the messengers of Avshar in Topqapi. After reading the conditions of the treaty and knowing about it, there began heated discussions among the scientists of the Ottomans. Though it wasn’t written in the treaty sent by Nader shah, Abdulbey khan demanded to write the name of Russia in the treaty like the third side, which was going to be signed. It was the task of Nader shah. Nader shah knew that the Ottomans were preparing the war against Russia and they wouldn’t write the name of Russia to the treaty by any means. In such a case, Nader shah would be free from the responsibility he had taken at Russia and at the same time there would be peace with the Ottomans.

Sultan Mahmud the First was in a difficult situation. From one side, the irreconcilable struggle of faith between the Ottomans and the Qizilbashs as if came to an end; he had to be glad for it. From other side, it wasn’t exactly known whether it would be in their favor or it would be harmful.

That is why the Sultan decided to hold a small gathering with the participation of the chief vizier and the Qazi of Istanbul- Ahmed Efandi and the chief Qazi of Anatolia- Leyli Abdul Efandi. The Sultan wanted to know about their thoughts. It was a very difficult situation.

The Sultan began his speech when all the invited guests came:

“Efandies, the Sultan said: “You know that Nader shah has sent us the

conditions of the treaty adopted in the Kurultay in Mughan. On the one hand, we must be glad that there remained no problem of faith. It will put an end to

the religious fight that has been going on for hundred years. They don’t feel

religious animosity against us anymore; we are all united. But… we must

discuss this problem again. We must discuss so as to avoid

repentance afterwards. I want to listen to the Qazi of Anatolia- Leyli Abdul


Qazi Leyli Abdul Efandi stood up:

“Let the life of Sultan’s Excellency be long! At last, our struggle showed its

results. All the Islamic world becomes unified by adopting Sunnite. By

refusing the fanatic Shiite and adopting Sunnite, Nader shah takes a right step.

But, Sultan’s Excellency, there are some problems.”

Sultan Mahmud the First looked at him curiously:

“Which problems, Qazi Efandi?”

“Sultan’s Excellency, being the Qazi of Anatolia, it is my duty to tell you

about those problems.”

The Sultan was disappointed:

Qazi Efandi, for the sake of the God, whatever you will tell, tell quickly.”

“Sultan’s Excellency, you know that the people in the east of Anatolia are

the relatives of the Qizilbashs and we have forbidden them to hold there

the rites of Shiite and we victimize those who hold these rites.”

The Sultan showed his despondency to the Qazi Leyli Abdul Efandi:

“Well, I know about it. Does it make any difference? You must not victimize them any more. As they adopt our religious truth, at least, they don’t feel animosity against that truth, taking as a basic Islam, let us adopt their truth, at least let’s approach a bit steadily. If we could bear the being of four, we must bear the fifth one too! Tell me, is there any mistake?”

Leyli Abdul Efandi didn’t change his way of speaking:

“Sultan’s Excellency, suppose, it would put an end to the difference of faith, that is to say, all of us were considered Moslems, but… the eastern provinces of the Ottomans are supporters of the Qizilbashs. Don’t you think that as soon as Nader shah goes to those places all the people will be on his side, because they are relatives?”

“But to tell the truth, we are also their relatives, but for about hundred years we have fought against each other.”

“No, Sultan’s Excellency, they are under our control like the supporters of other

faith, like a group. If according to the treaty it has put an end to the animosity among the, faith how shall we control them? Whenwill it put an end to the fanatic

Shiite and that there won’t be any control.”

“Well, shall we oblige them by force that they should not adopt the faith of Jafari?” the Sultan asked nervously of Qazi Efandi. “If they refuse the cruel, severe, ruthless Shiite and want to adopt the faith of Jafari and be like Sunnite, we must ask them to be in severe terms with us; tell that it is better, do we?”

Qazi Ahmed Efandi saw that Leyli Abdul Efandi wasn’t able to make the Sultan believe, and he wanted to speak:

“Sultan’s Excellency, if you allow me, I’d also express my thoughts”

“Please, Qazi Abdul Efandi!”

Qazi Ahmed Efandi stood up:

“It is known to Sultan’s Excellency that in the world of Islam the number of faiths, sects, religious trends isn’t hundred but thousand.”

The Sultan affirmed his words:

“Yes, I know, but there are two main faiths.”

Suppose, in Kaaba we adopted the faith, the sect of Jafari like the fifth sect or faith. In future Nader shah or whoever succeeds him to the throne may make up his mind to adopt a new faith and make the Islam world adopt. What will happen then? Won’t the numbers of the columns in Mecca be more? There is no guarantee that in future Nader shah won’t refuse this faith. Sultan’s Excellency, how can we change by an order the consciousness which had been formed for centuries? We have been in Shirvan for years. We can’t make Shiites and Sunnites reconcile. They consider each other enemies. Even the girls or boys of Shiites and Sunnites can’t marry to each other!”

The Sultan wanted to support Nader shah:

“Nader shah also wants to put an end to this enmity. He wants Islam world to unite.”

“It is better if Islam world be in unity. The offer of Nader shah must be in deeds, Sultan’s Excellency! How do you think that the Shiites and Sunnites will go to the same mosque and do ritual worship together? Or, the boys of Sunnites will marry the girls of Shiites? I can’t believe!”

The Sultan wanted to know the whole flow of thoughts of Qazi Abdul Efandi:

“What do you offer, Qazi Efandi?”

“I offer to take a waiting position on the first two paragraphs.”

The Sultan understood nothing:

“What do you mean?”

“Sultan’s Excellency, let’s answer the messengers that we don’t refuse the first two paragraphs of the treaty; we don’t adopt them either. It needs discussion. In one word, we must say to the messengers that the first two paragraphs of the treaty are to be suspended or put on hold; we must know how the faith of Jafari is applied’ then, we shall return to that problem again.”

The Sultan thought for a while:

“It is a good suggestion. That is to say, we take a waiting position. I don’t want Nader shah to be offended either. Now Nader shah is too mighty. In such a difficult situation of us with Russia, we mustn’t pave a way for him to take the side of Russia. What does the chief vizier say about it?”

The chief vizier stood up:

“Sultan’s Excellency is right. Really, in such a situation we mustn’t offend Nader shah. I think that at the same time we mustn’t adopt the first two paragraphs of the treaty. We may say that the discussions on those paragraphs must be continued. I am against those paragraphs, and I am also against to include Russia as the third party in the treaty. Because by including those paragraphs into the list, Nader shah may lay a basic foundation for his future affairs.”

“Which affairs?”

“I think, Sultan’s Excellency, in future he may demand caliphate from us. If he adopts the faith of Jafari, then perhaps he has secret intentions. In my mind, it can be his ambition to caliphate. If the faith of Jafari gains equal right along with ours, in future it can have equal rights connected to Islam problems, including one that may relate to caliphate. It can’t be given a way. I wanted to say about it, Sultan’s Excellency!”

Sultan Mahmud the First was lost in thoughts hearing their opinions. Their doubts may have some truth. Then the Sultan summed up his thoughts:

“The first two paragraphs are the theme of the discussion; that is why we don’t include them in the list. We shall tell the messenger like thus!”

The chief vizier affirmed Sultan’s words:

“Yes, Sultan’s Excellency!”

“Then we make a strong objection to show that Russia is like the third party to the treaty.”

At last, Abdulbey khan was called to Topqapi and he was given the text of the official treaty. In the treaty all the conditions were adopted shown in the treaty sent from Mughan, except the first two paragraphs. In the preface of the treaty Nader is recognized as the Shah and in the enclosure the borders of the two states are defined as in the treaty signed on 7 th of May 1639.

In this way the situation of the war between the states of the Ottomans and Avshars was eliminated officially.

While the terms of Ottoman –Avshar were going on, the terms of Russia –Ottoman began to be of grave concern. The reason for it was Qaplan Gireyn’s attack on Dagestan and in return for the attack general Leontev’s entering Crimea is a distinct possibility. The Embassy of France made every effort for starting the war of Ottoman- Russia. When the Ottomans waged war against Nader shah, the messengers of Russia — Nepluyev and Vishnyakov — had written a letter to the empress and informed her many times that taking into consideration the weakening of the Ottomans in the war against the Qizilbashs,

Russians should immediately declare war on Turks. But in Saint-Petersburg the messengers of Great Britain, Austria, and Saksoniya were able to soften

the situation; consequently, at that time the war wasn’t declared.

At last, on May 28,1736 Russia declared war on the Ottomans. The Russian troops first encircled Azov. Saint-Petersburg immediately sent Kalushkin to Nader shah to inform him. Because if war had been declared against the Ottomans, Russia hoped that Nader shah also would join that war…


“… They wanted me to be drawn into the war. I knew that it wasn’t my war! I didn’t want to take the side of any state. I used to join the wars if I began them myself. I couldn’t agree with anything if I didn’t know how the result would be. In spite of my thoughts, the messengers of Russia came to me every day. Russia had already recognized me as the shah. As the empress had begun the war against the Ottomans, she wanted me to join the war.

The messenger of Russia came to me with several gifts. He gave me the letter of the empress after he made a bow:

“Empress’s Excellency congratulates you on the occasion of your being elected the shah. Russia assures you to pursue friendly neighborly policy; then friendship and brotherhood will develop.”

I received the regards of the empress.

“Thanks, respected messenger! Give my regards to Empress’s Excellency too.”

The messenger of Russia wanted me to complete my words and then he said:

“Shah’s Excellency, our respected empress doesn’t understand some of your moves and measures. Saint-Petersburg views your actions and moves with surprise.”

“I didn’t like his words.”

“Which of my moves?! I asked ironically.”

“I mean the treaty of shah’s Excellency signed with the Ottomans.” The messenger began to speak. “We had signed a treaty that if Russia or your state signed a treaty with the third state you would draw us into those talks like the third party. It wasn’t like that in the treaty. Saint-Petersburg got the information that you had already signed a treaty with the Ottomans. That news was for us like thunder and lightning in a clear sky. It is a regretful case.”

“In such a situation mutual answer wouldn’t be acceptable.” I pulled myself and calmed the messenger of Russia.

“Respected messenger! First, I haven’t signed a peace treaty with anybody. They informed you incorrectly. We have come to an agreement with the Ottomans about peace. It isn’t the peace treaty. Secondly, the conditions of the treaty were not prepared by me but by the representatives of the Kurultay that came from all parts of the country. I have been empowered to

have talks and sign in the name of the representatives of the Kurultay. Thirdly, even if it were to be the peace treaty, I wouldn’t sign it until I made

you a participant of the treaty. Respected messenger, the situation is like


I thought he was calmed and satisfied hearing my words.”

“I am glad the situation is how you have said. I shall deliver your words to

the Empress’s Excellency and I am sure that she will be glad.”

“Tell her how I told you!”, I said. “Our state hasn’t shirked its responsibility that I undertook with Russia and we aren’t going to break it in future too.”

The messenger of Russia was glad and he hoped to continue the


“I thank Shah’s Excellency for being in good terms with us. Shah’s Excellency, Empress’s Majesty has also given me task of discussing with

you one more problem.”

“Please, I am listening to you.”

“Shah’s Excellency, you know that the Empire of Russia has declared war on the empire of the Ottomans and the war has already begun. The Ottomans have mobilized all of their forces to beat off the bayonets of Russians. Our troops have encircled Azov. Now there is a good situation for you. If you begin the war, you can occupy Anatolia easily without any major operations.”

Those fools considered me to be equal to them. In that situation, I didn’t want to fight against the Ottomans. I had my own plans.

“Tell Empress’s Excellency that Azov is far from for me in much the same way Baghdad is far from her.” I said.

The messenger of Russia was disappointed when he heard my words and he made an effort to believe me to join the war.

“Shah’s Excellency, we don’t want your soldiers come to Azov and help us.”

“What do you want?”

“Empress’s Excellency wants you to attack the Ottomans. If you attack them, their forces will be divided into two parts and will be weakened. Our plan is thus, Shah’s Excellency!”

“Respected messenger, I think about the south or the east but not about the west. For example, Latif khan whom I had returned to his post again has occupied Bahrain. I like to stand in the place where there is victory. From other side, my army needs respite. After the last fight, there is need for restoring of the army. At the same time the continuing wars have made the people poor.”

The messenger of Russia couldn’t make me believe.

“What must I tell Empress’s Excellency about your thoughts?”

“Respected messenger, if the two states want to begin a war together, in order

to have the sides agree with each other, then the two should prepare for the war. You have already begun the war and ask us to join you. Do they wage a

war together in this way?”

The messenger didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Shah’s Excellency, there is an ideal situation for you.”

“I create the situation for myself with the assistance of the God. The result of the situation created by you is unknown to me.”

The messenger of Russia had no word to say. I let him go hopelessly. In the war of Ottoman- Russia I didn’t want to be on the side of the second one — Russia’s side. To take part in that war wasn’t a part of mypurpose or design which I wanted to achieve. That was why I sent information to the Sultan that he could be fully confident and that I wasn’t going to begin operations.

When I was in Qazvin, I signed another order. I forbade the use of the sentence “Ali is the friend of the God” while there were prayers going on in the mosques. In order to insure my order, I forbade the use in other paragraph another sentence “Let our shah live eternally” which wasn’t in favor of me but served Islam, because only the God is eternal, the humans are not eternal; that is why there was no need for using that sentence after the item of Fatiha.


….Nader shah defeated Bakhtiyarlilar who had escaped into the mountains but he couldn’t overcome them wholly. In the mountains Ali Murad headed twenty thousand families. The young head of Bakhtiyarlilar, Ali Murad, was waiting for suitable time to revolt again. Ali Murad was young and that is why his expectations were too many. It was always crowded in their headquarters situated between two mountains. There were a lot of fighters. Every day they got different information from Isfahan. Ali Murad discussed that information closely and minutely. Today’s news was too important.

Ali Murad was sitting on the carpet together with five persons. He was listening to the person who had brought the information. When the man who had brought the information wrapped up his account, he left. Ali Murad took his tasbeh made of amber and began to crack it.

“Well, in Mughan Nader has declared himself the shah. He removed Safavids from the throne once and for all. The old dynasty couldn’t hold the throne. Our eternal enemy Nader became the shah. Hi, frail world, a Turkman who was a shepherd yesterday, is the shah today!”

Ali Murad pulled the string of the tasbeh too far that it finally broke. The round ambers fell on the carpet. Ali Murad couldn’t settle down. He struck his fist on the floor.

“No, my uncle, how long shall we wait? It is the time for vengeance! I must take vengeance of my father on Nader, I don’t care whether he is the Shah or khan!”

Ali Murad’s uncle (father’s brother) Sahib bey was the respected old man of Bakhtiyarlilar. In fact, he ruled the stock. All the people obeyed him. Ali Murad never began to solve anything without consulting with him. He was waiting for his uncle’s consultations.

“Hi, my uncle, what do you advise me? Hasn’t the time arrived yet? How long shall idle among the mountains?”

Sahib bey smoked his pipe and looked at the hot-tempered Ali


“There are no brains in a hot-tempered head! In this way you may lose what you haven’t even begun yet.”

— What must I do, my uncle? You want us to be in the mountains for months. You are telling only that it isn’t the time. I can’t endure anymore! When I hear his name, I fly into a rage!”

For some time Sahib bey smoked his pipe; then he looked at Ali Murad.

“Listen to me! I say that now is the time! You may begin the revolt!”

Ali Murad stood up immediately because he was really glad:

“Do you say truly, my uncle?”

The persons who were around them were listening to the talk of the uncle and the cousin.

“I say truly.” Sahib bey affirmed his words that he had said a moment ago “You may begin the revolt. How will you begin the revolt? What will be your reason to begin the revolt?”

“What does it mean’how will you begin the revolt’? He showed his sword. “I shall begin with it, by fight!”

Sahib bey smiled.

“Oh! Will the people follow you?”

“They will come, my uncle! Why won’t they?

“Hi, my son., I don’t mean the people of our stock! I mean the people of the whole country! What must you do to persuade them to follow you?”

Ali Murad asked.

“What must I do, my uncle?”

Sahib bey ordered one of the young boys who was near them listening to their conversation.

“Hi, my son, I am choked; tell them to bring me tea! This pipe makes me feel thirsty!”

The young boy stood up quickly saying “OK” and approached the door, opened it, and shouted:

“Qulameli, be quick, bring tea! Aga wants tea!”

The voice was heard from behind the door.

“Just a minute, aga!”

After some minutes Qulameli entered the room with a tray in his hand. He put the first full glass of tea at Sahib bey; then the second glass of tea he put at Ali Murad. Then he served the others.

Sahib bey had a drink of hot green tea and then he continued. “It is necessary the other tribes also join the revolt you are going to begin. If you are alone, Nader will defeat you. In order that the other stocks join you, there must be apt reason. We have already such a reason.”

“What is that reason, my son?”

He again drank a sip of tea and said:

“The reason is Tahmasb shah!”

“Tahmasb shah?! Why just Tahmasb shah?”

“Because if you begin to fight against Nader, no one will join you. If you

begin revolt and declare that you want to return the throne to Tahmasb shah, your revolt may gain success.”

Ali Murad was attentively listening to his uncle. As soon as Sahib bey

finished his last words, he didn’t hide his admiration.

“It is a good idea, my uncle! That is to say, we must begin the revolt as the supporters of Tahmasb shah!”

Sahib bey broke the words of Ali Murad.

“I haven’t finished my talk, my son! There remains the main problem. Nader has abolished the severe Shiite in the country, that is, the real being of Qizilbash.

Most people of the country are Shiites. There are a lot of people who are displeased with the order of Nader; this point must also be used.”

One of the young boys drinking tea shrug his shoulders surprisingly.

“We are not Shiites, aga! The problem of Shiite isn’t our concern. Haven’t we other problems?”

Sahib bey looked aslant at the boy asking question, but he showed restraint.

“My son, I don’t speak about which faith we serve. I speak about the revolt. If we revolt to reinstate the throne of Tahmasb shah, it appears that we must also fight against the reinstatement of the old faith!”

Ali Murad didn’t delay his question.

“My uncle, I agree with your views. What will be our benefit in this revolt? Suppose, we defeated Nader. Then, what will be? Suppose, we retuned Tahmasb shah to the throne. What will we gain?”

Sahib bey took the glass, had a sip of tea, and then put the glass on the saucer.

“Well, our propaganda must be quite strong.”

“How must be our propaganda, my uncle?”

Though Sahib bey wasn’t pleased with his nephew’s asking so many questions, he tried to clarify his next question.

“The main point is that we must say everywhere that we have undertaken the responsibility to return the throne to Tahmasb shah; we must popularize everywhere. In popularizing we must say that Tahmasb shah won’t act without us and his rescue and return is closely connected with us.”

Ali Murad didn’t understand what his uncle was speaking about.

“My uncle, what do you think we will achieve?”

“At present we will achieve nothing, but in future we may gain privileges in dividing power.

Ali Murad couldn’t have patience.

“What do you want to say?”

Sahib bey understood that there needs much time for his nephewto be perfect politically, but he didn’t express his thoughts by words; he simply shook his head.

“Maybe you think that our stock likes black eyes or black brows of Tahmasb shah? No, it isn’t thus! If we return him to his throne, it means that we have our own interests.”

Ali Murad couldn’t bear the secrecy speaking of his uncle’s words and asked him to speak openly.

“My uncle, by God, speak openly. What must we do? Which conditions must we lay down at Tahmasb shah?”

Sahib bey felt that at last, it was time to tell him his main purpose:

— My son, we -Bakhtiyarlilar have never had a state. Now it is time for to set up a state in the name of Bakhtiyarllar. At present there is situation for it.

Ali Murad was surprised:

— Shall we set up our own state?

Sahib bey didn’t change his way of speaking:

— Do you doubt to it?

Ali Murad said confused:

— No, my uncle, I don’t doubt. If you say we must set up our state. I have also another question.

— Ask your question, my son, now we must clear up everything.

— How will be the borders of our state?

That time Sahib bey was pleased with the question of his nephew. He thought that Ali Murad’s future will be very good.

— What must we do if we reinstate Tahmasb shah to the throne? What must we do with the power?

The people in the room shouted together:

— What must we do?

Sahib bey gave a puzzled look for a while, he waved his head, he was disappointed for the naivety of the young boys but he said seriously:

— We must divide the power!

— How? — the young boys again shouted together.

— Before reinstating Tahmasb shah to the throne we must achieve to come to an agreement with him.

Ali Murad again asked a question:

— How can we achieve to it? —

— Simply. Instead of our serving to him we must demand him to divide the power.

Ali Murad was very glad:

— What does it mean “we must demand”? How can we demand the Shah “to divide the power”?

— Of course, we may demand!

— What shall we demand?

— We shall make demands at the Shah: One part of Azerbaijan, Iraq, Khorasan are ruled by the Shah, the provinces of Hamadan, Fars, Kirman remain to us.

Ali Murad felt himself at one step’s distance of the power:

— If the Shah doesn’t agree with our conditions?

Sahib bey understood what Ali Murad wanted to say:

— If he doesn’t agree ….we shall oblige him be under house arrest.

— Then?

— Then we declare our state.

— My uncle, at that time how will be terms with Nader shah?

Sahib bey showed restraint:

— My nephew, all what I am telling you will be after gaining victory upon Nader. Now we must think how to gain victory upon him.

Within a short time Ali Murad could be able to mobilize twenty thousand fighters against the Shah. Lurs from the province of Khurramabad, some haft-lands joined the rebels.

The news about the revolt of Ali Murad reached Nader shah in Qazvin. Firstly, he didn’t want to pay attention, when ten thousand tumen which was sent from the province of Fars were captured by Ali Murad, Nader shah flied into a rage. Side by side with it when he heard that the rebels wanted to reinstate Tahmasb shah to the throne and to turn the severe, fanatic, superstitious Shiite into the state religion he wanted to punish Ali Murad.


“…Ali Murad’s revolt was the first revolt after I came to the throne. Though it had passed some months after the month of March Ali Murad’s revolt could be broaden and at that time new instigators or those who liked adventures could join them. That is why I decided to go to his place in order to suppress the revolt of Bakhtiyarlilar.

I wrote letters to the rulers of Isfahan, Shushter and Kuhqulu to gather troops and send to Bakhtiyarlilar. In order to block the way of Bakhtiyarlilar I sent the troops gathered in provinces to the south, I myself attacked from the north. After passing Hunshar I kept the heavy loads in Charpaz and went forward till the bottom of the mountains named Bakhtiyarli. I obliged them to fight. In such situations most of the rebels are usually volunteers. For the army which waged a lot of wars and were trained it wasn’t difficult to defeat the rebels. That time it was thus. When I pressed the rebels to the bottom of the mountains they had either to surrender to me or had to fight against me. Some of them were obliged and entered the fight against my army and the fight even didn’t last an hour. Feeling their defeat they removed to the fortress of Liruk situated in the north-east of the mountains of Dizful. I encircled the fortress and obliged them to surrender. They brought to me their respected old man- the captivated Sahib bey. My talk with him was too short:

— Can’ t you give advice these young boys?

Sahib bey dropped his eyes:

— Nader shah, it was a mistake. There is no slave without mistake and each master has a bit mercy. I ask you forgive us.

— I forgive you. – I said. – on condition that you must take an oath touching your hand on Koran for you will obey me and will surrender Ali Murad to me.

— My shah, I may take an oath touching my hand on Koran that our stock will obey you and will help you. I can also touch on Koran and take an oath that I don’t know where Ali Murad is. He took his family and removed to the mountains, I don’t know exactly where he is.

— Well, I believe you, — I said. I know that I shall find him wherever he is. After your taking an oath on Koran I shall place you together with ten thousand families in Khorasan. I shall train the young boys of the stock, then I shall enter them my army.

I allowed him to go and then I called Murad:

— Murad khan, — I said. This time I shall also give you a hard task.

— I am ready to fulfill your any order, my Shah!

— For two months we are looking for Ali Murad, we can’t find him. You must bring either his dead body or alive! According to the information I got he hid himself in the mountains around the fortress of Banavar. You must find him wherever he is.

Murad’s answer was like before:

— All right, my Shah! ….”


….For about one month Murad rummaged thoroughly and roughly the mountains. He couldn’t find Ali Murad, even he heard no news about him. There was no place that they didn’t look for him. The special guarding regiment was tired. Every day he sent the detachments to different directions, after some days they returned with empty handed.

Murad’s camp was at five hundred meter’s distance from the spring.

One day Murad lined up the detachments on the row and gave them task about the searching directions. Then he looked towards the spring thinking about the ways of finding Ali Murad. He couldn’t think where to find him. He didn’t want to return to the Shah with empty hand. If it needed a year he would search for him. He wouldn’t return back till finding Ali Murad. He stood on a stone. The spring could be seen clearly from there. Suddenly there appeared a woman at the spring. She filled the jug in her hand with water and disappeared again. Firstly, Murad didn’t pay attention to it. He thought that there was nothing serious, she filled her jug with water and went away. Suddenly as if he awoke from sleeping. My God, from where that woman came and where did she go? Because there was no settlement around. Was she a human or… ghost? Was she Jinn and appeared at the spring? There was nobody around and there was no path. Only the path opened by the mountain goats near the precipitous rocks directed attention. If mountain goats climbed those rocks with difficulty how could a human climb there? All the rocks were raft and slat.

Then Murad thought that Jinn was seen to him. A human can’t appear suddenly and disappear all of a sudden. For to make sure he laid an ambush at the spring and guards to watch. One day passed, there was no news about the woman. Two days passed, again there was no news about her. Murad was fully confident that there he had seen no woman but Jinn.

The third day in the afternoon the guards watching at the spring brought a woman to Murad. He immediately knew her seeing her dress. She was just that woman he had seen. The woman begged the guards to free her. As soon as she saw Murad, she thought that he was the head of the soldiers, she was hanged to his feet:

— I beseech you, I am an old woman, I have nothing to do with others. Let me go, I beseech you!

Firstly, Murad felt sorry to the woman sobbing bitterly. He wanted to free her. Then he gave up his mind. “Let me question him, I wonder what is she doing on the mountains”. He raised the woman:

— What were you doing on the mountains, mother! Aren’t you afraid of wild animals?

The woman wiped her eyes with the back of her hand:

— Why to be afraid of the wild animals? Soon I shall die… When my sons died in the war I came to the mountains. I live here lonely.

Suddenly Murad thought something and he asked unexpected question:

— Is Ali Murad near you?

The woman didn’t lose herself:

— Who is Ali Murad, my son? I don’t know Ali Murad. Let me go, my son, I beseech you!

— Listen to me, mother, we may torture you and make you speak rightly. I don’t want to torture you. It is better if you speak yourself.

The woman again wanted to sob as if Murad’s heart would break. That time Murad gave him a good rating:

— If you shout once more I shall tell the soldiers to whip you. Did you hear me?

The woman kept silence:

— I heard.

— Now answer my questions rightly. Where do you live?

The woman showed with her hand the upper part of the spring, one side of the mountain.

— There is a cave among the raft rocks, I live there.

Murad was surprised:

— There is no path leading there, how do you climb there?

— It is seen from here like thus.

Murad forced out the woman:

— Now I take my soldiers and go there together with you. If you tell the truth I shall give you a quarter. I shall free you. If you don’t tell the truth I shall ask the soldiers whip you. Is Ali Murad there?

The woman said no word. Murad shouted at her:

— Is Ali Murad there? We shall go there with you and look for each inch there. Speak!

At last the woman spoke:

— He is there.

— Who are you?

— I am his servant.

— Who are there except Ali Murad?

— His wife and his three daughters.

— Lead us there!

Murad took his soldiers and they began to climb up on the path of a mountain goat following the woman. Murad was surprised at the woman’s climbing impassable path like a goat. When the narrow path was over there was seen a broad area. At the end of the are there was a raft stone and behind the stone there was a cave. If they came there without the woman they wouldn’t see that cave. The cave was encircled by the soldiers. Murad shouted turning towards the cave:

— Ali Murad, surrender! — You are in encirclement.

No voice was heard from the cave. Murad shouted again:

— Ali Murad, surrender! We know that you are in the cave! Go out!

There was heard furious voice from the cave:

— Show your courage, enter the cave to take me!

Murad was glad. At last, Ali Murad was found. He could give good news to Nader shah.

Though the inner of the cave was broad, from the opening of it only one person could pass. It gave Ali Murad a chance. Firstly, Murad decided to make a fire and make Ali Murad go out. He thought that there were also the women inside. He made up mind to keep him hungry in the cave! Till what time would he live without food or water?

On the third day of the encirclement Ali Murad’s voice was heard from inside:

— Don’t shoot at me, I surrender to you!

Firstly, the head of Ali Murad, then his body was seen through the cave.

Two of the soldiers came up him, took his sword and dagger, tied his hands in the back.

Murad told one of the soldiers:

— Go and pull out the woman and children from the cave!

It lasted no moment the soldiers went out of the cave:

— All of them have been killed, aga!

Murad caught the collar of Ali Murad and shook him:

— Hi, traitor, what was the fault of them? Why did you kill them?

Ali Murad raised his head and said proudly:

— I killed them for not to be in your hands.

— If it is thus why didn’t you kill yourself, we should consider you the store of manliness. It isn’t manliness, hi, traitor!

That time Ali Murad dropped his eyes and kept silence.

Ali Murad was sent to Shushtepe, to Nader shah’s place. The Shah ordered to cut his ears, hands and feet and pull out his eyes. After two days Ali Murad died groaning in blood.

Nader shah was thinking about conquering new tops….



For about some years the ruler of Qandahar had parted from the dynasty of Safavid and had achieved independent ruling. It is right, though Huseyn Sultan didn’t part from Safavids officially, he hadn’t been obeying to the central government for some years, he didn’t send taxes to Isfahan. He didn’t declare himself shah either. Side by side with it he sent assistance where the revolts began against Tahmasb shah or Nader shah. It is natural, the central power was aware of about his acts, but each time because of some reasons to punish Huseyn Sultan was put off. The ruler of Qandahar used that chance and strengthened his positions, he didn’t want to limit his power only with his province. As a result of the measuring of the last years the walls of the fortress had been strong. Huseyn Sultan had made them to build the walls as though that even by cannons it was impossible to destroy the walls. The ruler of Qandahar was too much satisfied with himself and gradually he began to take security measure.

Because of that reason he had informed the shah of Moghol that there was needed new power between them and Safavids. Both Huseyn Sultan and the Moghols understood it very well. It was necessary for such kind of power for to defeat the danger which could arise in future. But the shah of Moghols didn’t want to break terms between Safavids and he had skillfully had refused from the Sultan’s offering. Huseyn Sultan wasn’t disappointed after the refusing of the shah of the Moghols., on the contrary he had begun to take additional measure for the province he ruled become much independent. He wasn’t a coward person, simply, he wanted to escape himself and the people from the power of Safavids which had been lasting for hundred years. It wasn’t possible at that time. At that time the world was divided among the empires of Great Britain, Spain, Germany, Russia, China, Ottomans, Qizilbash, Moghol and France. At that time one empire could get the lands of one empire and combine with its lands. All the empires didn’t allow the existing of another empire among them. In fact, establishing of such a state was impossible. During his independent ruling time he had already understood that problem. He considered it to hurt his dignity. Because he had already begun and had to continue till the end.

Though Huseyn Sultan had ability of ruling, he hadn’t experience in setting up army. During the last ten years instead of setting up armed and fighting forces he had been thinking about how to defend Qandahar by means of forces he had. It was the beforehand defeat of the ruler who was eager to get independence.

Huseyn Sultan had got bad news from Isfahan. He got news that Nader shah who had newly declared himself Shah, wanted to combine Qandahar with his lands. The ruler of Qandahar knew very well that if he would be escaped from the attack of Nader shah, the neighboring states would recognize Qandahar like an independent ruler. That was why the ruler of Qandahar mobilized all of his forces for to put an end the ability of Nader shah which was famous for years, and to return him back after defeating. Both the Ottomans and the Moghols also wanted Nader shah’s defeating. Though they didn’t inform officially, but in a underhand way they had sent news that they were also against Nader shah, if he would gain success they would help him. All of their promises were not on officially level of state. All the promises were said from the names of the authoritative persons as if the state didn’t have to meddle such kind of affairs. The main point was that he had to gain victory upon Nader shah. All of them wanted to deal with only who was mighty.

Huseyn Sultan had made himself and his relatives be under danger. He was playing “game”, he played against the mighty one.

That is why the ruler of Qandahar who didn’t want to think about to be defeated and betraying in that “game” gathered all of his advisers and wanted to clear up the problems.

— Agalar, — Huseyn Sultan addressed to his advisers. Though the revolt which began as a result of our efforts and assistance by Bakhtiyarlilar and their leader gained success in the first stage, at last they were defeated too. Those persons whom we had assisted bowed at Nader shah. The main problem is that after the execution of Ali Murad, all the Bakhtiyarlilar joined Nader shah. I believe that in future they may fight against us in the army of Nader shah. Agalar, I have got information that Nader shah is coming to Qandahar with a number of troops. I wanted to know about your thoughts. I don’t doubt that Nader shah will be near Qandahar in three or four months. Please, agalar, I listen to you!

The adviser Hemid bey raised his hand and wanted to say a word:

— Respected Huseyn Sultan khan! Thanks to the wise and clever policy of you, Qandahar controls the trade of “Way of silk” for years. Why I mentioned about it, because the main benefit of us is in that trade. The trade cades coming from China, Moghol, Russia, Qizilbashs, Ottomans and Turkustan pass through mainly from the territory of Qandahar and we possessed riches for that reason. We shall pursue your policy with all of our riches and life.

Huseyn Sultan khan was pleased with the words of Hemid bey. He wanted to listen to others too. That time he wanted to listen to the chief adviser who used to speak only in rare cases:

— How is the attitude of our chief adviser to these problems? I think, my chief adviser will share with us his sensible advices about Nader shah’s marching.

The chief adviser didn’t except that in that discussion he would be given a word. He wasn’t upset from the sudden offering of Huseyn Sultan, he stood up and moved a motion:

— Agalar, respected Huseyn Sultan khan! For some years we have been pursuing an independent policy. It is right, as a result of international policy and if to take into consideration the wars between the states, all was in favor of us, that is to say, Qizilbashs never attacked us. Why mustn’t we pursue our policy again if we have been strengthened from the economical and financial view point and will be recognized by the neighboring states?

There was heard the words of affirming:

— It is right!

— We must declare our state!

— Qandahar is an unconquerable fortress!

There were found those who were against their offering. Somebody asked permission from the ruler for to give a question to the chief adviser:

— I wish our shah live a long life, do we know that with how many troops is Nader shah coming to Qandahar?

— It is approximately is known. Nader shah is coming towards Qandahar with eighty thousand fighters. If we don’t count the helpers and servants it is too big number!

The person who had given a question added:

— We have only twenty thousand fighters. To tell the truth, our fighters aren’t as regulated as Nader shah’s. In spite of having unconquerable fortress it will be too hard for us. But we can bear!

The ruler of Qandahar turned towards his well-known warlord Ziyad khan:

— What does our respected warlord Ziyad khan think about the problem?

Ziyad khan stood up:

— Respected Huseyn Sultan khan! Like a warlord and the head of the army I think a bit different.

Ziyad khan paused for a while. The ruler of Qandahar saw that he paused, he said:

— Ziyad khan, don’t avoid! Tell your thoughts! It is important and necessary to know your thoughts.

Ziyad khan continued his speech hesitantly:

— Agalar, try to understand me well! It is right, the last decision will be given by Huseyn Sultan khan. If you ask about my thoughts let me tell. Nader shah will keep Qandahar in encirclement for a long time. We shall have no connections with surrounding provinces. In such case Nader shah will take all the taxes himself. We shan’t go out of Qandahar. How many years we can remain in encirclement?

There were heard voices:

— We can remain how many years are needed.

— Now it is very easy to tell it, but during encirclement we are not attacking power but defending. We must think about the situation of the people in such a situation and also the pessimism of the soldiers.

Huseyn Sultan khan couldn’t have a patience Ziyad khan’s pleasing both parties:

— What do you offer, Ziyad khan?

— I offer to have talks with Nader shah.

There was buzzing in the room. All looked at the faces of one another.

Somebody asked a question:

— What will be our favor, Ziyad khan?

Ziyad khan turned towards Huseyn Sultan khan:

— Respected khan, it will give you chance for to keep your power, — he turned his face towards the courtiers. – It will give you a chance for to remain in your posts.

The supporters of the war had their own interests. They did their best for to instigate Huseyn Sultan khan to war. The chief adviser of the khan stood up decidedly:

— Agalar! Respected khan! Till what time shall we live in a cowardly way? Till what time shall we shake before both Safavids and Avshars? Isn’t it better to die like a man?

The voices were heard:

— It is right! Thank you!

— We must declare our state!

— He who is afraid of Nader shah he is a traitor!

The chief adviser raised his hand. They kept silence.

— Agalar, now we don’t speak about cowardice or perfidy or about manliness. Here we say about our thoughts. I approach respectfully to the thought of Ziyad khan, I don’t think about surrendering to Avshars. We must put an end to this uncertainty.

Ziyad khan objected again:

— Agalar! Think for a while! Nader shah defeated the Ottomans, he threw the Russians to the other side of Darband, he possessed Bahrain and the gulf of Kenger. You say that he is coming to Qandahar with eighty thousand fighters. He comes to fight only against us. There is no danger for him from the west or north. He will remain here how much he wants. He can bring additional troops how much he wants.

The chief advices didn’t want to agree with him:

— Let he come with how many troops he wants. We shall defeat and send back Nader shah in the fortress of Qandahar.

— It is right, Qandahar is an unconquerable fortress!

— We must declare our independence!

That time Huseyn Sultan khan raised his hand. All were silent.

— Agalar, during some years we have been independent, we obeyed nobody, we gave taxes nobody. Now we can’t be under the yoke of anybody!

Those who were listening to him became passionate:

— Long live, Huseyn Sultan khan!

— You are our savior, respected khan!

— We must declare our independence!

Huseyn khan looked towards the person who had said the slogan of

“we must declare our independence” :

— Today you have repeated this slogan four times. Yes, we shall declare our independence but after gaining victory upon Nader shah!

Then all stood up:

— Long live our khan!

— You are our…

The ruler of Qandahar raised his hand. All became silent. He continued his speech:

— The time doesn’t wait for to gain victory upon Nader shah. In order it I declare mobilization in all over the province. Then, within a month, Qandahar must be provided with any kind of food for four years. Because if Nader shah keeps us in encirclement there mustn’t be deficiency of food. Thirdly, there must be brought stones to Qandahar from the mountains.

They asked surprisingly:

— What for stones, khan?

— Because if the city remains in encirclement for to restore the damaged parts of the fortress as a result of shooting of cannons.

All shook their heads:

— It is very clever measure!

— Then we must set up restoring group for to restore the destroyed parts immediately. That is all!

“….Each time when I wanted to do away with Qandahar, the solution of somehow problem drew my attention and for some time I forgot about Qandahar. During 1729—1730 years after forcing out Gilzays who were one branch of the Ottomans from the central and south parts of the state there was situation for to solve the problem of Qandahar. The events that happened in other places of the country changed my purpose. Firstly, in 1730 there began war against the Ottomans, then I was engaged with suppressing the revolt of Abdalists. In 1732 there was also good situation for to attack Qandahar, I had occupied Herat, after attacking to Fereh I should finish my march successfully. But Tahmasb shah’s unsuccessful march against the Ottomans again put off my military operations to Qandahar. Then the war against the Ottomans, the revolt of Muhammed khan Beluj, marching to Dagestan and Shirvan, the ceremony of crowning in Mughan, the revolt of Bakhtiyarlilar didn’t give me opportune for to solve the problem of Qandahar.

After the temporary peace with the Ottomans and after singing peace treaty with the empire of Russia, I beat off the danger from the north and the west. There was no danger from those countries that is why I began to be seriously engaged with the east, that is to say, with Qandahar and other problems. Dagestan and Belujs didn’t create danger for me anymore. I had quieted Dagestan and had made Belujs obey me.

Before marching to Qandahar I awarded my soldiers with medals, gifts, gave them military titles in Isfahan.

I left for Qandahar with eighty thousand fighters by passing through the provinces of Kirman and Sistan. I also had given instructions to Tahmasb khan Jelair for to join me with troops of forty thousand fighters. I had taken some Georgian courtiers with me too. I had two purposes. Firstly, for the well-known Georgian Shahzades and courtiers not to disturb the peace and not to be against me. They were as if hostages. My other purpose was to show them my power and fame. I had advised knyaz Teymuraz, Givi Atilakov, Eristava Araqvi Bardzima and their followers to be near me.

At the end of December I came to Kirman, rested there for some days. In Kirman I had sent order by the herald to the son of the ruler of Sistan- Melik Mahmud’s son Fathali khan Keyani for his military unities join mine in the bordering of the province of Qandahar, in Zabulstan.

On February 18, in 1737 with all my joined troops I arrived in Girishk. In Girishk I ordered my brother-in –law (my wife’s brother) Kelbeli khan for to conquer the province of Zemindavar and the city of Bast. Then I pitched my camp at thirty five kilometers’ distance of Qandahar, on the bank of the river of Arqandab”.


….Huseyn Sultan got information from his scouts that Nader shah had pitched a camp on the bank of the river of Arqandab. Though the ruler of Qandahar didn’t like the speech of Ziyad khan in the gathering, he didn’t say him anything. After some days the ruler of Qandahar removed him from his post, he appointed Muhammed Saidal khan to the chief of all Afghan army. The ruler of Qandahar called Muhammed Saidal khan and his helper- warlord Yunus khan and wanted to give them some instructions. The ruler of Qandahar was looking so preoccupied. Both of the khans bowed him, then Huseyn Sultan khan showed them seats for to sit down:

— How is the fighting mood of officers and soldiers in the army?

— Thanks to you it isn’t bad, — Muhammed Saidal khan answered.

The ruler of Qandahar asked both of the khans:

— Muhammed khan, Yunus khan…

— Yes, my ruler!

— You know that the army respected Ziyad khan very much. I removed him from his post of warlord, because he wasn’t the supporter of war. I know that it isn’t in favor of us. What to do? I want to know whether our soldiers wish Ziyad khan or not.

Muhammed Saidal khan asked permission for to speak:

— Huseyn Sultan khan, our officers and soldiers haven’t time to think about Ziyad khan. Now they are thinking only about how to fight against Nader shah. There is enthusiasm in the army, all are eager to the fight, to die in the way of Qandahar and you.

Sultan Huseyn khan was pleased with his answer:

— It is very good, very good, — he said. – Now I want to know your thoughts. Must our army remove to the city or to enter open fight?

Muhammed Saidal khan immediately answered his question:

— Respected khan, about this problem I and Yunus khan have a good measure. If you allowed we’d inform you about that measure.

— Please, I listen to you!

— Respected khan, the main purpose of our measure is to attack Nader shah all of a sudden on the other side of Arqandab.

— How? — Huseyn Sultan khan asked with interest.

— Both of us cross Arqandab from the north and south with eight thousand soldiers and attack him all of a sudden and combine our troops in Pashta. All attacks happen at night.

The ruler of Qandahar thought for a while and then asked:

— Muhammed khan, you take the most fighting soldiers on the other bank of the river. If your measure didn’t come true, what will happen then? Haven’t you thought about discords of it?

Yunus khan asked permission for to speak:

— Respected Huseyn Sultan khan, we have thought this measure like following! We shall cross the river at night from the north and south, at four kilometer’s distance of the camp of Avshars. Then we shall combine in Pashta by fighting as how we thought. Unexpectedly we shall attack with sixteen thousand fighters against eighty thousand fighters. The superior will be in our side because of attacking unexpectedly.

At last, Huseyn Sultan khan agreed with their measuring:

— Let the God bless you! Let it be successful! I am sure no one is aware of about your plan.

Muhammed Saidal khan answered immediately:

— You are right, my khan! Except us and the chief of the reconnaissance detachment no one is aware of our plans.


…Murad had placed his soldiers of guarding regiment for to guard in the territory of down and upper of the river at the six kilometer’s distance of the camp that Nader shah had pitched. Nevertheless, it wasn’t excepted the attack against army, but he had to obey the orders of Nader shah. It was one o’clock at night. It was moony and the river was seen clearly. One of the soldiers who was on the night duty didn’t know anything about the reason of their guarding far from the camp, but he realized the importance of fulfilling the task. It was forbidden the soldiers to sing, to sleep, to whistle while they were in duty. The soldiers were watching the other bank of the river very carefully. Suddenly, one of the soldiers saw that towards their side a stump was floating from the middle of the river. The stump could be seen very clearly in the light of the moon. The soldier wasn’t mistaken, the stump was coming towards them. The soldier whispered his friend:

— Look here, do you see that stump in the river? It is floating towards us.

The other friend looked attentively at the river and said in a low voice:

— Upon my life, I see nothing.

The soldier who had seen the stump reached out his finger towards the stump:

— Look attentively!

— Yes, now I see… It is only a stump…

The other soldier again said whispering:

— I know that it is a stump. I wonder, why is the stump floating towards us? In fact, the stump has to float down the river, but it is floating sideways, towards us.

— By God, you are right. There is some secret in it. We must cast covetous eyes upon the stump.

The stump was approaching the bank, but two pairs of eyes were watching it. At last, one end of the stump pressed against the soil on the bank. The stump was in the height of a human, behind of it a person began to be seen. That person couldn’t have a chance to hide himself in the bushes on the bank of the river.

The voice of “stop!” winced the person. No sooner had he realized what was happening the soldiers had already tied his hands.

— Who are you, and what are you looking for here at midnight? — One of the soldiers asked him.

The captivated person didn’t say a word:

— Why don’t you speak? What are you? From where have you come and where you are going?

The captivated person didn’t speak:

One of the soldiers said to the other soldier:

— To hell with him! Let’s take him and throw into the river with bound hands. In the river he can speak to fishes. Let’s be out of danger!

One of the soldiers took the feet of the captive, the other caught him by the shoulders and wanted to throw into the river after waving for a while.

The captive saw that the soldiers don’t joke. They were going to throw him into the water with bound hands.

— Stop, — he said, — I may speak. Don’t throw me into this damned river again! Take me near your chief.

The soldiers put him on the ground and began to laugh:

— Well, now you want to speak. Why were you holding your tongue.? One of the soldiers made a voice like a bat’s. After some minutes four soldiers came up to them. One of the them:

— What has happened? — asked.

One of the soldiers showed the lying captive:

— We caught him while going out of the river. Firstly, he didn’t want to speak, then we could make him speak. He asked us to take him to the chief of us for to tell him something.

Murad was alone in the tent when they brought the captive to him. Murad asked the soldier to go out and looked at the captive askew:

— Who are you, and what do you want to say to me? Without fail, we shall check what you say. If you tell the truth you will be given a quarter. If you tell a lie you will be tortured or will be killed. Maybe you want to see all torturing with your eyes. I may do like this.

— No, there is no need, aga!

Murad said decidedly:

— If it is thus, tell me, who and what are you?

The captive swallowed:

— I am a scout, aga!

The words of the captive didn’t surprise Murad. They had caught some many scouts like him…

— Why have you come to this bank?

— I had to give a sign to the troops on the other side.

— What for to sign?

— If there wasn’t any danger they had to cross the river.

His words surprised Murad:

— Did they have to cross the river?

— Yes, my aga!

— Then?

— It is known, aga! While you were sleeping they would kill you by sudden attack.

— How many fighters did have to cross to this side?

— Eight or ten thousand fighters had to cross from the north, eight or ten thousand had to cross from the south. I think from the north they have already crossed the river.

— What? — Murad immediately charged the captive to the guarder and he went to Nader shah’s place.

…..Sign was given from the south part of the river. Muhammed khan Saidal ordered the troop to cross the river. At midnight the troops began to cross the river on the wood bridges. No sooner had the half of the Afghan soldiers crossed the river than the troops of Avshar caught them. They captivated some of them, killed most of them. Those who hadn’t crossed the river were trying to escape themselves. When Murad rendered harmless Muhammed khan Saidal, then it was Yunus khan’s turn. In the dark Murad ordered his eight thousand fighters for to move towards the north part of the camp, towards Pashta. In Pashta Murad’s troop came nearer to Yunus khan’s troop…

Yunus khan was waiting for Muhammed khan Saidal at the appointed place. At that time he heard the voice of approaching horse and foot. The helper came to him hurriedly:

— Aga, Muhammed khan’s troop are coming, they are near.

Yunus khan asked his helper:

— Do you know that they are Muhammed khan’s troops, have you checked them?

— Yes, aga, the guards in the front have checked. Even they have given the agreed sign. Everything is how you prepared, aga!

— Very good, inform the troop for to be ready!

At that time there kicked up a roar. Yunus khan looked at his helper worriedly:

— What is this noise? What is the voice of sword and shooting?

The helper said frightened:

— I don’t know, aga!

Among the troop of Yunus khan there came dreadful voices:

— Aga, try to be escaped! They are Avshars!

— They deceived us.

— They are not the fighters of Muhammed khan!

Murad khan appeared unexpectedly at the fighters of Yunus khan. Avshars pressed them against the river. Those who had jumped into the river were drown, the rest of them were killed by Avshars. Muhammed Saidal khan was captivated. Nader shah ordered to pull out his eyes for knowing how dangerous he was.

So, Huseyn Sultan khan’s sudden attack against Nader shah ran to waste, the ruler of Qandahar removed the rest of the troops into the fortress.

Nader shah crossed the river of Arqandab and near the village of Goyaran he allowed his troops to rest. From there Qandahar was in four kilometer’s distance. He passed the chains of the mountain of Qayitulu and reached to the defending field- engineering which was situated in the north-west part of Qandahar. Nader shah pitched his camp in the place named Surk Shir, at the three kilometer’s distance of Qandahar.

The beauty of those places admired Nader shah, that was why he decided to build a grandiose city there having both bazaar and bath-home. He ordered to build a house for each of his fighter and for himself. The new city was named Naderabad in the honor of Nader shah.

The fortress of Qandahar was built firmly. Though the shah of Moghol wanted to occupy that fortress hundred years ago, he couldn’t achieve his purpose. Firstly, Ahuranzib, then his brother Dara Shukur had made efforts but they failed.

The fortress of Qandahar was surrounded by the chains of the mountain of Qayiltulu from the north-west. The walls of the fortress were built with the mixture of the material of mud, clay, chaff and stones. The thickness of the fortress was about five or six meters. Except the fortress of Qandahar there was built the second walls of field- engineering. The distance between that field-engineering and the walls of the fortress was hundred meters. On the walls of the second field engineering there were erected a number of towers. Even in front of the walls of the fortress there were dig the ditches full of water the depth of which was six meter’s depth, width also was six meters.

During the encirclement of Qandahar one of the warlords of Nader shah, Muhammed khan of Turkman was sent to the shah of Moghol- to Muhammed.

Muhammed khan of Turkman was asked by Nader shah not to remain in Delhi more than forty days. The reason of to send the messenger was the Moghols’ opening the borders and let the Afghan refugees enter the territory of empire. Nader shah demanded the shah of Moghol for to close the borders immediately and return the refugees back. Muhammed khan kept the messenger of Nader shah in the palace more than a year without announcing the reason. It put the base of the future discords.

In Qandahar the encirclement was continuing. At the beginning of 1738 the provinces of Balujstan and Zamindavar, including Qalat-Gilchay was made to obey Nader shah, the forces of those provinces joined to the encirclement of Qandahar.

On 30 th of January the forces of the Shah attacked the defending field-engineering and some towers were captured by the attackers. The tower of Chikhil Zine situated in the side of the mountain of Qayitulu was defeated after some attacks. When the tower was captured, the forces of the shah could be able to lift the cannons with the difficulty to the tower. It gave chance to fire by cannons from that tower the main power of Tower of Dada.

Each night the restorers restored the stones which had fallen after the fire of cannons. The fortress was in encirclement for eleven months. It appeared that the ending of encircling was unknown.


“…..Qandahar was our last lands that I hadn’t occupied it yet. I should occupy it sooner or later. If it needed to keep the city in encirclement even two or three years I should do it. I knew that the tower of Burch Dada was the main obstacle in occupying the city. In spite of my soldiers’ s making efforts for many times the tower hadn’t been occupied yet. The tower had to be occupied with a trick, because it was situated in the height, from there it wasn’t difficult to shell the tower of Qayitulu which was considered the inner tower and in which the khan’s palace was situated.

One day my helper came to me and said to me that Ziyad khan, one of the former warlords of Huseyn Sultan wanted to see me. I received Ziyad khan. He entered the room and bowed me:

— Let the life of the Your Majesty be long! Only the God is witness that I was against the khan’s fighting against you and advised Huseyn Sultan khan to obey you.

I looked Ziyad khan attentively and tried to know what he wanted:

— When did you do it? — I asked.

— At that time you hadn’t left Isfahan. Huseyn Sultan khan was holding the discussion. In that gathering I told him my thought.

— Were you only or there were others?

— It is pity, I was alone. The independence seemed them too sweet that even they wanted to declare their own state.

I asked surprisingly and with interest:

— What did they want to declare?

— The establishing of a new state, my shah!

It was new news for me. It appeared that they had mobilized all their forces to defend Qandahar. If Qandahar wasn’t occupied and I left the city

Huseyn Sultan khan would declare a new state. I didn’t tell about my thoughts to Ziyad khan.

— What did happen then, Ziyad khan?

Ziyad khan answered without hesitating:

— It is known what happened then. After that gathering of discussion-consulting Huseyn Sultan khan removed me from my post like the supporter of you as a result of the efforts of the supporters of war and independence.

I gave Ziyad khan my next question, because depending on the answer to that question the future of Ziyad khan would be known, that is to say, after the occupation of Qandahar to keep him the ruler of Qandahar or not.

— Which position did Huseyn Sultan khan take?

— The khan still didn’t want to declare establishing of a new state, but he made an open statement that after the victory on Nader shah he would declare the new state.

At last, I gave Ziyad khan my last question:

— How can we occupy the tower of Tower of Dada?

After listening to the answer of Ziyad khan I understood that really, he was a good warlord and Huseyn Sultan khan had made great mistake by removing him from his post.

— My shah, ask me how to occupy Qandahar?

— To occupy the tower of Tower of Dada is like to occupy Qandahar.

Ziyad khan became much serious after my words:

— My shah, it is very difficult to get the Tower of Dada, but there is one way.

— Tell me that way, I shall appoint you the ruler of Qandahar, -I said.

— My shah, I haven’t come here for to be the ruler. I have come here for to escape my people from the hands of those “wooden headed fools”. I am a military man not a ruler. My place is in the fighting areas, not in the palaces.

— Let it be how you wish, Ziyad khan, your way is open to the fighting areas.

— My shah, there are a lot of soldiers in the Tower of Dada. It is difficult to occupy the tower when the soldiers are there.

— I wonder, are the soldiers always there?

— They are not in the tower only once a week, for some hours.

— What does it mean “for some hours”?

— On the Friday, my shah, except some soldiers all the soldiers come down to the mosque situated in the fortress of Qayitulu for to do ritual worship. Only at that time you have chance to get the tower.

I didn’t think about it, I thanked Ziyad khan, after seeing him off I called Murad. I gave him special tasks. I should give thousand Naderi money to each fighter who would take part in the occupation of Qandahar. I asked him to prepare a lot of ladders, ropes and began to wait for the Friday..”


While the soldiers were doing ritual worship in the mosque there was given the sign for to attack the tower. Though Avshars had great loss, the tower was occupied because of having few defenders. Though Huseyn Sultan khan sent a lot of groups for to get the tower back it was useless. When the Tower of Dada was occupied, the other towers began to be occupied one after another. Sultan Huseyn removed to the fortress of Qayitulu seeing the situation. In order to destroy the fortress of Qayitulu Nader shah placed the cannons around the fortress.

The Afghans have a tradition named nennevat. In order to put an end to blood, to notify to lose the fight, they send one of the close woman for to request. It means that they lost honor, self-esteem, let this woman be yours. In one word, the side which sends a woman to reconcile confesses dishonor and infamy. When the tower of Qayitulu was shelled by the cannons, Huseyn Sultan khan sent his sister Zeyneb to Nader shah’s place.

The fortress of Qandahar was freed wholly.

That time as a token of respect Nader shah executed nobody from the family of Huseyn Sultan. He sent the khan to Mazandaran like a military captive.

When Qandahar was occupied, Nader shah made the people of the city move to the new capital of the province- to Naderabad. Each soldier who had taken part in the occupation of Qandahar, was given thousand Naderi accessory money. Ziyad khan was appointed the warlord of one of the troops of Avshar.

Without delay after freeing of Qandahar Nader shah side by side reinstating the historical lands of the state of Avshar, he also requited for the shameful defeat in the time of Huseyn Sultan khan and took vengeance of Qizilbashs.

The shah remained in Naderabad for two months and began to prepare to the marching to India. In essence, there was reason for it.

Then Nader shah wanted to be a world-wide conqueror.

That time Nader shah had dressed the “dressing-gown” of success and victory of Isghandar of Makedoniya, Chingiz khan and Emir Teymur.


When Nader declared himself shah in Mughan, Muhammed shah had been ruling the empire of Moghol for seventeen years. He could be compared neither to Babur nor to Akbar. As it wouldn’t be right to compare Tahmasb Mirze to Shah Ismayil the Great or to Shah Abbas, it would be wrong to compare Muhammed shah to Babur or Akbar. In both cases Babur and Akbar, Shah Ismayil and Shah Abbas were the creators and supporters of the empire.

The falling of the empire of Moghol began with Ahuranzib shah

(1658—1701). That falling quickened in the period of Bahadur shah (1707—1712). The factor stimulating that falling was in the palace forming of the groups affected Persian, Turan and Indian. In 1719 the grandson of Bahadur shah, Rovshen Aktar took himself the title of Muhammed shah and came to the power. During his twenty years’ reigning he didn’t take any step for to put an end to the falling of the empire. His palace had turned into the centre of wrangling among the groups. As if Moghols were not lucky, because Nader shah had made up mind to attack that country in that period.

Including the shahs of Safavid, Nader shah had written a letter to the shah for the Moghols close the border, return back the refugee Afghans. Though the Moghols agreed with him but they took no measure. Nader shah who was angry sent Muhammed khan Turkman to Delhi and presented the last warning letter to the shah and had asked him not to be late there more than forty days.

The butler entered the reception room and said loudly:

— The messenger of Qizilbashs, Muhammed khan Turkman.

Muhammed khan Turkman came in, bowed the shah who was sitting on the throne:

— Let the life of the shah of Moghol be long! Our shah Nader has sent you a letter.

Muhammed khan Turkman reached out the letter to the helpmate of the shah. In his turn the helpmate gave the letter to the shah. The shah glanced over the letter and said:

— Respected messenger, now tell with words what have been written in the letter for my viziers to hear.

— Shah’s Majesty, — Muhammed khan began to speak. — for many times Nader shah requested and asked you to close the borders of the empire of Moghol, for not the refugees of Afghans to enter your territories and to return back the refugees who had already passed the borders. Though many years have passed you haven’t fulfilled his request, nevertheless, you had promised personally yourself. Everything remains as before. That is why Nader shah has sent you the last warning letter.

Muhammed khan listened to the messenger and turned towards his viziers:

— What are the thoughts of my viziers?

The Persian affected vizier began to speak:

— Let the shah’s life be long! I think, Muhammed khan Turkman has come from far, let him go and have a rest. We shall answer him, of course!

The shah asked the messenger:

— What do you say to his offering?

— How you advice, my shah! Nader shah asked me not to stay in Delhi more than forty days.

The Persian affected vizier Seadet khan said immediately:

— Our shah decides who and how many days may stay in the palace. If Shah’s Majesty advices, you will go in time. If he doesn’t advice, you will have to wait till you get an answer to your letter.

When Muhammed khan Turkman left after bowing the shah, there began discussions in the palace.

The shah turned towards his viziers:

— Please, my respected viziers! I want to listen to your thoughts.

The Persian affected vizier Seadet khan spoke firstly:

— Let the life of our shah be long as eternal as the life itself. Before answering his letter we must clear up for us that we must recognize Nader as the shah or not. This is the main problem, because it must be known how we must address the person whom we write a letter.

The shah asked:

— How do you think, is it necessary to recognize Nader as the shah or not?

— I think, respected shah, it isn’t necessary to recognize Nader as the shah. For years we had established relations with the dynasty of Safavid, we recognized only them as the shah. Now to know the person as the shah who was shepherd yesterday only will do harm to our respect. It can’t be.

The Turan affected vizier, the namesake of the famous Nizamul-Mulk lived in the XI century, interfered in the conversation:

— My shah, allow me tell my thoughts.

— Please, — the shah said.

— Your Majesty, I think, we must recognize Nader as the shah, soon we must write a letter and send the messenger back.

Muhammed shah smiled:

— Substantiate your thoughts, respected vizier!

— My shah, according to the Turkish traditions, when the shah refuses from the throne, the heads of all the provinces gather and hold a Kurultay. They say Nader also gathered the heads of the provinces, rulers and warlords and held a Kurultay in Mughan and elected him the shah. According to the information I got, Nader has changed the name of the state of the Safavid and named the state Avshar and all the rulers and warlords of the country are under the command of Nader. All the affairs of the country in his hands. They say that he is also a skillful warlord and at present he has encircled Qandahar. There is no doubt that he will occupy Qandahar. Your Majesty, if it is thus why not to recognize him as the shah?

The shah turned towards the Indian affected vizier, Dauran khan:

— How is your thoughts, respected vizier?

Dauran khan stood up:

— Let the life of our shah be long! I think, he wants to wage war against us not depending whether we know him as the shah or not. We must prepare for the war.

The shah broke his words:

— What do you want to say by saying “he wants to wage a war”?

— My shah, the problem of to return the Afghans is only a pretext. After occupying Qandahar he will enter India. We must prepare for it.

Muhammed shah:

— He has written in his letter that he wants to live in peace and friendly neighboring with the shah of Moghol.

— Your Excellency, all these are the tricks of word. He wants to quiet us and then unexpectedly enter our lands. That was why he gave a serious task to his messenger to return in forty days. My shah, in fact, it is known when he is going to enter the lands of India.

Muhammed shah looked at his vizier with interest:

— According to you, when will he enter India?

— As soon as the messenger Muhammed khan Turkman returns to him, this event will happen. It is already known, after forty days. We must be ready to it, my shah!

The Turan affected vizier Nizamul-Mulk stood up:

— Your Majesty, why not to recognize him as the shah, return the Afghan refugees back and close the borders for the refugees. We mustn’t let him look for an excuse for to wage against us.

The Persian affected vizier grumbled:

— I am against it.

The Indian affected Dauran khan:

— If there is excuse or not Nader shah will enter India, it is necessary to prepare for it.

Muhammed khan understood that he couldn’t make his viziers agree with one another. They wanted to discuss any problem till morning.

That is why he understood that it was time to sum up the discussion gathering.

— Respected viziers! I think, you won’t come to an agreement. I respect the thoughts of each of you, that is why I don’t won’t to hurt you. I made up my mind to take waiting position and not to forestall the events.

Nizamul-Mulk asked:

— My shah, till what time will the waiting position last?

Muhammed shah said:

— You know that Qandahar has been encircled by Nader. You also know that Qandahar is an unconquerable fortress., though my grandfathers made efforts many times they could achieve nothing. At present Nader has directed all of forces for to occupy Qandahar. Let’s know with what will end encirclement of Qandahar. …Then we may arrive at a decision.

Each of the viziers said different words:

— It is an excellent idea!

— How our shah advices!

— Your Excellency, you pursue clever ideas.

Muhammed shah was pleased that at last, the viziers agreed with his thoughts:

— If it is thus, let’s finish the discussion of this problem.

One of the viziers asked the shah:

— My shah, but how shall we answer the messenger?

Muhammed shah made a joke with his viziers seeing that the problem has been solved:

— If we have chosen the position of waiting why not the messenger also to wait? Let Muhammed khan Turkman also wait till we answer him…


“…There was some reasons of my marching to India or the empire of Moghol.

Firstly, I knew that our war against the Ottomans hadn’t finished. Because, the faith of Jafari which I had offered hadn’t been adopted yet. Topqapi put off the solution of the problem with different pretexts. I was engaged with the east territories, I showed myself as though as I agreed with some of those problems. Nevertheless, it was necessary for me to gain the time. I wanted to broaden our north borders. There could begin war against the Russians at any time. I had an idea to combine some territories of Central Asia with the state of Avshars. For it there was needed much money. In order to carry out my ideas, inward reserves wasn’t enough. It was needed much money for to pay the soldiers. That is to say I could get money from India. Those who had come from Delhi said that there were many precious stones, gold and silvers.

Secondly, the vizier of Muhammed shah, Nizamul-Mulk had sent me a message. In that message it was shown perfectly the inward situation of the empire of Moghol. The vizier had announced that the empire was on the eve of collapsing and by using that situation it is possible to create Great Turan. In fact, his idea of creating Great Turan was in my heart’s content. If there was situation for it, why not to create.

Thirdly, I wanted to punish Muhammed shah for he was disrespectful and inattentive to me for a long time.. There was situation for it too.

On June in 1738, I began to move forward with my troops towards Qazne passing the borders of the empire of Moghol without waiting Muhammed shah’s answer.

At the forty kilometers’ distance of Qazne I pitched a camp in the place named Qarabagh. The ruler of Qazne ran to Kabil knowing that I was in Garabagh. The Gazis, scientists and courtiers of Qazne came to Garabagh and declared that they wanted to be under my command. From Garabagh I wrote to the ruler of Kabil for to be a bit hospitable I shouldn’t hurt them.

The ruler of Kabil and Pishever, Nesir khan had written a letter to Muhammed shah for to assist him for he wanted to put persistence. I was aware of it only afterwards. Muhammed shah didn’t pay attention to his letter, when I approached to Kabil the delegation consisting of famous representatives had come to welcome me. In the membership of the delegation there wasn’t Nesir khan. It appeared that he had run. I think if Muhammed shah organized the persistence of Kabil I would give up marching to Delhi. That is to say, Nizamul-Mulk had described rightly the events happening in the palace.

From Kabil I wrote a letter to Muhammed shah and announced that I didn’t agree with his acts and couldn’t understand why he made my messenger Muhammed khan Turkman remain in the palace. I made him know that the reason of my entering Kabil was to punish the Afghans who ran from my country. Then I wished the two countries to live in peace, in friendship terms. I gave that letter to the messenger and sent to Delhi with some courtiers of Kabil. Then I got information that in Jalilabad the ruler of the city had kept my messenger and after some time had executed him. The ruler had sent the people of Kabil to Pishever. I kept it in my mind.

In Kabul because of the insufficiency of food I placed my troops at fifty kilometer’s distance in the province of Chariqara of Kukhistan. There, really was enough food and natural pastures. After resting twenty days on 5 th of September we left for Qandamagh. I attacked Qandamagh and made the towers on the mountains be under my command. From there I sent a group of punishment to Jalilabad for they had executed my messenger there.

On 7 th of November in the place named Bahar Suflu situated in the west of Jalilabad my main army combined with the troops of my son Rzagulu.

Still in 1737 I sent my son Rzaqulu for to punish the rulers who had revolted in Andkhuda and Balkh. The shahzade who had managed my task had directed towards Bukhara crossing the river of Oksas without my permission. On the way Rzaqulu had encircled the city of Qarshi and the fortress of Shulaq, and he had occupied the last one. The emir of Bukhara came to escape the city of Qarshi but he had been defeated by Rzaqulu and withdrew. As soon as I heard about the news about Rzaqulu I had ordered him to return to Balkh and to come Bahar –Shuflu from Balkh.. While I was in Kabil I had heard that the emir of Kharazm, Ilbars created danger for Khorasan. I decided to punish Ilbars while returning from India.

I wanted to have a look at the troops of Rzaqulu, I was pleased with the soldiers. I wanted him to draw him to the ruling of the state. For that reason I appointed Rzaqulu officially vicegerent of the shah, that is to say the plenipotentiary representative when I was from the borders of the state. I sent him to the capital empowering him to appoint the post and remove from the post. Maybe by that empowering I put the foundation of the mistakes of my son which he would do in future. I don’t know I was right or wrong but I empowered him.

During that time I got information that Nasir khan who had run to Pishever could achieve to gather twenty thousand Afghan soldiers from the provinces of Pishever and Kheyber, he wanted to attack me in the passage of Kheyber. That is why I used my lovely tactics: to attack the rival from the other, unexpected place. It was necessary to pass through the impassable places and to attack the enemy. After finding a trusted guide, with a troop of thirty thousand, keeping in the village of Barikeb all the rear, I directed to the south and south-east towards Siyah –Chop. The way was difficult and painful, it was cold, that is why we went the way within forty eight hours.

In the valley of Bazar or in the valley of Kheyber near the village of Chor I attacked Nasir khan taking in the rear unexpectedly. After my attack the troops of Indian-Afghan began to withdraw towards Pishever. In one of the fights Nasir khan was captivated by me. Because of that reason after making his soldiers remove, the herald informed that the rear and artillery were approaching us and we combined with the military unites of artillery in the valley of Kheyber.

The people of Pisheveri who were frightened from the defeat of Nasir khan surrendered the city to me without any fight..

I remained in Pishever for a month. While I was there I got a bad news. The ruler of Azerbaijan and Georgia, my brother Ibrahim khan was executed by the Lezgis of Jar and Tal in the province of Qakh in Shirvan. I kept it in my mind too.

Before continuing my way I sent a big troop to the territory between Pishever and the river of India. My purpose was both to pursue the policy of subjection in those territories and to build the passage bridges on the river of Attok.

On 6 th of January in 1739 I crossed the other side of the river, the troop directed towards Vizierabad. Though in the fortress of Kunch Mirze which was not far from Vizierabad there was persistent by Qalandar khan, but that persistence was broken down, Qalandar khan and most of his supporters were killed. Then Vizierabad and all the cities in that direction were conquered and undergone aggression. After the occupation of Vizierabad the cities of Chanab, Eminabad and other cities surrendered one after another. When we approached Panjabat the population of the city suffered from the robbers and plunderers much not from us.

By crossing the bridge of Daul shah from Eminabad I came to Deh Nale. Just there I heard that the ruler of Lakhor, Zekereriyye khan blocked up my way on the bank of the river of Ravvi, in the north part of the city, in the place which was defended well. I moved forward the east for to pass over the position of the Moghols. Zekeriyye khan felt the shift of the frontier and commanded his troops to attack. I destroyed the troop of fifteen or twenty thousand fighters of Zekeriyye khan.

Soon Zekeriyye khan felt the situation was hard and he asked for quarter from me. When meeting with me he brought me twenty thousand gold rupi and a lot of gifts for redeem his fault. “Those gifts” of Zekeriyye khan escaped Lakhor from the plundering.

During twenty days I was remaining in Lakhor I was feeling myself like the owner of India. I considered the hostility of Zekeriyye khan like the sign of respect, I appointed him the ruler of both Lakhor and Kashmir. Then after confession of Nasir khan I reinstated him to the post of the ruler of Kabil and Pishever.

When I was in Lakhor I got information that Muhammed shah gathered troop for to be against me. I wrote a letter to Muhammed shah and announced him that I was coming for the Afghans. I had written that the Moghols suffered from them much not from us. I warned him that if his troops were against me, I should kill them and raze to the ground.

On the 6 th of February in 1739 while moving forward from Lakhor in the direction of Jirkhir I got information that the shah of Moghol, Muhammed shah entered Karnal with a troop of three hundred thousand, two thousand elephants and thousand cannons…..”


….While Nader khan was conquering the cities and fortresses in the territories of the Moghol, there were happening strange events in the palace of the shah of Moghol.

Though Dauran khan was the supporter of the war after he was appointed vizier on the military problems, he was afraid of to enter an open fight against Nader shah. There was coming the news that Nader shah conquered the cities one after another. Muhammed shah again had gathered his lovely viziers.

Muhammed shah looked at his viziers and then he sighed. Just then he understood that even he couldn’t get angry thoroughly. The shah didn’t hope that his viziers could solve the problem, that is why he had also called the chief astrologer and sorceresses. It appeared that in the harem somebody had persuaded the shah that in order to make Nader withdraw and make him be hopeless the main way was enchanting.

Muhammed shah firstly asked the chief astrologer:

— What does the chief astrologer see? With what will all of these end?

The chief astrologer stood up:

— Let the life of Your Excellency be long! The stars show that during the first three months of the years there will be hard fights.

Muhammed shah asked:

— In whose side will the victory be?

— Your Excellency, if you will be able to combine all the forces, the victory will be in your side.

One of the sorceresses stood up:

— Let our shah live long! Do you allow me to speak?

— I allow, speak!

— My shah, begin to fight! I shall make such a bewitch that the hands of that damned will be bounded while entering to fight against you, even he won’t be able to take a step.

The second sorceress saw that the shah was listening to the other sorceress very attentively, he envied him. He stood up and began to speak without getting permission:

— My shah, I shall not only tie his hands but also I shall do such a dodging that during the fight all the harmful power will be above the head of Nader. They will be seen only to his eyes. Because of the horror of jinn he will grow dumb, he won’t be able to command his soldiers, the soldiers will remain without the chief.

The third sorceress saw that the sorceresses who spoke before him will be respected by the shah, he didn’t want to miss the chance:

— My shah, do you allow me tell some words?

— I allow you, tell your words!

— Your Excellency, — that sorceress did some acting with his hands for to direct the attention of all. — I shall pray such a pray that during the fight not only he won’t be able to fight but also my ogres will bring him to the palace with bound hands and throw under your dear feet.

Muhammed shah at last was tired of their talking:

— Well, well, go, whatever you can do! Let him not to come towards Delhi!

The sorceresses and the astrologer bowed and went out.

Vizier Nizamul- Mulk was smiling at the buffoon of the sorceresses.

When the sorceresses and the astrologer left, the shah turned towards the viziers:

— Well, I listened to the chief astrologer and sorceresses, I wonder what my viziers are going to say. Dauran khan, it would be better to listen to you firstly!

Dauran khan stood up:

— Let the life of our shah be long! We haven’t finished the preparation for the war. I think we have enough military forces. – Dauran khan knew very well that Muhammed shah didn’t want war, even he can’t fight. He had to show himself like the military vizier for not to fall into disgrace in the eyes of the shah. – If our shah commands, we may fight against Nader with seventy five thousand soldiers. We have also chances to increase this number till three hundred thousand.

— How can you increase?

— My shah, I have sent letters to all the Rajs and demanded them to assist us. Soon their soldiers also will join us.

Nizamul-Mulk knew that Nader shah will come to Delhi. Except the God, nobody could make him give up his purpose of coming to Delhi, because Nader shah wanted to repeat what Chingiz khan and Emir Teymur had done and to repeat that history. He couldn’t tell Muhammed shah what he was thinking about. Muhammed shah dispersed his thoughts:

— Why is my respected vizier lost in thoughts? Don’t you want to share your thoughts with us?

Nizamul-Mulk stood up and explained his respect to the shah:

— Let the life of our shah be long! Let his life be eternal like the life! My shah, there is one way-out for to stop Nader shah!

Seadet khan dropped a hint to Nizamul-Mulk:

— Not Nader shah, but only Nader! Because we haven’t recognized him as the shah!

Nizamul-Mulk answered to Seadet khan:

— For Nader shah it makes no difference whether we recognize him as the Shah or not. Because he has entered the territory of the empire of Moghol with a lot of troops and conquers our cities one after another. The rulers appointed by us recognize him like as the shah and become under his banner.

Muhammed shah broke the quarrel of the viziers:

— Now it isn’t the time of quarreling! My respected vizier Nizamul –Mulk wanted to show the way-out to stop him.

— Yes, my shah, there is one way for to stop him.

— Please, we are listening to you.

— My shah, the only way of to stop Nader shah is to pay taxes how much he wants and to return him back. I think, he will agree with it.

Muhammed shah thought for a while:

— It is a good idea, — he said.

Seadet khan understood that if the shah adopts that decision, Nizamul- Mulk will gain respect of Muhammed shah. He didn’t have to lose time, he stood up:

— My shah, I have also a idea!

— Please, Seadet khan!

— My shah, if you agree to pay him taxes how much he wants, why do we keep a lot of troops spending much money? Dauran khan noted that seventy five thousand soldiers are ready for the fight. If it is thus, why must we pay taxes? Isn’t is thus, Dauran khan?

Dauran khan understood that he was trapped with his own words. It was already late. Till what time he hadn’t tell the word he was the master of the word but after telling the word he had to be the slave of the word. He was obliged to repeat the words that he had said some minutes ago.

— Yes, my shah, seventy five thousand soldiers are waiting for your command. When you command, we are ready to the fight.

Muhammed shah summed up the gathering of discussion-consulting:

— I think, majority are the supporters of the war. If it is thus, I also say: War!

On 29 th of January in 1739, in the insistence of Nizamul-Mulk and Dauran khan Muhammed shah went out from Delhi with seventy five thousand soldiers and directed towards Karnal. On 10 th of February he reached Karnal. Firstly, it was decided to move from Karnal and to be face to face with the troops of Nader shah. In the north of Karnal there was opportune fighting position, it was decided to wait for thirty thousand soldiers of Seadet khan there. The troops of Muhammed shah which had pitched a camp in the north of Karnal made fence of mud around and placed the cannons behind those walls.

From Shirhin Nader shah sent six thousand troopers under the headship of Haji khan for intelligence, for to learn the position of the Moghols.

On 19 th of February Nader shah left his harem and all the loads in Ambal and moved forward in the direction of Shahabad.

According to the information of scouts and the captives he learned that it was impossible to make the army pass through the south of Karnal because there was thick jungle. That is why Nader directed his troops to the east of Karnal and crossed the ditch of Ali-Merdan and pitched a camp in the south-east of that city.


“… I got information that Seadet khan left Panibat with a troop of thirty thousand for to combine with Muhammed shah. Immediately, I called my son Nasrullah and sent him there:- Take your troops and go towards Jumun, — I said to him. — With thirty thousand soldiers Seadet khan wants to combine with the main forces. Do whatever you want, but don’t let the combining of the forces!

After some hours Nasrullah was standing before me:

— What has happened, why have you retuned so early? — I asked him.

Nasrullah dropped his eyes as if he was guilty.

— My shah, we were late!

As if I would go mad. I shouted at him:

— What does it mean “we were late”?

— My shah, though we moved after the command of our shah, when we reached Jumun his main forces had already left there.

I broke his words:

— Then what happened?

— Then we could be able only to capture Seadet khan’s rear- his cannons, harem, three thousand servants and thousand fighters.

I laughed:

— A moment ago you said that you were late.

Nasrullah didn’t understand me well.

— My shah, you had commanded me not to let Seadet khan combine with the main army. I was late.

— There is no use for to regret, — I said. – You have captured so important things that Seadet khan will want to return them back.

Nasrullah again understood nothing:

— I understood nothing, my shah.

— Is there anything for not to understand? You have captured all the food and servants, his harem. It means that if Seadet khan doesn’t return what you have captured, after some days there will remain no one from his thirty thousand soldiers. Even you have captured Seadet khan’s harem! This is the matter of honor. Be ready, Nasrullah khan! You will have occasion of to captive Seadet khan. I heard that sometimes he called me “damned”. That is why there is no need to kill him… I need him while he is alive…”


…When Seadet khan reached to the camp of Muhammed shah he decided firstly to go to bow to Muhammed shah. During the reception Seadet khan “s consultant took him aside and said:-

— Seadet khan, I have just got information that the rear of the troop, — the cannons and harem were captured wholly by Nader shah.

As if cannon-ball burst near him, as if his ears deafened.

— What do you mean by saying “all was captured’? It means that I lost everything.

The consultant said in a low voice:

— Khan, Nader shah was aware that we should pass through Jumun and he immediately sent his troops there., — he began to add. – They were not able to catch you as you left the rear some hours ago.

Seadet khan cuffed his head with his two hands:

— It is all over with me! Now Nizamul-Mulk and Dauran khan will fool me! –He grumbled anxiously. – No, it can’t last like thus! We must return back what we lost. Go immediately and prepare the troop!

Seadet khan came to the reception of Muhammed khan and told him what had happened. Then he said;

— Your Majesty!, I am going to attack. I am going to return my honor and my dignity.

Muhammed shah wanted to object Seadet khan. He understood that he wouldn’t be able to make Seadet khan change his mind, he wouldn’t listen to his advices, that is why Muhammed shah didn’t say anything. Nizamul-Mulk and Dauran khan also wanted to make him give up his idea of to attack. They didn’t achieve to make him give up the idea of to attack either. In fact, the viziers didn’t want Seadet khan’s attacking because of other reasons. They thought that if Seadet khan achieved success what would happen then?

Seadet khan didn’t listen to their advices and he came to his camp. He called his consultant and asked hurriedly:

— Is the troop ready to the fight?

The consultant kept silent.

Seadet khan understood nothing seeing him to keep silence.

— I ask you the troop is ready to the fight or not?

— No, khan!

— Why?

— My khan, the military leaders say that after one month’s march the soldiers and horses have been too tired, they can’t attack now.

Seadet khan got angry:

— Do all the military leaders say like thus?

— No, khan, we could be able to gather only thousand soldiers to go to fight with you.

Seadet didn’t want to think about anything:

— If it is thus, what for we are waiting? To attack!

Seadet khan attacked with one thousand troopers and some hundred infantry group for to get back what they had lost. Firstly, he met with the small intelligence groups of Nader shah. After a little clashing, Avshars showed themselves as if they were withdrawing. In fact, they wanted to trap Seadet khan, Nasrullah khan had given them such a task.

Seadet khan was boasting with his little victory and sent a herald to Muhammed shah to tell him about the victory and also ask him additional forces. Hearing about the victory Muhammed shah himself wanted to go the fight. Nizamul-Mulk and Dauran khan could make him believe that it wasn’t a fighting day. The shah asked Nizamul-Mulk about how it was possible to help Seadet khan. The vizier said that “the army of Dauran khan is too much near to the troop of Seadet khan”. “To send Dauran khan’s groups for to help Seadet khan is a good offering”. When Muhammed shah gave instructions about it, ten thousand troopers left Karnal for to help Seadet khan.

As soon as Nader shah heard that information he wore his head-piece and headed thousand Avshar troopers and rode his horse from one trench to another one. He commanded for to load the wineskins full of oil to the camels and be ready. If the Moghols attacked with elephants firstly to burn wineskins and let the camels go towards the elephants.

The fight began towards one o’clock. From the place named Kunjnur Seadet khan attacked against the Avshars from the right flank with his groups which were not big. Dauran khan moved forward from the centre towards the position of Nasrullah khan.

During the fight it was became clear to Nader shah that the flanks and centre of the enemy fight against them without connecting with each other. Except it, the Moghols had few cannons for they had attacked urgently. Nader shah commanded to burn the wineskins full of oil and let them go towards the camels.

Firstly, the soldiers of Seadet khan began to remove. In spite of his being able to fight very well one of the burning camels touched his elephant. As soon as fire touched the elephant the elephant shied at the fire and it began to run towards the camp of the Avshars while Seadet khan was on its back. When the fighters of Avshars were able to keep the elephant with difficulty they saw that its owner was Seadet khan, they were very glad and took him to Nader shah.

The fighters of Dauran khan were fighting heroically in the centre too. The accurate riflemen of Nader shah didn’t give chance to the skilful Moghols who could sword very well. When Muhammed shah knew that Dauran khan was in great danger he sent news to Nizamul-Mulk for to help Dauran khan and to escape the military vizier. Instead of to help Dauran khan, Nizamul-Mulk was busy with drinking coffee sitting on the elephant.

That fight was ending with mortal wounding of Dauran khan. Moghol soldiers who saw that their warlord fell losing his consciousness they began to remove in an uncontrollable way. The men servants of Dauran khan could be able to take him with difficulty and bring to the camp. In that fight only a small part of the army were fighting from both of the sides. The main forces were not drawn to the fight. The side of Moghols had eight thousand loss, Avshars had two thousand and five hundred loss.


“…Knowingly I didn’t continue my attack and didn’t go till the camp of Muhammed shah. I had other measures about him. If I continued the attack after the fight, Muhammed shah would leave the fighting area and could return to Delhi. At that time it would need to keep Delhi in encirclement for a long time. I wanted Delhi greet me bombastically.

At the night when the fight finished I ordered to bring the captivated Seadet khan to my place.. Seadet khan was a bit quiet after what had happened. When he was brought to my tent he bowed me. I asked him to sit near me friendly:

— Sit down, Seadet khan!

Seadet khan said in a flattering way:

— Let you always be kind, my shah!

I wanted to remind him what he had told once:

— In Muhammed shah’s palace you were the first man who refused from recognizing me as the shah, even you had called me “damned”.

Seadet khan turned white. He understood that at that moment I could order to chop his head. In order to escape him from the sharp, sword he was hanged under my feet all of a sudden:

— Forgive me, my shah! I didn’t know that you were so mighty and fighting.

I didn’t have an idea of to kill or to execute him. I had given up my idea about killing him because I knew well that in order to finish the work that I started there was needed to use everybody.

— Stand up, -I said. I have forgiven you.

Seadet khan stood and sat down on the place which was offered him:

— Let your life be long, my shah!

I wanted to win over to his side;

— Seadet khan, I can make you be in friendly terms with me, but instead it you must serve me.

— My shah, I can serve you willingly in any field!

I began the talk with him on a roundabout way:

— Seadet khan, I haven’t come here for to wage a war, but your negligent policy made me come here.

Seadet khan again spoke in a flattering way:

— My Shah, it is thus. If we took measure in time, now there wouldn’t be misfortune.

I didn’t pay attention what he was saying:

— All remained in the past. I don’t want war, I want peace. According to you, who can help me in carrying out my purpose? Whom does Muhammed shah respect much?

Seadet khan said immediately:

— He respects three persons much: me, Dauran khan and Nizamul-Mulk.

— You are here. Dauran khan has mortally wounded. There remains only Nizamul-Mulk.

Hearing that Dauran khan has mortally wounded in the eyes of Seadet khan shone the light of delight. I felt it. It appeared that he wished to take his post. He didn’t make it known:

— My shah, — he said. At present the only man who is able to make the shah believe is Nizamul-Mulk. Send somebody for the peace talks, let him also come.

From Seadet khan I got the answer which I wanted to hear. I didn’t need him still. I gave him a question came from the bottom of my heart.:

— Seadet, tell me please, why you- Persians don’t like us- the Turks? In Moghol, Ottoman, Turkustan, everywhere we give you high posts, but you don’t like us.

Seadet khan was confused, firstly, he didn’t know what to tell. Then he said in a low voice and disappointedly:

— Why? My shah, we like you too much…

— If it is thus why you call Qizilbashs as Persians, though among the tribes of Qizilbashs there isn’t any Persian tribe.

— My Shah, we consider Qizilbashs to be close to us. Persian or Turk, is there any difference? Since old times we consider you to be our roots.

All that was hypocrisy. His toadying answers arouse disgusting on me. I didn’t want to return to that theme again. I allowed him go away. That night I sent a person to Nizamul-Mulk for to have talks. Nizamul- Mulk got from Muhammed shah all empowering for to sign a peace treaty and he came to me.

I met that old personality who was famous in the Turkish world at my tent. I told him:” You are welcome”.

He bowed me:

— My shah, let your life be long!

I thanked him:

— Thank you! I want to set up Turan which you wantt up.

Nizamul-Mulk smiled:

— My shah, the matter of Turan must firstly be served in minds, then in swords.

— I understood nothing, -I said. — The power able to set up Turan is sword!

Nizamul-Mulk again looked at my face with a wise smiling:

— My shah, how many soldiers in your army fight for Turan?

— My soldiers fight for me.

— See, the problem is this. Till what time we haven’t make changing in minds it will be thus. It is necessary to make changing in ideology, my shah! God forbid, if something happens with you, you will be buried together with the ideology in your mind. The people will forget everything.

I wanted to object him:

— I come with a sword and oblige everybody to speak to me in the language I want.

— It is relative and temporary, my shah!

— How can it be temporary? Look here, I shall make all the empire of Moghol to speak Turkish. I shall combine the lands of Moghol with mine! I shall send everywhere my orders in Turkish language!

Though Nizamul- Mulk smiled a bit gladly then he took a serious turn:

— The half of the empire of Moghol speak Turkish. The man who is the head of the empire is also Turkman and this language is the language of palace. I don’t want to combine the lands of Moghol with the lands of Avshar.

— Why? — I asked him.

— Because, it is impossible to rule such kind of territory with dense population comfortable, prosperously and quickly.

I wanted to understand what he wanted to say:

— What do you offer?

— I offer you to keep the shah of Moghol to be under your independence. It would be better, my shah! He will pay you yearly taxes and agree with you in international problems.

— But about the ideology which you are fighting for years?

I forbid the violent, extreme Shiite in my empire for to set up the unity of Islam- Turk!

Nizamul-Mulk sighed deeply:

— My shah, we-Turks must join to the fight of ideology firstly with our science. See, the faith of Jafari that you adopted reflects it in itself. It is good that you forbid the branches of Shiite which popularize prejudice, blindfold belief, ignorance but it isn’t the main problem. National faith must be in religious faith.

I objected him again:

— I can carry out what you say with my sword!

Nizamul-Mulk again smiled in the way specific to him:

— Sword is weaker than science and a word, my shah!

I objected once more:

— I defeated Moghols with my sword and my mind!

— Yes, my shah, it is right! But you didn’t change the ideology of the people.

It was difficult to understand him. What did that wise man want to say?

— Why not? I changed their ideology. They adopted me!

— It is right, my shah! Moghols adopted you, but as a result of sword not the ideology.

— My ideology is sword!

Nizamul-Mulk was very patient and firm personality; he didn’t surrender to my will, he didn’t refuse from his ideology.

— My ideology is Turanism! That is to say, everyday I think about it. At present I represent Muhammmed shah. Just only because he is Turk.

I couldn’t object to the reality of his thought. I offered about it a combining thought:

— Maybe to unite sword with science? Your science and my sword!

— No, my shah! Your sword reflects the days but my ideology reflects years.

For to unite sword and science, to be them in unity, there needs long years, continuous propaganda and teaching! Both your and my life isn’t enough for it!

The master Nizamul-Mulk was speaking wisely. I forgot about that I was shah and began to understand him. Really, not only all of my soldiers, even half of them didn’t come here for the ideology of Turanism. Among them there were such Qizilbashs that they even might deny being a Turk for the riches of the world. Nizamul-Mulk was right, for it there needed long time. I wouldn’t give up my ideas too. Till the end of my life I should carry out the unity of Turk-Islam. Then it was necessary to solve the difficult problems of the empire of Moghol with the person whom I respected for his personality and knowledge.

— Let’s return to solve the difficult problems of Moghols, — I said. – As I know you have discussed the conditions of the treaty with Abdulbey khan.

Nizamul -Mulk wasn’t puzzled changing of the theme. It wasn’t difficult for me, because I was already ready to this theme, but for an old man to pass from one theme to another couldn’t be easily.

— Yes, we have discussed! In order not to make Muhammed shah worry we announced that we had given fifty thousand rupi for to return you.

I was surprised:

— Fifty thousand rupi?! What are you saying?

— My shah, I know that this sum won’t satisfy you, you won’t return back. For the beginning agree with this sum! What you will do in future you know!

I took the hinting of Nizamul-Mulk and immediately I arrived at a decision:

— Well, tomorrow I am going to invite Muhammed shah to dinner! And this dinner must be ended with his surrendering to me his throne!

— Under one condition, my shah!

I looked at him with wide-open eyes. If I didn’t know that he was respected personality of the Turkish world I’d order to kill him. I could hardly have a patience:

— Under which conditions?

— My shah, I told you some moments ago, to rule India is too difficult. To sit in Isfahan and rule India is impossible. As I know, you don’t sit in Isfahan either. Your “capital” is bridle and back of a horse. That is why till what time you are in the lands of Moghol the crown of shah is yours, but when you leave here you must give the crown to somebody for to gather yearly taxes and send you.

He was right. Like a great Turkish man he wouldn’t advice another Turkish man wrongly. I agreed with the man whom I held in esteem and saw him off.

The next day I was waiting for Muhammed shah. During that time in order to control the Moghol troops I ordered not to let anyone to their camp even those who bring them food. It was pressure by my side.

On 26 th of February Muhammed shah stopped his authority of shah and came to my tent together with his courtiers.

Firstly, Nasrullah Mirze welcomed him near my tent. I was waiting for him in my tent. There was lined up official guard of honor. When Muhammed shah approached my tent, the drums began to be beaten. Muhammed shah officially took off his crown and put on my head. Then we greeted and even embraced each other. At times two rivals who were in enemy trenches, are obliged to embrace each other. In order to begin the talk I asked him:

— Haven’t you forgotten the Turkish language yet?

Muhammed shah looked at me surprisingly:

— Is it possible a human to forget his mother tongue?

In order to console him I took his arm. In policy it is also possible.

— I didn’t tell for to hurt your feelings. Muhammed shah got fragile hearing my words and from my taking his arm. He wasn’t a personality with strong and firm will. I offered him to sit on my throne.

He said:

— It is your place, Nader shah! He didn’t want to sit near me.

I insisted again:

— This throne, Muhammed shah, is the safekeeping left us from our grandfathers! The main point is that not to sit here others who aren’t from Turkish roots. If you don’t sit I shan’t sit either. If it is thus, let’s sit on this coach side by side.

We did how I had offered. We sat on the coach. Again I favored him:

— Muhammed shah, believe me, I didn’t want to come till here! Your courtiers in palace and the situation made me come.

— Nader shah, now there is no use of these words. – He saddened again.. – I lost the fight and gave the authority of the shah to you. Now you are the owner of all the authority and our future and life depend on your kindness.

I shouldn’t think that he could sadden too much. I told him in order to console him:

— Muhammed shah, you are not my captive, you are my guest. – When you want you may return to your camp.

Muhammed shah thanked me for my pleasant words. During the dinner I changed the plates full of meals for him not thinking that I should poison him. I took his plate and gave him my plate. When I changed the plates as if the pride of shah returned to Muhammed shah. He remained at my place four days, during those days we had a talk on different problems. He was a weak personality who can’t be compared to Nizamul-Mulk. Then I let him go to his camp.

Day by day I narrowed the surrounding ring of the camp of Moghols. On 5 th of March I sent news to Muhammed shah to come to me. On 7 th of March Muhammed shah came to me accompanied by two thousand courtiers in spite of objection of some courtiers. I had already carried out the first part of what I wished to do. There remained the second part- Muhammed shah’s going to Delhi with me…

When Muhammed shah came to the camp of Avshars I took under my control his cannons and his warlords. I sent news to the army of Moghols that they have only three ways; either they remain in Karnal, or go to Delhi, or everybody goes to his home. The army who had remained without Shah preferred to go their homes.

Before leaving for Delhi I appointed Seadet khan the regular representative of India, sent him to Delhi together with Tahmasb khan Jalair’s troop of four thousand. From the name of Muhammed shah they were taking the order to the ruler of Delhi, Lutfullah khan for them to obey Avshars. At the same time I called Murad and gave him orders about when to begin the measures in Delhi which we had prepared beforehand.

On 12 th of March together with Muhammed shah we left for Delhi from Karnal…

Tahmasb khan Jalair who reached Delhi, and presented the order of Muhammed shah to Lutfullah khan he surrendered the keys of the fortress, treasure and storehouses. Tahmasb khan Jalair began to prepare for to welcome both of the Shahs.

On 18 th of March near Delhi, in the gardens of Salimar I pitched a garden and sent Muhammed shah to Delhi for to welcome me splendidly being at the head of him. That year on 20 th of March I entered Delhi bombastically. On the both of the sides of the streets through which I had to pass there were placed soldiers. In front the drum players were going beating their drums. Hundreds of elephants decorated with flowers were following the drum players. I was on the horse decorated specially. In the honor of my entering the city drum- fires were shot.

Muhammed shah welcomed me so bombastically that as if he had never welcomed his dearest relative like me. He gave dinner party to five thousand persons. During the day of dinner party I told him that I should return the power to him. The shah of Moghol who was too glad to hear my words asked me to take the treasure of the shah like the present. I objected, but after his insistence I received the treasure. I had seen a lot of treasures. That treasure was such a treasure if you gathered all the treasures of the world it wouldn’t be ten first of that treasure. It appeared that all the sovereigns of all the worlds didn’t wish in vain to conquer India….”


In India after the bombastic reception, dinner party, merriment of Muhammed shah, Nader shah was placed in the palace of Divankhash whci was once built by Jahan shah, but Muhammed shah was placed in the palace of Asad Burj, the groups of Avshar were placed around those palaces and in the city of Icheri.

The next day in the mosques khutbe was read for the name of Nader shah and coin was cut in his name. On the money there was written: “Nader is the sultan of sultans, shah of the shahs, the ruler of successes”. That day Nader shah celebrated Novruz holiday and he awarded the warlords. At that time the news about the death of Seadet khan came. Somebody had killed him with poison. Towards the evening Nader shah went to his residence.

…. In the city there was floating a rumor.

— Muhammed shah disarmed Nader shah and his followers, he put them into prison!

— They killed Nader shah with poison!

— Qizilbashs remained without chief!

— Somebody wounded Nader shah’s heart with dagger badly. He died before coming to himself.

Those rumors spread in Delhi so quickly that no one wanted to check it was right or not. There is no smoke without fire! All thought that if there was rumors there was something true. The people began to gather in the square.

The merchants of the city made the “fire” “to catch flame”. The merchants gathered near the storehouses of Pakharghenj situated in the south-west of Delhi and they objected to the soldiers of Avshars who defined the price of wheat was put of Tahmasb khan Jalair..

— The price is too cheap! One rupi for a pud (16, 38 kg) of wheat! It is infamy!

— They want to ransack and make us remain be without money!

— After some time these Qizilbashs will enter our house and put taxes for our wives!

The soldiers of Avshars wanted to justify themselves:

— Aga, we have no guilt, they asked us to put this price, we obeyed them.

One of the soldiers shouted at the soldier:

— Who asked you to rise the price?

— They asked us in the palace, aga!

One of the merchants dropped a hint:

— They have killed the person with poison in the palace who rose the price.

— Be aware of that Qizilbashs remained without chief!

The soldier of Avshar took his sword furiously and went towards the merchant who said those words:

— Are you going mad? Just now I shall send you to hell!

The merchants also took their daggers and shouted:

— Kill the children of “bound”!

Within three minutes they surrounded three soldiers of Avshar and killed them. One of the merchants cried:

— Hi, people, kill these Qizilbash “bound” wherever you see!

As if the people were waiting for those words. They departed and began to kill ruthlessly the soldiers of Avshars where they saw them.

During that time Seid Niyaz khan, one of the Indian courtiers, his brother-in-law (daughter’s husband) Qamereddin khan and shah Nevez khan attacked with five hundred Indian soldiers to the place where Nader shah’s elephants were kept, they killed guards the number of whom were few and took all the elephants with them. The city was covered with blood. Blood was running in the streets. Lack of restraint had reached to the case that even there was danger for Nader shah.


“…They gave me the news about the execution of Avshar soldiers in twilight, when it was towards evening. According to the information, more than three thousand soldiers of Avshar were killed. Firstly, I sent one of my helpers to the city for to be aware of the situation. On the way the cruel groups killed my helper without any question seeing his uniform of Qizilbash. I sent my second helper. He was also killed like the first helper. Then I sent thousand horsemen for to suppress the revolt. The horsemen could achieve nothing because it was dark. I took the preparation measures and began to wait for the opening of morning.

Early in the morning together with four thousand soldiers of Avshar I moved forward the mosque of Rovshen- Dayl situated in the estates of Chandni-Chok. On the way somebody shot me through the window. One of my officers stood before me. The bullet shot at me put end to the life of that officer. I rose to the roof of the mosque for to be able to see in which estates they had killed the soldiers of Avshar. Murad was always near me. I commanded Murad after clearing up all the problems:

— In which estates they killed one soldier of Avshar let no one remain alive in that estates! Kill all of them!

Murad stood still:

— Command me, my shah! — he said

Starting from the nine o’clock in the morning the soldiers of Avshar began to fulfill my command. In the streets the soldiers killed everybody giving no quarter, they robbed trade kiosks and houses. Within some hours there were killed fivefold people than the killed soldiers of Avshars. They gave me information at any minute.

I was sitting in the mosque. I had put my sheathed sword in my right side. It meant that there would be no quarter to anybody.

After some hours of the fulfilling of my command Nizamul-Mulk sent by Muhammed shah came to the mosque. Seeing my sword his face turned white:

— My shah, I beg you, stop this slaughter!

I spoke furiously and knowingly I exaggerated the numbers:

— What are you speaking? Yesterday my six thousand soldiers were killed. Who must answer for it?

Nizamul –Mulk whose face had turned white said:

— My shah, I can take an oath on Koran that Muhammed shah isn’t aware of all what happened.

I shouted at him furiously again:

— What does it mea “he isn’t aware of”? If he isn’t aware of it is much worse! It means that everybody must be punished.

— My shah, except Emir Teymur no one has killed so many people. Don’t let yourself remain in the history like the executioner of Delhi!

Hearing the words of Nizamul-Mulk I thought for a while. Nizamul-Mulk understood my keeping silence like my agreeing with him. He continued to make me believe :

— My shah, Muhammed shah ensures you to pay for your material and spiritual loss threefold. If only you stopped this slaughter.

At last, after keeping silence for a while I said:

— I stop this slaughter only respecting you personally or in Delhi there would remain nobody, except you, including the shah himself!

— Let your life be long, my Shah!

As a sign of thanking Nizamul- Mulk fell on his knees and bowed me, he wanted to kiss my hand. I raised him:

— I said that I respect you! I forgive Delhi for the sake of you! Just now I shall organize a staff for to compute our material and spiritual damage.

Nizamul- Mulk thanked me again:

— How you command, Your Excellency!

When he was near me I called my aide-de –camp and commanded :

— Tell Murad khan to stop the slaughter immediately!

— Command me, my shah! — the aide-de-camp said hurriedly and went out.

Sharply after fifteen minutes slaughter was stopped in Delhi after the command of Murad. I organized a staff for to compute the material and spiritual loss and I appointed Tahmasb khan Jalair to the post of the chief of the staff.

Soon it was clear who had confused the people and who had made the people to revolt. I sent the groups defined specially for Seid Niyaz khan and Shah Nevez khan. They captivated them easily and brought them to Delhi. The next day both of them were killed before the eyes of the people.

According to the talk of us with Nizamul-Mulk, for our material and spiritual loss we demanded money and precious stones…


…That year on 27 th of November, Nader shah sent a herald to the state of Avshar and freed all the provinces of the state from all kinds of taxes of three- year taxes. At the same time he awarded all his officers and soldiers generously.

Nader shah wanted to be relative with the shah of Moghol and wanted to marry the great-great- granddaughter of the shah marry to his son Nasrullah. The clerks of the palace came to Nader shah, wanted to make the list of the boy’s all forecasts. Nader shah said: “Write that he is the son of Nader shah, the son of a sword and the grandson of sword!”

On 6 th of April Nader shah held a bombastic wedding for his son Nasrullah.

At last, the staff headed by Tahmasib khan Jalair decided that Muhammed shah, his courtiers and the people must pay seven hundred million rupi indemnity for the material and spiritual looses of Avshars. Nizamul-Mulk, Sarbulan khan and other three courtiers were responsible for to gather and pay of the indemnity.

Within a short time the sum was gathered. During some days riches and treasure which had been gathering for 348 years changed its owner. Now the owner of all the riches and treasure was Nader shah. The most great stone was the biggest diamond of the world- Kakhi- Nur.

On 15 th of May in 1739 Nader shah held a great dinner party on the occasion of leaving Moghols. In that dinner party Nader shah put the crown on Muhammed shah’s head and presented the shah precious belt, a sword decorated with precious stones.

Instead of this, he asked Muhammed shah combine all the lands situated in the west of the river of India, the west banks of that river lying till the ocean with the lands of the state of Avshar.

He agreed with Nader shah because the lands situated in the west of the river of India was historically included to the territory of Khorasan. In that dinner party Muhammed shah and Nader shah signed a special treaty about it.

Then Nader shah gave some advices to the shah of Moghol. At the end of his speech he asked the courtiers of Moghol to obey their Shah. Or he could come there from Qandahar at least, within forty days if Muhammed shah called him. Nader shah advised Muhammed shah to keep a troop of six thousand troopers regularly and keeping of that troop must be financed from the treasure of the shah.

In the khutbes read in the mosques the name of Nader shah was replaced with the name of Muhammed shah.

At last, on 16 th of May Nader shah went out from the doors of Kabil of Delhi with the camels loaded with great plundering and he retuned back.

When Nader shah was in Delhi he sent the carpenters from Kabil and from Balkh to the river of Oksas and had ordered them to build ships. The marching of Nader shah didn’t come to an end. He could carry out the marching of Turkustan which he had already prepared in his mind.

Corrected on August, 2010


The great plundering captured in India was loaded on thousand camels, thousand elephants, five hundred donkeys. Among those plundering there

were things of thousand years ago, the best handicrafts of that day. The things, swords, daggers, belts made of gold were decorated with precious stones. There were a lot of antique bracelets, different necklaces, earrings. The old gold coins were filled specially into four hundred carpet sacks. Hundred of carpet sacks full of diamonds, turquoise, amber, ruby and other precious stones were loaded on elephants. Even Emir Teymur didn’t capture so much plundering while marching to India.

In order to deliver that plundering to the special place there were two thousand fighters from the guarding service. Except them, Nasrullah khan’s troop of five thousand fighters were accompanying the cades the end of which couldn’t be seen. Two servants had been separated for each of elephant or camel, for each donkey it was separated one servant. Those riches were enough for to get all the world.

Before the camel- cades left, Nader shah had called his son Nasrullah khan. Nader shah was pleased with his son for his bravery and courage in the fight of Karnal. Though he was young he was fearless like his father. He wasn’t afraid of bullet, cannon-ball, he would rush into the heated fight, he would encourage the soldiers coming after him. All these had happened before Nader shah’s eyes, that is why he had realized that his son was already ripe warlord.

Nader shah wanted to give him much harder task.

Nasrullah khan entered the palace, wanted to wait in the reception room, but the aide-de-camp invited him to the Shah’s place:

— Nasrullah khan, Nader shah ordered to enter his room as soon as you come.

Nasrullah khan entered the reception room. Nader shah was sitting alone on the throne where three persons could sit. The throne was decorated with different colored diamond, ruby, turquoise. As soon as Nader shah saw his son Nasrullah he said to him: “Come, come and sit down!”.

Nasrullah khan sat on the left side of Nader shah and looked at his father. He was well-doer and looked hale and hearty.

Nader shah glanced over his son:

— I was pleased with you in the fight of Karnal. –Each father can be proud of the son like you!

Nasrullah khan said quietly:

— We serve to our shah! Like father like son!

Nader shah roared with laughter hearing his son’s words:

— It appears that you look like me being quick-witted. It is good, very good. Though joke and sword don’t come right always at time the first one escapes you from so troubled situation in which sword is weak. Did you see what your shah father do?

— What do you mean, my shah!

Nader shah answered proudly and lofty:

— I mean our capturing and plundering in India.

— I saw, my shah! You carried out very good and thought measures. I could never think about such measures.

Nader shah once more said lofty:

— You will learn, still you are young. Your father Nader shah did what Chingiz khan, Emir Teymur weren’t able to do. I made the empire of Moghol be under my independence. The shah put his crown on my head with his hands. Moghols thought that I had come there for fifty thousand rupi. They thought that I should withdraw my troops as soon as taking that money. In fact, my son, I entered India for three reasons. Firstly, by entering India my name will always be mentioned among the conqueror warlords. I did what they couldn’t do. Secondly, I returned our historical lands, without the gulf of Kanger I could come out straightly to the ocean. It is the beginning for to rule the world. Thirdly, in order to fight against the world it was necessary to capture the treasure of Moghols. After Emir Teymur I captured all the treasure which had been gathered for 348 years. Now we have big troops, much finance for to pay expenses of the troops, at last, we have a treasure for to create the unity of Islam-Turk. See, to what your Azerbaijani father who was shepherd is able to gain?

Nader shah finished his speech and looked at the face of his son. Nasrullah also looked at him with the looks of question:

— You think that why I was telling you about?

Nasrullah’s answer reminded him the educators who had once taught him good manners.

— My shah, I am listening to you very attentively.

— Well, well, because you are my son! — He showed the throne he was sitting. – You are one of the heirs of this throne. Of course, to get this throne isn’t difficult, but for to protect this throne there is need to set up an army being devoted to you. In order to make the great army under control it needs much finance. Do you understand, my son?

— Yes, my shah!

Nader shah stood up:

— Now the money of the world is ours for to fight against the world!… It is necessary to keep this money in trusted place!

At last Nasrullah khan understood what his father was going to charge:

— Order me, my shah! I am ready to fulfill your order unconditionally!

Nader shah was also pleased with his son’s being much wise.

— I shall give you hard task, my son!

— Order me, my shah!

— This task isn’t like a fight. In fact, all the fights, wars are for it.

Nasrullah khan was a bit surprised and thought that he was mistaken. He also thought that what was his father’s task, which his father considered superior than a fight. He didn’t speak, he didn’t ask either. Impatience, or to give a question for everything can be because of either foolishness or because of personally interest. That is why he wanted for his father to speak about his purpose.

At last, Nader shah explained his purpose:

— I give you the task to guard the treasure we gained, to deliver to the trusted place without loss, safe and sound. Take together with you five thousand brave Avshar soldiers. In your troop nobody must know that you are carrying treasure.

— Murder will out once!

Firstly the shah laughed, then he became serious:

— I know that murder will out once! I have thought about it too. Tell them that you are carrying load! That is to say, silk, rice, antique things and other things. Nobody must open the sacks. If somebody doubts, chop his head! — Nader shah showed his head!

— Even to chop head, my shah?

— Yes, chop head! — Nader shah said decidedly and seriously. – You mustn’t afraid of from the death of a person in delivering the treasure to the trusted place!

— It is clear, my shah! Where must I deliver the treasure?

— Tenth one of the treasure you must keep in Naderabad. You surrender the treasurer with document, then tenth one part in Meshed in the same way, then tenth one in Isfahan.

— What about the rest of the treasure?

— Half of the rest of the treasure deliver to Kelat, the rest one take to North Azerbaijan ….

Nader shah whispered something to his son’s ears, then he said:

— Take to those place! For years I have been building secret rooms and caves there, under the mountains. Now it is time to fill those rooms and caves.

Nasrullah khan stood up:

— Be fully confident, my shah! I shall deliver there exactly how you order me!

Nader shah came up to his son, put his hand on his shoulder:

— I trust you, my son!

Till that time Nasrullah khan had never seen his father show his love to any of his children..

…The clouds in the sky were moving in one direction. From the East towards the West.

Great camel cades of load were going accompanied with the troop.

Sitting on the horse going trot Nasrullah khan once more remembered his father’s words. Then he thought that really his father had given him a very hard task. He didn’t worry. Who would be against Avshars who were going to get all the world? He was glad that his father had charged such a responsible task just to him.

The camel cades crossed the river of India and stopped. It was afternoon. The head of the camel cades rode his horse and came to Nasrullah khan. When he was near Nasrullah khan he pulled the bridle of his horse:

— In front there begins upward slope, khan. It would be better to let the animals and fighters rest for a while.

Nasrullah khan asked the head of the cades whom his father had joined him:

— Do you know these place well or not?

The head of the cades praised himself:

— I can cross through these places blindfold, khan.

— Don’t go blindfold, but can you go in the dark?

— I don’t understand, khan.

— I say that after having a rest after noon can we continue our way in the evening?

The question became clear to the head of the cades.

— Why not, my khan, we can go!

— If it is thus starting from today we shall go mostly in the dark, at night. Is it clear?

— It is clear. What must I do now?

— Order for to pitch camps. Rest is allowed till getting dark.

The head of the cades departed quickly and shouted at the top of his voice:

— Rest all of you till getting dark! We are going to pitch camps!

As if all were waiting for his order, they loosened the bridle and got off the horses. Within some minutes there were pitched camps. The servants took the loads which were on the elephants, donkeys and camels.

They gave grass and water to the animals.

The fighters made a fire and cooked meals. Only five hundred soldiers were guarding the load.

Nasrullah khan decided to go to the spring and wash himself there. The spring wasn’t seen because of the bushes around it. While reaching the spring he heard the talk of two soldiers who were washing, he stopped. One of them was saying to the other one:

— Hi, I wonder, what is Nader shah sending with his son?

The second soldier got angry:

— What he sends he knows himself. Why are you interested in? I think, your head wants to be chopped. Didn’t they ask you not to ask anything?

The first soldier said:

— I asked only by the way. I am not interested.

The second soldier:

— Even the birds don’t sing a song by the way. By God, you tongue will lead you misfortune.

Nasrullah khan coughed gently and he came up the soldiers. As soon as they saw the khan they pulled themselves, stood still. He passed near the soldiers, filled his palm with the water of the spring, washed his face. Then he turned towards the soldiers standing still and said:

— Neither I heard that talk nor you talked about it.

The soldiers turned white. Both of them said together:

— Khan, we spoke nothing seriously.

— That is why I forgive you. You may go.

They were glad being escaped the danger, at once they disappeared.

After Nasrullah khan washed himself he retuned to the camp.

An officer from the guarding service came up to him:

— Khan, in thousand meter’s distance there is a small village with five or six homes. Except that village there is nothing around.

— Very well, order the guarding service for to line up guards around the camp. Except the spring let them go nowhere!

The officer went running to fulfill the task. After some minutes he returned again:

— I fulfilled your task, khan. There were lined up guards around the camp.

Nasrullah khan fastened his sword to his waist and said:

— If it is thus, let’s visit that village! — It would be better if we are careful.

Nasrullah khan and the officer approached the first shack in the village. From the inside it was heard crying and noise of dishes. Firstly, they stood at the door and began to listen to.

In the shack a child was saying while crying:

— Mother, I am dying with hunger, give me something to eat!

As if the mother took the ladle and began to mix something in the kettle.

She was consoling the child.

— Have a bit patience! The meal will be ready after within some minutes.

The child was continuing in crying, he was crying bitterly:

— Mother, how much must I have a patience? Since morning you put the kettle on the fire. It is afternoon, why it isn’t ready? Till the meal is ready bring me grass or something to eat.

It appeared that mother was glad hearing her son’s words, she took the basket from the corner of the shack and said: “Wait a minute, my son, I shall return soon”.

When she was going out of the shack, she saw the strange men at the door, she frightened.

— Alas!, bismillah! — she said.

The men saw that she was frightened they calmed her. The officer consoled him:

— Salameleykum, sister! Don’ t be afraid of us! We were passing by, we were going with cades, our camp is in down of the village. They said that there is a small village. We decided to come and have a talk with the adults of the village for to get some information.

The woman was still was afraid of them, but she didn’t lose herself.

— What news in such an outskirt village? You must bring the information.

Nasrullah khan looked around the village having five or six houses:

— Where are the men of this village? Why aren’t they seen?

The woman wiped her eyes with the end of her kerchief.

— There remained no men in the village. All of them joined to the troop of Nader shah. He who went didn’t return back. There are only women, children and old men in the village..

— For the God’s sake, don’t be offended, sister, I want to ask you something. – Nasrullah khan said.

— Please, — the woman looked at them shyly and answered.

— Accidentally, we heard your talk with your child. Your child is hungry, we knew it. We can’t understand what meal you have been cooking for seven or eight hours. Can you tell us which meal you are cooking?

Within a moment the eyes of the woman filled with tears. She wiped her eyes with the end of her kerchief and sighed deeply:

— Hi, my brother, two years ago the men of the village went to the war. We don’t know they died or they are alive. When they went we had some animals. During two years we have sold everything. Now we are eating only grass. My nine years old son fell from the rocks, he is invalid. He can’t walk.

— Well, if there is nothing in home, what are you cooking?

The woman dropped her eyes and said silently:

— A stone. I am cooking a stone.

Both the son of the shah and the officer asked together surprisingly:

— What? What?

The woman answered again:

— Yes, I am cooking a stone.

Both of them struck dumb hearing her words. During their life they never heard that a stone can be cooked. They firstly heard that there was a meal named a stone. At last Nasrullah khan asked:

— Why are you cooking a stone?

The woman said shedding tears:

— What must I cook? I deceive my child. He is waiting for the time when the meal will be ready. In this way, the days pass one after another.

Nasrullah khan didn’t know what to say to the hungry, helpless, without kith woman. He was thinking that he would have a talk with the shah about the problems. The people have been forgotten. No one takes care of the family of a soldier who dies in the war. The way-out must be found for it. How can a soldier fight if he knows that his family is without bread?

He said to the crying woman:

— Don’t cry, sister! We shall go down the camp and bring you food. — For your son we may send a doctor, he can recover him.

The woman didn’t stop her crying:

— Brother, I don’t know who and what you are. You look like good and kind men. It is seen from your face that you have noble roots. I have a request from you.

— Please, sister!

— Let me be hanged under your feet, brother, take my son Arhun with you. If he remains here he will die.

She cried so bitterly that Nasrullah khan lost himself. He couldn’t remember when he saddened for the last time. When the military marching began, he was thinking that he was stone-hearted. He saddened within a moment hearing the begging of the woman. The shah’s son was afraid of his father too. Nader shah could punish him for such a lack of restraint, compromises. He couldn’t bear to begging of the woman. At last, he said decidedly:

— Sister, let the man of wise come and see your son. — If his wound isn’t serious, if he can he walk, we shall take a measure.

The woman began to pray them:

— Brother, let your life be long! Let you never complain in life! Let the great God lighten your ways!

When Nasrullah khan returned to the camp, he sent food enough for six months, some money and a doctor. He ordered the officer to deliver all the food to the village. Towards evening the doctor returned with Arhun. The leg of the child would soon be recovered. Nasrullah khan called one of his helpers and charged him to take the boy to Isfahan and let him wait there till they return. The helper left for Isfahan just at that moment.

On the next days Nasrullah khan together with his men went in the nights without meeting any adventure and they reached Naderabad. Then they went to Meshed and Isfahan. From there they directed to Kelat, then they began to go towards the North Azerbaijan with the great treasure.

During all the traveling as if the praying of that helpless woman helped their ways be comfortable and easy.


“… When I went out Delhi, I sent messengers to Istanbul and Sankt- Peterburg for to inform them about the invading of India. While passing through the province of Lakhor I sent Ayatullah khan and Abdulbeyi khan to the ruler of the province- to Zekeriyye khan and demanded two-year taxes. Zekeriyye khan gathered the taxes more than we demanded and presented us personally and saw us off till Chanab. In Aknur my two thousand soldiers were drown in the river of Chanab. Afterwards I learned that the local people ran to the mountains being afraid of me, there they cut a lot trees and threw into the river. The cut trees were so many and bigger that they broke the bridge. I didn’t send my troop for those people. The rest of my troop could cross from Qullavar…

…My fighters had taken a lot of riches. From one side I was glad for it, because what they had taken was theirs. They had gained that riches rushing to the death, by gaining victory upon the death. From other side, I worried about carrying so much load with them each of member of the army. Because the marching hadn’t come to an end. I could imagine how the soldier whose sack, saddle-bag, waist was full of gold, diamond or ruby could rush into a fight. They were carrying load instead of bullet.

From the third side I thought that the owner of so many riches would fight unwillingly, even they would fight unwillingly for their shah. As a result, among the soldiers who would once was ready to death after my order, there would be discord, they would be divided into parts. I was much worried about the a situation. Firstly, I offered to make out a list and enter in the list all the gathered riches, and to charge four or five soldiers from each regiment and load the riches to carts and deliver their homes. The fighters approached my offer half-heartedly. Each of them said different thoughts. They couldn’t agree among themselves. At last, I made up my mind it was necessary to order decidedly, or the army would be divided into parts. I called Murad khan and asked him about the situation:

— How is the situation, Murad khan? Could they come to an agreement?

Murad also understood how the situation was hard. Surely, he didn’t want to force out his soldiers.

— No, my shah, — he said worriedly. – There is no changing.

— What to do, Murad? Or before our eyes the army will be divided. The soldiers who once stuck out his chest against sword, bullet are weak at gold, money, precious stones.

— My shah, why not gather the riches by forcing out? Let’s check everybody.

I objected:

— No, Murad khan, not in this way! Firstly, it is their right. They gained the riches after gaining victory. Secondly, if we force out openly, the dividing of the army will quicken.

I thought for a while and then said:

— Murad khan, how do you think, are my soldiers afraid of me, or they love me?

Murad answered without thinking:

— They are both afraid of you and love you, my shah! They are afraid of much!

— It is better if they are afraid of me, Murad khan! In which place there is precious stones or gold, there a human isn’t loved. Do how I order! Gather the army within one hour, let nobody be on the horse. Let all of them be lined up. Only I shall be on the horse.

After an hour I was walking up and down on the horse in front of a number of soldiers and I was saying loudly:

— My lovely soldiers, my brave fighters, do I take you from victory to another?

All the soldiers roared in chorus;

— You take, my shah!

— Did we sleep together and go to the fight together and gain victory?

— Yes, we gained, my shah!

— Did you get a lot of riches as a result of those successes?

— Yes, we got, my shah!

— Do you want to gain new victories and many riches?

— Yes, we want, my shah!

— If it is thus I order you! Make out a list, enter in the list all of your riches, gold that you captured, and surrender the shah’s treasure. Copy of the surrendering paper will be in duplicate, one will remain you, the other will remain us. As soon as we finish the marching to Turkustan and return to the capital, each of you may take the riches from the treasure.

The army cried in chorus:

— Let our shah be safe and sound!

I was sitting on the horse and was pacing up and down at the army:

— I warn you beforehand, he who doesn’t surrender his riches, if while we check him we make out riches that soldier will be punished, the riches which will be confiscated from him won’t be returned to him. While passing through the bridges and narrow passages everybody will be checked, without distinction everybody will be checked. Is it clear, my brave soldiers?

— It is clear, my shah!

— If it is this, do how I ordered! Each regiment organizes a staff, they make out a list and enter in the list your riches and surrender to the shah’s treasure!

My speech showed its results. Within a short time there was organized a staff. He who surrendered his riches to the treasure of the shah pressed his finger on the paper which were duplicate, took one copy of the paper and hid in his waistband.

…. There were found those who were displeased with my order. They were afraid of the checking…”

— Hi, Jemil!

— What do you say, Azer?

— Are you sleeping?

— What do you say, how may I sleep after the shah’s words? It is towards the morning, but I haven’t slept still.

— What to do, Azer? To surrender the riches which we gathered fighting, to the shah’s treasure? Who knows he will return our riches to us or not.

— Hi, why not to return? Didn’t you hear that he said that the riches would be retuned to the family of the fighter who died in the fight? He is the shah, if he promised he will keep his promise!

— I don’t think like you, Azer! Both of the sides of my saddle-bag are full of jewelry. Why must I surrender to the shah and then to beg him for to return to me?

— Hi, Jemil, I have a good idea.

— What?

— I say, Jemil, we can’t read or write.

— Yes, you are right, we can’t.

— I say, if the man who writes the list of the riches doesn’t write all of them, what will happen then? We shall go to the shah’s treasure, they will give us only some gold and then say, that is all!

— Hi, Azer, you made me doubt! Can it be how you say?

— Why not?

— I don’t know what to do.

— Let’s go and surrender our riches to the Shah’s treasure. — Don’t you joke?

— Of course, I joke!

— What to do?

— Are you mad? Why don’t you think?

— Azer, I have a good idea.

— What, Jemil?

— Now it is towards morning. Stand up, let’s take our saddle-bags and go to the forest. Let’s hide there our riches, that is to say, hide under the soil. When the marching to Turkustan finishes, we may return and take. Will this damned marching continue till we die?

— You are clever, Jemil! By God, it is a clever idea. Stand up, be silent. The others may awoke too.

— Azer, here, in the forest, I have cast a furtive glance a place in an opening. We may cover our saddle-bag there.

— Jemil, don’t speak much, keep silence. Let’s go before it is light, return soon.

…Murad had given a task to the guarding group for to check who crosses the bridge:

— To check the horse, saddle-bag, waist-band, not to compromise anybody! He who objects to his checking to warn him from the name of the shah.

The guarding group were checking all the soldiers crossing the bridge. Even they were checking those who had surrendered their riches to the shah’s treasure and had got the paper.

A soldier who had a paper in his hand approached to the chief of the guarding group:

— Aga, I have surrendered everything, see, it is my paper. Is there any need to check me?

The chief of the guarding group said seriously:

— Yes, there is need to check. – It makes no difference you have got a paper or not, everybody must be checked.

— Aga, but there remained nothing for to check.

— We shall know it.

— I say nothing, aga, check me. – The fighter said waveringly.

When the fighter was checked, a belt was known on his underwear. The guarding soldier asked him:

— What for is this belt?

The fighter lost himself:

— Aga, it is only a belt. My waist hurt me, that is why I tied it.

The guarding soldier said seriously:

— Open the belt, give it to me!

The fighter opened willy-nilly the belt and gave it to the guarding soldier. When the soldier checked the belt, he saw that the belt was full of gold. He said to the fighter ironically:

— You said that your waist hurt you…

The fighter begged the soldier:

— Aga, I shall pray you till the end of my life! Only this one remained. Don’t take it!

— No, it is the shah’s order! It is confiscated. Hi, fool, if you surrendered it in time, you would take it back, but now you won’t. Go!

The fighter was begging still:

— Aga, but…

The guarding soldier:

— I asked you to go, it is the shah’s order! On other side you will get a paper about how much of your gold was confiscated.

Another fighter came for to be checked. The guarding soldier asked him:

— Have you any gold on you?

— I have a sack of gold.

— Why haven’t you surrendered it?

— Didn’t the shah say that the riches that we captured are ours?

— Yes, he said.

— This saddle-bag is mine.

— Yes, it is yours, but you had to surrender it, now it is confiscated.

— No, aga, it is mine.

The guarding soldier got angry:

— Yes, it is yours.

— If it is thus I refuse from these riches.

The fighter took the saddle-bag and threw it into the river.

The guarding soldier said pitifully:

— Hi, fool, what did you do?

— The riches are mine, I know what I did.


“…At last, though with difficulty I could put an end to the problems that worried me. The number of checking on the bridges and narrow passages showed its results. There remained no riches on anybody. I must say beforehand that after retuning from the marching of Turkustan, I returned all the riches to the fighters. Whatever they had surrendered they got back.

Crossing the river of India I reached Pishever, crossing the passage of Kheyber I reached to Jalilabad, from there I reached Kabil. It was already the second of December. In Kabil, forty thousand Afghans wanted to join my army. I registered them with pleasure and sent them to Herat. From Khorasan I got the information that with his army of Uzbek, Ilbars had invaded the provinces of Abivard and Nasi. That idiot willingly pressed himself against my sword. I made up decidedly to march to Turkustan.

I sent a herald for my son Rzaqulu come to Herat within a short time. Leaving Kabil I reached Naderabad on the 4 th of May.

So, the two-year’s marching to India came to an end..”


Year 1737…The city of Qarshi of Turkustan has been encircled by Rzaqulu khan and Tahmasb khan Jalair, though Nader shah had forbidden them resolutely to cross the river of Oksas and attack the Uzbeks. After the lasting encirclement, Ataliq- the ruler of Qarshi was going to give the keys of Qarshi to Rzaqulu khan… But…

…In the tent, the hands of Tahmasb Jalair khan was trembling. He had a letter in his hand. Some times ago a herald brought a letter from Nader shah. Reading the letter till the end he began to shiver. Though the shahzade asked for some time, Tahmasb khan couldn’t come to himself.

At last, the warlord could speak:

— Shahzade, misfortune! I am lost!

Rzaqulu khan wanted to quiet him:

— What has happened? Tell me!

— I have got a letter from the shah… shah… shah! He will punish me ruthlessly!

Tahmasb khan Jalair wasn’t mistaken. Nader shah had taken into consideration that Rzaqulu khan was too young and inexperienced, that is why he had appointed Tahmasb khan the warlord of the shahzade’s army. He was responsible to the army and to the fights. Tahmasb khan had agreed with the shah’s son to cross the river of Oksas and attack the Uzbeks.

Nader shah knew very well that Turkustan was a great country. During the times of Chingiz khan and Emir Teymur, that country could gather hundred thousands of soldiers. If the Uzbeks combined and attacked to Rzaqulu’s few troops, there would be a heavy defeat. That is why Nader shah had written a very strict letter to Tahmasb khan Jalair. The old warlord was trembling while thinking about his future.

At last, Rzaqulu khan approached him and said:

— Give me the letter, let me see what he has written to you that you are shivering.

The khan reached out the letter to him:

— Please, shahzade!

Rzaqulu took the letter and his face also turned white. Nader shah had written the followings to Tahmasb khan Jalair:” He, old, procurer! After your invading Balkh, I had ordered you to remain there. You wanted to be a conqueror. On that purpose you drew my beloved son Rzaqulu Mirze to your foolish affairs. You threw my son and his fearless army into the ocean of misfortune seeing that my son was inexperienced. God forbid, if Uzbek, Kazakh, Kalmik, Jaghatay, Russians and Alans combined and fight against the few troops that you lead…. As soon as you get my letter return immediately to Balkh. I shall order to separate your head from your body and use like a decoration thing in the palace.

The shahzade had also struck dumb:

— What shall we do, Tahmasb khan?

— I don’t know, Rzaqulu khan! After reading this letter I have lost my head. I can’t think what we must do.

The shahzade complained from the herald, he was afraid of his father:

— The herald found time to bring the letter. If he came a bit later we should occupy Qarshi!

Tahmasb khan said to himself that he was thinking about his future but Rzaqulu was speaking about to occupy Qarshi!

— Shahzade, it is the order of the shah! We must immediately return to Balkh! The herald told me that he was carrying Nader shah’s letter to the ruler Ataliq.

Rzaqulu khan came nearer to him:

— Must I withdraw while I am at a step of victory and fame? No, it won’t be, Tahmasb khan!

Tahmasb khan tried to entice the shahzade:

— Your father is right… If Turkustan combines and fights against us, we can’t win them. We hadn’t thought about it. If it happens there can be great misfortune.

— Which misfortune? — Rzaqulu khan raised his voice.

— Great misfortune, shahzade, great misfortune. Suppose, we are defeated or we withdrew troops as a result of pressure. At that time it will be put an end to the invincible speed of Avshars and Nader shah. Your father won’t forgive it to us.

Hearing his father’s name as if Rzaqulu awoke up from deep dream. While his father appointed him plenipotentiary representative of the state of Avshars, he had called him and admonished him:

“When you will be the shah of this country, let one of your trusted companions be special guard to Tahmasb shah who is under house arrest, don’t let anybody meet him. Not depending on where you appoint a ruler or the assistant of the ruler, care for them and give them attention. Specially, care for the Uzbeks who live in the desert. If the God forbid, the troops of Turkustan, Ottomans and Russian enter the lands of Avshar, consult firstly with the adults and the heads of the stocks before beginning the war. Don’t be fool! If something can be solved with peace, don’t solve it by a war. Always punish robbers, thieves and good-for-nothing strictly! Treat well with merchants, specially who come from a foreign country, favor with them. Let them speak about your fame, kindness in each part of the world. …Don’t be spendthrift! If the state is in trouble, only at that time you may open the doors of the treasure without thinking! Don’t let chance to anyone for take heed to the family of Safavid and Tahmasb shah!”

Shahzade also remembered what Nader shah had told him about Turkustan:

— Don’t enter Turkustan crossing the river of Oksas! Even Ilbars attacks you, only try to be defended! Give me information about it! I can punish him so that the rebels and criminals take lessons…”

After remembering all what his father had told him, Rzaqulu khan understood that the shah may punish him.

— Do you offer to return to Balkh? — He asked Tahmasb khan.

The old warlord felt that shahzade has relented:

— Shahzade, if we don’t return now, then it will be late!

Shahzade asked surprisingly:

— Why?

— Because I have got an order from your father. After some time I shall put an end to encirclement, that is to say, I have been forbidden to order to attack.

— It means that we are returning, doesn’t it?

— Yes, shahzade, but I am a bit worried.

— Why are you worried?

Tahmasb khan thought for a while and said;

— The matter is that if we put an end to the encirclement, the Uzbeks may think that we run. That is why we must strengthen the group which comes behind.

Shahzade waved his hand:

— You are responsible to the army, you must think about it.

Whatever Tahmasb khan Jalair had said to shahzade it happened. The Uzbeks attacked to Avshars who were withdrawing. The inexperienced warlord responded to that attack by counterattack that the Uzbeks were obliged to remove.

The troop of shahzade crossed the river of Oksas at the beginning of 1738 and reached Balkh.

By the order of Nader shah, Tahmasb khan Jalair passed through Qunduz and Kabil and in Bahar Suflu combined with the main troop of the shah. In Bahar Suflu Nader shah welcomed his son pleasantly, he didn’t let the old warlord Tahmasb khan Jalair come to his place and he treated him coldly. At last, one day Nader shah received Tahmasb khan and after his sincere confession he forgave him…

Khive, Ilbars khan’s palace, year 1737

For a long time Ilbars khan wanted to ransack Khorasan, but he didn’t have a chance for it. Either he couldn’t make the stocks of Turkustan agree with one another or the main troops of Nader shah were not far from the city. Now the shah of Avshar was far, he was engaged in Qandahar. According to the news he had got, Nader shah would march to India. The khan of Khive could make the stocks of Turkustan combine. There remained only to define the suitable time. He had got information that Rzaqulu khan’s cousin, Aliqulu khan had been appointed the ruler of Meshed. In order to be aware of the situation, in Meshed Ilbars khan sent there his right hand Muhammed Amin Mukhtar. Soon Muhammed Amin Mukhtar returned from Meshed and delivered the information he got and told the events he had seen there.

As a habit he was speaking slowly. That old, experienced khan was about sixty years old.

— How was your traveling? — The khan asked.

— Thanks to you, not bad, respected khan!

— What news in Meshed?

Muhammed Amin Mukhtar answered allusively:

— Still there is quietness, respected khan! As you know they have appointed too young boy, Nader shah’s brother’s son — Aliqulu khan, the ruler of Meshed.

Khan understood what he wanted to say:

— Can he rule so big city?

— Respected khan, the ruler is too young that he always has a rattling time.

— What do you want to say?

— He has no experience in management. Even he doesn’t make any effort for it. He goes on the racket.

— You say that can’t he rule Meshed?

— No, respected khan, he can’t rule.

Ilbars khan asked one more question:

— How many soldiers are there in the city?

— Respected khan, according to my observation, there remained a few groups of troop.

— How many?

Muhammed Amin Mukhtar thought for a while:

— Four or five detachments. — he said. – At any case, there is no regiment.

— Where are the rest of troops? You say, maybe the men of Meshed disappeared.

— No, respected khan! The most of the men of Meshed went with Nader shah.

The khan of Khive was lost in thoughts. Then he said:

— What do you think? Have you any idea, Muhammed Amin?

Muhammed Amin showed himself like wise:

— Let khan be safe and sound! Till this time there had never been so suitable time like now. Khorasan is absolutely uncontrollable. There won’t be chance once more!

Ilbars khan stood up from the throne he sat. Muhammed Amin Mukhtar also stood up. They began to go up and down in the palace.

The khan of Khive gave other question:

— How much power is necessary for to enter the lands of Khorasan?

— Our forces are enough, respected khan!

— No, our forces aren’t enough.

— Why, respected khan?

— It has deep meaning. Do you know what it is?

— No, I don’t know, respected khan!

— Well, the main problem is this. — The khan of Khive said hardly.

— If only I attack Khorasan, then Nader shah will attack only me and can defeat me. If I attack with the combined troops of Turkustan, he won’t dare to respond my attack, because he will know that behind me there is Turkustan.

Muhammed Amin Mukhtar shook his head affirming his words:

— It is a clever idea, khan. You have thought rightly.

— In fact, the force that I have gathered from the five fortresses of Kharazm are enough, but we must think what may happen then…

— Respected khan, which stocks did agree to join to you?

Ilbars khan said proudly:

— The stocks of of aral, tekke, sariq, yamut, arsaq and others insist in joining with us. In all, they are hundred thousand soldiers. With so many troops I can occupy Khorasan, even I can go to India and defeat Nader shah…

— But then?

— Then I may combine all the lands of Moghol with our lands. Well, how do you think?

Muhammed Amin Mukhtar wanted to object that Nader shah didn’t like such kind of jokes. He said another word because he was afraid of the khan:

— It is a good idea, respected khan!

…. Ilbars khan’s combined troops of Turkustan crossed the river of Tejen and directed towards Meshed. Ilbars khan pitched a camp on the bank of the river, invited the heads of the stocks to his camp. When all the warlords gathered, he spoke about how to occupy the city:

— Agalar, I congratulate you! In order to occupy Meshed there is no force in front of us. There are only a few forces in front. That force withdrew Abivar without fighting seeing our thousands of troops. As we agreed, we shall attack the city early in the morning.

There were heard voices among the heads of the stocks:

— It is a good offering. God bless us!

The khan of Khive continued his speech:

— Agalar, with so many troops it wouldn’t be right to attack from one side.

Somebody asked:

— What do you offer, khan?

— I offer to attack Meshed at the same time, but in different directions.

One of the head of the stock asked:

— What will be our favor? — Why not all of us attack in one direction and occupy the city?

— No! — The khan of Khive raised his one hand in the meaning of negative and answered strictly to the head of the stock. – Because if we attack in one direction, all the forces defending the city will be concentrated there. No, if we attack in three directions, their forces which are few, will be divided into three parts and will weaken.

Somebody said:

— It is a clever offer.

— If it is thus, let’s define our forces in three directions. My troop will attack from the door of Marv of the city, Qaraqalpaqs will attack from the way of Khabushan, the Turkman of aral, takkolats will attack from the direction of the gate of Herat.

The head of the stock of Qaraqalpaq objected:

— I don’t agree with you.

Ilbars khan looked at him surprisingly:

— Why do you object?

— I object our attacking the city from the way of Khabushan.

— Why?

— Because till we reach to the door of Khabushan of Meshed, you will already occupy the city from the direction of Marv and will take all the plundering.

The khan of Khive looked at the head of the stock more surprisingly:

— What do you want to say?

— I want to say that there will remain no plundering to us. But what for have we come here?

— Why have we come here?

The head of the stock of Qaraqalpaq increased in fury:

— Ilbars khan, don’t you know why we have come here? We have come to get plundering throwing ourselves into danger. If we don’t get plundering why we disgrace ourselves? If it is thus, Qaraqalpaqs refuse from the marching.

The khan of Khive wanted to answer aptly and strictly to the heads of the stocks of Turkman of aral and takkolat stood up:

— We also refuse from this marching.

Ilbars khan gave a hiss angrily:

— Why do you also refuse?

The head of the stock of aral knitted his brows:

— We also share their opinions! You want to attack from the door of Marv but you offer to us to attack from the gate of the long way. Till we enter the city from the gate of Heart, you, of course, will already plunder the city. No, I can’t agree with you.

In the tent there began quarreling. It was impossible to hear what they were saying. Everybody wanted to prove his thought, but none of them agreed with one another. The khan of Khive wanted to console the heads of stocks:

— Have kindness, agalar, keep silence!

The head of the stock of Qaraqilpaq rushed into him furiously:

— Why to keep silence? You will take the plundering of Meshed and we shall have to fight against Nader shah? No, we don’t agree. We don’t want to fight!

Voices were heard:

— It is right! Fight yourself against Nader shah!

— Our breast isn’t a shield or guarding shirt for you!

— If you want to take vengeance on Avshars, take yourself!

Ilbars khan understood that if it lasted like thus, the heads of the stocks will depart. He turned and looked at Muhammed Amin Mukhtar who was standing behind him and at that moment Ilbars khan dropped his eyes and raised his head. Muhammed Amin Mukhtar who was considered the right hand of Ilbars khan understood to what the khan was hinting. He waved his hand towards the chief of guarding standing at the entry of the tent. The chief of the guarding at once understood what had happened and began to act. A moment hadn’t passed there were two soldiers near each of the head of the stocks. Suddenly all kept silence. The heads of the stocks couldn’t realize anything. When one of them wanted to take a step, the soldiers standing near him stopped him. The head of the stock looked round and shouted:

— Agalar, have we been arrested?

The khan of Khive calmed the heads of the stocks:

— Astaghfurullah, agalar! Who am I for to arrest you? I wanted to quiet you because I hear nothing. — He hinted the soldiers to go away. The soldiers left the tent silently. — Agalar, I repeat again, have a kindness, listen to me. Nader shah is the enemy of all of us. If he enters Turkustan, he will not only kill us but also you. The shah of Avshar needs Turkustan but not me or you. I also want to say that, agalar, there isn’t any need to quarrel for plundering. I promise you, it doesn’t depend on who will enter the city firstly, all the captured plundering will be put in the same place and will be divided equally among the stocks.

In a moment, all of them became silent, then their heads shook affirming his words:

— We agree with you! — The voices were heard.

— Thank you, Ilbars khan!

— It would be better if you told it at the beginning.

Ilbars khan smiled and said:

— Did you give me a chance to tell my words? — No sooner hadn’t I wanted to say you wanted to stop my talk.

At that time Muhammed Amin Mukhtar approached to Ilbars khan and whispered something to his ears. The khan of Khive spoke loudly for everybody to hear:

— Is it time for it? Don’t you see that I am busy with important problems?

The right hand of Ilbars khan, Muhammed Amin Mukhtar again whispered something:

— Respected khan, the news that the herald has brought is more important than your gathering.

— What? — Ilbars khan was surprised. – Is it so important?

Muhammed Amin Mukhtar shook his head as a sign of affirming.

The khan of Khive made an apology and went out the tent. The herald came from Kharazm came up him immediately:

— Majestic khan, urgent news from Kharazm!

The khan of Khive got angry:

— Is the news from Kharazm so important that you have called me from the gathering?

— I don’t know, majestic khan! They asked me to deliver the news urgently and only to you not depending on anything. Even if you were in dream I had to wake you up and to tell you the news!

Ilbars khan was pleased that the task given to the herald was fulfilled:

— Well, don’t dawdle! The respected agalar are waiting for me, hurry up!

— Majestic khan! They ordered me to deliver these words to you.

The khan couldn’t have any patience and shouted at him:

— Which words? What are you babbling, boy?

The herald lost himself:

— Majestic khan, for the God’s sake, don’t be angry! The khan of Kazakh, Tokhtamish decided to attack Kharazm.

— What? — Ilbars khan shouted.

The herald didn’t lose himself that time:

— Yes, majestic khan! He is coming to Kharazm being aware of that you are in Khorasan.

The khan of Kharazm lost himself:

— It can’t be! It is like to strike me a dagger from behind!

Muhammed khan Mukhtar came nearer to the khan:

— Respected khan, pull yourself!

— Muhammed Amin, how can it be? In the moment that we are going to attack Meshed they bring me such news.

— Respected khan, instead of attacking Meshed it is better to return to Kharazm.

The eyes of the khan goggled:

— What? Do you also tell to return?

— Respected khan, we don’t know how many days we shall keep Meshed in encirclement. One day, five days or one month? But we may lose Kharazm.

Ilbars khan calmed a bit. The words of Muhammed Amin Mukhtar were right.

— What do you advice?

— It is necessary to return back immediately.

— What shall I say to the heads of the stocks?

— You must tell them truth.

— Will they understand me?

— They will understand very well, even there may be found those who may offer their assistance.

— Are you sure?

— Yes, respected khan!

So, the khan of Khive returned back without encircling Meshed. But Nader shah didn’t forget Ilbars khan’s acts. In the first suitable time the shah of Avshar would requite for it.


Ibrahim khan, who had been appointed the ruler of the north-west of Azerbaijan, different from Rzaqulu khan waited no danger from abroad or home. His age and experience could give him chance to control the military forces. In fact, Ibrahim khan was responsible to the great territory, the capital of which was Tabriz and he could manage it. The Ottomans and the Russians were conflicting, that is why North-West Azerbaijan was ruled by Ibrahim khan very easily. He was bored of such management because he was accustomed to regular wars. Though he didn’t wage a war or didn’t fight, he often visited big cities, listened to the people of the cities, punished the criminals and praised who worked well.

That time Ibrahim khan wanted to visit Ganja. But they informed him that there was spread the illness of cholera in the city. In that case he directed towards the city of Tiflis without entering Ganja. The khan would settle his

“Red sofa” in Sheytanbazar in Tiflis.

The people called Ibrahim khan’s throne covered with red velvet

as “The throne of happiness”. To which city the khan used to go, there used to be put “The throne of happiness” in the square, the local rulers and courtiers used to listen to the complains of the people and solved the problems. The main point was that even the rulers of the cities were afraid of that” The throne of happiness”. Because mostly Ibrahim khan adopted decisions on the contrary of the rulers and he won the sympathy of the people.

The ruler of Tiflis, Shefi khan Buqkhari met the ruler of North- West Azerbaijan in the entry of the city. He bowed him and said: “You are welcome!”

Ibrahim khan asked merrily about the state of the health of the ruler of Tiflis:

— How is the situation, Shefi khan?

— Thanks to you, I am well, khan’s Majesty!

— Has cholera spread in Tiflis?

— No, my dear, not yet. But it may spread. Khan’s Majesty, is it true that a lot of people died in Ganja infected with cholera?

— It is right, Shefi khan, it is right! In Ganja there happened something.


— What has happened, my dear!

The horses of the ruler of Tiflis and Ibrahim khan were side by side. From behind a big group was coming.

He turned towards Shefi khan:

— Well, I had pitched my camp around the city for there was spread cholera in Ganja. When the ruler of the city came to meet me, I saw that near him there were two persons with bounded hands. I asked Bughra khan about who they were. He said that they were thieves, robbers. I understood nothing. I told the ruler of the city that I couldn’t understand anything:

— I understand nothing. If they are thieves or robbers, why have you brought them to me? Why didn’t you punish them yourselves?

— Khan’s Majesty! They are unusual thieves.

I was surprised and asked him:

— What does it mean “they are unusual thieves”.

The ruler of Ganja said:

— Yes, they aren’t thieves like others. They don’t rob those who pass the street, or they don’t make an attack to the humans.

— What do they do?

— These dishonorable persons enter the homes of those who died from cholera and rob the home, they clear off the pockets who die.

— What does it mean, they are criminals as others. Why haven’t you executed them till this time?

— Respected khan, the difficult matter is this. Why haven’t we executed them?

— It is interesting, why?

Bughra khan wanted to make me believe something:

— Ibrahim khan, look at their faces! Is there any sign of cholera on their faces?

I looked at their faces and said:

— No, there is no sign.

— They rob those who died of cholera. There is secret they aren’t infected the illness.

I was lost in thought. It meant that there was secret.

— Didn’t they tell the secret of it?

— No, how much I asked, they said nothing about.

I ordered to untie their hands. They untied, but still they continued to be on their knees. I asked them:

— How can it be that you rob those who died of cholera but you aren’t infected.

The thieves had dropped their heads and were standing in the same way. They said nothing.

I asked then gently:

— See, all the people of Ganja die of cholera. Maybe you know the way-out of this horrible illness. If you know, tell me for to escape the people from this misfortune.

One of the thieves raised his head and said:

— If we say will you give us a quarter, will you free us?

The way-out of the illness was important. Whether two persons died or remained alive it made no difference, there would change nothing. Even if they were murderers!

— I promise you, on condition that before me you will promise not to rob anymore

— We promise to you! — Both of them said together. One of them began to lay the secret bare. — The matter is that every time before entering the home who died of cholera, each of us ate a garlic and then drank one bottle of red wine. That is all! We were never infected!

— Well, from where did you learn it?

One of the thieves said:

— My great -great- great grandfather told my father, my father told me.

When Ibrahim khan finished speaking the story, he said:

— I freed those careful thieves. I advised Bughra khan to use that way. It would be better if you also used that method.

The horsemen reached to the palace of the ruler of Tiflis. Immediately the men servants pulled bridles of the ruler and khan’s horse.

Both of them got off the horse and began to go upstairs.

…There were a lot of people in the square of Sheytanbazar. The people of Batumi and Borchali had come to complain. They were waiting impatiently Ibrahim khan come to the square. In the middle of the square there were spread carpets and in the middle there was put “The throne of happiness”. Sunshade was built above the “The throne of happiness”, because it was cloudy. On both of the sides of the street starting from the palace till the square of Sheytanbazar the soldiers were lined up. When Ibrahim khan was seen in the square, there were roared voices of applauses. He greeted the people with the wave of his hand and sat down on his “The throne of happiness”. Sefi khan and other courtiers sat down on the stools put at his left and right sides. The ruler of Tiflis, who was standing at the end came forward and raised his hand. The people kept silence. The consultant said loudly:

— People, the ruler of North-West Azerbaijan, Ibrahim khan has come to you. He has come to see you and listen to you.

Voices were heard:

— You are welcome, Ibrahim khan!

The consultant continued his speech:

— Well, who wants to make a request or to complain stand in turns on the left side. Don’t crowd out!

At that moment those who wanted to make a request or to complain lined up on the left side of the square. Firstly, a villager came forward.:

— I beseech you, I am a Turk of Mehseti. I have come for to learn how I must pay taxes?

Ibrahim khan said:

— You must pay the taxes how the others pay.

— No, I beseech you, our kendkhuda (the head of the village) says that we must pay quitrent much, because we are other kind of Turk.

— What does it mean “other kind of Turk”? All the Turks are the same.

— I don’t know. Our kendkhuda says that we are not real Turks.

— The kendkhuda is wrong. — Ibrahim khan looked at Sefi khan displeased and asked loudly:

— Is the kendkhuda of that village here?

A strapping man was seen in front. His face had turned white.

— I am, I beseech you, I am the kendkhuda of that villager.

The khan reached out his hand towards the man who complained:

— Does he say rightly?

— Yes, he is right, I beseech you. They told me in the office. How they order me I demand.

— Who said you in the office?

— Quram and Abdulqasim from the office.

Ibrahim khan got angry:

— Find them and bring here quickly!

Till the ferrashs brought them, the khan asked the complainer:

— Hi, villager, how many years do you pay much quitrent to this kendkhuda?

The complainer said:

— For three years, I beseech you

Khan strictly gave task to the kendkhuda:

— Return this man how much extra quitrent you had got! Is it clear?

— It is clear! I beseech you!

— You are removed from your post! Our shah defined common rule of tax in the state of Avshar. If somebody disobeys this rule, he must be punished!

Just at that moment ferrashs brought Quram and Abdulqasim:

Ibrahim khan stood up and came up to them:

— Who has allowed you not to obey the order of the shah? By the way, are they other kind of Turks? Have the Turks different kinds?

Quram and Abdulqasim were hanged at the khan’s feet. Both of them began to beg together:

— It is a mistake, khan’s Majesty, have pity us!

He moved a step back and looked at the people who were watching them:

— I declare my decision. Both of them are removed from their posts. Just here before your eyes thirty whips are lashed to them!

The people applauded the khan:

— Long live!

— Let our khan long live!

— Long live Ibrahim khan!

Immediately the ferrashs brought Quram and Abdulqasim and tied to the pole in the middle of the square. When the caners began to lash their back, the people began to count:

— One… two… three…

When the thirtieth whip was lashed them the people applauded. The ferrashs took them dragging.

The consultant came forward and asked the second complainer to come. That time the kendkhuda of the village of Soghanli had come to make a request:

— Khan’s majesty, the people of Soghanli (means “full of onions”) sent me here. Soghanli is near, too near. From the fortress of Shah Abbas the village is seen.

— What do the people of Soghanli want?

— I beseech you, the people invites you to the village like a guest!

— Do they invite me to eat onions?

The people laughed. The kendkhuda of the village didn’t lose himself.

— Whatever you want, we shall give you to eat, I beseech you!

— If God pleases! As soon as I have time, I shall come.

The next complainer had come from the Mountainous Borchali;

— I beseech you, the people of mountainous Borchali want to make a request!

— Please, I hear.

— We ask you to build a road to the Steppe Borchali. When it is winter, it rains or snow falls, the roads are closed for four or five months. The road of Steppe Borhcali becomes closed to us.

Ibrahim khan asked him:

— Hi, man, speak clearly!

The man who had come from mountainous Borchali lost himself a bit:

— Khan, I beseech you, I say that in the Steppe Borchali we have relatives. We must take part in the weddings or mourning ceremonies. When the roads are closed for four or five months we are not aware of them. We can neither take part in the weddings or mourning ceremonies.

Ibrahim khan understood the essence of the problem:

— I understood, I shall give a task to Sefi khan to build a road to the Steppe Borchali for you can go there.

The man came from the Mountainous Borchali said:

— Long live, khan! The people of Borchali are pleased with you. – He raised his hand and prayed him and went away.

The next complainer was Qaqi from Sukhumi. He came forwards and began to complain:

— Khan, I beseech you, I complain from the Tsar of Georgia.

Ibrahim khan was surprised:

— What has the Tsar of Georgia done?

Qaqi said shyly:

— He has done nothing, I beseech you! Simply, the Tsar of Georgia forbid to distill wine from grape, after he adopted Islam.

The khan asked him:

— Are you Christian?

— Yes, I beseech you!

— If it is thus, our shah doesn’t forbid you to distill or produce wine. The orders of shah is superior than the order of the Tsar.

— Go and busy with distilling wine!

— Thank you, I beseech you!

So, till the end of the day, Ibrahim khan listened to many complains and requests. He punished those who were guilty and praised who worked well. In the evening Sefi khan held dinner party on the occasion of coming of Ibrahim khan. Sefi khan said that cholera had already reached Tiflis and in the estates of Georgia some persons were infected with that illness. Ibrahim khan, who was afraid of cholera left Tiflis at night and went towards Irevan. Cholera had reached there earlier than him. Without entering Irevan Ibrahim khan changed his direction and left for Nakhchivan.

Ibrahim khan didn’t enter Nakhchivan and built his tent near Ashabi-Kehf. Together with the khan of Nakhchivan- Ismayil khan, they visited the grave of prophet of Nuh. After visiting the grave Ibrahim khan put his “The throne of happiness” near Ashabi-Kehf.

There he heard that cholera had spread in Nakhchivan too. After some time they informed him that in his tent some persons had already been infected with cholera. Ibrahim khan left Nakhchivan and went to Tabriz. But on the way the heralds brought news that in Tabriz forty seven thousand persons died from cholera. Ibrahim khan left for Ardabil without entering Tabriz. At the beginning of 1738 Ibrahim khan heard that the danger of cholera had already been over in Tabriz. Ibrahim khan returned to Tabriz.

In Tabriz while Ibrahim khan was resting in the palace, a herald came from Meshed. It was already the end of spring months in 1738. The herald had brought the news from his brother’s son Rzaqulu who had the same empowering with him. In the news it was said that the young shahzade had occupied one part of Turkustan. Hearing the news, Ibrahim khan envied his brother. Rzaqulu had gained success in youth years, but though he was the brother of Nader shah and took part in the fights he was traveling the cities with his “The throne of

happiness”. When his brother and brother’s son conquered the cities, he went from one city to another for inspecting. It hurt his honor, he was out of humor. He also wanted to fight, to gain success in the fights and to boast at his brother. On this purpose Ibrahim khan wanted to march to Dagestan, to Lezgis. He ordered that the separated unities of soldiers of Ardabil, Miyane, Maragha, Zenjan, Urmiya, Merend and Hemedan gather near him. Ibrahim khan left for Garabagh in order to unite the stocks of North-West Azerbaijan. In Garabagh the fighters sent by the khanates of Garabagh, Irevan, Tiflis, Shirvan joined his army. In this way, Ibrahim khan crossed the river of Aghri with troop of thirty two thousand soldiers and went in the direction of Qakh.

Still in the period of Shah Abbas there was build field engineering in the name of “Agh Burj (” White Tower”). Ibrahim khan decided to build another field engineering in order to keep the heavy loads of rear.

The Lezgis of Jar and Tala heard that the khan was going to attack them, they asked assistance from Dagestan. Twenty thousand fighters came for to help them.

Two Lezgis of Jar, Ibrahim Divan and Khalil Divan, two brothers headed the united troops of Lezgiz. They laid an ambush in the narrow passage in which Avshars were going to pass.

In that narrow passage Ibrahim khan attacked them many times, but it was useless, on the contrary, they gave much loss and withdrew. Firstly, Ibrahim khan decided to attack by bullets, but the warlords made him give up his idea. Then it was decided to attack Lezgiz from behind, passing through precipitous and dangerous places. Ibrahim Divan and Khalil Divan understood the intending of Avshars and laid a new ambush for them. When the fighters of Avshars approached them, the Lezgis shot suddenly. Hardly had they could realize from where it was attacked, the Lezgis appeared unexpectedly. Ibrahim Divan firstly wounded Ibrahim khan’s head. When Ughur khan wanted to help Ibrahim khan he was also wounded. When Ibrahim Divan recognized Ibrahim khan once more bullet he shot at his head. The warlord of Avshar died within a moment because of the wound. Hand-to-hand fighting began. Some fighters who could be escaped from hand-in-hand fight could return to the main army. Muhammed khan Avshar who had undertaken the responsibility of to head the army, was able to return back with great difficulty.

Firstly, the Lezgiz buried the dead body of Ibrahim khan respectfully. Then the Lezgis of Jar took out his dead body out of grave and hung from a tree. Then they burnt him together with the tree.

Nader shah would never forgive their barbarism….



After Rzaqulu was appointed the shah’s plenipotentiary representative of the state of Avshar, he turned a deaf ear to the admonition once his father had given to him.

Nader shah thought that his brother Ibrahim khan would undertake control on Rzaqulu khan. During the appointment of Rzaqulu khan, nobody knew that Ibrahim khan had been executed by the Lezgis.

Though Rzaqulu khan was a good fighter, during his management period it became clear that he was too impatient in management. At times he arrived at unconceivable decisions. Maybe it was because of the reason that he reported and bore responsibility at nobody except his father. Nader shah was away from him. Since May of 1739 there was no news from his father, it made broaden the borders of his lack of restraint.

Rzaqulu khan had placed his residence in Meshed. During the first three months of his power, he set up a special military regiment consisting of twelve thousand soldiers. He provided each soldier with uniform made of golden material. Their rifles were decorated with gold, sliver and precious stones. He had done it for pride. But the people called his troop “decorated fighters”.

Rzaqulu khan spent most of his time entertaining himself, having a rattling time. Even he forgot that he was in Meshed, in the sacred place where the eighth imam of Islam was buried. He took no heed to it. The old city of Tus was named Meshed, because Imam Rza (e) had been a martyr in that city. Every day thousands of pilgrims visited the mesjidul-heram (a holy grave) where his grave was. They thought that in such honorable city everything was fair. If Islam couldn’t cause justice live in the place where the holy personalities were buried, at that time there was need to look for justice in the world. That is why the faiths of some pilgrims were shaken who visited there. Rzaqulu’s behaving improved it. Nader shah had taken into consideration that wine can play positive role for to overcome tension in the fighting army, he had allowed unofficially to drink wine the officers and soldiers but not near the devout persons. But it could be only after the victory. He used to send away the officers and soldiers to the rear who were accustomed to drink wine every day, and give them testing period for to give up that bad habit. Rzaqulu took no heed to that order. Even once he had drunk wine and entered the mesjidul-heram. The mujtehids and ayetullahs had seen it. Rzaqulu was inexperienced and young, that is why who told him fine words he was close to them, those who told him the reality he removed them from their posts, at times he punished them. Rehim Sultan and Muhammed Huseyn khan who were famous in toadying, cunning and betraying their followers turned Rzaqulu khan’s first advices.

Rzaqulu khan was swimming in the swimming- pool which was in the palace. He was together with naked concubines. One of the men servants came and bowed him, but he didn’t raise his head seeing that Rzaqulu was embracing with one of the concubines. Without raising his head the servant said that Muhammed Huseyn khan and Rehim Sultan had come. Rzaqulu khan separated his head from the bright breast of the concubine and ordered their waiting in the reception room. The man servant said “all right!” and without raising his head he turned and went out.

After an hour Rzaqulu khan came in the reception room. Both of

the advisers bowed him as soon as seeing him. He sprawled on the throne which was bigger than his father’s throne and asked reluctantly:

— Well, how are the affairs, my devoted helpers?

Rehim Sultan bowed down the young boy who had turned to have all authority in the state of Avshar:

— Your Majesty, thanks to you! As a result of your clever measuring the prosperity of our country develops day after day! Your practical measures improved the way of living of the people. All are happy, all pray to you!

Muhammed Huseyn khan saw that Rehim Sultan praised the shahzade and he worried to be avoiding from his attention, he came forward:

— Rehim Sultan is right, Your Majesty! If you didn’t take such clever measures in some state affairs, the people would die of hunger. Thanks to your wise measures there is prosperity in the country. Let you always be in power! The great God has endowed you a rescuer to our people!

Rzaqulu khan’s eyes were languishing hearing their praising. He said yawning:

— Tell me your main purpose! — Which current affairs have you?

Rehim Sultan:

— We have a lot of current affairs, your majesty! Too many!

Muhammed Huseyn khan supported Rehim Sultan:

— He says rightly, Your Excellency! We have such current affairs if we don’t solve them soon there may be discord in the country.

— What discord? By whom? — As if Rzaqulu khan woke up and stood up nervously. – Who can dare to arouse discord in the country?

Rehim Sultan saw that Rzaqulu khan was too nervous, he toadied him:

— Who can dare to arouse discord in the time of our Excellency? — He said. Of course, no one can dare! There are some problems which Your Majesty must solve without fail!

Rzaghulu khan made his mind easy, he sat down on the throne, but he didn’t sprawl on it that time:

— Tell me, what problems?

Rehim Sultan:

— Your Excellency, for a long time there is no news from your father!

— If there isn’t news it will be soon!

Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— It is right, Your Majesty, but the lack of news about your father arouses gossiping, improves spreading of rumors.

Rzaqulu khan stood up nervously:

— What gossiping? Which rumor? Who sets a rumor?

— Those who don’t like you, Your Majesty! —

— What do they say?

Rehim Sultan looked at Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— You began firstly, now tell him!

Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— Your Excellency, we have heard no news from your father for nine months. It gave rise to a lot of gossiping… They say that… that…

Rzaqulu khan came up to Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— What do say tell?

— By God, I can’t dare say, Your Majesty! They say that as if Nader shah was killed in India, that is why we heard no news from him.

— What? — The shahzade shouted. – Hangman!

As if the hangman was standing at the door and waiting for calling. He entered in the room immediately:

The shah’s son reached his finger out the both of the helpers:

— Chop their heads! — he said.

Both of the helpers were hanged at the feet of the khan:

— Your Majesty, we are not guilty. It is our duty to deliver you the gossiping arose among the people. Who are we for dare to say something about your father?

— Take pity on us, khan! We bear you no malice! We always wanted you to rise high.

Rzaqulu khan was relented. He hinted the hangman” go” with the sign of his hand. He said to them “stand up”. Both of them stood up. They prayed to the God for to be escaped from the sharp sword of the hangman.

Rzaqulu khan sat again on his throne. He was thinking that if the gossiping was true, what would be then? He had forgotten the exhortation given by his father. While parting Nader shah had told him: “If you don’t see my dead body with your own eyes, don’t think that I was dead!” The young shahzade had forgotten his father’s words long ago. Then one question made him worry: “If the gossiping is right, what to do? “He broke the long lasting silence:

— What do you offer?

The two helpers who had been escaped from the death a moment ago, began to toady. Muhammed Husey khan heartened:

— Your Majesty, if the gossiping is right, you are lawful heir of your father!. It is necessary to solve some problems for it.

Rehim Sultan:

— It is right! It is necessary to solve the problems because you are the lawful heir of your father:

The shahzade got out of patience:

— Tell me what problems must I solve?

Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— Firstly, you have to change the rulers appointed by your father and to appoint their posts your close and devoted followers.

— What will be our favor?

— It will lessen the numbers of the rulers who want to revolt against you. Think, Your Majesty! Will the rulers appointed by your father want to obey you? Will they recognize you as the shah after your father? Without doubt, no! Why not to render them harmless beforehand?

Rzaqulu khan looked at Rehim Sultan:

— Do you share this idea?

— Yes, Your Majesty!

— If it is thus, prepare the list of the rulers who must be changed. After agreeing with me whom to appoint the rulers, bring the orders to me for to sign.

— All right, Your Majesty!

The shahzade turned towards Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— Which problems remained? Which problem must we solve urgently?

— Your Excellency, I think we must increase the number of the troops.

Rzaqulu khan didn’t agree with him:

— No, I object you. We can hardly keep a troop of twenty thousand fighters. From where shall we get finance for to keep additional troop?

— Your Excellency, we have additional sources of finance. Simply, there needs only your task and order.

The shah’s son looked at his helper interestingly:

— From where are the sources of finance?

— In the foreign trade, Your Majesty!

— Clear up!

At last, Muhammed Huseyn khan felt that it was time to carry out his wish which he longed for years:

— Your Excellency, give a task that all the goods brought from abroad is bought by the person appointed by you. Give a task to the foreign merchants not to sell their goods to other one. At that time we shall be able to buy the goods brought by the foreign merchants in the price we want, we sell in the price we defined highly. The difference between the price we bought and sold will be our additional finical source.

— What will be if the foreign merchants didn’t want to sell their goods how we wanted?

— They will sell, Your Majesty!

— Why do you say with assurance?

— Because if a foreign merchant brought goods to the territory of a foreign country he will be obliged to sell it at any price for not to suffer losses. By the way, there are other ways of pressure, Your Majesty!

— Which are those ways of pressure?

Muhammed Huseyn khan smiled cunningly:

— There are ways of procrastination, to keep off in some problems, their illness, robbing and other ways…

Rzaqulu khan saw that his helper had thoroughly thought about that matter, that is why he was obliged to agree with him:

— Well, for the present I charge you to carry out this matter.

— What about to set up additional military forces?

— For the time being, there is no need to set up additional armed forces. Carry out what I charged you, then let me see how our extra income is, then we may return to this problem again.

— How you advice!

The shahzade didn’t hide his being tired and bored:

— What else remained?

Muhammed Huseyn khan said:

— There remained two important matters.

Rehim Sultan affirmed the words of Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— It is right, Your Majesty! Two important problems remained.

The shahzade looked angrily towards them and asked:

— I wonder, have you discussed all these problems before coming here?

Rehim Sultan:

— Yes, Your Majesty, we have discussed. In order your sitting on the shah’s throne we- your slaves dared and discussed some problems. Your devoted creatures think about only to serve you.

Rzaqulu khan waved his hand:

— Well, tell me about those two problems too.

Muhammed Huseyn khan sighed deeply:

— The first important problem is to execute Tahmasb shah and his sons who are under house arrest in Sebzevar.

The shahzade leaped out. The helpers thought that he would call the hangman again,. If he called “hangman” they wouldn’t be escaped. He didn’t call the hangman:

— Do you know what you say? Must I give order to execute my relative, the last shah of the old dynasty of Safavid? Are you going mad?

Rehim Sultan tried to make him believe:

— My shah, we propose such a motion for your security and be you out of danger.

Rzaqulu khan said strictly:

— How can a man who is under house arrest damage me? Forget about it!

Muhammed Huseyn khan insisted:

— Your Majesty! If there is a revolt, whom will the rebels want to see the shah? Of course, they will want the man who is not from your root. As you said, they will bring the last shah of the old dynasty of Safavid to sit on the throne. His supporters are many among the people. You must take into consideration about it. If your future rival is under your power and depends on your order, why not to do away with him?

Rehim Sultan also affirmed his words:

— Yes, he is right, my shah! Why not to kill the snake while it is in its nest? For present the power and order are in your side, it is necessary to use this chance.

Rzaqulu khan thought for a while and said:

— Such an order can’t be given all of a sudden. I must think. Well, but what is the second matter?

Muhammed Huseyn khan:

— Your Excellency, if there is no news from your father, if there is set a rumor about his being killed in India, it appears that you have reasons for to declare yourself shah, because you are the only lawful heir of the throne. You must declare yourself shah and must hold the ceremony of crowning.

Rzaqulu khan winced from their words, he looked right and left hesitantly. He couldn’t think anything at that moment.

— About this problem we may speak then! I must think.

After two days Rzaqulu khan agreed to order to execute Tahmasb shah and his sons. He charged that task to Muhammed Huseyn khan. Then the shahzade signed some orders about changing of some rulers in the provinces.

Sebzevar, year 1740, February

…Tahmasb was under house arrest for eight years. Firstly, Nader shah kept him in Meshed. After shahzade Rzaqulu khan chose Meshed himself a new residence, Nader shah moved him to Sebzevar. During eight years Tahmasb had changed much. He displayed much interest in reading books and wanted to direct his sons towards this field. At that time his son Shah Abbas III was eight years old, little Ismayil was six years old. Though it was forbidden Tahmasb shah to go out of the house but it wasn’t forbidden to his sons. The children often went to the city, contacted with the people. Especially, the people of Sebzevar loved little Ismayil very much. His pretty face, his clever answers, his behaving like the Shah made him win the sympathy of the people. All the people called him as “Shah Ismayil”.

Tahmasb shah didn’t complain from his life. Possibly, such kind of way of living was his heart’s content. He wasn’t dissatisfied with Nader shah. Tahmasb shah was provided with everything, his harem and his children were near him. Only it was forbidden to him not to go to the city and not to contact with anybody. Even he regarded much favor to the head of the state of Avshar. Nader shah’s combining the state, to combine Qandahar again to his lands, his marching to India made Tahmasb shah glad. There was a hope in the bottom of his heart that one day his children might again possess the throne. He hoped the little Ismayil too much. That is why he often told his sons what he read or heard about their forefathers Shah Ismayil, Tahmasb shah the First, Shah Abbas, spoke them about their courage, heroism. The little Ismayil used to give him more questions. At times the child asked strange questions:

— Father, can I be like my grandfather Ismayil?

— Of course, my son, you can be!

— What must I do for it?

— You must read much, you must fence well.

Tahmasb shah had made two swords from wood. He used often to

“fight” with both of his sons. When his father asked little Ismayil what he was going to be in future, little Ismayil used to answered affectedly: “When I grow I shall be shah like my grandfather Shah Ismayil”.

…That night it was too cold. Tahmasb shah closed the book which he was reading and stood up. The children had already slept. He entered harem. The women were in sound sleep. He wore his chukha and went out the yard. It was sleeting, and strong wind was blowing. The yard was dark and there was nobody. Usually when he went out the yard there were heard coughing from different sides. In this way the guards showed that they were not sleeping. He worried why the guards were not in the yard. He called them, but no one answered. Tahmasb shah wanted to open the gate and call the guard who used to stand there. At the gate there wasn’t anybody either. As if all the guards had disappeared. He wanted to close the gate and return the yard. At that time he saw that two black spots jumped over the fence to the yard. His anxiety and doubts grew much. He thought to himself: “Well, this is the end, it appears that they came for me. The gossiping seemed to be true, Nader shah was killed in India. If he was alive nobody could dare to come here and execute anybody. I didn’t except such an ending.”

Tahmasb shah remembered harem. “It isn’t late.” — he thought and entered the harem, and lightened up the room with the lamp. The women opened their eyes in the light:

— My shah, what happened? Bad news? — His first wife asked. Tahmasb shah’s two wives lived in the harem. He saw that the women hadn’t woke up yet. They were speaking sleepy. The shah told his wives worriedly:

— Hurry up, wake up, our last moment came. Are your rings in your fingers? — He looked at their rings full of poison. The rings were in their fingers.

The women got up quickly. One of them asked:

— What do say, my shah? Why do you say that ending of us came?

Tahmasb shah didn’t lose himself:

— Ladies, what we excepted for years has happened. We excepted it at any moment. Hi, hurry up!

The women hesitated for a while. When Tahmasb shah saw that they were hesitating he shouted at them:

— Hi, be quick, we have no time. Let the great God forgive us. So long, till meeting in the next world. Tell your “Kelmeyi shehadet”.

The women didn’t hesitate any more. They were ready to everything. They raised their hands and after saying “Eshedu en la ilahe illallah, eshedu enne Muhammedan abduhu resulalluhu ve Aliyen veliullah” they opened the covers of their rings and drank the poison which was there. After some time they felt that they were losing their strength and fell on the floor. One of the women said:

— My shah, we fulfilled our duties. — You also keep your promise, fulfill what you promised.

Tahmasb shah couldn’t believe his eyes. The women with whom he shared his grief for eight years were passing away before his eyes.

The light of life was going out in the eyes of both of the women. They were staring at the eyes of the shah. Suddenly the women saw two persons dressed in black behind their lovely husband. The women wanted to open their mouths and to tell him something, but they couldn’t. They wanted to raise their arms, but they had no more strength. Tahmasb shah was watching them. At last, the women hinted him “come near” with their fingers. He understood as if the women wanted to say him something. He wanted to stoop and approach his ear to the mouth of his wives. At that moment somebody behind him fell on the floor crashing. It appeared that the women tried to warn him the danger behind him. The murderer who was standing behind Tahmasb shah wanted to wind the lace round the shah’s throat and to throttle him. Tahmasb shah who was moved to tears seeing how his wives committed suicide devotedly, as if woke up hearing the voice of crashing. He saw that in front of him there was lying one murderer dressed in black. Without thinking he jumped on the murderer, caught his throat and began to throttle him. Though the murderer put an insistence he couldn’t be escaped. He was losing his weak

At that moment Tahmasb shah felt that a thin lace was pressed against his throat. As if a magical hand was pulling the end of this lace. Tahmasb shah’s hand was growing weaker. The murderer who was escaped stood up quickly. The shah could hardly breath. At last, his breathing stopped. Tahmasb shah who made his wives tell their “Kelmeyi shadet” couldn’t say it himself.

Shah Abbas III woke up hearing the noise in the harem, he asked.

— Mother, what is this ballyhoo about?

Seeing his father and mother lying in the centre of the room the child understood that they had been killed. He remembered that once his father had told him some information about attempt, suicide, death. The child jumped on the dead body of his father and cried “father!”.

The murders had no time for to wait. One of them took out his sword, caught the hair of the child who was crying at his father’s dead body, and pulled his head. The child felt pain because of pulling of his hair, he raised his head. The sharp end of the sword cut his throat within a moment.

The corpse of Shah Abbas III who was embracing the dead body of his father remained on the dead body. Little Ismayil also woke up hearing the crying of his brother. Dressed underwear he entered the harem. He was still sleepy:

— Mother, what has happened here?

The murders had to leave the room, but they didn’t have to leave alive the little son of the shah who had came in the room. It appeared that the murders didn’t hearten to cut his head. One of the murderers caught little Ismayil’s throat and mouth and raised him. It seemed that the murderer knew those places very well. He went out of the room and threw the child into the well in the yard. Little Ismayil could only cry “mother!”.

All these were happening before the eyes of the women who were dying. At last, those women who were not able to help to their native children, closed their eyes forever….


When Rzaqulu khan heard the news about the death of Tahmasb shah was pleased with the done task. For some days he made up rejoice on occasion of it. By offering of Muhammed Huseyn khan he sent some troops of thousand fighters to Sebzevar. The troop brought solemnly the corpses of Tahmasb shah and his children to Meshed. The late shah and his children were buried in the mosque of Imam Rza.

Everything was ready to the crowning ceremony. Rehim Sultan and Muhammed Huseyn khan thought that they would be Rzaqulu khan’s viziers. Those who had been invited to the ceremony were asked to come to the palace. The tailor tried on for the last time the dressing which Rzaqulu khan was going to dress in the ceremony. The dress was sewed in time. Muhammed Huseyn khan and Rehim Sultan were not tired of praising the dress. Just at that moment Rzaqulu khan’s aide-de-camp came in and informed that a herald had come from India. Firstly, Rzaqulu khan took no heed to coming of the herald. He thought that he had brought the news about the death of his father. He pulled himself showing as if he was saddening and said: “Let him come”.

As soon as the herald came in, he said:

— Rzaqulu khan, give me gifts!

The shah’s son understood nothing. He looked at the face, eyes of the herald mysteriously. There was no sign of sorrow on his face. On the contrary, the eyes of the herald were shining from the reason of delight or something.

He asked surprisingly:

— I don’t understand. What for I must give gifts? Do you want gifts for the news about my father? Have you become so barefaced? Hangman! — Rzaqulu khan shouted furiously.

Within a moment the hangman appeared at the door:

— Yes, Khan’s Majesty!

— Chop the head of this unbridled herald! Let him understand how he must speak to the shah. He will understand what to fool us is.

The herald lost himself:

— I beseech you! What for do you punish me? I told you to give me gifts, because I brought good news from your father Nader shah.

Rzaqulu khan couldn’t believe his ears.

— What have you brought?

The herald stammered:

— G….G… Good news! I have brought good news!

Rzaqulu khan again didn’t believe to what he heard. Because of the horror of the news he also stammered:

— Have you brought good news?!

— Yes, Khan’s Majesty! Nader shah has sent me and asked to deliver you the news about the occupation of Delhi. He asked me to get gifts from you for this news. I rode my horse at nights and daytime for to come here.

Rzaqulu khan was shaken hearing that news. He couldn’t stand on his feet, he settled down and caught his head with his hands.

The hangman was still waiting. He reached out his hand towards the herald and asked:

— Khan’s Majesty, may I take and execute him?

The Shah’s son hinted him “go” with the sign of his hand. The hangman disappeared in the way how he had appeared. Rzaqulu khan called Rehim Sultan. Rehim Sultan came up him:

— I listen to you, Khan’s majesty!

— See off the herald, allow him go away!

The herald who was watching the acts of who were in the palace and understood nothing came to himself when two Naderi was put in his palm.

“Thank you” -he said and went out of the palace.

Rzaqulu khan was struck dumb in the place where he had settled down. If he didn’t breath it would be supposed that he was dead.

At last, Muhammed Huseyn khan approached him:

— Rzaqulu khan, pull yourself! It is necessary to take measure in this situation.

The shah’s son as if burst suddenly. He kicked up a row:

— Which measure will you take? Weren’t you who brought the news about the death of my father? Weren’t you who made me give order to execute Tahmasb shah? Weren’t you who insisted on my being shah? All happened because of you! Now you want to take measure! I shall show you how the measure is taken! He lapped his hands:

— Ferrash! Hangman!!!

Soon the ferrash and hangman came in.

Rzaqulu khan showed Muhammed Huseyn khan and Rehim Sultan:

— To execute them immediately! — He shouted. — For betraying our shah, for executing Tahmasb shah and his sons without permission.

Both of the helpers were hanged at his feet:

— Take pity upon us, khan!

The shah’s son moved off little and looked at the ferrashs furiously:

— What for are you waiting? — He cried. — Take them and execute immediately! The ferrashs caught the legs of both of the helpers and took them dragging. They were setting a clamor. All went out of the palace and wanted to see how the helpers would be executed.

The big sword of the hangman raised to the air twofold and fell striking… Each time when the hangman raised the sword it was dropping blood from the sword.


The aunt kept aloof to his cell and was shedding tears noiselessly. He couldn’t be escaped from the influence of the words she heard.

After the events in Isfahan, the aunt preferred to remain with Fatime Soltan Beyim. When Fatime Soltan Beyim became Rzaqulu khan’s wife and Rize Beyim became Nader shah’s wife, the aunt chose to stay with the wife of the shah’s son.

During those years her life passed without any adventure. For the present being she was shaken from the news she got.

The door of the cell was opened. Fatime Soltan Beyim entered the cell:

— My aunt, are you here? I have been looking for you for some time, all said that they hadn’t seen you.

Fatime Soltan Beyim saw that the aunt was weeping, she came up to her. She touched her jaw with her finger and raised her head:

— My aunt, what has happened? Why are you in tears? Has anybody hurt you?

The aunt wiped her tears:

— I beseech you, nothing has happened.

— What for are you weeping?

— Don’t take any heed!

Fatime Soltan Beyim didn’t take her hand off her:

— Upon the God, why are you weeping?

— I remembered my father, my mother and my country, that is why I am weeping.

Fatime Soltan Beyim understood that the aunt doesn’t want to say the reason of her weeping. That time she took an oath:

— Upon Rize Beyim’s life, why are you weeping, my aunt?

The aunt loved Rize Beyim very much. Hearing her name she began to cry bitterly. Fatime Soltan Beyim also joined her and wept:

— My aunt, if you love Rize Beyim, upon her name, why are you weeping?

The aunt said sobbing:

— They executed your brother’s son Tahmasb and his sons Abbas and Ismayil.

As if everything froze for a moment. The tears coming down her cheeks turned into ice and remained on her cheeks. Firstly, she didn’t want to believe that news.

— Were they executed? Who executed? Didn’t they have guards?

— I don’t know, I beseech you. In the palace all speak about them. They were buried in the mosque of Imam Rza.

Fatime Soltan Beyim caught the aunt’s shoulders and shook her:

— Who executed them? Who?

— I don’t know, I beseech you. Here all are afraid of to speak about it.

She wasn’t weeping. As if like her tears everything was frozen in inner of her. She stood up.

— I know who is their murderer! — She said. — He will have to answer me what he did! I shall take vengeance on them!

Her strict and coldly said words frightened the aunt, he wanted to console her:

— I beseech you, they say that Rzaqulu khan ordered to find and to punish the murderers.

The aunt’s words didn’t have any influence on her:

— Just Rzaqulu himself ordered to execute them!

Saying those words Fatime Soltan Beyim went out of the cell.

Rzaqulu khan didn’t except his wife’s coming. Her coming confused him but he pulled himself.

Within a moment Fatime Soltan Beyim’s voice was heard in the palace.

— Base, mean, murderer! Why did you kill my brother’s son, those sinless children? Did they bear you any malice? What will you say at the God for those innocent children?

The shah’s son got angry with his wife:

— You are woman! Don’t meddle in my affairs! Why are you kicking up a clamor? What kind of behave is this?

Fatime Soltan Beyim wasn’t going to stop:

— Hi, mean, do you remember that I am a woman? Why didn’t you remember while executing Tahmasb khan that he was my nephew?

Rzaqulu khan lost his patience. He caught his wife’s collar:

— I wasn’t aware of about their execution. As soon as I heard I gave an order to execute Muhammed Huseyn khan and Rehim Sultan.

Fatime Soltan Beyim hardly escaped her throat from Rzaqulu’s hands:

— Don’t tell me lies! Your “setters” never took any step without your permission. You ordered them to execute them! In order to justify yourself you executed them.

When the shah’s son remembered his father, as if he was struck dumb. Nader shah’s furious face stood before his eyes. That time he raised his voice as he was groaning:

— Fatime, believe me, I am not aware of their execution.

Fatime didn’t want to give in.

— I shall tell the shah everything. I shall tell him how you executed Tahmasb shah and his sons painfully, how you prepared dressing for to be shah! I shall tell him everything!

When Rzaqulu heard his wife’s words suddenly he stood up and rushed to her. He approached the woman and caught her throat with his left hand, and thrust the poniard which was in his right hand into her heart without blinking.

— Well, hurry up, go and tell everything the shah! — he said.

Like little Ismayil, Fatime Soltan Beyim also could say “mother”.

They buried the unhappy woman near Tahmasb shah.


“…I liked Rzaqulu too much. I thought that he could be shah after me. That is why I had appointed him the plenipotentiary representative of the shah for to gain experience. During the first six months of his power I heard such news about him that I struck dumb. Rzaqulu behaved not like the son of the shah but like a cruel, merciless and ignorant shah. There is a proverb that a bride looks like her mother-in-law. There isn’t a proverb like “a brother-in-law looks like his wife’s brother”. Instead of looking like me, he looked like Soltan Huseyn. For long time I got bad information from Meshed about Rzaqulu. At last, I understood that he wasn’t able to rule the state. I wanted to give him the last chance. Once more I wanted to test Rzaqulu. Because while appointing him to that post I had exhorted him. He turned a deaf ear to my exhortation. In order to verify his devotion to me, after my order they set a rumor as if I had been killed in India. That news was so convincing and forceful that even Ahmad pasha from Baghdad had believed that news and wanted to attack our west lands. I waited till the news reached its top. One day I got news that Rzaqulu wanted to declare himself the shah. It was time to put an end to his acts. After two days when the herald came and delivered him that news Rzaqulu ran to Tehran being afraid of me. For three times I sent him news for to come to Herat and to march to Turkustan together with me. Every time he offered excuses and avoided from coming to Turkustan.

At the end of June, I got news that my son’s troops went out from Marujagh for to combine with the main forces. At that time I had pitched my camp in the place called Qara Tepe of Badgis.

In Qara Tepe my camp was pitched on the highest place. During summer months those places were so cool that I was enjoyed myself there. After the heat of afternoon, cool wind blew from the mountains made us forget the heat like hell. I was sitting on the throne at the tent and was watching the beauty of the mountains. Just at that moment I saw that in the distance between my tent and the mountains there raised clouds of dust. I called Murad and asked him what had happened there. Murad said: “It is the troops of your son”.

I had heard much about Rzaqulu’s troop. I had occasion of seeing his troop. In front of the troop Rzaqulu who was accompanied fifty or sixty followers was coming to greet me in the dressing of shah. When there was fifty meters’ distance he got off the horse and ran towards me. As soon as he reached me, he fell on his knees and kissed my right hand. I raised him and embraced. “You are welcome, my son!”.

I think, Rzaqulu heartened seeing my pleasant behave, he quieted.

— My father, do you want to see my troop? — he asked me.

— With great pleasure, my son! — I said.

Immediately the news was sent to Rzaqulu’s troop to be ready for the shah was going to see. Troop of twenty thousand soldiers lined up on rows. When I stood in front of Rzaqulu’s troop and looked at the “decorated fighters” I couldn’t stand laughing. I asked him laughingly:

— From where did you find these peacocks?

Rzaqulu lost himself:

— I don’t understand, father!

— Are they your courtiers and soldiers?

— Yes, my shah!

I laughed again. Except some people nobody understood why I was laughing. At last, I felt that I was losing my patience. I commanded loudly:

— Army, attention! Stand still!

Rzaqulu’s troop even couldn’t line up well or stood still. My loud voice was a sign for Murad. The special defending regiment surrounded Rzaqulu’s troop. Anybody could realize nothing. All were confused. The shah’s son couldn’t realize what had happened.

— My shah, what has happened? Why have my troop been surrounded?

— With your troop we not only march to Turkustan, even we can’t occupy a small city. Rzaqulu, a troop mustn’t be like yours! If the troop that you established for two years is this, to tell the truth, it isn’t a troop but a mockery. — I raised my voice. — Do you call it a troop? You were near me for years, had you ever seen that my soldiers dressed like thus?

Rzaqulu’s face turned white:

— No, my shah, I had never seen!

— What is this? — I couldn’t pull myself. — After me will you keep the state in this way?

I turned towards my son’s “decorated fighters” and commanded:

— Soldiers, put off your outdoor clothes!

Shahzade’s weak voice was heard:

— My shah, don’t disgrace me at the soldiers!

The soldiers didn’t understand what had happened.

— With such a troop do you want to keep the state of Avshar? In one state there can’t be two shahs! — I turned towards the soldiers. — Undress!

When I repeated the command for the second time Murad already understood that my decision is unshakeable. He moved forward and cried:

— Soldiers, it is the shah’s command! Leave your rifles and put off your outdoor clothes!

Then the soldiers of Rzaqulu silently obeyed my command, they put off their outdoor clothes and threw on their rifles.

When my son’s troop was disarmed I turned to the soldiers:

— My children, you are free, go your home! Depart!

The “decorated fighters” departed within a moment. Rzaqulu couldn’t come to himself. He couldn’t believe that the troop which he gathered for months, spent much money and with which he was proud of could be departed within a moment.

I approached him, I put my hand on his shoulder and wanted to console him. But he was offended:

— You disgraced me at all the soldiers, father! — he said.

It appeared that my son hadn’t become clever yet. I came up to him and caught his collar:

— But you disgraced me in the world of all Islam-Turks.

— I don’t understand, my shah!

— I wonder, why don’t you understand? Now all the people of the world considers the stock of Avshar to be guilty for killing the last shah of Safavid. How shall I clear off this disgrace? Don’t you think about it?

As if Rzaqulu was losing his consciousness.

— My shah, I have no fault.! I punished the murders!

I pushed my beloved, but clumsy and betrayer son. He staggered but didn’t fall. I couldn’t come to myself:

— To kill your wife, Tahmasb’s aunt with poniard isn’t your fault?! Foolish son! I try you to be relative with shahs but you kill her before eyes of the people.

— He insulted me, my shah!

— Yes, she insulted you. Because Fatime Soltan Beyim would tell me everything, even how you dressed the shah’ s form?

Rzaqulu understood that I was aware of everything. He fell on his knees and begged me:

— My shah, forgive me! I am young! I didn’t understand!

I didn’t want my son seen abase before the eyes, I caught his arms and raised him:

— Stand up, my son! I understand that you are the shah’s son!

Rzaqulu khan felt that I forgave him.

Maybe in his heart he was saying; “My father, I shan’t forgive you for it”.

I removed Rzaqulu from his post taking into consideration of what had happened, on his post I appointed my second son Nasrullah khan. I took Rzaqulu with me while marching to Turkustan”.



The emir of Bukhara — Ebul-Feyz had got information about Nader shah’s crossing the river of Oksas and entering his territory. For this reason he was too worried. After thinking over and over Ebul-Feyz had decided to accept to be under his command. On that purpose he sent the ruler Ataliq to his place. The ruler Ataliq had met his offer positively and agreed to go to Nader shah’s place like a messenger. Though no news was heard from the ruler Ataliq but Ebul-Feyz knew that Ataliq wouldn’t return hopeless. Ebul-Feyz was waiting for some days. The emir of Bukhara understood very well that it was very difficult to fight against the conqueror who had invaded India. Nader shah’s army was well armed according to the time but the fighters of the emir of Bukhara were armed with swords, shields. How could they fight against his army? To make sure he had sent some persons to Miyan Qala, Aq Yal, Khojend, Andijan, Hunqarat and asked them to help him.

The guardsmen entered and informed about the ruler Ataliq’s coming. Ebul-Feyz said to himself: “At last, he came” and asked the guardsmen to let the ruler come in. The ruler Ataliq came in and bowed the emir of Bukhara and according to the rules wished him good health, to gain success.

The emir was eager to hear new the news from him:

— You may wish me good health afterwards. Tell me, what news have you brought?

— Emir’s Majesty, thanks to you my traveling was good. Our group caught up with Nader shah on the way leading to Qaragul.

— Did you see him? I mean Nader shah.

The ruler of Qarshi knew that the emir was too impatient.

— I saw him, emir’s majesty! I saw Nader shah. The shah himself received me. From your name I congratulated him on the occasion of getting India. He was pleased with me. When he knew that you wanted to be under his power and to obey the shah, he met it positively. He laid down one condition.

— What was his condition?

— Nader shah sent news that if Ebul-Feyz came himself and tell him everything, he would agree.

— What did you say?

— I said to him that I should deliver his words to the emir of Bukhara. He was pleased with my words and saw me off.

Ebul-Feyz gave the messenger once more question:

— How was his attitude towards me? Didn’t he speak scornfully? Were there threatening in his words?

— No, emir’s majesty! On the contrary, even he asked about your mood and sent his regards to you.

The emir of Bukhara was in good mood:

— I thank both who sent me regards and who brought it. What do you think, Ataliq, is it worthy to obey him?

He understood what the emir wanted to say:

— Emir’s majesty, it is worthy. — You always call me and consult with me in different problems. You know that I always served you devotedly. Now I want to share my thoughts with you. Emir’s majesty, your decision is right. Because the person against whom you want to fight is the conqueror of India. Firstly, both the Shah and his soldiers are in good mood. Secondly, if there would be a war it will be in our lands. It will come to a result that the houses of people will be destroyed and there will be a lot refugees. In order to be escaped from Nader shah the people will come to Bukhara for to take refuge in. As a result in the city there will be dissatisfaction and disorder.

Ebul-Feyz didn’t have a patience for to listen to the speech of the ruler Ataliq till the end, he broke his words:

— Well, you made me believe. We shall do how you advice. – Suddenly, the emir remembered something. — Didn’t Nader shah require any indemnity?

— He required nothing, emir’s majesty!

Emir said interestingly:

— It appears that India satisfied Nader shah. What do you think, what may we take him like a gift?

— If we go to obey him, it is necessary to take him a good gift.

— We may think about it. We must take such a gift to be worthy to our name. When will Nader shah wait for us?

— He said that he would wait for an answer within three days.

— I think we have enough time.

— Yes, emir’s majesty, we have much time.

The guardsmen came in.

— Emir’s majesty, the warlords of Miyan Qala, Aq Yal, Khojend, Andijan, Hunqurat want you to receive them.

The ruler Ataliq was surprised:

— What for have you called them, emir’s majesty?

— Caution is the parent of safety. When I sent you to Nader shah’s place I was a bit afraid and sent a person for to ask their assistance. – They have come just in time. Ask them come in.

The guardsmen said “all right” and left.

The warlords came and bowed the emir. The warlord of Miyan Qala moved forward:

— Emir’s majesty, we came to your calling for to assist you. We have come armed. – he said. — We decided not to let you be alone in such trouble day.

Ebul-Feyz was in difficult situation. He didn’t know how to say to the warlords the decision he had adopted a moment ago. He looked at ruler Ataliq and asked for help. The ruler of Qarshi was a wise man. Ataliq understood from the looks of the emir what he asked for and he spoke without getting permission:

— Thank you, respected warlords! Your coming to assist the emir in such a difficult situation shows that you serve him devotedly. The emir’s majesty decided to solve the problem peacefully.

The warlords understood nothing. The warlord of Miyan Qala spoke again:

— That is to say…

— That is to say the emir’s majesty has decided to be under Nader shah’s power, to obey him.

For some time there was silence. The warlords looked at one another. The warlord of Hunqarat broke the silence:

— Emir’s majesty, each of us has come here with three thousand soldiers. All of them are the fighting soldiers, they are ready to sacrifice themselves on the way of you.

Ebul-Feyz was pleased with the words of the warlords and said:

— Let the God be pleased with you!

The warlord of Hunqarat wanted to make the emir believe not to be under the shah’s command, on the contrary, to fight against him.

— Emir’s majesty, if we have too many fighting soldiers why must we obey him?

— It is right. — The warlord of Aq Yal came forward. –It is better to die like a man than to be under his power!

The warlord of Khojend intensified the words of his friends:

— My emir, it is also the matter of honor and self-esteem.


— What do you want to say? The matter of honor and self-esteem?

— Emir’s majesty, didn’t you hear what the shah’s son Rzaqulu do in Qarshi and other places? Now when it is time to take vengeance for our disgraced honor you offer to be under his power. Allow us, to fight against him! Let him come and be under your power!

All the warlords said together:

— He is right, we are ready to die manly not to obey him!

The ruler Ataliq who was listening to the warlords attentively understood that they could be able to make the emir change his decision. He objected them:

— Emir’s majesty, if this problem can be solved peacefully, why to solve it in the way of war?

The warlord of Miyan Qala also objected the ruler Ataliq:

— If I am not mistaken, Qizilbashs had kept your city in encirclement for a long time.

— Yes, it is right. Then Nader shah wrote a letter and informed that it was a mistake, he commanded his troop to remove.

Ebul-Feyz meddled in the talk and asked the warlord:

— You think that if we fight against the shah we can defeat him, don’t you?.

The warlord of Aq Yal said:

— Emir’s majesty, we shall not only defeat him but also we shall catch him and bring you!

The warlords again said together:

— He is right!

The ruler Ataliq objected him too:

— Emir’s majesty, don’t fall for their words! Don’t make your soldiers who haven’t seen great wars fight against the invincible troop of the shah!

At last, one of the warlords made more strict statement:

— Emir’s majesty, we have come here to fight till our last drop of blood! If there won’t be fight, our cities will leave the emirate of Bukhara!

It was too strict statement. The emir of Bukhara had to take that statement into consideration:

— Do other warlords think thus?

One by one all the warlords said: “Yes, we do!”

Ebul-Feyz had no other way-out. If his warlords wanted to fight, it appeared that, there would be fight.

After thinking for a while he explained his decision:

— We go to fighting!

The warlords cried joyfully:

— Long live our emir!


“… Near Herat I ordered to build a field engineering. They asked me if Afghanistan and India were under the shah’s power, why I wanted to erect once more field engineering. I answered them that I wanted to build field engineering for to be defeated from the enemy who might attach all of a sudden. Enemy from inland is more dangerous than from abroad.…

After crossing the river of Oksas I received the messenger of the emir of Bukhara. We agreed with him that within three days Ebul-Feyz would come to me and make a statement about to obey m, to be under my power..

Two days passed. No news was heard from the ruler Ataliq. I began to doubt. I called Murad khan:

— Murad khan, you must learn what is happening in Bukhara. There is no news from them for two days. I feel that there is happening something.

— All right, my shah!

— Have you scouts in Bukhara?

— Of course, my shah!

— Till the end of the day you must give any information without fail.

— Order me, my shah!

At the end of the day Murad khan gave information that Ebul-Feyz had got great assistance from the neighboring cities and was going to fight. I began to prepare to fight. I didn’t want to kill them. Because they were also Turks.

The fighters of the Uzbek rushed to the fight ignorantly. As if those unhappy fighters heard the voice of cannons for the first time in their life. No sooner had the cannons began to shell, they began to run frightened. Soon they came to themselves and attacked again. I drove away the Uzbeks with the strengthened opposite attack. Hardly had they come to themselves, I captivated four warlords of Ebul-Feyz. Surely, the emir of Bukhara who was out of humor and worried removed his capital in a hurry.

Again he sent to me the ruler Ataliq. As soon as the ruler Ataliq came to me he bowed at me and made an apology:

— My shah, Ebul-Feyz wants to come to you winding a cord round his throat and dressing a shroud.

I laughed. I asked him just laughingly:

— Why does he wind a cord round his throat or dress a shroud?

The ruler Ataliq began to explain the meaning of it:

— He says that he is guilty at Nader shah. He says that whether you order to chop his head or not he is like a dead body. That is why he decided to dress a shroud.

— Your emir is very cunning and crafty person. In order to relent me he resorts to different cunning.

The ruler Ataliq supported Ebdul-Feyz:

— My shah, by God, he has no fault. He had agreed to be under your power. He changed his decision at the last moment.

I asked interestingly:

— What happened at the last moment that he changed his thought?

— His warlords made a threatening statement.

— What? Statement?

— Yes, my shah! They made a statement that if they didn’t fight their cities would part from the emirate of Bukhara.

— Where are those warlords now?

— Four of them have been captivated by you, my shah! For the God’s sake, forgive the emir! Only the great God is witness that he was obliged to fight against you.

— All right! — I said. — I forgave him! Tell him to come to Qaragul tomorrow, but not dressing a shroud or wind a cord round his throat.

The ruler Ataliq was glad:

— All right, my shah!

When he went out I ordered to execute those four warlords.

Ebul-Feyz came to Qaragul for to inform that he accepted to be under my power and be my obedient. I favored with him and presented him good gifts. I didn’t require any indemnity from him. Instead of it we came to an agreement that the emirate of Bukhara would provide my troop with food. None of my fighters was allowed to plunder.

The next day I entered Bukhara bombastically. Khutbe was read for my name and coin was cut in my name.

From Bukhara I sent a messenger to Ilbars khan and wanted him to be under my command and to make apologize for the faults they had done. Ilbars khan had become so furious and killed my messenger and the two khocas who had gone with him. It defined the khan’s future. I decided to kill him ruthlessly.

I sent my brother-in-law (my wife’s brother) Lutfeli khan with two thousand soldiers to the tribe of Yuz in the province of Samarqand who didn’t want to be my obedient. Within a short time Lutfeli khan broke their persistence. I myself went to Samarqand to visit the grave of Emir Teymur.

I stood for a while at the tomb of Emir Teymur. As if I was in front of the greatest conqueror of the world. After a bit anxiety and hesitation I entered the tomb alone.

Inside of the tomb was more significant than it was seen from outside. The front sides of the graves were towards Mecca. The stones on the grave were green marble the thickness of which were in six fingers’ thickness. One of the graves was Emir Teymur’s, the other grave was his teacher and spiritual leader- Mir Seyid Berk.

I stood at the grave of Emir Teymur. I bowed at the grave respectfully and inside of my heart I greeted him:

— My regards to you, hi, the great conqueror!

As if there came a voice from somewhere and that voice was expressed only in my heart:

— My regards to you too, hi, great conqueror!

— I am not great conqueror compared to you.

— You are a conqueror! Till that time nobody invaded India as skillfully as you. You were able to do it!

— Hi, great conqueror, you are my master!

— The problem of master is a different matter. At times my spirit may be in you. Except the great God nobody is aware of it!

— My master, was there any fight for which you regret.

— Yes, there was. I regret for the fight against Sultan Beyazid.

— Why, my master?

— Because I returned the Sultan back from the doors of Vyana. Nevertheless, there remained less to Sultan’s invading Europe. Also my ruthless fight against Beyazid put off the invading of Istanbul for fifty years. Just only for it I feel pity. I also pity that I didn’t enter Moscow and returned from the half of the way. If at that time I invaded Moscow, it would be possible to turn all the Russia to be Moslems. I didn’t do it.

— Why did you return from the half of the way?

— There are a lot of reasons. The main reason was the lack of unity in the world of Turk. If you have such a chance, don’t return from the half of the way!

— My master, now most parts of Turkustan are under my power.

— The matter of power is relative. Once I had invaded Azerbaijan, half of Anatolia being a man of Turkustan. Now you are a man of Azerbaijan and invade the same places. Like you I also wanted to unite the world of Islam-Turk. I couldn’t achieve my purpose. After my death my sons, my grandchildren fought against one another ruthlessly till the death. It appears that for unity sword isn’t the base.

— What is the base of it, my master?

— Science, only science! Science is the base for this unity. At that time I relied upon my sword in vain and destroyed the science of Sufis. In Azerbaijan, in Nakhchivan I chopped into pieces their master, Fazlullah Neimi in vain. They were right when they called me illiterate. The pledge of all victories is science.

The talk finished and as if I woke up from a dream. I glanced over attentively. There was nobody. It appeared that I was talking to myself. Though I didn’t believe to it, for that “talk’ I didn’t pity.


From the author:

Nader shah didn’t give much attention to the development of literature and art. He directed all his strength and being to the development of military. It was the time when sword was considered to be superior than a pen. Maybe it was by reason of his being illiterate. But he had presented four hundred rare manuscripts to the library of Imam Rza in the masjidul-heram of Meshed. Side by side with it he was the connoisseur of eposes and folk songs. He could sing and dance very well. He had ordered to write “Nader’s history” about him. It was charged to the clerk Muhammed Mirze. He had also ordered the poet of Moghol, to Muhammed Ali bey to write a lyric poem about him. He had written a lyric poem of “Nader Shahname “about Nader.

Nader shah was very active in building cities and streets. He had built some cities. New Shamakhy, Naderabad, Khiveabad and other cities were built by his order and offering. Except them, he had ordered to erect a new palace in Qazvin.

In all, Nader shah had two portraits. Both of his portraits are in the city of London.

“…On the 6 th of October in 1740 in the palace of Bukhara, Ebul-Feyz received me bombastically. I presented him a fine dressing-gown made of golden material, put the crown on his head with my own hands and gave him the name of the shah. I had a purpose. I knew that Ebul-Feyz was from the family tree of Emir Teymur. Beforehand I had asked Ataliq and Qushbeyi for to be match-maker for me, to tell the truth, for my son Rzaqulu and my nephew Aliqulu. I had heard that Ebul-Feyz had two pretty and clever daughters. It wouldn’t be bad to be relative with the relatives of Emir Teymur. After all the ceremonies the ruler Ataliq spoke about it with my participant. He addressed to Ebul-Feyz:

— Were you pleased with the name of the shah, my emir?

The emir of Bukhara looked at towards me:

— Let the God be pleased with Nader shah! He declared me the shah and all the opposition fell.

Qushbeyi gave him a question allusively:

— My shah, you must “pay” something instead of it.

Ebul-Feyz answered without thinking:

— I may give our shah my life and all riches as a sacrifice. — Whatever he wants I may give!

The ruler Ataliq told his purpose:

— Nader shah wants to be a relative with you.

The new shah of Bukhara lost himself:

— What does it mean “he wants to be a relative with me”?

Qushbeyi said merrily:

— The conqueror wants to be quda (the parents of those who are married) with you!

Ebul-Feyz understood nothing, he asked:

— Who marries? To whom marries?

Qushbeyi calmed the shah of Bukhara:

— Nader shah wants your elder daughter to marry Rzaqulu khan and your younger daughter marry to his nephew Aliqulu khan!

— Does he want both of them?

The ruler Ataliq joked for to amuse them:

— If the shah wanted three of your daughters wouldn’t you agree?

All laughed.

Qushbeyi asked once more:

— What do you say? Do you agree? May we say “let them be happy!”, “God bless them!”

Abul-Feyz lost himself:

— To be relative with Nader shah is pride for me! Beforehand tell “God bless them!”

I sent some women for to see the engaged girls. When the women returned, they praised the second daughter of Ebul-Feyz. All the women had admired at her mind, beauty, knowing the behaving rules. When I entered harem in the night, I felt that Govher Shad was going to say something.

— What has happened? — I asked her.

Govher Shad said in a low voice:

— For the sake of the God, don’t be angry! Rzaqulu khan doesn’t want to marry.

I was surprised:

— Why?

— He says that if he marries to the girl which has been asked for Aliqulu at that time he will marry.

I wasn’t going to change my decision:

— How can I say to Ebul-Feyz that excuse me, my son and nephew have changed their decisions. — Aliqulu will marry to the elder daughter, Rzaqulu will marry to the younger one. How can it be? I am the man of my word. I promised him. There are traditions.

— Rzaqulu said that if it was like thus he won’t marry. He says that maybe once the God feel sorry for him and helps him he will marry to the daughter of the Padishah of China.

I looked at Govher Shad:

— Did he say just like that?

— Yes!

I understood by refusing to marry Rzaqulu gives me sign that he was offended for not being the successor to the throne. It appeared that his wish to possess to the throne was too strong. When I punished him last time he couldn’t come to himself for a week. I thought for a while and told Govher Shad about my decision.:

— Tell him how I say! I shan’t change my decision. It will be just how I told Ebul-Feyz!

— If he again refuses to marry what will be then?

I looked into Govher Shad’s eyes and wanted to know the influence of my words:

— At that time instead of Rzaqulu I shall marry!

I felt no changing on her face. Govher Shad was my woman, not my lover or companion-in life!

I married for the fourth time. She also wouldn’t be my companion-in-life. Because all my life was devoted to the wars. In my life there was no place for anything or anybody.

Approximately during that time I appointed Tahmasb khan Jalair the chief warlord to the army in the lands of India and sent him to Shikarpur.

Then my way was towards the khanate of Khive. In fact, I was planning to go to China from the emirate of Bukhara. But I gave up my mind because I had less time, I had many affairs to do, but also I hadn’t prepared well to the tour to China….”


…Murad khan had got a special task from Nader shah. He had got information that in Khive there were twelve thousand slaves taken from Khorasan. It was necessary to make those slaves to revolt and while attacking the city to open the gates and let the troop of Avshar enter the city. That time Murad khan changed his uniform and turned to “a slave-holder”. His soldiers dressed like slaves and wore chains on their hands and feet. Murad khan was leading them towards Khive. His “slaves” were accompanied by fifty soldiers from the troop of Avshar who had also changed their forms.

When they approached to the door of Urgenj of the city, the qalabeyi cried on the walls of the fortress:

— Stop! Who are you?

Murad raised his head and looked at the man who was on the tower of the fortress:

— I have brought slaves to the market of slave. Don’t you see?

The head of the fortress went down from the tower and came up to Murad. He glanced over him:

— I haven’t seen you here. From where are you coming?

— I am coming from Urgenj. They told me that in Khive the price of men slaves are higher. I want to gain a bit.

The qalabeyi dropped a hint at him:

— No, why to gain a bit? With so many slaves you may gain much! Have you here any place to keep them?

Murad understood that the qalabeyi wanted to have confidence in him. He took his purse and counted ten gold and gave him:

— I have come here for the first time. Help me to place and to sell these slaves. I shall give you fourfold.

The qalabeyi was pleased with Murad:

— I see, you can easily take a drop. I shall help you. There is a building for to keep slaves, it is near the mosque of Khan. But for to keep slaves you must pay again.

Murad again took out his purse, counted ten gold and gave him:

The qalabeyi was very pleased with the “trade” and advised Murad;

— Don’t take all of your slaves to the market at the same time! When slaves are more the price becomes cheaper. Try to take three or four of them each time! Specially, on Sundays they are sold more expensive. Don’t forget to pay me too! I think till you don’t sell all of your slaves you are not going to leave Khive.

Murad smiled:

— Be fully confident! I shall never forget you!

— Hurry! Take and place them! If you have any problem you may make a request!

Murad shouted at his soldiers:

— Stand up, why have you pressed against the wall? Take “the slaves” to the city, near the mosque of Khan!

“The slaves” stood up and began to go rattling their chains…



“…. In Deve Boyun the main unities of troop combined and began to move forward Fitnak. Unexpectedly, the intelligence brought information that Ilbars khan was going to attack all of a sudden with about six thousand Turkmans of Yamut. I lined up the troopers so that as if the troop was unaware of the sudden attack and as if Avshars didn’t except such a danger. Ilbars khan fell into my “trap”. During the sudden attack the khan of Khive considered that everything was how he had thought, he heartened his troopers, he was riding his horse in front. I had hidden my infantry soldiers among the troopers so that they were not seen from aside. When the horsemen of Ilbars khan reached to a bullet’s distance, I gave a sign. Four thousand soldiers rifles in their hands passed ahead near the horses and shot at the same time. The Turkmans of Yamut lost half of the troop even before entering the fight. Immediately after the shooting of rifles seven thousand troopers attacked. Ilbars khan saw that the situation changed, he removed to the fortress of Khazar and began to be defended. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to make the khan of Khive go out of the fortress, because around the fortress was filled with water for some kilometers and as a result, there was marshland, it was impossible to shell the fortress. The cannon-balls couldn’t reach to the distance of the fortress. It was necessary to take a measure. I called the warlord of the captivated Turkman of Yamut to my tent.

— Do you want me to give you a quarter?

Firstly, the Turkman of Yamut didn’t believe my words.

— What must I do for it, my shah?

— To tell the truth, there is nothing to do. I want to speak about Ilbars khan.

— Ilbars is our khan. For him I am ready to sacrifice my life.

I was pleased with the words of the captivated warlord. A soldier must be like him. I ordered to lay the table. They brought wine full of wineskin. After pouring wine into a bowl I told the warlord:

— I am not going to kill your people. I consider myself a Turk or a Turkman. I wanted to solve the problem peacefully. I sent a messenger and two khojas to him for him to come and confess his faults, then I would forgive him.

We raised the bowls and drank bowls to the dregs. I asked him;

— How do you think, did he have to lift his hands against a messenger?

— No, he didn’t have to do…

— Ilbars khan not only lifted his hands against the messenger but he killed him and two khojas.

The servant poured wine into our bowls. Again we drank the bowl to the dregs. The bowls once more filled with wine, the warlord of Turkman drank it without getting permission from me. I liked that warlord. He didn’t avoid from me. He was courageous and fearless. I gave him a question all of a sudden:

— Is there any way to the fortress of Khazar?

— No, there isn’t any. — There is only one way, it is difficult to get this way.

The wine was showing its influence

— How can you help me?

— I don’t know, my shah!

I thought for a while and asked him:

— Where is his harem and treasure?

It appeared that the warlord of Turkman was getting drunk. He said stammering:

— I don’t know exactly, shah, but they say that he hides his harem and treasure in the fortress of Khanqach.

The warlord again wanted to drink wine. “It is enough” — I told him and called the guard:

— Take him, give him a dip into the barrel full of water, make him sober up! Then let him sleep for a while.

Two guards caught his hands and took out of the tent.

The fortress of Khanqach was situated in twenty kilometers’ distance from the fortress of Khazar. I sent intelligence there. After some hours the intelligence brought affirming news. I called again the warlord of Turkman to my tent.

— Do you remember that I had promised to give you a quarter.

The warlord had already sobered up.

— I remember, shah, — he said.

— I give you not only a quarter but also freedom.

— Instead of what, my shah?

— It isn’t an important one. I free you on condition that you must go to the fortress of Khazar.

— What for?

— Tell Ilbars khan that Nader shah stopped encircling and went towards the fortress of Khanqach. Really, I go there. Look at around, the soldiers are packing the tents and are collecting their belongings.

I freed the warlord of Turkman and sent him to the fortress of Khazar. Ilbars khan was in different situation. At night he left the fortress of Khazar and came to Khanqach for to escape his family and treasure.

Towards the morning I encircled Khanqach. Though Ilbars khan made an effort for to break out encirclement he met the persistence of Avshars and was obliged to remove to the fortress. After three days’ encirclement Ilbars khan understood that the situation was hopeless and he asked for a quarter. I promised him to give a quarter. He surrendered his treasure to me.

Of course, his treasure was too little compared to the treasure I had captured in India. I pitched a tent for Ilbars khan near the tent of Fhatali khan. Then an unexpected event happened. From Juybar there came the relatives of two khojas who had been killed by the khan of Khive. The Turks had a tradition. If any of the close relatives was killed there would be fight of blood among the relatives or tribes. During the fight of blood lasting for hundred years there died hundreds of brave, courageous young men. However, that fight of blood continued. The people of Juybar had declared Ilbars khan to be their deadly enemy for he killed two khojas. The relatives of the khojas demanded either his dead body or alive. I had to obey their traditions. I decided that it would be better if I give them the dead body of the khan. Because he had also executed my messenger. I ordered to bring Ilbars khan to my place. He hoped that I invited him to have a talk. Ilbars khan was standing at me and was waiting for me to begin to talk.

— The people of Juybar have declared you deadly enemy. – I showed the relatives of two khojas. — They have come to demand you.

The face of Ilbars khan turned white. He began to beg me:

— My shah, you had given me a quarter!

— I gave you a quarter, but the relatives of two khojas don’t want to give you a quarter.

The representatives came from Juybar affirmed my words:

— Yes, you are right, my shah! We declared him a deadly enemy. We ask you to give us either his dead body or alive.

— Did you hear? — I asked him.

— My shah, believe me, I was unaware of killing your messenger and two khojas. The Uzbeks killed them without me. Afterwards I was aware of it.

I got angry:

— If you can’t rule your subjects in a small country it means that you are not worthy to the name of khan and to live! You must not die like a human for you killed my messenger! You must perish like a dog!

In Avshars the most insulting death was to perish like a dog. If they wanted to kill somebody like a dog, they cut his throat from front fore with sword.

I gave my order to the guard whose duty was to kill on that way. He approached Ilbars khan and attacked him on the point of his legs were bent. The khan of Khive fell on his knees. Even he didn’t have time to beg. The end of the sword cut his throat within a second. It was enough, his breast was dyed with blood. Ilbars khan wheezed for some time, then he fell on his side.

After Ilbars khan’s death except the city of Khive, all the cities and villages obeyed me. Towards the evening the herald brought news from Murad that in Khive everything was ready to the revolt. I sent him news for to begin the revolt the next day. My camp was situated at twenty five kilometers’ distance of Khive. At night I moved towards the city of Khive…”


…Khive was encircled by the troops of Avshar like the ring. The city had three doors. One of them was called Urgenj, the other was called Bukhara, the third one was called the door of Meshed. Though yesterday Nader shah sent news to the ruler of Khive, Ebdurrahman bey to surrender the city the ruler answered “no” preferring to defend the city. The people of Khive could be able to defend the city, if there would be revolt among them.

…Murad began to fulfill his task after placing his followers near the mosque of Khan. During that time he found about six hundred slaves from twelve thousand slaves and gave them some instructions. Murad didn’t contact with the slaves. From the view point of his security he had charged it to his aide-de-camp and his helpers. They could manage their tasks. The agreed sign meant to shell the city of Khive. At four o’clock at dawn they attacked the ammunition depot. The ruler of the city who doubted anything hadn’t appointed many keepers there. In all, four keepers were guarding the arms. It wasn’t difficult to render them harmless. After ten minutes five hundred “slaves” Murad had brought with him were armed from head to foot. Murad put twenty keepers in ammunition depot and gave them task to give arms the rest of the “slaves”.

Nader shah himself attacked from the door of Bukhara. The main forces, both the group came from Khive and the forces of Avshars had been concentrated there.

The first cannon- ball struck the walls of the fortress and raised the pieces of the stones to the air. The people of the city woke up anxiously. When for the second time it was shelled from the cannons Murad’s soldiers began to be active. His soldiers went towards the door of Bukhara and went up to the room of the qalabeyi. The qalabeyi had lost himself in the shelling. In the city the people were on the run. The ruler of Khive and the qalabeyi didn’t except the Avshars’ attacking soon.

When the qalabeyi saw Murad he smiled bitterly:

— You weren’t lucky, he, the slave-holder! — he said. — You wanted to gain money but now both of us can be a slave if we don’t fight. – When he saw four soldiers near Murad who were armed from head to foot he asked:- Who are they? Why have they entered the room together with you?

Murad didn’t lose himself:

— They are my soldiers, we have come to help you. You are right, it is better to defend the city than to be ourselves slaves.

The qalabeyi was glad:

— How many soldiers have come to assistance?

— Including me, if I take into consideration my “slaves” we are five hundred and fifty one.

The qalabeyi was pleased with himself, he said:

— Well, it is very good. — The main attack will be from the door of Bukhara. Place twenty of them at the door of the down door, the rest of them in the right and left towers of the fortress. Murad hinted the soldiers who had come with him. Three of the soldiers went out and after some minutes they returned informing all was in order. Murad wanted it to be thus.

The city was continuously shelled from cannons.

The qalabeyi wanted to show himself like a fearless person:

— Surely, it is the first time you are defending a city. – he said.

— Yes, it is the first time.

The qalabeyi consoled him:

— After some shelling of cannons you will be accustomed to it, you won’t fear. Then you will miss when you don’t hear the voice of shelling.

— Yes, I know.

The qalabeyi looked at him interestingly:

— From where do you know?

Murad didn’t have a chance to answer him. The people were coming towards the door of Bukhara making noise. The qalabeyi didn’t pay attention to the noise. Once more he asked Murad:

— You didn’t answer, from where you know? You are a slave-holder! You only sell or buy slaves! How can you know it?

Murad tried to answer the qalabeyi with reserve:

— A slave himself can’t be a slave-holder! I am myself a slave!

The qalabeyi looked at him surprisingly:

— I understood nothing.

Murad gave a sign to the soldiers near him. In a twinkle the soldiers stood in the right and left sides of the qalabeyi.

— I want to say that I am myself a slave. — The slave of Nader shah!

The qalabeyi cried:

— What?

The soldiers pressed quietly their swords against his throat.

— Your soldiers have been rendered harmless in the towers and at the doors. Now if you do how I order, Nader shah will praise you and give you a quarter, he may appoint you to any post.

The qalabeyi said ironically after hissing for a while:

— Hi, slave-holder, you didn’t tell you name!

— My name is Murad. Murad khan!

— What?! Which Murad?

— Just that Murad! — Murad aimed his forefinger behind of himself.

The qalabeyi said in fear and weakly:

— Are you Nader shah’s legendary Murad?! — He sat down on a chair being so weak.

— I don’t know I am legendary or not, but I am Nader shah’s Murad. If you have heard much about me, it appears that it will be easy to have a talk with you.

The noise coming from the city was increasing. Murad understood that he had little time. He gave instructions to one of the soldiers:

— Go out and deliver them the order of the qalabeyi: “Open the doors!”

The soldier said “all right” and went out.

The qalabeyi was keeping silence. The voices were heard outside:

— It is the order of the qalabeyi! Open the doors!

The doors began to be opened squeaking

The qalabeyi wanted to go to the yard on some pretext. Murad let him to have a pretext:

— Hi, qalabeyi, if the doors are opened, it means that it is necessary to welcome somebody. Let’s go to welcome Nader shah. -He ordered one of the soldiers:- Raise our banner!

Murad and the qalabeyi went out the room accompanied by two soldiers. Hardly had they gone out of the room, the qalabeyi went down running and cried:

— Avshars, close the doors!

Murad wouldn’t have to give him a chance to order once more. The qalabeyi couldn’t go down till the end. The dagger thrown well-aimed from behind entered into his neck and was seen in his throat.

Nader shah ordered to attack seeing the waving banner.

Till the shah came, the groups of Uzbeks attacked for some times and made efforts to close the doors. Each time they were removed by Murad’s soldiers.

On 25 th of November in 1740 Nader shah entered Khive.

He didn’t punish the people of Khive. He gave quarters to all of them. He freed twelve thousand people of Khorasan, gave them camels and horses and sent them to New Khiveabad which was going to be built in the place named Cheshme-Kalanjan.

After remaining two weeks in Khive, Nader shah appointed Tahir bey the khan of Khive. It was informed that Tahir bey was from the kin of Chingiz khan. On 9 th of December Nader shah returned back with his army.

On 17 th of January in 1741 Nader shah came to his new capital Meshed.



It was the time when Rzaqulu khan had begun newly to his work in the post of the plenipotentiary representative of the shah in the state of Avshar. In management Rehim Sultan and Muhammed Huseyn helped him, they advised him in different problems. It was that time when the young shahzade had established his troop called “decorated fighters “and his special defending regiment consisting of thousand soldiers.

In the special defending regiment which was established newly there were quick and brave young soldiers, at the same time most of them were of the same age of Rzaqulu khan, they were in sympathy with him.

One day after a hard consultation gathering, Rehim Sultan came up to the shah’s son and asked about his health:

— The shah’s son is looking too tired.

Rzaqulu khan complained:

— How hard task my father charged to me! What kind of hard task it is! From morning till evening I am in the consultation gathering, listen to the complainers… My mind is tired of thinking… Off… As if my head is breaking..

Rehim Sultan toadied him:

— Khan’s Majesty! Don’t tire your Excellency head thinking about such kind of problems. It has a way out.

— What is its way out?

— Khan’s Excellency, fix the consultation gathering once a month, or if it needs fix three times in a month.

The shah’s son said without thinking:

— It is a clever offering, Rehim bey!

Rehim Sultan toadied again:

— Khan’s majesty, you are young, you want to entertain. – He dropped a hint. – You want to have a rattling time.

Rzaqulu khan waved his hand:

— Eh, have I time to have rattling? Who will listen to the complains?

Rehim Sultan tried to show himself close to him:

— Khan’s majesty, make me responsible for it. I can manage it.

— What will you do?

— It has an easy way out, khan’s majesty!

The shah’s son gave himself up to listen to him:

— Well, speak, Rehim bey! How can I escape me from this heavy load?

— Very easily, shah’s son! — At last, Rehim Sultan told him his purpose. — Receive the complainers not once a week but once a month.. Not you but…

The shahzade asked interestingly:

— But who? My father asked me always to receive complainers myself, to be familiar with the situation.

Rehim Sultan smiled by force:

— Khan’s Majesty, they tire you much. I speak about the complainers. Each of them has its own problem. You don’t know whether they are right or not. They think that if you solve their problems, all the problems of the state will be solved. I advise you to do how I ask. Appoint somebody to listen to the complainers. Let then he come and report you and you will be escaped from the complains of those common people.

Rzaqulu khan sighed deeply:

— By God, your advice is very good, Rehim Bey! It is necessary to be escaped from the complains of those common people. It is better you offered me:

— We serve you, Shah’s Majesty!.

The shahzade breathed quietly, he stretched his arms, lapped his hands on his breast, then he said merrily:

— Well, that is to say I shall be escaped from the complains. Rehim bey, we shall rest tomorrow, shan’t we?

— How you advise, shah!

— If it is thus… -The shah’s son thought for a while. – Tomorrow we are going to hunting!

Rehim Sultan was glad to hear his words. His purpose was just to entertain the shah’s son.

The next day they went to hunting to the forest near Meshed, they were accompanied by the defending groups. The shahzade who was sick of the life in the palace was joking and amusing:

The group pitched a tent near the forest. The servants spread carpets on the floor. After some time, kettles, tea-pots were boiling on the fire. When the shah’s son heard the warbling of the birds, as if he was reviving. Soon the pleasant smelling of the meals spread all around the forest.

Rzaqulu khan was lying on the carpet and looking at the sky. There wasn’t any cloud in the blue sky.

Rehim Sultan saw that the shah’s son was thoughtful, he approached him:

— Why is the shah’s son lost in thoughts? Thanks to the God, the state of Avshar is under your power.

— Hi, Rehim bey, I look at the sky and think that once our spirit will fly to the heavens too. What will remain here, on the earth?

Rehim Sultan felt that the shahzade was speaking like a philosopher. He hinted the musicians to begin, the dancers come nearer.

The musicians began to play a plaintive melody, the dancers approached them and began to dance on the red carpet spread especially for them. One of the girls came up to the shah’s son dancing and in the hand a bowl full of wine, she reached out the bowl to him. The shahzade drank the wine without pause. Then he embraced the girl’s waist, kissed her lips, then he stood up and said to Rehim Sultan:

— Rehim bey, let them entertain here, take some persons and go to hunting! — Don’t forget to take the wineskin of wine.

Rehim Sultan had prepared beforehand. He had given a task to some of his trusted companions to catch some roes, deer and stand in the direction shah’s son was going, and free one of the animals when he hint.

Shahzade and Rehim Sultan took four guards, put their rifles on their shoulders and entered the forest. In the forest they reached a glade and laid an ambush. It was hinted secretly to those who were keeping the animals. They let one roe to the glade. Seeing the roe, Rehim Sultan said gladly in a low voice :

— Khan’s Majesty, look at the roe! — He showed with his finger. Rzaqulu khan raised his rifle near his eyes and said whispering:

— I see, I am not blind!

He shot at a target. Side by side with the voice of shooting the smoke spread all around. The roe jumped into the air and fell on its side.

Shahzade said gladly:

— I could! — He cried, threw his rifle on the ground and ran towards the roe which was covered with blood. One of the guards took the rifle he threw and went after him.

Till the other ending of the glade, it was fifty meter’s distance. The roe was lying motionless just near the glade. As soon as the shahzade reached his game, he took his dagger and wanted to cut its head. At that time a bear cub was seen in the grove. The shah’s son gave a puzzled look seeing the bear cub. If the bear cub was there, that was to say its mother was also near it. He wasn’t mistaken thinking like thus. The mother bear was coming after the bear cub. Rzaqulu was five-six meters’ distance to the bear. Mother bear felt danger, it raised on its two legs and roared, moved towards the man at it. Though the shah’s son wasn’t coward, he was confused for a while because he didn’t except everything change in that way. For a while he couldn’t make up his mind whether to attack the bear with the sword in his hand or to run for to be escaped. The guard who was coming after him, raised his rifle near his eyes and shot at the bear. The bullet passing near Rzaqulu’s ears thrust into the bear’s heart. The bear fell on the ground crashing at one meter’s distance of the shahzade, and groaned. It raised its head and groaned looking towards its cub, then it fell motionless. The bear cub understood nothing, it came up to its dead mother and smelled it. The bear cub began to cry like a little child seeing its mother motionless.

The guard came up Rzaqulu khan and asked anxiously:

— Are you safe and sound?

The shah’s son had come to himself:

— Yes, everything is Ok. Thank you! — he said.

He was staring at the bear cub.

Rehim Sultan and other guards came up running to Rzaqulu khan. Rehim Sultan also asked about the shah’s health:

— Hasn’t anything happened, shahzade?

Rzaqulu lapped his hand on the back of the guard who had escaped him.

— Well, thanks to this brave boy, I am safe. What is your name, brave boy?

The guard said shyly:

— Qadam! (the meaning of the word is “to sacrifice himself”)

Rzaqulu understood nothing from the meaning of his name and asked once more:

— What? What?

— My name is Qadam, Khan’s Majesty?

— What kind of name it is?

— Khan’s Majesty, in the stock of taklali this name is very famous. Whom we serve we are ready to sacrifice our life on his way, to beseech him!

The shahzade asked him allusively:

— Well, it appears that you are ready to sacrifice your life on the way of your chief!

Qadam answered without thinking:

— Yes, Khan’s Majesty! — Really, I am ready…

Rehim Sultan also praised the guard:

— Shahzade, he looks like a brave boy! When he ran and shot at the target I feared. I thought that if he shot, it might shoot you! — He showed the bear with his finger.-Thanks to the God, I wasn’t mistaken! The bullet tore the bear into pieces.

Rzaqulu asked Qadam:

— Didn’t you think that the bullet could touch me? When you shot I felt something blowing near my ears.

Qadam said confidently:

— No, I didn’t think, khan’s majesty!

Shahzade was surprised:

— Didn’t you think that you might shoot at me? Did you consider it nothing?

— No, khan’s majesty! Simply, I was fully confident to myself.

— What does it mean “I was fully confident to myself”?

One of the guards said without getting ant permission:

— Khan’s Majesty, he is the best rifleman among us!

The shah’s son again said interestingly:

— The best rifleman? Well…. – Let’s return to the camp. Two of you remain here. As soon as reaching the camp I shall send some persons to come and take the animals!

— What must we do with this bear cub, Khan’s Majesty? — Rehim Sultan showed the little bear which was still near its mother.

— Take it with yourself too!

After that event Rzaqulu khan began to be much close with Qadam. He charged all his harmful tasks to him. Qadam had become too dear for Rzaqulu. A year passed after that event. One day Rzaqulu khan also was returning with Qadam from hunting. Their horses were side by side. The shah’s son was a bit drunk. The horsemen who were coming after them were at a distance from them. Shahzade thought something and asked him:

— Are you much close to me?

— Yes, Khan’s Majesty! Wherever you reach out your finger, I may go there! Whom you ask me to kill I may kill him!

The shah’s son looked at him meaningfully:

— May you kill anybody to whom I reach out my finger?

— Yes, Khan’s Majesty! I may kill!

— If I reach out my finger towards the shah won’t you hesitate or fear?

Qadam answered without thinking:

— I won’t fear! — I have one owner, Khan’s Majesty! Only you are my chief!



Rzaqulu khan didn’t know how to justify himself after killing his wife Fatime Soltan Beyim. Without fail, they would deliver to his father whatever he had done. At that time his father would also punish him. He didn’t know how his father would punish him. In best case, he could remove him from the post of the plenipotentiary representative of the shah. In worst case, Nader shah could either execute him or pull out his eyes. The shah’s son didn’t want any of those punishment. He wished to be the shah. His native father was in his way leading to be the shah. The shah had called him to Herat. Rzaqulu had offered excuses that as if he was in Tehran. It was the fourth time that his father sent a herald to call him. If he didn’t go, his situation would be worse. He was lost in thoughts.

“Will Qadam manage his task, will he betray me if they capture him?” — Because of not being able to answer the questions, he became hopeless and despair. In most cases he requited for his being hopeless by drinking wine, he used to drink till being drunk. The guardsmen dispersed his thoughts:

— Khan’s Majesty, Qadam has come!

Hearing Qadam’s name his eyes shone. “If Qadam is here, it means that he hasn’t been captured. It is a good sign. “-He was thinking to himself. He said to the guardsmen:

— Let him come!

— All right, my khan!

Qadam came in the room. His clothes were wet. It appeared that it was raining heavily outside. Rzaqulu khan came up to him and embraced him:

— What news have you brought?

Qadam dropped his eyes:

— It didn’t turn out, Khan’s Majesty!

— Why?

He began to speak what had happened to him:

— I went till Herat, Khan’s Majesty! It was impossible to approach not only to the shah but also the camp. For some time I made efforts to approach under different names, but it was useless. He is defended by the threefold defending. This time I couldn’t fulfill your task, my khan!

Rzaqulu khan kept silence for a while. Qadam couldn’t raise his head and look at the khan’s face. The shah’s son lapped his hand on his wet back and said:

— If it is thus, I have no way out except going to his place.

— What about with me?

Shahzade thought and said:

— I remove you from your post here, — he said. – Take your belongings and move to Tehran.

Qadam couldn’t believe his ears:

— Khan’s Majesty, do you remove me from my post?

The shah’s son smiled:

— On the contrary, now you are much closer to me. I send you Tehran for to prepare better to the task that I had given you. From the treasure take money how much you need and wait for my sign. Soon I shall give you a sign…


…. Nader shah remained in his new capital, in the city of Meshed for two months. To chose Meshed like a capital he had some reasons.

Firstly, after the execution of Tahmasb shah and his sons he didn’t want to stay in the capital left by the Safavids.

Secondly, Meshed had already been situated in the middle of his empire, that is why it was suitable. After marching to Turkustan starting from the borders of China, from the north the territory till the sea of Aral, were under his obedient. He had to appoint the shah and khan to the two great states of Central Asia — to Khive and Bukhara. During his power three hundred thousand people lived in the new capital. From each part of the world there came camel-cades. In the city there were built more than ninety inns. There had been set up new estates after building new palaces.

In spite of his policy he pursued against Shiite, he had presented a lot of gifts to the tomb of the eighth Shiite imam Rza eleyhuselam. Fourteen lamps made of pure gold were designing that tomb.

Though in Kelat he had built a tomb to himself, he built the second tomb in Meshed, in the Up Square of the Bala Avenue. They say that when the second tomb was ready, on its walls there were written: “Even on the keys it is met to your signs. All the world is your obedient, but your real place is empty”. Nader shah never was aware of that writing. Because as soon as the chief of the building affairs knew about it, he tore down the marbles and replaced them with new ones.

When Nader shah was in Meshed, according to his habit he checked the financial accounts of Khorasan. He executed some treasurers for making known much spending

After finishing his affairs in Meshed, Nader shah appointed his son Nasrullah to the post of the ruler of Khorasan on 14 th March in 1741 together with his sons Rzaqulu and Imamqulu he left for Shirvan with a troop of about one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers. After the marching of Turkustan he kept his promise to his nephew Aliqulu khan, he went to Dagestan for to take vengeance for his brother Ibrahim khan.

Just at the same day one herald left Meshed for Tehran…


….The one who had prepared for execution, was looking for a place to kill his victim. He studied each path between the way of Astarabad-Tehran. At last, he chose the way of Ashraf-Sari. There nature was itself waiting for him there. From one side thick forests could give him chance to carry out his execution and to create situation for the murderer hide himself in the forest.

From other side, from that narrow way between two mountains it wouldn’t be difficult for him to come to shooting-range. Beforehand he considered himself a murderer. The difference was only to make the execution become true. He would do it at the first chance. For two days he laid an ambush there, he made a mark to the way, made a hide-out for himself. He prepared some places to hide himself after the execution. At three kilometer’s distance from the place where he had laid an ambush, he made the last hide-out for himself. He put there provisions of three days. He knew very well that if he would hide himself in such kind of places, even for months no one could find him. The murderer finished within three days what he had to do, but only towards evening he knew that his provisions were over. When he looked for something to eat in his carpet-bag, he saw that there remained nothing. He understood that he had to go to find food. In fact, he could hunt in the forest, but he was afraid of that somebody could hear the voice of shooting. On his way there were three outskirts villages. The last one, the third village was too outskirts. As if the God also had forgotten that village. Even the tax-collectors couldn’t come there. The tax-collectors of the ruler of the province came to that village once in three years or in five years.

He decided resolutely to go to that village to find food. He hid his rifle in the hide-out, began to go towards that village on the paths leading there. Going on the mountainous paths, he approached the village having ten-fifteen shacks. Out of the shack he saw firstly an old man go out. The murderer greeted him:

— Good evening, old man!

The face of the old man who hadn’t received a guest for a long time brightened.

— Good evening, my son! I see, you have lost your way.

— Yes, I am a wayfarer. I have lost my way, old man! My provisions are also over. I thought to come here and knock at the first door I see firstly and ask to sell me food which may be enough to me till Astaraabad.

The old man looked at the murderer’s clothes:

— You look like a man of city.

— Yes, you are right, I am an employee in the city.

— From where are you coming and where you are going?

He forgot that some minutes ago he had considered himself a murderer, he was in the ambush of great execution, he boasted. He thought that no one could come to that outskirts village and question the old man.

— I am coming from Tehran and going to Meshed, -he said.

The old man opened his arms:

— You are welcome, my son! The guest is sent by the God! I beseech both the God and the guest sent by the God! Come in!

The murderer knew the old man’s hospitality and couldn’t dare to object him:

— Thank you, my grandfather, but I haven’t time. I must return or it will be dark. I may again lose my way.

The old man heartened him:

— If it will be dark you may spend night in our poor shack. Thanks to the God, we have something to drink, a place to sleep. — The old man turned and called his daughter who was standing behind the door and listening to their talk. — Hi, Servi, go out, a guest has come.

A pretty blonde girl of fifteen or sixteen, with red cheeks, went out.

The murderer didn’t want him to see more persons. When the old man called his daughter, he was worried. Seeing the girl he forgot everything. He said to himself:” My God, how beautiful Turkish girls are in these mountains! I promise if I return safe and sound I shall marry this girl.”

Servi looked at the stately boy and dropped her eyes:

— You are welcome, guest!

The murderer didn’t want to enter the room. He took out money from his pocket and reached out the old man:

— My grandfather, take this money, a give me a bit food till Astarabad.

The old man pushed the murderer’s hand back:

— My son, this money isn’t used here. Keep it in yourself, you will need it in the city.

He understood nothing. Isn’t Naderi used here? Maybe he lost the way and came to another country.

The old man looked at his face and said:

— My son, don’t be surprised, really, this money isn’t used here.

— Isn’t it used here?

The old man felt why the boy looked at him somehow:

— My son, don’t be offended! — He said. Here we don’t use money. They use money in shop or markets. There is neither a shop nor a market in our village.

— What is used here instead of money?

— We exchange our goods in the down villages, they do the same in the down villages.

The murderer saw that the old man was dragging out the talk:

— My grandfather, I must return! –For the God’s sake see me off, let me go!

The old man remembered about food and he waved his hand:

— Hi, my son, I think, I become foolish growing old. You asked me food but I am chattering. Just wait a moment.

The old man entered the shack quickly. Servi who had dropped her eyes and was sick of the talk of the two men at last said:

— Won’t you come in, aga?

The murderer looked at Servi attentively. Really, she was more beautiful. But it wasn’t time to take interest in a beautiful girl:

— No, lady, I shan’t! — He said. –I have little time! — Suddenly he thought something and asked the girl:

— Nice girl, have you a betrothed?

Servi’s cheeks became much blush. She said in a low voice:

— I haven’t, aga!

The murderer was glad:

— Within some days I shall finish my task, I shall come to see you. Don’t you object?

— No, it can’t turn out, aga!

— Why?

— I dreamed that I shall marry a blind man

The murderer smiled:

— Not each dream becomes true! If I return here blind for the second time will you agree to marry me?

Servi looked fondly at him, she blushed and suddenly she said resolutely:

— I shall agree…

The murderer wanted to say pleasant words to the girl, but at that time the old man went out of the shack in his hand a basket weaved with canes. Seeing the old man he looked round the girl, he could say nothing.

The old man gave the basket to the guest:

— Whatever we had I give you, my son! What is your name?

The murderer answered without thinking:

— Madaq.

The old didn’t want to let him go. He had a guest from the city. The old man gave him his last question:

— My son, you didn’t say from which stock are you from?

He didn’t want to hide something, he also wanted to marry the old man’s daughter.

— I am from Taklaliler, my grandfather!

As if they old man came to life again:

— My God! Our hamlet is also from Taklaliler! It is good, my son! –The old man looked at him attentively. –Whose son are you, my son? I don’t know you.

— You can’t know, my grandfather! Many years ago our family moved to Isfahan, then to Meshed. Well, it is late, my grandfather! — He looked at Servi with interest! –If the God pleases, we shall meet again!

The old man raised his hand:

— God bless you!

In his hand a basket, the murderer went back the way he had come…

…He didn’t separate his rifle from himself. It was some hours he was lying just in that way. From there the passage was seen obviously. He could shoot at anybody he wanted.

Firstly a big troop passed. Then the murderer’s victim was seen on the back of the horse. He was accompanied by the harem and guards. He was laughing making joke with somebody of the harem. The victim was in the shooting-range. Suddenly the murderer thought about whom he was going to kill. His hands began to tremble. Firstly, he wanted not to shoot. Then he remembered that he had promised to his chief. It wasn’t worthy of manhood. His hands’ trembling was continuing. The birds flied cackling together after the noise of the shooting…


“It had happened on 15 th of May in 1741. The troop was going in front of me.. Around us there was nobody except the guards and the harem. I was making joke with my women who were sitting in special carts, we were roaring with laughter. At that time it was shot. The bullet touched to the precious stone on my ring in my finger and entered the neck of my horse. The horse neighed, raised its fore legs in the air and shook me up the ground, the horse itself lied near me like a dead body. I didn’t lose myself, I showed myself as if I was dead. I thought that if I stood up it could be shot for the second time. It was interesting, firstly, my son Rzaqulu came riding his horse hearing the voice of shooting. The women kicked up a row. Immediately, Rzaqulu got off the horse and cried saying “my shah!”. I felt that the danger was already over. I stood up and said to Rzaqulu:

— Nothing serious. – The bullet scraped only my thumb. Though the expression and color of his face changed, he didn’t lose himself:

— Call the sage (doctor)! — he cried.

I consoled him:

— I told you that there was nothing serious. Send the group to search in the mountains, try find out who shot.

Rzaqulu took thirty persons and went towards the side it was shot. After some hours he retuned and said that they couldn’t find anybody. I ordered the troop to continue our way. On the way I understood that I had to send my soldiers to search the murderer. I called Murad.

— The murderer isn’t a devil or jinn for to disappear. I think he is somewhere near around.

Murad answered:

— You are right, my shah! The murderer can’t go far!

— This time I again give you a hard task.

— Order me, my shah!

I gave him a task in a low voice:

— Let nobody in the army be aware of your and your group go. Take your soldiers and return back, search for the murderer!

— All right, my shah!

— Search for the murderer around here. In the distance of thirty kilometers. Find and bring him here either alive or his dead body. Remember well, you must find him without fail. It looks like to a secret matter.

I gave Murad khan other instructions and sent him back.

At last, we reached Tehran. After resting there for some time they informed that the messenger of Russia, Kalushkin wanted to see me. I didn’t object.

The messenger of Russia came in and bowed at me.

— Our Excellency Empress sends you regards and wishes you good health, long life!

I expressed my gratitude to him:

— From my name give regards to the Empress!

In fact, Kalushkin had come for to complain from my messenger in Sankt –Peterburq.

— Shah’s Majesty, — he said. – We have information that your messenger in the empire of Russia — Khulafe bey doesn’t report you rightly.

— Respected messenger, why have you come to such a decision?

He hesitated for a while, then he began to speak carefully:

— Recently there is felt coldness between the relations of Russian empire and your empire. As an example, I can show during the last year increasing of taxes which is got from the Russian merchants.

— I understand nothing what you mean. I was in India for a long time and I had charged the affairs of the state of Avshar to my son. He didn’t behave well with the foreign merchants and hurt them. You may be fully confident that all of them remained in the past. Now there is no monoploism, bureaucracy and other cases in trade. Of course, you must also try to buy the goods produced by our people and sell them cheaper, gain the upper hand, then to rule the market yourselves.

The messenger admired at my words:

— Your Excellency, you know the trade very well! Be sure, we aren’t busy with English trade.

— I am confident to it! — I said. — You may bring the agreed goods to our country, sell them, may set your trade.

The messenger of Russia was pleased with my words:

— Let the life of Shah’s Excellency be long! May I write to the Empire’s Majesty that the previous warm relations will continue.

— Of course, you may write, respected messenger! There has always been warm relations between us and it will be in future too.

Kalushkin expressed his gratitude:

— Russia always may be your supporter! It is enough our enemy is your enemy or our friend is your friend.

— If the God pleases!

I felt that the messenger of Russia wants to say something instead of going out.

— Which problem has remained, respected messenger?

— The Empire’s Majesty has other message too.

— Tell, please, — I said.

He began the talk in a roundabout way:

— Shah’s Majesty, your name is famous all over the world. All the people speak about you. Your capturing India and Turkustan aroused much interest in Europe. Even some historians prefer Nader shah to Isgender of Makedoniya. Because he couldn’t capture India completely and returned back, but you were able to do it. Now any state of Europe may envy your invincible army. There is one eternal enemy of both of us. To my mind, it is necessary to overcome them too.

I never liked those who considered their rivals to be fool and themselves clever. I showed myself as if I had lack of knowledge:

— Whom do you mean, respected messenger? -I asked him.

— I mean Ottomans, Shah’s majesty! Our Empress ensures you that if we combine forces and wage a war against Ottomans and come to an agreement about it, you may easily combine Anatolia and Arabian empires to your empire.

— What remains to you?

— Crime and the European part of the empire remains to us.

I thought that their “appetite “was much. Kalushkin understood my keeping silence like an agreement:

— May I bring to the notice of Sankt-Peterburq that you agree with the Empire’s Majesty’s offering?

— No, you may not bring to the notice of Sankt-Peterburq! — I said. Because I never wage a war combining with the troop of other state. As you said, I took a step with my invincible army and captured India completely. Now if I take my second step, I can make all the world be my obedient! Don’t forget it!

The messenger of Russia gave a puzzled look.

After seeing off the messenger, I sent Istanbul a special messenger. That time I sent the messenger unofficially and without a letter. I gave him the task to deliver the Sultan what I told him: “Russia wages a war against Sweden. Now the south borders of Russia is defenseless. Guarantee me one of the two problems. Either Ottomans and Avshars attack at the same time to the territories of Russia, you attack from the west of Black Sea, we attack from the west of Caspian Sea. Or guarantee that you won’t gather great troops to the west borders of my lands or won’t impede me.”

When I saw the messenger off, I ordered my son Rzaqulu remain in Tehran. I kept my two trusted khajes with him. From Tehran I went to Qazvin, from there to Tabriz, from Tabriz I went to Nakhchivan.

My late brother Ibrahim khan had written to me that he had visited the grave of prophet of Nuh, and Ashabi-Kahf while he was in Nakhchivan. I also visited them. While visiting the two places I was greatly excited.

From Nakhchivan I came to Zengilan along the river of Araz, from there I went to the steppe Garabagh Passing through Barda I came to the province of Qabala. When I was in Naderabad, I had sent my bother-in-law

(my wife’s brother) Fatali khan and Abdulqani khan to Shirvan. They had begun to hard military operations and sustained a defeat the Lezgis of Jar, and they had make the most part of them obey them. The lesson given to the Lezgis of Jar was lesson to others too. As soon as I came to Shirvan, they came and told me that they wanted to be under my power.

On the 4 th of August I went to Qazi Kumik, the centre of Dagestan.

I had an idea to capture the lands of Avar. I took into consideration that winter was severe in the lands of Avar and directed the troop to the east-towards Caspian Sea.

I had taken an oath that I should make all the rebels be my obedient. After destroying the stock of Qaraqalpaq I spent the winter in the north-west of Darbend. I decided up there to set up marine in the Caspian Sea like in the gulf of Kenger. I gave instructions about it. Thinking about to set up marine, I had a purpose to provide my army with food by means of sea. I knew that in the Caspian Sea the trade was in the hands of Russians. It appeared that the Russians had their doubts. I got information that their four regiments were placed in the frontiers.

Again the messenger of Russia, Kalushkin came to my camp situated in three kilometer’s distance from Darbend.. That time he had brought the news from the centre of empire of Russia. After officially greeting Kalushkin began to speak;

— Shah’s Excellency, on 6 th of December in 1741 the daughter of the Peter the Great- Yelizeveta Petrovna was declared Empress. She possessed the throne of the empire of Russia. I must tell you that, the new Empress isn’t going to make any changing in the policy pursued by Anna Ivanovna. The Empress’s Majesty is sure that the terms with your state will develop in the situation of friendship.

— Don’t doubt it! — I said. — Of course, the Empress’s Majesty is lawful heiress of Peter the Great because he hadn’t any son. From my name congratulate her on the occasion of coming to throne.

— Thank you, Shah’s Majesty! Without fail, I shall bring Yelizeveta Petrovna’s notice your congratulations and regards.

I gave expensive gifts and thousand Russian gold to the messenger of Russia and saw him off.

I was aware of what was happening in Russia. According to the information I had got, from the capital of Russia the daughter of the Peter the Great came to power as a result of overturning. At present her supporters both in the palace and in the provinces were weak. In such kind of situation there was no doubt, I should gain success if I entered Russian lands. In fact, those lands were not the old Russian lands. Once they had invaded those lands. I had good chance to tell them the response of the history. I was waiting an answer from Istanbul. The messenger I had sent, hadn’t returned yet.

During that period I captured Tabasaran and made them to obey me…”


…. For eleven months Murad khan was searching the territories between Sari-Ashraf. He had rummaged everywhere. There was nobody who saw

“murderer”. Murad had examined all the caves, even he had looked at all sides of the rocks, there was no result.

One day Murad came to the place where Nader shah had fallen during the shooting. He tried to remember to which hand, the thumb of his right or left hand the bullet had scraped. He said to himself: “If I am not mistaken it was his right hand’s thumb. It appears that it was shot from the right side. It is necessary to examine those places once more.” Then he thought that it was shot from fifty-hundred meters’ distance from the right side. Those places were examined for many times, there was no trace. In spite of it Murad ordered the local guides and soldiers to examine again:

— Ransack those place inch by inch!

One of the guides began to examine the territory three kilometer’s distance from the shooting place. He found there a hide –out, which had been built long ago and was going to knock down. The guide called the soldiers who were rummaging all the places:

— I have found a hide-out here!

All the soldiers came to the place where there was a hide-out. They were out of breath. Murad entered the hide-out which wasn’t too big. It could be felt that there hadn’t been anybody recently. Suddenly he noticed the dry branches of the tree. He came up and put the branches aside. Under the branches there was a basket weaved with canes. Murad took the basket and looked into it. There was a jug in it.

Murad went out. He was sure that the jug belonged to the murderer. He called the local guide.

— Who makes suck kind of baskets and jugs in these places?

The guide took the basket and jug, gazed at them attentively, then he said:

— Here such kind of jug is made only in the village of Goyler.

It appeared that Murad had found a trace.

— Where is this village of Goyler situated?

The guide stretched out his finger towards the high mountains:

— That village is there. There is no settlement on the other side of Goyler.

There were the sparks of hope in his heart:

— Do you know that village?

— Of course, I know!

Murad said to the guide:

— Whatever you want I shall give you, take us to that village.

The guide said to him: “Let’s go” without seeking any benefit from them.

On the narrow path they climbed to the third village where once the murderer had been. When they reached the first shack of the village, the guide cried:

— Hi, Teymur kishi, Teymur kishi!

The door of the shack was opened. Servi, “the betrothed “of the murderer was seen at the door. She was afraid seeing the armed soldiers, she kept aloof. The guide tried to calm the girl:

— Don’t be afraid of! Is your father at home?

Servi said avoiding from them:

— Yes, my father is at home. — She said. — I am calling him. The girl entered the shack. Teymur kishi went out. He flattered seeing the armed soldiers. Then he came up them and said: “You are welcome”.

Murad called the soldier who was taking the basket. The soldier gave the basket to Murad. Murad showed the basket and jug to Teymur kishi:

— Are these basket and jug yours?

Teymur kishi looked at the jug attentively and knew his jug:

— Yes, it is mine, my son! What has happened?

— Where is the man to whom you had given this basket?

The old man flattered again and then he said:

— How can I know, my son? — Here all the people use the jugs I made.

Murad decided to speak to the old man quietly:

— Teymur dayi, think over and over! The man whom you gave this basket and jug is accused in conspiracy to the shah. If you don’t admit that you saw him, we are obliged to accuse you and take you with us.

Servi who was listening to them behind the door was afraid, she went out and said confusingly:

— My father has no fault.! –She said.-That person had come here for food. We gave him some food and he left. How should we know who and what he was?

The chief of defending was glad that he could come upon the traces of the murderer. He turned his face towards Servi and said friendly:

— Nice girl, didn’t he say his name? Didn’t he tell from where he was coming or where he was going?

Servi looked at his father:

— To my mind, my father had asked him.

Teymur kishi cleared his throat:

— I asked his name, he said that his name is Madaq. He said that he was coming from Tehran and was going to Meshed. He said that he was an employee.

— Why didn’t you ask him what for he had come to your village?

— Certainly, I asked him. He answered that he had lost his way.

— Then?

— Nothing. I gave him that basket and he continued his way.

Servi came forward and said:

— He left, but after three days he came back again.

— Didn’t you ask him where he was for three days and why he came back?

— Of course, I asked him.

— What did he say?

— He said that the shah’s troops were passing near by, he didn’t want them to see him.

Murad felt that they didn’t tell lies.

— How many days did he stay in your home?

— In all, one day, my son!

The eyes of the chief of defending popped out:

— What?

The old man said with reserve:

— Yes, he spent the night, next day he left.

— It can’t be! These places were surrounded from the evening of that day. Flying of a bird would be felt.

Teymur kishi understood why Murad was surprised:

— My son, who said to you that he went near you?

— From where could he go?

— He went through these mountains, on the path of mountain goats. He climbed over the top of mountain and went to Tehran.

Everything was clear to Murad. For eleven months they didn’t search for the murderer in vain. Murad asked the old man :

— Teymur dayi, you are the only persons who know the murderer. You are old, I don’t want to take you with us. If you allowed you daughter would go with us. I promise you I shall return her back safe and sound. I am a man of my word!

The old man firstly looked at his daughter, then he looked at Murad;

— What can I say, my son? If Servi agrees, let her go!

Servi said quickly and decidedly: “Yes, I agree”. She entered the shack and after some minutes she went out the yard a pack in her hand.

— I am ready, let’s go.

…In the middle of summer Qadam was already in the tent of Nader shah. Murad had told him everything, how he had found him. To make sure he had brought Servi to Dagestan and taken her to the shah’s place. The shah wanted to give the girl gifts and let her go. But the girl asked the shah to remain some more days for to be aware of how the result would be. The shah didn’t object her.

His conspirator, unsuccessful murderer was in front of him. “This young boy is brave and fearless”. –The shah thought when he saw him. He asked furiously:

— Why did you want to kill me?

Qadam wasn’t shaken seeing furious looks of the shah, he answered with reserve:

— I wanted the people to be escaped of you.

Nader shah didn’t except such an answer. He asked in surprise:

— What have I damaged the people?

Qadam didn’t change his way of speaking, he said strictly:

— Go out your tent, see how the people live. – You suck their blood like leech.

Nader shah again was surprised his words. During all his life he hadn’t been accused like thus:

— Wasn’t I right when clearing off the country from the enemies? I combined new lands to our lands. I made the people be in unity. Now all the world avoids from us, they respect us.

Qadam didn’t want to take back his words:

— To what did all these cost, shah?

— According to you, to what?

— It cost the people live in misfortune.

Nader shah shook his head. That young boy had come under the influence of somebody. How courageous he was!

— You are too young, You don’t know what the state affairs are. You must not value everything with the opinion of common people. In the history there remains not the points like thus, but the successes of the people! The people must be respected by other countries too. It is impossible to achieve it easily, friendly! From your view point, only it can be written a poem!

Qadam could say nothing hearing the shah’s words. His words were understandable. Nader shah again gazed at him attentively, then he said his main purpose:

— I am sure, you didn’t want to kill me for the foolish words or with your wish!

There is someone who ordered you. Because conspiracy against the shah doesn’t happen according to the ordinary feelings! There must be reason for to take vengeance or the matter of honor-esteem. There isn’t such a reason! You can’t object me! If you object, you are mad! I know very well that you are not mad. Well, you were an employee at my son Rzaqulu. I had seen you in the service of shahzade.

— Yes, I was an employee at him. Then I was freed from my post.

The shah understood the reason of why they had informed him about the meeting of his son Rzaqulu with this young boy. The problem was clearing up.

Really, when Qadam was in Tehran, he heard that the shah’s son didn’t go with his father and he had found a way for to meet with him. The khajes knew about their meeting and had informed the shah about it. At that time nobody knew that the murderer was just that person. Simply, the khajes had informed him with whom Rzaqulu met and thy descried that person.

— Do you know what is waiting you in future?

— I know. Torturing death! I am not afraid of it.

— I may give you a quarter and free you.

— How?

— Simple, tell who ordered you to kill me! That is all! If you don’t tell we shall learn. Without fail investigation will make everything clear. The servants of Rzaqulu have also been called here. Your former chief Dilaver khan Tayman also will be brought to Dagestan. You will be met face to face with everybody. I see, you look like a clever man. Why not to think over and over? Maybe the man who ordered you had also his own interests, but at that time you won’t be given a quarter or won’t be freed. Why don’t you have your own interests too? It is your duty to defend your life. Why must you sacrifice your life? The God endowed you life! Only the God may take your life back! Who are you for to be against the God! If you think deeply, you will understand that I am right.

Qadam kept silence for a while. The shah didn’t want to prevent him.

“Let him think” — he thought.

At last he began to speak:

— Your son ordered me to kill you, shah!

Nader shah’s doubts became true. Whatever he thought happened. But it influenced him much when he was aware of it exactly. After some time he said in a low voice:

— When did he arrive at that decision? –He asked.

— It can be more than a year.

— When did he firstly say about it?

— While retuning from the forest near Meshed.

At last, everything became clear to Nader shah. The shah sighed deeply and said to Qadam:

— I give you a quarter and free you. — He said. –But you will go without eyes.

Qadam wasn’t shaken from his decision:

— How the shah advices! I am not afraid of the death!

Nader shah liked his bravery. But he had already arrived at a decision.

He lapped his hands and called the guard. When the guard came in, the shah showed Qadam and ordered decidedly:

— Pull out his eyes and free him!

After some time crying was heard outside. The order had already been carried out. Murad entered the tent:

— My shah. The eyes of the murderer were pulled out! The girl who recognized her wants to make a request. She says if you allowed, she would take Qadam with her.

For a moment Nader shah thought, he couldn’t help his admiring at that girl. Motherland needed the women who preferred her shah and state superior than her love. His native son betrayed him. If he knew that the girl was the owner of dignity and loved that unsuccessful murderer, he would take his words back and wouldn’t order to pull out his eyes. He shook his head being sorry and told Murad in a low voice:

— Allow her take him!

…When Servi took Qadam’s hands he winced a little. The pains were trembling all his body. But he could feel the warmness of her hands. He put his hand on her hand:

— Are you Servi?

— Yes, it is me. Our shah allowed me to take you to our village.

Qadam said smiling bitterly :

— Let’s go, Servi! — He said. – Your dream became true. You will marry a blind man!..

On September of that year by the order of Nader shah Rzaqulu was brought to Dagestan from Tehran. Nader shah lost his confidence, he couldn’t come to himself. Because he had a wish to train Rzaqulu to the throne. But he…

The shah was in the case of spiritual depression. He was thinking over and over. He was sick of questions having no answers. “When did I make a mistake and as a result my son wanted to kill me? I had done everything for him, I had opened ways for him, but what was the reason of his meanness.?”

Nader shah didn’t go out of his tent for three days. He didn’t know how to punish his son. Even he forgot about to march to Russia. “Eh, to hell with it!” — He thought. –“If my son doesn’t value me, will my people erect a monument for me?”

At last, he decided to put an end to his despair. He had to arrive at a decision. He didn’t want to see Rzaqulu. Without fail, he had to punish him. That punishment would be for the sake of the future of the state.

Finally, he decided to order to pull out Rzaqulu’s eyes.

He took part himself in execution of the order. The words of the shahzade who didn’t consider himself to be guilty at the proof, made Nader shah grieve much:” You didn’t make my eyes blind but the eyes of the state of Avshar.”

Those words infuriated Nader shah. That betrayer considered himself the eyes of the state!

After sending his son to Meshed, he gathered all his courtiers and abused them. He was repented for giving order to pull out his son’s eyes depending on which fault he had. The courtiers, viziers could make him avoid from giving order. But they didn’t do it. For that reason he executed four courtiers.

It was the beginning of his inner shaking.

Only after fifteen days Nader shah began to come to himself. On November he crossed the frozen river of Terek and moved forward Qizlar. He had pretext. The head of the fortress of Qizlar, captain Selenski helped the rebels and he had informed much about it to the messenger of Russia. In order to put an end the pretext, they took him to Sankt-Peterburq with hand cuffed on February in 1743.

At the same time Nader shah ordered to draw the map of the way from Kabardin and Kuban till Crimea. The English had also promised to assist them in drawing the map…

Additional explanation:

All the world took interest in Nader shah’s marching. The states which had their own interests waited for the beginning of the war of Russia-Avshar. In the official reports of that period, England, France, Austria, Germany had discussed their interests of states, if the war began between two states. As if Ottomans put a wet kerchief on Nader shah’s hot and furious head. While being near the bank of the river of Terek, Ottomans were gathering a great number of troops to their east frontiers. Then the messengers of the Sultan came to Nader shah’s camp. The messenger informed from the name of Sultan that Istanbul wouldn’t adopt decidedly the faith of Jafari.

Just from that reason Nader shah refused from his marching to Russia and decided to return back. He appointed Abdulqeni khan the ruler of Dagestan and returned back from the side of Shabran. He passed through Salyan and stopped in Lenkeran for some days. When he was khan, he had given instructions to build a fortress there. While he was in Lenkeran he gave additional order to build four big towers in more grandiose and four corners, he separated finance for it. Afterwards he would learn that the people of Lenkeran called that fortress” the fortress of Nader” in the honor of him.


On 5 th of September in 1741, Nader shah sent decrees to the rulers of the provinces of Lahijan, Mazandaran, Fars. In the decrees it was written that the rulers whose names were mentioned had to send the most professional masons of the provinces to the sea of Gulsum (the gulf of Kenger) as soon as getting the decree. That decree wasn’t issued in vain. At last, Nader shah wanted to carry out the different affair he had thought beforehand and which couldn’t make become real. He got out of patience, because spending of much money to the ships he hired in the gulf of Kenger and Caspian sea and those ships didn’t belong to the state. The shah who owned great lands, who made the rulers of those lands be his obedient, hadn’t his own warships! In order to use warships, he ordered either to the companies of Ost-India or Russian.

In order to put an end to the problem that offended the pride of the empire, Nader shah ordered to begin to the building of plants of shipbuilding in Bushir.

Till that time neither Safavid nor the former ones were not engaged in building warships and great trade ships. Then the country would have its own shipbuilding plants. Though it was very difficult, Nader shah began to it and he wanted to be superior in sea than others as he was conquer in land.


Muhammed Taghi khan who was appointed newly to the post of the chief of the forces of navy in the gulf of Kenger, called Van Baster to his place, the chief of the company of Ost-India representing Holland.

Muhammed Taghi khan had got resolute task from Nader shah. All the shores of the gulf of Kenger must belong to the state of Avshar. On that purpose it was necessary obeying of Emman to Avshars. In order to carry out that task, the chief of navy wanted to take on lease two warships from the company of Holland. Van Baster came to the reception of Muhammed Taghi khan with different gifts. The new chief greeted the chief of the company friendly, he showed him a place to sit and began to speak gladly about the last achievements of Nader shah:

— Mister Van Baster, I want you to be aware of that our shah Nader Avshar has already captured India and now the empire of Moghol depends on him.

Though the chief of the company had heard that information from the people, he firstly heard that news from the official of the state of Avshar. The country which was either called after the stock of the rulers belonged to or after the historical name of the territory gained strength and captured India, it surprised not only him but all around Europe. Europe couldn’t understand how in a country lagged behind, which was ungovernable could be set up strong army. Especially, he couldn’t realize from which reasons such kind of military achievements and development were in the state which lagged behind economically. All the Europe admired at Nader shah. In the period when Great Britain, Portugal and Holland pretended to domination on land and sea, the admiring to Nader shah had also arisen confusion. Especially, driving out Portugal from the territories of Bahrain and India by Avshars astonished Europe. The politicians couldn’t explain it exactly, when Nader shah’s name was mentioned they shrug their shoulders.

Van Baster who knew all these very well, congratulated Muhammed Taghi khan:

— Gaining success of your army in short time made me glad, but it surprised Europe. Though all foreign companies working in your state were pleased with it too much.

Muhammed Taghi khan was pleased with the words of Van Baster:

— Thank you for your praised words, but be so kind, explain to me one matter. Why does our victory surprise Europe?

Van Baster didn’t forget he was a guest there. Instead of bettering the terms with a new chief, a word hurting him could worsen all terms. That is why he said carefully:

— How to say, Europe is surprised that how a country in which economy hasn’t developed, the agriculture is ruined, can gain such successes?

The chief of the navy said majestically:

— All the achievements are gained thanks to our shah. His military knowledge gives opportunity to gain all achievements. He was born like a serviceman. — He addressed the guest. – Do you know where is the capital of Nader shah?

Van Baster smiled:

— As I know, your new capital is Meshed.

Muhammed Taghi khan objected:

— No, dear guest! Meshed is the capital of the state of Avshar, but not Nader shah’s.

The guest looked at him interestingly:

— I understand nothing, Muhammed khan! The capital of the Excellency is the centre of the state.

He laughed realizing that the chief of the company understood nothing:

— You are right, dear guest! — He said. – It is like thus in the whole world, but not in our state.

— I again don’t understand anything.

Muhammed Taghi khan said for short:

— In one word, respected guest! The capital of our shah is bridle and on the horse! The pledge of our victory is closed with it. He doesn’t know what is entertainment, what is resting in the palace.

Van Baster curled his lips:

— Now I understand, respected Muhammed khan!. – He said. To my mind, all these are not enough for your gaining success.

— Our shah knows it, from that reason he sent me here for to carry out practical work.

Muhammed Taghi khan saw that Van Baster was listening to him attentively, he said satisfied with him:

— Yes, yes, our shah has great projects and soon huge building affairs will begin in this city. – he added.

— Please, tell me, if it isn’t a secret! About which building are you speaking? How can we assist you?

— Of course, we shall appeal to the foreign companies in this problem. It would be better to put into practice the experience your country gained.

The chief of the company wanted to show his increasing interest in other way:

— In which fields does your country want to put our experience into practice?

Muhammed Taghi khan shut his fingers one by one and began to count:

— Firstly, our shah gave an order to build shipbuilding dockyard here. Secondly, soon there will begin the building of steel mill and small arm factory.

The guest knew that Nader shah was a great serviceman. He didn’t expect him to build those plants with foresight. His main profession was the sea affairs, that is why he asked him for interest:

— Respected khan! It is very good that you give attention to the development of economy. In such case your state will be mighty state of the region from any view point. You know that in shipbuilding the wood beams are used mostly. As I know in Bushir and around it, there are not so many wood reserves. From where will you get wood?

Muhammed Taghi khan answered satisfied with himself:

— Our shah has already solved this problem.

— How? Has he solved?

— Yes, yes, he has solved. The forests of Mazandaran are enough for our wood reserves. There has already begun work.

Van Baster was surprised:

— To bring woods from Mazandaran to Bushir! It will very difficult! According to me, the distance between those two provinces is more than seven hundred kilometers. Didn’t you think that expend would be too much?

— For the development of our state our shah never avoids from expend. In the field of shipbuilding the work has begun and it will be broaden.

The chief of the company felt himself a bit worried. He could be able to pull himself and said:

— Very well, the development of your state is also our mutual benefit.

At last, Muhammed Taghi khan told his main purpose:

— Respected guest, the problems which I speak to you, will be carried out in future. Now we need two warships.

— Surely, you need two warships to struggle against the pirates. Arabians always attack to our ships and they try to rob our trade ships.

Khan affirmed the words of Van Baster:

— We want to put everything in order in the gulf of Kenger.

In fact, the present situation was in favor of the chief of the company. Because he dominated over that gulf, using the power of the warships, he fixed price for to enter the gulf. Nader shah wanted to stimulate that problem and to put an end to the domination of English-Holland. He understood it. That is why he wanted to refuse skillfully from the offering of Muhammed Taghi khan:

— Respected khan! — He said. –We should give you two warships with great pleasure. But it is pity, at present we haven’t any free warships. As soon as our warships are free, we shall give you them for leasing.

Muhammed Taghi khan knew that the company of Ost-India wouldn’t take off from the rich customer in the gulf. That is why he began to pressure him:

— Firstly, we shall pay you money for the ships. Even we shall pay more. Secondly, according to the information I got, at present there are two free warships in Gomburun in the port.

Van Baster objected him;

— Respected khan, those ships will be put to the sea in some days. How can I give them to you?

Khan increased his pressure:

— Dear guest, — He said. — Here is the territory of Avshar. If you don’t give us those two ships, I shall be obliged to put them under arrest. If you agree with such kind of solution of the problem I am ready to it.

Firstly, the chief of the company was greatly astonished. Then he was obliged to agree with him. Because in such a situation he also could be arrested.

— Let it be how you say, respected khan!

Muhammed Taghi khan was pleased to make him agree and it increased his belief to himself.

Muhammed Taghi khan sat in one of the warships he had leased and put to the sea for to tame the Arabians of the gulf. It didn’t take much time to look for the ships of Arabians. Some ships of Arabians named “Briqantina” shelled cannon-balls to the ship headed by him. Even one of the ships of Arabians approached to the ship he was sailing and made abordaj. But their attacks were defeated. It was towards evening, that is why they didn’t go after them, decided to return to the port. It was Muhammed Taghi khan’s first and last fight in the sea. In the fight on sea it isn’t known who is defeated or who is victorious, the Arabians of khuval continued their robbing in the gulf. Even they made efforts to get Bahrain, but they failed….


…Nader shah sent ten thousand persons axe in their hands to the forests of Mazandaran. Those persons cut trees both in the daytime and at nights, then they hewed the trees. Just there they made a fire and put on the fire the huge copper basins, poured into them oil (oil made of plants), when the oil boiled in the basins they put the hewed beams into the basins with the help of cords. Sharply twenty four hours the beams remained in the oil. Then they took out the beams again with the cords and spread on the ground for to be dry. They did it for the beams become stable against to rotting and warping, not to be rotted soon.

Nader shah had made Salman kishi be responsible to make carts and carrying of the carts. The shah called him to his place:

— How are you, Salman kishi? — He asked. – How are your donkeys?

Salman kishi was excited when he was called by the shah. He thought that might be somebody had complained the shah that he didn’t take care of the donkeys well. He thought that the shah called him either for to scold him or to punish. Now he took care of four thousand donkeys. Year after year the donkeys gave birth and the number of them became more. He had more than thirty workers. When his children brought up, he had given them job near him. Salman kishi lived full life, after retuning from India he had built a house to him in Isfahan. He was respected in rear for his amusing jokes. In one word, he was pleased with his life. He slept, got up, ate or drank in time. He prayed Nader shah for giving him a good job, for he wasn’t in need of anything.

He was in front of the shah. He answered naively:

— Very good, my shah, all of them pray you.

As soon as Nader shah heard his words he howled with laughter. At last he asked:

— You say that even the donkeys pray me?

Salman kishi understood that he had made a great mistake. All was in past, the shah was exhilarated or his head would be chopped.

— No, I beseech you, — He said. — I pray for the shah, the donkeys pray for me.

The shah howled with laughter again. Then he took a serious turn:

— Do you know why I have called you?

— No, my shah! Why do they call donkeys to a wedding? To carry either water or wood.

Though the shah couldn’t stand laughing, he was able to pull himself:

— You guessed rightly. – This time I have called you to carry wood.

Salman kishi realized that the shah would give him serious task.

— All right, my shah, if it needs I may carry wood on my back. Let the Excellency order me!

— Salman kishi, you have been looking after donkeys for years. During that time nobody complained from you. The number of your animals increase year after year. I am pleased with you!

— Let your life be long, my shah!

— Take your donkeys and go to Mazandaran. I have sent there master who make carts. They will make thousand carts the length of which is six meters. You will carry the cut trees to Bushir. Take with you how many persons you need for to bring the trees in time.

— All right, my shah!

The shah broke his words:

— Don’t go, I haven’t finished yet. Don’t think that it is an easy task. To tell the truth, there is no way from Mazandaran to Bushir. You must overcome with carts about seven hundred kilometers through the places where there are not ways. That is why you must examine the way once or twice. You must set up points after twenty kilometers. Except, you must take five hundred workers with you. There will be places where you have to carry loads by hands. Is everything clear?

Salman kishi tried to remember Nader shah’s words. He tried to repeat the shah’s words in his mind.

— It is clear, Your Majesty!

Nader shah warned him beforehand:

— Remember very well! Do you know how you will be punished if you don’t bring the beams in time?

Salman kishi said disappointedly:

— Of course, I know, my shah! You will part me from my lovely donkeys.

Nader shah again couldn’t stand laughing. He howled with laughter.


…Nejef and Husu were making fire for copper basins to boil oil. They were covered with dirt because they were near fire all day long. They didn’t have time to wash themselves, they looked like Ethiopian negroes. While they were putting wood to the fire Salman kishi came up them:

— How do you do, my negro brothers!

They laughed together:

— How do you do, Qizilbash brother!

Salman kishi sleeked his moustaches and looked at them:

— Are there more beams which haven’t been put into basin? If I don’t carry the beams in time, the shah will punish me!

The stoker by the name Nejef consoled him:

— There are few beams, Salman kishi! — He showed one of the basins. — This beam is the last beams of the thousandth cart. If the God pleases, the day after tomorrow you will see them off.

— If the God pleases!

Husu began to croon the song of “Sari gelin” (folk song- Sari — means “blonde” and “Gelin “means” “Bride”) he took the long hooked iron and mixed the woods in the fire:

— The end of hair mustn’t be braided,

A flower mustn’t be picked while wet.

They don’t want you to give me,

Let your mother die, alas, Sari gelin!

Husu’s voice was good. When he sang, the persons who were cutting the trees wouldn’t hearten to cut the trees. During those moments there was so silence in the forest that nobody could dare to break silence.

Salman kishi saddened while listening to his song. He wanted to make a joke to amuse him:

— Certainly, her mother won’t agree her daughter to marry you! If a devil looks at your black face will turn its face and go away. Who may agree marry you, my son? Have you seen yourself in the mirror?

They laughed.

Husu answered him in joke:

— Don’t tell thus, Salman kishi! Take me to a bath-house, rub my body, at that time I may send you match-maker for the Sultan’s daughter!

Nejef said merrily:

— Yes, you are right! -he said. — Do you know what is waiting for you after having a bath?

Husu looked at Nejef interestingly:

— What is waiting for me?

— The donkeys of Salman kishi!

They laughed again.

Nejef continued his joke:

— You know that Salman kishi’s donkeys don’t like black persons.

Rub yourself much in the bath-house, maybe you will turn white.

Their laughter could be heard in the forest. As if the flames of the fire joined their laughter.

Salman kishi got angry with them for speaking too much about his donkeys:

— Well, enough! You twaddle much!

Nejef and Husu kept silence at once. After some time Nejef decided to tell Salman kishi the word which he intended in his heart:

— it appears that, you are leaving the day after tomorrow? Is it right, Salman kishi?

Salman kishi didn’t understand the meaning of his word:

— Yes, if the God pleases, we are leaving the day after tomorrow! It is no concern of yours!

Nejef looked at him pleadingly:

— Take us with you, Salman kishi, I beg you!

— I understand nothing, I am not going to make a fire on the way!

Husu stimulated Nejef’s words:

— No, Salman kishi! Try to understand us! Near these basins not only our clothes and faces, but all our life is black! I beseech you, take us with you, let us know what the life is.!

Salman kishi understood what they wanted to say. He wanted to solve the problem by joking:

— Well, I understand you, you also want to have sightseeing to our country like me.

Husu said:

— Salman kishi! I beg you, take us with you! We shall be thankful to you till the end of our life!

Salman kishi felt sorry for them. He decided to pull out them from the bottom of the life. Once Nader shah had helped him. He wanted to give a hand to them. He had a care, he asked them:

— Is here anybody to work instead of you?

Nejef heartened him:

— Salman kishi, to make a fire isn’t a difficult. Everybody can do it!

At last, the beams were loaded to thousand carts, and left for Bushir. Before leaving for Bushir, Salman kishi asked the chief of the camp which was going to be pitched in Mazandaran:

— Aga, when will the beams enough for thousand carts be ready?

The chief counted for a while, then he answered:

— During thirty two days.

— If the God pleases, I can return within thirty two days.

— If the God pleases!

Salman kishi overcame the long distance and reached Bushir. It is true, on the way, half of his helpers died either because of hunger or different illness. Salman kishi kept his promise. He delivered the load in time to the appointed place. After unloading the loads he let the donkeys rest for a day, then he returned to Mazandaran. When with load he retuned to Bushir for the second time, Nader shah greeted him in the dockyard. He embraced Salman kishi and said gladly:

— Come here, qaltaban, (means “procurer”) come, — Recently “qaltaban” was one of his lovely words. – You will put out to the sea the first ship of our state.

Salman kishi was confused seeing the shah. He asked trembling:

— My shah, when did you come here?

Nader shah didn’t want to hurt the feelings of the man who carried out his task toiling night and daytime. He wanted to make a joke with him as usual:

— I came here on your donkey! They ran so quickly that till you came our first ship was ready. — He saw that Salman kishi was confused, he added:- Well, I wanted to amuse you. If you don’t touch the first ship, we shan’t put it out the sea!

— My shah, if it is thus, allow me to do worship! Then I shall get permission of you and the God!

Nader shah was pleased with his words. He ordered to do worship on the occasion of putting the first ship to the sea, he also sat on the sand and did worship.

Just the same year the state of Avshar produced some warships and began to strengthen its mighty in the gulf of Kenger. Side by side with it the steel mill was successful and the first cannons were tested.

In 1742 the troops of Avshar entered the territory of the state of Emman. At that time in the power there was Sultan ibn Murshud, the brother-in-law of

(wife’s brother) of Imam Saif ibn Sultan who had dethroned him.

When Avshars entered the lands of Arabian Imam Saif joined them, on the condition that his power had to be reinstated.

At the same time Kelbeli khan encircled Shohar. Shohar defended itself bravely. The ruler of that city Ahmed ibn Seid wanted to attack Avshars and break the encirclement. He couldn’t achieve his purpose. Shohar was obliged to decide to have talks because of the shortage of food and supplies. They surrendered the city to Avshars. There was chance for the troops of Nader shah to enter Africa. But Avshars didn’t go to the other side.

The troops of the shah began to move forward the bottom of the lands of Arabian only after dominating over all the shores of the gulf of Kenger. In spite of gaining success in the lands of Arabian within a short time the beginning of the war of Ottoman- Avshar stopped everything.

At the head of all those there was Nader shah. To set up navy and shipbuilding in the gulf of Kenger, the production of cannons, building of new plants informed about his perfect outlook, his foresight, mainly about his being talented warlord. The rulers of the provinces, lands which were combined by the force of the sword of the genius Azerbaijani warlord didn’t serve devotedly to the centralized state…



Like Russians Ottomans also couldn’t get detailed information from Nader shah. When he was in India he had put a limit to spread news to those countries. While his son Rzaqulu was in the space of lack of information, in Istanbul the situation was just the same. In spite of signing a treaty with the empire of Ottomans in 1736, there was only contemporary peace because that treaty hadn’t been affirmed yet. It was natural that the sages of Topqapi assumed that as soon as Nader shah retuned from India, he would wage a war against them. They knew that because of the unsolved religious problems he could reinstate the military operations. Still the shah was far from there. Istanbul understood that the danger of war wasn’t over, and it wouldn’t be over in itself.

On 18 th of September in 1739 there was signed a treaty of Belqrad between the empire of Ottomans, Russia and Austria. By that treaty Topqapi put an end to the war of the north. But Topqapi wasn’t going to obey the conditions of the treaty.

At last, it was clear to Istanbul that Nader shah was returning from India with success and victories. At that time the terms of Ottomans with Russia and Austria had become a bit better.

Topqapi was avoiding from Nader shah. The disturbance of the last war with him wasn’t put an end. Side by side with it, Ottomans were preparing to a new war against him.

Still in 1741 Nader shah sent Haji khan Jamishqazakli to Istanbul to solve the religious problems. He met there with the chief vizier Ali pasha and Sultan Mahmud the First, the religious problems had become urgent again. The Sultan didn’t answer correctly to the messenger of Nader shah because the time hadn’t reached, he had declared that each problem would be looked through in the frame of religious rules.

After one year, that is to say, on January in 1742 near Darbend, the ruler of Avshar received the messengers of the Sultan- the vizier of finance Munif Efandi and the chief of the custom of Istanbul, Hazif Mustafa Efandi. It was said in the letter sent by Mahmud the First that like the caliph of the world of Islam he wouldn’t adopt the faith of Jafari like the fifth faith and he made an apology for that reason.

At that time Nader shah had told the messengers: “It appears that Sultan Mahmud wants me to cut the cord of friendship that I reached out to him.”

“While I want to set up the unity of Islam-Turkish and to put a end to the differences of faith, he instigates that problem. It becomes known that the rulers of Safavids were right in behaving severely with them and in considering them infidels”. Then he spoke allusively and said: “I shall personally come to the lands of Ottomans to solve those religious problems.” Then he said to the messengers of Topqapi: “If the God pleases, these problems will be solved after my coming there” and retuned them back.

Nader shah held the gathering of scientists headed by mollabashi Ali Akbar for to strengthen his religious policy. They affirmed the order given in 1736, in Mughan, which was adopted in the Kurultay.

There was a reason for to wage a war.

Both of the sides were preparing for the war…



The position of the ruler of Baghdad- Ahmed pasha wasn’t bad. His relative dependence from the far Istanbul gave him chance to behave like the shah. In Baghdad there was nobody who raised an objection to him, or refused to obey him. Ahmed pasha who always pursued slender and cunning policy between Ottomans and Avshars avoided from Nader shah. He knew that if the war began between them Baghdad would be damaged much. Baghdad which was half dependent from Istanbul was obliged to pursue a equalized policy. There was reasons why he avoided from Nader shah. They told him that once Nader shah asked one of his followers:

— As to you is there any ruler who is mightier than me?

His follower had answered him:

— No, Your Majesty, you are the mightiest ruler in the world!

Nader shah had told him:

— No, you are wrong! — The ruler of Baghdad –Ahmed pasha is stronger than me. Because between two grandiose rivals he rules for a long time and he behaves both of us how he wants.

Ahmed pasha didn’t forget those words. The messenger of the shah had sent him a letter. Till opening the letter he was lost in thoughts and dreamed about different matters. When he opened the letter he got into a difficult position. In the letter there was written only one sentence: “Surrender Baghdad! “Under the sentence there was the name of “Nader shah”.

He had to gain time. Because after some time the harvesting of grain would begin, if the city would be encircled it wouldn’t be bad to lay in food beforehand. That is why after coming to himself:

— Send my regards to Nader shah! — He said to the messenger. – Then he began to make evolutions by other thoughts. – I always try to be in friendly terms with the Shah’s Majesty. But try to understand my position! Like the ruler of Baghdad I have been appointed by the Sultan and I can’t exceed my authority and can’t surrender the city till my authority ends.

As if the messenger was waiting for his answer, he answered readily:

— I understand you, Ahmed pasha! I shall tell your words to the Shah’s Excellency how you said!

Ahmed pasha took the messenger’s hand and went towards the porch of the palace:

— Don’t hasten to deliver my words to the shah!

The messenger looked at him surprisingly:

— I don’t understand…

Ahmed pasha consoled him:

— Why don’t you understand? The words I said were my official answer. You know, here all prick out their ears. They magnify whatever I say, and deliver to Topqapi.

The messenger said as if he understood:

— Well, I understand, Pasha’s Majesty! I understand.

— Deliver my words to Nader shah, in order to be open the doors of Baghdad it is necessary to occupy firstly Mosul. As soon as Mosul is occupied, Baghdad will be surrendered without fight.

— Must I tell how you say?

Ahmed pasha looked at him aslant:

— Tell how I say!

— All right!

— Then, respected messenger, tell Nader shah that I have written a letter to the Sultan’s Majesty for the solution of the faith of Jafari, and I have asked him to charge two educated scientists who are aware of these problems. If he answers me positively, at that time discussions may begin again, the problem may be solved without war. (Ahmed pasha knew very well that Topqapi won’t answer that question. — author.) He asked the messenger:

— Where is Nader shah now?

— He is coming towards here.

Hearing his words Ahmed pasha wasn’t excited:

— Very well! If it is thus give my regards to him!


“…. Ahmed pasha sent his messenger Kahya Muhammed aga to my place and he delivered to me the words that he had told my messenger. I received the messenger pleasantly and sent him back with gifts. Then I appointed Haji khan Sheykhanli from the stock of Jamishqazakhli, the warlord for to occupy Samire, Hil, Nejef, Kerbela and Iraq.

Before passing the frontier in Kirmanshah I had a look at the army. I was pleased. So, from all the territories of my empire there were gathered soldiers to the army.


From Khorosan 65.000

From the Iraq of Qizilbashs 45.000

From the north –west Azerbaijan 60.000

From Luristan 50.000

From Hemedan and Kirmanshah 25.000

From Turkustan and the steppes of Turkustan 60.000

From Qazne, Kabil, Pishever, Keshmir, Multan and Lakhor 70.000


Total — 375 000

On 5 th of August in 1743 I was standing in front of Kerkuk. I took into consideration that the fortress of that city was too firm. Before attacking I waited for bringing of cannons.

After one week cannons were brought near Kerkuk and immediately I commanded to shell the city. Within a short time I occupied Kerkuk.

I didn’t want to go any more from Kerkuk. I thought that Istanbul would take lesson from the occupation of Kerkuk and from seeing so many troops near borders. But when I was in Kerkuk, I got a letter from the Sultan. He wrote that Topqapi had already given Fetva. In the Fetrva Qizilbashs were called infidels and it was considered lawful to kill them or to captive them.

After that letter I decided to continue my marching. On the third of September I captured the fortress of Arbil without any difficulty. Near Altinkorpu the people of that city met me near the fortress to welcome me. They considered themselves Turkmen like the people of Kerkuk. The ruler of Altinkorpu came to my place with precious gifts and bowed at me.

I met the ruler and his courtiers kindly and asked them:

— Don’t Ottomans offend you?

The ruler answered:

— No, Your Majesty! They don’t offend us. We pay our taxes in time. Our religion is the same. Let your life be long! Our terms have become better after Qizilbashs adopted the faith of Jafari. But on these mountains there are people named the Jesuits, they often worry us.

— What does it mean “worry us”?

The mollabashi of the city came forward:

— Your Majesty, allow me to speak about it, because such kind of problems concern to our great religion of Islam.

His words roused my interest for them. To tell the truth, I had never heard anything about the Jesuits.

— Please, -I said.

— Let the life of our shah be long! Those Jesuits often come down from the mountains in armed groups, whom they see outside or around the city they captive and take like a sacrificial. (victim)

I was surprised:

— Do they take like sacrificial?

— Yes, Your Majesty, they take like sacrificial. The matter is that these Jesuits believe neither the God of Moslems nor Christians nor Jews.

I thought that might be they were fire-worshippers who believed fire of the sun.

— Do you mean the followers of Zoroastrians?

Mollabashi objected:

— No, Your Majesty, Zoroastrian was one of the prophets of Moslems. The God of Jesuits is the Devil.

I jumped out from the throne I was sitting. I couldn’t believe my ears:

— What?

He affirmed what he had told:

— Yes, my shah! Their God is Devil. The Jesuits worship the Devil, they sacrifice humans to their God. In order the sacrificial not to be from their people, they come down here and captive our people. They insist that after sacrificing a human the Devil is seen to them, even contacts with them…

I couldn’t come to myself. While I was waging wars to establish unity of Islam-Turkish, there were near us who worshipped the Devil. I sat down on the throne hardly:

— Why don’t you complain about it to the beys of Ottomans?

— We complained many times.

— Didn’t they take any measure?

Mollabashi shook his head:

— No, my shah, there is no result.

— Why?

— Here the detachments of Ottomans are few. But the Jesuits are both more and fighting. By the way, they recognized the power of Ottomans and pay taxes in time. That is why Ottomans don’t pay attention to them.

— Oh, my God, at last I heard about the people whose God is the Devil, — I said pitifully. – Is there anybody among you who knows their places, the mountains?

The ruler of the city answered:

— Yes, there is, Your Majesty! Even there are some.

Just at that moment I called my nephew Aliqulu khan. He came up to me and bowed at me.

— Aliqulu khan, -I said to him and showed with my finger the ruler and mollabashi. — You will go up the mountain with troop of twelve thousand soldiers taking the guides. You must raze to the ground the people named the Jesuits!

Aliqulu khan put his right hand on his breast and bent his head:

— Command me, my shah! When must we go there?

— Just today!

The ruler of the city and mollabashi prayed me:

— Your Majesty, let your life be long! You will escape us from great danger…”


All the Jesuits who could take arm were fighting against Avshars. They fought courageously for each inch of land and died in the fighting area bravely.

But superiority was on the side of experienced the Uzbeks and the Turkmen of Khorasan. Aliqulu khan encircled their last fortress of “Jesuit” and occupied there after some days. The warlord of Nader shah didn’t let anybody remain alive. He carried out his uncle’s order and came down the mountains, combined with the unites of the main army.


Huseyn pasha, the ruler of Mosul firstly wanted to surrender the city to Nader shah. But when Istanbul sent there additional forces and his brother Abdul Fateh bey came, he changed his mind. The defenders of the fortress were more than thirty thousand soldiers. He was fully confident that he would be able to defend the city. The ruler of Mosul who received the messenger in his palace listened to him with the participant of his brother. The messenger spoke satisfied with himself:

— Huseyn pasha, I have been sent by Nader shah. He sent you his regards.

Huseyn Pasha thanked him:

— Thanks to Nader shah! What does he want?

From his first words the messenger understood that Mosul wanted to be defended, but he had to deliver the shah’s words to the ruler:

— Our shah demands to surrender Mosul instead of quarter and freedom.

Huseyn pasha considered the messenger’s words like an insult:

— My quarter and freedom is in the hand of the Sultan. Whenever he wants he may deprive me from quarter or freedom.

Abdul Fateh bey intensified his brother’s words:

— The city wasn’t given to Huseyn pasha by Nader shah for to surrender it from him. The Sultan appointed him the ruler.

The messenger saw that they were speaking confidently, he pulled himself:

— Respected ruler, what will be your answer to Nader shah?

— We have just told our answer. Mosul won’t be surrendered!

When the messenger took himself off, Abdul Fateh bey asked his brother:

— Is the city ready to the encirclement?

Firstly Huseyn pasha answered him by shaking head, then he said by words:

— Mosul is ready for a long ago! We have laid in food. Simply, our soldiers were few. After your coming that problem was solved.

— How do you want to defend Mosul?

Huseyn pasha didn’t understand him:

— I don’t understand.

— I want to say that shall we withdraw to the fortress and shall only be defended or at times we shall attack opposite?

— Of course, as soon as we have chance, we shall attack opposite.

Hearing his brother’s words Abdul Fateh bey lapped his hands on his breast:

— Yes, you may be fully confident to me in attacking opposite. I know how to attack…

During one of the opposite attacks the troops were encircled by Avshars. Abdul Fateh bey could be escaped only by chance and returned to Mosul. The rest of the soldiers were killed by the troops of Nader shah.

Nader shah encircled the city both from the down and up sides of the river of Dajla. He had placed around the city hundred and sixty (160) cannons and two hundred short-barrel canons called mortira. Beginning from 27 th of September Mosul was shelled for eight days continuously, but the defenders put unbelievable insistence. Each time they rebuilt the destroyed parts of the walls of the fortress within a short time. Even one day in one part of the walls of the fortress there was large crack. Though the fighters of Avshars made efforts to enter the city through that crack with the help of seventeen thousand ladders they were forced out by the defenders of the city and failed.

The encirclement of the city was continuing.

Istanbul, the palace of Topqapi

Nader shah’s entering Iraq of Azerbaijan without declaring war, his conquering Kerkuk and Arbil, his keeping Mosul in encirclement caused Topqapi live in excitement. It was clear that after all of them the military operations would be directed towards Baghdad.

Sultan Mahmud the First urgently held the consultation- discussion gathering. Because in the capital there was danger even against the Sultan by yanichers (soldiers) and the people. Istanbul was preparing the war. It was necessary to put an end to it. In the gathering held with the participant of the chief vizier the orders had to be given. Before the consultation-discussion gathering began the Sultan met with Qizlar aga who had great authority in the palace.

Mahmud the First asked him worriedly:

— What is happening in Topqapi, aga?

Qizlar aga said with reserve:

— In the palace it is excepted overturning, my son. We must be ready for it. The yanichers are much displeased.

The Sultan knew very well that if yanichers were displeased, there would be overturning. Nevertheless, during the last hundred years in Topqapi the Sultans were under independence of yanichers. The children of Qazi Ottoman are dethroned, they are replaced with new one if yanichers didn’t like them, or they didn’t carry out what they wanted.

In one word, the Sultans of Ottomans had turned into captives of the organization which had been set up by them. Mahmud the First himself also had come to the power as a result of the revolt of yanichers. He was in difficult position. He was waiting for advice from Qizlar aga who gave him advices in difficult positions. The Sultan saw that he kept silence at last, he asked him:

— What do you advice, aga?

Qizlar aga didn’t hide what he thought:

— Occupation of Baghdad will be like the occupation of Tabriz some years ago. Revolt is excepted.

Sultan Mahmud the first couldn’t have patience, he broke his words:

— I know it, aga!

Qizlar aga also broke the Sultan’s words:

— Listen to me attentively! I had given you advice for to prepare and carry out revolts in the state of Avshar. What about my advice?

The Sultan reported him like a pupil:

— We are preparing. Soon we shall be witness of the revolt.

Qizlar aga reproached him:

— It is late, my son, you are late! I had advised it to you some years ago, and told you not to let Nader shah go India. It was necessary to do something for to rouse conflicts either with Russia or with us. As if all these were not enough you didn’t support him in the marching to Dagestan. Avshars were in one step’s of the war against Russians. Position is difficult. By invading India he got the name of Conqueror. It is difficult to fight against a Conqueror. The rival soldiers are seized with fear of the name of Conqueror, surrender themselves and leave arms.

The Sultan said pleadingly:

— Aga, give advice!

Qizlar aga sighed deeply:

— I also advice to do like thus, Sultan’s Majesty!

— Aga, you exhort me, but I want to hear your advice!

Qizlar aga smiled and then he said:

— If you carried out my advice now I didn’t have to exhort you!

Sultan Mahmud the First raised his voice:

— Aga, for the sake of the God, don’t reproach me! I know, I couldn’t carry out what you had advised me. What do you say, to refuse from throne?

— No, there is no need, we have one way-out.

Sultan Mahmud the First heartened:

— Tell me, what is our way-out?

— In order it some persons must be “sacrificed”

The Sultan felt something:

— The chief vizier?

Qizlar aga affirmed his words by shaking his head:

— Yes, you guessed rightly.

Sultan Mahmud the First didn’t want to agree with him:

— But he has no fault. He gives orders after agreeing with me.

Qizlar aga looked at him reproaching:

— It appears that you are guilty for all is happening.

The owner of Topqapi objected him:

— Aga, for the sake of the God, don’t reproach me much!

Qizlar aga felt sorry for the Sultan who was standing in front of him hopelessly. He wanted to soften the position:

— Well, Sultan’s Excellency, I think, you were not angry with me for I told the truth.

— No, aga! Why to get angry? — He looked at him questioning :

— You advice to “sacrifice” the chief vizier, don’t you?

— Yes!

— But whom to appoint to his post?

Qizlar aga thought for a while:

— I think, your vizier Hasan pasha is excellent candidate for this post!

Though Sultan Mahmud the First didn’t like Hasan pasha he was obliged to keep him on that post for his authority. That is why he wanted to object to his candidateship:

— Aga, why to appoint Hasan pasha?

Qizlar aga wanted to clear up the problem with reserve:

— Because he has a firm standing among the yanichers, once he also served in their rows, he was promoted to the post of vizier from there. All who were displeased would meet his appointment to the post of vizier pleasingly and they would change the idea of to revolt.

The Sultan thought for a while and said:

— It is a clever offering, aga, -he said. — It appears that I have been escaped from the overturning! Thanks to the God!

— It is early to say that you have been escaped, Sultan’s Majesty!

The Sultan looked at him surprisingly:

— Why, aga?

Qizlar aga glanced him reproaching:

— I told you that there must be revolt in the state of Avshar.

— Aga, we are preparing for it.

— To prepare for it isn’t enough. It is necessary to quicken it.

— All right! What else?

— It is necessary to give hope to Nader shah.

— I understand nothing.

— Here isn’t anything to understand with difficulty, Sultan’s Majesty! You must make effort again to discuss the religious problems with him.

The Sultan waved his hand in the meaning of objecting:

— It isn’t possible, aga!

— Why?

— Because fetva was been announced about it.

Qizlar aga looked at him interestingly and wanted to exhort him:

— My son, in the political and state affairs fetva isn’t announced, whatever the interests of the state and people demand it is necessary to carry out. At present

Nader shah forces out you by refusing from the violent, ruthless Shiite which denies the faith of Sunnite for his interests of state. But you, instead of discussing that problem irritate him by refusing those clauses.

The Sultan understood what Qizlar aga was going to say:

— Do you offer to continue the discussions?

— Send heralds to Baghdad, to Ahmed pasha and Nader shah. But under one condition!

— On which condition, aga?

— In order to make him leave the lands of Ottomans it is necessary to lay condition that we don’t believe him for his breaking our borders without declaring war. If he wants to continue the discussions on religious problems, he must withdraw his troops from the lands of Ottomans.

….After an hour the Sultan held the gathering of consultation and discussion. The chief vizier was sent into retirement for fulfilling the affairs

“remising in his duties”. On his post Hasan pasha was appointed. Topqapi prevented from the next revolt. Sultan Mahmud the First sent Yalanchi

(False) Sefi Mirze to Shirvan for to revolt. The Sultan had kept him near him for a long time. Sefi Mirze who showed himself like the last Shah of Safavid, began to head to those who were displeased with Nader shah.

Another messenger was sent to Ahmed pasha, the other was sent to Nader shah.


“….While I was in Iraq, exciting news was coming from Shirvan and from other places. I got information that a person named Sefi Mirze declared himself shah and revolted. Surkhay’s son Muhammed joined him, they captivated the ruler of Shirvan and executed him between Shamakhy and Shabran. Another false Sefi Mirze was marching with troops towards Qars from Arzurum with the help of Ottomans.

In Mosul, from Turkustan a herald came to me. He had also brought exciting news. When I was in Turkustan I had ordered to prepare many military supplies and to carry to the frontier of China. Those preparations were continuing. I had an idea that when the marching of Ottoman finishes to carry out a big military operations in China.

I asked the herald: “What news in Turkustan?”

He answered sitting on both of his knees:

— The fame of the Excellency has spread in China too. The emperor of China Manqu Qaan began to gather soldiers to the borders of Turkustan. He ordered the rulers of Kotan and Kkhitali to prepare to the war…

I broke the words of the herald:

— Does he want to begin the war immediately?

— No, Shah’s Majesty! He sent news to the rulers that if Nader shah passed the borders and entered China to fight against him.

I gave him another question:

— Why is the emperor of China so excited?

— I don’t know, Your Majesty! Maybe they saw enlivening on the borders of China of Turkustan and they worried.

— Is the enlivening felt much?

— Yes, Shah’s Majesty! The coming of camel- cades to the small city of tent is seen, and it can be observed.

Hearing all the exciting news I decided to stop temporary the marching of Ottoman. For it I needed some reasons. By fortune, the offering came from the side of Ottomans. The ruler of Mosul, Huseyn pasha sent news to declare to stop shooting. It was unexpected for me. I agreed with him. The second news came from Istanbul. The Sultan had sent letter and informed that if Avshars withdraw troops from the lands of Ottomans, at that time I could discuss the agreed problems with the ruler of Baghdad, with Ahmed pasha. It was a short break for me. They brought to me different gifts from Ahmed pasha. Shooting was stopped till the problems were discussed and finished. I crossed the river of Dejle with the ship given by Ahmed pasha and reached the city of Kerbela on the eighteenth of November. That city was one of the cities that all the Shiites considered it sacred. Because in that city the younger son of Hezret Ali, the lovely grandson of the prophet of Islam- Imam Huseyn had become a martyr on the way of the purity of Islam and Koran-Kerim. The world of Shiites remembered with great mourning the month of meherremlik when he had become a martyr. After visiting the grave of Imam Huseyn I visited the grave of Muhammed Fuzulu. The guide had told me that the great Azerbaijani poet made his will before dying to bury him at the feet of Imam Huseyn. The fame of the great poet was great, they couldn’t refuse.

At the end of the month I came to Nejef. In order to discuss the religious problems the scientists had come there from one side from Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Balkh and Bukhara, from other side from all the sacred cities. of Iraq. From Baghdad Ahmed pasha sent to me the Ottoman- Arabian theologian Abdullah ibn Huseyn es-Suveyd. I received him with great respect and esteem:

— Respected Abdullah, by inviting you here our purpose is you to give us assistance in putting an end to the difference of opinions between Shiites and Sunnites. For that reason there are wars between these sects for hundred years. I want you inform that in the Kurultay held in Mughan, Qizilbashs, that is to say, we refused from the severe, moderate Shiite and adopted the faith of Jafari which is much soft, and considered Sunnites Moslem, not infidels and which tries to the unity of all Moslems.

I must note that I spoke to him in my native language Turkish. He stroked his beard for a while and began to speak:

— Respected Nader shah, how can I assist you?

— You know that in order to solve the faiths of Sunnites and Shiites in the state of Avshar I have collected all the famous scientists including from Iraq. I want to make a request from you to assist us in abolishing the fetva of

“infidels” announced to us by the caliph.

Abdullah waved his head pitifully:

— It won’t be easy, Your Majesty!

I didn’t want to take my word:

— I know that it won’t be easy. That is why I have a humble request.

— Please, shah!

— I ask you not to take part in the discussions, only take part like a shareholder. Listen to both of the sides and try them to come to a middle agreement. Pay attention to the speeches of both of sides and then tell about Ahmed pasha what they said.

He looked at me surprisingly:

— But why to tell to Ahmed pasha?

— The matter is that you have been sent by the ruler of Baghdad to take part in this discussion.

Abdullah affirmed my words:

— Yes, it is right.

I continued:

— Because the Sultan had charged him to the discussion of the difference of opinions. He sent you here. I offer you to play the role of judge.

Abdullah ibn Huseyn thought for a while and said:

— Yes, I agree with your offering!


…Abdullah ibn Huseyn had a talk with the mollabashi of Avshars- with Ali Akber about some points and explanations of Koran- Kerim and some rules of shariat. Then he met with the scientist of Bukhara in private.

At last, on twentieth of December seventy scientists of Avshar, with participant of some theologians of Afghan and theologians of Bukhara- Abdullah ibn Huseyn es Suveydin began to the discussions. The main speakers were mollabashi Ali Akber and the scientist of Bukhara. During the discussions it became clear that Nader shah had prepared all the scientists of Avshars to the problems arousing difference of opinions. After the lasting discussions the scientists could come to common agreement. The next day they signed a document according to the agreement. Abdullah ibn Huseyn es Suveyd signed the documents as a negotiator, he sealed with his seal which was in his ring.

In the document the religious policy pursued by the ruler of Safavid, Shah Ismayil and his followers was reproached and upbraided. The first three caliphs till Imam Hazrati Ali eleyhusselam were considered lawful. It was recognized that Imam Jefer Sadiq was from the kin of prophet Muhammed Salavatullah. The superior features of that document was that it was adopted officially that Avshars belonged to the faith of Jafari. Though it wasn’t completely, but it could be considered the victory of Nader shah upon Ottomans on the religious problems.

The adoption of the document and declaration of it among the people stiffened the spirit of the people. On that occasion the wife of Nader shah, Govher Shad assisted hundred thousand Naderi in the form of donation for the rebuilding of the holy places.

At the same time at the end of November, in the beginning of December Nader shah and Ahmed pasha began to discuss the conditions of the treaty. It was shown in the treaty that Avshars would return Kerkuk, Arbil and Qurna which they had once invaded. In order to suppress the revolts in the country Nader shah had to make Topqapi “be engaged” with that treaty and he achieved his purpose. He knew from the previous experience that Istanbul wouldn’t adopt the faith of Jafari. In such kind of situation the time was in favor of him. Nader shah returned to the residence which was separated for him by Ahmed pasha and he ordered to put an end to the encirclement of Besre and Mosul.


…. The fights in the south of Iraq wasn’t so ruthless as it was in its north. Haji khan Sheykhanli, from the stock of Jamishqazakhli, who was appointed the warlord of the south troops combined his troops with the troops of the rulers of Hafiz and Salman who had citizenship of Avshar.

On the sixteenth of June two heralds were sent to Besre by the ruler of Hafiz. The representative of the government of Besre — Rustem aga received the heralds, listened to them and then he asked:

— What are pretensions of the ruler of Hafiz? From your words it became clear that the rulers of Hafiz and Salman had taken the citizenship of Nader shah. What is your pretension against us?

The herald told the words of his aga as he had said:

— The ruler of Hafiz demands you to surrender Besre.

Rustem aga asked the herald worriedly:

— What will happen if I don’t surrender the city?

He knew how to answer the herald because beforehand he had consulted with his courtiers and the member of government.

The herald said haughtily:

— At that time Avshars will create mass slaughter, bloodshed in Besre, they will burn the city. — He answered.

Rustem aga said decidedly:

— The city won’t be surrendered to you or to Avshars. – He said. We have enough arms, supplies, food and mainly, we have enough strong forces being able to defend Besre. That is to say, we tell you and Avshars “ No”.

…On the twenty eighth of August Avshars began to encircle Besre. In the city there was spread rumor, gossiping, excitement. The shortage of bread and flour was felt. In Besre there were enough supporters of both Nader shah and Ottomans. They often brought Rustem aga the news about the spirits of people. His palace looked like the staff of war. During the daytime a lot of persons entered the staff, got instructions, then they hastened to fulfill their tasks.

The beylerbeyi of Besre, Habil bey had brought Rustem aga the next exciting news:

— Rustem aga, the price of bread and flour has risen. It is necessary to take a measure.

He said quietly:

— Why do the sellers of grain and flour rise the price? — He asked. — Habil bey, we have two yearly reserves of grain.

Firstly, Habil bey didn’t want to tell him the rumor spread in the city. Then he thought that Rustem aga would learn the rumor somewhere, it would be better to tell him about it.

— They say… — He paused for a while.

— What do they say?


— They gossip in the city that the government rose the price of grain knowingly for to be rich.

— What? — Rustem aga cried hearing his words. – Who dared to say it?

— The supporters of Avshar spread that rumor. One part of the city has the idea that it makes no difference whether they will be under the power of Ottomans or Avshars. In both cases they will be under the power of Turks.

Rustem aga gave resolute task to the beylerbeyi:

— Let the guards stand at the storehouses, warn the markets. He who will rise the price he will be at once executed.

As if Habil bey was excepting that task:

— All right! — He said. — But what must we do with those who spread rumor? Aren’t they more dangerous than those who rose the price?

— Yes, they are more dangerous, — He answered. –Announce in Besre that those who spread gossip in favor of Avshars, will be arrested. Then they will be interrogated.

The beylerbeyi agreed with his offer:

— It is a good offer, Rustem aga!

— Which problem must we solve to defend the city?

— Respected Rustem aga, after the encirclement of the city our relations are only by means of the waters of gulf. Till what time Nader shah hasn’t sent his ships towards Besre, still the way of water is open for us. But…

— What do you want to say?

It didn’t last much the clearing up the question:

— The matter is that the head of the ships which we had leased from the company of Ost-India, Tomas Doril is in Nader shah’s side. Hearing about the attack of Avshars to Besre, in the night he wanted to take the ship to Hatif in order to leave us helpless and without hope.

Rustem aga looked at Habil bey excitingly:

— Why didn’t you tell me it in time? We could take a measure.

Habil bey said satisfied to fawn on Rustem aga:

— We thought that there was no need to inform you, Rustem aga! — Because the sailors in the ship felt it and after revolting they made the captain to return again the port. At that time I accused the head of the company in fire-worship and flung him into prison for forty eight hours. I need your decision for how much keep him in the prison. Though Tomas Doril agreed to work with us, there was a hole under the ship, I don’t know from what reason, and the ship is good-for-nothing now.

Rustem aga was sorry for the last words:

— That is to say we haven’t a way of water too.

— No, we have small boats! To tell the truth, by boats we can’t sail in the open sea.

He sighed:

— How do the foreign merchants behave themselves? — He asked.

The beylerbeyi answered without thinking:

— I think, they are also the supporters of the shah, Rustem aga, I have an offer about them. If you allow me I can carry out it.

— Please, tell me!

— I offer the foreign merchants provide one part of our troops with food.

Rustem aga objected him:

— It can’t be right.

Habil bey wanted to make him believe:

— We have nothing to lose. If Avshars occupy the city without fail, they will pay indemnity to the foreigners. No, if we achieve in defending Besre, the foreigners will be obliged to remain here and work.

Rustem aga had to agree with him at his logic:

— Well, let it be how you say. Do how you want but don’t offend them much….

…Avshars surrounded the city except the waters of gulf with troop of seven thousand fighters. They had difficulty in crushing the resistance of the people of Besre, because the heavy cannons were still on the way. The artillery was brought only on the eighteenth of November. After they were brought, the attack to the city quickened. On the sixth of December, Avshars made efforts to break the defense of the city. But the yanichers made them withdraw.

On the eighth of December the herald sent by Nader shah and Ahmed pasha said that the war finished. The doors of Besre were opened and Ottomans and Avshars who were ready some hours ago even to kill one another embraced. They gave gifts to one another merrily.

On the sixteenth of December the troop of Avshar retuned to Hafiz. Haji khan Sheykhanli went to Nejef to report Nader shah. So, the encirclement of Besre was taken.

In Shahrevan Nader shah wanted to wait for to learn the result of the treaty that had been sent to Istanbul. But the exciting news coming from the empire of Avshar obliged him to return back. On thirtieth of January in 1744 he passed the border and returned to Kirmanshah.


…. He put the sword on the table and looked at it. The sword was seen to him like the symbol of power. At that time all obeyed his will. Everybody lived his own life being dependent from that sharp arms. Fury and malice, vengeance and kindness, execution and forgiveness, mind and feelings, love and betraying, logic and madness, honor and dignity, richness and poverty were measured by whether that sword unsheathed or not. A cold sword which can cut a person into two parts within a moment, even you throw a hair on it is able to divide it into two parts, was turned to the symbol of power. If there is a sword, that is to say there is power. If there isn’t a sword, there is nothing. A sword turned into a law, not law tuned into a sword.

He screwed up his eyes and glanced at the sword again. The sword on the table as if crying” unsheathe me” was seen on his eyes a bit smaller. As a result as if the power, the surroundings and behaving were also reduced. At that time was he able to occupy all the world with that sword? Except logic everything had reduced.! When the sword was seen how it was, he wanted to fight against all the world. But when he screwed up his eyes and reduced it, he wanted to fight against the empire he established, because the world was smaller.

He closed his eyes. Then there was seen nothing at him- there was neither power, neither lands, neither malice, no love and betraying. All in the world was momentary and frail. Open your eyes, pay attention who and what are in front of you, what the people surrounding think or tell. It appeared that everything in the world depended on what a human was thinking. The honest minded person can be directed towards those thoughts, and become honest minded. Those who think about vengeance and revenge knocked down, destroyed under the name of building.

He opened his eyes. The sword was on the table. Power and strength, love and betraying again covered his feelings. He once more closed his eyes. Everything disappeared. He felt that he was going a long way.

He felt that there was changing the world in his inner. To fight, to toil and to rise to high rank was in vain. Close your eyes, whatever you established for years isn’t yours. Open your eyes, all is yours. A human can open or close his eyes! Is it possible to open the eyes closed by others?

Now he was between a sword and logic. He was “walking up and down” between his eyes seeing the world and his mind hidden in his mind. Which he would prefer? He didn’t know himself.

He didn’t prefer to fight for law. He decided to fight against the small world when he screwed up his eyes, he screwed up his eyes and unsheathed his sword. He lived the rest of his life being his eyes screwed up.

…When Nader shah waged wars to free the lands, the people bore all the difficulties, they suffered privations, the people loved him, they joined him, and assisted him. But when the lands were freed and in additional new lands combined, there began to be felt changing in the feelings of the people too. Those feelings could draw cross lines on the previous feelings. There were not used the slogans of “all for motherland”, “all for Azerbaijan” any more. Because each home there ruled poverty, in each home there was either an invalid or a martyr.

…Though the tax was abolished for three years, it was gathered more severely than in the past. All the spending for troops was paid by the people instead of spending money to wars from treasure or plundering. It had to show its results.

In the marching to Dagestan thousands of people were killed. Then thousands of Avshars died during marching to Ottomans. When violent and ruthless trends of Shiite, religious schools were abolished, the people also felt pains. Except the people nobody could be aware of their feelings. Maybe, he had considered rightly, after setting up unity of Islam-Turkish, there wouldn’t be a lot of difficulties. Maybe not, there would remain difficulties. He had to feel that the people were tired, were sick of wars, he had to give them lasting pauses, had to develop agriculture, trade and the military industry. Because of those reasons during 1743—1744 years would be considered the period of rising of revolts and suppressing of them ruthlessly in the state of Avshars.


….The first revolt began in the provinces of Darbend and Tabasaran. Firstly one person from Ardabil, in the name of Sefi Mirze tried to gather supporters. Nader shah’s nephew Muhammed Ali bey put an end to his efforts in time. Sefi Mirze was captured in Ardabil, he was freed after his nose was cut and he ran to Dagestan and began to gather supporters in Darbend.

In the city it was too hot. From that reason the people of the city went their homes only for to sleep. In all the yards the people were in the shadow of the trees. The false Sefi Mirze received and saw off the visitors under the roof with grape-wine. Under the roof of grape-wine there was spread the carpet of Darbend, also mutakkas.

In Darbend his supporters increased day after day. In fact, the people faced to him for to be escaped from the much tax. At the same time it was useful as if Sefi Mirze was from the kin of Sefevids. The people of Darbend considered him their last hope. In order to draw the attention of the people, he had promised to abolish taxes. The people believed his promises easily and followed him. Sefi Mirze didn’t have arms for to arm those who followed him. From other side, his allied hadn’t been defined yet. On that hot summer day there had to be solved two problems, they had to come to an agreement for to act. That day he was waiting for two heralds in Darbend. One of them was from Istanbul- from the Sultan’s Majesty, the other from the son of Surkhay khan, from Muhammed. Both of those news would define his future.

Though Sefi Mirze wasn’t an old man, his cut nose made him look old and ugly.

He called his servant:

— Hi, boy, bring cool buttermilk from the jug in the well. I am suffocate with heat.

The servant answered :

— All right, aga, just a moment!

Soon he returned and brought a jug of buttermilk and a glass. He poured buttermilk into the glass:

— Please, aga.

He drank the buttermilk without pause. Then he wiped with the back of his hand the drops on his beard and said: “Oh, how cool the buttermilk is!”

The second servant who was standing at the door like a guard came up to him:

— Aga, from the lands of Avshar, Surkhay khan’s son Muhammed’s herald has come.

As if Sefi Mirze was waiting for him for a long time. He said:

Why is the guest at the door? Call him here!

Sefi Mirze comforted his seat on mutakka.

The herald entered the yard, he approached the roof with grave-wine and greeted him. After greeting Sefi Mirze showed him a seat to sit down :

— You are welcome! Please, sit down! Are you tired?

The herald avoided from looking at his face, he began to wipe his sweat of his throat, face.

— No, I am not, — He said. –The heat will kill us. It is difficult to breathe.

Sefi Mirze turned towards his servant:

— Hi, boy, what are you staring at? Bring a cool buttermilk to the guest! Be quick, bring and then go away!

The servant said “all right” and poured cool buttermilk into the glass and gave the guest, then he went away.

The herald drank the buttermilk and put the glass on the tray:

— Muhammed khan sent you his regards!

Sefi Mirze said: “Eleykumselam!” — What is his opinion to my offer?

— He approaches positively. He offers to combine the forces and to fight against Nader shah together.

He was pleased with the news of the guest:

— When does Muhammed khan want to come to Shirvan?

— If the God pleases, he is going to come to Shabran in autumn. He sent you some messages too.

Sefi Mirze looked at the herald interestingly :

— What message?

— Muhammed khan advised you to write letters and send to each village and city in Shirvan and make them be aware of your purpose.

He thought for a while:

— It is a good idea! — He said. – Just from today I shall write letters and send to each part of Shirvan. What else message did he send?

That time the herald poured buttermilk from the jug and drank. It seemed that he felt cool.

— He asked about how you will arm the supporters. You know that to fight against the shah’s troops with sword is like to be without any arms.

Sefi Mirze sighed:

— I think that this problem will be solved till autumn. I am waiting news from Istanbul, from the Sultan’s Majesty. Soon I am sure news will come.

The herald said “if the God pleases” and asked him:

— How do you think, will the Sultan keep his promise and help you?

— Of course, he will help! Now he needs us too much., because Nader shah is near Kerkuk with his troop of three hundred and seventy five thousand soldiers. In such situation our revolt will be in time. If the God pleases, we shall gain success!

The herald again said: “If the God pleases!”

After some hours Muhammed khan’s herald’s leaving, two camels and four horsemen were seen at the door of the home where Sefi Mirze was.

The servant came in the yard in a hurry and approached Sefi Mirze:

— Aga, they came!

— How many persons are they?

— Two camels and four horsemen. There is load on the camels.

He understood that they didn’t come with empty hands. That is why he stood up and went towards the gate to welcome the guests. The horsemen had already got off the horses. Sefi Mirze shook hands with both of them. Then he invited them to sit under the roof with grape-wine. The servants carried the loads to the yard. Then they took the horses and camels to the stable.

The guest sat down on the carpets. The servants brought the loads near them.

Shahin Efandi who was considered the head of the guests comforted his place and looked at Sefi Mirze:

— Sultan’s Majesty adopts your being lawful heir! –He said. — He meets positively your wish to reinstate your power, and he is ready to help you. On this purpose he has sent you some assistance to support your purpose.

Sefi Mirze was pleased with the words of Shahin Efandi.

— Thanks to the majestic Sultan’s Majesty! — He said. His supporting us stiffens our spirits, we feel ourselves stronger. His assistance has been sent in time.

Shahin Efandi took out a paper and reached out him:

— Respected Sefi khan! Can you press your finger that you got the assistance sent by the Sultan’s Majesty?

Sefi Mirze said willingly: “Yes!” He couldn’t read or write, he dipped his forefinger into the ink-pot and pressed on the paper. The guest watched him smiling.

Then he asked merrily:

— Are you pleased?

— Let the God be pleased with you! — Shahin Efandi answered. – Now, please, take what we have brought.

He stood up. The persons who had come with him also stood up and waited his order. He hinted them to show what was in the carpet-bags. The persons immediately took out four small trunks and put on the carpet. Shahin Efandi opened the covering of all the trunks and showed Sefi Mirze.:

— Please, Sefi khan, take them.

Sefi Mirze approached the trunks and looked at the gold. There was glitter of joy in his eyes. He said passionately:

— Thanks to the Sultan’s Majesty! –I shall never forget his assistance!

He closed the covering of the trunks and called the servants:

— Hi, boys, come and take them to home!

The servants came running. Each of them took two small trunks under their bosom.

Sefi Mirze asked the guests to sit down:

— Please, sit down, respected Efandies! Do you want buttermilk for to be cool?

Shahin Efandi licked his lips:

— It won’t be bad.

Sefi Mirze again called his servants:

— Hi, boy, bring buttermilk from the well!

— Just a moment, aga!

Soon he retuned with a tray on which there were a jug of buttermilk and some glasses. He poured buttermilk into the glasses and gave the guests. They drank with great pleasure. Then Shahin Efandi asked Sefi Mirze:

— The official circles of Istanbul are sure that your movement will gain strength and we shall gain our purpose.

He made the guest be fully confident:

— You may be sure to it, respected Shahin Efandi! Soon we shall begin.

— When?

— On the first months of autumn.

Shahin Efandi made an apology for asking him:

— Respected Sefi khan, don’t reproach me for asking this question. I must report Istanbul.

He shook his head pleasingly:

— Yes, I understand you.

— How many are your forces?

— In the first stage it will be fifteen or twenty thousand. Then how many it will be it depends on you.

Shahin Efandi took his hint:

— Whatever depends on us we shall do. We wish only you begin.

— We shall do what you need.

— Whom else from Dagestan will join you?

Sefi Mirze said pleasingly as if he was excepting that question:

— Just today I got news from the late Surkhay khan’s son Muhammed. He also joins our movement.

It was felt from the faces of the guests that they were pleased with the talk…

…In autumn the forces of Sefi Mirze and Muhammed khan’s forces combined in Shabran. Nader shah ordered the ruler of Shirvan, Heyder khan to assist Muhammed Ali khan who was fighting against the rebels in the north. While Heyder khan was going to Shabran from Shamakhy he clashed with the groups of revels. After the small clashing the ruler of Shirvan was captivated by them. The rebels at once executed the ruler. The allied captured the new centre of Shirvan, Aghsu with a troop of twenty thousand fighters. The regiment of Mughanli situated in Quba chopped the soldiers of regiment and surrendered themselves to the allied troops. As soon as Nader shah heard that news, he ordered the warlord of Azerbaijan, Ashur khan Avshar to combine with the groups of the rulers of Urmiya and Ganja. He also gave instructions to his son Nasrullah khan and his brother-in law (wife’s brother) Fatheli khan to assist Ashur khan Avshar. On twentieth of December in 1743 near Shamakhy in the place named Shahi-bag (the garden of shah) the troops of shah an the rebels clashed. The supporters of Sefi Mirze gave great loss after some hours’ fight and they were defeated. Ashur khan Avshar captured all the arms-supplies of thousands of captives and rebels. Though Muhammed khan was wounded, he ran to Dagestan, but Sefi Mirza ran to Georgia. Then Muhammed Ali khan punished ruthlessly the people of Mughanli who revolted in Quba. The eyes of all the rebels who were captivated were pulled out. Nasrullah khan who quieted Shirvan and Darbend returned back for to combine with the main troops of his father.

In Georgia Givi Amilaxvari revolted. Without any difficulty he gathered supporters. The osetins and cherkezs who were displeased with Nader shah also joined to him. The rebels created danger in Tiflis. But Teymuraz and his son Irakly became devoted to the shah and defeated the rebels and made them ran.

While Givi was running to the border of Ottomans Teymuraz caught him and captivated. When Nader shah was in Qasri-Shirin, the heralds brought him news of revolt in Kharazem too.

While the shah was in Turkustan he had appointed Ilbars’s son Abul Qazi the ruler of Kharazm, and Irtaq Inas the chief vizier. Firstly, there was peace, but when the Turks of yamut who were defeated in the marching of Turkustan and ran to the steppes of Manqishlaq and Qipchaq returned back, they began to attack the Uzbeks. Irtaq Inaq attacked them for some times and they came to an agreement to live peacefully. The Turkmen of aral who were the main forces of the chief vizier retuned back because the war had finished. The Turkmen of yamut became close with Abdulqazi, as a result the conflict between Irtaq Inaq and the ruler of Kharazm became worse. At that time the Turkmen of salar also revolted and they accused for it the chief vizier. Young ruler of Kharazem who believed easily and had no experience, ordered to execute Inas. Yamuts marched to Khive, Kakhand, Khazaraspa, Urgenj and plundered those cities. Abdul Qazi was obliged to appeal Nader shah. The shah ordered his nephew Aliqulu khan to suppress the revolt. Only in 1745 he could create peace in Kharazm.

The most dangerous of those revolts was Taghi khan Shirazli’s, the beylerbeyi of the province of Fars being against the shah.

…Recently Taghi khan was too satisfied with himself and pretended to be the shah. After occupying Muskat he had become much haughty and didn’t fulfill some orders of Nader shah. By the shah he was removed from the post, but beylerbeyi wasn’t going to return. He decided to revolt against his furious owner. On that purpose he sent a herald to Shiraz and wanted to get some news. He wanted to draw his assistant Kelbeli khan to his affairs. Taghi khan who had pitched his camp near Shiraz was waiting for Kelbeli khan’s coming. At last the guard came in the tent and informed about Kelbeli khan’s coming.

When the assistant entered, the beylerbeyi showed him a seat for to sit.

— How is the situation? –He asked.

From the voice of Taghi khan the assistant understood that he dropped a hint. He also had heard that the beylerbeyi wanted to revolt against Nader shah. He preferred to keep silence and decided to send a letter to the shah about it.

— Respected khan, you are aware of the situation better than me. You are the beylerbeyi of the province of Fars. –Kelbeli khan answered his question thus.

Taghi khan fidgeted for a while and looked at his assistant suspiciously:

— How can I know how the situation is. Somebody informed the shah against me and he called me back for I lost my confidence.

The assistant tried to make his warlord believe:

— You must return to the shah’s place, respected khan. If you don’t go it will be worse.

Beylerbeyi wanted to take him to his side:

— At any case the shah will punish us.

Kelbeli khan objected him:

— Why must he punish me? He had given you orders and you didn’t carry his orders.

Taghi khan wasn’t excepting him to give a curt reply like thus. He had forgotten that depending on nothing Kelbeli khan was Nader shah’s relative. He didn’t lose his hope. He thought that he could make him believe.

— You also will be punished side by side with me. Listen to me, Kelbeli khan, I have an idea.

— What idea?

Taghi khan told him his thought:

— I don’t want to obey Nader shah any more. I shall declare myself shah and appoint you the chief vizier. Kelbeli khan’s eyes dilated:

— Do you think what you are saying? Nader shah has a lot of soldiers, arms, supplies… He can turn you into dust. He may grind you in a mill like a wheat.

Those words didn’t affect the beylerbeyi:

— Nader shah is able to do nothing. I am also a warlord like him. All the province of Fars are my defenders. Besides, the head of the military sea forces, Rustem aga is in my side. That is to say the gulf of Kenger also would be under my power.

The assistant laughed. Taghi khan shrugged his shoulders:

— I don’t understand why you laugh, Kelbeli khan. Did I tell anything wrong?:

Kelbeli khan pulled himself and said:

— Excuse me, you said that Rustem aga is in your side, didn’t you?

— Yes!

— I laughed from that reason. Some days ago I met with Rustem aga in Gomburan. He told me some interesting news.

Taghi khan showed interest for his words:

— What did he tell? Which news he said?

— Though he didn’t tell me the main point of the matter, he said that strange events happened there. In order not to be punished by Nader shah ruthlessly it was necessary to leave.

— Then?

— He took his warships and left sailing Gomburan.

For Taghi khan it was new information. He understood that Kelbeli khan made Rustem aga give up his idea. Though Taghi khan flied into fury he didn’t show it. He asked quietly from Kelbeli khan:

— What is your thought about it?

The assistant wanted him to avoid from his idea:

— Respected beylerbeyi! I repeat again, our shah has mighty army, how can you fight against him? Give up your idea, don’ t make both you and us get into trouble. Nader shah may raze us to the ground!

Beylerbeyi understood that he wouldn’t be able to take his assistant to his side. It meant that there was one way-out. He stood up. Kelbeli khan also stood up. Taghi khan opened his arms to embrace him:

— Well done! Bravo! You didn’t betray our shah. I was examining you.

The assistant understood nothing.

— Were you examining me? You told me you wanted to revolt…

Beylerbeyi laughed:

— Yes, I wanted to examine you. Our shah had ordered himself- to examine both you and Rustem aga. Bravo! Both of you are devoted to the shah! Come near to me, let me embrace you once more!

Kelbeli khan who could understand nothing was struck dumb. Taghi khan approached him and embraced. He lapped his hands on his assistant “s back and said:

— Bravo! You didn’t betray our shah! But you betrayed me!

Suddenly Kelbeli khan felt pains on his left side. Till he could realize what was happening Taghi khan had thrust his poniard into his side for some times. Then he looked at the face of Kelbeli khan:

— The shah isn’t here, he is far. I am here. You were escaped from the fury of the shah, but you won’t be escaped from my fury!

Taghi khan moved off a little and pushed him with his left hand. Kelbeli khan fell on the floor like a stone. The beylerbeyi took his poniard and wiped, hid under his cloth, as if there had happened anything. He called his guard and asked to take the dead body of the assistant and to put everything in order in the room.

After some hours he received the herald came from Shiraz. The herald had brought good news:

— What news have you brought? — He asked.

The herald knew that Taghi khan might give him gifts for the news he brought. He praised himself and said;

— Very good news, Khan’s Majesty!

— With whom did you meet?

— I met with those whom you had asked. All of them are in your side! They promised that all the people of the province of Fars will be in your side. As soon as you begin the movement, they will render harmless the shah’s followers.

Taghi khan was pleased with his words, he asked:

— How is the state of mind of the people? Aren’t they afraid of?

— No, Khan’s Majesty! The people abuse Nader shah obviously even in the street, no one is afraid of him! Only a spark is needed for the people begin to revolt.

Taghi kgan said satisfied with himself:

— If the God pleases, I shall turn that spark into flame in the hearts. There will be such kind of fire in the province of Fars even the shah himself won’t be able to put out it.

Those who said that love and hatred were twins, but step brothers, they were not mistaken. The persons who once were very close to him, stood in opposite position, and there were fury in their eyes. Nader shah whom they hated was much mighty and ruthless than Nader shah whom once they loved.

On 16 th of January in 1744 Taghi khan revolted and moved forward towards Shiraz with a troop of two thousand and five hundred soldiers. When that news reached Shiraz, the people joined the rebels and killed the supporters, soldiers and officials of the shah.

As soon as Nader shah heard about the revolt, he sent order to Muhammed Huseyn khan Qirklhi who was the warlord of Avshars in Emman for to suppress the revolt of Taghi khan..

Muhammed Huseyn khan gathered troop in short time and went after the beylerbeyi. He reached him near the province of Fars, but instead of to attack him Muhammed Huseyn khan removed to Kazarun. Taghi khan saw that the way was open to Shiraz, he entered the city and declared himself an independent ruler…


“…. Mirze Muhammedali had returned from Shiraz- from Taghi khan’s place. While he was holding a talk with the beylerbeyi I had sent forty thousand soldiers to Shiraz from Kirman and Khorasan. The city was wholly encircled. It was already for some months that those soldiers under the headship of Muhammed Huseyn khan Qirkhli had closed entrance and exit to Shiraz. I could destroy the fortress of the city with cannons and could attack. I didn’t do thus, because Taghi khan had served me much. At the same the soldiers and the population of the city who were fighting in his side were my own subjects.

That is why I had sent Mirze Muhammedali to his place. Once I had taken an oath that depending on nothing I should never kill Taghi khan.

The messenger I had sent to him returned with empty hands:

— My shah, beylerbeyi has changed much. He isn’t Taghi khan you knew once.

— What does it mean “he has changed much”? — I asked.

— By God, my shah, he speaks affectedly, walks grandly, he is too satisfied with himself. …My shah, in one word, he behaves like the shah of Farsistan.

— Did you tell him my words?

The messenger shook his head affirming:

— Yes, I told, my shah!

— What did he say?

— He said that he wasn’t too foolish to fall into Nader shah’s trap. He said that he wasn’t in need of your giving a quarter and freedom, he would get freedom from the shah by force of sword.

I flied into rage, I stood up and began to walk up and down.

— Did he tell just like thus? — Once more I asked.

— Yes, my shah, he said like thus. Moreover…. – He didn’t want to continue…

I shouted at Mirze Muhammedali:

— What moreover?

His face turned white. He could finish the sentence:

— Moreover, he said that if the shah is courageous tell him come and take vengeance for his relative Kelbeli khan.

I cried furiously:

— Taghi, my vengeance will be more ruthless! I gave you a hand, I offered you to reconcile. Well, I shall show you!

I could hardly compose myself. After seeing off Mirze Muhammedali I called Murad. It appeared that as soon as he came in, he understood that I was too angry. He waited for me to speak firstly:

— Murad! — I said to him. — You must bring Taghi safe and sound from Shiraz. Don’t give him any chance to run! Is it clear?

— Yes, my shah!

— I need him alive. I shall show him such a “performance” that he won’t forget till he dies! His harem, sons, brothers must be near him! I shall show him the game of “future”!

If I didn’t punish him I wouldn’t forgive myself forever!


…After the encirclement lasted for four months and a half, on 21 st of June in 1744 the troops of Nader shah attacked. The attack was too strong that the defenders of the city couldn’t have any chance to defend themselves, and they surrendered. The soldiers were ordered to sack and plunder the city. All the homes were plundered. The half of the population were cut by sword. Two towers were built from the cut heads. Side by side with it, the illness of cholera was spreading quickly in the city and it put and end to the life of fourteen thousand persons.…

When the city was occupied, the special defending regiment of Murad were guarding everywhere. Though the harem and sons of Taghi khan were captivated, Taghi and his elder son couldn’t be found, as if they had disappeared. In order to find him each home in Shiraz was searched. There was no result. Those who went out from the doors of the Shiraz were examined one by one, the carts were examined. Murad was tired from searching for Taghi khan. Taghi khan didn’t want to go out from the place he hid himself. Murad decided to use cunning. He ordered to take special guarding groups not to stand at the doors of the city. He gave task to Avshars who were in the city not to interfere those who wanted to go out of the city, but not to let anyone enter Shiraz catching an excuse spreading of cholera. Taghi khan fell in the trap of Murad. In Shiraz there was lack of information because, they let no one enter the city. It was in favor of Murad. In a distance of two kilometers from the doors of the city Murad had set up stalls of guards. Depending on from which doors of the city persons went out they were examined in the stalls. Taghi khan supposed that danger was over, he decided to leave the city together with his elder son. They also wanted to leave the city because of spreading plague in Shiraz.

…..The cart of ox, full of people went out of the city and was going towards Bender Abbas. One old man was riding the cart. In the cart there were five women covered with yashmak and one child. Hadn’t they gone two kilometers they saw the stall of guard. The armed soldier cried:

— Stop!

The cart stopped.

The soldier asked them from a distance:

— Is there any ill person in the cart?

The only man riding the cart as if answered whimpering:

— No, I beseech you, if there was somebody infected with illness how could we remain alive?

One of the soldiers asked showing the women covered with yashmak:

— Who are these women?

The old man said without changing his way of speaking:

— This child is my grandchild. – Two of these women are my daughters, the other is my wife.

— Who are there other two women?

— I took them while going out of the city, I beseech you. They begged me to take them or they would die because of illness. Most of our men died. I took them to the cart. I don’t carry them on my back, if there is place in the cart why not to take them?

They soldiers didn’t suspect anything. They said to the women who dropped their eyes:

— Get off, we shall have a look at the cart.

The old man wanted to object:

— I beseech you, is there any need to have a look? The inner of the cart is seen both from outside and inside.

One of the soldiers raised his voice:

— Hi, old man, don’t ague in vain, get off!

The women got off. The soldiers examined the cart. One of the soldiers who was looking into the big sack in the corner of the cart, turned towards the women and said:

— You may get on.

He was standing behind of them and was looking them get on. Suddenly there was unbelievable situation, one of the women didn’t look a like a woman. So, one of the women wanted to catch the wood of the cart and get on. At that time the ankle of that women who was stooping was seen. The soldier couldn’t believe his eyes. The women covered with yashmak had put on boots of men.

The soldier didn’t lose himself, he pulled the trigger of his rifle and cried:

“Stop!” The women were confused, nobody understood what had happened. Hearing the soldier’s crying the other soldiers came running. “What has happened?” — they asked.

The soldier lined up the women:

— Line up and take off your yashmaks!

The old man wanted to object him:

— Hi, my son, don’t blaspheme! Can you agree to show your mother and sister to others?

His words didn’t influence him:

— Don’t blabber, old man, I am an employee of the shah! — The soldier raised his rifle and aimed towards the women. –I asked you to take off your yashmaks, or I shall shoot!

The soldiers were looking at them with interest. The old man had no way-out, he turned towards the women:

— Let the God punish them! Took off your yashmaks!

The three women who were the old man’s daughters and wife took of their yashmaks, and after showing their faces they covered their yashmaks again.

The other soldiers made a joke with that soldier:

— Hi, Gulali! We think you want to be whipped! Maybe your death hour has come, let these poor women go!

The soldier insisted again. His rifle was still on his breast. He ordered the two women who didn’t want to show their faces:

— I am counting till three… If you don’t show your faces I shall shoot at you! One… Two…

One of the persons covered with yashmak took of the yashmak. For a moment all were struck dumb. A man was under the yashmak. The soldiers immediately surrounded and arrested them. When the news reached Murad, he came to the place the event had happened. One of the men whom the soldiers couldn’t know was Taghi khan the other was his elder son….

….In the entering of Isfahan the people were preparing for the coming of Taghi khan. Especially there were the group of drum players. The people brought baskets of eggs, tomatoes. At that time there was a mockery game of “future”. The people loved that game very much. Those who were against the shah or pretended to be the shah but failed, their future was thus. The mockery of

“future” always ended with the meanness of the target.

The drums were played. Somebody cried:

— They bring our “future”.

The people immediately lined up along both of the sides of the gate of the city. The former beylerbeyi was caused to sit on a mangy donkey, his head was baldly cut. His harem, sons and daughters, relatives were coming after him. At that time the drums were thundering. On the bald head of the beylerbeyi were adhered two tails of foxes. The appearance was ugly. When the people saw him they frightened.

While Taghi khan was passing through the people, they dropped him a hint.

Somebody cried:

— My God, protect us from such kind of “future”!

The other one set a dog on him:

— There is a fox… Alabash, (the name of the dog) catch him!

As if the dog was waiting for it, the dog opened its large mouth and attacked Taghi khan. If the owner of the dog didn’t pull the chain of the dog in time it would tear Taghi khan.

The other one took a basket of eggs and approached him;

— Hi, “our future”, I have brought “your soldiers” Raise your …and allow me put under your..

Taghi khan didn’t stir up. Two persons came up to him and raised him from the back of the donkey. They put the basket eggs on the back of the donkey and Taghi khan made sit on the basket of eggs.

— Well, after some time our “future” will hatch.

The people enjoyed from the comedy. The voice of the drums mixed the voice of laughter.

The family of the former beylerbeyi was also the target of laughter.

Somebody cried:

— Hi, people, we must feed our “future” for to show the hens his strength.

The people threw them tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs, eggplants, pumpkin. The members of “future” were dyed in red, white, yellow colors. At last, they entered the city. The great misfortune was waiting for them.

Nader shah had promised not to kill Taghi khan. He sent orders to Isfahan. The former beylerbeyi was castrated and one of his eyes was pulled out. His three sons and one brother were executed before his eyes. The rest of his family were sold like slaves. In the cell of prison before the only eye of Taghi khan his lovely wife was undressed, and was given to the use of his trusted six grown soldiers. Those soldiers who were ordered to be executed were chosen with their own wishes. They hoped that they would be freed alive, that is why before the eyes of Taghi khan, they commit rape to his wife. The miserable woman passed away under the next soldier. The heart of the khan didn’t break. He adopted all the infamy like his worthy punishment. The soldiers who commit rape were plunged into the end of the shaved prop, they also died in a day. But Taghi khan won the confidence of the shah with somehow way and rose to the post of the chief treasurer and the ruler of the province of Kabil. He found the members of his family who had remained alive and again began to live together..

…Muhammed Hasan khan Qajar, one of the sons of Fatali khan who was executed in 1726 revolted in Astarabad in 1744, and occupied the city. At that time under his power there were about one thousand Turkmen of yamut and two thousand fighters of Qajar. Some stocks of Qajar remained near him after threatening. The representative of the government of Astarabad, Muhammed Zaman khan Yukharibashli was from Qajars and their fathers were deadly enemies. That is why as soon as Muhammed khan Qajar entered the city, the representative of the government ran.

Firstly, the rebels set up connection with the neighboring province and wanted them to join the rebels. The ruler of the neighboring province answered them like following: “We have been accustomed to sleep on the blanket and mattress made us by ourselves, not on others ‘s!”

Getting that information, Nader shah ordered the warlord of the forces of Kelat and Ashqabad to suppress the revolt in Astarabad.

The fight took part in one kilometer’s distance from the city. Firstly, the rebels gained the upper hand over the troops of the shah. But in the heat time of the fight, some regiments of the stock of Qajar who by force were in the side of rebels, passed to the side of Behbud khan. By it the fate of the fight was solved. Muhammed Hasan khan Qajar ran to the north- to the desert together with his hundred supporters.

Behbud khan who entered Astarabad punished ruthlessly who were in the side of rebels.

After some months the rebels made efforts to throw into confusion in Kharazm. Though Muhammed Hasan khan Qajar together with his supporters of Turkmen of yamut called the people to revolt, the nephew of the shah, Aliqulu khan and Behbud khan could achieve to prevent the revolt. In one of the fights he called Behbud khan to face to face fight and wounded Behbud khan. As a result Muhammed Hasan khan was defeated and ran to the desert again and for a long time he lived there a vagrant life.



Muhammed aga who was sent to Istanbul to assert the treaty of peace agreed by Ahmed pasha, the ruler of Baghdad at last, was received by the chief vizier Hasan pasha. In fact, Hasan pasha postponed the time of reception knowingly. Because between Ottomans and Nader shah peace was announced, and it was necessary to prolong the time. From the other side Topqapi thought that Ahmed pasha together with the shah of Avshar could be in political and military alliance against the Sultan. Though Istanbul had empowered the ruler of Baghdad for to carry on peace negotiations, the authority of Ahmed pasha was under question for some times. Side by side with it he was the commander-in-chief of the south troops.

After Muhammed aga showed Hasan pasha the text of the treaty, the chief vizier read the document given to him and put it aside:

— Do you think that the Sultan’s Majesty will assert the document signed by the scientists, by Ahmed pasha and Nader shah?

Muhammed aga didn’t know what to say to him:

— Respected chief vizier, I don’t know it! I was asked to deliver this document to Topqapi. Ahmed pasha has been carrying on negotiations with Avshars according to the empowering given him by you. Peace has been announced between them. Nader shah withdrew his troops and left the lands of Ottomans.

The chief vizier laughed ironically:

— Topqapi will never assert such kind of treaty.

Muhammed aga wanted to clear up something;

— Istanbul had allowed to prepare that document. If it is thus, it will damage the authority of Ahmed pasha.

Hasan pasha raised his voice:

— How do you think, the authority of the empire of Ottoman must be lower than the authority of the ruler of Baghdad?

— I don’t want to tell like thus, Hasan pasha. Of course, the authority of each of us is nothing near the authority of the state. Let our life be sacrificed for the state.

The chief vizier wanted to favor with Muhammed aga to soothe Ahmed pasha. He knew that the person sent by the ruler of Baghdad would tell him everything after he returned back.

In the present situation he didn’t have to hurt or give umbrage to Ahmed pasha. That is why he decided to speak him some points:

— Muhammed aga, according to you, when did Nader shah begin the struggle of faith?

— As I know since he was elected the shah.

The chief vizier affirmed the answer:

— It is right, Kurultay was held in Mughan, in the day when he was elected shah. For eight years he resorts to all means of pressure, including the wars for the faith of Jafari accepted by our side. He doesn’t move off in this problem. The number of pressure and threatening are endless. How do you think, does he want that faith with all his heart?

Muhammed aga shrugged his shoulders:

— I don’t know exactly. When I met with him he told me about the reason of it.

The chief vizier looked at him attentively:

— What did he say?

— He said that for hundred years the world of Islam and Turkish are tired of the wars of Sunnite and Shiite. He said that by adopting the faith of Jafari of Shiite he wanted to put an end to the religious conflicts and wars.

— You see, how fine, warm words he say. Do you know to what Nader shah strive for?

Muhammed aga confessed that he knew nothing more about it:

— I don’t know, respected Hasan pasha!

The chief vizier said proudly:

— The difference between you and us is in it. We think about the state, we want to co-ordinate its political, economical, religious, spiritual sides. But you think only abut the result of any fight. Is the difference clear to you?

— It is clear, respected chief vizier! You didn’t say for what Nader shah strove?

He thought a little and then he said only one word:

— For Caliphate!

Muhammed aga understood nothing. He gave another question:

— Caliphate? Sultan’s Majesty is also our caliph.

— It is thus. By putting an end to the difference of faith, Nader shah strives for caliphate. If we accept this faith like the fifth column in Caaba, at that time his way to caliphate is opened. We mustn’t give way to it!

— I understand that, respected Hasan pasha, this treaty won’t be asserted like other treaties.

— Yes, you understood rightly. Except the religious problems we may come to an agreement with Avshars in any problems and sign a peace treaty. If the God pleases, it will be thus in future too.

Muhammed aga also said “if the God pleases” and asked the chief vizier:

— What must Ahmed pasha answer to the messenger of Avshars?

— Tell Ahmed pasha whatever I told you. Let him write a letter to Nader shah and inform him that Topqapi doesn’t believe him anymore.

When Muhammed aga was seen off, the chief vizier Hasan pasha signed a order to concentrate the troops to the east frontiers. At the same time he sent news to the pasha of the fortress of Qars to assist to Sefi Mirze (he was already the second one) who was the pretender to the throne of Safavid. In his turn, the pasha of the fortress of Qars sent letters to the stocks and famous courtiers who were situated in the borders of Avshars. He called them not to obey Nader shah in order to reinstate the throne of Safavids.


“…. I celebrated Novruz holiday in Hemedan. At that time near me there were distinguished troop of thirty thousand fighters. Troop of thirty thousand fighters were in Irevan, troop of thirty five thousand were in Shirvan, twenty thousand were in Shiraz, twenty thousand were in Khorasan and ten thousand I kept in India. In order to suppress the revolts inside of the country I had decided to attack them at the same time. I did how I had thought and soon the revolts were suppressed.

From the camp near Hemedan I went to Abkhara. There I was met by the ruler of Irevan whom I had sent to Qars. I had got information that the pasha of Qars (false) assisted to the second (false) Sefi Mirze. On the eve of asserting the treaty of peace, I couldn’t understand the reasons of it. In order to learn its reasons I sent the ruler of Irevan to Qars.

Muhammed khan Qaramanli who entered the tent, bowed at me. I was in high spirits, that is why I asked the ruler of Irevan merrily:

— Well, what news in Qars?

— My shah, when I was there, I understood that Ottomans were preparing for a new war!

As if he wanted to spoil my mood. I understood nothing. I looked at him surprisingly:

— What does it mean “they are preparing for the war”?

Muhammed khan Qaramanli felt that the lines of my face changed, he lost himself for a while:

— My shah, -He said. — To tell the truth, when I was in Qars I observed the preparation for war, that is to say, laying in food, placing of additional military forces made me think thus. Then the answers of the pasha of the fortress strengthened my conclusion.

— What did the pasha of the fortress tell you and you came to that conclusion?

Muhammed khan Qaramanli began to speak thoroughly about his meeting with that pasha.

— My shah, Hafiz bey didn’t meet me badly. But when he knew that I was sent by you he was out of humor.

— Why? –I asked surprisingly.

— I don’t know, my shah! I asked him why he assisted to the false heir when there was holding peace negotiations between two countries.

I broke his words impatiently:

— What did he answer?

— My shah, he told me that no news was informed him from Istanbul about holding of peace negotiations. He said that he was lack of news about that. He said that, on the contrary, he got order to assist Sefi Mirze.

I jumped out furiously:

— Well, -I said. -I shall show both to him and his false successor to the throne!

I understood that Topqapi doesn’t want to assert the treaty which we signed with Ahmed pasha. It was for some times that the Sultan was deceiving me. That is why I decided to approach to the borders of Ottomans from the north-west. Sooner or later they obliged me to enter Istanbul! They would reproach me in the history. I had already begun to justify Shah Ismayil. I had to put an end to all these! Only the God was witness that I didn’t want to wipe out the second Turkish state from the history. If I wanted, I would carry out it during my previous marching, and then all those wouldn’t happen.

The herald of Teymuraz reached me in Qori. He got off the horse, fell on his knees and bowed at me:

— My shah, give me gifts for good news! I have good news from Teymuraz!

I looked at my courtiers who were in front of my tent.

— I shall give you gifts, -I said. — Tell me the good news!

The herald said joyfully;

— My shah, Teymuraz and his son Irakli caught Sefi Mirze whose nose was cut.

— What? Did they catch Sefi Mirze? — I looked at the ruler of Irevan- Muhammed khan Qaramanli. He lost himself. – They told me that Sefi Mirze was in the fortress of Qars.

The herald spoke like a sinful person:

— I don’t know, my shah, I was asked to tell you just like thus.

I called the ruler of Irevan to come to me. He came up to me. I asked him angrily:

— Did you see Sefi Mirze with your own eyes? –I asked him.

Muhammed khan Qaramanli shook his head affirming my words:

— Yes, my shah, I saw him!

— Was his nose cut?

— No, my shah, he had a nose.

— “It appears that this one is the first Sefi Mirze who revolted in Ardabil and in Shirvan” –I thought. “He who is in Qars is the second Sefi Mirze. If it is thus I must give unexpected ‘gift’ to Hafiz bey”.

— Very well, -I said. — If it is thus, tell my order to Teymuraz. – To pull out one eye of Sefi Mirze whose nose was cut and to send him to the pasha of the fortress of Qars together with soldiers of Ottoman. Let Hafiz bey differentiate which of them would be “the successor to the throne”.

The herald put his right hand on his heart and said:

— All, right, my shah! –I shall tell your order to Teymuraz how you said.

I felt that he wasn’t going to go. “Maybe he is waiting for to get gifts for his good news.”

— Give the herald twenty Naderi and one golden cloth for his news! — I raised my voice.

After some minutes those things were given to the herald.

The herald said:

— Let your life be long, my shah! — But he didn’t stir.

— What else do you want? –I asked him.

The herald said as if there had happened nothing:

— I have once more good news, my shah!

I understood that he didn’t tell all the news at once for to get more gifts. I laughed to the trickery of the herald:

— Hi, cunning, I think you have found the way of how to become rich. Tell, me your good news!

He told immediately :

— My shah, the regiments of Alikhan bey- the ruler of Tiflis, the regiments of Teymuraz and Irakli together with the troops of Avshar inflicted a defeat on the army of Yusif pasha near Aqkhal Sixa.

Just it was real good news for me. I was so glad that I looked at the warlords and courtiers standing near tent, and told them:

— Victory must be like thus! Give forty Naderi to the herald!

The herald took money and said:

— Let your treasure never be empty, my shah! I haven’t finished yet.

At that time I roared with laughter. Really, the good news brought by the herald made me glad.

— Hi, avaricious herald, I think today you want me be bankrupt. Well, how will you carry so much gold? — I made a joke with him. – I shall give you gifts, tell me news!

The herald continued to admire me cold-bloodedly:

— My shah, the ruler of Tiflis, Alikhan bey and Teymuraz bey have captured a great sum of money after defeating Yusif pasha. The money had to be sent to Lezgis.

That news really made me glad.

— Well done, my warlords! — I said. I turned towards the herald and said merrily:- Haven’t you any news to make me bankrupt?

— No, my shah, I told you all the news!

— Give the herald hundred Naderi for his good news!

He thanked me:

— Let your treasure always be full, my shah!

After the news I decided to praise my Georgian supporters. I presented to Teymuraz the lands of Kartli, to Irakli I presented the lands of Kakhetiya.

I directed from Qori towards Qars.

At the end of May I pitched my camp in the south of the fortress. Though the defenders of the fortress attacked us for some times they were obliged to remove after ruthless resistance. At last, I encircled the fortress of Qars wholly. I had taken four thousand workers from Tiflis, I ordered them to change the course of the river running near the fortress, for the defenders in the fortress remain without water. When the workers wanted to change the course of the river, Ottomans prevented them.

It was getting cold, that was why I took the encirclement and crossed the river of Arpachay and went to Aghkhal Kelek, from there I came to Barda for to spend the winter. While I was resting in Barda, I remembered that Teymuraz had captured the great sum of money and given to me which was sent by the Sultan for to be given to Lezgiz. Till that time I couldn’t prove the relations of Lezgis with Ottomans. Each time the head of the stock of Lezgis, Omer khan did his best to prove me that they had no relations with Istanbul, and as if it was only gossiping of enemies. Then the great sum of money was neat argument. In order to prove it, there needed to use cunning. Each time in my difficult situation I used to remember nobody except, Murad. I called Murad.

— Murad khan, — I said. – You know that the north of Shirvan was never quiet. I have an idea to take there under my control. That is why I give you a task. Up from Balaken they have a centre named Tlyarata. The head of them Omer khan lives in that small city. From the name of the messenger of Ottoman you must carry him the money confiscated from Yusif pasha. This time we must prove him their relations with Istanbul. Prepare seriously.

Murad listened to me attentively and then he said: “All right, my shah!”

I also liked political tricks, but the most honorable for me was to solve the problem manly, with fortitude and in the fight. It is pity for my rivals there was not criterion of manliness but the interests of the government…”


Murad khan and twenty soldiers dressed like the soldiers of Ottomans and left for Balaken with money loaded to two camels. Near that city towards the mountains, in the north there was situated the small city of Tlyarata. In fact, that territory was territory of neither Avshar nor Ottomans. But to all the Lezgiz living in Azerbaijan the order was given from there. Though Nader shah and late Ibrahim khan met with Omer khan for some times in their presence he supported them, but as soon as he returned to the small city he did how he wanted. Omer khan tried to be seen between Ottomans-Avshars like an independent power. The head of the stock who got money from the two sides for years, preferred superior the interests of the state which gave him much money. Though Nader shah doubted Omer khan, he never had neat argument.

In spite of falling snow on the mountains Murad wanted to go towards the north. The owner of the inn in which they remained in Balaken, was disappointed when knew that he was going to the small city of Lezgis. He gave Murad a question which wouldn’t be answered:

— What for are you going there? They fight either in the side of the Sultan or in the side of the shah. Both of the stocks are Turks, but they don’t take into consideration that most of the people of Balaken are Ottomans like you, but you fight against one another. You rely on the people of Balaken, at that time we shall never let them come here.

Murad kept silent at the question of the owner of the inn. His question was right. He didn’t know instead of which side to answer him. At last, he gathered all his strength and tried to answer him in the dialect of Ottoman:

— My Efandi, it is my duty! They ask me to go and I must go. They ask me to stop and I must stop!

The owner of the inn understood his situation and said:

— Murad bey, (Murad had presented himself in his own name) — I understand that you are in bad situation. It is necessary to put an end to it.

Murad smiled:

— I promise you. The day will come what you wish will be true.

During some days they remained in Balaken, Murad spoke sweetly in the dialect of Ottoman, behaved kindly with the people, that is why the people of Balaken liked him much. All his soldiers could speak in the dialect of Ottoman very well, the people believed that they had come from Istanbul. Murad wanted it to be thus. In an underhand way Murad had learned that Omer khan had enough scouts in Balaken. Ottomans’ remaining like guests in a small city meant that who lived all around would hear that news. Murad didn’t hide where he was going, with whom he spoke or met, he said that he was the guest of Omer khan and was going to his place. He had a special purpose. Firstly, all the people would be aware of that Omer khan had guests from Istanbul, the head of the stock wouldn’t hide it. Secondly, even Omer khan refused from the money he brought him, it would be possible to prove him his relations with Nader shah….

…At any case Omer khan would fall into a trap.

Omer khan also had got information from Balaken. The guests whom he was waiting for were too late. His guests had to come on the summer months, but they were late four-five months.

Big flakes of snow was falling. The roofs of the houses, streets, mountains, forest, trees- in one word, all around was covered with snow. The branches of the trees were bent under the load of the trees. Only the children were glad seeing snow. They were skiing, playing snow-balls.

Omer khan was sitting at the window and was looking at the children crying merrily. According to the information he got from Balaken, Ottomans were on the way. “If on such a snow-storm Ottomans have come here, it means that they need me much. I must rise the price a little.” — Omer khan who was lost in thoughts at the window was thinking like thus.

At that time at the gate there stopped about twenty horsemen and two camels. He couldn’t believe his eyes. “Ottomans” came.

Omer khan called his servants:

— Hi, boys, go to the gate! Lay the table!

The servants began to run here and there. Four-five servants ran to the yard and pulled the bridles of the horses. Murad got off the horse, took off his cap with ear flaps, and cleaned the snow of his cap. Then he shook his sheep skin coat. The flakes of snow on his clothes flied into air and fell on the snow on the ground. The servants invited them home as soon as they got off the horses:

— My Efandi, you are welcome! Please, come in!

They took the loads on the camels and brought home. Murad came in the room where there was a stove. The room was too hot. Murad greeted the man who was in the room. Omer khan hadn’t sat down yet. He was at the window and was standing towards the door, that is why he was face to face with Murad and looked at him attentively:

— Aleykumselam, you are welcome! But I can’t know you.

When the load of Ottomans had been captured, Murad had questioned them much. “In order to make Omer khan believe you, it is enough to show him the ring of the Sultan on which is written “Qazi Osman”. The head of the group had told Murad those words and had given Murad that ring.

The head of the stock seeing that Murad kept silence, he suspected, but he didn’t tell Murad about his suspicion:

— Each time Jeylan bey used to come here. — I see you for the first time.

— The affairs of the state are too many, Istanbul doesn’t know whom to send. This time they have sent me. Maybe you want me to return? Will you return back the guest in such a snow-storm? — Murad said to him.

Omer khan was a bit upset from Murad’s words. Really, it wasn’t polite there to question a guest. The head of the stock fussed:

— Astaghfurullah! I beseech both the God and the guest! By God, excuse me, sit down. – He turned towards the servants. – Be quick, lay the table!

Murad sat down and said:

— Our chief vizier Hasan pasha had told me that Omer khan suspects everything. It is right, you knew Jeylan bey, that is why he didn’t show you the ring each time. I must show you the ring for I have come for the first time.

Murad took the ring and reached out it to Omer khan. The head of the stock took the ring and looked at its inner side. When he read the words of

“Qazi Osman” he smiled.

— You didn’t tell me your name, my Efandi. What is your name? –He asked Murad.

— My name is Murad.

Omer khan gave the ring back and embraced Murad:

— You are welcome, Murad Efandi, you are welcome!

According to the traditions of Ottomans, Murad touched his cheeks on his face for three times.

Omer khan wanted to order to bring meals but Murad khan stopped him:

— Respected khan, firstly affairs, then meals.

Omer khan lapped his hands:

— I understand.

The guest stood up and asked the four soldiers come in. They were waiting at the door.

— Come in, soldiers!

The soldiers came in taking four tiny trunks. They put the trunks full of money on the table and left quietly. Murad opened the covering of the trunks one by one and said to Omer khan:

— Come and count and check!

Omer khan objected:

— Why to count, Murad Efandi! You say that I don’t believe the old Sultan’?

The guest didn’t insist much:

— How you want. – He put a paper on the table. – Please, press you finger on this paper. Try to understand me! I must report that really you got the money sent to you.

Omer khan smiled.

— I understand, Murad Efandi! In fact, I always press such kind of papers. — He pressed the paper his finger and returned it back. – Please, I pressed my finger! Tell me, what must I do?

Murad smiled and hid the paper under his clothes.

— You must go down Shirvan and plunder there. You must incite the people to revolt against Nader shah. The main point is to avoid his attention from us.

— How much time have I? –Omer khan asked.

— Not later than one month. Within thirty days you must be ready to attack.

Murad wasn’t mistaken while telling the time. Because he knew that not later than a week Nader shah would be in Shaki, and Omer khan wouldn’t have enough time to prepare against him.

Omer khan thought for a while. He objected the guest for to rise the price.

— No, he said.-In such a snow-stormy weather it will be difficult for my soldiers to go to Shirvan.

— Why?

— We, Lezgis usually don’t move anywhere from our hot place, we sit near stove. We drink wine of cornel and sleep at home!

Murad understood that Omer khan is a greedy man. In order to gain much he doesn’t avoid from slandering Lezgis.

The guest gave hope to Omer khan:

— You begin, if you gain success, — he looked at the trunk, you will get as much as this trunk.

— I shall try for my respect to you and my hate to Avshars.

Though Murad was insulted he had a patience.

— Well, order the servants to bring meal!


“…. I was in Barda on the sixth of December. Six months ago I had decided to spend the winter there. I didn’t remain there, I left for Shaki for I had arranged with Murad. I crossed the river of Kur from the bridge of Javad, I divided the army into four parts and went to Shaki. Chelebi khan who had attacked me was still in the fortress of “Gelersen-Gorersen”. I didn’t send any group to fight against him. My main problem was to wreak vengeance with Omer khan, that is why I didn’t want to spend time to other problems. According to the information given by Murad even if the head of the stock wanted to prepare for my sudden coming he wouldn’t. I called Omer khan to Shaki. It is right, Shaki was far from Tlyarta. But Omer khan passed through Balaken, Ilusu and came to Shaki without suspecting anything. I greeted him merrily because once he had taken an oath to Koran for to be devoted to me.

A big table was laid. The Turks of the north territories loved the wine of cornel and mulberry, that is why I had put both kinds of wine on the table. On the table there could be found everything. Knowingly, I had ordered to be there nobody except me and the guest. The defending guard came in and informed about Omer khan’s coming. I ordered to let him enter the room. I was sitting at the up of the long table. Except the servants none of the courtiers were allowed to enter the room. Omer khan came in and bowed at me:

— Let the life of our shah be long! Is it for good you called me in the middle of winter, Your Majesty?

I showed him my left side for to sit. He sat down.

— I called you for good. — I thought that Shaki has special beauty in winter.

Omer khan dropped a hint:

— My shah, if you wanted to see beauty you had better to come to our small city. Now there are very good places…

I confessed :

— Still your places are not considered the territory of Azerbaijan. My going there means war. Do you understand it?

— Yes, I understand, my shah! I wanted to show you my hospitality.

I snapped my fingers and hinted the servants to pour the wine of mulberry. When the bowls were full, I raised it and said: “You are welcome, Omer khan”, and I drank off the pure wine of mulberry. After drinking the wine I felt as if I had swallowed a fiery balloon. That fire as if passed through my stomach and came till my fingers of feet, and retuned back again. As if a fiery balloon was in each point of my body. But my guest drank off the wine and put the bowl on the table as if he drank water. It seemed that he was accustomed.

I filled the spoon with caviar of white fish and began to eat. I said smacking my mouth:

— I hear some words about you, Omer khan!

The head of the stock whose cheeks reddened either because of the wine of mulberry or the heat of stove, answered:

— My shah, don’t believe these words! –Whatever I had promised to you I keep my promise worthily.

I smiled.

— Yes, the problem of worth is difficult matter, Omer khan.

He understood nothing. He saw that the servant poured wine into bowl, he took the bowl and said:

— My shah, if I am sinful chop my head. Though I am not in your territory I serve you worthily. Let the life of our shah be long! — He drank off the wine.

I again smiled and snapped my fingers. They brought a piece of paper on the tray and put at him. Omer khan could realize nothing.

— What is it, my shah? — He asked surprisingly.

I said cold-bloodedly as if there had happened nothing:

— It is the paper on which you pressed your finger instead of the money you got from Ottomans.

Omer khan’s face turned white but he didn’t lose himself:

— It is slander, my shah! It is smear, my shah! They want set at variance with you! Don’t believe the words of enemy, my shah! They want set at variance with you!

I calmed him:

— Be quiet, Omer khan1 I also thought that they wanted to set at variance with you. – I smiled again and snapped my fingers.

The servant came in a tray in his hand. He put the tray at Omer khan. There was a ring on the tray.

He saw the familiar ring and lost himself:

— What is it? -He asked.

— It is a ring.

— Which ring?

— The ring on which there is written the name of “Qazi Osman”.

I felt that Omer khan was persisting on.

— I have nothing to do with this ring.

— Omer khan you have nothing to do with this ring, but this ring has something to do with the money you got from Ottomans.

Omer khan pushed the chair with his body, stood up, and put his hand on his sword and said:

— My shah, though I am not your subject I respect you much! — If you called me here for to insult me you had to warn me beforehand.

I didn’t get angry. It appeared that a bowl of wine had quieted my nerves.

I didn’t change the way of my speaking:

— Sit down, Omer khan! — I said. — I haven’t an idea to insult you. Simple, I want to clear up the relations of our friendship.

He quieted a bit and sat down:

— Of course, it is good, my shah! To consider me sinful in friendship is injustice.

— Do you think just like thus? — I gave him a sudden question.

Omer khan didn’t lose himself.

— Yes, my shah! All the Lezgis are your supporters. Wherever you reach out your finger they will go there.

I asked surprisingly:

— Is it so?

He answered also surprisingly:

— Yes, my shah!

That time I didn’t smile. I roared with laughter. The head of the stock understood nothing.

— My shah, did I use a wrong word? — He asked in surprise.

I stopped my laughing and said seriously:

— No, you didn’t use a wrong word, Omer khan! But….

Knowingly I broke off. He didn’t have a patience seeing my pause.

— But…. What do you want to say, my shah?

— Nothing.

I again snapped my fingers. Murad came in dressed like Ottomans. As soon as Murad entered the room, the face of Omer khan turned white. He jumped out and asked. “Murad Efandi?! Why are you here?”

— Murad Efandi? — I cried. He isn’t Efandi. He is the chief of my defending service.

Omer khan understood that he had fallen into a trap. He fell on his knees and crept towards me:

— My shah, forgive me, it is my mistake. I take an oath on Koran, I shan’t do such kind of mistakes.

I didn’t want to kill him.

— Stand up, Omer khan! –I said. I shall forgive you under one condition that the heads of all your stocks must take an oath on Koran for to obey me. Or I shall kill all the Lezgis.

— Order me, my shah! Whatever you say we shall obey you!

— On one condition!

— I am ready to fulfill any of your condition!

— You will victual the army with meat. The army is coming to Shirvan.

Omer khan took a breath quietly:

— All right, my shah! It isn’t difficult for us.

After a week all the stocks of Lezgiz took an oath on Koran- Kerim for to obey me- to Nader shah Avshar.

After remaining three months in Shaki I left for the summer pastures of Goyje of Irevan. They told me that Dada Qorqud from Oghuz Turks lived there two thousand years ago. Qara Yusif from Qaraqoyunlu was always proud of with Goyje. Our nice motherland was endless. Each of its side is beautiful and grandiose! I thought that how good that once I didn’t agree with katalikos for the Armenians move to those places…”


In summer of 1745 Yegen pasha was appointed the commander-in-chief of the front of north. As soon as he was appointed he went to Qars from Arzurum. Yegen pasha passed the borders of Avshar with hundred thousand troopers and forty thousand yanicher. Firstly, everything ended successfully. He defeated small groups of Avshar and moved forward Irevan.

On the seventh of August, Nader shah pitched his camp in the place named Murad Tepe not far from Irevan and he began to prepare for to defeat the attacks of Ottomans. How good that Ottomans had attacked firstly and the history would reproach them.

Decisive fight began on the eleventh of August.

Different from the previous fights, that time Ottomans waged war like Europeans. Before the fight began, cannons shelled from the both sides. Then Ottomans attacked by bayonets. Both Avshars and Ottomans were moving forward one another not paying attention those who fell after shooting, or those who were crying. At last, the fight of with bayonet began. Whomever the fighters saw, they thrust into bayonet. It was only the blood of Turks which was on the fighting area. Both of the sides who were killing one another were speaking in Turkish language.

— Alas, you wounded me!

— Hi, Qizilbash, just now the ground will be dyed with your blood!

— Abi, don’t shoot at me! I have no gun!

— Come here, I shall show you!

….Two soldiers were fighting against each other ruthlessly. Each time they reached out their bayonets they used bad language. The soldier of Avshar prepared his bayonet for attack:

— Well, the child of Ottoman bitch! I shall kill you just now!

The soldier of Ottoman prepared for to defeat the attack and answered him abusing:

— Your mother is bitch! If you can kill me!

The soldier of Avshar heard the words of the soldier of Ottoman when he was going to thrust the bayonet into his heart. He stopped and said:

— Hi, my brother, to my mind, there is no word of “bitch” in your language. The soldier of Ottoman also put his bayonet aside.

— I know… (he said in dialect)

To speak in a dialect seemed both of them strange.

— Hi, brother, where are you from?

— I am from Sherur, from the village of Tanenem! Where are you from?

— Hi, I am from Iqdir. Whose son are you in Tanenem?

— I am grandchildren of Qafar. Whose son are you?

— I am great- great grandson of Muhammed Ali from the estates of Sherur in Iqdir.

— Hi, you speak about Muhammed Ali from Tanenem?

— Of course!

Both of them threw their arms on the ground and embraced each other.

— Are you the grandson of my uncle?

— You are grandson of my uncle!

They embraced each other as if the war had finished. They paid no attention to the crying, shooting, groaning of wounded soldiers. It was the tragedy of one nation! A brother was fighting against his brother!…

At last, Nader shah ordered to beat drums for Avshars withdraw. The soldiers in the fighting area at once began to withdraw. As soon as they removed the cannons began to shell. Ottomans who were in open area died like locusts.

When the shelling stopped, the troopers of Nader shah began to attack. Ottomans withdrew to their trenches….


“…. After that victory I could kill Ottomans till the last soldier. I didn’t do thus. Because they also were Turks.

At that time a herald came from my son Nasrullah whom I had sent to Mosul. Near Mosul he had defeated Ottomans completely. I was glad for the victory of my son. Different from Rzaqulu I believed that Nasrullah would be great warlord in future. The herald whom I had sent for to announce my son’s victory to Ottomans returned back, he got off the horse and fell on knees:

— My shah, Ottomans kill one another.

I understood nothing.

— What do you want to say? –I asked surprisingly.

— When I reached there I was approaching the tent of Yegen pasha. I heard the shooting. I couldn’t tell him about the victory of Nasrullah khan in Mosul. Some persons went out of the tent and fenced their guns. Then they cried:

“Brothers, Yegen pasha makes two Turks kill each other. Both Ottomans and Qizilbashs are Turks”.

I thanked the God. “Thanks to the God, at last, they began to think like me”. Though I told thus in myself, I gave other question to the herald:

— What happened then?

The herald answered in a hurry:

— My shah, they left everything, that is to say, the cannons and rear. There are not Ottomans in Qars any more.

The news brought by the herald shook me. Really, I didn’t want to fight against them. Then they were in such situation that if I wanted I could occupy the whole Anatolia. But I didn’t do it. Maybe they wouldn’t do like me! I think using my weakening a little they would impose upon it and rout the country. I think, not all of them were thus. The news brought by the herald informed about it. The victory on Ottomans wouldn’t please me like my victory in Baghdad. I needed to sign peace treaty with them. I wanted to be sure that they wouldn’t trust sword from behind, then I wanted to go to China. Each time Istanbul broke down my plans.

In the fight of Murad Tepe twelve thousand Ottomans died, sixteen thousand fighters were captivated.

I ordered to send the wounded and helpless soldiers to Qars. At the same time I offered the commander-in-chief Haji Ahmed pasha to begin negotiations. In my offering there was nothing about adopting the faith of Jafari. I knew that they wouldn’t adopt the faith of Jafari. All the adopted faiths belonged to the Sunnite, if there would be a chance the fifth one would also be in affected Sunnite. There needed to think about religious problems. I was thinking about the fight I won and the results of the victory. I demanded Van, Diyarbekr, Baghdad, Nejef, Kerbela and Besre instead of my not breaking down Ottomans.

The owners of Topqapi who understood that those offering wouldn’t be adopted, they decided to begin a new war. On that purpose the former chief vizier Ali pasha Hekimoghlu was appointed the commander-in-chief in Qars instead of Haji Ahmed pasha.

The messenger Fathali khan Turkmen sent by me came to Istanbul and presented the demands officially to Topqapi”.


After the long discussions the Sultan sent Nasif Efandi, the messenger of Istanbul, Nader shah’s old friend to Nader shah’s place. The messenger was decidedly asked not to discuss the religious problems. As regards to the borders, he was asked to agree with the line of demarcasion shown in the treaty signed in 1639.

At last, fifty kilometer’s distance from Tehran, in the west, in the place named Kurdan, Nasif Efandi and Nader shah met. After the long lasted discussions Ottomans and Avshars signed a treaty on September in 1746.

In the treaty the sides agreed with:

Introduction: The both of the sides promise to obey the treaty signed by the Sultan Murad IV in 1639.

Second: The both of the sides won’t returrn once more to the problems arousing divergence of opinions.

Point 1. The side of Ottomans undertakes to allow the pilgrims of Avshar to go to Mecca through Baghdad or Suria.

Point 2. The diplomatic representatives will be changed after each three year.

Point 3. The captivated persons from each side are returned back and to sell and to buy them are forbidden.

Enclosure: The rulers of the boundary provinces must avoid from any acts breaking friendship. The side of Avshar refuses religious outlooks adopted by Safavids…

This treaty remains in force eternally.

So, fourteen years’ war of Nader shah against Ottomans came to an end with logical result. During the last fight, Nader shah could go till the bottom of Anatolia. He didn’t do it. His wish was to occupy China. But he couldn’t achieve that purpose.

Nader shah lived like a great conqueror! Like the great conquerors he passed away in an ordinary and an unexpected way, not being worth to his fame, by sudden death. Maybe because of his being executed unfairly and ungratefully, after him his country gained no success. A warlord’s dying in a fight is also happiness! Each warlord doesn’t die in a fight. Even to think about it, is very hard.


“This is the End. What had happened to me I told the author. How and when I told him — Only he and my spirit know about it! He wrote at nights, or during daytime… he wrote without pause… To tell the truth, the author didn’t want to write about my execution with his own words, as if he couldn’t write. I thought that except me nobody could tell it in detail and cold-bloodedly…

After some time when the war against Ottomans finished, I heard in Isfahan that in the province of Sistan, Fatali khan Sistani revolted against me. I sent my nephew Aliqulu khan there. Soon Fatali khan Sistani was brought in chained form. I couldn’t break the persistence of the rebels. After Fatali khan the rebels gathered around a person named Mir Kuchuk. I sent Tahmasb khan Jalair together with Aliqulu khan to attack the rebels.

From Isfahan I directed towards Kirman. I celebrated in Kirman the last Novruz Holiday of my life and left for Meshed. Near Tabas I met with my sons and grandchildren. I was tired of to be shah. I understood that in order to rule the country it was necessary to sit in the capital and rule the empire. But I wasn’t accustomed to it. Except on the horse I couldn’t be quiet anywhere. That is why I offered the throne to my three sons. They offered excuses that they were young and inexperienced.

Aliqulu khan heard that I had confiscated the property of his brother Muhammedali bey, he revolted against me. He wanted to instigate Tahmasb khan Jalair to the revolt too. Tahmasb khan became devoted to me till his death. Soon my nephew Aliqulu khan poisoned Tahmasb khan Jalair.

On twenty sixth of April in 1747 the Kurds living in Khabushan joined Aliqulu khan and took my herd which was in Radkan.

I had done everything for Aliqulu khan for the sake of my brother Ibrahim khan. But he joined the rebels and decided to get throne, and he didn’t hide it.

From Meshed I moved towards Khabushan with a troop of sixteen thousand soldiers. As if I felt something. I felt that my life on the Earth was coming to an end. I sent my sons and grandchildren to Kelat which was out of danger.

I pitched a camp in the place named Fettahabad near Khabushan. The rebels heard about my coming and hid themselves in Aladagh.

…It was the night of passing from nineteenth of June into twentieth in 1747. (I felt sorry that when I was in Meshed I had sent Murad khan to Tiflis)

That night I was sleeping in the tent of Chuka, the daughter of Muhammed Huseyn khan Qajar. The number of conspirators against me were about seventy. Only two of them dared to enter my tent. One of them was my relative Saleh khan, the other was Muhammed khan Qajar, the grandfather of Aga Muhammed shah Qajar. When the conspirators were throttling the guard Chuka woke up hearing noise, and she woke me up shaking.:

— My shah, wake up! –she said. – From outside, near our tent there are heard strange voices.

I opened my eyes. I called my defending guard. None of them answered me. Instead of them Saleh khan and Muhammed khan Qajar were seen at the tent. They had swords in their hands.

I woke up quickly, took my sword and shouted at them:

— Idiots, how could you dare to enter the tent of the shah?

Chuka was crying in the corner of the tent:

— Help!, Help!

Firstly, I wanted to kill Saleh khan. It appeared that it was fated thus that I had to die on that day. When I ran towards him my foot caught on the cord of the tent and I stumbled and then fell. Saleh khan didn’t miss the chance and he struck me with sword. My right hand was chopped and together with the sword fell on the ground. I cried:

— What did you do, idiot? Did you raise hand to your shah?

Hearing my shouting Saleh khan lost himself. At that time Muhammed khan Qajar was saying to him:

— Be quick! Do away with him! They will come…

Saleh khan threw his sword and shouted:

— No, I can’t, I can’t ….

Muhammed khan Qajar approached me. I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to see my death. I heard the last crying of Chuka. The murderer raised the sword and struck me:

— Perish!!!

My head separated from my body and fell rolling three steps’ distance from my body.

I didn’t want such a death. It was more honorable to die in the fights with the bullet or sword of enemy.

My life on the earth came to and. This is the End!”


Aliqulu khan returned to Meshed from Herat. He knew that if one of his cousins were alive, he wouldn’t have occasion of possessing the throne. That is why he sent a troop of twenty thousand fighters to Kelat. After six days’ encirclement, Kelat was surrendered to Bakhtiyarlilar as a result of betraying. Imamqulu khan, Nasrullah khan, Shahruh and other shahzades ran towards Merv. It didn’t last much that they caught them, brought again to Kelat. In Kelat, Rzaqulu khan and about fifteen relatives were executed, in Meshed Nader shah’s son Nasrullah khan and Imamqulu khan were executed. Nader shah’s little sons Chingiz khan and Muhammed Allah khan were poisoned.

Aliqulu khan didn’t take pity on none of the pregnant wives of Nader shah. He cut all of them with sword. He gave a quarter only to Sharuh. He thought that might be Azerbaijani, Turkish people wanted to see the shah from the stock of Safavids.

Aliqulu khan ruled during 1747—1748 years under the name of Adil shah. (the meaning of his name is justice) After a year he was victim of his ingratitude –his eyes were pulled out by his brother Muhammed Ali bey and removed from the power. After some time the former supporters of Sharuh dethroned Muhammed Ali bey and executed him together with Aliqulu khan. Shahruh’s eyes were pulled by Muhammed Mirze and was put to be under house arrest. The supporters of the grandson of Nader shah dethroned Muhammed Mirze.

Then Ahmed khan Abdali occupied all the territories, he recognized the power of Sharuh only in Khorasan.

Only Kerim khan Zend could put an end to uncontrollability and slaughter in the country. During the short period of his power there was relative quietness in the country. During the time of Nader shah not being established of perfect state machinery, ruling of everything by the same person, relying of everything to force and sword in the home policy, not being formed rightly of national ideology showed its negative results after him. If not to take into consideration the other occupied territories in the historical lands of great and old Azerbaijan, there were established sultanates of Borchali, Qazakh, Shemsheddin, Ilusu, Tabasaran, khanates of Darbend, Quba, Baku, Shamakhy, Garabagh, Shaki, Ganja, Irevan, Maku, Salyan, Javad, Qaradagh, Lenkeran, Ardabil, Tabriz, Khoy Urmiye, Serab, Maragha, Gilan ansd Zenjan and the people of Jar- Balaken.

As regards to the dead body of Nader shah, they brought him to Meshed and buried him in the tomb of Bala Khiyabani built by himself. Till the forty days after his death, Murad visited his grave every day, and sat near the grave all day long. Towards evening from the tomb were heard the voices of a wolf. After the forty days there was seen neither Murad nor they heard the voice of a wolf. As if both of them had disappeared…


25 th of February-15th of May, 2008

Translated into English by Sevil Gulten

14 February 2010—10 February 2011
