State plan socialism gosplan

Gosplan (State (rus lang. gosudarstvo) plan) socialism Socialism is a system of economy in which the means of production and resources belong to the people, are managed by the people, through the organs of the gosplan, under socialism, true democracy is possible. Large enterprises under socialism belong to the people, not to a narrow circle of people.
"Communism differs from all previous movements in that it revolutionizes the basis of all previous relations of production and relations of communication and for the first time consciously considers all spontaneously arisen prerequisites as the creations of previous people, deprives them of spontaneity and subordinates them to the power of united individuals." Engels)
Under the conditions of socialism, for the first time in world history, consciousness defeated spontaneity. Here, for the first time, all social relations, the whole society is being built consciously. The entire policy of the Communist Party and the Soviet state is based on a conscious consideration of objective conditions, on a deep study of the laws and driving forces of the development of socialist society, on the conscious use of all the opportunities created by the socialist system.
Only the conscious support of the new, the struggle for the complete overcoming of the old, ensured the victory of socialism over capitalism in the USSR.

So, in the conditions of a socialist society, the ratio of spontaneity and consciousness changes radically; here spontaneity is defeated by socialist consciousness, planning.For the first time in history, production and science have united not spontaneously, but planned, reasonably, not within one enterprise, but on the scale of the whole country. In the USSR, science fully serves the interests of production, that is, the interests of the working people, the interests of the whole people, which is an important factor in the ever-accelerating social progress. The planned development of the national economy also represents a common feature characteristic of both socialism and communism.
For the first time in history, production and science have united not spontaneously, but planned, reasonably, not within one enterprise, but on the scale of the whole country. In the USSR, science fully serves the interests of production, that is, the interests of the working people, the interests of the whole people, which is an important factor in the ever-accelerating social progress. The planned development of the national economy also represents a common feature characteristic of both socialism and communism.
the USSR has made a historic leap from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom. All the forces of society that seemed supernatural, leading to unemployment, crises, wars, inflation - are now taken under the control of the people through the State Planning Committee.

Capitalism is when the state withdraws itself from management and lets everything go to the mercy of the mafia, it is a paradise for banditry and impoverishment of the masses.
Socialism is a planned economic management for the benefit of the whole people.
