The squirrel that swung on the chandelier

The light of street lamp penetrated through a thin slit into the dark room. Gabby was lying on the bed and was afraid. He was looking at ceiling and waiting. Soon, just a moment, and it will appear. A terrifying, bony squirrel on the chandelier. It will be swinging from side to side, giggle, torture him.

A car beeped outside. Probably, an impatient boy hurries his girlfriend up. In that moment, Gabby stopped feeling his arms and horror rolled over. He was afraid to move. He was afraid to look at the chandelier.

-Creak, creak – squeaked the spike on which the device was hanging on.
-Hee-hee, missed me? – yellow, disgusting eyes glared at the guy.

He tried to brush it off. Could not. He couldn't even lift a finger. A disobedient, dumb body laid like a tin soldier. Gaby tensed, he tried to squeeze out at least one gesture, but even his little finger did not obey him.
The squirrel watched his weak attempts and giggled, slowly swinging the chandelier back and forth, back and forth, leaving behind sharp, angular shadows. Then her paw reached out to him and began to stretch. His heart sank as he tried to squeeze out a scream. Please, let anyone hear him, let anyone drive away the darkness.

However, the throat wasn;t listening to him. He strained and strained him, moved his mouth like a dying fish, but there was no sound. He tried one more time and got a quiet, cat-like squeak.
The paw was already at his throat when the full moon appeared out from behind the clouds, cast her gaze at the golden onion of the church on the opposite side of the street and the light of the cross fell into Gabby's room. The squirrel screeched and disappeared. He fell into a disturbing dream, which will be away in a couple of hours because of the alarm clock.
He went to work as if he were pulling a bag of stones on his back. At the crosswalk outside the office, Peter and Eva caught him up:
- How are you, Gaby?
- I;m okay, okay - he pulled away from his colleagues.
They looked at him strangely, and Eva whispered to Peter:
- What is happening with him?
- I do not know. He's been like this for a week.
- Shall we tell the boss?
- He will think that I want to take his position.
The day was not going well. Gabby became the worst sales manager from the best sales manager in a few days. Absent-minded, inattentive, insecure - he lost clients in the first minutes of calls.
- It's time to snap out of it! – told Gabby the chief in the office during a tet-a-tet conversation.
- I promise, I will improve, - Gabby looked down, swallowing a tear. He left the room with the curious, judgmental glances of the staff. He went to the table. The path was harder than the one condemned to the scaffold.

At night IT appeared again. It was swinging the chandelier. However, IT didn't giggle. ITs; eyes gazed into the darkness, glaring into the victim's face. Is he ready or not? It grinned: "You are ready, dear." IT held out a bony paw from the dark. He closed his eyes, whispering into the darkness, "Sorry."

In the morning, his flatmate found him hanged in a room. There were tears, a funeral, words of regret from colleagues. Eva, on a wave of burning pity, finally fucked Peter. People often have sex after funerals, probably to prove to themselves that they are still alive.
“It was good,” Peter said, closing the door after her. Then he went to the window, made sure that she got into a taxi, and drove away. He closed the window and returned to bed.
He couldn;t sleep that night. Peter was wondering if he would get Gabby;s job and the workplace by the window, it was bigger than his own. Eyes wandered dreamily along the walls following the playing shadows that appeared from the headlights of cars passing by the house. His gaze jumped from object to object, until he buried himself in the chandelier.
- What is it? - He wondered. Something bony, terrifying, awful. He shuddered, wanted to jump out of bed and turn on the light, but his body did not obey.
- Well, hello, - the squirrel giggled. – Do you wanna join me?
