Senya and good ideas. A story

Senya and good ideas. A story.

When the elevator broke down in the entrance, Senya immediately instructed one of friends to deal with repaire of the elevator.

Friend stopped one of the neighbors, who was returning after a working day, and, on behalf of Senya, asked him to take care regarding the elevator.

The neighbor promised to call the elevator repair organization.

Kids will not be left without an elevator!

Meanwhile, Senya announced new, unusually favorable, conditions for placing slot machines in the far corner of the yard - away from the kids. Friends need to think through everything well, formulate proposals and provide profitable customers.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised: in any situation, the main thing for Senya is taking care of the kids!

July 23, 2021 17:42

Translation from Russian into English: July 23, 2021 18:05.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Сеня и хорошие идеи. Рассказ”.
