Soviet vs fascism the branch government

difference between Parliament Soviet
The difference between the Parliament of the Soviets and the fascism of the branch of government

Separation of branches of government Soviet Republic democracy democracy republic. The fundamental difference between the Soviet power and the fascist capitalist one. The difference between the merging of branches of government and the strengthening of electoral collegial authorities ( councils)

The fundamental difference between the merging of the branches of power, the division of power and the undivided rule of the people through the Soviets.
The division into branches of government is not a democracy, just like the division into parts of a single state. The alienation of power from the people, division, and then merging,but already in personal interests, is not democracy.
Sometimes opponents of the Soviet government argue that democracy is the separation of powers, which means there is a fictional totalitarianism in which someone usurps power and does not share it. However, democracy appeared when collegial electoral bodies appeared. In short, democracy is just a collegial power. With the advent of parliament, democracy also appears. But this democracy was bourgeois, slaveholding, that is, most of the people are not considered people. The greater the influence of the parliament, the more power the parliament had, the more developed democracy was. So whether the separation of powers is a democracy-no. But what about fascism when the branches of government merge? The merging of the branches of power is the creation of puppet parliaments and a judicial system under the leadership of the ruling class. If the government comes from the people through the parliament, then this is not fascism. The stronger the influence of the parliament, the more democracy there is. The Soviet Republic is the highest democracy. Soviets are such a people's government, when all power is concentrated in the hands of people's representatives. This is not just the independence of the parliament. This is the power of the People's Parliament.

By the merging of branches, we understand a sign of fascization, the creation of puppet parliaments and executive judges, when the parliament(representatives of the people) lose power, the people lose power and power completely goes to the puppet government-the ruling class and sometimes the colonists.

By Soviet power we mean the highest democracy - the most direct people's power, in which there is not only a fusion of the authorities, but the people also have full power-this is called people's power.

Under capitalism, there is a division into classes and in order to imperceptibly remove the people from power, they divided the branches not in favor of the people, they limited the parliament.

The separation of powers is used in their pseudoscience by oligarchic lackeys, separatists, colonists(liberals) to justify their domination, puppet governments and accuse the communists of not wanting to share power. Instead of fascization, they study pseudo-totalitarianism. The power should be popular, and not divided into the pockets of privatizers. The Soviet government is the highest democracy. The separation of powers in itself is an organizational and politically empty issue. An elected representative of the society cannot practically perform all the work. The parliament, the Soviets control the executive power, this is the foundation of democracy, democracy and statehood, protection from usurpers and traitors. It is necessary that judges are protected from the pressure of the executive power. If there are no mechanisms for restricting executive power, laws may lose their significance. The differentiation of the branches of power often covers the differentiation in favor of the executive power, dictatorship and fascization covered by democracy.

The weakening of the Soviets and the parliament leads to the seizure of power by a group of people acting not in the interests of society. A group of persons acting in the public interest may not be interested in restricting the elected branches of government. The first thing that anti-people groups do is to eliminate the independent people's parliament, replace it with a formal controlled parliament, then the courts are subordinate, the law-making mechanism is taken under control. This is all covered up by democracy, and in fact the removal of obstacles for personal benefit. The most striking example is fascist Germany and its "legal" ways of removing the people from government. In the uneducated countries of Africa, the people are actually excluded from governance, by various legal mechanisms given by more developed capitalist countries and puppet governments. The legal mechanism is built here in the interests of certain people, not society. The expression that democracy is the separation of powers is not properly understood. It is necessary to speak not about the formal separation of powers, but about the protection of legislators and judges from the executive power. The legislative power, as a representative of the people, should have superior powers over the executive. Therefore, the main issue in the separation of powers is the predominance of representatives of the people over the permanent executive power.

The very formation of democracy is the strengthening of the people's parliament and the Soviet Republic, as the highest form of democracy and democracy.

In the modern world of electronics, completely different mechanisms of society's control over the power of society over the power are already possible
