Article 1. Learning Cаlagia

Good time of day, Friends! The book, which will be discussed in a new series of my articles, is called "Kalagia" by the author A.P. Naumkin and the first sentence of the book contains the following words: "Power over time. In Sanskrit it will sound" Kalagiya ", which is understood -" Come here "(A.P. Naumkin. Moscow, 1991) [1]. as well as "The Laws of the Universe" by L. A. Seklitova and L. L. Strelnikova, this book was accepted by a high spiritual level contactee in the difficult 90s. Almost in the year of its publication I had a copy of this book at my place. school and went out into the big life. In the "big life" each of us finds exactly what he has subconscious aspirations. "1. A person always goes where he leaves his call, attracting the magnet of perfection of the one who left this call in front of him for his new incarnations. ”[1] It took more than a dozen years of spiritual searches in this incarnation. According to the program of this life, I need to engage in esotericism, try to convey to people new knowledge and show the opportunities that open up in the transition period (numerological and astrological calculations speak about this). Regressive hypnosis showed that in the past life, my interests were also around the accumulation of knowledge and, apparently, the Soul chose to continue to develop in this direction, so in 1991 in my "big life" I chose to attend lectures, read books, reflect on what I read, meet interesting people, religious and mystical an experience))).

At the moment I am reading the book "Echo of Kalagia" by Nikolay Siyanov. The author of this book was close to Alexander Naumkin for many years, helped to edit "Kalagiya", witnessed attempts to organize a community of like-minded people. It was 1996. Alexander himself said that there has been a period of apocalypse since 1991. In fact, in Russia the 90s passed very stormy and everyone really thought that in 2000 there would be the end of the world. But life went on. And in 2012, nothing seems to have happened ... all battles take place on subtle planes for the Souls of people. In his book, Nikolai talks about Alexander without embellishment. What was the power of the Spirit in a person that he could live for many years in the Altai mountains, worked hard and hard to organize his life, coped with the Siberian frosts and achieved such a purification of consciousness and holiness of the body that a certain channel was opened for him and knowledge was gained , which, in my opinion, outstripped the thinking of people by 100 years. Then, apparently, Alexander did not quite cope with the flows of energy that passed through him and broke away from real life. He could not tell his followers in an accessible form about the knowledge gained and the methods of their implementation and remained an eccentric in the memory of people.

Many seekers of knowledge have this problem. In this process, it is important to stay in the flow of life and within the framework of your life program. Why do many teachers talk about serving others? Because it opens in us such a quality (or a person develops it), like LOVE. "All Essences on the Levels experience each other an all-encompassing feeling of love, which unites them in achieving a common goal and allows them to successfully realize themselves in joint affairs. At each Level, the power of universal love is different and corresponds to the power potential. And as it rises along the Levels, it increases , then, accordingly, with the ascent through the steps of Hierarchy, the power of universal Love also increases, and consequently, unity and solidarity in all joint actions. Therefore, the power of love helps to improve and solve common problems "(LA Seklitova. L.L. Strelnikova. Laws of the Universe Moscow, 2017 Read my article on Yandex Zen, where I outlined and analyzed the deepest work of Larisa Seklitova "The Laws of the Universe".

So, when the year 2000 came, Larisa Seklitova received from a high source (from God) very systemic knowledge, given to mankind for 2000 years, as a guideline in spiritual searches. Six months of my research into this work greatly structured the accumulated knowledge base up to this point. I did not find any contradictions with my previous information base, but only experienced in the process of work constant delight and joy from the discovery of the next secret of Being. All the time I drew an analogy with the book "Kalagia" and parts of the mosaic formed a beautiful picture.

I would like to return to Nikolai Siyanov's book and the idea of ;;creating a community "Zvenigorod", which the Teachers recommended to organize in Altai in the late 90s. There were many similar communities throughout the country, but the people themselves turned out to be far from perfect and, the torn off abilities, did not contribute to their unification. And the fact that we live in the world minus the first Level of the Hierarchy of God, where there are many embodied Souls from the negative System of God, contributes to constant conflicts and disagreements. The pride of most people at the moment is also just off scale. They cannot find a common language either in small groups or in large ones ... even families have become a temporary phenomenon ...

Such situations corrected large-scale disasters, wars, famine and other adverse events that contribute to the unification of people. It is not for nothing that legends about world floods have been preserved in the sacred writings and myths of different peoples. The people who have ruled our reality since 2000 have been rocking the boat of human Being. The epidemic scenario was played out almost every year, but it was only in 2020 that the problem was inflated to such a scale. The forces of elements and chaos were released in our world in order to remove the degrading structures of human society and return the civilization of people to the stage when the degradation was not so terrifying. As Larisa Seklitova says in her book, according to God's plan, one continent will remain and there will be a lot of water. The 6th race of people will fill the water bodies with energies and the remaining people will be qualitatively different from the representatives of the previous 5th race.

But why just now the thought occurred to me to study the works of Alexander Naumkin more deeply and in detail? Now, more than ever, there is a very important question about the transformation of people's consciousness. The main theme of Alexander's works is human transmutation (transformation of the Mental, Spiritual, Physical). In order to withstand the trials of the outgoing matrix (old project) and prepare for the transition to the next Level of Being, being in a physical body, it is necessary to prepare consciousness. Alexander Naumkin said that for this you need to be in the mountains in a very clean place, and being in the city and, especially, spiritual practices in such an environment can, on the contrary, be harmful. Based on the knowledge received from Larisa Seklitova, we can conclude that this issue is decided by our Determinant (the Instructor of the Soul in the Subtle World) - where and when we should be. After all, all our programs are interconnected and all together we represent a composite of certain energies needed by Mother Earth during her transition to a qualitatively higher Level of development. Therefore, each of us must continue to fulfill his duty, purify his mind and body with the help of spiritual practices and, together with the Earth, make this fateful transition into another dimension, another reality. This will be a great event for the Soul of each of us. If I ever ask Heaven for something, then only to give strength in the hour of trial, in order to preserve the Soul and be worthy to be called a Human. If you liked my ideas and thoughts, then read on in my series of articles. We will sort out the situation together. All Peace, Goodness and Love !!!
