Forms government Republic Soviet Democracy

Forms of government The Republic of Soviet Democracy

Forms of public administration mystification in science
The word "totalitarianism" was coined, which is attributed to all those who are objectionable to the United States. That fascism is a terrorist dictatorship of the oligarchy is not remembered. Equating the USSR with a kind of totalitarianism, not recognizing SOVIET respect as the new highest form of democracy leads to the fact that all the attempts of the people to rule the people, the entire memory of the USSR suddenly becomes criminal. In the future, this may lead to a revision of the borders of the "criminal" state in favor of a foreign oligarchy. This is all an anti-Soviet, anti-scientific lie. ONE OF THE FORMS OF THE REPUBLIC IS THE SOVIET REPUBLIC, the highest POST-BOURGEOIS form OF government. But the oligarchs do not agree to share power with the people, they begin to buy up the media and science, hundreds of pseudo-scientists are attacking the USSR, the Soviet democracy, the Soviet people.
In the forms of government from the bourgeois ideologists who dominate in capitalist countries, the bourgeois republic is cited as the highest form of government. The concepts of socialism and the Soviets are avoided in every possible way. Science is completely controlled by capital. Mythical concepts of totalitarianism are derived in order to attack the USSR around this concept. Such an anti-Soviet "science" can lead to the fact that the people's power of the Soviets is illegal, and therefore IT is POSSIBLE to REQUEST A REVISION OF THE BORDERS from RUSSIA, to declare it "illegal" . Ideology is the basis of the state, and such theories and ideologies bring destruction and demoralization of the entire society.
What is the real classification of forms of government by management? We'll figure it out. They claim that the power of one party is totalitarianism. But isn't majority rule a democracy? If the majority creates congresses of people's deputies-COUNCILS, isn't this a democracy? This is the highest form of democracy, when power belongs to the majority of the people in the person of the working class and its party! The dictatorship of the proletariat is the true power of the MAJORITY! What is bourgeois democracy? It is the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie covered with all sorts of mystification, falsification and propaganda. At the same time, the oligarchy (the bourgeoisie in the pre-monopoly era) ostentatiously hypocritically hides the dictatorship and ideology behind beautiful words and does not recognize its dictatorship. In fact, any bourgeois parliament is a gathering of mercenaries of the oligarchy, while the Soviets are a gathering of workers from the people!
When an oligarchy establishes an open terrorist dictatorship, it is fascism. And in the era of monopoly capitalism, imperialism, terrorist "totalitarian" (a word invented by lackeys) forms are only fascism . The rest of the hypotheses from oligarchic scientists are made to confuse and deceive the average person! The Soviets and socialism, the communist formation, are avoided in every possible way. Their propaganda looks too pretentious, so they do not openly promote their anti-Soviet science, they hide and exclude all references to the USSR. There is no place for people's power in typologies, classifications, and theories. The silence and constant attacks of socialism on all fronts, and at the same time they speak of the absence of ideology. No, this is clearly an anti-Soviet anti-people ideology. It is hushed up that the lack of a progressive scale of taxation is a means of bribing elite vassals.
Forms of government - monarchy, republic. The capitalist republic is a parliamentary(bourgeois) and presidential(oligarchic) socialist SOVIET people's republic, where all the power is held by the people in the person of congresses of deputies. The fact that the earth is round was also not immediately accepted. It is the same with communism and the SOVIET REPUBLIC. There will be a time when ALL the PEOPLE will create laws in parallel with the council, the Internet and technology will allow this to be done. In a single country, SOCIALISM is possible and necessary in the countries of the transphyrian colonial capitalism-the capitalism of creditworthiness. There is a cure for bank imperialism - Socialism, the people's liberation revolution.
