Why are some people rich and others poor

Why are some people rich and others poor

Why are some countries rich and others poor? Briefly
The CAPITALISM of the colony and the metropolis . The peculiarity of the colonies is the uneven development of the territory, the lack of a progressive scale of taxation , as a means of bribing elite vassals.
Why are some countries poor and others rich? Why are some cities rich and others poor?Why are some people rich and others poor?
Under capitalism, the inequality of countries among themselves inevitably increases. At first, the colonies were used as a resource base of capitalism, including as a source of slaves. Now in our time, capitalism has entered the phase of monopolism, imperialism. There is no longer any place for the middle class in this capitalism. This is a time of oligarchy and the strongest inequality between the poor and the rich, between countries. The time of solving the fate of millions of individual bigwigs. The metropolitan countries are no longer openly such. The secretive colonial policy is carried out through banks and usury. This can also be seen in the structure of the economy of developed metropolises. The service sector, the banking sector actually makes money out of thin air, squeezes all the juices out of colonial countries. The unlimited freedom of some is the result of the restriction of others. Colonism has not gone anywhere now, nor has capitalism. The movement of capital in the banks of the metropolises invisibly carries out a colonial policy for the layman. Only the ratio of interests has changed, now it is not so much the raw materials that are important, but the availability of sales markets. In the conditions of the escalating crisis of overproduction of capitalism, the struggle for sales markets becomes of key importance. Monopolism is increasing, and in the conditions of competition with corporations, the middle class is becoming a thing of the past along with small crafts. The gap between the classes: rich oligarchs and poor proletarians is growing.
The gap in the development of metropolises and colonies is also growing.
Within the market colonies (sales markets), the gap between the capital cities and provinces is also growing. The gap between the provinces and the capital is the same gap between the metropolises and the colonies. The mechanisms are the same. The capital represents banking and management interests on the territory of the colony. The gap is also maintained to exclude riots in the capital. The difference between the boss and the subordinate is maintained for the same reason as the difference between the overseers on the plantation and ordinary slaves, so subordination is maintained. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE REGIONS is a key feature of the COLONIES!!!!
There are a huge number of stupid books. Books and propaganda of the ruling class. All this pile is designed to mislead a person with absurd hypotheses. Sometimes the propagandists of the oligarchy do not bother much and repeat the Hitlerite and Nietzschean attitudes: "the poor are lazy, their place is there from birth, and the rich are industrious managers by right of birth" All this propaganda has one goal-to protect the oligarchs. There is a lot of propaganda, it has flooded all the media, and created an abnormal normality - the cult of money and selfishness.
"It is necessary to see class interests behind every statement, otherwise we will remain naive and stupid" Lenin
To all these questions about why there are rich and poor countries, people, cities. The questions of inequality and classes have been answered for a long time. But the propaganda machine, like a sledgehammer, is ready to break the immature brain with hundreds of stupid books that explain nothing and protect the oligarchy. Previously, propaganda was even rougher - for example, the pharaohs of Egypt declared that they were descendants of the gods, so they should rule. A person who is at least a little familiar with the USSR, Lenin, the causes of revolutions from Spartak to Petrograd cannot have such stupid questions. To answer such naive questions, the propagandists of the oligarchy hastened to create hundreds of books that lead away from the truths of the class struggle and the true causes and ways to eliminate inequality.
In the book "imperialism" and in many other works of Lenin and Stalin, the mechanisms of imperialism of monopolism are described. There is a whole branch of SCIENCE - historical materialism, Marxism, the theory of formations, class struggle, scientific socialism . Today, the truth is hidden, and they give out the protection of the oligarchy out of self-interest. The entire information system, all the institutions of the oligarchic society-work to mislead people
