Eternal spring, eternal youth

I know I have to write and I like writing about different art schools.
Sometimes art is time- and emotion-consuming, but sometimes it reminds clear mountain springs, and is easily approacheable.

The case of a Ukrainian US-based artist Oksana Rudenko is the latter.
She reveales the world of clear, transparent, radiating youthful dreams in her light and inspiring paintings.

The approach to an artistic reality is idealistic and warm, even when lines seem
 to be too brusque and colours are mild and cold.
The idea is to open the window through which dreams fly in - and this window is open for joy, tenderness, mystery, romance, dignity, love, wisdom, solitude...
People in Rudenko's world are always the best version of themselves.

Their portraits are alluring, cryptic and maginificent.
The other important feature of her works is their literarycentric sense. If you were born in the 70s or the 80s, you can see the plots of your favourite books in these portraits, which are, unlike most contemporary art, entirely figurative.

Why is her heritage worth your attention? Because each of us carries an 'inner child' deep down, within our souls, and her version of an inner child is complimentary to the viewer.

We bump into  childhood and early adolescence and inhale the scent of dreams, listen to the rush of the wind touching the sails of a ship, or we can literally feel the atmosphere of our Advent calendar.

These works are not only formally perfect, they are a version of what metamodernism can be in visual arts - honest, idealistic, exotic, emotional, harmonious, thoughtful.

These are the paintings to get up with and stay with. They are a fragile yet welcoming bridge between mundane curriculum and our distant hypnotic and holy dreams.
