The split of philosophy Marx vs. Nietzsche

The split of philosophy Marx vs. Nietzsche

The division of philosophy into moral philosophy and anti-moral philosophy and why there is a split personality of public consciousness in the country.
The history of philosophy from Aristotle to Marx and Nietzsche.
The division of philosophy into moral philosophy and anti-moral philosophy occurred in the 19th century. For thousands of years, all philosophers and all thinkers, religious figures and rulers have been asking questions of morality, questions of good and evil. Starting with the religious writings of the Avesta and the teachings of Confucius, the reflections of Aristotle and Plato, the question arose: "Is slavery justified?" And the answers were completely different. Hinduism and the caste system justified the slave system. It seemed to Aristotle that there could be no other, because slaves were created for slavery. But there were other opinions, for example, the Old Testament already reflects such human rights as the right to a day off, it was forbidden to work on Saturday. Christ was an opponent of the slave-owning system, his rightness frightened the high priests so much that they decided to release the robber, but not the messiah. In fact, these were the origins of the communist ideology. Such a powerful ideology that after 300 years, Christianity is being formed into a religion from above. After all, as they say, you can't win the lead. And, obviously, a lot was distorted. And how many have fallen for scientific truths? Galelei and Copernicus worked on a heliocentric model under pain of death. The Inquisition looked for an enemy in every scientist, undermining the basis of the rule of the church. Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake of the obscurantism of the church. Our country is one of the few that were not so much affected by these processes of "European civilization" and the slave-owning formation, community traditions were strong. Perhaps there is not a single writer in our country and not a single poet who would be afraid to write on public topics, problems of society and feudalism. How many great minds have been in exile for "freethinking" and "tsar-reasoning". It has even become a kind of tradition. After the war with Napoleon(and after all, Pavel wanted to go with him to India against England, but Alexander went with England...), the Paris Commune became much closer to Moscow. The Decembrists made attempts to find the way of development.
There were questions peculiar to class society. Questions about domination, about justice, about democracy, about property.
A bunch of bourgeois lackeys hastened to lead the people away from truths and knowledge. This is how anti-scientific dogmas, conjectures, utopias were formed. Currents of opportunism, blurring people's eyes. And until now, these pseudo-scientists Friedmans, Tofflers come up with their own concepts about capitalism for everyone, that they will be gentlemen shareholders. The "liberals" also flocked to the smell of money, but this is a utopia and questions about the urgent could not be covered with post-industrial hypotheticals and religious excuses, and so on. The idea was the basis of everything. It was philosophy that broke the shackles and created them. That is why Christ was crucified and burned by Giordano Bruno.
People needed answers, and they were found.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels gave answers to all questions about the problems of society, developed the theory of class struggle created by Thierry, Guizot, Mie. They gave answers to questions about the development of society, about why and how society will develop.
The basis of their morality was in altruism, collectivism, mutual assistance, brotherhood. And most importantly, the abolition of domination and slavery in any form.

But the gentlemen could not imagine the role of endangered dinosaurs. The anti-moral, anti-philosophical teachings of Nietzsche grow up, and from them eugenics, the third Reich... This is a natural result of slave-owning capitalism and its philosophy. Where they see only the machinations of offended slaves behind class contradictions. Where they endlessly blame the individual for everything, but not the system. This is the morality of egoism, domination, sadism, bargaining. Trade here has been turned from a service into an ideal, because the morality of capitalism is anti-moral.

All philosophy, from Aristotle to Kant, from Hegel to Feirbach, found its material in the works of Marx Engels. The fall of domination and capitalism was predicted. Morality has discarded duality and has come to its true form. The appearance of the morality of Marxism.

The gentlemen, not wanting to leave, created an anti-moral - "push the falling one" will say Nietzsche and his" disciple " Hitler.

There was a separation 150 years ago. Marx versus Nietzsche. Christ versus Judas. Everything is back on its feet.

And all attempts to preserve contradictions in pseudo-theories lead to even greater confusion. That's what we see in the country. In a country where they intuitively know the truth in Marxism. But every" iron " pours dirt on the USSR. Where they teach anti-morality, and are surprised by the results. Where morality has been replaced with money, the mausoleum is hidden, and everything that is created on the red morality and the blood of the defenders of socialism. Where traitors are trying to privatize someone else's victory. Endless contradictions cause a "split personality" in the public consciousness. You can't sit on two chairs. You can't sit still, especially without relying on any class. And even more so if you do not recognize the class theory. The class theory is not recognized, but a certain middle class is being created.. The same split. Contradictions are everywhere. And the collapse is inevitable. Our task in times of turmoil is to save the country. Everyone cannot always be in the middle between the mercenary class and nanimatea, between the tricolor and the mausoleum, between Nietzsche and Marx. A storm will break, the fog of capitalism will wash away, and everyone will answer for himself the question of who he is: Marx or Nietzsche. A person or a gentleman. And the choice will depend on whether the country should be or not....

"Everything develops in a spiral, not in a straight line" (Lenin on Engels ' dialectic of nature)
