Post-industrial society or colonies in a new way

Post-industrial society or colonies in a new way

Toffler's hypothesis about a post-industrial society
the colonies and metropolises are still there, just like the slaves are still there, only without shackles.
Any textbook will tell and any student knows about Toffler's hypothesis about a post-industrial society.
On the basis of this hypothesis, not much is deduced, not a little "capitalism is the end of human history"
The main idea of the guardian is that supposedly the service sector as a share of GDP determines the level of development of the country.
And, violating all the laws of logic, but welcoming the idea that with the help of shares everyone will become masters, a conclusion is made (to the applause of the gentlemen) about the finality and inviolability of capitalism and that the service sector is the peak of human development.
This is a direct throw - in and challenge to Marx's theory, completely rejecting class theory.
We'll figure it out..The outflow of surplus value and the alienation of labor in interstate relations occurs in three ways
1 payment of interest, dividends, lending,
2 withdrawal and alienation on investment, controlled capital.
3 The withdrawal of capital through offshore zones, in fact, is a direct tribute of developing countries to developed ones, which cannot be accurately calculated. Lackeys and governors sometimes withdraw sums larger than the entire budget of the country for a percentage.
These three items of capital loss could be invested in internal development, but they completely flow to their homeland and offshore.
And if not, then capitalism will collapse, as it will collapse if you pay workers. This is the essence of capitalism-rich and poor. (for more information about rich and poor countries, see Chapter.)
Therefore, the CIA, as the guardian of capitalism and the rule of the "60 families" (now 300 families) of the United States, participates in every coup, in every policy of developing countries.
With the robotization of capitalism, unemployment inevitably increases and the remaining workers are loaded even more. 21 century a also work 12 hours a day. At the same time, there is no work?? Under socialism, such contradictions are not possible - they reduce the working day, and not the number of workers. Development is inevitable. And globally, the collapse and ruin of peripheral neocolonial countries is inevitable, with the enrichment of rich countries.

The lackeys of the oligarchy constantly resort to taking note of unnecessary statistics and calculations falsified by them... They confuse us.
Let's figure out where the service sector came from? And is it really not there under socialism, and capitalism is the last extreme phase of humanity??
Of course not.
For example. There was one enterprise, conditionally "Neftebubenovsk" and it was completely owned by the state, it worked for the people. And no one was looking for the service sector.
But suddenly, some kids red Directors are privatized separate section of "Nefteyugansk" Shop transport into the service of transport, shop supplies in marketing services, shop electricians in energy services....
Even without complex chains, and formulas(Marx honor no doubt)
We see that out of nowhere, a simple manipulation, the simplest deception created out of thin air, a huge portion of "services"
And want to say bourgeois economists shop! What they pay for, they will say...
Or there was a state dining room, a barber shop. The same services.. But the word services is too rotten. The non-material sphere of production, the social sphere, that's what it's called in a scientific, human, Marxist way.
Someone will object, the middle class, business....
First of all, this does not change the essence.
Secondly, the middle class practically does not exist.
There are exploiting employers, and those who sell their time are proletarians.
According to the statistics of the Rossreestr, about 5.5 million people are registered as legal entities and sole proprietors in the Russian Federation. Of these, 5.4 million are microenterprises. That is, they are self-employed and have about 1 maxisum of a person in their salary. This is a shoemaker, and a hairdresser with an assistant, this is a cafe owner. Mostly self-employed. and everything.
This is about 3% of the population. How can a force of 3 percent determine the interests of society?
And these three percent are not the middle class!
There is no middle class. The arithmetic is simple.
If one person hires one person, it will be half of the population. In reality, this does not exist. The middle class has become a thing of the past with the advent of monopolies.
Even if 1 " businessman hires 4 people, you will get 20 percent of the middle class. This is simply physically impossible, the number of employees in manufactories reaches 100 and 1000 or more, this is a clear division of 1 to 100 and shows that for 99 proletarians and self-employed there is 1 exploiter ...
Real big businessmen, dollar millionaires, and not self-employed 240,000 families.. That's a lot. But as a percentage of 0.01%
These people will sell their homeland for wealth and luxury and will pay for hypotheses so that they can make such fortunes ...
in short, there is no middle class. There is a semi-proletariat self-employed and the proletariat and exploiters-big business oligarchs the bourgeoisie 0.02 percent 240,000

The services sector.. GDP does not show anything about the real course of affairs, but only leads away from problems.
You can attribute anything to the service sector, yesterday it was a workshop, today it is a service. Yesterday it was parasites usurers today it is services. Banks make "services" out of thin air Is this development ? No, this is the degree of enslavement and stagnation.
Another very important point.
What does GDP, GNP, and the service sector actually show?
The level of ownership of colonies and financial flows. The United States will never admit to you what they are doing.
They are sitting on the printing press of dollars.
And all of Africa and all of Latin America owes them, and they carry their interest directly to the services sector, to the GDP sphere.
And GNP and capital abroad is generally a closed topic...And all the profits go to the USA.
How convenient there are no colonies for you. And in fact there are colonies. So is class slavery. Only now the slave carries money to banks and works at other people's enterprises for money without shackles, but for dollars. Nothing changes in the class system, only it is masked.
For example, Angola takes a million to the United States, builds an oil pump, gives two million, plus the United States invests there and receives profits in its GNP. So out of thin air, plus a million in US financial services.
It's banal on the stock exchange. Purchase and sale of securities. Sorry , but parasites who do not produce anything-decide the fate of workers and at the same time speculating make money out of thin air.

Just money out of thin air, on your hump.Hidden, of course, under the social network. That's the whole service sector. That's the whole of capitalism.

Moreover, the imperialists need markets, they need raw materials. And if poor undeveloped countries developed, then competitors would appear instead of sales markets. In short, they need poor countries. They need slaves. They need colonies. And if the poor get richer, then the system of capitalism "American values" the domination of the super-rich will be under threat. On the one hand, they say this is the last stage, capitalism is the end, the service sector, we will help Africa. But on the other hand, the system will inevitably collapse if they do not keep the colonies at the level of sales markets, resources, and actually pump interest on loans into their GDP services sectors. It will not be possible to trace all the ways of capital exactly - offshore zones, the withdrawal of capital abroad. No one will say how much he steals, how much he pays tribute in the United States. Against the background of a huge offshore economy, GDP and services seem to be a child's theory at all.
It would be more correct to talk about the social sphere, the intangible sphere, as an indicator of development, excluding parasitic financial services, but. The social sphere, so the lackeys of the oligarchy can not afford to express themselves. After all, they pay in dollars from the very streams that need to be hidden, disguised next to the social network.

And what do they do with those who do not obey? Did you need to fool everyone??
For example, Allende in Chile. No coup is complete without the CIA. And no textbook is printed without the CIA. The United States protects its rule, and more specifically, 300 families of the United States, a hundred years ago Lenin wrote about them as about 60 families...

American Democracy or the New Colonialism

Entire countries, such as the USSR, Yugoslavia, Libya and Iraq, are being destroyed because they do not comply with the requirements, and those who continue to work are under constant siege.
Moscow 1993 is a classic colonial market scheme of invasion of the country. For the purpose of economic conquest. Production facilities are being destroyed and sales markets are being created in exchange for raw materials

Russia has fallen into a new form of colonialism
The outflow of surplus value and the alienation of labor in interstate relations occurs in three ways
1 payment of interest, dividends, lending,
2 withdrawal and alienation on investment, controlled capital.
3 The withdrawal of capital through offshore zones, in fact, is a direct tribute of developing countries to developed ones, which cannot be accurately calculated. Lackeys and governors sometimes withdraw sums larger than the entire budget of the country for a percentage.
These three items of capital loss could be invested in internal development, but they completely flow to their homeland and offshore.
And if not, then capitalism will collapse, as it will collapse if you pay workers. This is the essence of capitalism-rich and poor. (for more information about rich and poor countries, see Chapter.)
Therefore, the CIA, as the guardian of capitalism and the rule of the "60 families" (now 300 families) of the United States, participates in every coup, in every policy of developing countries.

Modern colonialism does not correspond to feudalism, but corresponds to Capitalism. India and a number of countries of America, Asia and Africa were under the control of the conquerors from England, Spain, Holland, Belgium. In the middle of the last century, colonialism was retreating, behind the back of the USSR and under the onslaught of the revolution. Neocolonialism has become in the form of pumping trillions of dollars out of yesterday's colonies by the metropolitans at the expense of bank loans and trade advantages. At the expense of investments and the withdrawal of capital as surplus value. Developed countries colonized developing countries out of thin air, according to the right of the strong, according to market laws. This process continues even more intensively than under feudalism, but in a secretive form. And at the center of the laws of the market are the richest families in the United States,

RFOVTSY are now enriching the United States and European countries with their taxes. However, only a small part of the Russian population understands that they live in a colony and only multiply abundance in developed countries with their work.
