ideology capitalism hidden in the state

Bourgeois ideology hidden in the  state

The bourgeoisie, like all the exploiting classes, passes off its ideology as a national, supra-class ideology. This is a lie, a deception. The bourgeoisie is hostile to all working people, and its ideology cannot but be hostile to the people. Masking their selfish, exploitative, egoistic class interests, the bourgeoisie hypocritically tries to portray them as national, nationwide.
The socialist ideology is the direct opposite of the bourgeois ideology; it is hostile to the ideology of all the exploiting classes and expresses the interests of the working class as a whole and of all the working people fighting against capitalist oppression and exploitation.
The Soviet socialist ideology finds its expression in various forms of social consciousness: in Soviet science, in philosophy, in communist morality, in Soviet art. The socialist consciousness in all its forms is imbued with the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Marxism-Leninism, representing a holistic, coherent scientific worldview, forms the general theoretical scientific basis of all forms of socialist consciousness.
The psychology of the Soviet people is radically different from the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois individualistic, private-property psychology, as well as from the psychology of slavish submission that all the exploiting classes instill in the working people.
The socialist psychology of Soviet people is formed on the basis of socialist industrial relations, relations of comradely cooperation and mutual assistance of people free from exploitation. At the same time, it is formed and developed under the influence of the great ideas of the Communist Party.
The great significance of collective farms lies precisely in the fact that they represent the main basis for the use of machines and tractors in agriculture, that they constitute the main basis for the transformation of the peasant, for the processing of his psychology in the spirit of socialism." (I. V. Stalin)
" We need to survive 15, 20, 50 years of civil war and international battles, not only in order to change existing relations, but also to change ourselves and become capable of political domination. "(K. Marx and F. Engels)
The working class of Russia, in order to overthrow the power of the landowners and capitalists, and then establish its political domination — the dictatorship of the proletariat, had to make three revolutions, had to defend the gains of the revolution in a fierce civil war against the White Guard and foreign interventionists. In the course of building a socialist society, the working class, remaking and re-educating itself, had to patiently and steadily re-educate millions of peasants and other small proprietors, hundreds of thousands of employees, bourgeois intellectuals, subordinate them to the leadership of the vanguard of the working people, defeat in them bourgeois and petty-bourgeois habits, traditions, mores generated by the capitalist system, private property, the atmosphere of competition, mutual support, squabbling, distrust, etc.enmity.

Gulagimulagi. Are there no prisons now? Or did the kulak bandits not kill the peasants? Yes, they just want to rob the lord and any lies are a plus for them.

"It is generally recognized that no science can develop and succeed without a struggle of opinions, without freedom of criticism", (I. V. Stalin) The implementation of a grandiose plan for protective forest plantations and a wide network of reservoirs in the steppe and forest-steppe zone to ensure high and stable yields, the construction of giant hydroelectric power plants is the merit of Soviet advanced science.
Social existence — in all its various forms-arises and develops as a reflection of social existence.
The great teacher of communism, I. V. Stalin, points out that the political, legal, artistic and philosophical views of society and the corresponding political, legal and other institutions, representing a superstructure over the economic basis of society, a reflection of the basis, are at the same time an active force that has a reverse effect on the basis. The Soviet socialist ideology, the ideology of Marxism-Leninism, is the leading mobilizing, organizing and transforming force that accelerates the progressive development of society.
