The Celts

The Celts and the Britons are the tribes whose history and mentality are highly important for understanding the value system and the aesthetics of traditional and modern European and global arts.

Why do I point to the domain of aesthetic globality?

Let's imagine the World's census will keep staying on the growing side. Let's try to modulate how many cultures and tradtions will stay on Earth by 2080.

The more imagination, raw data and perseverance we have, the better it will be to visualize the cultural space (and face) of the Great Tomorrow.

Mild globalization, loss of technical disparity, especially in big cities and agglomerations, can have several outcomes:

1. Short-term memory problems, even in intellectuals and highly gifted people.

2. Rapid increase of long-term agricultural efficiency and diversity.

3. A strong trend for disparity in cultural and religious fields. In some countries this might result into changes in societal structure, according to which people could divide their communities into microgroups based on the stage of religious engagement, so that new congregations of highly zealous believers would go to the forefront.

4. One more inequality issue - energy. How many renewable energy users could we predict by 2050? My guess, according to the intuitive exponential scale, would be  12-15% of the earthly coverage.

5. New types of family relations, new forms and signs of commitment. A new morality, more agile and vague.
This is one of the strongest, the most likely tendencies for the mankind's future. I would say it is about 40% probable.

6. New forms and customs in the field of transport. These might 'settle down' by approximately 2035 or even earlier.

7. The discovery of yet several more chemical elements and laws of Physics and Natural Science, including new species that could change the biosphere vastly.

8. New ways and methods of communication and information bases,  probably even the discovery of previously unseen civilizations of the past. This might come true by 2035 or even before in more than 10 corners of the world.

9. Recyclable architecture. Hush!!! I have stumbled upon some materials about it even now, although I am neither an architect, nor an engineer. This scenario is higly probable, as I believe.

10. New criteria for performance evaluation in a wide range of human knowledge and for various civilizations. New economic standards, with a focus on diversity and flexibility, will quite likely take the whole economy to a new, transhuman level.

By mentioning Celts, Britons, Scotts and Picts not only did I aim to draw your attention to history, but rather to highly abstract laws of the Universe, an enormous continuum of changes that we, the humanity, are going through day by day and century after a century.

My dear reader, let me remind you one tiny quote:

 “The inhabitants of Britain...are simple in their habits, and far removed from the cunning and knavishness of modern man”. This is an aphorism of Pytheas which came to light thanks to Diodorus Sicilus. Do you recognize British people of the 21st century in this description? Since I happened to see by far the most gracious and insightful British natives, I would say that by the 3rd decade of the 21st century this short portrait looks far from plausible.

Let's take a leap into the future together, dear Celts and all the others! ;)
