Naivety is popular

For many people, the state seems to be an object, not a subject. It seems to them that the state is a kind of super-object that regulates society and stands, as it were, above it. But no. The state is a subject, an instrument, a superstructure of society, together with all the institutions of society, laws and culture. This superstructure is completely subordinated to the economic, if you will, selfish interests of the ruling class. This instrument today belongs to the foreign ruling class of the largest capitalists.
But the naivety of the people is great, the organs of the class struggle and class consciousness are atrophied, especially among the older generations. You can easily hear naivety like: "Where is some inspection looking?" "we need to collect pension contributions" "the state cares, we need to be insured" "we will be cured" and so on.
But the young generation also shows the stupid naivety imposed by the liberals. The Liberals are the lackeys of big capital. Naivety is as stupid as a small child, and yet huge masses of illiterate young people are subject to it. This naivety can be described as follows: "For all the good against the bad" "For the changeability of power" "Against corruption"
There is already a historical lesson of 1905 on naive monarchism.
It is naive to believe that there is some kind of wrong capitalism and the right one. The whole of capitalism is built on exploitation, the taking of surplus value, slavery, the scalps of the redskins.
Capitalism itself is the essence of exploitation, corruption, wars, the superiority of some over others.
It is naive to believe that the change of princes or some oligarchs by others or some corrupt officials by others will give something.
Corruption is the essence of the state in the hands of capitalists. To replace bad boyars with good boyars, iron shackles with steel, some princes with others - all this is naivety imposed by liberals. Democracy under capitalism is the dictatorship of big capital.
Directly, the essence of the issue will never be raised...
We directly say that true democracy is possible under socialism, when there is no oligarchy as a class, when the state is under the control of the working class. When the majority of the people controls all political and economic processes.
The new slave owners (feudal capitalists) will never give up the loot voluntarily.
They will make up a lot of myths about corruption, about communist tyrants...
We say directly, yes, we will oppress the excessive ambitions of the oligarchy. The control will be popular. It will be freedom for the people. And for an oligarch, this will be a terrible order. But here, if you please, we are on the side of the people, and not of a rotten liberalism. And to oppress the oppressors is the only progressive, non-objective and non-provable way. To oppress fat-eating parasites, to create organs of true democracy - this is progress for society. Socialism is a reality. Utopia is a society of masters without slaves, utopia is capitalism without corruption. Utopia is a state over society, and not in the interests of the ruling class of capital. This is proved by life itself.
We stand for the rule of the working class, that is, the majority of the people. A majority that is truly interested in progress.
We Bolsheviks say that according to the rules built by a minority of exploiters and occupiers, we will not be freed from slavery. We must create our own rules of the game.
