Vanya Zhukov is going to the Internet elections an

Vanya Zhukov is going to the Internet elections and is looking for a place for a two-day vacation. A story.

Vanya Zhukov is a citizen of one of the most democratic countries. A digital economy is built already!

Wherever Vanya Zhukov lives, he can vote from anywhere. Probably, its location does not matter.

The main thing is to register, to nominate own candidacy for the approval by voters.

But, however, to sit at the computer, to participate in the pre-election race - it requires strength. A good health requires a good rest.

Vanya does not have much time to rest - now is a new era. Time runs quickly. The retirement age has been raised, and the rest period could be reduced from one month to two days.

Therefore, the best option is a two-day rest. At the end of last week, Vanya was absorbing political information and improving his English. Consequently, he can take two days off to rest in the middle of the week.

Where to rest? Now the large cities of Russia are a great place to relax. Especially Moscow. Every week, if not every day, Vanya meets information about great places to stay in Moscow.

So, Vanya will take the metro and get to ...

No, somehow there is no suitable mood ...

Likewise there is no mood to sit on a bench near the sandbox in the area, which some spiteful critics call the "ghetto".

So, it's necessary to choose a place outside Moscow.

It is better not to go to Novorossiysk - they say, there was an oil spillage there.

Probably, there is an invasion of mosquitoes in Anapa.

Even about Sochi and Crimea, not always positive information comes.

It's early autumn now.

Maybe head north? "I will transport you to the tundra ..." A good song! A huge blue sky, deer, wide open spaces ...

It is clearly better not to go to Norilsk ...

Where it' possible to go?

Maybe into the taiga?

But what about the fires? However, forest fires are extinguished by courageous, courageous people. And Vanya - isn't he like that? He comes to the taiga to rest - and there is a forest fire. But Vanya will show courage and put out a forest fire. Nobility is in Vanya's character.

Well, what it will be kind of vacation? There is no shower or other amenities nearby…

Vanya finds public satellite images on the Internet and looks for areas in the taiga that are free from fires.

There seem to be such areas.

How to get there?

Vanya recalls the travelers he read about on the Internet.

One circumnavigated the Earth for a hundred dollars. But he did not travel through the taiga.

The second traveler took a bicycle, hooked a wheelbarrow to it from behind and traveled through Siberia. Gasoline is not needed, minimum costs. So you can keep the cost of trip within a hundred dollars.


And there in the taiga? What to eat, what to sleep on?

Vanya is not simple, he is very not  a simple.

He is familiar with the developments of contemporary Russial historians.

The Horde yoke enriched the culture of Ancient Rus' with many finds and novelties. These were progressive people, and no one calls them "occupiers". What food did they eat during the long transitions? They had dried cheese.

Vanya makes a note on a piece of paper: to find a piece of dried cheese in the supermarket.

Yes, Vanya does not have a hunting license, but he has historical knowledge discovered by the modern Russial historical school. He, Vanya, will be eating a dried cheese!

And what to sleep on? You can't lay on branches of dead wood. Discussions are held every week - can the population use branches of dead wood? or not? Moreover, now the forests are on lease.

You lie down to sleep on a heap of branches of dead wood - and then a representative of the forest tenant: “Please pay for the rent of branches of dead wood”.

Vanya adds a new entry on a piece of paper: "Buy a hammock in the supermarket."

Well, how to get to the taiga? The traveler who circled the Earth for a hundred dollars - he used to hitchhike. To get out on the highway out of town and to wave with a poster!

And now - to the supermarket!

Vanya checked his wallet - there is money.

Vanya took a sheet of paper with the plan of purchases, went outside and went to the supermarket.

It's time to rest for a couple of days and then to participate in the elections via the Internet!

September 8, 2021 04:44

Translation from Russian into English: September 8, 2021 07:41.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский “Ваня Жуков собирается на интернет-выборы и ищет место для двухдневного отдыха. Рассказ”.
