What does a person need to be happy?

     Reflections after the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ - the Main Church of the Armed Forces of Russia (HCVS) on the day of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Right Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky.
     First of all, oddly enough, you need to become a Spirit, that's: learn to consciously think, compassion, love, be involved in the fate of the fatherland - and all this must be done at the moment of our independent, rapidly slipping life, when we are still in adulthood, in sound mind and sober memory.
     After all, we come to this dark world from nowhere and go suddenly (like soap bubbles) to nowhere, being in a helpless, dependent position both at the beginning and at the end of earthly wanderings.
Each of us, without a reliable evaluation criterion, is taken arbitrarily (in his own way) to judge and row about the past and carelessly dream of a serene future, while sometimes recklessly and inactively prowling in the present.
     "Thus saith God: Stop in your ways and consider, and inquire about the ways of the ancients, where the way is good, and walk in it, and you will find peace to your souls" (Jeremiah 6:16).
     The sacral Bible tells of the good ways of the ancients and the inextricable connection of man and nature in the noosphere ecosystem, revealing the New Testament, soteriological essence of the historical process of development of the once fallen human race as the free revival of the religious integrity of the person in God through the transformation of the dilapidated man (struck by pride of mind and heart lust) by the Light of Christ's Truth.
      Here - in the Main Church of the Armed Forces of Russia - on the significant day of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the heavenly patron saint of the Russian army, the Holy Right Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, looking at mosaic frescoes depicting a assembly of famous commanders and rank and file soldiers who distinguished themselves on the battlefields for the millennial glorious history of the State of Russia, you penetrate into the essence of the arrangement of the Church of Christ: behind the Divine Liturgy, we are members of its earthly part (militant against the spirits of the evil of the heavenly)in Eucharistic communion not only with all Orthodox Christians living now, but also with all saints forever standing in Heaven at the Throne of the King of Heaven, for "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living" (Mf. 22:32).
      Here, in the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, you comprehend the fateful importance for Russia of the holding Varangian-Prussian ridge of the sovereign builders of the House of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the meaning of the sacred, missionary service ("tribal lifelong crusade") of the God-elected, related royal dynasties of Rurikovich and Romanov by the creation of Holy Russia in the image of the church of Sofia - Hypostatic Wisdom of God, "which the gates of hell will not overcome forever (Mf. 16:18).
     George Aseev.September 12, 2021 from the Nativity of Christ.

уважаемый Георгий, позвольте прокомментировать одно ваше выражение " нужно стать Духом, то есть: научиться сознательно мыслить, сострадать, любить, участвовать в судьбах отечества - и все это нужно делать в момент нашей независимой, стремительно ускользающей жизни. , когда мы еще в зрелом возрасте, в здравом уме и трезвой памяти."
библия говорит, что мы не можем быть духом, мы сотворены и будем человеком, имеющим тело, душу и дух. Тело действительно будет другим, подобным телу воскресшего Христа. А вот пока мы на земле мыслить, сострадать, любить и всё остальное, перечисленное вами принадлежит нашим душам, а не Духу, кстати с большой буквы пишется Дух Божий, а не человеческий. Читайте больше Евангелие, вот у Иеремии написано не о военном пути, а о пути ведущем к Богу. Всех благ.

Попова Алла   31.10.2021 03:14     Заявить о нарушении
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С уважением, Георгий.

Георгий Асеев   13.11.2021 03:23   Заявить о нарушении